GNLU SRDC ADR Magazine is making a call for papers for its volume 3 issue 2.


The Student Research Development Council (‘SRDC’) was established in 2014 as a platform for students to engage in collaborative academic research and to foster discussion around contemporary research questions in law and allied disciplines.

The ADR Student Research Group, under the aegis of the Student Research Development Council, founded its flagship initiative, the GNLU SRDC-ADR Magazine, in 2020. It is a publication inviting submissions from experts, working professionals and students interested in the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution. The aim of the Magazine is to keep pace with the recent developments, judicial decisions and practices being adopted in Indian and foreign jurisdictions, and to allow and promote a comparative and interdisciplinary understanding of various dynamics shaping this field of study.


  1. Word limit: 2000-2500 words (exclusive of citations).
  2. The body of the manuscript should be in Garamond and the font size should be 12.
  3. The line spacing 1.5.
  4. The footnotes should be in Garamond, font size 10 and line spacing 1.
  5. The citations must conform to the OSCOLA style of citations, 4th edition.
  6. No hyperlinks are allowed.
  7. The piece should not contain any reference to the author, including their names and institutional affiliations
  8. Articles displaying high levels of plagiarism are liable for summary rejection
  9. Any failure to adhere to submission guidelines may result in rejection of the submission.
  10. Please find the detailed formatting guide (here).

Plagiarism Policy

The SRDC-ADR Magazine is committed to upholding the integrity of academic process and encourage original research and writing. Accordingly, it adopts stringent editorial safeguards to ensure that no plagiarized material is hosted on our website or published in the issue. The ADR Magazine adopts inbuilt editorial standards where submissions are pre-screened by the use of industry-standard software, aided by human intervention to assess the nature of similarity flagged by the software, whether incidental or substantive. Articles displaying high levels of similarity are thus liable to summary rejection in accordance with the extant guidelines issued by the University Grants Commission. Authors may be advised accordingly, and ensure that the submissions returned by the Editorial board flagging concerns about the content and proposed suggestions are complied with. Non-compliance with the plagiarism policy or the editorial board’s objections may result in rejection of the submission. The Editorial Board, accordingly requests the authors to cooperate with them during the review process.

Review Policy

The ADR Magazine adopts a blind review process. Hence, submissions containing references to the identity of the authors in the body of the manuscript are liable to rejection. Authors must provide their personal details and a passport-size photo in the body of the email, enclosing the submission as a doc.x attachment. The ADR Magazine reserves its right not to disclose the reasons for acceptance/rejection of a given submission to the authors. The final date for submission to feature an article in the next issue is provided in the Call-for-Papers issued by the Magazine from time to time. However, the ADR Magazine accepts submissions on a rolling basis, whereby articles submitted post the deadline for a given issue shall nevertheless be considered for review in the subsequent issues, subject to the authors providing their consent for the same.

The time taken for review of an Issue ranges between four to six weeks after the expiry of the deadline. While the Editorial Board makes its best attempts to ensure a constant frequency of publication, the review process may be delayed on account of extraneous circumstances. The Editorial Board shall ensure the timely intimation of such delays at which stage the cooperation of the authors shall be highly valued. A manuscript under review shall not be submitted to another publication pending the outcome of the editing process. 

Once accepted, the manuscript shall become a part of the ADR Magazine’s intellectual property. In case of citations involving unpublished research, it is assumed that the Author had obtained the necessary permissions from the authors of the concerned unpublished sources. Any liability arising in this regard shall be borne solely by the Author and the Magazine assumes no burden for the same.




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INSTITUTE OF LEGAL EDUCATION is organizing the 1st National Conference on the Constitutional Law, 2022.


Institute of Legal Education is a Legal Institute to Promote the Legal Education managed by I.L.E. Educational Trust (Former Institution known as “Indian Journal of Legal Review”). ILE has been established with the vision of excellence in legal education and research. Our ultimate visions are establishing the platforms for quality legal education and promoting legal gens even to the perspicacious society. Institute of Legal education Run with the Moto Vision of Grasp – Educate – Evolve. Institute of Legal Education managing the six excellent journals and will start online free certified courses from January 1st, 2023.


Everyone is welcome to participate in the conference and express their thoughts and ideas. The conference is open to Law Students, Advocates, Professionals, Jurists, Members of the Academia, as well as Non-Law Students.


