School of Law, Bennett University is currently soliciting submissions for the 4th Volume of Bennett Journal of Legal Studies (BJLS).


Bennett University has been established by ‘Times Group’, India’s largest media conglomerate through Act No. 24 of 2016 passed by the Government of Uttar Pradesh. The University at present offers unique interdisciplinary and contemporary courses through its Schools of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Management, Law, Design, Media & Liberal Arts, and Public Policy.


  • Criminalization and Decriminalization of Social Media Content
  • Artificial Intelligence as the Inventor/Creator of Intellectual Property
  • The jurisprudence of Sentient Beings Rights
  • Gender Fluidity and Human Rights
  • Principles of Natural Justice and Flexibilities in Procedural Laws
  • Labour Rights in the Gig Economy
  • State Regulation of Neoliberal Tax and Investment Regimes
  • Biodiversity Loss and Climate Change Denial
  • Constitutionalism in Authoritarian and Totalitarian Regimes
  • New Approaches to Theorization in International Law
  • Use of Technology in International and Non-International Armed Conflicts
  • Jurisdictional Issues in Personal Laws
  • Data Protection and Privacy Concerns in Cyberspace
  • Corporate Governance Issues in Multinational Companies
  • Emerging Perspectives on Dissent and Legal Co-option

Any other sub-theme related to the main theme.


  • All submissions are to be made online to
  • The last date for receiving contributions is September 30, 2022.

Note: Please follow the Editorial Policy of the Journal given at the end of this post for making any submission to the Journal. Non-compliance with the Editorial Policy of the Journal shall lead to disqualification of the submission.

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Bennett University’s is making a call for papers for its International E-Conference.


United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), 1982 is the hallmark of the success of multilateralism for the last 40 years having 167 member countries plus European Union. Often touted as the ‘Constitution for the Oceans’, it lays down rules and regulations governing the oceans seeking to minimize the oceans-use-related conflict between nations and fostering cooperation among nations for smooth trade and economic activities.


  • Delimitation
  • Marine Environment and Climate Change
  • Marine Security and Defense issues.
  • Human Rights Issues
  • Deep Sea Mining
  • Dispute Resolution Mechanism
  • General issues pertaining to law of sea and maritime law
  • A multidisciplinary approach to the study of the law of sea
  • Any other topic related to the theme


Any interested student, researcher, academician, or policymaker from Indian and foreign institutions can submit their abstract for consideration.


  • Each applicant must submit a maximum 500-word abstract by e-mail to no later than August 20, 2022.
  • The abstract must contain details about the names of the author(s), contact details, institutional affiliation, and designation.
  • A maximum of 5 keywords are to be provided along with the abstract.
  • Co-authorship is permissible for up to two authors only.
  • Acceptance of the abstracts shall be communicated via email by August 25, 2022.
  • On selection of the abstract, the author(s) must pay the required fees no later than September 2, 2022. The link for the payment portal shall be sent to the authors whose abstract would be selected along with the acceptance mail.
  • The last date for submission of the full-length paper is September 15, 2022.
  • All papers must be submitted to
  • The full-length paper should not exceed 6000 words (exclusive of footnotes). It must have the abstract and details of the authors.
  • In the case of co-authorship, at least one author must attend the conference to present the paper.
  • The main text should be in Times New Roman with a font size 12 and spacing of 1.5.
  • The footnotes should be in Times New Roman, font size 10 with single spacing.
  • Referencing style: 20th Blue Book edition.
  • Plagiarism: All submissions must be the author’s original and unpublished work.


  • Abstract Submission deadline: August 20, 2022
  • Date of Payment of Registration Fee: On selection of the abstract, the author(s) must pay the required fees no later than September 2, 2022. The link for the payment portal shall be sent only to the authors whose abstract would be selected along with the acceptance mail. For registration, proof of payment indicating the transaction reference number along with the full name, affiliation, and email id must be sent to the email
  • Full Paper Submission by September 15, 2022
  • Date of the Conference (Paper Presentation): September 24, 2022

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The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences in association with the Indian Society of Criminology is organizing an All India Criminology Conference.


