About the Legal Aid Cell, DNLU

In the year 2018, Vidhi Mitra, The Legal Aid Cell, Dharmashastra National Law University, Jabalpur, was founded. Its goal is to make the legal system and justice more accessible to the general public, as well as to raise public awareness about current legal concerns and established human rights.

About the Blog

The Vidhi Mitra Blog is intended to provide an active venue for the legal community to voice and share their experiences and thoughts on current legal topics and themes that the cell has prescribed.

Call for Blogs

The Blog’s Editorial Board invites submissions of articles, case notes, blog entries, book reviews, and discussion that fall within the boundaries of the subject area, namely, “Constitution and Legal Aid.”


The Blog is open to any topic which revolves around “Constitution and Legal Aid” or any other contemporary legal issue(s) related.


There are numerous study subjects in the presented theme, however they have grouped it into the following sub-themes, keeping in mind the current topics of discussion on the constitution and legal aid:

  • Introducing the citizenry to their constitutional rights by using the tool of legal aid.
  • Tele Laws beneficiary surge: A Critical Analysis.
  • Comparing & contrasting the legal aid systems of various countries.
  • Weighing the merits and demerits of the Legal Services and Authorities Act, 1995.
  • Legal Aid Services’ contribution in making bail, the norm.
  • Where does Legal Aid fit in? (DPSP vs FR)
  • Reflecting back at Article 39A: Possible Amendments.
  • Misuse of Legal Aid Frameworks in the contemporary times.
  • Constitutional expectations from Legal Aid.

Submission Guidelines

  • The author may choose one or more sub-themes for his/her manuscript.
  • The article should be an original work of the author and neither published nor under consideration for publication in any other journal or blog. The work must not be plagiarised.
  • Co-authorship (limited to 2 authors) is allowed.
  • Word Limit
    • Articles: 2500-3500 words;
    • Case Notes: 1000-2000 words;
    • Book Review: 1500-2500 words;
    • Blog: 1000-1500 words.
  • Manuscripts above the prescribed word limit shall not be considered as a general rule, except under special circumstances subject to the sole discretion of the Editorial Board.
  • In case author(s) want(s) to roll out a series of blogs, the decision on the word limit shall be taken by editorial board accordingly.
  • All submissions should be typed in font Times New Roman with heading size 14, font size 12, line spacing 1.5′; justified.
  • The submissions should be made online in a MS Word format document to: legalaid@mpdnlu.ac.in mentioning the details of the author(s), the category of the manuscript and the sub-theme(s).

Citation Guidelines

  • The Bluebook, A Uniform System of Citation (21st Ed.) is to be followed for citation.
  • All endnotes must be in Times New Roman, font size 10, single-spacing, and justified text.

Submission Deadline

November 25, 2021.

Contact Information

legalaid@mpdnlu.ac.in or Arpit Sanjar: 7440480281 / Sagar Rai: 9753083908

WhatsApp Group:






About Supremo Amicus

Since its inception in 2017, SUPREMO AMICUS has attracted a large number of submissions from the legal community at major institutions around the country. Their contribution to academia and Supremo Amicus’ success is recognised and appreciated.

In the ruling of the Hon’ble High Court of Himachal Pradesh, a paragraph from supremo amicus-Vol 17 was mentioned.

The Journal is indexed at 24 databases including, HeinOnline, Manupatra, Google ScholarROADThe Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources by ISSN, Index Copernicus International, IFSIJCitefactor, Academic Resource Index-ResearchBib, IIJIF, RJI FACTOR, I2OR, IJIFACTOR INDEXING, IP INDEXING ISI, DRJI, SIS, ROOT INDEXING, SJIF.


The submission should be on any theme relating to Law.

