National Labor Law Association, New Delhi and National Law University – Dwarka, Delhi is organizing National Seminar On Contractualization in Employment Law and Policy.


The National Labour Law Association (NLLA) New Delhi was established in 1980. Its objective is to act as a forum for a free and frank exchange of ideas and experiences among the employers, workmen, professionals, and experts, as well as government officials so as to secure the application of laws in the right perspectives so as to achieve the constitutional promise of social justice. The Union Ministry of Labour had conferred the “Consultative Body Status”.


  • Fixed Term Employment
  • Contractual employment or Perennial work: Labor – Law and Policies
  • Legal Protection to contractual workers: Social Security etc.
  • Inter-State Migrant workers and their rights
  • Gig- workers-and Platform workers
  • Regularization of contractual workers: Judicial trends
  • Industrial development and contratualisation of workforce
  • State policy on contratualisation of work
  • ILO and other agencies on contractual employment
  • Tripartism and social dialogue
  • Law and policies on Contractual employment in other nations
  • Labor Law Reforms and Contractualisation of workers
  • Any other topic directly related to the main theme of the Seminar


The Authors should apply research skills and appropriate research methodology. The research paper should be thematic and desired to be linked to the sub-themes. The length of the abstract should not be more than 500 words. It must be typed in Times New Roman, Font Size 12 on A4 size paper with 1″ margin on all sides with 1.5 line spacing using MS Word application. Footnotes should follow the SILC standard of footnoting. Endnotes are not allowed. At the end of the paper, the author’s brief profile should have an E-mail ID, contact number, and address.


  • Abstract Submission along with board headings and subheadings of the research papers: 04th Sept, 2022
  • Approved Abstracts notification: 06 Sept 2022


The research paper should be submitted to the Convener of the Seminar at Articles received after the stipulated deadline will not be entertained for inclusion in the Seminar . Professionals/Teachers/Students, without submitting any research paper, may participate in the Seminar by paying the requisite charges.


  • Registration Teachers/ Professionals : Rs. 2000
  • Registration for Research Scholars, Students: Rs. 1000


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School of Legal Studies, K.R Mangalam University, Gurugram, in collaboration with the International Council of Jurists, London, and Law Mantra, New Delhi, is organizing its 4th International Conference.


The year 2022 marks a number of important anniversaries in the development of environmental law: the 50th anniversary of the Stockholm Declaration on the Human Environment and the establishment of UNEP in 1972, the 40th anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Seas and the 30th anniversary Rio Declaration on environment and development and the Rio conventions:

UNFCCC, (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) UNCBD (United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity) and UNCCD (the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification).


The goal of this conference is to bring together governments, business leaders, environmental educators, academics, and practitioners to share expertise and learn from one another about how to improve the implementation and application of international environmental rule of law in India and beyond.

It will also serve as a hub for sharing and exchanging information on the resources, skills, approaches, and methodologies required to equip students and future environmental administrators in the region with the legal and governance skills necessary to advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) relate to climate action, green growth, and energy for all.


Environmental Law, Governance and Sustainable Development


  • 6International Water Law and SDG 6: Reinforcing Paradigm
  • Sustainable Energy for All: Interface Between Law, Policy and Government
  • Ecology Integrity as a Grund norm of International Law
  • Institutions and Approaches in Environmental law and Cooperative Remedies for Natural Disaster Risk
  • Green Constitution
  • Public Participation in Environmental Decision Making: A Legal Approach
  • Relationship Between International Trade and Environment


  • Abstract & full paper must contain the name of the author/s, complete address, e-mail id and mobile number.
  • The abstract should not exceed 350 words including the title and references.
  • Citations and references should comply with the ILI for referencing. For details on ILI referencing style, please visit
  • Submission must be in MS-Word format (no other format will be accepted) with all four sides 1 inch margin. Should be typed in Times New Roman with a font size of 12.
  • Paper title in 14 (Bold) and all sub-headings in 12 (Bold) and line spacing at 1.5.
  • Submit abstract/full paper via email to:
  • A full paper must include a clear indication of the purpose of the research, methodology, major results, and implications. It should not exceed 3500 words.


