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Recruitment of Jr. Advocates & Interns.

Gangan Legal Associates are recruiting –

Jr. Advocates: Candidates recently passed and have registered Sanad with the BCI. The candidate must have experience and knowledge in civil matters (property matters), should have basic computer operation knowledge. Candidate applying must be located from Borivali, Kandivali and Malad area.

Internship for Law Students: The candidate must have experience and knowledge in civil matters (property matters), should have basic computer operation knowledge. Candidate applying must be located from Borivali, Kandivali and Malad area.

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About the University

The K.R. Mangalam Group has made a name for itself in the field of education. Over a period of time, the various educational entities of the group have converged into a fully functional corporate academy. Resources at KRM have been continuously upgraded to optimise opportunities for the students. Our students are groomed in a truly inter-disciplinary environment wherein they develop integrative skills through interaction with students from engineering, psychology, journalism and media study streams.


To develop a world class University and to deliver a substantial innovation and international impact through creation and dissemination of knowledge. Mission

Transforming lives through knowledge, collaboration and partnership.

Undertaking world class research of high impact society.


Creating niche of innovation, entrepreneurship and creativity. Nurturing and rewarding skills and talent.

Pursuing excellence education.
Job Description

Company – K.R. Mangalam University

Position – Dean & Professor – Law/Legal Location – Gurugram, Haryana, India

The Dean & Professor – Law/Legal shall have primary

responsibility for representing the views of the college faculty to all groups and persons external to the college, particularly to the central administration of the university. The dean shall be responsible for the administration and efficient conduct of the educational program of the college and for integrating the plans of the college with those of the university. As chief academic officer of the college, the Dean is responsible for the academic, personnel, financial,responsible for the academic, personner, financial, and administrative affairs of the college. The Dean is also responsible for communicating the vision and goals of the College to community and professional constituencies and seeking public and private funds to support the goals of the college.

Dean & Professor – Law/Legal Responsibilities

• Coordinate the development of and implement the School s vision and mission statement
• Leading School s efforts toward achieving University goals.

• Raise the ranking profile of the school. Enhance the accreditation profile of the school with highest degree in NAAC.
• Enhance the profile of the institution through better intellectual capital in terms of research output.

• Lead and coordinate school s strategic planning and curriculum development

• Identify and offer new age courses and training programs to make students future ready.

• Maintain good relations with key organizations and government departments with which institution closely interfaces such as UGC, State Education

Department, Regulatory bodies etc. • Ensure excellence in academic delivery and in attainment of learning outcomes.

• Supervise, evaluate, and support Departments/ Schools in a manner that promotes excellence in instruction, scholarly and creative productivity.

• Lead and coordinate the governance of the School.
• Coordinate the professional development of faculty and staff.

• Evaluate overall Departmental/School productivity in instruction, research, and service responsibilities.
• Provide quick redressal to student grievance.

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About the company

vivo, a premium global smartphone brand, entered India in late 2014, vivo has established itself as one of the top smartphone brands in India. Manufacturing in Greater Noida, the company has a robust distribution network across the country both online and offline, catering best-in-class quality service to over 530 cities, in 27 states and 5 union territories backed by more than 550 service centres in India. The organization is dedicated to the pursuit of perfection and is continuously creating surprises for users through constant innovation. Through smartphones, vivo offers users a professional-grade photography solution, taking mobile photography to the level of an art form, witnessing and recording all of life’s beautiful moments.

We are a global technology brand intent on creating joyous connections through human emotions. Since 2014, we have continuously strived to extend joy to all our consumers with the best of camera technology and the most intuitive design
Job Description



• Good at DRAFTING, VETTING of contract/agreement. • Knowledge of Internet Business, Intermediary Guidelines, Competition Law, Legal Metrology, Data

Protection And Labour Laws. with respect to corporate governance. • Proactive identification of legal risks in the conduct of business and to provide solutions.

Ability to interact independently with Advocates, Govt. and Police Authorities.

• Having exposure of monitoring and handling arbitration, litigations under various laws.

• Advising and suggesting on legal issues related to company business activities.

• Should have exposure in compliance management

• Must be good in Planning & Execution of Legal strategies.

. Good communication skill and professional knowledge.

• Any other work as assigned from time to time by reporting heads.


