National Law University Delhi is inviting submissions through the call for papers starting August 1, 2022, through March 15, 2023, for its Journal of National Law University Delhi of (Vol. 9, 2022-23) with ISSN No: 2277-4017.


Journal of National Law University Delhi is the flagship journal of National Law University Delhi. The journal seeks to provide a platform for engaging in multi-disciplinary and critical legal discussions on themes of law, society, and justice.


  • Articles are typically of around 6000-8000 words including footnotes.
  • Notes and Comments are short pieces (of less than 5000 words). These have a narrower scope of inquiry than articles and may include analysis of recent case laws, legislation or policy.
  • Book reviews are generally around 2500 words.
  • Successful submissions to this category will critically analyze the ideas and themes explored in the book instead of merely providing a summary of its main arguments.
  • Journal of National Law University Delhi adheres to the OSCOLA citation style. Authors are requested to follow the same.
  • Please submit your manuscript in MS Word document format only.
  • Relevant details of the author and their affiliation would be captured only through the Google Form.
  • The submission, therefore, should not contain any reference to the identity of the author in order to enable anonymous screening and peer review.
  • Each submission (except Book Review) should be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 300 words and 5 Keywords.
  • Only original and unpublished work must be submitted for consideration for JNLUD.
  • Author(s) must take particular care that their work does not infringe on the rights of third parties and that they have obtained necessary permissions for cited work.
  • All submissions would be scrutinized for plagiarism. Plagiarized works would be rejected.
  • JNLUD is currently unable to accept submissions from students pursuing undergraduate or postgraduate studies. In such instances, it invites students to make their submissions to the NLUD Journal of Legal Studies.
  • However, submissions from research scholars including doctoral scholars would be considered.
  • JNLUD adheres to the Open Access Policy. This means that all articles published in the Journal would be made available on the Journal’s website without any time limit and free of charge.
  • All content published in the Journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
  • While all efforts would be made to inform the corresponding author of the progress of the submission through various stages of review, in view of the number of submissions that the journal receives, the individualized response may not be possible in each instance.
  • The decision of the Editorial Board on all matters shall be final.


  1. Opening Date of Submission: August 1, 2022
  2. Closing Date of Submission: March 15, 2023


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RMLNLU Law Review is making a call for papers.


RMLNLU Law Review (‘Journal’) is an annual peer-reviewed Journal published by the Journal Committee of Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University, Lucknow which seeks to provide numerous insights and views into contemporary legal issues and encourage conversations about the same.


  • Articles: 5000-7000 words
  • Essays: 4000-5000 words
  • Case notes/comments: 2000-3000 words
  • Book Reviews: 2000-3000 words


The formatting shall be as per the following:

  1. Content:
    1. Font – Times New Roman
    2. Font size – 12 pts.
    3. Line spacing – 1.5
    4. Margin – 1” from all sides
    5. Alignment – Justified
  2. Footnotes:
    1. Font – Times New Roman
    2. Font size – 10 pts
    3. Line Spacing – 1.0
  3. All the sources in the footnotes must be properly cited strictly in accordance with the latest OSCOLA (4th edition) format.
  4. No endnotes or speaking footnotes (descriptive footnotes) are allowed.

General Instructions

  1. An abstract of about 250-300 words and 5 keywords should mandatorily be included in the same word document as a part of the submission.
  2. The title should be Bold, Underlined, in Capitals, Size 16, and Centre Aligned.
  3. Headings should be Bold, in Capitals, Size 14, and Left Aligned.
  4. The contents should in no way, directly or indirectly, indicate or reference the identity of the author(s).
  5. The submission should be original and non-plagiarized. They should exhibit originality in thought, critical evaluation, and careful interpretations. Submission of a paper shall be taken to imply that it is an unpublished work and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.
  6. The author(s) must send in the cover letter in the body of the mail, which must contain all the relevant biographical details (Name of the author(s), their Courses, Designation, Name of College/University/Institution, Postal Address, Phone Number and Email ID). A separate attachment as a cover letter shall not be entertained.
  7. The mail bearing the manuscript must indicate the category that the submission is intended for, i.e. Article/ Essay/ Case Comment/ Book Review.
  8. Co-Authorship to a maximum of two members is allowed. However, co-authorship is not allowed in “book reviews” and “case notes/comments”.
  9. Editors’ decisions shall be final and binding. They reserve the sole rights to the publication of the selected articles in addition to; inter alia, any edits/amends/reproduction.
  10. The contributions presented to and accepted for publication and the copyrights therein shall be the intellectual property of the Journal Committee, RMLNLU.