The Conference themes are focused on the Following:
Evaluation of the Constitution in India Since 1946
● The Constitution – Freedoms and Rights


Sub-themes of the Conference: Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

Evaluation of the Constitution in India Since 1946
● The Constitutional Debaters Futurist Ideologies and Current Scenario
● The Constitution and it’s supremacy over the 75 Years
● The Preamble – Diamond of the Constitution
● The Constitutional Review
● Judicial Review and its enforcement
● 105 Amendments – Its Importance and Effects
● Unsolved Historical and Political Issues like Article 44, Reservation, etc.
● The Constitutional Current Trends by the Judiciary
● Provisions for individual development and fair LGP.

The Constitution – Freedoms and Rights
● Evaluation of Freedom of Speech and Expression in the Digital Era
● Privacy Freedom and State Control
● Freedom of Press and Mob Mentality
● Right to Religion – Post-Independence India and Independence India
● Current Status of Right to Reject (NOTA)
● Gender Rights and Constitutional Developments
● Constitutional and judicial Protection on Languages in India


  1. The Conference will be held by Virtual on Google Meet.
  2. All communication through the mail be addressed to
  3. Research Papers and Articles must be accompanied by an abstract not exceeding 300 words.
  4. Multiple authors and authorships are allowed. No single author can submit more than one paper in a single theme. An Author can submit paper no more than 3 papers in various sub-themes.
  5. All manuscripts must compile with the Indian Journal of Legal Review Journal’s (IJLR) Submission Guidelines ( and Terms and Conditions (
  6. The Paper Must be in the category of Article (2000 – 3000 words) or Research Article (3000 – 8000 Words)
  7. The manuscript should contain the name of the paper, the name of the authors, and their institutional affiliation.
  8. The main body of the manuscript should be in Times New Roman style, font size 12, with 1.5 line spacing.
  9. Footnotes in Times New Roman Style, Size 10, with 1.0 line spacing.
  10. All headings must have uniform formatting.
  11. Texts and footnotes should conform to the Bluebook 20th Edition.


  1. There is no Registration Fee or Participation for this Conference to percent your research.
  2. Only the Top 10 papers will be published in the Indian Journal of Legal Review with ISSN No. 2583-2344. The Publication fee is Rs. 300/- (Fixed. No other charges will not be charged at any stage of publication). The Publication fee must be paid after the Top Papers Confirmation.


  1. Suggestions and inputs from Experienced and Learned Panelists;
  2. All the Paper Presenters shall be provided with an e-Certificate of Presentation
  3. Selected papers shall be published in an ISBN Book (Publisher: Institute of Legal Education Publication House) with no Article Processing Charges and a Soft Copy of the Book shall be made available for free;
  4. All participants will be provided with a participation certificate.



Prasanna S, Program Director and Coordinator, +91 94896 71437 (or)

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Human rights and different social movements resort to human dignity in order to justify their claims and their actions. Human rights are often defined as entitlements that human beings possess just by virtue of their inherent dignity. This conceptual link between human rights and inherent dignity is as popular as it is unhelpful. It is often argued that internationally recognized human rights are common to all cultural traditions and adaptable to a great variety of social structures and political regimes. Such arguments confuse human rights with human dignity. All societies possess conceptions of human dignity, but the conception of human dignity underlying international human rights standards requires a particular type of” liberal” regime.

For decades the global debate over human rights has been a dialogue of the deaf. This interminable argument pits advocates of civil and political rights against proponents of economic and social rights. The former takes the classic liberal position that individual freedom is the foundation of liberty and, accordingly, that the only fundamental rights are “negative” ones that constrain state power.

Human rights are the common denominator of human beings because they rely upon human dignity. They are applied regardless of nationality, religion or belief, race, ethnicity, or gender. In coalition to satisfy and advance the goals of the UWSL Center for Research on Human Rights, this conference is going to address various issues including the protection of Human values and lives in the times of Covid through universal recognition.


Contributions can be relied upon the following themes, from a multidisciplinary perspective:

  1. The impact of Covid on Right to Education
  2. The impact of Covid on Right to Health
  3. The impact of Covid on Right to Access to Justice
  4. The impact of Covid on Rights of Laborers
  5. The impact of Covid on Right to Trade Business and Occupation

Note: These Themes are indicative and not exhaustive, any other topic which is directly or indirectly related to the main theme may be taken.