• 5 to 7 Years of relevant experience


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India Is a country with a population of over 130 crores people spanning through varied culture and heritage. It is home to many religions and gives due respects to a person’s choice to propagate the religion of his/her choice.

People hailing from all religions and cultures have different perspective, Ideas and feelings hence there are various Social Institutions that are guided by the views of different groups in the Society.

Marriage is one of the social institutions that is given abundant prominence, there are various laws governing marriages, some of them are codified such as the Hindu marriage act while the other such as the Muslim marriage law are not codified.

However a major dilemma that ought to be considered is the still prevalent perception of the people against people of different groups, caste and wealth, due to which a persons’ decision in a marital situation is often altered.


While considering the Hindu marriage act[i], It only states that in order to solemnize a marriage under the act neither party must have a spouse at the time of marriage, both the parties must not be if unsound mind while giving a consent and  must be of the age of majority

A Muslim marriage however under the Muslim marriage laws[ii] is a contract unlike a sacrament in Hindu, and the essentials required for a valid marriage are similar and includes the need for a proposal made by or on behalf of one of the parties to the marriage, and an acceptance of the proposal by or on behalf of the other party provided that the consent thus provided is a free consent. It also requires the parties to be competent and does not require for any writing or formal ceremony.

There are other laws such as the Christian Marriage act and the Parsi marriage and Divorce act which governs the institution marriage in their respective religions


While all these laws highlight the need for a free choice on behalf of the parties it is often found to be contradicted when it comes to being practiced and is more prominent in the case of Inter Caste or Interfaith marriage, Although no religion states to be against Inter-caste marriages, there are endless cases regarding acts of violence and harassment against such couples.


“Khap Panchayat”[iii] as it is known in north India and “Katta Panchayat” as it is known in Tamil Nadu, is a group of people of a community who acts as a quasi-judicial system to take decisions on acts that take place at a particular region which are deemed offensive and It is often found to impose harsh punishments based on old customary practices.


Honor Killing in simple terms refers to the killing of a male or female for the reason, that their act in some way has brought shame either to their family or to the caste or towards their religion, such acts often include inter caste or interfaith marriages, illicit relationship with other men, loss of a women’s virginity before marriage, etc.

Although Honor killing does not have a separate section in any of the acts criminalizing it, however the acts of the IPC are sufficient enough to punish such offenders.

They can be booked under Section 300 of murder and will be punished accordingly

In the case of Bhagwan Dass vs State (NCT) Of Delhi[iv] where a man was convicted for murdering his own daughter for leaving her husband’s and staying with her Uncle stating that she had brought shame to the house, The Supreme Court upheld the decision of the High Court convicting the girl’s father and stated that the act of Honor Killing is nothing but barbaric.


Article 21 in The Constitution Of India 1949 refers to the “Protection of life and personal liberty No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law”[v].

The same has been held by the court in the case of Shakti Vahini vs Union Of India and states that a person has the right to choose their partner[vi]


In the case of Lata Singh vs. State of U.P[vii] where a girl filed a petition against her brothers for violence against her husband and his family on the grounds of Inter caste marriage, the Court held that when a boy/girl attains majority he/she has the right to make choices and thus have the right to choose to marry whomsoever he/she likes even though the family is not satisfied by it and the most that the family can do is to cut any connection with their son or daughter. The court also directed the police to protection to such couples.

Further in the case of Salamat Ansari and others. Vs. State of U.P. [viii]. the court while considering a petition to quash an FIR filed against a man alleging him of various offences under IPC including section 366 for Abduction, The court in this case considering the submissions of the girl that it was with her will that she went to stay with the petitioner and considering the age of the girl. The Court upheld her liberty of the decision and acquitted the boy of all charges.

In a recent Judgement by the Allahabad High Court, the court while deciding a case concerned with interfaith marriage, reiterated that It cannot be disputed that two adults have right of choice of their matrimonial partner irrespective of their religion and nobody and even their Parents cannot object their relationship.


India as a country has come a long way in terms of ensuring equal and fair rights to its people, and creating good laws to govern the people. This is one step closer to this allowing people to choose their partner denotes the liberty and freedom of expression in the society.

[i] Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, s. 5.

[ii] Muslim Marriage laws;,marriage%20of%20their%20free%20wills.