  1. The submissions may be emailed to in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) format. The attached submission in the email, i.e., the name of the document must be the name(s) of the author(s).
  2. The subject title for the mail must be ‘Article/Essay/Case Comment/Book Review for Volume XIII’. Please note that only one submission per author or a team of co-authors is permissible. In case of more than one submission, only the one received first would be considered for review.


  1. The deadline for submission of the manuscript is 23 September 2022.
  2. There shall be a rigorous review process comprising 3 stages. Members of the Advisory Board will be closely involved in the review process. This would ensure a greater standard of review and identification of quality academic writing.
  3. The authors shall be intimated about the status of their manuscript at every stage.



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Hidayatullah National Law University is making a call for papers for University Student Review.


HNLUSR is a bi-annual publication, student-edited, peer-reviewed, open-access law journal dedicated to publishing legal scholarship by lawmakers, judges, practitioners, academics, legal scholars, and students, and its articles are made available in print, through our website, and via SCCOnline.


The Review publishes Articles, Essays, and select Book Reviews in its print volumes, and shorter analytical pieces on HNLUSR Online, the online companion to the Review.


  • Style Guidelines: Please use 12pt Times New Roman font and double-space the text of your article. For the footnotes, use 10pt Times New Roman font and single-spacing. The article should use 1-inch margins and include page numbers in the bottom-right corner of the page. All submissions must be made in Microsoft Word. It is encouraged to use gender-neutral language.
  • Headings: For better structure, different levels of headings may be used. It is advisable to restrict these to three levels generally, excepting special circumstances where a fourth level may be used. Please refer to the following format:
    • Heading 2 – Times New Roman, Size 12, Underlined, Left Align.
    • Heading 3 – Times New Roman, Size 12, Italics, Left Align.
  • Length Limitations: Except in extraordinary circumstances, they will not publish articles exceeding the limitations below, which include text, footnotes, and appendices. The following word limit will be exclusive of one prescribed for Abstract.
  • Articles: They prefer article submissions that are between 6,000 and 10,000 words in total length. Articles tend to analyze a problem and suggest a solution. Such analysis usually articulates some background information to inform the reader before turning to a novel argument. Along these lines, published articles regularly follow a traditional roadmap of introduction, background, analysis/argument, and conclusion, and provide a comprehensive treatment of a particular area of law. Articles tend to be formal in both the author’s tone and in the obligation to ground information and analysis in comprehensive substantive via consistent citation.
  • Essays: Essays are similar to an article in content and style, but the total length of words is limited to 3,000-6,000. Essays tend to explore novel issues. While they are similar to Articles both with respect to scope and sophistication, Essays tend to differ from Articles in that they often exercise significantly more structural, stylistic, and substantive flexibility. Essay authors wield this flexibility in a wide variety of ways, with some choosing to pursue an ambitious or provocative rethinking of an area of the law or a commentary on a legal concept or doctrine intended for a peer audience.
  • Comments: Commentaries on recent court cases or legislative developments, limited to a total length of 2,500–5,000 words.
  • Book Reviews: Review of a recent and relevant book, limited to a total length of 1,000–2,500 words. Book reviews provide a unique opportunity to comment on contemporary legal scholarship. Book Reviews range in style and length, but typically include a description of the book, an accompanying critical analysis, and an evaluation of the book in relation to relevant areas of the law. Book Reviews should not merely summarise the book, but instead offer an argument as to the merit and significance of the work.
  • Citation Format: Please use footnotes rather than endnotes. Footnotes must conform to the OSCOLA (Oxford University Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities) (4th) style of citation.
  • Language: All manuscripts should be submitted in English. Please use the British English standard when American English and British English grammatical or spelling conventions differ.
  • Author Eligibility: They accept submissions from legal scholars, practitioners, and students. Co-authorship is limited to a maximum of three authors.


