The section now specifically focusses on the Current Affairs. Candidates must go through the daily current affairs thoroughly and also prepare for the static questions related thereto. The important areas are:

  1. Economy
  2. International Relations
  3. Polity
  4. Sports
  5. National and International Events
  6. Awards in various fields
  7. Historical events
  8. Art and Culture

Candidates are tested if they possess deep knowledge of the concerned subject. They must go through the newspaper daily and start noting down the important highlight of the events (statistics or data is most important). For questions related to policies, candidates must go through the aims and objectives of the policies

The English section in CLAT tests the knowledge of candidates in English.  As per the new pattern, the candidates are more specifically tested on their reading comprehension skills. Given below are some important topics that the candidates must cover while preparing for the English Section.

  • Sentence
  • Noun
  • Pronoun
  • Verb
  • Adverb
  • Adjective
  • Conjunction
  • Article
  • Preposition
  • Vocabulary: Synonyms, Antonyms, One Word Substitution
  • Idiom and Phrases

Candidates must focus on solving as much reading comprehensions as possible. It will help them to solve the questions within the limited time frame with higher accuracy.

List of Noble Prize Winner 2020

  1. Harvey J. Alter, Michael Houghton and Charles M. Rice in the field of Medicine for Discovering Hepatitis C Virus
  2. Roger Penrose in the field of Physics for discovering the Black Hole formation. Also, Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Ghez were awarded for discovering the presence of a supermassive compact object at the centre of our galaxy.
  3. Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer A. Doudna in the field of Chemistry for discovering the method for genome editing.
  4. Louise GlĂŒck in the field of Literature for “the unmistakable poetic voice with austere beauty makes individual existence universal”
  5. World Food Programme (WFP) for Peace “For the efforts to combat hunger, for its contribution to bettering conditions for peace in conflict-affected areas and for acting as a driving force in efforts to prevent the use of hunger as a weapon of war and conflict.”
  6. Paul R. Milgrom, Robert B. Wilson in the field of Economics for the improvements made to auction theory and inventions of new auction formats.

Related Questions from Exam Point of View

  1. Who is the Noble Prize Named After? – Alfred Noble
  2. In how many fields is the Noble Prize Awarded? – 6
  3. When was the first Noble Prize Awarded?- 1901
  4. Who is the oldest recipient of Noble Prize? –Leonid Hurwicz (at the age of 90).

Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar launches AYUSHMAN SAHAKAR scheme

  1. The scheme is a unique way to assist cooperatives play an important role in creation of healthcare infrastructure in the country. AYUSHMAN SAHAKAR scheme has been formulated by the National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC).
  2. Mr. Tomar announced that NCDC would extend term loans to prospective cooperatives to the tune of 10 thousand crore in the coming years. He said that the ongoing pandemic has brought into focus the requirement of creation of more facilities.
  3. NCDC’s scheme will be a step towards strengthening farmers welfare activities by the Central Government.

Related Questions from Exam Point of View

  1. When was NCDC established? –1963
  2. What was NCDC established for? –for the promotion and development of cooperatives.

Indian, Sri Lankan navies begin Slinex 2020 on 19th October, 2020

  • This would be the 8th edition of Slinex exercise
  • The exercise would will feature a series of complex drills, including surface and anti-air weapon firings and cross-deck flying operations, with an aim to further fine-tune the “high degree” of inter-operability between the two navies.
  • Sri Lanka Navy will be represented by offshore patrol vessel Sayura and training ship Gajabahu. Both of which will be led by Rear Admiral Bandara Jayathilaka

(source: msn news)

Related Questions from Exam Point of View

  1. What does SLINEX stand for? –Sri Lanka India Naval Exercise
  2. What is SLINEX? –It is a  series of naval exercises between the Indian Navy and the Sri Lanka Navy.
  3. When did the first SLINEX exercise conducted? –2005
  4. What is the aim of 2020 SLINEX edition? to enhance inter-operability, improving mutual understanding and exchanging best practices and procedures for multi-faceted maritime operations between both the navies.
  5. What are various India-Sri Lanka Military to Military exercises? -Mitra Shakti, SLINEX

BrahMos successfully test fired from INS Chennai

The Naval version of the BrahMos supersonic cruise missile was successfully test-fired . The missile was test-fired from INS Chennai an indigenously built stealth destroyer of the Indian Navy in the Arabian Sea on October 18, 2020.

