The CLS-TNNLU is an active academic society that has been working diligently towards making all of the student fraternity aware of their constitutional rights and duties.

They have been a robust group in advancing legal knowledge by conducting seminars, webinars, debates, guest lectures, and essay competitions for both the students of TNNLU and other universities. The CLS-TNNLU has conducted many successful events, such as the flagship Annual Quiz in collaboration with the National Commission for Women and the India-US Constitutional Law Debate in association with the US Consulate General, Chennai.

Call for Blogs

CLS-TNNLU is elated to announce the launch of its latest call for submissions on the theme- Principles of Constitutional Democracy and Indian Elections.

About the Blog

The CLS Blog is a forum created by the Constitutional Law Society, TNNLU to enrich the dialogue surrounding contemporary issues of Constitutional Law.

The blog aims to provide a platform for the TNNLU fraternity including practitioners, academic scholars, and students to contribute to the growing discourse.

Constitutional Law Society of Tamil Nadu National Law University (CLS-TNNLU) primarily accepts submissions related to Constitutional Law but welcomes and actively encourages interdisciplinary engagement. This is in keeping with their goal to spread awareness of all aspects of Constitutional Law, and its intersection with other fields of study. 

This month, submissions are invited on the theme- Principles of Constitutional Democracy and Indian Elections.

A Note on the Theme

Elections in India function as the reins that bind the spirit of democracy, and as citizens, we must keep the reins as taut as possible. Election Laws in India have evolved over the years, with the Election Commission(s) carefully constructing regulations for elections, to fulfill the promise of free and fair elections. 

The world’s largest and most eclectic democracy cannot afford to compromise on a robust and efficient electoral mechanism. Thus, there arises the need for a  thorough understanding of the existing system, its merits and demerits, and possibilities for improvement. It is with this motive that the Constitutional Law Society, TNNLU has decided to explore the system of elections in this theme. 

Sub-Themes for Engagement

  • Enforcement of Model Code of Conduct  
  • The Election Commission of India as a Judicial Body 
  • Anti-Defection Laws and Freedom of Expression 
  • The Right to Recall Elected Representatives 
  • Electoral Reservations 
  • Impact of NOTA on Electoral Outcomes 
  • Binding Effect of Election Manifestos   
  • Hate Speech in Election Campaigning 
  • Analysis of First Past the Post as a Voting System
  • Electoral Bonds Scheme: A Constitutional Analysis

In this call, we welcome your insight on the above topics in the form of articles, opinion pieces, case comments, legislative comments or book reviews. The submission guidelines are available here. 

Submission Deadline

The deadline for the thematic submission is March 21, 2022. 

How to Submit?

To submit a piece, kindly fill out the Google Form through the link- https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScQspAYy1uK5D9B5w98kZnYudSX7wq5JEzL9D0S467CiVEmBQ/viewform

Aside from thematic submissions, we also accept submissions on a rolling basis.

They welcome pieces that address contemporary issues and nuances in Constitutional Law, both in India and internationally. They discourage posts that merely summarize cases or discuss basic aspects of Constitutional Law. The blog is keen on creating a dialogue between posts so feel free to cross-refer to and comment on other posts from the Blog!

Contact details

Mail at: clsblog@tnnlu.ac.in

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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About the Airbnb

Airbnb, Inc. is an American company that operates an online marketplace for lodging, primarily homestays for vacation rentals, and tourism activities. Based in San Francisco, California, the platform is accessible via website and mobile app.

About the opportunity

Airbnb is inviting application for job, if you are interested in diversity and culture of a national full service law firm and more so assisting with the business side of its functioning.

Procedure to apply

Email your resume and interest to ANB Legal at rai@anblegal.com.

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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About the Aquinas Law

We are a Singapore law firm with a focus on ASEAN, China and India. We practice in four practice groups, namely, Corporate/Corporate Finance, Dispute Resolution (Litigation and Arbitration), Intellectual Property and Private Client and Real Estate.

About the opportunity

Aquinas Law is hiring. As the firm grows, we are looking to hire and expand our team. We are looking for trainees and junior associates with 0-2 years of experience.


Corporate and Dispute Resolution lawyer.

Procedure to apply

If you are interested in learning and developing in the fields of corporate and commercial transactions, or be part of cross border litigation and arbitration, please email us at lawyers@aquinaslaw.sg.

