
Recently, there has been a lot of buzz around the ever-evolving concept of first generation lawyers. The opinion put forward by the masses is divided on two-fronts. One being on the disadvantageous side, which herein, is referred to as an unfair challenge and the other being on the positive side, that is referred to as a handy excuse. The article aims at explaining both the fronts from their respective perspectives.


First things first, are there any strait-jacketed definition of first-gen lawyers?

To be precise, there are no actual definitions of first-generation lawyers. But, based on common sense and an analytical approach we can say that, first-generation lawyer is one who is the first in their immediate family to attend law school. They might often land themselves into trouble while in law school, because the scenario and the activities in there is totally different as compared to any other contemporary courses like engineering, medical, etc. Gaps in knowledge and support can potentially put the first-gen law students into an unintentional and disadvantageous position.

First-Gen Lawyers- An Unfair Challenge

The first-gen law school experience is generally under-researched; however studies and research show that similar obstructions undergrads face as students regularly adhere to them to graduate school. These variations can be seen in the student loan borrowing scenario: 93 percent of first-generation law students borrow money to finance their legal education, compared to 84 percent of their peers who are continuing their education. They borrow about 23 percent more too, leaving law school that are much more financially burdened.[1]

First generation law students are likewise bound to be more established, less affluent, and from a multicultural foundation. They are more prone towards attending law school in a part-time manner, which itself poses a new set of challenges. And they tend to spend much more time — 40 percent more time, in fact — working to pay their own way through law school. But they also typically study more too.  [2]

Law school is hard enough as it is and when you are a first-gen law student you are automatically susceptible to new set of challenges and struggles which has no blue print of its own. This really gets hard in the long run as there exist no particular set of directions which can be learnt and eventually followed up to. There also lies a sense of invisible urgency of getting everything right the first time and this tends to become overwhelming most of the times. The first-gen law students are always stuck in the bubble of meeting societal and familial expectations with no support from the back end to keep them going without losing their mind. There is no so called inner-circle to help them out in times of need.

Every career option is filled with its own set of challenges, pros and cons. The same goes for legal profession too. The main problem faced by a first-gen lawyer is when he/she decides to go for the profession of a litigator as a career option. Litigation as career option is really not feasible choice for first-gen lawyers having no family background in law because the fear of nepotism is embedded in every nook and corner of this litigation profession. As a opinion, it has always been suggested from time immemorial that only the sons and daughters of judges/lawyers should take up litigation as a profession.

First-Gen Lawyers: A Handy excuse:

There are some things which are definitely within the control of an aspiring first-gen lawyers and that is the ability to work hard, write a lot on legal and non-legal concepts, brush up the mooting skills, legal accumen and ensure he has the best possible command over the language and law during the course of his law school and beyond. Legal aspirants who have been very clear about their about their choice of becoming a lawyer has actually flourished in their respective fields. The Supreme Court of India and different High Courts like those in Delhi, Mumbai, Madras, Kolkata, and so on are brimming with examples where first-gen lawyers from law schools have done immensely well.

It is often seen that while criticizing the nepotism at the Bar, one neglects to focus on what really should be done to turn into a decent lawyer. In any case, it can be can securely said that a decided, dedicated, and prompt lawyer will unavoidably wind up being a fruitful litigator, despite his being a first-generation lawyer.

The profession requires a lot of reading of the legal and non-legal texts. It additionally requires a immense amount of persistence, consistence and patience. Yet, the way that one partakes in his/her work consistently is rewarding enough to make every one of the penances requested by the profession. It is significant for a person to continue to accomplish great work at the offices of a Senior or while addressing his/her own clients. Sit tight for the chances that will definitely come, where you can show the abilities and experience that you have accumulated in these load of years.


One must take the advantage of the first-gen resources available in the law school like student groups, library, mentoring, networking events, to strengthen the support system and increase the confidence and comfort level. Ask around about the alumni, career service officer and the placement cell for mentoring and build a network. Foster relationships with the faculty members during office hours asking for feedback on your activities. Always focus on the strengths and the abilities you have as a first-gen law student and lawyer, this in turn will help you bring a new perspective to whatever you are pursuing. Join professional organizations, stay connected with the networks that you have built while in law school and even afterwards. Highlight experiences in your CV, Resume and cover letters, demonstrate your perspective as a first-gen law student and professional in your interviews. Last but not the least, the hard work and determination that a person pursues in any kind of profession especially in the legal field helps him/her to get far in his/her career in the long run. You are all you need to succeed!