(source: Times of India, Oct 18,2020)

Related Questions from Exam Point of View

  1. What is BrahMos? –is a supersonic cruise missile
  2. BrahMos was developed by- Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and the Russian Federation’s NPO Mashinostroyeniya
  3. BrahMos is named after- two major rivers of India and Russia: Brahmaputra and Moskva

Lexpeeps Quick Fact:

BrahMos is the world’s fastest anti-ship cruise missile in operation

CSIR-IHBT created history by introducing Heeng Cultivation in Indian Himalayan Region

  • CSIR-IHBT has successfully planted the Heeng in the Lahaul valley of Himachal Pradesh.
  • The institute plans to cover 750 hectares under the Heeng Cultivation
  • is introduced to boost heeng production.
  • The institute carried 6 categories of Heeng from Iran

Related Questions from Exam Point of View

  1. What is the scientific name of Heeng? -Ferula assafoetida
  2. Who is the current director of CSIR-IHBT? – Dr. Sanjay Kumar
  3. Heeng is imported from Afghanistan, Iran and Uzbekistan
  4. What are the medicinal uses of heeng?

Lexpeeps Quick Facts

  1. India imports nearly 1200 tonnes of Heeng annually
  2. Heeng was never grown in India
  3. There are almost 130 species of asafoetida in the world, however, of all those Ferula Assafoetida is the only economically important species.
  4. India consumes almost 40% of the Heeng’s produce worldwide.

Winners of Denmark Open held from 13th to 18th October

  • Women’s Single

Nozomi Okuhara, Japanese Former World Champion won Women’s Single title by defeating Carolina Marin

  • Men’s Single

Anders Antonsen from Denmark defeated Rasmus Gemke to won Men’s Single

  • Mixed Doubles

Mark Lamsfuss and Isabel Herttrich won by defeating Chris and Gabby Adcock of England. They became the first German mixed doubles players to win the event.

Related Questions from Exam Point of View

  1. Denmark Open was formerly known as? Danish Open
  2. Denmark Open is Organised by? Danmarks Badminton Forbund

Lexpeeps Quick Fact

P.V. Sindhu did not participate in the event.

Australia will participate in Malabar naval exercise

Australia will be participating in the Malabar Naval Exercise. The exercise would consist of U.S., Japan, India and Australia.

This article has been written by Yash Mittal, pursuing LLB-2 year from Mewar Law institute. 


Ghapoo Yadav & Ors.


State of M.P.

Date of Judgment




Facts of the Case

Gopal and Lekhram(the deceased) were the sons of Ramlal. The accused Ghapoo Yadav is the father of accused Mangal Singh, Janku, and Kewal. The witnesses, accused and deceased were from the same village and there was a dispute between them over the issue of land. 

After the request has been made by the Ramlal, the revenue authority does the measurement of the land. After the measurement it was found that the land belonging to accused Mangal Singh was in the possession of Ramlal and on that land there was a berry tree that exists. 

The tree initially comes under the possession of Ramlal but after the measurement, he parted with the possession thereof. Family members of Ramlal have cut the berry tree, the day before the incident for which the accused and deceased had arguments and disagreements. 

On June 9, 1986, the day of the incident the accused Janku asked the deceased why they were cutting the berry tree. Lekhram said that the tree was planted by their family members and belongs to them only. The deceased claimed that he had not cut the tree. 

And this led to disagreements between them and the result of this is that the accused persons brutally assaulted the deceased person which resulted in a fracture of his leg.

After the incident, the Lekhram and Ramlal ran away from the place of the incident and returned with other villagers. They saw that the deceased was dying out of breath and they took him to the Maharajpur Police Station. And he immediately sent for the treatment. Doctors found 7 injuries on the body of the deceased. His dying declaration was recorded and the deceased took his last breath on June 10, 1986, at 2:00 am. On the consideration of the evidence on record, the trial court found that the accused persons were guilty and convicted and sentenced them aforenoted. 

Issues Before the Court

1) Whether the offense committed by the accused comes under section 302 murder. 