  1. Submissions should be made electronically in Microsoft Word format. Please send your submission as email attachments to, with a subject line in the following format “Print Submission – [Authors(s) Name]”, e.g., “Print Submission – John Doe”.
  2. In addition to the article manuscript, submissions should include (i) a cover letter with the name(s) of the author(s), institution/affiliation, the title of the manuscript, and contact information (email ID and phone number); and (ii) a short abstract of not more than 250 words.


The last date of submission for Volume IV Issue I is September 1, 2022, at 23:59 HRS (IST). No submission after the due date will be entertained.


+91 99716 78806

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Bennett University is making a call for papers for Bloomsbury’s book titled Fake News.


We are living in the world of the internet, and it has become sine quo non in our lives. Digital and technological advancements have pros as well as cons. There has always been a debate on social media and content regulations around the world. Along with social media, fake news has also prospered, and many developing and developed countries have outlawed or are in the process of passing legislation to regulate social media, content regulation, protection of intellectual property, and use of technology in a way so as to benefit all.


This book aims to answer some of these questions through different chapters on the following broad themes:

  • Social Media and Content Regulation
  • Technology and Social Media
  • Technology, AI, and Fake News
  • Internet and Fake News
  • Fake News- Myth and Debunk
  • Technology and IPR
  • Content Regulatory Scenario- comparative analysis
  • Freedom of Speech and Regulations
  • Deep Fakes, AI and Public Law
  • Encryption, E-Governance, and Cyber Courts
  • Privacy, Data Protection and Social Media
  • Comparative legislations on the above topics from around the globe.


  • Applicants will be notified about the selection of abstract by August 15, 2022.
  • Full drafts of chapters in 5000 words must be submitted no later than September 15, 2022.
  • Full drafts will go for double-blind peer review, and it is expected from contributors to incorporate changes if suggested.
  • The book is expected to be published in October 2022.

Interested scholars are invited to an abstract in no longer than 350 words by August 10, 2022, to (please use “CFP: Fake News, Social Media, and Technology” as the subject line of your e-mail) for double-blind peer review.

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Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University’s USLLS ADR Blogs is making a call for papers.


Established in 2001, the University School of Law and Legal Studies, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University is located in Dwarka, New Delhi, India. An eminent institute, USLLS holds the 12th position in NIRF’s 2021 Rankings for law schools across India. It is the first University to be in the vicinity of the Supreme Court, Delhi High Court, various subordinate courts, commissions, tribunals, and various monitoring offices of national and international voluntary organizations. USLLS aspires to open new vistas in the arena of law, legal studies, and theoretical and clinical legal education through an incessant endeavor towards developing academic potential, critical analytical ability, advocacy, counseling, and mediation skills so as to fully equip the students with learning which is intellectually stimulating, socially vital and professionally enriching.


We welcome all submissions pertaining to the field of ADR, subject to the following guidelines:

  1. Co-authorship of up to two authors is allowed. Refrain from mentioning the name, institutional affiliation, or any other detail of the author(s) in the document to facilitate the double-blind review process.
  2. Submissions should be original and unpublished work of the author(s). Any form of plagiarism will result in an automatic rejection. Moreover, if the Turnitin similarity index reports over 20% similarity (after making the relevant exclusions such as bibliography, quotes, small matches, etc.), then the submission shall be rejected.
  3. Submissions should be concise. They should range between 1000-2000 words. Longer posts may be published in parts subject to the editorial board’s discretion. The word limit is exclusive of endnotes.