  1. Submissions are accepted only in the English language.
  2. Each applicant must submit a maximum 300 words (5 keywords) abstract through google form by 1st of July, 2022. For more information, kindly refer to
  3. Abstract must contain details about the names of the author(s), contact details, institutional affiliation, and designation.
  4. The abstract must expressly include the novelty and usefulness of the idea that the author wishes to put forth and must categorically mention the specific contribution of the article beyond the existing available literature.
  5. Co-authorship (with a cap of two authors) is permitted.
  6. Acceptance or Non-acceptance of the abstract will be communicated on or before 5th  July 2022
  7. The body of the abstract should be in Times New Roman, with Font Size – 12, and 1.5-line spacing. The footnotes should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 10, and single line spacing.
  8. The citations must conform to the OSCOLA style of citation or any uniform citation.
  9. After the conference, selected presentations would be called for full papers and the last date of submission for the same is 15th  August 2022.


  1. Last date of submission of abstract: On or before 1st July 2022
  2. Communication of acceptance of Abstract: 5th July 2022
  3. Last date of submission of full paper (2,500 words): 15th August 2022
  4. Participants will be responsible for their own accommodation and travel expenses.



Free for all Participants and Presenters.


For Participants from India: Physical Mode

For Participants from outside India: Virtual Mode


E-certificates of participation will be provided to all the registered participants.
E-certificates of the presentation will be provided to all the paper presenters from outside India.

Hard Copy of the certificates will be provided to all the paper presenters from India at the Valedictory Session.




Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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About KIIT Student Law Review

The KIIT Student Law Review (KSLR) is the flagship review (ISSN: 2348-4381) of the School of Law, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha having a double blind peer review process of selection. The School of Law, KIIT University, hereby announces a call for papers for the Volume 9 of its annual Review (KSLR). We extend our invitation to law students (both postgraduates and undergraduates), professionals, lecturers, policy makers and others to send in their write-ups on contemporary issues of law. The review, through its publications, seeks to generate interest for a better understanding of the major areas of law and also to provide a national and international forum for debate on the comparative, analytical aspects and issues.

About call for papers

The ninth volume of the Review would highlight the contemporary legal issues from areas of law such as Contract laws, Labour laws, Property laws, Commercial laws, Competition laws etc. and other branches, which are giving impetus to deliberation, not only amongst the student community but also within the entire legal fraternity.

Submission Categories:

Articles (5000-7000 words exclusive of footnotes) — Article should provide an in-depth study in the contemporary legal issue. We intend to incorporate critical analysis and original assertions on the said issue.

Short Articles (3000-5000 words exclusive of footnotes) — Short articles should include condensed study in the contemporary legal issue. The nature of the writing should preferably include descriptive analysis and informed comments on any new ideas and perspectives.

Book Reviews (1200-1500 words exclusive of footnotes) — Book reviews should incorporate critical examination of a book pertaining to law, published two years preceding the release of the current issue of KSLR. All the book reviews must embody an assessment of ideas promoted by the author of the book from the point of view of originality, extent of analysis and quality.

Case Comments (2500 -4000 words exclusive of footnotes) — Case comments should include interpretation of any landmark judicial pronouncement in any contemporary legal issue. Brief information regarding contribution to and digression from the existing laws will be appreciated.

Legislative Briefs (maximum 2500 words exclusive of footnotes) — Legislative briefs seek to determine the implications of any existing or proposed Indian legislation (both Central/State). Author(s) may focus on any specific section/s or present an overview of the legislation.