2) Whether the act done by the accused is premeditated or not. 


Appellants questions the judgment of Madhya Pradesh high court, as they were convicted for their offense under section 148, 302 read with 149 of Indian penal code. 

But the learned counsel for appellants held that section 302 was not applicable because the injuries on the deceased were in the course of a sudden quarrel, without any cruel and unusual intentions and any premeditation. So exception 4 to section 300 is applicable. 

Learned counsel of State of Madhya Pradesh high court held that the application of section 302 was rightly applied and the trial court had rightly applied it with section 148 and 149 of IPC. 

As learned counsel for appellants said that exception 4 to section 300 was applicable because culpable homicide is not murder if it is committed without premeditation in a sudden fight in the heat of passion upon a sudden quarrel and without the offender having taken undue advantage or acted cruelly or unusually. 

The facts of the case had similarities to those in Sukhbir Singh v State of Haryana. 

But after the judgment, the appellants are convicted under section 304 part 1 of IPC that is punishment for Culpable Homicide not amounting to Murder. And the custodial sentence of 10 years and fine was imposed. 

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This article is written by Navneet Chandra, Central University of South Bihar, Gaya.

Equivalent Citations

1962 AIR 605, 1962 SCR Supl. (1) 567

Decided On

24th November, 1961


K. Subbarao, SK Das, Raghubar Dayal


A landmark case in the criminal history of India, K.M. Nanavati v. State of Maharashtra has been a case discussed ever since now. This judgment made its place as soon as it was pronounced. 

This landmark judgement of India received unprecedented media attention as it involved Kawas Manekshaw Nanavati, a Naval Commander who was tried for committing the murder of his wife’s lover, Mr. Prem Ahuja. Initially, Nanavati was declared not guilty, but later the verdict was dismissed by the Bombay High Court and the case was tried under a bench trial.

This case was the last case to be heard as a jury trial in India because as the result of this case, the government abolished the jury trials in India. 

Relevant Acts and Sections 

Code of Criminal Procedure (Act, 5 of 1898), 88. 307, 410, 417, 418 (1), 423(2), 297,155(1), 162

Indian Penal Code, 1860 (Act 45 of 1860), 88, 302, 300, 

Exception I- Indian Evidence Act, 1872 (1 of 1872), 8. 105.

Facts of the Case

Kevas Manekshaw Nanavati, an Indian Naval Officer shifted to Bombay in March 1959 with his family and got to meet Prem Bhagwandas Ahuja, a businessman in Bombay. While he was out of Bombay for his duty, Sylvia, his wife, developed an illicit relationship with Prem Ahuja. He was then confronted with the confession of his wife when she opened her relationship with Ahuja. Further, in the heat of his agony, he went to his ship to procure a loaded revolver and drove himself to Prem Ahuja’s office. On not finding him at his workplace, he then drove to his residence. After an altercation, at his residence, two shots went off accidentally and hit Ahuja. Jury voted in favour of the accused. The case was referred to Hon’ble High Court under Section 307 of The Code of Criminal Procedure. The Division Bench of the High Court went on to declare the accused guilty under Section 302 of IPC. An appeal was finally decided by the Supreme Court. The appellate court held that there were misdirections in the session’s court.


  • Whether Nanavati shot Ahuja in “the heat of the moment” or whether it was a premeditated murder?
  • Whether SLP (Special Leave Petition) can be entertained without fulfilling the order under Article 142?

Test of Grave and Sudden Provocation

  • Whether a reasonable man, belonging to the same class of the society as the accused, placed in the same situation would be so provoked as to lose his self-control. 
  • For instance, in India words, gestures and mental background created by the previous act of the victim may also be considered. 
  • The fatal blow should be clearly traced to the provocation, the influence of passion arising from and not after passion has cooled down by lapse of time, or otherwise giving scope for premeditation and calculation.


It was held by the court that the conduct of the accused clearly showed that the murder committed by him was a deliberate one and the facts of the case do not attract the provision of Exception I of section 300 of IPC as the accused by adducing evidence failed to bring the case under General Exception of IPC. Therefore, as a result, the court convicted Nanavati under section 302 of IPC and sentenced him to Imprisonment for Life.