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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About Roopal Dhaneshwar

Roopal Dhaneshwar is Independent Corporate and Commercial Law Attorney and Consultant rendering services in the field of General Corporate Laws, Commercial Laws, Technology Laws, Intellectual Property Laws, Legal Compliance, Legal Research and Drafting, and Data Privacy Fundamentals.

About the opportunity

Roopal Dhaneshwar is Looking for someone with at least 6 months of experience in corporate and commercial laws.

Area of interest

Corporate Law, Technology Law, Legal Research and Drafting.



Procedure to apply

If you are interested, please send your resume and cover letter to roopaldhaneshwar@gmail.com.

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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About the opportunity

The District Collector’s Office, Tirunelveli, is looking for interns to work on the following areas:

1. GIS
2. Business Plan and DPR preparation
3. Communication and media outreach


3 months


Remuneration available for offline interns.

Other benefits

1) Certificate of Appreciation provided by the DC’s office.
2) LOR upon good work.


  • Anybody with an interest in governance and policy, especially UPSC and ex-UPSC aspirants looking to transition into the policy space.
  • Preference will be given to people who know Tamil and reside in Tirunelveli, as most of the work will be onsite.

Note- People willing to intern online can also apply.

Link to apply


Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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The article seeks to discuss and elaborate on the crimes committed against women through the lens of the Indian Penal Code.


Indian Penal Code is a comprehensive code that integrates and codifies the criminal law of India. The Code prescribes punishment for offenses committed within India. IPC was basically the brainchild of the English government. The first law commission of India1, which was established by the Charter Act of 1833, steered the drafting of IPC, under the tutelage of Thomas Macaulay in 1834. The drafting of the code was completed in 1850 and was presented to the Imperial Legislative Council in 1856 which was ultimately enacted by the Imperial Council on 6th October 1860. The Criminal Code was initially enforced only upon selected Indian States. However, after the Independence of India, the ambit of the act was gradually widened and it covered the entire Indian territory except for the State of Jammu and Kashmir, wherein, after the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization Act 2019, the IPC came into force. The IPC is divided into 23 chapters, spanning 511 exhaustive sections. Each Chapter of IPC deals with a separate category of offense in the most elaborative and fastidious fashion.

Women are the building blocks of any society. They are synonymous with empathy, motherhood, empowerment, and development. However, like the men and children and other sections of society, the women too need the constitutional and legislative safeguard to protect their interests. Women, as a quintessential section of Indian society, have been vulnerable to myriad crimes. The patriarchal mindset of Indian society coupled with inequity and physical fragility, have jeopardized the interests of women.

IPC serves as an effective tool to serve the interests of all the sections of the society, especially the women, and thereby in that furtherance, categorically lays down descriptive code to punish the people for their crimes. It addresses some of the most rudimentary and fundamental issues concerning the safety of women in everyday life in length and breadth.


In order to proceed further, it is to be noted that Section 10 of IPC describes ‘women’ as female human beings of any age group.


  • Section 304B of IPC: Dowry Death.
    It prescribes that if the death of a woman is caused within 7 years of marriage due to bodily injury or burns and it could be shown that soon before her death she was subjected to cruelty by her husband or his relative, then such death would be deemed as dowry death and the punishment for the same would be imprisonment for a minimum term of 7 years, which could be extended to imprisonment for life.


  • Section 313:
    Miscarriage without Consent: Causation of miscarriage of a woman without her consent and good faith is punishable with a term of up to 10 years or with a fine, or both
  • Section 315:
    Any act done explicitly and not done in good faith, leading to the death of a child after birth or preventing it from being born alive is punishable with a term of up to 10 years and a fine.


  • 326A: Voluntary Causing Of Hurt With The Use Of Acid
    Voluntary causation of grievous hurt by throwing/administering acid, that leads to permanent or partial deformity/ damage to any body part of the victim is punishable with a minimum term of 10 years which could extend up to life imprisonment and with fine
  • 326B: Attempting To Throw Acid
    Any attempt to throw or administer acid to any person leading to permanent or partial deformity of any body part is punishable with a term ranging from 5 to 7 years and with a fine.