  • Foreign Participants – USD 18 – per paper
  • Corporate Delegates – INR 1500 per paper
  • Academicians – INR 1200 per paper
  • Research Scholars & Students – INR 750 per paper


  • Receipt of Abstract of the paper – August 30, 2022
  • Acceptance of the Abstract Notification – September 10, 2022
  • Receipt of full paper – September 30, 2022
  • Acceptance of full paper – October 10, 2022
  • Opening of Registration – August 30, 2022
  • Registration Deadline – November 15, 2022
  • Conference Dates – November 17-18, 2022

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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Centre for Law, Justice and Development, National Law University invites the submission of posters/ artistic expressions contributing towards raising legal awareness with regard to different forms of violence against women.


Established in 2018, CLJD envisions revisiting, analysing, and engaging with the development discourse and its interface with the legal discourse. Through this engagement it seeks to influence the discourse in ways that are geared towards securing justice in varied arenas of our existence. It has been specifically working on the rights of the marginalised through empirical research, training, and creating resource material with regard to legal rights.


Students, scholars, and professionals (of any age group) from any field.


  • Candidates may submit their entries through the link provided at the end of the post; OR
  • Candidates may also submit their hard copies by post to the following address:
  • Ms Santvana Kumar, C/o Centre for Law, Justice and Development, National Law University, Delhi, Golf Course Rd, Pocket 1, Sector 14, Dwarka, Dwarka, New Delhi, Delhi 110078.
  • Size of the Poster/ Artistic expression — A3
  • It may be in the form of a poster, painting, narrative strip or any other similar expression on paper. Additionally, could also be in a digital form (excluding audio­visual content) in high resolution.


  • 1st prize: 5000 INR
  • 2nd prize: 3000 INR
  • 3rd prize: 2000 INR


September 22, 2022


  • The poster/ artistic expression should be original and unpublished work
  • No remuneration shall be paid for the preparation of the poster;
  • Only shortlisted participants shall be contacted via email.

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Bharath Institute of Law is organizing a Two-Day Interdisciplinary National Conference in commemoration of UN Day on October 17 & 18, 2022.


Bharath Institute of Law is located in Chennai and is a part of the Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research (BIHER).


The event is a two-day Inter-disciplinary National Conference titled “Humanization Of Modern International Law: International Peace and Security Issues” on October 17 & 18, 2022, under the auspice of United Nations day.

Although best known for peacekeeping, conflict prevention, and humanitarian assistance, there are many other ways the United Nations and its System affect our lives. The Organization works on a broad range of fundamental issues, from sustainable development, environment, and refugees protection, disaster relief, counter-terrorism, disarmament and non-proliferation, to promoting democracy, human rights, gender equality, and the advancement of women, governance, economic and social development, and international health, clearing landmines, expanding food production, and more.

Considering these objectives and functions of the UN, School of Law is organizing a Two Day Interdisciplinary national Conference in commemoration of UN Day on October 17 & 18, 2022.


  • UN peacekeeping force & peace-making process
  • Climate Resilience & Ecosystem Restoration
  • Russia-Ukraine crisis & Disaster relief
  • UN and Rule of law
  • UN-Economic growth & sustainable development
  • UN-History, founders, policy, and political affairs
  • Global youth unemployment & Children in conflict areas
  • UN, WTO, IMF, and world bank-current issues
  • Role of WHO in pandemic
  • UN and Energy efficiency building
  • UN-Infrastructural development & industrialization
  • FAO-Agriculture and food security


Academicians and Research Scholars, Students, Lawyers, and N.G.Os


  • Abstract should be not more than 300 words. Full paper should contain 3000-5000 words excluding footnotes. Submissions to be made to mail ID
    • Academic and other professionals: INR 1000/-
    • Research scholars and Students– 500/-


  • Submission of Abstract: September 22, 2022
  • Intimation of Abstract acceptance: September 26, 2022
  • Submission of Full Paper: October 6, 2022
  • Intimation of Full Paper acceptance: October 10, 2022


+91 78269 86574

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Gitarattan International Business School is organizing Justitia- The 2nd Annual Lex Fiesta by Centre for Legal Studies.