Jury Trial

The jury in the Greater Bombay Sessions Court pronounced Nanavati as not guilty, with an 8-1 verdict. Hon’ble Mr. Justice Ratilal Bhaichand Mehta (the Sessions Judge) considered the acquittal as perverse and referred the case to the High Court.

High Court Verdict

The High Court dismissed the Jury’s verdict on the basis of the following arguments made by the prosecutor-

  1. The onus of proving that it was an accident and not premeditated murder was on Nanavati.
  2. Sylvia’s confession, or any specific incident in Ahuja’s bedroom, or both did not amount to grave and sudden provocation. 
  3.  The judge wrongly told the jury that the provocation can also come from a third person. 
  4.  The jury was not instructed that Nanavati’s defense had to be proved, to the extent that there is no reasonable doubt in the mind of a reasonable person.

Supreme Court

The SC upheld the decision of the High court on the following grounds: 

  1. As per the defence case, the accused was thinking of the future of his wife and a child which indicates that he had not only regained his senses but also was planning for the future. 
  2. The time-lapse between the confession and murder was sufficient to regain his self-control.
  3.  The mere fact that before the shooting the accused abused the deceased and the abuse provoked an equally abusive reply could not conceivably be a provocation for the murder.

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The death of a CA has been investigated by the Mumbai police who was employed with the travel firm Cox and Kings.

CA Sagar Suhas Deshpande was found dead on October 12 tracks in Titwala city of Mumbai’s Thane district. He resided with his family and went missing from his home on October 11 and a few days before he had to give testimony to police officials over the case of Cox and Kings. The family identified his body on 17th October and Mumbai police began the investigation on the same day. Later on, it was found that Deshpande was a witness in a money laundering case on Cox and Kings which is being investigated by the Enforcement Directorate (ED). CA had promised to provide ED with crucial documents to the Economic Offences Wing (EOW) and was reportedly summoned by the crime brand on October 13.    

The ED started putting an eye on the Cox and Kings during the probe into the fraud issued by Yes Bank. While ED was investigating the case, they found out the Cox and Kings used ‘fictitious customers’ to launder thousands of crores that the company borrowed from Yes Bank. The travel firm was involved in the falsification of accounts, overstating the sales figures and understating the debt figures and fictitious transactions. During the investigation of the Yes Bank case, the ED notices irregularities in relation to loan sanctioned to Cox and Kings Group. 

The firm created multi-layers of both onshore and offshore subsidiary across the globe through which the monies were siphoned off. It was also found out that Malvern Travel Limited, UK submitted the forged bank statement of RBS Bank, UK, State Bank of India, UK and forged end used certificates of a UK-based statuary auditor to avail the loan of Rs 422 crore from Yes Bank. An amount of Rs 3,642 crore is outstanding against Cox & Kings Group in debt-ridden Yes Bank according to the report of ED. It includes Rs 563 crore loan in the name of Cox & Kings Ltd (CKL), India; Rs 1,012 crore in the name of Ezeego One Travel & Tours Ltd (EOTTL), India; Rs 422 crore in the name of Cox & Kings Financial Services Ltd (CKFSL), India; Rs 1152 crore in the name of Prometheon Enterprise Limited, UK and Rs 493 crore in the name of Malvern Travel Ltd, UK.

The ED also found that from 2015 to 2019 sales of Rs 3,908 crore were made to 15 non-existent and fictitious customers. The majority of the collection shown in ledgers from Ezeego was not found in the bank statements of the Company. In another occurrence, the probe agency claimed that Cox & Kings sold Holiday Break Education Limited, UK (HBEL), a subsidiary of their firm, for Rs 4,387 crores and instead of discharging the liability of the bank, they siphoned off the most of the money. From this siphoning, USD 15.34 million was transferred to Kuber Investment Mauritius Pvt Ltd which was controlled by Peter Kerker.

Deshpande joined Cox and Kings in July 2010 and rose to become manager finance. The deceased worked for the firm up until a year ago as a general manager. The travel firm ended its operations and CA has been unemployed since then. Out of many employees, the deceased was also among the one being questioned by the ED and the EOW under the multi-crore scam borrowed from Yes Bank. He was not an accused in the case nevertheless was cooperating with the ED in their investigation into the multi-crore scam. Deshpande was asked to appear with documents before the police on October 13. However, he went missing before and was found dead later. 