[1] Jessica Tomer, First-gen law students: Struggles, solutions and schools that care, last updated on 22.07.2021, https://www.nationaljurist.com/national-jurist-magazine/first-generation-law-students-struggles-solutions-and-schools-care.

[2] Jessica Tomer, First-gen law students: Struggles, solutions and schools that care, last updated on 22.07.2021, https://www.nationaljurist.com/national-jurist-magazine/first-generation-law-students-struggles-solutions-and-schools-care.

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“A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work – he is the purpose of it. We are not doing him a favour by serving him. He is doing us a favour by giving us the opportunity to serve him.”

–Mahatma Gandhi

The advent of “Internet” has an effect on almost all the domains of human life. Marketing of goods and services is not an exception to it. Internet has given birth to e-commerce by enabling information technologies like, electronic data transfer and electronic money transfer that makes commercial transactions easily to be done online.

E-commerce takes place in a virtual online environment, where buyers and sellers do not contact face-to-face. Which involves increased competition and lower prices, more choice in products and services offered, and the convenience of shopping from sellers from around the world, not constrained by time and space. But the general expectations of e-consumer remain the same that the product he/she receives should be of the expected standard of quality and if it is found defective, then there should be a remedy for the same. In the system of e-commerce, gaining consumers’ faith is more challenging than in offline trade. As on the e-commerce platform buyers and sellers are not physically acquainted with each other. Mutual trust and faith depend upon how authentic information is as shared by the seller and the effectiveness of the transaction from both sides.

Consumer Protection

E-Commerce being global in nature, efforts are being made at the national and international level to ensure the protection of consumers in e-commerce. Consumer Protection means the protection of consumers from a variety of unfair trade practices and the rationale behind such protection is to avoid the exploitation of consumers. Generally, the established commercial entities are well organized with a well-dominating position in the market which allows them to easily exploit consumers. It was John F. Kennedy, the former President of United States of America, who for the first time laid down four basic rights of a consumer, while announcing the “Bill of Consumer Rights” in US Congress (1962), which includes:  1) Right to Safety, 2) Right to Information, 3) Right to Choose and 4) Right to be Heard. Later two more rights were added to the list, which are; Right to Redress and Right to Consumers’ Education.

In India, e-commerce is flourishing not only because it has access to the internet, but also because its business units have expanded to areas far from its geographic location and can conduct business from anywhere in the world. Obviously, the internet has provided powerful tools for consumers to access products and services online. E-commerce is not only a technology, but has become an indispensable part of doing business around the world. Despite its enormous growth, e-consumers also expects consumer protection standards and regulations to protect them from unfair trade practices and to address their concerns in e-commerce. Therefore, the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution on July 23, 2020 notified the Consumer Protection (E-Commerce) Rules, 2020. The primary objective of these rules is to regulate the E-commerce sector in India and protect e-consumers from unfair trade practices on various online platforms.

Various Threats to an E-Consumer

Clearly, E-Commerce has become a very important part of everyone’s lives as it has made purchase and sell of goods easy for both consumers and retailers but at the same time it also poses threat to consumer as their basic rights like data privacy and interest at various e-commerce portal. Following are some benefits enjoyed by consumers and business houses on e-commerce platforms:

  1. global access and greater choice
  2. increased competitiveness and quality of service,
  3. mass customization and personalized products and services,
  4. elimination of intermediaries and product availability,
  5. greater efficiency and lower financial costs,
  6. new business opportunities and
  7. new products and services, etc.