  • Section 354: Outraging Modesty Of Women
    Intentional use of criminal force (assault) to outrage or likely to outrage the modesty of women is punishable with a term not less than 1 year, which may extend up to 5 years, and a fine.
  • Section 354A: Sexual Harassment Of Woman
    Sexual harassment of women by physically touching her, making sexually colorable remarks/ expressions, showing pornography against her will, demanding sexual favors is punishable with a term ranging from 1 year to 3 years or fine or both.
  • Section 354B: Use Of Force To Disrobe Women
    Use of criminal force to disrobe a woman or compel her to be naked is punishable with a term ranging from years to 7 years or fine or both.
  • Section 354C: Punishment For Voyeurism
    To capture an image or watch women engaging in the private act where women would reasonably expect privacy is a punishable offense wherein the offender is liable with a term of up to 3 years of fine or both.
  • Section 354D: Punishment For Stalking A Woman
    Stalking a woman by contacting or following her, or attempting to develop personal interaction against the will of the woman, except in cases of discharging legal or public duty, is punishable with a term of up to 3 years and a fine, which may extend up to 5 years.
  • Section 366A and Section 366B
    Both these sections deal with the procuration of a minor girl under the age of 18 years from any part of India or abroad respectively for the purpose of forcing her into illicit intercourse with another person is punishable for a term of up to 10 years and with a fine.
  • Section 370
    Trafficking of a person by means of force, fraud, abduction, inducement, threat, or force for the purpose of exploitation of the victim with or without its consent is punishable for a term ranging from 7 years up to life imprisonment along with a fine, depending upon the grievousness of the situation and crime.
  • Section 372 and Section 373
    Selling and buying of minors respectively for the purposes of above Sections, under the age of 18 years for the purpose of prostitution is punishable with imprisonment for a term of up to 10 years and fine.
  • Section 375: Definition Of Rape
    This section defines rape. Rape is committed if a man applies his mouth or penetrates his penis/ any object or into mouth, vagina, urethra, or anus; or manipulates any body part of a woman so as to facilitate penetration against the will of the woman or with her consent by coercing/ putting her under fear/ deceiving her to be her lawful husband or under intoxication or when she is under 18 years of age.
  • Section 376: Punishment For Rape
    Rape is punishable with a minimum term of at least 10 years and with a fine that may extend up to life imprisonment. Rape by police officers, public servants, members of armed forces, jail staffs, hospital staff, staff of remand home, persons exercising fiduciary relationship, is punishable with rigorous imprisonment of five to ten years, extending to imprisonment for natural life along with fine.
  • Section 376A: Punishment For Rape Resulting In Death
    This Section deals with punishment for causing death or persistently vegetative state of the victim due to rape. The offender will be liable with imprisonment of a minimum of 20 years which shall extend up to life imprisonment or even with death.
  • Section 376AB
    Raping a woman under 12 years of age shall result in imprisonment of at least 20 years and with a fine, which may extend up to life imprisonment or with death.
  • Section 376B
    Rape by husband upon his wife during the period of the decree of separation shall be punished with a term of at least 2 years, extendable up to 7 years, and with a fine.
  • Section 376C
    Rape committed by people in authority, public servants, or by those in a fiduciary relationship, or by management of a hospital or by jail staff, shall be liable to be punished with imprisonment of a minimum of 5 years, which may extend up to 10 years, and with fine.
  • Section 376D: Prescribes Punishment For Gangrape
    Rape committed by two or more men acting in furtherance of common intention shall be punishable with imprisonment of not less than 20 years which may extend up to life imprisonment.
  • Section 376DA
    Rape of girls under sixteen years of age is punishable with imprisonment of a minimum of twenty years extending to imprisonment for natural life along with a fine.
  • Section 376E: Prescribes Punishment For Repeat Offenders
    A person committing rape, who has been previously convicted of rape under Section 376, 376A-D, shall be punishable with imprisonment of life.
  • Section 498A
    Cruelty includes the acts of harassment by the husband or his relative that is likely to drive the woman to commit suicide or to cause grave injury or danger to life, limb, or health; or any unlawful demand for any property or valuable security. The husband or his relative who subjects such women to cruelty shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years and with a fine.


Even in this 21st century, where the technological advancements and the cogent changes in the perception of the moral standards of Indian society have revolutionized our way of life, women continue to be subjected to multitudes of crimes every day. IPC as a criminal code provides the basic framework for legislative penal actions. It serves as a foundation and paves way for the introduction and enactment of specific women-centric legislative pieces to exhaustively address the issues of women and chalk out the way forward.