Report by- Yashita Rastogi

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The Raj Bhavan’s new role- taking centre stage– Monday, October 19, 2020

Important words used and their meanings

  • There was a definite clarity in New Delhi that a Governor need not get involved in the fracas among the political parties and leaders.

Fracas: Noisy quarrel or disturbance

  • Hon’ble Jagdeep Dhankar at the Kolkata Raj Bhavan, so far, had the distinction of being the most active licentiate – till his counterpart in the Mumbai Raj Bhavan decided last week to cross all limits of gubernatorial propriety.

Gubernatorial: relating to a governor

  • Maharashtra Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari’s by-now famous letter to CM Uddhav Thackeray, demanding re-opening of the places of worship to the devotees across Maharashtra, is a brilliant but thoroughly unnerving innovation in a Governor’s bag of tricks of over-reach.

Unnerving: Causing someone to loose confidence

  • Various Raj Bhavans, of course, have become embroiled in extremely unsavoury controversies over the decade, partly because the Constitution of India does allow a certain discretion to the Governor.

Embroil: causing someone to indulge in an argument or conflict

Unsavoury: Disagreeable; Objectionable, Unpleasent

  • In the post-Nehruvian era, as our politics became rough and our politicians rougher, that buddhi eluded most Governors.

Eluded: Escape or Avoid

  • The Supreme Court did try, through its judgment in the S.R. Bommai case, to restore some kind of order on the rampant proclivities of Raj Bhavans.

Proclivities: inclination to do a particular thing

About Organisation

LEGAL ZEMS  is a law aspirants led organization formulated with a vision of providing the platform for the youth to inculcate leadership skills and can emerge as a strong personality who can stand with a strong opinion in the society. We at LEGAL ZEMS  promote mutual growth and development.

About Event


1. NATIONAL OLYMPIAD (31st August 2020)



4. CLIENT COUNSELLING COMPETITION (03rd September to 05th September 2020)


Any student who is pursuing a five year or three year course ,post  graduation, PHD of law will be eligible .




A. This Olympiad shall be based on Indian Penal Code.

B. This Olympiad shall take place online.

C. It shall include multiple choice questions.

D. The participants can participate from their home or hostel with the use of a laptop or a mobile phone along with network connectivity.

E. Any student who is pursuing a five year or three year course of law, post graduation in law or a PHD students shall be eligible to participate.

F. The Olympiad shall be comprises of total 100 questions to be attempted in 45 minutes. There shall be No Negative Marking.

G. Each Question shall carry 1 marks each.

H. Only those participants will be given a certificate who appears and submit the response within the stipulated time.

I. The results declared would be final and the authority vests with Legal Zems.

J. The registration Amount shall be NON REFUNDABLE.

K. Legal Zems shall not be responsible for any technical issue from the participants end.

L. The result of the competition shall be announced on the same day i.e 31st August 2020

M. Organizers reserves the right to alter/change the rules/ or procedure of the competition if need so arises.  

N. Inappropriate behavior shall lead to disqualification from the event. 



500/- Cash + Free Course On Cyber Law By Legal Fumes   Worth Rs. 600/- + Trophy + Certificate Of Merit

1st  RUNNER   UP

50% Off On Cyber Law   Course By Legal Fumes Worth Rs 600/- + Certificate Of Merit + Medal 


50% Off On Cyber Law   Course By Legal Fumes Worth Rs 600/- + Certificate Of Merit+Medal



1) The topic shall be given ON THE SPOT to the participants.(10.00 PM)

2) Participants shall submit the article on 01st September 2020 before (4.00 PM) . Submission after stipulated time shall lead to disqualification.

3) The Article shall be written on one of the given topics in about 1200 words.

4) The article should be the original work of the author.

5) Co-authorship shall not allowed.

6) Participants shall submit the article in the .DOCX Or. DOC format only.

7) Article shall be submit via E-mail “ LEGALZEMS@GMAIL.COM”

8) The formatting guidelines shall be followed :

A. Font Size – 12 point


C. Spacing – 1.15

D. Text – justified

9) Selection criteria shall be based on quality, language, content, and uniqueness.