[iii] “Supreme Court declares it illegal for khap panchayats to stall marriage between consenting adults”, Times of India, available at (

[iv] Bhagwan Dass vs State (Nct) Of Delhi, (2011)  6 SCC 396.

[v] The Constitution of India, art. 21.

[vi] Shakti Vahini v Union of India, (2018) 7 SCC 192.

[vii] Lata Singh vs. State of U.P (2006) 5 SCC 475

[viii] Salamat Ansari and others. Vs. State of U.P  (2020) SCC OnLine All 1382.

This article is written by Govind S Nair, a 2nd year BBA LL. B student at VIT School of Law, Chennai. This article expresses the right of a person either boy/girl to choose their partner for marriage and the present situation regarding the same in the Country.


The word “Nep” of nepotism is derived from ‘Nepote’, a 17th-century variant of the Italian word ‘nipote’ which means “nephew”. Nepotism is a term that began to be used in English for the exhibition of favouritism or biased preference to any blood relative or friends by someone in a position of power and can be described as an act where a person gets unfair advantages over the others for the mere reason of his kinship and amicable association with people who wield enough power and retain status to prevail over the hierarchical structure of any particular type of domain.

[1]India’s deep-seated history of unequality and a tapering welfare state have engraved this country’s name as one of the most unequal societies in the world, with the top 1% of the population holding four times more wealth as compared to the bottom 70%. As members of such a society, we have witnessed time and again, the prevalence of such partialities; the frustration and disappointment are feelings that never wanes, not even with time. Nepotism is not only considered a social evil but also a regressive and fatal approach towards the progress and transformation of India. Additionally, the trend is inclusive not only of Bollywood but is subsisting in every other sphere that accelerates the growth and expansion of the country. For instance, Employment, Politics, Judiciary, the Film industry, Organizations, Family Business or otherwise, etc.

Corruption goes hand in hand with nepotism. [2]Studies showcase and reflect the negative impacts of nepotism in biased decision-making, unfair treatment which incurs losses and affects the company’s performance in the long run. Diminishing the potential and self-confidence of the people and making them feel disheartened, demotivated, alienated due to the obvious stigma surrounding it are few of the outcomes of such disparity. Furthermore, it not only hinders competition but also stunts innovation and as such, weakens organizations and will potentially hamper the economic development of India as a whole.


[3]Although the Indian Judiciary is the only organ of the state that selects its candidates in a hush manner and is not elected so it stands independently without being held accountable to the Republic for its judgments and is only responsible to itself. An Allahabad High Court Judge Rang Nath Pandey wrote a letter to the Prime Minister, averring “nepotism and casteism” in the appointment of judges to the High Court as well as the Supreme Court. He even raised concerns regarding judgments delivered by judges benefiting from Nepotism to be arbitrary in nature and further alleged that it was unfortunate that the basis for the appointment of judges was “kept under wraps”.

[4]Several High Courts and Supreme Court advocates and judges are alleged to have been appointed by the employment of casteism, nepotism, as well as favouritism. The allegation is based on the ground of the appointment process called the collegium which legally binds the President to heed the recommendation of the names of judges or advocates to be appointed or promoted to a tier higher or at the apex in the judicial hierarchy, putting a dent in the advocacy of accountability and independence of the Judiciary.

In the legal profession, nepotism also finds its way through Cronyism, where if an individual belongs to a certain chamber or is an ex-junior or intern, he/she has easy access to certain posts or cases by way of preference given through recommendations.


[5] The statement that ‘politics in India is not a vocation but a family business’ is more than accurate with the caste system still at the centre of India’s thriving democracy. Difficulty arises when one tries to completely dissever the fabric of family, and status-based discrimination. Let’s suppose, Meena’s father is a member of the Lok Sabha, then she might regard the Parliament as her heirloom. During the election season, parties tend to hand out tickets to relatives, and family members as though it is a family inheritance. The concept of nepotism and favouritism is rampant in the country, no matter the party. The Congress Party, run by the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty for more than sixty decades is one example, Farooq Abdullah and his son Omar Abdullah is another example of this infested disease that has now found its roots in the working of internal politics in India.