  1. Historical Introduction to IPC (PDF)
  2. https://legislative.gov.in/sites/default/files/A1860-45.pdf

This article is written by Riya Ganguly, 2 nd year BBA LLB student at Bharati Vidyapeeth New Law College, Pune.

About the Organiser

Law College Dehradun, faculty of Uttaranchal University, an institution contributing splendidly to legal education since 2002, invites you to the new edition of its annual mooting affair, the 6th Law College Dehradun National Moot Court Competition at Dehradun, Uttarakhand.

The Moot Court Society is a student body assigned with the tasks of successful conduct of the event. It has a constitution which can be accessed at lcdmcs.com

About the Moot

The Constitution of our country is the suprema lex, it is the law to which all laws subscribe and must adhere. Law College Dehradun, faculty of Uttaranchal University National Moot Court Competition is an annually hosted national level moot court competition based on Constitutional Law.

This Competition is considered to be of great repute by the mooting circuits of the country. It is administered by the Moot Court Society of the college. Other than contributing to the field of Constitutional Law, this Competition serves as a channel through which young law students can showcase and hone their advocacy skills.

The first edition of the Competition was won by NUJS, Kolkata; the second by NLU, Jodhpur; the third edition was won by Hidayatullah National Law University; the fourth edition was won by Chanakya National Law University and the fifth edition was won by Christ University.

This year, once again, we welcome participation from the best law schools/colleges/universities of the country, in expectation to chisel out the proficient lawyers and judges of the future.

Dates of the Competition: 7th & 8th May, 2022

Mode of the Competition: The University is determined to organize this competition in Offline mode but in case of any circumstances beyond the control of the University (pandemic) the competition shall be converted into Online/Virtual mode and Rupees 2000/- shall be refunded.


Students of 3/5 year LL.B. degree courses from any institution recognized by B.C.I. and LL.M. students (not enrolled as advocates) are eligible to participate. Provided that only one team may participate per institution.


Dehradun, Uttarakhand

Registration / Submission Procedure

  • All registration formalities are to be completed online on the website. To register, visit here.
  • Registration of a Team shall be complete when Final Registration is completed along with payment of fees at https://lcdmcs.com/transaction/.

Fee details

INR 5000 is payable as a registration fee. Fees must be paid by online transfer/UPI after confirmation of selection post-Memorial Elimination Round latest by April 23, 2022. (Account Details available at lcdmcs.com).


Prizes worth Rs.1 Lac

Important Dates

  • Moot Proposition shall be released on March 5, 2022.
  • Last Date of Memorial Submission: April 15, 2022
  • Result of Memorial Elimination Round: April 20, 2022

Contact details

  • Email Address for all Communications: lcdmcs@uttaranchaluniversity.ac.in
    Prof. (Dr.) Poonam Rawat, Chairperson, Faculty Advisory Board, MCS: hodlaw@uttaranchaluniversity.ac.in
  • Student Organisers:
    Rajat Gaur, President, MCS: +91 8077112682
    Shreyanshi Tripathi, Vice-President, MCS: +91 8318506246
    Krishna Rastogi, Joint Convener, NMCC: +91 9721907945

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About the Moot

IILM Law School, Gurugram is delighted to announce the 1st IILM National Moot Court Competition, 2022 that shall allow students to deal with an exceptionally crafted hypothetical case and showcase their argumentative skills.

The event shall be held offline.

Moot Proposition

The moot proposition for the 1st IILM National Moot Court Competition has been crafted with the view of providing a holistic understanding of laws relating to Artificial Intelligence, Constitutional Law and The Indian Penal Code. 

Eligibility and Team Composition

Eligibility: Students pursuing an undergraduate degree (3-year LLB program or a 5-year integrated LLB program)

Team Composition

  • Each team shall comprise three members (two speakers and a researcher).
  • Two-member teams are strictly ineligible to participate
  • Every Institute is allowed to send ONE participating team only.

Mode and Platform


The details shall be communicated in due course of the competition. 

Registration Process

Each team is required to pay a Sum of Rs.5000 for their registration by clicking here.