Submission Guidelines

  • The paper with the highest quality will be published as an E-Journal with an International Serial Standard Number.
  • For publication, only full papers submitted on or before the deadline will be considered.
  • The following word limit has been imposed on authors:
  • Articles with a word count of 5000 to 10,000 words are considered long (excluding footnotes).
  • Articles with a word count of 2000 to 5000 words are considered short (excluding footnotes).
  • 2500 word case comment (excluding footnotes).
  • 1500-word book review (excluding footnotes).
  • The essays must be written in Times New Roman, 1.5 line spacing, on an A4 page with 1″ margins on both sides, and submitted in.doc/.docx format.
  • When submitting the manuscript, a consistent citation format must be followed.
  • Articles should be original in content, and no plagiarised material should be submitted for publication. Any infringement is the responsibility of the author.

Important Information

  • All published papers in Volume 27 will be transferred to the 26th Research Paper Writing Competition at no extra cost.
  • E-copy of Publication + E-Certificate(Certificate of Publication) + E-Certificate (Certificate of Participation in the 26th Research paper Writing Competition)+ if any medal in the competition. 

Result of Competition: Last week of December.


  • First Prize (Best Research Paper): Gold Medal+1 free publication  + E-Certificate Of Merit+E-Certificate of Publication+E-Certificate of participation+Internship opportunity with Supremo Amicus(Online)
  • Second Prize: Silver Medal + 1 free publication + E-Certificate Of Merit+E-Certificate of Publication+ E-Certificate of participation+Internship opportunity with Supremo Amicus(Online)
  • Third Prize: Bronze Medal+ 1 free publication + E-Certificate of Merit+ E-Certificate of Publication+ E-Certificate of participation +Internship opportunity with Supremo Amicus(Online)

Top 10 entries will receive the consolation Prize (E-Certificate of Merit + E-Certificate of Publication+ E-Certificate of participation+50% off in next publication)

Registration Fee

No Prior Registration fee to be paid. Directly submit your work. After Selection requisite fee has to be paid:

  • Single authored paper:  INR 1200/-
  • Co-authored paper: INR 1600/-
  • Co-author up to three:  INR 2100/-

Submit via email at submission@supremoamicus.org

Within 2-3 days of submission, you will receive confirmation of your paper’s acceptance or rejection. On submission, no acknowledgement email is provided.


All manuscripts submitted shall accompany:

  • A cover letter with the Name(s) of the Author(s), Institution/Affiliation, the Title of the Manuscript, and Contact Information including an Email Address and Mobile Number. (Word file)
  • Complete Manuscript (Word file)

All submissions must be sent to submission@supremoamicus.org with the aforesaid documents.

The publication will be available on www.supremoamicus.org

Submission Deadline

13th November, 2021

Contact Details

WhatsApp Group:






About the Journal

Jurisperitus: The Law Journal (ISSN 2581-6349) (Indexed) (www.jurisperitus.co.in) is a non-annual peer-reviewed journal founded with the goal of providing a platform to the people of our country and reinforcing the importance and multi-disciplinary approach to law.

This journal is a project of the Legal Education and Awareness Foundation, a non-profit organisation dedicated to delivering legal education and awareness to people in all sections of the country, regardless of social or economic status.

Scientific Indexing Service, Scientific Journal Impact Factor, IJIFactor, Journal Factor, RsearchBib, CiteFactor, Scope, and International Institute of Organized Research all have Jurisperitus indexed. It has an A++ Impact Factor.

Jurisperitus has published over 800 distinct manuscripts in prior editions.

Call for Papers

For Volume 5, Issue 1, Jurisperitus is seeking original and unpublished research papers, short notes, book reviews, and case comments.


Any appropriate theme related to socio-legal aspect is acceptable.


Click on the link to submit

or Email your manuscript to editor@jurisperitus.co.in


  • The manuscript should be typed in Microsoft Word.
  • The manuscript’s title should be appropriate.
  • The manuscript must be unpublished and original.
  • Plagiarism should be avoided, and the submission should be free of grammatical, spelling, and other problems.
  • All authors’ full names must be included.
  • Any standardised citation system can be used.
  • The manuscript’s body should be written in Times New Roman, font size 12, with 1.5 line spacing. Footnotes should be typed in Times New Roman, single line spacing, size 10.
  • The default/normal margins will be used.
  • Page borders are not permitted.