It gives us immense pleasure to announce that the ‘COURTROOM : THE LAW SOCIETY OF CLS, GIBS’ is organizing the 2nd edition of ‘JUSTITIA- 2022’~ The 2nd Annual Lex Fiesta from 21st to 24th November, 2022, following the success of Justitia in the Virtual mode in 2021, Justitia 2022 will be held in the CLS GIBS campus grounds. The National Law fiesta of CLS-GIBS is the one where we aim to improve the competitive spirit in an innovative process of mind and deal with learning aspects of legal education. The event is planned to widen the horizons to accommodate various events/ competitions. The event brings the academicians, practitioners, and students of law together to learn and share their knowledge. 


  1. Mediation Competition – November 21-22, 2022
  2. Law Quiz– November 22, 2022
  3. Debate Competition– November 22, 2022
  4. National Law Olympiad (NLO)- November 23, 2022
  5. Youth Parliament– November 23-24, 2022


  • Cash prizes worth Rs 75,000
  • Internships
  • Trophies
  • Certificates


  • Mediation (Per Team)- Rs. 2700/-
  • Debate (Per Team)- Rs. 1100/-
  • Youth Parliament (Per Participant)- Rs. 600/-
  • Law Quiz (Per Team)- Rs. 600/-
  • Law Olympiad (Per Participant)- Rs. 300/-
  • Package deal (Participation slot in all 5 events)- Rs.5000/-


November 1, 2022

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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The advancement in the mode of communication has made human life very easy. Earlier the modes of communication available were very time-consuming and less efficient. In today’s world with the advancement of technology, communication has become very easy and a speedy process. The whole world is now turned into a small village considering the fact that the internet has made access to anyone and anything very simple. Social media is one such platform where people are connected. The term social media is related to computer-based technology facilitating the sharing of ideas, thoughts, and information through various virtual platforms. Social media is internet-based and provides users with the quick electronic communication of content, such as personal information, documents, videos, and photos. More than 4.5 billion people use social media, as of October 2021. Social media has paved the direction of how society thinks. It has become a platform for the dissemination of truth as well as lies. When everything is affected by the social media justice system and judges are no exception to it.

Independence of Judges

Judiciary being the 3rd organ of the government, it is important that it is independent of any influence from the other two organs of the government or people in general. The term is normative in a sense as it provides what courts and judges ought to possess. The independence of the judiciary is important to save the general public from any unjust treatment. The concept of independence of judges has come from England’s Act of Settlement. Independence of the judiciary is important in a country like India owing to the diversity of the population residing in India. Provisions in judiciary securing the independence of Judiciary:

  • Security of tenure. (Art.124(2))
  • Salary and allowances.
  • Power to punish for its contempt. (Art.129 in Supreme Court, Art.215 in High Court)
  • Separation of judiciary from the executive. (Article 50)
  • No practice after retirement.

With great powers of the judiciary comes great responsibilities upon the judges.  Indian Judiciary in the Chief Justices’ Conference, 1999 laid down several principles and these were accepted by all the High Courts.  Justice must not only be done but it must also be seen to be done. The working members of the higher judiciary must sustain and reaffirm the people’s faith in the impartiality of the judiciary. Keeping this in mind Judge of the Supreme Court or a High Court, in any capacity whether official or personal capacity, erodes the credibility of the Indian justice system has to be avoided. A Judge should not participate in the election to any office of a Club, society or other association; further, he shall hold elective office only in a society or association which is related to the law. Close association with those who practice in the same court shall be avoided. A Judge should not permit any member of his immediate family if a member of the Bar, to appear before him or even be associated in any manner with a cause to be dealt with by him.

No member of his family, who is a member of the Bar, shall share the same residence with him or use any other facilities provided to judge for professional work. A Judge shall avoid hearing and deciding a matter in which a member of his family, a close relation or a friend is concerned. A Judge shall be extra vigilant while entering into public debate or expressing his views in public on political matters or on matters that are pending or are likely to arise for judicial determination. He must avoid situations where he has to give interviews to the media. A Judge shall not accept gifts or hospitality from anyone other than his family, close relations and friends. A Judge should not engage directly or indirectly in trade or business (Publication of a legal or any activity in the nature of a hobby shall not be construed as trade or business).