The following list includes some of the primary threats faced by e-consumers which shows that e-commerce is intimidating the risk of the violation of consumers’ basic rights in the conduct of e-commerce transactions:

  1. Unfair trade practice and misleading advertisements.
  2. Language barriers.
  3. E-commerce offers made by anonymous traders.
  4. Uncertainty of merchantability goods.
  5. complicated refund policies.
  6. Lack of clear and sufficient information regarding the identity of seller.
  7. Non-fulfilment of returns or refund policies.
  8. Long and tedious process of refund procedure.
  9. Data security and online scam.
  10. Identity theft and frauds.
  11. Late or no delivery of goods or defective products without any exchange or refund policy.
  12. Lack of consumer awareness of their rights and duties.
  13. Absence of Cash on delivery system.
  14. Fraudulent entities that take money without providing goods or service.
  15. No- existence of customer care.
  16. Protection of personal data or privacy.
  17. Non-compliance with the legal provisions.

Consumer protection (e-commerce) Rules 2020

Prior to these rules, complaints related to e-commerce were majorly decided according to Consumer Protection Act 2019 along with various other legislations as there were no specific regulations concerned with the protection of e-consumers on various e-commerce platforms. The Consumer Protection (E-commerce) Rules, 2020 is an amalgamation of Consumer Protection Act 2019, Indian exchange control laws (IEC Regulations) and the Information Technology Act 2000, to ensure fair play in technology and data driven e-commerce world.

Salient Features Of The Rules 2020

The Consumer Protection (E-Commerce) Rules, 2020 has been brought to regulate all goods and services bought and sold over online platforms; all models of e-Commerce, including marketplace and inventory models of e-Commerce; all e-Commerce retail, including multi-channel single brand retailers and single brand retailers in single or multiple formats; and all forms of unfair trade practices across all models of e-Commerce. However, these rules do not apply to any activity of a natural person carried out in a personal capacity not being part of any professional or commercial activity undertaken on a regular or systematic basis. Furthermore, these rules also apply to an e-commerce organisation, which is not established in India, but systematically offers goods or services to consumers in India.

The Rules specify the duties of e-commerce entities, liabilities of marketplace e-commerce entities, duties of sellers on marketplace and duties and liabilities of inventory e-commerce entities. The Rules also clarify the distinct scope of responsibilities between the marketplace platform and the sellers on the marketplaces. This clarity will help in effective enforcement of the provisions mentioned in the Rules and creating a compatible business atmosphere. In order to understand the directive of the Rules, the salient features of these rules are as under:

  • Appointment of a nodal person:

Every e-commerce entity is to appoint a nodal person of contact or an alternate senior designated functionary who is resident in India, to ensure compliance with the provisions of the Act 2019 and the Rules 2020. Some e-commerce entities have already set up separate legal and compliance departments whose role is to ensure that there are no slippages in compliance under the applicable legislations.

  • Providing certain information:
    • E-commerce entities are required to provide on its platform certain information like; legal name, main geographic address of its headquarters and of all branches; name and details of its website; and contact details like e-mail id, fax, landline and mobile numbers of customer care services and of the grievance officer.
    • Marketplace e-Commerce entity is required to provide details about the sellers which should include the name of their business (whether registered or not), their geographic address, customer care number, ratings or other feedback about the seller.
    • Both Marketplace and Inventory E-Commerce entities are required to make available information relating to return, refund, exchange, warranty and guarantee, delivery and shipment, modes of payment, and grievance redressal policies, available payment methods, the security of transactions, any fees or charges payable by users, the procedure to cancel regular payments under the mentioned payment methods, and the contact information of the payment service provider.
  •  Grievance redressal mechanism:
    • Every e-Commerce entity shall establish an adequate consumer grievance redressal mechanism and shall appoint a grievance officer for the same, and shall display its name, contact details, and designation of the officer on its platform.
    • The grievance redressal officer is required to acknowledge the receipt of any consumer complaint within 48-hours and redress the complaint within one month from the date of receipt of the complaint.

Cancellation charges: No E-Commerce entity shall levy cancellation charges on consumers for cancelling their order after confirming purchase unless similar charges are also borne by the e- Commerce entity, if they cancel the purchase order unilaterally for any reason.

Recording consent of consumer: Every E-Commerce entity shall record the consent of a consumer through an explicit and affirmative action only, for the purchase of any good or service offered on their platform and not automatically, including in the form of pre-ticked checkboxes.