10) The result shall be binding by the Legal Zems.

11) The result shall be announced on the same day i.e 01st September 2020

12) Organizers reserves the right to alter/change the rules/ or procedure of the competition if need so arises.

13) The registration Amount shall be NON REFUNDABLE.

14) Inappropriate behavior shall lead to disqualification from the event



600   /- cash + 50% off on memorial making course by MEMO PUNDITS worth Rs 2690   +Trophy +Certificate of Merit + Free   Publication in e-monthly magazine of law tales with certificate of   publication.


20%   off on memorial making course by MEMO PUNDITS worth Rs 2690 +Medal   +Certificate of Merit + Free Publication in e-monthly magazine of law tales   with certificate of publication.


20%   off on memorial making course by MEMO PUNDITS worth Rs 2690 +Medal   +Certificate of Merit + Free Publication in e-monthly magazine of law tales   with certificate of publication

TOP   7 Participants

20%   off on memorial making course by MEMO PUNDITS worth Rs 2690 +Certificate of Merit + Free Publication in   e-monthly magazine of law tales with certificate of publication.



A. The mode of the competition shall be online mode.

B. Each team shall comprise of only 2 participants. 

C. All participants must be in formal attire during the competition. 

D. Topic for the debate shall be given 1 WEEK PRIOR TO THE COMPETITION.

E. In respect to find out the sides, draw of lots shall be held by the organizing team. 

F. Organizers reserves the right to alter/change the rules/ or procedure of the competition if need so arises. 

G. Decision of adjudicators and organizing committee shall be binding in case of any conflict. 

H. Registration fee shall be non -refundable. 

I. Result shall be declare on the same day itself  i.e 2nd September 2020. 

J. Government side shall speak first and no interference or cross questioning shall be allowed. 

K. Total time of speaking shall split into half i.e 15 minutes per speaker. 

L. REBUTTAL ROUND: 2 questions shall be asked by Government side .

M. SUR-REBUTTAL: 2 questions shall be asked by Opposition side.

N. Adjudicators shall ask questions to any of the team irrespective of the time limit. (excluding 30 minutes of speaking time) 

O. Topics shall be different for each round i.e. Prelims/Semi Final/Final round. 

P. Criteria to qualify for Semi Final round shall be the Top highest Total Marks Of Team scored in the prelims round. Semi Final round shall be knockout round. 

Q. In Prelims Round, Government side shall be given 5 minutes to ask the question whereas opposition side shall be given 5 minutes to answer the asked question in REBUTTAL ROUND. Same procedure shall be followed in Semi Final as well as Final round with the increment of 2 minutes.

R. Same rule shall be applied for SUR-REBUTTAL Round.

S. Inappropriate behavior shall lead to disqualification from the event. 


One team shall represent Government side and other team shall represent the opposition PRELIMINARY ROUND : Each team shall be given 30 minutes to speak and 5 minutes for rebuttal round per team. 

SEMI FINAL ROUND : Each team shall be given 35 minutes to speak and 7 minutes for rebuttal round per team.(4 teams shall be eligible ) 

FINAL ROUND : Each team shall be given 40 minutes to speak and 7 minutes for rebuttal round per team. (2 teams shall be eligible) 


Application to the contemporary scenario – 20 Marks

Relevancy and Analysis – 25 Marks 

Structure of your arguments – 15 Marks 

Time Management – 20 Marks Response to Questions – 20 Marks 

Total – 100 Marks



Rs.600 Cash + Free Certificate course on Arbitration Contracts by KATOG worth Rs. 1000/- + certificate of merit + Trophy 


20% off on Certificate course on Arbitration Contracts by KATOG worth Rs 1000/- + certificate of merit + Medal 


20% off on Certificate course on Arbitration Contracts by KATOG worth Rs 1000/- + certificate of merit + Medal



A. This competition is open for all the law students from different recognized Universities/ Colleges/ Institutions across the country

B. Multiple teams are allowed from a University/College/Institute.

C. The competition is a team event which shall comprise of two individuals


1. The participants shall conduct an interview with a person playing the role of the client (Provided by the Host Organisation). 