A Judge must not engage himself in contributions or raising of any fund for any purpose. A Judge should not seek any extra financial benefit in the form of a privilege because of his office unless it is clearly available. Any doubt arising in this context must be resolved and clarified through the Chief Justice. Every Judge must always keep this thing in mind that they are always subjected to the public gaze owning to this fact they must act or omit in a manner that does not result in depreciating the reputation attached to the occupation. The Preamble of the Bangalore Principles of Judicial Conduct, 2002, laid down the principles that are intended to establish standards for the ethical conduct of judges. These guidelines put forward guidance to judges and regulate judicial conduct. The main aim of the principles is to assist members of the other two organs of the government along with the general public to support the judicial system in India.

Media Trials

Social media has become a platform that does not circulate facts but rather matters that can help them gain TRP. Protracted debates and discussions are held that are merely based on speculation, which hurts the rights of witnesses and the accused. The Freedom of speech and expression that is provided under the Article 19(1)(a) has been misused again and again. The criminal jurisprudence followed in India is based on the theory that any accused cannot be held guilty until his guilt is not proven in a court of law. Social media circulates views that may or may not be true about both the victims and the accused.  

The media does not consider the principle that governs trials in India which is “Guilty beyond reasonable doubt” and “Innocent until proven guilty”. It puts a burden on the trial courts which have the duty to minimize the effects of prejudicial publicity. Continuous remarks from such social media platforms can force judges to take decisions in the favour of the media rather than what is actually demanded in the case. Recently we saw in the Nupur Sharma case the bench comprising Justice Surya Kant and Justice Pardiwala during the hearing of the writ petition being filed made oral remarks which led to many personal attacks on the judges. Sometimes the general public fails to understand the questions asked in the courtroom are conscientiously for fulfilling the requirements of the law. Media can only circulate the words of the judges without knowing the contexts for the same which impacts the private lives of the judges.

Impact of social media

Judges are also normal citizens of the country and like any other citizen of a country they are also free to use social media but they must bear in mind that their active participation requires careful consideration. Judges must comply with the legal and ethical ramifications keeping in mind the nature of their profession. Positive aspect of social media is that it brings closeness, and openness in the society but at the same time any posts of judges are subjected to misrepresentation or misinterpretation of the content posted by them, or even led to cyberbullying and threats to privacy and safety. In 2011, the International Bar Association Legal Policy & Research Unit (IBA LPRU), conducted a global survey to consider the impact of Online Social Networking (OSN) on the legal profession.  

The survey conducted to measure the impact of OSN on the legal profession revealed that judge use of social media raised specific concerns, 40% responded that judges’ use of OSN negatively affected public confidence in the justice system and undermined judicial independence. People have access to the words said by judges by most of them lack the knowledge of the law and they fail to interpret the actual meaning behind the rationale given by judges. Support for judicial use of social media is made apparent by Union Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad.

He supports the idea of social media platforms involving in spreading of thoughts, views and knowledge. Judges must be given complete independence to give judgment as to what they decide keeping in mind the rule of law. Media -trials have become commonplace in India. Before a case is decided in a court of law people already have passed their judgment about the matter about which they have no idea. Judges must keep in mind how they are portraying themselves on social media. They must not give any comments regarding the case they are hearing in court. In 2014, IBA’s Legal Policy and Research Unit (LPRU) published its International Principles on Social Media Conduct for the Legal Profession. Pros and cons of the use of social media and guidance regarding judicial conduct and ethics are given in this research.

There is a need to regulate the disclosure of judicial proceedings because those who do not have the knowledge of law forget the fact that law has no space for sentiments. Judgments are passed keeping in mind all the legal aspects and there are meager chances that the judgment can be biased. Criticizing any judgment on legal grounds is acceptable in a democracy but criticizing judges and giving them personal remarks accounts for defamation. Maintaining their oath of allegiance to the Constitution of India, and sustaining the dignity of the office they hold, Judges have to turn deaf to any criticism. In the Global Programme for the Implementation of the Doha Declaration, it was discussed that in order to bridge the gap between a fair comments on any judgment and personal comments on judges there is a need for education, training and recommendations on how social media can affect its users.


Judiciary is a body responsible for adjudicating law. It has the power that provides justice to the victims. For the proper functioning of the judiciary, it is important that it does not have an undue influence on anyone. Its proper functioning is important to maintain harmony in society. Judges are social workers and any judgment passed by them is based on as per the rule established in law and with due deliberations. Their judgments must not be made a tool to attack them personally, as it is against the justice system.