The 21st century has seen rapid scientific and technological developments, that have applied in almost every sphere of life. In the modern era, crime and criminology are no longer considered to be solitary sectors, but rather, it is recognized that they need to be studied in the context of various other streams. These interdisciplinary areas include Political Science, Sociology, Psychology, Anthropology, Economics, etc. Such an interdisciplinary approach to criminology has, in fact, been one of the most important steps in recent times toward crime prevention.


  • Development of criminology in the 21st century
  • Role of Judiciary in recognising science and technology
  • Use of technology in combating organised and white-collar crimes
  • Contemporary scientific developments toward crime detection and prevention
  • Identifying patterns in the criminal occurrence
  • Artificial intelligence and crime prevention
  • Cybercrimes and cyber forensics: a new era of technology and risks
  • Scientific techniques in combating mob-lynching and organized crime
  • Science & technology for women and children: Serving justice to most susceptible victims
  • Technological intervention in human trafficking investigation
  • New Avenues of DNA technology for the administration of fair Justice
  • Humanitarian forensics in disaster victim identification: current trends and challenges


  • Participants are requested to send their full papers at the time of registration for the Conference.
  • The full papers should be between 3,000 – 8,000 words and accompanied by an abstract of not more than 300 words.
  • The papers may fall under any of the provided sub-themes for the Conference, or be related to any other topic related to the broad theme of the Conference.


The 43rd All India Criminology Conference is open for academicians, researchers, practitioners, and professionals otherwise engaged in the criminology and criminal justice sectors as well as interested learners and students. It aims to serve as a platform for a healthy discussion and exchange of ideas related to the role of science and technology in contemporary criminal activities.


  1. Registration Deadline – September 15, 2022
  2. Submission Deadline – September 15, 2022
  3. Deadline with late payment – October 15, 2022
  4. Dates of the Conference – December 17 to 19, 2022

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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Amity Law School, Noida is calling for papers on Artificial Intelligence & Legal Analytics: A New Instrument for Legal Practice in the Digital Arena to be published by a reputed publisher with an ISBN number.


In today’s rapidly changing digital world, it has never been riskier for legal firms to ignore the necessity of adopting new legal technology, and the legal sector is no exception. Artificial intelligence and legal technology learning will revolutionize the legal sector. Artificial Intelligence has the capacity to amplify human effectiveness but at the same time, it also poses threat to human autonomy and emotional capabilities.


  • Artificial Intelligence Accountability
  • Legal Personhood of Artificial Intelligence
  • Intellectual Property Rights in Artificial Intelligence
  • Artificial Intelligence: Ethical Concerns
  • The Interplay of Artificial Intelligence and International Law
  • Application of Artificial Intelligence in the Legal World
  • Artificial Intelligence: A Lawyer’s Replacement?
  • Artificial Intelligence and Society
  • Artificial Intelligence and Privacy Concerns
  • Human rights Issues of Artificial Intelligence
  • Legal Artificial Intelligence in Public and Private Sector
  • Future of Law Visa Vis Artificial Intelligence
  • Government Intervention in Artificial Intelligence
  • Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity
  • AI and Criminal Justice


  • Contributions should be between 4500-6000 words. The word limit mentioned is inclusive of footnotes.
  • All the submissions must consist of an Abstract of not more than 300 words along with 6 keywords.
  • The abstract will be included within the word limit.
  • A submission can be co-authored by a maximum of two people.
  • Authors are requested to mail their original, unpublished submissions in .doc/.docx format to artificialintelligencebook.als[at]
  • The name of the file must contain the Name of the Author(s) along with the Title of the Submission.
  • The submissions must be accompanied by a covering letter bearing the following information:
    1. Full Name of the Author(s)
    2. Position/Year of Study
    3. Institutional Affiliations (if any)
    4. Contact Details of the Author(s)
  • Formatting Guidelines
    • The font Type and Size of the main text must be Times New Roman, 12.
    • Font Type and Size of footnotes must be Times New Roman, 10.
    • Line Spacing of the main text and footnotes must be 1.5, Single respectively.
    • The use of headings and sub-headings is encouraged.
    • Headings and Sub-Headings should be numbered, should be of the same font type and size as the main text, and should be in bold.
  • Citations must be in ILI Citation.
  • Publication Policy
  • The submissions should be the original work of the authors and must not be published elsewhere.
  • Submissions with plagiarized content (not more than 10%) and copyright issues will be rejected outrightly.
  • After initial screening, short-listed submissions will go through a double-blind peer-review process and the final selection will be based on that procedure.