Submission Deadline

Submission Deadline : November 30, 2021


  • Within a week of their paper being accepted and all the formalities being completed, they will receive a soft copy of their certificate of publication.
  • The journal is available in soft copy at www.jurisperitus.co.in.
  • A cash prize of Rs. 10,000/- will be offered to the best paper.

On December 10, 2021, the book will be launched, and authors will be able to download it from the website.

Submission Categories and Word Limits

  • Articles: 3000-5000 words including footnotes
  • Short Notes: 2000-3000 words including footnotes
  • Book Reviews: 1000-2000 words including footnotes
  • Case Commentaries: 1000-3000 words including footnotes

Contact details

WhatsApp Group:






About Commercial and Financial Law Reporter

The Commercial and Financial Law Reporter (CFLR) is a student-run and professional-backed website that aims to dive into academic research in order to legally contribute to commercial law practise and jurisprudence. Every month, a number of blogs, articles, and case comments on commercial and financial laws are studied and compiled into research papers on our website (http://cflrinsights.in/). Our long-term goal is to establish ourselves as a commercial and financial law and public policy research lab. We anticipate a link between intellectual discourse and social implementation in general.


The editorial board of the CFLR accepts blog posts from academicians, practitioners, attorneys, legal experts, and students on a rolling basis in order to stimulate meaningful dialogue in the legal landscape around commercial and financial laws. Articles, opinions, and case comments on the aforementioned issue are all acceptable forms of submission.

For submission guidelines


Contact Details


WhatsApp Group:






About the Organiser

A Memorandum of Understanding between HUPA and NLSIU established the Chair on Urban Poor and the Law to carry out training and to introduce a Course on Urban Poor and the Law at chosen law schools and colleges across the country.

About the Seminar

The Seminar will be held under the sponsorship of the Chair on Urban Poor and the Law, which was created at the National Law School of India University in Bengaluru in 2012 by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation (HUPA).

Envisioned to engage stakeholder intervention in matters of law, policy, capacity building and enhancement, diffusion of legal knowledge and application, and serve as a catalyst in enabling answers to subaltern challenges in the urban environment and exploring legal remedies.

Call for Papers

Members of industry, academia, regulators, public policy, social sciences, and non-governmental organisations are encouraged to attend.


Paper Presentations on the following thematic areas are Invited:

  • Right against Homelessness
  • Slums and Squatter Settlements
  • Forced Evictions and Constitutional remedies
  • Affordable Housing and Land Rights in Post – Disaster Scenario
  • Development induced Displacement
  • Landlessness and Urban Poverty
  • Protection of Migrant Workers
  • Access to Drinking Water and Sanitation 


Participation is invited as Observer and Paper Presenter. To register, contact: Ms. Lianne D’Souza, Email: lianne@nls.ac.in, Registration Fee: INR 500/-

The registration fee is to be confirmed on submission of a written request to register

Important Dates

  • Last Date for Registration: November 20, 2021
  • Submission of Abstract (150 to 300 words) : November 20, 2021
  • Submission of Full Paper (2000 to 3500 words): November 25, 2021  
  • Date of Seminar: November 26, 2021

Submission Guidelines

  • Foot Note Style to be followed: Bluebook 20th Edition 
  • Abstract needs to be within 150 to 300 words
  • Full Paper must be between 2000 to 3500 words

WhatsApp Group:






About the Institute of Law, Nirma University

The Nirma University Institute of Law (ILNU) is a constituent institute of Nirma University in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. It was established in 2007 as a result of Padmashri Dr Karsanbhai K Patel’s vision.

About the Centre

The Nirma University Institute of Law’s Centre for Social Justice is a research centre. The Centre engages in debates about critical social issues and how they intersect with the law.

The Centre’s mission is to promote social justice causes via rigorous research, collaborations, and knowledge exchange.

About the Essay Competition

On the topic of ‘Elimination of Barriers to the Exercise of Right to Vote,’ the Centre is holding its first essay writing competition.

One of the most important ways to participate in democratic government is to vote in elections. It ensures that the current government is evaluated on a regular basis, and that the people have the opportunity to elect their representatives. The mere promise of a right, on the other hand, is insufficient to ensure that it is meaningfully exercised by citizens.