  1. › terms › s “Social Media: Definition, Effects, and List of Top Apps” -…Accessed on 13 September, 2022
  2. Data Reportal. “Global Social Media Stats October 2021”Accessed on 13 September, 2022
  3. › act-settlement-0The Act of Settlement | The Royal Family
  4. › columns › social-media-and-the Social Media and the Judiciary – Bar and Bench

This article is written by Rishita Vekta, B.A.LLB(H) 2nd Year, from Lloyd Law College, Greater Noida U.P.

Pravin Gandhi College of Law’s Constitutional Law and Policy Reform Society is hosting the National Essay Competition on Constitutional Law.


The SVKM’s Pravin Gandhi College of Law is a premier law institution under the aegis of Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal. It was established in 2004 and is affiliated with the University of Mumbai.


  • All students pursuing undergraduate (three/five year) or postgraduate law degrees from any law school/university/college recognized by the Bar Council of India are eligible to participate in the Essay Competition.
  • Co-authorship of a maximum of TWO authors is permitted.
  • SVKM’s Pravin Gandhi College of Law students are not permitted to participate in this competition.


  • Deliberative democracy in the Indian parliamentary system
  • The role of freebies in Indian elections


  • The essay must be the original and bona fide work of the participating author.
  • Only one submission per author or a team of co-authors is permissible. In case of more than one submission, only the one received first would be considered for review.
  • The Constitutional Law and Policy Reform Society owns all copyright and publishing rights to the content submitted. While the work is submitted here, the author is not permitted to submit it elsewhere.
  • The Competition is restricted to one submission per person/team. Multiple registrations from different teams will be allowed from the same college provided they have all registered separately on the given link.
  • Font Type: Times New Roman
  • Headings, Sub Headings: Font Size 14, Bold, Underlined
  • Content: Font Size 12, Normal
  • Alignment: Justified
  • Line spacing: 1.5
  • Margins: Normal
  • Style of citation: Endnotes; Indian Law Institute (ILI)
  • Endnotes: Font Size 10; Line Spacing
  • Plagiarism Limit – 15%


  • Winners from each topic would have the opportunity to publish their essays on the CLPRS blog.
  • The author of the winning essay from each topic shall be given a Cash Prize of Rs. 1500 and a Certificate.
  • In the case of Co-Authors, they shall collectively be given a cash prize of 1500.
  • All participants will be getting participation certificates.


  • Last date to Register – September 18, 2022
  • Last Submission Date – September 24, 2022

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Centre for Advanced Study in International Humanitarian Law, RGNUL, is organizing a certificate course on International Humanitarian law, in collaboration with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), RGNUL.


The Centre for Advanced Study in International Humanitarian Law (CASH), RGNUL is organizing a certificate course on International Humanitarian Law, in collaboration with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), RGNUL with an aim of encouraging students from various fields and academicians with the relevance of International Humanitarian Law.


  • The Objective of the course on international humanitarian law is to make students understand that IHL does not stop the war although it limits the effects of war. It covers two areas:
  • The protection of those who are not, or no longer, taking part in the fighting.
  • Restrictions on the means of warfare – in specific weapons – and the methods of warfare, such as military tactics.


Relevance of IHL in the contemporary world: Issues and Challenges


  • RGNUL Students – Free
  • Others – INR 200 per student


September 26 to 28, 2022–9SU3RiVog9w/viewform

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The Federal District University Center, Brazil, Gokul Global University, India, and U.S. Brazil Comparative Law Institute (USBCli) are organising a virtual certificate course on the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court and Supreme Court of India in Perspective.


The present research project will be developed within the scope of a Virtual Exchange initiative, resulting from the partnership between the Federal District University Center – UDF and U.S. Brazil Comparative Law Institute (USBCli), both situated in Brazil, and the Gokul Global University, in India, with the purpose of enabling the involved professors and students to interact interculturally and develop a project in collaboration with people inserted in other cultural and legal contexts.