The system of joint families in India worsened Nepotism. With a nuclear family at play, a power position will be recommended or favoured to the wife, children, and straggling extended members of the family; uncle, aunty, nephews, sons-in-law, etc and will never be segregated fairly to deserving candidates just because blood is considered to be thicker than water. Also, for many, politics is simply a tool of self-enrichment as well as a gateway to corruption instead of utilizing their status of power and wealth for the betterment of the country. Money made out of corruption entices greedy individuals with an immoral, unscrupulous and deceitful disposition.


1. [6]When the internal spectrum of politics of a democratic country is filled with hereditary succession, one of the biggest affects it can have is the potential loss of faith in democracy. Dynastic governance not only demeans the democratic principles but also questions the legitimacy of democracy which can consequently result in extremist anti-government or state rebellions and movements like Maoist and Naxalite.

2. While Corruption is the outcome, nepotism is the instigator. The parasitical relationship between nepotism and corruption can be witnessed in the corruption perception index where almost all third world countries with hereditary governance perform with mediocrity.

3. The governance system of a country is affected as the paucity of distinguished administrators and policy makers at every stage and sector of hierarchy makes good governance impossible as top-notch human resources is a prerequisite of good governance.

4. The quality and quantity of leaders leading a developing country in various spheres such as socio-economic, political, entrepreneurial, religious,  global etc. deteriorate due to the fact that candidates and members of such bodies are being selected/recommended through favouritism, nepotism and bribery, the consequence of which is a hindrance to the overall progression of the country.

The other negative effects of nepotism also include the negation of talents, merits, abilities, efficiency and the consequent diminishing of self-confidence, integrity, and moralistic values. The abrogation of rules, neglecting the prevalent laws and sweeping of morality under the rug greatly affects the general credibility of public servants, breeds cynicism among the masses and leads to a perilous crisis to the well-being of society and reduces the chances of sustainability of democracy in the long term.


[7]As an act towards curbing nepotism, favouritism and corruption, the Central government by order of the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT), headed by the Prime Minister, clarified the meaning of “members of family” under the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964. As per the rule of CCS (Conduct) Rules 4(1), the position of power or influence shall not be utilized by any Government servant, directly or otherwise, to secure employment for any of his family members in companies or firms. In addition, according to rule 4(3), “members of family” includes any person in relation to a government servant—spouse, children, parents, siblings, or any person related to them by blood or marriage whether dependent or not.

In pursuant of the recommendations by the collegiums of the Kerala and Allahabad High Courts, the Supreme Court in [8]consultation with the SC collegium and taking into account issues with regards to the secretariat, transparency, and complaint mechanism, directed the Centre to finalise the existing MoP and emphasized three key issues. Firstly, that the HC collegium should forward a ‘wider pool’ of names for the purpose of inclusivity and broader choice. Secondly, it emphasized the requirement for a stringent method to scrutinize the names forwarded by the HC collegium: transparent, objective and rational method is the goal. Thirdly, sources stated that the government has also deliberated the notion of setting up a permanent secretariat of the collegium for the purpose of continuity concerning the appointment of judges, even after changes in the composition of a collegium pursuing the retirement of sitting judges.


Though the concept of nepotism is unfair, redundant and unfortunately remains to be prevalent in every part of the world in variant subtleties, there are several facets to be scrutinized when it comes to examining the unfair advantages acquired through nepotism. For example, out of the five candidates who were hired to work in a well-known firm, one was related by blood to the director of the said firm. Despite fair trial and interview, without an ounce of evident favouritism, he secured the seat entirely with his sheer determination and hard work but is eventually asked to vacate or is disqualified for the sole reason of being related to a person in power. This does not only showcase the lack of proper regulation but also the failure to take into account the talent, merit and ability of the candidate and hence discriminatory. Sometimes, all that is needed to help identify the nuances of nepotism is a different pair of lens.


[1] The Hindu.



[4] Wikipedia.

[5] The Sydney Morning Herald.




This article is written by Melody Khuoltaikim Singson, a first-year law student from Campus Law Centre, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi. This article intends to highlight the meaning and negative impacts of nepotism in the functioning of a democratic country like India.

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Law firm dealing in Digital Media & Entertainment, E-Commerce, Data Privacy and Intellectual Property

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Looking for an experienced professional for handling firm operations.

We are looking for a executive assistant specialized in firm management for our firm DreamNext Consulting. The role requires continuous communication with clients, both domestic and international, scouting fo w businesses, drafting proposals, invoice ement and scheduling business meetings(virtual) and social media handling.