Although the right to vote is a statutory right, the Supreme Court has determined that exercising it is a basic right guaranteed under Article 19(1)(a) of the Constitution.

Participants are asked to investigate the constraints that may impede one’s ability to exercise one’s right to vote in the essay and offer ways to overcome those limitations.


The competition is open to students who are currently enrolled in and pursuing a UG (Bachelor’s) or Master’s Degree at any University/College in India.

Members of the ILNU’s Centre for Social Justice are ineligible to participate in the competition.

Submission Guidelines

  • The essay must be written entirely in English. Endnotes will be used to offer references throughout the essay.
  • The essay should be between 1800 and 2500 words in length, excluding endnotes.
  • The following formatting shall be used for the essay:
    • Font: Times New Roman
    • Font Size: 12 for text; 14 for headings
    • Line Spacing: 1.5
    • Alignment: Justified
  • Co-authorship is allowed to the maximum extent of only two authors.
  • Your material must be unpublished and original. The submission will be checked for plagiarism.
  • The manuscript must be sent along with a separate cover letter.
  • Name, Institution, Course, and Year of Study must all be included in the cover letter.
  • The information from the cover letter is not to be included in the manuscript.
  • The manuscript and cover letter should be mailed to csj.il@nirmauni.ac.in with the subject “Submission for Essay Competition, 2021” on or before November 26, 2021, 11:59 PM.
  • Submissions received after the deadline will not be accepted.


  • First Prize: Rs. 4000/-
  • Second Prize: Rs. 3000/-
  • Third Prize: Rs. 2000/-

Contact Details


About RGNUL Student Research Review

The RGNUL Student Research Review (RSRR) Publication is a biannual, student-run, blind peer-reviewed flagship journal based at Punjab’s Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law. It was established with the goal of encouraging black-and-white debates.

Call for Papers

The RGNUL Student Research Review invites papers and submissions for Volume 8, Issue 2, from academicians, practitioners, legal luminaries and students on the theme titled: “Unboxing the Legal Potential of the Sports & Gaming Industry: Redesigning India’s Way of Playing”
The sports and gaming industry in India is highly competitive and is undergoing rapid developments to expand its global reach. Sports and gaming laws encompass a wide array of legal fields like criminal, administrative, constitutional, and regulatory laws. Due to the cultural phenomenon of traditional sports and the advent of the internet and technology, the sports and gaming industry has undergone an unprecedented transformation in the last few decades.1 This, however, has been accompanied by a plethora of challenges. The absence of comprehensive laws and uniform regulations is the biggest lacuna which plagues the growth and development of this industry.

Sub themes

  • Archaic Laws & Unaddressed Concerns: The Need for Comprehensive Legal Reforms
    • Need for a Standardised Regulatory Framework
    • Analysis of Previous Legislative Initiative
  • The Dark Underbelly of the Sports & Gaming Industry
    • Prevalence of Corruption
    • Human Rights Violations and Exploitation
    • Substance Abuse in the Sports & Esports Industry
  • The Impact of Modernisation on the Sports & Gaming Industry
    • Addressing Contemporary Concerns in the Esports Industry
    • Revamping Broadcasting & Advertising Regulations
    • Implications of Intellectual Property Rights
    • Role of Artificial Intelligence
  • The Commercialisation & Industrialisation of the Sports Industry
    • Intersection between Competition Law & Sports Law
    • Industrialisation of the Sports Sector: An Ambitious Exploration?
  • Labour & Employment Law Concerns in the Sports Industry
    • Analysing the Legalities of Collaboration & Sponsorship Deals
    • Addressing Unionisation, Fair Pay & Workplace Concerns
  • The Socio-Legal Aspects of Online Gaming with a Special Emphasis on Children and Young-Adults
    • Physical & Mental Health Concerns
    • Legal Implications of Micro transactions & Loot Boxes: An Unchecked Threat?
    • Advertising Guidelines: The Necessity for Stringent Implementation
  • The Grey Market of the Fantasy Sports Industry in India
  • The Comparative Analysis of International Sports & Gaming Law

Note: The above-mentioned sub-themes and sub-points are only illustrative and not exhaustive, and the authors are free to write upon any other sub-theme, provided they fall within the broad ambit of this journal’s theme.