Submission Guidelines:

Submissions to the KIIT Student Law Review [Volume IX] should adhere to the following guidelines:

  •  All articles and short articles must be accompanied by an abstract not exceeding 300 words.
  • The submissions are to be made only in Microsoft Word Format(.docx or .doc files) by uploading the same on the Google Form: The name of the file must be of the nature “KSLR Volume IX Submission:_____________” followed by title of the paper. Please note that the last date of submission of Manuscript 15 th November, 2021.
  • The word limits are exclusive of footnotes and only footnotes are to be used and no end-notes or bibliography. The Harvard Bluebook, 20th edition is the style which is to be strictly adhered to for citations.
  • Sub-headings will be formatted in Normal with case size 12 in Times New Roman & Bold. The body of the writing will be formatted in Normal with case size 12 in Times New Roman.
  • Co-authorship is permissible up to a maximum of two. The submissions will undergo a double blind peer-review process, therefore the author/s shall not disclose their identities anywhere in the body of the manuscript.
  • The Author(s) shall have to upload a Declaration [as a separate attachment] in the Google Form as to that the work has not been published anywhere else and has not been submitted for publication elsewhere. For any issues arising in contravention to such declaration, the KIIT Student Law Review, and Editorial Board shall not be liable. The author shall be personally liable for his or her actions or omissions. The declaration should be a scanned document in PDF or Image (.jpg or .jpeg) formats containing the above mentioned declaration.
  • The submission shall also contain a separate Cover Letter as an attachment uploaded to the Google Form enumerating the following details:
    • Name of the author(s)
    • Address of the author(s)
    • Phone Numbers of the author(s)
    • Title of the manuscript
    • Submission Category – (Example – Article/ Short Article/ Book Review)
    • Name of the institution
    • Year of study (in case of a student)/ Designation (in other cases)
    • Email address(s)
  • The Editorial Board holds the power to disqualify any author’s work which is in non-compliance to these guidelines and also, holds the final copyright and all other rights regarding the work that is published after receiving such approval for publication and transfer of such rights from the author(s).
  • Each published paper will feature in the KIIT Student Law Review: Volume IX which will be published around March, 2022. The authors whose papers are published will each receive a paperback hard copy of the Review, mailed to the address they provide along- with the copyright confirmation on selection of their paper as and when intimated to them.

For Detailed Information Visit

Deadline: November 15th, 2021.

For any queries, mail at

  • Or call at
  • Puranjoy Ghosh (Faculty-in-Charge)- Moblie: 7978500746
  • Mandavi Banerjee- Mobile: 9836740101
  • Udayan Mukherjee- Mobile: 8697102760
  • Arya Senapati- Mobile: 9556569927

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About the University

The ICFAI University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand (hereinafter referred to as the University) was established under the ICFAI University Act 2003 (Act No.16 of 2003) passed by the Uttaranchal Legislative Assembly and assented to by the Governor on July 08, 2003. The ICFAI University secured 44th rank in the World Universities with Real Impact (WURI) Rankings 2020 released by UN Institute for Training and Research. The University has also been awarded with the certificate for E- Learning Excellence of Academic Digitisation (eLEAD).

About ICFAI Law school, Dehradun

The ICFAI Law School (formerly known as Faculty of Law), a constituent of the ICFAI University, Dehradun is established with the objective of developing a new generation of legal professionals through the comprehensive and contemporary body of knowledge, professional skills and research integrating law with Management/Humanities. The Bar Council of India has accorded its approval for imparting three year and five year Law Courses at ICFAI University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand and award degrees in law.
The ICFAI Law School, Dehradun is the 6th Ranking Law School of Super Excellence and 1st Ranking Law School in Uttarakhand according to CSR GHRDC Law School Rankings 2020. It also secured 26th rank among top Law Universities/ Institutions including NLUs in MDRA Rankings 2020 conducted by India Today.

About the conference

In an effort to disseminate legal knowledge and research, The Centre for Cyber Law and Innovation, The Centre for Corporate Law and Governance & The Centre for Excellence in Alternative Dispute Resolution Law, ICFAI Law School, Dehradun presents National Virtual Conference to give a platform to budding lawyers to express their views on the integral legal issues. The primary objective of this conference is to encourage law students, professionals and academicians across various colleges in India, to develop analytical thinking.
With an endeavour to encourage the enthusiasm of the young students of the legal fraternity to come up with new ideas and suggestions to decipher current legal conflicts, the broad theme of the competition is reserved as “Strengthening E-Commerce Through ODR: Challenges & Perspectives”.