2. Participants are expected to elicit the relevant information from the client, outlining the nature of the problem and to explore the different legal avenues available for providing a solution to the problem with means (or range of alternatives) for resolving the same.

3. The interview with the client will then be followed by a post-consultation period during which the participants, in the absence of the client, analyze the interview and discuss the legal and other work to be undertaken, during which the presiding Judges may ask them questions, if they deem fit. 

4. The interview and post-consultation period is for 40 minutes only [30 minutes (Interview) +10 minutes (Post-Consultation)]. 

5. The Semi- finalists and Finalists will be given an extra time of 10 minutes with the client in the semi-final and final round.

6. During the consultation and post-consultation, the team may use books, notes, electronic media and other materials.

7. The participants must follow Formal dress code.

8. Organizers reserves the right to alter/change the rules/ or procedure of the competition if need so arises.

9. Registration fee shall be non -refundable.

10. Decision of adjudicators and organizing committee shall be binding in the end.

11. Video feed shall be on during the whole session.

12. Legal Zems shall not be responsible for any technical issue from the partcipants end.

13. Inappropriate behavior shall lead to disqualification from the event.

14. During the post consultation session, participants shall put their mic off while discussing or they shall discuss in front of the judges as well. But the video feed shall be ON in both the cases.


PRELIMINARY ROUND: All teams shall compete against each other and the top 08 scoring teams shall be carried forward to the next round.

SEMI-FINAL ROUND: Top 08 teams from Preliminary Round shall compete against each other and the top 2 teams out of them shall be carried forward to the Final round.

FINAL ROUND: Top 2 teams from Semi-Final Round shall compete against each other and the winner and the runners up shall be declared from them.


The Marking scheme shall comprise of 50 marks per participant, which shall be distributed as follows:

1. Presence of mind = 10 marks 

2. Ability to provide legal solution = 10 marks

3. Tactfully handling the client = 10 marks 

4. Extracting relevant information from client = 10 marks

5. Audible summarizing & team work (Post Consultation) = 10 marks

NOTE: If two or more teams otherwise qualified to advance after the Preliminary Rounds are tied due to the reason of having the same score, then both or all will be allowed to proceed to the next round. In case of a tie in the Finals, the total score of the teams tied, i.e. the score of the Preliminary round, Quarter-finals, Semi Finals and the Final Round will be taken into account.



Rs. 1200 cash +   certificate of Merit + trophy + 50% off on memorial making course by MEMO PUNDITS


Rs. 600 cash +   certificate of Merit + trophy + 50% off on memorial making course by MEMO   PUNDITS


Rs. 500 cash +   certificate of Merit + trophy + 20% off on memorial making course by MEMO   PUNDITS


Last Date to Register – 25th August 2020

Registration Link:

Registration Fees:-






Payment Mode: Google Pay/ Phone Pe / Paytm : 9891348721

Queries: 8376951009 (Prashant Mishra) or 9315486852 (Ashita Singh)


About the University

REVA University is established based on the concept of ‘Knowledge is Power’ because a person with concrete knowledge knows how to control various situations in life with confidence. Established under REVA University Act of 2012, REVA is located in the heart of Bengaluru, Karnataka. School of Legal Studies was established in 2015 with our first batch of students of B.B.A., LL.B.

About the Moot

The Four-day National Moot Court Competition aims at inspiring, promoting and inculcating in law students drafting and writing techniques, engage in legal oration, high focus research acumen and also deal with the judicial trend in various fields of litigation in India and abroad.

The competition will be based on the theme “Wildlife Protection and Prevention of Cruelty on Animals” and we hereby extend our invitation to all Law Schools in India to be an active participant in this national level virtual event to be held on 10th – 13th December 2020 by registering their teams.


The Competition is open to all bona fide regular students enrolled in any undergraduate law course or its equivalent in any University or Institute within India recognized by the Bar Council or State Government or Central Government as the case may be.

Each College/ Institution/University shall send only one team.

Team size and other information

  1. Each team shall include two (2) speakers, who shall be accompanied by one (1) researcher all of whom shall be designated accordingly.
  2. Once provisional registration is completed the team composition must remain the same throughout the competition.


This will be a virtual event. It will be conducted on MS Teams platform.

