RGNUL is accepting submissions in the form of a call for papers for its Financial and Mercantile Law Review Journal’s Volume X Issue I.
For Volume X Issue I, the author(s) can make submissions in the domain of corporate law, mergers and acquisitions, competition, insolvency, banking and finance, insurance, capital markets, securities, dispute resolution and ADR, international trade, investment funds, labour and employment, taxation, intellectual property, real estate, technology, media & telecommunication, and white-collar crimes.
The Editorial Board invites submissions from legal practitioners, professionals, academics, and law students.
RFMLR accepts submissions in the following categories:
- Article: 6000-12,000 words
- Short Note: 4000-6000 words
- Case Comment: 3000-5000 words
- Book Review: 1500-3000 words
The word limit is exclusive of footnotes.
- The submissions shall be in English language only.
- Co-authorship is limited to a maximum of two authors.
- Submissions shall be lucid, contemporarily relevant, and well-researched. They shall contain a novel analysis of the issue by the author(s). The Editorial Board encourages analytical submissions with concrete suggestions over descriptive submissions with generic suggestions.
- Any form of plagiarism is strictly prohibited and the submission shall be original, unpublished, and an outcome of the author’s own efforts.
- For detailed submission guidelines, please refer to the brochure attached or visit www.rfmlr.com
- The manuscripts shall be submitted through this Google Form only. Submissions made through any other mode will not be entertained.
- Each author is allowed to submit a maximum of 1 manuscript, in .doc or .docx format.
- The author(s) shall submit the manuscript along with a duly signed Certificate of Originality and Copyright (in this format).
- Upon submission, the author(s) will receive a receipt of acknowledgement of submission along with a code for your manuscript. Kindly quote the same in any future communication.
October 30, 2022
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