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Job Description

We are looking for a motivated individual who has a keen interest in branding and external communication initiatives for professional services firms. The individual must have an excellent command over both written and spoken English.

While we do prefer individuals who have an understanding of the legal profession, this is not a mandatory criteria and people from across all disciplines are welcome to apply.

The role will involve interacting with our law firm clients in assisting them to improve upon their visibility and public porcontion by accisting with the following tasks public perception by assisting with the following tasks (amongst others):

• Creating content around their expertise in the form of Firm Profiles, Partner Profiles, Practice Profiles, and

other similar experience statements.

Maintaining an up-to-date repository of such content in order to tailor-make it to their requirements.

• Reviewing and maintaining their LinkedIn page, including creating the content, getting it approved, and posting the same.

• Coordinating on ongoing deal/mandate reporting with both legal and mainstream media.
• Preparing year-end submissions for publications and awards such as Chambers & Partners, IBLJ, Legal500, AsiaLaw etc.

• Identifying opportunities for clients to participate in both legal and industry events and conferences. Ongoing review and analysis of competitor activities, both with respect to their perception and visibility, and their legal work.

Liaising with the clients on a regular basis and providing updates on the aforementioned tasks.

Do note that this role will be based out of Delhi and subject to all safety precautions and exigencies, will require physical attendance.

Interested candidates can use the ‘Easy Apply’ link to send in their profiles, post which, we will reach out to you for further details and next steps.

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Trans India Law Associates, Southern India Office at Hubli-Dharwad, Karnataka, a 40 year old specialising in Corporate Advisory & Litigation welcomes applications for the Post of “Associate Advocate – Litigation”

• Minimum of 1-2 years of experience in Litigation; • Ability in successful handling of litigation matters in

Trail Courts, District Courts & High Court;

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• Basic / Working knowledge of Kannada Language; Ability to co-ordinate with empanelled advocates PAN India & abroad.

CTC Payable

1,20,000/- to 2,40,000/- P.A.

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Why be an HCDS Technologies intern/trainee?

If you are thinking of entering the world of Transformational Corporate Systems and Developing New Standards in Top 10 Business Functions, an internship at the HCDS Technologies could be the ideal start for you.

The objective of the internship is to give you an essential first-hand skills learning of the day-to-day cross functional working environment of the HCDS Technologies across diversity of projects. You will be given a real chance to work with our people in currently running and upcoming projects in association with partners/clients MNCs and Government Departments.

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The internship programme lasts for at least six months and can be as long as eighteen months. All the Internship lead to regular Onboarding at CTC 3,24,000 to 5,40,000 for Graduates, CTC 4,80,000 to ₹ 7,20,000 for Post-Graduates and 6,00,000 to 12,50,000 for Ph.D qualification on the basis of strong observation and appraisal of candidates and their mentor. Once selected, you must begin your internship either prior to or within one 7 days.


HCDS Technologies interns/trainees are definitely paid upto CTC 3,00,000, only if they’re willing to generate revenue by further business association with prospective customers and clients. All costs related to initial training and appraisal, travel, insurance, accommodation, and living expenses must be borne by either the interns/trainees or their sponsoring/ academics institutions.

Visa: You will be responsible for obtaining and financing the necessary visas if required in any case.

Travel: You will arrange and finance your travel to the

Business location where you will be an intern/trainee.

Medical insurance: You will be responsible for costs arising from accidents and/or illness incurred during the internship and must show proof of a valid major medical insurance coverage.

Confidentiality: You must be discreet and keep confidential any and all unnuhlished informationobtained during the agreement of the internship and may not publish any documents based on such information. However, you in legitimate consent with Mentor/ Management, can post on social media yet specific content only.

Academic Credit: You may get academic credit from your institution of higher education for the internship/ trainee pupilship. Check with your college/university to confirm their academic credit policy for internships.

Learn more about HCDS Technologies internship opportunities at

About the company

Law firm dealing in Digital Media & Entertainment, E-Commerce, Data Privacy and Intellectual Property

Job Description

Looking for an experienced professional for handling firm operations.

We are looking for a executive assistant specialized in firm management for our firm DreamNext Consulting. The role requires continuous communication with clients, both domestic and international, scouting fo w businesses, drafting proposals, invoice ement and scheduling business meetings(virtual) and social media handling.

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