  • Timely refunds: Every E-Commerce entity is required to address all refund request within a ‘reasonable period of time’, which would not only differ from one e-commerce entity to another, it would also differ from a consumer to consumer and be driven by factors such as what was the mode of payment, the processing bank and the time period underlying the returns.
    • No manipulation of price: No e-commerce entity shall manipulate prices to gain unreasonable profits. The primary objective behind this obligation is to ensure that a level playing field is maintained for all sellers and to prevent the use of unfair methods by e-commerce entities to influence the consumers to favour a particular seller
    • Record of sellers: Every marketplace e-Commerce entity is required to maintain a record of relevant information allowing for the identification of all sellers who have repeatedly offered goods or services that have previously been removed or access to which has previously been disabled under the Copyright Act, 1957, the Trade Marks Act, 1999 or the Information Technology Act, 2000.
    • Prohibition of fake reviews: These rules prohibit inventory e-Commerce entities and the sellers from posting fake customer reviews about their own goods or services, or misrepresenting their qualities or features.
    • Advertisements for marketing of goods or services: Every inventory e-Commerce entity and seller on marketplace is required to ensure that the advertisements for marketing of goods or services are consistent with the actual characteristics, access and usage conditions of such goods or services.
    • Importer/country of origin: Where an e-Commerce entity offers imported goods or services for sale, the name and details of the importer shall be mentioned. A seller on a marketplace shall provide all relevant details about the goods and services offered for sale including country of origin, which are necessary allowing the consumer to make an informed decision before purchasing the product.
    • Return services: In case of defective or spurious goods, or deficient services, or goods/services not conforming to characteristics as advertised, or late delivery of the goods/services, no inventory e-Commerce entity shall refuse to take back such goods, or withdraw or discontinue such services or refuse to refund consideration, if paid.


Enforcement mechanism of the e-commerce should be such that the interest of the e-consumers could be protected beyond any doubt. If the Consumer Protection (E-Commerce) rules 2020 are implemented and enforced in its true spirit then only benefits of the e-commerce could be ensured in its full potential and the consumers of today electronic global world could be equipped with the protection at par with the conventional consumers.


  • 245th report on the Consumer Protection (E-Commerce) Rules 2020 https://rajyasabha.nic.in/
  • https://consumeraffairs.nic.in/theconsumerprotection/consumer-protection-e-commerce-rules-2020
  • https://www.mondaq.com/
  • http://www.nlujlawreview.in/

This article is written by SAHEBA SHAMS, 1st year student pursuing BA-LL.B from Osmania University, Hyderabad.

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According to news agency ANI, a lawyer cried “tareekh par tareekh (date after date)” while breaking courtroom equipment in a Delhi court recently, reenacting a famous film scene. According to the report, the event occurred on July 17 in courtroom 66 of the Karkardooma court complex in the national capital.

Advocate Rakesh, according to ANI, was irritated that his case has been waiting since 2016 In court. According to the agency, Rakesh smashed the judge’s dais inside the courtroom, citing police sources. The lawyer was seized by the police when the courtroom staff sounded an alarm. The policy sources reported to the agency that the dais of the judge in the courtroom was smashed by Advocate Rakesh. The lawyer was arrested by the police when the courtroom personnel sounded an alert.

The numerous adjournments sought by the opposing lawyer, played by the late Amrish Puri, infuriated Deol, who was portraying the character of an advocate in the film. Deol launched a monologue about how recurrent court adjournments had hampered his client’s struggle for justice before uttering the famous “tareekh par tareekh” statement in the court.

Meanwhile, Rakesh was apprehended and placed before a magistrate, who put him in judicial prison, according to ANI. Sections 186 (willfully impeding any public servant in the exercise of his official duty), 353 (assaulting or employing criminal force on any person who is a public worker), 427 (mischief), and 506 (criminal intimidation) of the Indian Penal Code have been filed against him by the Delhi Police.


About KU

At KU we search for, strive and celebrate excellence and remarkable experiences that bring about a transformation in communities and in people altogether.