  • The Future of E-Commerce Redress in the Digital Era: ODR
  • Role of ADR in E-commerce
  • Cyber Mediation using Sophisticated Software and a Neutral Third- Party Facilitator
  • Data Privacy and Online Regulation Framework in E-Commerce Landscape

Rules and Guidelines

  • Law Students, professionals, academicians Pan India are eligible to participate.
  • Co-authorship to a maximum of two authors is permitted (1 main author + 2 co- author).
  • Only one submission shall be allowed per author, and in case of co-authors, one submission shall be deemed to include both. Separate submissions of co-authors shall be taken as multiple submissions, which will be subject to rejection and disqualification.
  • The registration is restricted to only 70 participants, which will be strictly on “First Come First Serve basis”.

Important dates

Last Date of Abstract Submission- 25th November, 2021
Last Date of full paper Submission- 28th December, 2021
Declaration of Selection of Full Paper- 3rd January, 2022
Date of Conference 8th -9th January, 2022

Registration and abstract submission

  • Registration for the Competition shall be free of cost.
  • Submission of Abstract shall amount to registration for the Competition.
  • A brief abstract not exceeding 300 words, on the topic chosen, must be mailed on in PDF or Word format on or before November 25, 2021.
  • A five-digit Unique code shall be mailed to the participants whose abstract would be shortlisted.
  • The participants whose abstracts are shortlisted are directed not to mention any of their personal details while submitting their article. Furnishing any such detail shall lead to disqualification.

Article submission

The soft copy of Article must be mailed latest by December 28, 2021 on


  • The Paper shall be in English.
  • The name(s) of the author(s) must not be disclosed or mentioned anywhere in the Paper.
  • The paper should not exceed 10,000 words including footnotes.
  • The mandatory formatting specifications for the paper are:
    • 1-inch margin on all sides.
    • Times New Roman with 12 font size & 1.5-
    • line spacing.
    • For footnotes, the mandatory formatting
    • specifications shall be Times New Roman
    • type face with 10 font size; and Single (1)
    • line spacing.
  • References and precedents must be cited throughout the Paper using the Bluebook 20th edition citation Method.

Contact Details

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About NUALS Intellectual Property Law Review

The NUALS Intellectual Property Law Review is a peer-reviewed, double blind and open access Journal, operating under the aegis of the Centre for Intellectual Property Rights (CIPR), NUALS. The journal focuses on contemporary issues that are at the forefront of IP and technology.

About Call for papers

The NUALS Intellectual Property Law Review is now accepting submissions for its fourth Volume. They invite contributions for the Journal from academicians, practitioners of the legal profession, researchers, post-graduates and under-graduate students of law. The Journal, being an exposition of contemporary developments in intellectual property law, encourages authors to explore the latest developments in the field, while also giving readers an insight into overlooked areas of the law. 

Contributions may be in the form of articles, essays, notes, commentaries and reviews. Submissions will be put through an exhaustive review process and published on the official website of the Journal (, University (, as well as CIPR (

Categories of Submissions:

  • Articles: 5000- 7000 words
  • Essays: 3000-5000 words
  • Notes, Comments and Reviews: 1000- 3000 words

Word count is exclusive of footnotes. Longer submissions will be considered at the discretion of the editorial board.

Guidelines for Submission:

  1. All submissions are to be made in the electronic form, and must be sent to Submissions must be received on or before 31st December, 2021.
  2. All submissions must include an abstract not exceeding 300 words.
  3. Submissions must be accompanied by a brief note including the following information:
    • Name
    • Postal Address
    • Name of Institution
    • Course of Study (if applicable)
    • Academic Year
  4. In submission of work, the author undertakes that the work is original and has not been submitted, accepted or published elsewhere.
  5. All submissions will be subject to a plagiarism check at the first stage of evaluation. If work is found to be unoriginal or plagiarised (including self-plagiarism), it will be rejected at the first instance. The Journal also reserves the right to revoke the acceptance upon a finding of plagiarism at any stage of the submission or editing process.
  6. Co-authorship is allowed for a maximum of two authors.
  7. Authors will be intimated of receipt of submission within one week from date of submission.

ormatting Guidelines:

  1. The submission must be made in .doc/.docx/.odt format only. PDFs of submissions will not be accepted.
  2. The body of the manuscript must be according to the following specifications:
    • Times New Roman font
    • Font size 12
    • Line spacing 1.5
  3. Submissions must follow the Bluebook (20th edition) style of citation. Footnotes must be in Times New Roman, font size 10 with single line spacing.

On acceptance of submission, authors will be issued a certificate of publication.


For any queries or clarifications, reach out to us at:
Dr. Athira P S (Editor-in-Chief)

Find a PDF of the Call for Papers here.

Click here to Visit website

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About the Journal

International Journal of Legal Science and Innovation is an online, bi-monthly, scholarly, peer-reviewed, Legal International Journal bearing ISSN 2581- 9453. It is no secret that the landscape of scholarly publishing is quickly changing. There is an emergence of new perspectives among editors, reviewers and publishers which has ultimately given rise to new demands and expectations with respect to dynamism in in the concerned disciplines, law in the present scenario.

International Journal of Legal Science and Innovation envisages itself to be at the forefront of reinforcing innovation in the conduct of law and legal sciences, considering the fact that law is essentially characterized as being dynamic for it transitionally adapts to the changing times. Believing that such an engagement is metamorphic, the International Journal of Legal Science and Innovation intends to be a leader in facilitating this contemporary discussion.


The Manuscripts sent must be under the Scope of Law 

How to Submit

Submit your paper online through the link given below

Email Submission (alternative):

The Manuscripts can be tracked:

Submission guidelines

  • The work submitted shall be original and unpublished.
  • Plagiarism of any kind is prohibited.
  • When reviewing submissions, the Editorial Board considers whether the manuscripts are contemporarily relevant, topical and creative.
  • Citation: Any uniform method of Citation can be used.
  • The body of the paper shall be – Font: Times New Roman, Font Size: 12, Line Spacing: 1.5
  • The Footnotes shall be – Font: Times New Roman, Font Size: 10, Line Spacing: 1
  • The copyright of the entry to the Journal will rest with the Editorial Board once the entry has been selected and the authors (s) of the same have been notified.
  • The final decision as to the acceptance of manuscripts rests with the Editorial Board of IJLSI.
  • Co-authorship is allowed till the maximum of 2 Authors.

The submissions may be made under the following categories; the word limit is exclusive of footnotes:

  • Research paper: 3000 words and above
  • Article: 1500-3000 words
  • Book reviews: 1500-2000 words
  • Short Note & Case Comment: 1000 – 2000 words

Processing Charges: 

The Processing Charges for Indian Author(s) is 1000 INR while for International Authors the Charges Shall be 25 $.

Important Features

  • Online Submission and Status Tracking.
  • Unique DOI assigned to each Manuscript for global recognition.
  • Free of Cost Separate e-cetificate assigned to each Author.
  • Easy Process and Quick Support.
  • Indexed at multiple Databases including MANUPATRA, ROAD, etc.
  • Extensive and Experienced Editorial and Reviewer board.
  • Affordable Article Processing Charges with best Services. (To be paid only if the manuscript is accepted), No Submission Charges)
  • Review Results within 2-3 days.

Important dates

  • Deadline for Submission: November 2, 2021, 8:00 PM.
  • Review Results: Within 2-3 days of submission
  • Publication: Within 2 – 5 working days of Completion of Formalities.


The published manuscripts will receive an E-certificate of publication. Certificates and printed booklets can be purchased individually in hard copy.

Contact details


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The Centre for Competition Law and Policy (“CCLP”), NLU Jodhpur,is pleased to invite submissions for Volume VI Issue II of Indian Competition Law Review (“ICLR”).

About the College

The University has developed a holistic approach towards understanding law and justice from a multi-disciplinary perspective. The University offers unique five year integrated undergraduate programs i.e. B.B.A., LL.B.(Hons.); B.A., LL.B.(Hons.); to generate especially skilled global legal professionals. These integrated programs offer highly comprehensive and demanding honors courses in multiple facets of law such as Constitutional Law, Business Law, Trade Law, International Law, Criminal Law, Family Law, Administrative Law, Intellectual Property Law. The University’s one year LL.M. programs in Corporate Laws, IPR and Technology Laws aim to harness young talent for reaching the pinnacle of legal perfection. The University also offers LL.D. and Ph.D. programs for students who prefer to specialize in a subject and gain a deeper insight.


Changing contours of market regulation – what lies ahead of the big antitrust investigation.


  1. Navigating antitrust issues in digital markets – Regulating anti-competitive conduct of AI, intermediaries, OTT platforms.
  2. Blockchain and competition regulation – Demystifying the anti-competitive nature of smart contracts.
  3. Analyzing the relevance of non-price factors in determining the abuse of dominance by the CCI.
  4. Competition issues in the e-commerce sector – Regulating gatekeeping, unfair contractual terms and exclusive agreements.
  5. Intersection of competition law with other areas of law – navigating concurrence or any potential conflicts.
  6. Way forward for anti-trust enforcement in India – Key takeaways and comparative analysis of the Indian anti-trust regime with respect to foreign jurisdictions

The last date for submission of manuscripts is September 15, 2021. Subject to the outcome of the review process, the manuscript will feature in the upcoming Issue which is scheduled for publication in November, 2021.

Eligibility and Word Limit

  1. The submissions must be on any theme related to competition law.
  2. The manuscript may be co-authored by a maximum of two authors.
  3. The Journal accepts the following kinds of submissions:
    • Articles – 5,000 to 10,000 words.
    • Short notes – 2,500 to 5,000 words.
    • Case Comments – 1,500 to 2,500 words

These word counts are exclusive of footnotes. The Editorial Board reserves the right to increase or relax the word limit, depending on the quality of the submission.


  1. The mail bearing the manuscript must declare, in its body, the category for which the submission is made for, i.e. article/short notes/case comment.
  2. The body of the manuscript should be in Times New Roman, font size 12 with 1.5 line spacing. The footnotes should be in Times New Roman, font size 10 with single line spacing.
  3. The manuscripts should be properly footnoted wherever sources are being used. The use of endnotes, hyperlinks, etc. is strictly prohibited. Further, no speaking footnotes (descriptive footnotes) are allowed.
  4. All the sources in the footnotes must conform to the Oxford University Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA) 4th ed. style of citation.
  5. The manuscripts must be preceded by an abstract of not more than 250 words.
  6. The manuscript must not contain any reference to the author’s name, affiliation or credentials.
  7. All manuscripts must be accompanied by a cover letter with the name(s) of the author(s), institution/affiliation, the title of the manuscript, and contact details. The author must also confirm in the cover letter that the manuscript is not being considered for publication elsewhere.
  8. The manuscript must be an original and unpublished work.
  9. If necessary, ICLR may request the author to provide a printed copy of the manuscript, in addition to the electronic copy.

Editorial Policy

  1. The submission indicates the Author(s)’ acceptance to the following conditions:
  2. The ICLR follows three stages of blind peer-review procedure and shall endeavor to keep the authors informed about the status of their manuscript as it goes through each stage of review.
  3. ICLR retains complete discretion over acceptance/rejection of manuscripts. The Editorial Board of ICLR shall not entertain requests for advance decisions based on abstracts, topic proposals or outlines. Editorial decisions shall be based solely on review of the final manuscripts submitted by the authors.
  4. Post-review, manuscripts may be returned to the authors with suggestions related to substance and/or style. Acceptance of a manuscript for publication shall be made contingent on incorporation of such suggestions.
  5. ICLR reserves the right to request copies of any resources or authorities cited in the manuscript.

Deadline & Submission Procedure

  1. The last date for submission of manuscripts is September 15, 2021. Subject to the outcome of the review process, the manuscript will feature in the upcoming Issue which is scheduled for publication in November, 2021.
  2. All manuscripts must be sent through email and addressed to the Editor-in-Chief at
  3. The subject of the email should be titled – “Volume VI(1)_ICLR Submission_Name of the Author(s)”.
  4. The name of the document must be in the following format – “Name of the Author(s) – Title of Submission”.
  5. The Authors are advised to send only one submission per author or a team of co-authors.
  6. The manuscript must be submitted in a Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx) format only.

For any queries, please contact us via e-mail at

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White Black Legal Law Journal

WHITE BLACK LEGAL ISSN 2581-8503 is open access, peer-reviewed and refereed journal provide dedicated to express views on topical legal issues, thereby generating a cross-current of ideas on emerging matters. This platform shall also ignite the initiative and desire of young law students to contribute to the field of law. White Black Legal Law Journal is calling for unique and unpublished research papers, Short Notes, Book Reviews & Case Comments.

The research papers /short notes / Book Reviews / Case Comments should be thoroughly analyzed and presented on any contemporary relevant legal or socio-legal issues. The research papers /short notes / Book Reviews / Case Comments must be clear on the topic that is dealt upon and presented without any vagueness.

  • Articles (3000-5000 words including footnotes)
  • Short Notes (2000-3000 words including footnotes)
  • Book Reviews (1000-2000 words including footnotes)
  • Case Commentaries (1000-3000 words including footnotes)


  • The manuscript should be in MS Word format with an appropriate title.
  • The submission must be the original work of the author. There should be no plagiarism and free of any grammatical or spelling errors. The associated sources should be duly acknowledged as footnotes.
  • Full names of all the author(s) must be given.
  • Any uniform method for citation may be followed.
  • The main text of the entries should be in Times New Roman, with a font size of 12 and justified alignment, with a margin of one inch on all sides.
  • The footnotes should be in Times New Roman with a font size of 12.
  • A margin of 4 cm shall be left on all sides of the paper.
  • Page borders shall not be used.

To Submit,

Click on link    SUBMIT PAPER HERE

Last Date Of Submission of Full Manuscript: 12th August


The fee is to be duly paid after the acceptance of your Manuscript.

  • Rs. 800 to be paid for Single Authored manuscript
  • Rs. 1000 to be paid for Co-authored manuscripts (Max. 2, including the author)
  • Rs. 1200 to be paid for 3 authored manuscripts (Max. 3, including the author)


The publication/Certificate will be released on rolling basis.

You can visit this website for more information

Lex Jura Law Journal (ISSN; 2582-3949)

Lex Jura Law Journal (ISSN; 2582-3949) is an endeavour of Vidhivyedetta, a firm which is determined to bring out diverse legal ideas and opinions. An inter-disciplinary journal, the founders and editors of this journal advocate the importance of freedom of speech and expression and understand the need for transmission of ideas across platforms and disciplines. The Journal invites entries in the following categories:

  • Articles- 4000-8000 words
  • Notes and Comments- 2000-3000 words
  • Book Reviews- 2000 to 4000 words

The articles/notes/comments should be thoroughly analyzed and presented on any contemporary relevant legal or socio-legal issues. The articles/notes/comments must be clear on the topic that is dealt upon and lucidly presented without any ambiguity.

Book Reviews should include brief but deep analysis of the topic of the book, the details mentioned in the book on the concerned topic and also about the author’s stance and analysis of the topic discussed in the book and of the book itself.

Submission Deadline- July 31st, 2020.


  • The main text of the entries should be in Times New Roman, with a font size of 12 and justified alignment, with a margin of one inch on all sides.
  • The footnotes should be in Times New Roman with font size of 12.
  • Bluebook citation should be strictly followed.
  • Submissions must be in MS Word (.doc or docx.) format only.
  • The paper should compulsorily include Abstract, Keywords and Hypothesis. Entries must be accompanied with an abstract of 250- 300 words.
  • Co-Authorship is allowed up to a maximum of two authors. Both single and co-authored (a maximum of two authors) entries shall be accepted. Only one submission per author is allowed. In case of multiple submissions by an author, all the manuscripts submitted by the author shall be rejected at the outset.
  • The submission must be original work of author(s). In case of gross plagiarism, the manuscript shall be rejected directly. The relevant sources should be duly acknowledged as footnotes.
  • All the author(s) are required to submit an undertaking in a separate document mentioning their name, age, institution, year and field of study. The undertaking must include a declaration that none of the part of submitted article has been reproduced from any published material and the submission has been nowhere published beforehand and the same is not under consideration anywhere for publication and the author(s) shall be solely responsible for any copyright violation and consequences ensuing.
  • The subject of email shall be ‘Volume 2.1, Lex Jura Law Journal’. No submission shall be accepted after the deadline. All the manuscript shall be submitted in English Language only. The language used must be formal and clear, adhering to the submission guidelines of the Journal. All the submissions must be mailed to
  • The publication is free of cost.

These requirements, apart from the main content of the paper are necessary for the consideration of the same for publication. Non-availability of the above mentioned in the paper shall lead to disqualification.


The author(s) shall be provided a soft copy of publication of their article in our journal on their registered Email ID.

The Journal will be published on the website