Call for papers: National Conference on by GNLU & Bharatiya Kisan Sangh
GNLU’s Legal Services Committee and Centre for Law and Society in collaboration and association with Bharatiya Kisan Sangh is organizing a two-day National Conference on Land Laws and Land Planning:...
Call for Papers by Ramaiah College of Law’s Journal [ISSN: 0975-9905]
Ramaiah College of Law’s Journal is making a call for papers. ABOUT The Editorial Committee of “M.S. Ramaiah Journal of Law” invites articles from academicians, law professionals, research scholars and...
Call for Papers: RGNUL Financial and Mercantile Law Review
RGNUL is accepting submissions in the form of a call for papers for its Financial and Mercantile Law Review Journal’s Volume X Issue I. ABOUT For Volume X Issue I,...
Call for Papers: Implementation of RTE in India by NLU Jodhpur
National Law University Jodhpur is inviting applications for the paper presentation and discussion on the state of implementation of the Right to Education, 2009 in the different states of India....
Call for papers by Journal of the Department of Labour Law by TNDALU
The Journal of the Department of Labour Law and Administrative Law, TNDALU is making a call for papers. ABOUT The Department of Labour Law and Administrative Law in the School...
Call for papers: International Virtual Conference on Consumer Protection
The Chair for Consumer Law and Practice (CLAP), National Law School of India University, Bengaluru (NLSIU) invites papers for the International Conference on ‘New Facets on Consumer Protection Challenges and...
Call for Blogs by Chanakya Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution, CNLU
Chanakya Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution (CCADR) CNLU is inviting well-researched submissions for its blog by way of a Call for Blogs. ABOUT The Chanakya Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution...
Call for Paper Presentation [LAAC, NLUJ]
NLU Jodhpur is making a call for paper presentation on the state of Implemetation of Right to Education, 2009 in the different states of India. ABOUT National Law University Jodhpur...
Call for Papers: Bennett Journal of Legal Studies (BJLS)
School of Law, Bennett University is currently soliciting submissions for the 4th Volume of Bennett Journal of Legal Studies (BJLS). ABOUT Bennett University has been established by ‘Times Group’, India’s...
Call for Papers on Legal Analytics by Amity Law School, Noida
Amity Law School, Noida is calling for papers on Artificial Intelligence & Legal Analytics: A New Instrument for Legal Practice in the Digital Arena to be published by a reputed...