About the job

  1. Assist General Manager – Legal in all legal matters.
  2. Review technical & legal aspects of services and product agreements. Sensitize business teams about risks & obligations.
  3. Co-ordinate with contract & compliance lawyers and negotiate with , vendors or partners IP, licensing and technical issues.
  4. Manage overall IP risk assessment process for proprietary product/platform development.
  5. Engage with business teams to understand technical & commercial contexts and translate the requirements for drafting of legal agreements.
  6. Analyze IP portfolio of a business unit and advise, recommend and anchor the IP strategy based on business needs.
  7. Conduct legal research on emerging technology areas to enhance awareness and update contractual positions.
  8. Support product and delivery teams with open source compliance process.
  9. Support on cyber security related issues and develop practical framework for handling security incidents.
  10. Analyze IP issues related to commercial risks, and presenting clear recommendations, and assure legal compliance.
  11. Support in developing and creating IP material for imparting IP awareness in the organization.
  12. Draft and review cease and desist notices and other communications in respect of IP Infringement


  1.  LLB/LLM/Diploma in Law with 1-3 years’ work experience. Specialization or Experience in Intellectual Property Rights will be an assest.

Kindly share your resume on dhawal@unitedworld.in

About the Company

USA Japan Mexico India Germany

“Accounting, Taxation, & Business Advisory between Japan and the World”​

HLS Global Group (www.hls-global.com) is an international accounting and business advisory firm with a focus on providing superior services in the areas of accounting, tax, audit, advisory, and consulting. Founded in 1990, we pride ourselves in delivering the highest levels of quality and customer service while remaining cost-effective. We have grown to more than 160 professionals serving clients in the United States, Japan, Mexico, India, and Germany.

Whether you are evaluating your plans for market entry, seeking help with incubation and operations, or looking for cross-border M&A and tax advisory services, we can serve all of your business needs, in English and Japanese.

Each of our global offices has unique products and services.

HLS Global Co., Ltd. (“HLS Japan”) was established in 2001. Based out of Tokyo, we specialize in providing comprehensive solutions to non-Japanese multinational companies operating in Japan.

HLS Funakubo Gutierrez, S.C. (“HLS Mexico”) started operations in June 2010 to respond to the needs of our U.S. clients as well as Japanese companies with operations in Mexico.

HLS-SJM Advisors India Pvt. Ltd. (“HLS India”) was established in 2016 with HLS Japan and SJM Advisors India Pvt. Ltd. entering into a business collaboration under a joint entity to primarily serve Japanese companies in India.

HLS-HWS Europe GmbH (“HLS Germany”) was established in 2020 as a Joint Venture with HWS GmbH & Co. KG to provide comprehensive solutions to Japanese companies in Germany.

Are you seeking to accelerate your career? We are always looking for talented professionals.

About the job

HLS Global in India is looking for a highly disciplined managerial level candidate for legal and compliance practice. The candidate will be responsible for service delivery to clients in India.

About HLS Global: www.HLS-Global.in

Position: Manager | Client Services | Legal & Regulatory Practice

Qualification: Company Secretary

Location: Dwarka, New Delhi


  • Delivering company secretarial and FEMA compliance services to clients
  • Representation before regulatory authorities
  • Delivering compliance reporting and certification requirements of clients
  • Developing legal team and ensuring high–quality work on time
  • Preparing legal updates in timely manner

Required Working Experience:

  • 5-8 years of experience in working with accounting, law or company secretary firms of repute
  • Project management
  • MS Office


Best as per market standards 

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About the Company

3N is a next-generation business process optimization company created to tackle the unique challenges faced by enterprises and legal services providers. Apart from realizing intended benefits from the business transactions, our solutions are designed to protect enterprises from avoidable damages resulting from non-compliance. Our technology-based partnerships and outsourcing solutions protect clients from avoidable damages resulting from revenue leakage by filling process gaps that stand in the way of profit realization.

3N is a next-generation business process optimization company created to tackle the unique challenges faced by enterprises and legal services providers.

We are:
– Alternate service provider for ALSPs/legal services companies and provide business development, sales operations, bid management, procurement, legal and marketing services.
– Business partner for forward-looking and fast-growing enterprises through our value-based offerings.

Our mission is to provide quick, effective, affordable and best quality solutions. With our teams’ and global partners’ help, we safeguard client’s interests across transactions.