  • All manuscripts submitted, must be original and should not have been published elsewhere, to be considered for publication in RSRR.
  • All manuscripts will be checked for plagiarism. If plagiarism is detected, the Editorial Board reserves the right of rejection without a review of the manuscript.
  • The manuscript should not contain the name(s) of the author(s), their institutional affiliations, or any other identification markers. The title of the manuscript should indicate the sub-theme that the author(s) have chosen.
  • Upon submission, every manuscript will undergo an internal review by the Board of Editors. If approved, it is subject to a double-blind peer review process.
  • Authors must note that grammatical and legal accuracy, contribution to literature (originality of content), etc. will be some of the major criteria on which the submissions will be analysed. The responsibility for the accuracy of the facts, opinions, or viewpoints stated in the submitted paper shall rest solely with the author(s).


Submission Categories

  • The RSRR invites papers under the following categories:
    • Articles (5,000 to 10,000 words) Articles: A comprehensive and thorough analysis of issues related to the theme of the Journal.
    • Short Notes (3,500 to 5,000 words) Short Notes: A note containing brief, terse and pointed arguments revolving around a specific, current issue or an issue of importance which may have not received due research.
    • Case Comments (2,000 to 4,000 words) Case Comments: An academic writing that analyses or is a critique of a recent case.
    • Legislative Comments (2,500 to 4,000 words) Legislative Comments: A comment that analyses the objective of the legislation and analyses the legal impact of the same.
    • Normative Law Articles (3,000 to 5,000 words) Normative Law Articles: These will explore the opinion of students relating to the specific legislations involved in the theme of the Journal. They seek to bring out a student’s view on how a particular legislation or legislative provision should have been drafted to bring out clarity into the law. The authors are welcome to draft amendments (or even a law in entirety) to the existing laws should they believe that the particular legislation requires some amendments. Arguments must be logical and can take into account aspects such as sociological, political, and economic implications of the law.

For more details


Contact details

For any queries, contact at submissionsrslr@rgnul.ac.in.
The following may also be contacted:
Stuti Srivastava (stutisrivastav1898@gmail.com)
Aditya Vyas (adityavyas@rgnul.ac.in)
Important Links:
Website at http://rsrr.in/
Blog Series at http://rsrr.in/blog/
Journal Volumes at http://rsrr.in/archives/

WhatsApp Group:






About the Competition Commission of India (CCI)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) is a statutory body of the Government of India responsible for enforcing The Competition Act, 2002 and promoting competition throughout India, and preventing activities that have an appreciable adverse effect on competition in India. It was established on 14 October 2003.

About the competition

Competition Commission of India (CCI) announced National Level Essay Competition 2021-22 as a part of celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav on “Competition Law in New India-Building Aatm Nirbhar Bharat”.
Last date for submission of essay has been extended to 30.11.2021 (6 PM). Other terms and conditions will remain the same and can be accessed at


Competition Law in New India-Building Aatm Nirbhar Bharat


The applicant must be a student as on October 1, 2021, pursuing UG or PG course in Law, Economics, Management and Regulatory Governance in any recognised university in India.

Employees of the Competition Commission of India, the Director General’s Office, or the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India are not eligible to participate in this competition are not eiligible.

Submission Guidelines

By the deadline, all Essay Competition entries must be submitted in both word and PDF format.

Essay length should not exceed 3000 words, including footnotes. Although there is no minimum word count, competitors are urged to submit essays that are at least 1500 words long.

Format of the Essay:

  • Typed on A4 size.
  • Font size shall be 12 points (English) in Times New Roman
  • The space between the two lines should be 1.5
  • Margins of one inch (2.54 cm) on all the four sides

Citations: Participants may use any recognised style of referencing/footnoting system and this must be used consistently & uniformly throughout the Essay.

Where to submit?

