Author Mansi Malik a fourth-year law student at Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, she is currently interning with

“The article parlance about the Framework of International Organisation, its norms and duties.

General Provisions

International Organisation is an organisation where several states come together and form several binding agreements. Till date, more than 240 formal agreements have been established by intergovernmental organisations. Moreover, a non- governmental organisation is also part of the (IGOs).  International organisations have been developed to serve the world Intellectual property rights along with other general provisions, such a task is a high risk associated and has more complexity. During the French revolution, and European war in an 18-19th century the leaders of the European came up with the provisions of serving the status quo and for preserving their organisations from the sovereign powers. For instance, the International Telegraph Union was set up in 1865 to protect their government from sovereign rebellion.

Conferences were upheld by the Hague Conventions, that involved the stoppage of War in 1951 from Peace of Westphalia. To provide Neutral states various meetings were served out.

Legal Framework

  • In mid- 1985 total eight meetings were organised with the Head of the International state’s government
  • Summit was held by the country chairman, the organisation of the structure comprises of the council of ministers, Foreign Minister for each state which are agreed for the agreement
  • The council of ministers of each state government meets once in a year for the proper mechanism of the work.
  • The International Organisation structure comprises of SARC, SAPTA which was established as a draft committee to uphold the unity of the Trading Agreements
  • For smooth working for the SARC committee, the Integrated program of action was established and it focused into many fields for upliftment in Agriculture, Rural Development, women empowerment, Education, Human trafficking, Telecommunication.
  • The international organisation plays a dual role in both international as well as setting standards for Individual levels.


  • International Organisation plays a role in various fields like Trade, Commerce, Hierarchy, Administration staff.
  • Established the concept of a Sovereign State in 1648 after the end of protest reformation in the Peace of Westphalia.
  • Two assumptions were laid down by the International Organisation one was the check the interstate aggression by use of Sovereign and other was to establish the Secular reforms in the 16-18th century.
  • The emphasis laid down upon the economic and social reformation, the IO has gradually started functioning into voluntary acceptance of the membership to curb the coercion influences.
  • Whereas the International Organisation has been a radical and complex ideological context that has made the world hypothetical also looks into the federation concept of DOCTRINE OF SEPERATION WHERE DIVISION OF POWER WAS MADE TO UNION AND PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT.
  • The poles of a division of powers were divided into real head and nominal head in European reforms

Challenges in Building IO

  • It took five stages in building the International Organisation
  • First was to establish the memorial of design including structure
  • second thing was to set up conferences and meetings to curb the social and economic evils
  • The third stage was to try with an experimental effect
  • and the last was Developing into premovement IO
  • After the evolution of such stages, the League of Nations was founded by Thomas Jefferson.

Rights and Duties of International Organisation in International Law

  • According to Article 13 Aid is being provided for the wrongful commission of act at international level
  • In the case of Human Right violation, the UNESCO will provide suitable remedies to overcome from such crisis
  • Article 16, mandates that International organisations can seek Suo moto cognizance if it is responsible.
  • To resolve the counter, measure the article 21 emphasis about preserving the rights of their members
  • If the wrongful act has been committed by the organisation will be equally liable for the act.
  • One of the major responsibilities of the International Organisation for developing founding treaties, for instance, the Lisbon Treaty, to explicit the ambiguous and arbitration.
  • Other Right of the International Organisation is to guarantee the legal personality to each state governmental member.
  • Pacta tertiic nec nocent nec prosunt
  • The powers and responsibilities can be divided among states and even the powers can be executed 
  • Following Article 2(c) International Organisation is an independent body it has its sovereign context and balance of inter- aggression among states to interfere at any cost.
  • Duties towards Principles of the provincial government under art. 57ILC, the welfare and the economic activities for state context was raised in the Hague Conference
  • The context of self-defence under the UN Charter was not extremist and it was seen as an attack to the states as well. 

Committee of International Organisation

  • The International Organisation focuses on many objectives, stages. it states about membership which is provided to both individuals as well as collectively, and also provides universal adult franchise that includes voting rights.
  • The International Organisation ensures the parameters, about fair and regular operations of an election, also the constitutional power to its member of the states.
  • It helps in establishing the organizational structure, with evident value
  • It consists of collective membership, ideology, manifestation, geographical cells
  • International Organisation also ensures fair play of provincial states
  • It regulates the working of agencies

Regimes of International Organisation

  • To set a sovereign relation among both internal and external state international organisation has played a vital role
  • World Trade Organisation was set up in 1995 to regulate trade affairs all over the world
  •  League Nations mandates about the provisions of Arbitration, Conciliation and Mediation
  • South Asia stabilizes about the sovereign state, social justice in aspect to UDHR
  • International Organisation aims in developing sustainable economic development
  • It also establishes  the World Bank, at the centre level and helps in monetary financing 
  • International Organisation has regained friendly relations and has established a separation of the wall
  • It helps in promoting peace and eradicate the interrelations aggression between states and its cooperative member


The International Organisation is facing future challenges regarding the domestic level of the inter-state sovereign, economic issues and the World Bank has uplifted the political issues related to monetary finances and fiscal deficits. League Nations has also set aims in developing and maintaining good relations with state members in the International Organisation.

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