General Formatting Guidelines

  1. Formatting Typescript
  2. Font Type: Times New Roman
  3. Font Size: 12
  4. Line Spacing: 1.5
  5. Text Alignment: Justified

Citation Style

  1. Method of Citation: Endnotes
  2. Format of Citation: Bluebook 20th editions


  • Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis.
  • All submissions must be made to:
  • The file must be a word document (‘.doc’ or ‘.docx’).
  • An abstract of not more than 100 words must accompany the submission. The abstract is exclusive of the word limit for the article.
  • The author(s) are also requested to submit a short biography detailing their current designation and institutional affiliations.


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Amity Law School’s Law Journal is making a call for papers.


Amity University Madhya Pradesh has been established by the Ritnand Balved Education Foundation (RBEF), New Delhi which is a society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860. It was established with the view to promoting professional, industry-oriented education in the state of Madhya Pradesh.


The ALSG Law Journal welcomes contributions that are original, unpublished, and up to date. The authors are not restricted to any particular area of Law. It is a multidisciplinary interface with Law. Therefore, submissions of an inter-disciplinary/multi-disciplinary nature analyzing contemporary legal issues are encouraged.


  • Abstract Word Limit: 200 words
  • Co-authorship: Allowed up to 2 authors
  • Method of Citation: The ALSG Law Journal follows ‘Harvard Bluebook 20th Edition’ style of referencing.
  • Submissions must use only footnotes as a form of citation.
  • Speaking or substantive footnotes are highly discouraged.
  • The body of the manuscript should be in Times New Roman size 12 with 1.5 line spacing and Justified Alignment. The footnotes should be in Times New Roman size 10 with single line spacing.


  1. Submissions: In electronic form to
  2. Subject heading: ‘ALSG Law Journal Vol. 2 Submission: <submission category>
  3. All manuscripts must be accompanied by a covering letter with the name(s) of the author(s), institution/affiliation, the title of the manuscript and relevant contact information.
  4. The last date for submission for ‘Volume 2’ of the Law Journal is 5th August, 2022. Submissions sent after the deadline will not be considered for publication.

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VIPS-TC in collaboration with NCW organizing National Seminar on Women Police Station/ Mahila Thana.


Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies – Technical Campus (hereinafter “VIPS – TC”) is affiliated with Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi, and was established in the year 2000 with the vision to promote excellence in education and for imparting quality professional education comparable with the best in the world.


▪ The sociological, historical, and psychological aspects of Crime against women
▪ Behavioral Science, Criminology, Victimology vis-à-vis women
▪ Feminist Responses to Crimes against Women


  • Co-authorship is permissible. Each author will pay their registration fee separately.
  • The abstract should not exceed 300 words. The maximum word limit of the paper must not exceed 6000 words inclusive of footnotes.
  • The paper must be accompanied by a cover letter which shall include the title of the paper, full name(s) of the Author(s), Affiliating Institution, Professional/ Educational Details, Email address and contact details.
  • The Paper should be in .doc/.docx formats in Times New Roman font, font size 12 with 1.5 line spacing. All participants must submit a presentation by using MS PowerPoint.
  • Footnotes should be in Times New Roman, the font size 10 with 1.0 line spacing. Endnotes are not allowed.
  • Alignment -Justified, no page borders, Margin 1 inch on each side.
  • The writings must conform to the “Bluebook 20th Edition”.
  • All submissions should be original and non-plagiarised work, and should not have been submitted for publication/published elsewhere in any form. Similarity should not be more than 12%.


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National Law University, Jodhpur is making a call for papers for Volume 5 Issue 2 of its Journal on Governance.


The Centre for Corporate Governance is a research hub under the rubrics of National Law University, Jodhpur, dedicated to research and development of governance standards for the corporate world. To promote holistic research on areas covered within the broad ambit of corporate law, the Centre came out with a bi-annual publication in 2008, known as Journal on Governance (also known as ‘Journal on Corporate Law and Governance).


The broad theme of the Journal for Volume V Issue II is “Changing dynamics of Corporate Law & Governance: Steering towards Transparency & Accountability in the Indian scenario.”