  • Participants must submit their entries by e-mail to akam@cci.gov.in by November 30, 2021, with entry forms officially supplied by their respective educational institutions (1800 hrs) [EXTENDED]. To receive notified of a deadline extension, please click here.
  • Written essay in English (both word and pdf formats) (NO SCAN). In the body of the essay, candidates will make no reference of their names or any other identifying information.
  • Entries submitted in hard copies and not in the approved format will be summarily rejected without notice, and the Commission will not entertain any queries, letters, representations, or other communications relating to such entries under any circumstances.
  • “CCI Essay Competition 2021-2022” must be the subject of such an email. Entries must be forwarded directly by the participant and not through any other person to the above-mentioned address. All of the fields on the entry form must be completed.
  • For the competition, only original essays will be considered. Essays that have previously been published will be rejected outright. Plagiarism of any kind will result in the essay being disqualified.


Price Category Prizes
First – One 50,000
Second – One 25,000
Third – One 15,000
Consolation – Two 2 x 5,000
Total 1,00,000

Official Brochure


WhatsApp Group:






About KR Mangalam University

School of Legal Studies at K.R. Mangalam University offers undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral degrees in different disciplines. These programs aim to inculcate curiosity, a sense of responsibility towards society and self-growth among students. The curriculum offered is designed under the guidance of industry-leading practitioners and judiciary officials to ensure that students are equipped with in-demand skills and knowledge to emerge victorious in this competitive environment.

About conference

With all-round developments taking place in India, major projects, particularly infrastructure projects and mega projects are being implemented in different parts of the country. Developmental projects also accompany various disputes. In spite of one’s best efforts to avoid disputes, the disputes have become part and parcel of their contractual relationship. In order to complete projects without cost or time overrun, suitable mechanism should be in place to resolve disputes as and when they arise.
The amended Arbitration and Conciliation Act,1996has raised much hope which promises to be effective tool for speedy and cost effective dispute resolution besides facilitating implementation of foreign awards. This augurs well for raising the level of ease of doing business in the country thus paving way for attracting more Foreign Direct Investments. India, where numbers of projects by MNC’s are going on, has the potential of becoming the hub of International Arbitration. The hurdles if any in this context have to be identified and removed. The Conference is organised to address these problems, besides updating knowledge on the subject and hone the skills of practising and aspiring ADR.

Main theme



  1. Efficacy of ADR in Contemporary Judicial System
  2. Role of Lok Adalats: Achievements, Failures and Way Forward
  3. ADR as a Mechanism to Resolve Corporate Disputes
  4. Present Status of Laws Related to ADR in India
  5. Critical Analysis of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (with 2015 Amendments)
  6. ADR: A Tool in Promoting Ease of Doing Business in India
  7. Arbitral Seat: Key Considerations
  8. Challenges before the Enforcement Agencies in ADR
  9. Mediation in Industrial Disputes and Labour Laws
  10. ADR: A Tool in the Matrimonial Disputes
  11. Online Mediation in India
  12. Usage of Mediation in Various Fields
  13. ADR and Consumer Disputes in India
  14. Significance of ADR for Scheduled Tribes
  15. ADR in Real Estate Dispute in India
  16. ADR in Banking Sector
  17. Arbitration: Issues and Challenges
  18. Arbitration: Ethical Issues of Mediator
  19. International Commercial Arbitration: Challenges

Submission Guidelines

Selection of papers for presentation will be based on abstracts. An abstract must include
a clear indication of the purpose of research, methodology, major results, implications
and key references. They should adhere to the following:

  1. Abstract & full paper must contain the name of the author/s, complete address, e-mail id and mobile number. The abstract should be original and must not exceed 250 words including the title and references.
  2. Citations and references should comply with the ILI(Law)of referencing. For details on ILI referencing style, please visit http://www.ili.ac.in/footnoting12.pdf respectively.
  3. Submission must be in MS-Word format (no other format will be accepted) with all four sides 1 inch margin. Should be typed in Times New Roman with font size of 12. Paper title in 14 (Bold) and all sub-headings in 12 (Bold) and line spacing at 1.5.
  4. Submit abstract/full paper via email to : sols.events@krmangalam.edu.in A full paper must include an introduction, research, methodology, objective, description of the research issues including socio-legal analysis of the problem, precedents and judicial decisions, impact and implications, possible outcomes and the solutions. It should not exceed 3000 words.
  5. In case of co-authorship, both the participants have to register & pay separately. While filling the Google form, participants will be required to upload the screenshot or receipt of the payment so made, therefore the participants are first required to pay the registration fee and then register. Registration can be done by filling the following Google form latest by 1st December, 2021

