Sociological perspective on Immigration policies in India

The article below endeavours to explain the legal framework of immigration in India and touches upon the sociological perspectives affecting immigrants.  Introduction: Migration is a cross-cultural phenomenon that contributes to human livelihood. The concept of immigration and migration is not a recent development. Since the olden days, people have been travelling from one location toRead More

International Criminal Court

INTRODUCTION The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (“the Rome Statute”), which was ratified by 120 nations on July 17, 1998, led to the creation of the International Criminal Court. Following the Rome Statute’s entry into force on July 1, 2002, governments made the first-ever decision in human history to agree to a permanentRead More

A Journey of Women’s Human Rights

INTRODUCTION Women all across the world have demonstrated that they are vibrant, talented, truthful, and diligent in a variety of disciplines. Their ongoing efforts and contributions to the country’s progress have demonstrated that women are not inferior. Women who are educated and contemporary have let go of their inhibitions and concerns. Females have demonstrated toRead More

Law of the Sea: A study of an Uncharted Division

Introduction The law of the sea is the foundation for the crucial marine trade that drives our economy which formalizes the key norms of freedom of passage for national security. It allows India to protect, manage, and use the resources of our bordering waters and continental shelf for the sake of the environment and theRead More

COVID-19: Treatment as Force Majeure under UNCISG and Impact on World Trade

INTRODUCTION “Covid-19 has had a significant impact on economies all over the world impacting their trade and financial markets, in addition to being a global pandemic and public health disaster.” “The disease mitigation measures imposed by many nations have also resulted in significant income reductions, increased unemployment, and disruption in the demand and supply chainRead More

United Nations Commission On International Trade Law On Dispute Resolution

United Nations Commission On International Trade Law: History UNCITRAL which in full stands for United Nations Commission on International Trade Law is a body established by the United Nations Assembly on the 17th December 1966.  The UNCITRAL headquarters are in Vienna (Austria). The purpose of the abovementioned commission is to promote the progressive harmonization andRead More

Concept of Legal Personlity and Subjects of International Law

INTRODUCTION “Public International Law is that system of law which is primarily concerned with the relations between States.” It is the body of rules binding on States and international organisations in their interactions with other States, international organisations and individuals. It includes law relating to the functioning of these organisations, their diplomatic relations, conducting ofRead More