Who shall apply?

  • Students willing to start their mooting, beginners want to get some experience. 
  • All the law students trying to bring laurels to them. 
  • Knowing and not knowing about the topic doesn’t matter if you are willing to work hard and research a lot about your topic. 

Note: This is just a suggestion from Lexpeeps side to everyone reading as Lexpeeps not only talks but works. Creativity, Innovation, Enthusiasm, Connections, or whatever the work requires we use each and every tool to bring out the best, Visit us: It has been seen that in this hard time, students are panicking and doing everything and anything just to add on to their CV/Resume, even the things that are not going to add so much value to their CV’s.  

 Registration Procedure

The teams interested to participate are required to show their interest by filling up the Google forms by 23rd October 2020 (11:59 p.m.).

A scanned copy of the Institution’s Identity card should be uploaded while filling up the provisional registration form.

Upon receipt of an e-mail confirming provisional registration from the Organizing Committee, participants shall complete the registration formalities by filling up the registration form by 3rd November 2020. The registration shall be deemed complete only when the registration fee has been remitted successfully and the registration form is duly filled.

The provisional registration form link is here. 

Fee Details

A nominal registration fee shall be charged from the Universities/Colleges/Institutions. The registration fee shall be: Rs. 3000/- for participating teams.

The registration fee charged must be paid by online through NEFT/RTGS/Bank Transfer/Google Pay/ BHIM on or before 29th October 2020.

  • Name of Account: REVA UNIVERSITY
  • A/C NO: 6662000100000901
  • Branch: REVA University Branch, Bengaluru
  • IFSC:KARB0000666

Important Dates

  • Commencement of Provisional Registration: 14th October 2020
  • Last date for Provisional Registration: 23rd October 2020
  • Registration Confirmation: 24th October 2020
  • Last date for filling up the Registration form and Fee Payment: 3rd November 2020
  • Last date for Clarifications: 6th November 2020
  • Last date for submission of memorials (soft copies): 30th November 2020 (11:59 pm)
  • Inauguration and Draw of Lots: 10th December 2020
  • Preliminary rounds: 11th December 2020
  • Quarter Finals and Semi-Finals: 12th December 2020
  • Final Round and Valedictory Session: 13th December 2020


Prithvi P: 99452 74455

T Laalithya Rao: 98181 88032

Any clarifications sought on the moot proposition needs to be addressed via email to revanationalmoot2[at] The queries will be clarified on or before 9th November 2020.

For More opportunities visit us:


       Please refer to this web link for Moot Proposition, Rules, and Regulation.

The Supreme Court ordered an interim stay on an earlier Orissa High Court judgement banning animal sacrifice during the Chatar Yatra at the Manikeswari temple at Bhawanipatna. The High Court had imposed a ban on sacrifice of the animals and birds in and around the precincts of Maa Manikeshwari temple during the festival. Petitioner Bhawani Shankar Nial had moved the Supreme Court seeking interim direction to perform the sacrifices. It was stated that in the name of traditional religious custom and rituals, cruelty is being caused to the animals and birds by mass butchery in public places during ‘chatar Yatra’ festival every year and she sought for appropriate direction in the matter for stoppage for such illegal and superstitious animals and birds sacrifice. According to the petitioner, Article 21 of the Constitution is violated which assures every citizen of India to live with dignity as it is hit by forcefully watching and feeling the pain of slaughter of thousands of animals and birds on the public road during the festival. It is further stated that inaction of the district administration of Bhawanipatna in stopping the butchery has compelled her to approach this Court on a number of occasions and even though some though some directions have been passed in that respect to check such activities but no fruitful result came out for which she has approached this court again. The festival is being celebrated during the Mahastami of Durga puja festival every year. Animal sacrifice is prevalent during this festival. Though the State Governemnt has strictly banned these kinds of activities, still devotees do not follow the rule. About 50,000 animals sacrifices take place during this festival. The court had fixed responsibility on Collector and SP of Kalahandi to ensure the ban is imposed in letter and spirit. Sacrificing the animals to please the deity is nothing but a sheer superstition which needs to be addressed so that it can come to an end by way of district administration, police, educated mass, students and people from all walks of life is necessary.