Who can attend (prospective audience and submitters)

Academician/advocates/research scholars/students


Date of Seminar – 03rd December, 2021
Submission of Abstract of the paper – 08th November, 2021
Acceptance of the Abstract Notification – 10th November, 2021
Submission of full paper – 30th November, 2021
Closure of Registration – 01st December, 2021


Academicians Rs.500/- per paper
Research Scholars/ Students Rs.300/- per paper
Link for Registration: https://forms.gle/rSKqTU2uwxsVoNp38

Account details

Account No. : 091101000622
Bank Name : ICICI Bank Ltd.
IFSC Code : ICIC0000911
MICR Code : 110229095
AccountType : Saving
Branch : Alwar Road, OppSohna bus Stand Gurgaon-122103, Haryana

Contact details

EMAIL: sols.events@krmangalam.edu.in PHONE: 9654771910/7838775240/9718791227

WhatsApp Group:






About CCLJ

The Criminal and Constitutional Law Journal is a pan-India project led by students from various National Law Schools with the goal of filling a gap in high-quality legal research in the areas of criminal and constitutional law. CCLJ has been supervised by a number of judges, lawyers, and academics, and we are committed to achieving our goal of producing high-quality blogs from the contributions of law students, academics, and working professionals.

Call for Papers

CCLJ seeks submissions that are well-researched, well-structured, easily understandable, law that has been critically analysed, and written in simple English.


  • All submissions must be emailed to editorial.cclb@gmail.com in electronic form.
  • Please make sure that your work is unique, unpublished, and hasn’t been submitted elsewhere for consideration. This declaration must be included in the mail with your submission; otherwise, we will not acknowledge it.
  • You must declare that you have not plagiarised the work of another individual in any way, whether in part or in full (s). An acknowledgment letter from such authority is essential if there is any form of conflict of interest, or if your proposal depends substantially on certain research conducted by any institution.
  • Plagiarism must not exceed 15%, and any infringement will result in the Manuscript being rejected altogether.
  • Along with the Manuscript, a cover letter must be added to the E-Mail, which should include a brief introduction of the author, including their year of study, college, LinkedIn profile, and contact information for further communication.

Submission Categories

  • The Manuscript can be of one of the following kinds:
    • Article: An article is a detailed analysis of a legal issue including its genealogy and future prospects. Word Limit: 4000 – 6000 words (inclusive/exclusive of footnotes)
    • Case Comment: A Case Comment is an analysis of a recent/landmark judgment which can be handpicked by the author. Strong arguments shall be made in order to support or rebut the arguments in the judgment. Priority shall be given to case comments on relatively new judgments.
    • Word Limit: 2500 – 4000 words (inclusive/exclusive of footnotes)
    • Book Review: Book Review has to be written for a book which has been published in the last 2 years. The primary theme of the concerned Book must be either Criminal Law or Constitutional Law.
    • Word Limit: 3000 – 4000 words (inclusive/exclusive of footnotes)
  • The Abstract must be at least 250 words long and no more than 400 words long. At least three keywords must be included in the abstract. You’ll need to submit both your manuscript and your abstract.
  • Within 15 days of receiving the submission, you will be notified whether or not it has been accepted.
  • Manuscripts for Volume 1, Issue 2 must be submitted by December 31, 2021.
  • Headings should be 14 points, Subheadings should be 12 points, and the main text of the Manuscript should be 12 points. The minimum line spacing is 1.5.
  • Times New Roman must be used.
  • Citations must follow the guidelines given out in the Bluebook 20th edition.
  • A maximum of two writers can collaborate on a paper.
  • All documents must be sent in MS Word format.

For more details


Abhishek Naharia: +91 9521643693

WhatsApp Group:




