About the Journal
International Journal of Legal Science and Innovation is an online, bi-monthly, scholarly, peer-reviewed, Legal International Journal bearing ISSN 2581- 9453. It is no secret that the landscape of scholarly publishing is quickly changing. There is an emergence of new perspectives among editors, reviewers and publishers which has ultimately given rise to new demands and expectations with respect to dynamism in in the concerned disciplines, law in the present scenario.
International Journal of Legal Science and Innovation envisages itself to be at the forefront of reinforcing innovation in the conduct of law and legal sciences, considering the fact that law is essentially characterized as being dynamic for it transitionally adapts to the changing times. Believing that such an engagement is metamorphic, the International Journal of Legal Science and Innovation intends to be a leader in facilitating this contemporary discussion.
The Manuscripts sent must be under the Scope of Law
How to Submit
Submit your paper online through the link given below
Email Submission (alternative): submission@ijlsi.com
The Manuscripts can be tracked: https://www.ijlsi.com/track-manuscript/
Submission guidelines
- The work submitted shall be original and unpublished.
- Plagiarism of any kind is prohibited.
- When reviewing submissions, the Editorial Board considers whether the manuscripts are contemporarily relevant, topical and creative.
- Citation: Any uniform method of Citation can be used.
- The body of the paper shall be – Font: Times New Roman, Font Size: 12, Line Spacing: 1.5
- The Footnotes shall be – Font: Times New Roman, Font Size: 10, Line Spacing: 1
- The copyright of the entry to the Journal will rest with the Editorial Board once the entry has been selected and the authors (s) of the same have been notified.
- The final decision as to the acceptance of manuscripts rests with the Editorial Board of IJLSI.
- Co-authorship is allowed till the maximum of 2 Authors.
The submissions may be made under the following categories; the word limit is exclusive of footnotes:
- Research paper: 3000 words and above
- Article: 1500-3000 words
- Book reviews: 1500-2000 words
- Short Note & Case Comment: 1000 – 2000 words
Processing Charges:
The Processing Charges for Indian Author(s) is 1000 INR while for International Authors the Charges Shall be 25 $.
Important Features
- Online Submission and Status Tracking.
- Unique DOI assigned to each Manuscript for global recognition.
- Free of Cost Separate e-cetificate assigned to each Author.
- Easy Process and Quick Support.
- Indexed at multiple Databases including MANUPATRA, ROAD, etc.
- Extensive and Experienced Editorial and Reviewer board.
- Affordable Article Processing Charges with best Services. (To be paid only if the manuscript is accepted), No Submission Charges)
- Review Results within 2-3 days.
Important dates
- Deadline for Submission: November 2, 2021, 8:00 PM.
- Review Results: Within 2-3 days of submission
- Publication: Within 2 – 5 working days of Completion of Formalities.
The published manuscripts will receive an E-certificate of publication. Certificates and printed booklets can be purchased individually in hard copy.
Contact details

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