3N stands for Nimble Negotiation Network.
● Nimble – Provide creative and customizable, high quality client solutions
● Negotiation – Mitigate business risks and secure interests
● Network – Forge affordable global teams and partnerships to curate best quality solutions.

Wondering how we can enable your growth. Please feel free to schedule an appointment https://calendly.com/3n-varun/30min.

About the job

We are seeking a law school graduate with strong research skills who is interested in using that experience to inform and advance the legal industry. The Legal Research Analyst(s) will be responsible for creating and delivering technology-enhanced content. They will perform moderately complex legal analysis, research, and writing.

The Role

• Review case laws
• Monitor a set of jurisdictions to capture litigation data for specified nature of suit
• Abstract specific information from the case judgements/logs
• Update existing database
• Regularly engage with clients to understand the latest development
• Create and maintain research reports, assist with bespoke research projects.

Competencies and Skills

• Excellent writing and presentation skills
• Demonstrate excellent analytical skills – recognizing patterns and drawing and defending conclusions
• Strategic and critical thinking- ability to connect the dots across disparate information and inform a way forward
• Attention to detail
• Business and commercial acumen

Experience and Qualifications

• 1-3 years of experience with legal services company or legal research or legal/ compliance training.
• Experience in research roles at B2B information services companies, in house compliance or legal roles.
• English language fluency is mandatory.
• Knowledge of common legal system is must.
• Understanding of Canadian legal system will be an advantage.

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Looking for a young lawyer to join us as a Legal Consultant with [0-1] PQE.


1. Managing, drafting and reviewing commercial contracts/agreements, legal documents, formal correspondence, etc.
2. Liasing with the technical and operation department, neutrals, clients and other stakeholders.
3. Drafting templates for various stages in an arbitral process.
4. Assistance in transcription of arbitration and other legal proceedings.
5. Managing and moderating end-to-end virtual arbitration hearings.
6. Rendering sound legal advice and support to all the departments of the organisation.

Key Requirements:

– Ability to multitask efficiently while maintaining the quality of work.
– Meticulous and highly organised individual.
– Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

How to Apply ?

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About the Company

Snap Inc. is a camera company. We believe that reinventing the camera represents our greatest opportunity to improve the way people live and communicate. Our products empower people to express themselves, live in the moment, learn about the world, and have fun together.

The Legal & Policy Team is Snap’s dedicated in-house law firm, policy consultant, lobbyist, thought partner, and all-around advisor, and serves all of Snap Inc.’s subsidiaries and affiliates, including Snap Camera India Private Limited (“Snap India”). This team helps Snap do the right thing the right way, make better decisions, understand and manage risks, and creatively navigate challenges, both external and internal. We partner with Snap team members on a wide array of matters, including privacy, product, IP, commercial transactions, corporate governance, employment, acquisitions, litigation, and policy, and social impact. The Legal & Policy team values diversity and knows it powers us as we build an innovative and inclusive leadership culture centered on Snap’s values of Kind, Smart, and Creative.

Snap India is looking for a Legal Counsel (Chief Compliance Officer) – India to join our Legal Team!

What you’ll do:

  • Working for Snap India, you’ll partner closely with our local team in India and Snap’s Legal, Public Policy, and other teams to ensure Snap India’s compliance with applicable Indian legal and internal policy requirements, including but not limited to India’s Information Technology Act, 2000 and India’s recently-adopted Information Technology Guidelines for Intermediaries and Digital Media Ethics Code Rules, 2021. 
  • Provide close compliance support and guidance to Snap India teams coordinating with government and law enforcement agencies, and handling user grievances.
  • Provide privacy and other ad hoc legal counsel and support to the Snap India and Snap HQ teams as necessary.
  • Provide regular feedback to Snap India and Snap’s other teams and leadership regarding the design and operation of Snap India’s compliance in India, the key issues, the emerging trends, and the effectiveness of Snap India’s compliance program operations, resourcing, and external understanding.
  • Identify, propose, and support effective process and technical solutions to facilitate Snap India’s compliance with applicable Indian laws and regulations.
  • Ensure Snap India stays abreast with current and anticipated regulations as well as industry best practices.
  • Willingness to work off hours and overtime, including weekends and occasionally on holidays, in order to support emergency matters within India and interact with globally-based company employees.
  • Report to Snap’s Global Data Protection Officer, who serves on Snap’s Legal’s Privacy and Product team. 