September 30, 2022

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The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (“the Rome Statute”), which was ratified by 120 nations on July 17, 1998, led to the creation of the International Criminal Court. Following the Rome Statute’s entry into force on July 1, 2002, governments made the first-ever decision in human history to agree to a permanent international criminal court’s jurisdiction over the prosecution of those responsible for the most heinous crimes committed on their soil or by their citizens. The International Criminal Court does not substitute for domestic courts.

The Rome Statute mandates that each State exercise its criminal jurisdiction over those who commit transnational crimes. Only in cases where a State is unable or unwilling to conduct an honest investigation and impose just punishments on the criminals may the International Criminal Court step in. The main goal of the International Criminal Court is to contribute to the prevention of such crimes by helping to end impunity for those who commit the most heinous crimes that have an impact on the entire international community. In the long run, a knowledgeable public may contribute to ensuring that international justice is upheld and applied.


Some of the most heinous crimes were committed throughout the wars of the twentieth century. Sadly, many of these violations of international law have gone unpunished. The Nuremberg and Tokyo tribunals were established after World War II. The UN General Assembly understood the necessity for a permanent international court to handle the kinds of atrocities that had recently happened when it established the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in 1948.

After the end of the Cold War, the idea of a global criminal justice system reappeared. However, the world saw atrocious crimes being committed on the soil of the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda while the United Nations was considering the ICC Statute. The United Nations Security Council established ad hoc tribunals in each of these situations as a response to these atrocities. These events unquestionably had an impact on the choice to hold the Rome-based conference that established the ICC in the summer of 1998. On July 17, 1998, a meeting of 160 nations established the first treaty-based permanent international criminal court. The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court is the agreement that was adopted during that conference.

The Assembly of State Parties, which convenes at least once a year, defines general guidelines for the Court’s management and performs an annual assessment of its activities. The state parties review the activities of the working groups they established, as well as any other issues relating to the ICC, at these sessions. They also discuss new initiatives and approve the ICC’s annual budget. All of the regions are represented by the over 120 state parties to the Rome Statute, including Western Europe, North America, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Eastern Europe, and Africa.


The Court accepts voluntary donations from governments, international organizations, people, businesses, and other entities in addition to the majority of state parties that pay its costs.


  • The Assembly of state parties is the administrative, oversight, and legislative body of the Court, and it is made up of one delegate from each state party.
  • Every attempt must be taken to reach a consensus on all issues, and each state party has one vote. Decisions are voted on if consensus cannot be obtained.
  • The president and two vice-presidents of the Assembly are chosen by the members to serve three-year terms.