  • September 22, 2022: Online event – Lecture given by the Professors engaged in the project presenting the theme of the project. After that, groups with students from Brazil and India will be created and assigned with the research topics related to the inaugural class given by the Professors.
  • October 13, 2022: Online meeting when students from both countries will present the status of the study conducted together.
  • November 10, 2022: Online event – Final lecture given by the Professors from both countries and a presentation of the key results of the research conducted by the students from Brazil and India.
  • All the sessions shall be tentatively scheduled at 7 pm IST (10.30 am Brazil Time)


  • Students are expected to interact with their pairs from both countries to conduct the activities that will be assigned by the Professors responsible for this project.
  • Group(s) will be created in the first meeting to conduct the tasks assigned.
  • On November 10, 2022, the group(s) will present the key findings of their activities to the other group(s) and Professors.


  • Prof. (Dr.) Akil Ali Saiyed, Pro Vice Chancellor, Gokul Global University (India)
  • Prof. (Dr.) Paulo Campanha, Professor, Federal District University Center – UDF  (Brazil)
  • About the Resource Persons
    • Prof. Faiz Ayat Ansari (India)
      • Mr. Faiz Ayat Ansari is an Assistant Professor of Law and Coordinator, Centre for Constitutional Law and Policy (CCLP) at Parul Institute of Law, Faculty of Law, Parul University, Vadodara; a Ph.D. Research Scholar at the National Law School of India University, Bengaluru, and a Researcher and Collaborator at Mediterranea International Centre for Human Rights Research, Reggio Calabria, Italy.
      • He is also an alumnus of Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar, where he pursued his LL.M. in Constitutional and Administrative Law. He has been a member of the Legal Education Awareness Foundation, New Delhi, and has been invited to deliver guest lectures at prestigious international institutions like the Federal District University Centre (UDF), Brazil, the Mediterranea International Centre for Human Rights Research, Italy, and the Tashkent State University of Law, Uzbekistan.
      • He has previously co-authored a book titled ‘Law and Justice in the Era of Globalization’ and co-edited six books on areas like Constitutional law, Comparative Public Law, Media law, and International Law. He is also a recipient of the Dr. J.K. Patel Memorial Award in 2021 and 2022 for his contribution to research and academics.
    • Prof. Dr. Ricardo José Macedo de Britto Pereira (Brazil)
      • Ricardo José Macedo de Britto Pereira holds a Ph.D. in Labor Law from Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain), a Post-Doctorate from Cornell University ILR School (2018), Master of Law from Syracuse University (2018), Professor of the Master’s Program in Social and Labor Relations Law at UDF University Center (Brazil), Former Deputy Attorney General of the Labor Prosecutor’s Office in Brazil and has experience in the areas of Labor Law, Procedural Labor Law, Constitutional Law, and General Theory of Law.
      • Prof. Dr. João Carlos Souto (Brazil) João Carlos Souto, Professor of Constitutional Law (UDF/Brazil), Attorney of the National Treasury (AGU/Brazil), former Public Defender of the State of Bahia, President of the U.S. Brazil Comparative Law Institute (USBCLI), Lecturer and author of the book “U.S. Supreme Court – Most Important Decisions”.


Students pursuing undergraduate and postgraduate law programs, research scholars, academicians, and legal professionals anywhere across the globe.


September 20, 2022


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Maharashtra National Law University Aurangabad is organizing its 1st National Memorial Drafting Competition.


The purpose of the ‘1st National Memorial Drafting Competition is to help future lawyers improve their writing, research, and analytical skills. Having the ability to draft effectively is fundamental for any budding lawyer.

Prepared for a legal situation, players should exercise caution and their knowledge of the law. Essentially, the point of the competition is to bring out comprehension skills in every contestant.


The competition is open to students currently enrolled in either five years or three years LLB courses from any recognized university.


  • Best Memorandum– INR 3,000
  • Runners Up– INR 2,000
  • The top ten rank holders will receive a Certificate of Merit.
  • Each participant will receive a Certificate of Participation upon successful participation in the competition.


  • Release of Proposition & Commencement of Registration – September 14, 2022
  • Close of Registration – September 30, 2022
  • Deadline for seeking Clarifications – October 5, 2022
  • Publication of Clarification – October 7, 2022
  • Submission of Memorandum – October 21, 2022
  • Declaration of Results – 3rd Week of November, 2022


+91 83901 22496

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