Minimum Qualifications:

  • JD degree or foreign equivalent
  • 8+ years of experience
  • Resident of India, holding a valid Indian passport, preferably located in Mumbai

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Certifications in data protection is a plus
  • Fluency in at least one Indian language and English
  • Proven track record maintaining relationships with government agencies and other stakeholders in the relevant legal and compliance areas
  • Experience working at a fast-paced growing international organization
  • Experience working across different time zones with cross functional teams on compliance matters 

At Snap, we believe that having a team of diverse backgrounds and voices working together will enable us to create innovative products that improve the way people live and communicate. Snap is proud to be an equal opportunity employer, and committed to providing employment opportunities regardless of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding, age, sexual orientation, military or veteran status, or any other protected classification, in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local laws. EOE, including disability/vets. If you have a disability or special need that requires accommodation, please don’t be shy and contact us at accommodations-ext@snap.com.

Our Benefits: Snap Inc. is its own community, so we’ve got your back! We do our best to make sure you and your loved ones have everything you need to be happy and healthy, on your own terms. Our benefits are built around your needs and include paid maternity & paternity leave, comprehensive medical coverage, emotional and mental health support programs, and compensation packages that let you share in Snap’s long-term success.

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Job Description


  • Metadata Abstraction: Metadata identification and abstraction from client contract documents.
  • Review of contracts to abstract the metadata as per client requirement
  • Abstraction exercise for legal/business terms
  • Ability to learn and use CLM/AI tools 
  • Ensure the accuracy and completion of the obligation capture process within the agreed timelines
  • Process Governance
  • Daily reporting of the work product
  • Compliance with policy /projects of internal and customer related process
  • Client Communication:
  • Indirect involvement in Client calls (coordination via e-mails also)


  • 0-1 of experience in Contract abstractions or review of contracts is preferred
  • Knowledge of CLM tools, contracts will be preferred

Education Minimum & preferred education & qualification

  • Degree in Law and comfortable to work in contract for 3 months.
  • Should have working knowledge of MS office, must be proficient in MS Excel and MS Word

Personal attributes

  • Job Specifications with respect to behavior/attitude/aptitude/flexibility with shifts
  • Good verbal and written communication skills with the ability to get on the calls with the clients
  • Practical and simple problem-solving approach
  • Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to establish effective relationships at all organizational levels
  • High levels of personal energy and appetite for work and successHighly motivated, independent and confident with strong team skills and quality mindset;

UnitedLex is committed to preserving the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of all the physical and electronic information assets throughout the organization. Consistent with the UnitedLex ISMS policy and the ISO 27001 standard, every employee is responsible for complying with UnitedLex information security policies and reporting all security concerns,weaknesses, and breaches.

About UnitedLex

UnitedLex is a technology and legal services company committed to delivering full-scale Digital Transformation. The world’s most forward-thinking law departments rely on the company’s expertise in over 25 global jurisdictions. Founded in 2006, the team includes 3,000 legal, engineering, and technology professionals with major operations in 18 countries.
We create solutions that uniquely solve challenges, ranging from basic to bet-the-company. We fuse legal pedigree with business pragmatism and an overriding focus on our clients. We think holistically: We guide, design, implement, and financially commit to the innovative strategies and solutions we provide.
As a fast-growing company, we are committed to hiring talented individuals, providing a great workplace culture, continuously developing our employees, and providing interesting, challenging, and innovative work. Our global platform is the perfect place for hard-working, forward-thinking professionals from all walks of life to nurture and grow careers.
UnitedLex is committed to preserving the confidentiality, integrity and availability of all the physical and electronic information assets throughout the organization. Consistent with the UnitedLex ISMS policy and the ISO 27001 standard, every employee is responsible for complying with UnitedLex information security policies and reporting all security concerns, weaknesses and breaches.

How to Apply ?