  • Addressing the corporate governance concerns in the Indian Start-up Culture: A look back on Zilingo & Bharat Pe cases.
  • Reimagining the contours of corporate governance through RPT Regime in light of the recent amendment to the SEBI Listing Regulation. 
  • Role of IFSC in the Indian SPAC Dream: Dealing with corporate governance challenges in the Indian context.
  • Lock-in period of Anchor Investors and its effect on Retail Individual Investors (RII) amid the great Indian IPO rush.
  • Devas Antrix Case and ‘fraud’ as a ground for winding up the corporation: Did the Supreme Court open a pandora’s box?
  • The aftermath of the NSE co-location scam: A wake-up call for corporate governance.
  • Analyzing the problem of poor corporate governance in Public Sector Undertaking/Banks.
  • Analysis of the recent Corporate Greenhouse Gas Disclosure Norms: Lessons for the Indian corporate governance regime.
  • Corporate governance in modern times: Can utilization of technology help achieve stronger corporate governance in corporations?
  • Please note that the list of sub-themes is merely suggestive and non-exhaustive in nature. The authors can choose to submit manuscripts on other relevant and contemporary topics.


The Journal invites academicians, practitioners, and students of law pursuing their LL.B. (Hons.)/LL.B./LL.M. from any recognized university to submit their entries.


Please note that the submissions must conform to the following requirements:

  • The author(s) may contribute to the Journal in the form of Articles, Notes, Comments, and Case Analysis.
  • The acceptable length of Articles is >4500 words, and of Notes, Comments & Case Analysis is between 3000-4500 words, including footnotes.
  • All submissions must include an abstract of not more than 300 words, explaining the main idea, the objective of the article, and the conclusions drawn from it.
  • Each submission may have a maximum of two authors.
  • The manuscript should be on A4-sized paper, in Garamond, font size 12, 1.15 line Spacing, justified and 1-inch margins on each side. Footnotes should be in Garamond, font size 10, and with single line spacing.
  • The Authors must conform to the Bluebook (20th edition) Uniform System of Citation. Please refer to the guide to Bluebook (20th edition) here.
  • The Manuscript should not contain any identification of the author/s, which shall be a ground for rejection of the submission. Authors should provide their contact details, designation, institutional affiliation and address in the covering letter for the submission.
  • The submission must be the original work of the authors. Any form of plagiarism will lead to direct rejection.
  • The relevant sources should be duly acknowledged as footnotes. The decision of the Editorial Board in this regard shall be final.
  • Authors are requested to send an electronic version of their manuscripts .doc or .docx format to with the subject as “Submission- [Name of Author] –Volume V Issue 2.”
  • The document name must be in the following format “[Name of Authors(s)] – [Title of submission].”
  • The e-mail must contain a covering letter providing the contact details, designation, institutional affiliation and address of the authors.


Aug 15, 2022


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Law Mantra Trust, Maharashtra National Law University (MNLU), Nagpur, Faculty of Law and Administration, Jagiellonian University, School of Law, Texas A & M University, Faculty of Law, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka are organizing an International Seminar on Alternative Disputes Resolution and Intellectual Property Rights on September 9 and 10, 2022.


The Faculty of Law of the University of Colombo, which is the only Faculty of Law in the entire University system of this country, traces its origin to the Department of Law in the Faculty of Arts of the then University of Ceylon established under the Ceylon University Ordinance No. 20 of 1942. The Department of Law was established in July 1947 under the Faculty of Arts.


Students, Research Scholars/Faculties/Academicians, Corporate Delegates, Business entities, and Lawyers may register for the International Seminar.


  1. Resolving IP disputes through ADR.
  2. The Singapore Convention and its opportunities/ implications for IP mediation
  3. Role of Mediation in IPR (Copyright, Patent, Trademark, Geographical Indication, Traditional Knowledge and Industrial Designs)
  4. ADR for Digital Copyright and Content Disputes
  5. ADR for domain names disputes
  6. ADR and Copyright Litigation
  7. WIPO and its impact on the use of ADR in Copyright Disputes
  8. ADR for Patent Disputes
  9. Use of ADR in B2B digital copyright disputes
  10. Fashion Industry, IP Rights and ADR
  11. ADR and IP rights – comparative approaches in multiple jurisdictions

Note: Above mentioned topics are not exhaustive for the International Seminar, but other topics can also be accommodated if it’s in line with ADR and IPR.


