
Section 2 (b) of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 characterizes acceptance in these words: When one individual to whom the suggestion is made means his assent thereto, the recommendation should be recognized. An idea when perceived changes into an affirmation. In the declarations of Sir William Anson, Acceptance is to offer what a lit match is to a train of hazardousness. It produces something which can’t be checked on or fixed. However, the powder might have been laid till it has become moist or the person who laid the train might have pulled out everything except a lit match stick.


Section 2(b) of the Indian Contract Act, 1872, defines an acceptance as “when the person to whom the proposal is made signifies his assent thereto, the proposal is said to be accepted becomes a promise”.

Communication of Acceptance

Method of Acceptance: 

For the present circumstance of communication of acceptance, there are two factors to consider, the technique for acceptance and a short time later the situation of it. Permit us first to examine the technique for acceptance. Acceptance ought to be conceivable two, to be explicit 

Communication of Acceptance by an Act: This would consolidate communication through words, whether or not oral or created. So, this will join communication through calls, letters, messages, sends, etc 

Communication of Acceptance by Conduct: The offeree can moreover pass on his acceptance of the proposal through some activity of his, or by his direct. So say when you board a vehicle, you are enduring to pay the vehicle cost through your direct. 

Timing of Acceptance: 

The communication of acceptance has two sections. Permit us to explore 

As against the Offeror: 

For the proposer, the communication of the acceptance is done when he places such acceptance over the range of transmission. After this it is out of his hand to renounce such acceptance, so his communication will be done then. 

As against the Acceptor: 

The communication in the event of the acceptor is done when the proposer acquires information on such acceptance. 

Revocation of Acceptance: 

Section 5 moreover communicates that acceptance can be disavowed until the communication of the acceptance is done against the acceptor. No repudiation of acceptance can happen after such date.

Again, from the above model, the communication of the acceptance is finished against A (acceptor) on the fourteenth of July. So, till that date, A can renounce his/her acceptance, however not after such date. So actually, somewhere in the range of tenth and fourteenth July, A can choose to disavow the acceptance.

Lawful standards with respect to valid acceptance and related cases

  1. Acceptance must be given to whom the offer was made.

An offer can be acknowledged simply by the individual or people to whom it is made and with whom it’s anything but an expectation to contract; it can’t be acknowledged by someone else without the assent of the offeror. 

Law and order are evident that “assuming you propose to make an agreement with A, B can’t substitute himself for A without your assent.” An offer made to a specific individual can be legitimately acknowledged by him alone.

Related Case:  Boulton vs. Jones

  1. Acceptance should be absolute and unqualified: 

To be authentically amazing it’s everything except an absolute and unqualified acceptance of a large number of terms of the offer. Surely, even the littlest deviation from the states of the offer makes the acceptance invalid. Basically, a wandered acceptance is seen as a counteroffer in law.

  1. Acceptance should be communicated in some standard and sensible way, except if the proposal endorses the way wherein it is to be acknowledged:

In case the offeror suggests no strategy for acceptance, the acceptance ought to be passed on by some norm and reasonable mode. The standard techniques for correspondence are by catching individuals’ discussions, by post, and by direct.

Exactly when acceptance is given by words communicated or formed or by post or wire, it’s everything except an express acceptance. Right when acceptance is given by the lead, it’s everything except a proposed or gathered acceptance. 

Recommended acceptance may be given either by doing some fundamental show, for example, following the lost items for the announced honor or by enduring some benefit or organization, for example, stepping in a public vehicle by a voyager. 

If the offeror embraces a strategy for acceptance, the acceptance given properly will probably be a significant acceptance, whether or not the suggested mode is entertaining. Thus, if an offeror underwrites lighting up a match as a strategy for acceptance and the offer as necessities be lights up the match, the acceptance is reasonable and complete. 

Regardless, what happens if the offeree gets sidetracked from the suggested mode? The reaction to this inquiry is given in Section 7(2) which communicates that in examples of diverged acceptances “the proposer may, inside a reasonable time after the acceptance is passed on to him, request that his recommendation will be recognized in the suggested way, and not something different; regardless, if he fails to do thusly.

Related case: Brogden v Metropolitan Railway

  1. Acceptance must be communicated:

For a proposition to transform into an understanding, the acknowledgment of such a proposition ought to be conveyed to the promisor. The correspondence ought to occur in the supported design, or any such construction in the normal course of business if no specific design has been suggested. 

Further, when the offeree recognizes the proposition, he probably understood that an offer was made. He can’t convey acknowledgment without data on the offer. 

So, when a proposal to supply B with items and B is satisfying to all of the terms. He creates a letter to recognize the offer yet fails to post the letter. So, since the acknowledgment isn’t imparted, it’s everything except substantial. 

Related case: Powell v. Lee 

  1. Acceptance must be given inside a reasonable time and before the offer lapses and additionally is revoked:

To be really amazing acknowledgment ought to be given inside the foreordained time limit, expecting to be any, and if no time is determined, acknowledgment ought to be given inside a sensible time considering the way that an offer can’t be kept open uncertainty (Shree Jay a Mahal Cooperative Housing Society versus Zenith Chemical Works Pvt. Ltd.). 

Again, the acknowledgment ought to be given before the offer is disavowed or passes by reason of the offeree’s data on the death or franticness of the offeror. 

Related case: Ramsgate Victoria Hotel Co Vs Montefiore 

  1. Acceptance should succeed the offer: 

Acknowledgment ought to be offered to result in getting the offer. It should not go before the offer. In an organization, shares were circulated to a not applied for singular them. Henceforth, he applied for shares being oblivious to the past conveyance. It was held that the assignment of offers past to the application was invalid. 

Examples: a piece of offers past to application invalid

  1. Rejected offers can be accepted just, whenever recharged:

Offer once dismissed can’t be acknowledged except if a new offer is made. 

Related case: Hyde v. Wrench 


Assessment of offer and acceptance is a standard contract law method used to assess whether a two-party game-plan exists. An offer means that their capacity to surrender to explicit terms beginning with one individual then onto the following. Accepting there is an express or proposed course of action, a contract will be outlined. A contract is said to seem when the acceptance of an offer has been encouraged to the offeror by the offeree. 

when the offeree to whom the proposal is made, really recognizes the offer it will amount to acceptance. After a special offer is recognized the offer transforms into a guarantee. 

The correspondence of the offer will be done concerning the data on the person to whom the offer is made and the correspondence of the acceptance will be done when the acceptance is put in a course of transmission to the offeror. Thus, offer and acceptance are the central parts of a contract and in any case, it should be done dependent on one’s total opportunity and complete goal on shutting a legally definitive game plan. 

A legitimate acceptance should be in similarity with the accompanying standards. Without having great article end models before your eyes, it is hard to wind up the creative cycle on an incredible note. Acceptance should be clear and unambiguous. Finish the Contract on the Ground of the Offer, Fixing the Term of Acceptance. of the relative multitude of terms of the offer, and with no condition.

The article has been written by Vrunda Parekh, a first-year law student at United World School of Law, Karnavati University.

The article has been edited by Shubham Yadav, a fourth-year law student at Banasthali Vidyapith.

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