  • Every state party to the Rome Statute has the right to ask the prosecutor’s office to conduct an investigation. An investigation into crimes committed on its territory or by one of its residents may likewise be requested by a State that is not a party to the Statute and agreed to. Additionally, the UN Security Council has the authority to send this case to the Court.
  • When a Public Prosecutor’s Office receives pertinent information about the defendant and determines that there is cause to pursue an investigation, and the crime involves residents of a State Party or State that has acknowledged ICC jurisdiction or the crime is committed on the territory of any such State, the Prosecutor may launch an independent investigation. Such information may be provided by people, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, or other reliable sources. However, the prosecution must get the go-ahead from the Pre-Trial Chamber judges before an investigation under certain circumstances may start.
  • After carefully examining the information at hand, the Public Prosecution determines whether an inquiry is adequately substantiated. Therefore, it must establish if war crimes, crimes against humanity, or genocide has been committed, as well as whether they occurred after July 1, 2002. The prosecution must confirm whether a legitimate investigation or trial of the crime’s perpetrators is being carried out by any national entity.
  • The prosecutor’s office dispatches its detectives to areas where crimes are alleged to have occurred, to gather evidence. Researchers must take precautions to ensure that witnesses and victims are not in danger. The prosecutor’s office often requests assistance from governments and international organizations. The goal of the investigators is to establish a subject’s guilt or innocence.
  • If there are good grounds to believe that a crime has been committed within the ICC’s jurisdiction, only a pre-trial chamber may, upon the start of an inquiry, issue an arrest warrant or summons to appear.
  • Upon the issuance of an arrest warrant, the Registrar is required to communicate applications for cooperation requesting the detention and rendition of the suspect to the State concerned or other States, depending on the ruling of the judges in each case. After the individual has been detained and the tribunal has been informed of this, the court assures that the person will be given a copy of their arrest warrant.
  • The suspect makes his initial court appearance not long after arriving in The Hague. The first hearing confirms that the suspect was correctly identified in the Pre-Trial Chamber, ensures that the suspect is aware of the charges against him or her, confirms the language in which the hearing should be conducted, and specifies the day on which the hearing of charges will start.
  • Before the trial begins, the judges of the Court consider any procedural issues that the parties might raise. They also schedule sessions to address these issues in advance of the trial so that it can proceed fairly and quickly.
  • Throughout the trial, both the prosecution and the defence counsel have the opportunity to present their cases. The prosecution is required to present evidence to the court in order to prove the accused’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Documents, other tangible objects, or witness declarations may serve as proof. The prosecutor must also be informed of any evidence indicating the defendant is innocent. Initial case presentation and witness testimony are requested by the prosecutor. After each witness has been questioned by the prosecution, the defence attorney has the opportunity to question the witness as well. After the prosecutor has presented all of the evidence, it is the accused’s chance to present a defence with the assistance of the counsel of their attorney.
  • The judges determine the defendant’s guilt after hearing from the witnesses and the victims and having their testimonies reviewed by the prosecution and the defence. The sentence should be made public and wherever it is appropriate if the defendants, victims, or their legal representatives have taken part in the proceedings.


The International Criminal Court’s operation is subject to the following restrictions and conditions:

  • As there is no specialized police force or authority in place for the ICC, the organization depends on several nations to arrest and transfer guilty parties to prison facilities.
  • The ICC selects its cases with great care.
  • The legitimacy of the judges and ICC prosecutor is not routinely checked.
  • The International Criminal Court has previously been charged with favouring powerful nations.
  • With ICC, there is a lack of both people and financial resources.
  • It has been charged with serving as a vehicle for western imperialism.
  • For the ICC to be functional, state cooperation is required. This makes it less effective since criminals can seize power and escape being brought to justice by the ICC.


  • India declined to ratify the Rome Statute for the reasons listed below:
  • Nationwide objectives
  • State Authority
  • Finding unbiased prosecutors is difficult
  • The collection of evidence is difficult.
  • Crime explanation


  • Muammar al-Gaddafi: In 2011, the Security Council submitted the Libyan situation to the ICC on the basis of claims that the Libyan leader was responsible for the deaths of unarmed civilians during the Arab Spring protests. In June 2011, the court issued arrest warrants for Qaddafi, his brother-in-law, and his son. But he fled, and before he could be found, he was slain. The son of Qaddafi, Saif al-Islam, is still at large.
  • Uhuru Kenyatta: The 2010 violence that claimed more than 1000 lives was the subject of an inquiry by the ICC. Five other prominent political figures, including Kenyatta, were identified as suspects in crimes against humanity and war. As Kenyatta won the presidency in 2013 with William Ruto, another ICC suspect, as his running partner, the inquiry went on. In 2014, the ICC dismissed its allegations against Kenyatta, and in 2016, it dropped its charges against Ruto. The prosecutor’s office also asserted that the Kenyan government was unhelpful and that the case collapsed as a result of witness manipulation.


To end clemency for the most egregious crimes of concern to the international community and to aid in their prevention, the International Criminal Court (ICC) was founded. The court’s role as a protector of individual rights in the new humanitarian international order, however, is in jeopardy due to a severe enforcement issue. The increasing relegation of the political issues of the affected populations in the post-conflict zones to the background of international criminal proceedings, in addition to the ICC’s enforcement issues, threatens to make the entire organization obsolete.