  1. Abstract (of about 250 words) should be sent as an attachment in a word file. Abstracts will be peer-reviewed before they are accepted.
  2. The following information, in the given format, should be sent along with the Abstract:
  3. Name of the Participant, Official Designation/Institution Details, Address and Email id, Title of Abstract
  4. Submit your abstract to
  5. The title of the paper should be followed by Name, Designation, Name of the Organization / University / Institution and Email address.
  6. It is mandatory to mention your Email address, as all future correspondence will be through it; Name and details of the Co-author, if any.
  7. Chapter: The chapter should be in Times New Roman 12-point font and double-spaced.
  8. The main Title should be in full capitals, bold and centred 12-point font.
  9. Sub-titles should be in sentence case, bold and 12-point font.
  10. Author’s names should be in small capitals and centred 12-point font Footnotes should be in Times New Roman 12-point font.
  11. Citation Format: Please use footnotes rather than endnotes.
  12. Footnotes should conform to The Indian Law Institute, New Delhi Style.
  13. Submission of the abstract: A covering letter with the name(s) of the author(s) and address, designation, institution/affiliation, the title of the manuscript and contact information (email, phone, etc.) is compulsory to submit.
  14. All submissions for the International Seminar must contain an abstract of not more than 300 words with 5 Minimum Keywords.
  15. The originality of Manuscripts: All the contributions should be the original work of the contributors and should not have been submitted for consideration in any other Publication. Any plagiarized work will be out-rightly rejected.
  16. Copyright: The contributions presented to and accepted for publication and the copyrights therein shall be the Intellectual Property of Law Mantra.
  17. The title of the Chapter should be followed by Name, Designation, Name of the Organization / University / Institution and Email address.
  18. It is mandatory to mention your Email address, as all future correspondence will be through it. Name and details of Co-author, if any.
  19. The paper should be typed in MS WORD format (preferably 2007 or 2010).
  20. The paper must be in a single-column layout with margins justified on both sides.
  21. The length of the paper should not be below 4,000 words (including footnotes) and Should not Exceed more than 10,000 (Including Footnotes).


  1. For Student – INR 1,000
  2. For Faculty/Professional/Research Scholar/Other – INR 2,000
  3. For foreign participants – NIL
  4. For Organizing Institutions – NIL


  1. Submission of Abstract – August 20, 2022
  2. Confirmation of Abstract Selection – August 22, 2022
  3. Registration – August 28, 2022
  4. Submission of Draft Paper (Proposed Paper) – September 5, 2022
  5. Seminar Date – September 9 and 10, 2022
  6. Submission of Final Paper – October 10, 2022
  7. Publication of Selected Paper – By July 2023


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Maharastra National Law University, supported by the Centre for Law and Management, MNLU, Mumbai, is organizing a Two-Day National Conference on Law and Management, on September 16 and 17.


As MNLU is setting a new trend by integrating Law and Management, it has introduced 2 MBA programs in line with the international trend.

The combination of these disciplines needs sensitization through thorough research. Keeping this in view we have organized a 2-day International Conference on Law and Management on Sept 16 and 17, 2022.


  1. Law for Startups
  2. Accounting, Finance and Law
  3. Relationship Management and Law
  4. Corporate Governance and Law
  5. Human Resources Management and Law
  6. Corporate Taxation and Law
  7. Strategic Management and Law
  8. Science, Technology, Law and Management
  9. Business Environment, Economics and Law
  10. Business Development and Law
  11. Quality Management and Law
  12. Compliance and Law

Note: The above themes are not exhaustive but only indicative.


  1. Without Paper Presentation – INR 2,000 OR USD 75
  2. With Paper Presentation – INR 3,000 OR USD 100
  3. Registration Process
  4. Register and pay through the Google form given at the end of the post.


+91 98205 50881

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