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Job Description

Expect more. Connect more. Be more at Diebold Nixdorf.  Our teams automate, digitize, and transform the way more than 75 million people around the globe bank and shop in this hyper-connected, consumer-centric world. Join us in connecting people to commerce in this vital, rewarding role.

Position Overview

The Commercial Counsel is responsible for drafting and negotiating a wide range of commercial agreements for the retail and banking business segments, as well as providing day-to-day commercial-related advice, legal expertise and counsel to those business segments in line with company goals, business segment priorities and best practices. 

You are responsible for

  • Reviewing, drafting, and negotiating a variety of commercial agreements to support our business segment activities, including master services agreements, statements of work, distribution agreements, subcontractor agreements, marketing agreements, consulting agreements, nondisclosure agreements, software licensing agreements and other commercial contracts and matters.
  • Partnering with business teams across the organization to structure, draft and negotiate commercial agreements.
  • Identifying and explaining commercial agreement terms and associated risks to the relevant business stakeholders and interpret contract requirements, obligations and risk assessment or exposure, including legal, regulatory and company policy compliance, and advise on same.
  • Evaluating and updating existing contract templates and developing new templates as needed.
  • Developing strategic relationships with Diebold Nixdorf’s internal business leaders and stakeholders to support transactions relating to the day-to-day operations of the company’s key customer accounts.
  • Developing and supporting training for the Sales Organization regarding day-to-day legal questions, contract policies, and best practices.  Providing support to Commercial Legal team with respect to training for lawyers/paralegals in the commercial contracting space.
  • Resolving issues that arise in commercial relationships, including but not limited to handling pre-litigation disputes and inquiries.
  • Participating in customer negotiation sessions, remotely (via audio or video conferences) or in-person (including travel, as needed)
  • Coordinating and assisting in developing policies, procedures and systems to support and facilitate efficient contract development and analysis.
  • Assisting with developing best practice processes, playbooks, and automation across all contract lifecycles.
  • Liaising with finance, legal, sales operations, and other business functions for review of contractual terms and conditions on specific areas of expertise.
  • Monitoring the legal environment and trends concerning the contracts areas.
  • Managing outside legal counsel regarding contract/commercial legal matters.
  • Ad-hoc non-contracts legal department matters as may come up from time to time.


  • Law Graduation from a reputed university in India
  • 7+ years of progressively responsible experience including significant experience reviewing, drafting, redlining and negotiating contracts
  • Banking or retail industry experience preferred
  • Proficient in written and spoken English
  • Knowledge of contract, commercial and general business laws and regulations including government RFP / Tender process. Understanding and prior experience in Common Law is preferred
  • The ability to effectively prioritize and advance multiple deals happening simultaneously, often on tight deadlines
  • Ability to gain trust at, and work with, all levels of organization
  • Strong analytical and conceptual thinking skills; ability to analyze data
  • Must have strong problem-solving and decision-making skills
  • Excellent communication (both verbal and written) and project management skills with a strict attention to detail
  • Ability to prioritize workload and self-manage projects, handle multiple tasks and meet strict deadlines
  • Common sense, sound and practical business judgment, and be capable of making smart decisions in the face of ambiguity and imperfect information
  • Must be proficient in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook) and experience with SalesForce.com a plus
  • Must be comfortable utilizing audio and video conferencing tools for negotiations and hosting team meetings
  • Able to assert own ideas and persuade others through effectively consolidating, evaluating, and presenting relevant information 
  • Ability to work cross-functionally to mediate and resolve contract issues and negotiate solutions
  • Skilled at promoting team cooperation and a commitment to team success
  • Adept at seeing change as an opportunity to improve business performance and campaigning for it when necessary
  • Strong focus on customer service

Preferred Qualifications

  • Experience with FinTech or IT Contracts.

Why should you join Diebold Nixdorf?

Brightest minds + technology and innovation + business transformation. The people of Diebold Nixdorf are 23,000+ teammates of diverse talents and expertise in more than 130 countries, harnessing future technologies to deliver personalized, secure consumer experiences that connect people to commerce. Our culture is fueled by our values of collaboration, decisiveness, urgency, willingness to change, and accountability.

How to Apply ?


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