Achieving the important objectives of international criminal law requires the existence of effective democratic institutions at the national level because the vast majority of contemporary conflicts are likely to be internal wars that break out in opposition to authoritarian rule or response to repressive and undemocratic governments. Justice for atrocity victims and nation-building may appear to be at odds, but a practical approach to international criminal justice administration can accomplish the former while also ensuring the required democratic framework for the latter.

This article is written by Aditi Jangid, 1st year law student pursuing bachelor’s degree from Delhi Metropolitan Education (Affiliated to GGSIPU).

About the Organization

The Ramesh Tripathi & Associates Practice is a full-service law firm with a heavy emphasis on advising clients (individuals or corporations) about their legal rights and obligations and to stand up for clients in court disputes, commercial deals, and other problems. Our wealth of expertise and practical knowledge enable us to offer our clients a full range of legal services.

Ramesh Tripathi & Associates Firm was established with the utmost integrity, a people-first philosophy, and a commitment to giving back to society wherever practical. In order to continue offering dependable and extremely effective services, we continue to adhere to the “customer first” approach.

About the Responsibilities  

The Ramesh Tripathi & Associates law firm is seeking smart, sincere, and motivated final-year interns who are interested in learning more about a variety of legal topics and getting lots of experience.

As an intern you are required to: –

  • The main work needs would be basic drafting, research abilities, and in-person court appearances. Criminal, consumer, labour, corporate, real estate, insolvency, and intellectual property laws would all require work.


Vashi, Navi Mumbai.

How to Apply?

Interested candidates may apply from here: –

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About the Organization & Responsibility

Hanuman Singh is accepting applications for an internship. There is an unpaid internship opportunity available in the Jaipur office. My primary areas of work are criminal and civil cases before the Honorable Supreme Court and High Courts. Only the weekends are expected of interns. It would be preferable for interns to be in their final year of school or have recently graduated.

How to Apply?

Interested candidates may apply from here: –

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About the Organization

One of the oldest assurance, tax, and advising firms of Chartered Accountants in India was founded in 1925 and is known as P N A M & Co. (previously Soni Chatrath & Co.). With over 95 years of experience, our specialist team of accountants is trusted to offer clients in India and around the world a full range of assurance, tax, and corporate advisory services. Through narrowly specialised practise groups, the company offers strong compliance services and growth navigation solutions on complicated commercial and financial concerns.

About the Responsibilities  

We at PNAM & Co. LLP are seeking interns for our Barakhamba Road office.

As an intern you are required to: –

  • those who are enrolled in a third to fifth-year LLB programme.
  • support with all legal work.
  • should possess strong drafting abilities and knowledge of procedural laws.
  • Depending on the nature of the project that is handed to him or her, the candidate may be expected to do a combination of one or more of the duties listed below.

How to Apply?

Interested candidates may apply from here: – and CC to

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About the Organization

The main ministry of the Indian government for all issues pertaining to new and renewable energy is the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE). The Ministry’s overarching goal is to create and implement new, renewable energy sources to support the nation’s energy needs.

About the Responsibilities  

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) is seeking applications for four (04) opportunities for Young Professionals who are eager to showcase their demonstrated academic, credential, professional accomplishments, and leadership skills.


Contract-based hiring via the open market is the recruitment strategy.

Candidates must be under 30 as of the advertisement’s publication date.

How to Apply?

Interested candidates may apply from here: – On or before September 7, 2022, qualified applicants should email their applications and resumes to in the format specified in the job posting, along with documentation of their eligibility, including verification of their date of birth, educational background, and work history.

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National Law University Odisha in association with Cyber Law University is presenting a certificate course on Cyber Law and Cyber Security from September 1, 2022.


The National Law University Odisha (NLUO) was established in 2009 by Act IV of 2008 of the State of Odisha. The University is located in the city of Cuttack, where the seat of the Orissa High Court is also situated.


Anyone who passed 12th from CBSE or possesses an equivalent qualification.


August 28, 2022



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