Upon payment, the teams are required to send the duly filled registration form along with the screenshot of the proof of payment to iilmlawschool@iilm.edu

Important Dates

Notification of Competition & Release of Moot Proposition17th February, 2022
Last date of Registration15th  March, 2022
Last date for seeking Clarifications20th March, 2022
Release of Clarifications22nd  March, 2022
Last date for submission of soft copies of Memorials4th April , 2022
Submission of Hard Copies of Memorials (1 copy each side)7th April,     2022   (03Copies,        at the Registration Desk)
Last Date for mailing Travel Itineraries 5th April 2022
Inauguration7th April 2022
Draw of Lots and Exchange of Memorials7th April, 2022
Preliminary and Quarter Rounds8th April, 2022
Semi Final & Final Round9th April, 2022
Valedictory and Prize Distribution9th April, 2022

Important Links

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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About the Journal

The Journal is a peer-reviewed, bi-annual flagship law journal of the Faculty of Law, Integral University, Lucknow, and is available at www.integrallawreview.org.

The journal promotes intersectional scholarship and has an open admittance. The team accepts manuscripts on the themes related to law or has law as the core argument with an intersection with other academic disciplines such as technology, politics, sciences, public policy, history, management, philosophy, psychology, etc.

Call for Papers

The Integral Law Review (“Journal” hereinafter) is pleased to announce the call for papers for its forthcoming Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2022.

The Journal invites Judges, Academicians, Research Scholars, Lawyers, and Students both of Undergraduate & Postgraduate level, who have an interest in legal scholarship to submit their manuscripts for the Journal.

Exhaustively researched original Academic Articles, Short Essays, Case Comments, Legislative Comments, Book Reviews, and Photo Essays, are accepted.

Submission Categories and Limitations

  • Academic Articles: 5000 – 10000 words
  • Short Academic Essays: 2500 – 4500 words
  • Case Comments: 1500 – 3000 words
  • Review of Law and Treaty: 1500 – 3000 words
  • Book Reviews: 900 – 1500 words
  • Photo Essays: Minimum 10 Pictures with 2000 words supporting text
  • Interviews: By Nomination or Invitation

Submission and Formatting Guidelines

  • Submission is to be made in electronic form only and must be sent to integrallawreview@gmail.com with the email subject ‘Submission – Integral Law Review’. Co-authorship should be limited to two.
  • The manuscript must be submitted with an abstract, which shall not be more than 350 words and should contain a minimum of three keywords.
  • The manuscript must be in English only, in Microsoft Word (MS-Word) format, with the font size 12 in Times New Roman with 1.5 line spacing for the main text and size 10 in Times New Roman with single line spacing for footnotes. The author must adhere to the OSCOLA citation format.
  • The manuscript must be accompanied by a covering email providing the author’s name and name of the institution/organization. The author shall not include their name or any other identity in the manuscript, in any form.
  • Professional writing is encouraged and expect authors to avoid foul or defamatory language.
  • No publication/contribution fees is charged at any stage of publication.
  • The deadline for submissions for Volume 1 Issue 1 is March 31, 2022.

Review and Publication Policies

The Integral Law Review is a peer-reviewed journal that follows double-blind methods, which means that both the reviewer/editors and the author identities are concealed from the reviewers/editors, and vice versa, throughout the review process. Please follow the link given at the end of this post to access the review and publication policies.

Contact details

For queries regarding submissions, please write to ilr@iul.ac.in, with the email subject ‘Query – Integral Law Review’ or would like to get in touch with the editors write to the Law Review’s Managing Editor at abhiksingh@iul.ac.in or the Chief Student Editor at rraza@iul.ac.in

If anyone wants to nominate a legal luminary for our Interview Section, please write to ilr@iul.ac.in, with the email subject ‘Interview – Integral Law Review’.

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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MR Law Review is a student-run, peer-reviewed initiative which intends to promote critical thinking, research, and writing in a wide array of legal fields, and develop a latitudinarian community of researchers and thinkers who are publishing cutting-edge, high-quality legal reviews devoted to the substantive areas of the law.

Call for Papers

MRSLR or Manav Rachna Students Law Review is inviting submissions by way of a call for papers for its Volume 1 Issue 2 on the topic, ‘Food and Health Laws’.


The theme for the second issue is “Food and Health Laws” and the sub-topics for this theme are:

  • Consumer Laws
  • Food and Fitness
  • Health and Medicines
  • Clinical Trials
  • Health Policies
  • Medical Laws in India
  • Vaccination and Public Medicines
  • Violation of Rights of Dead During Pandemic
  • Healthcare Management


Professionals, academicians, research scholars, and students are invited to contribute to the publication.

Submission Guidelines

  • The submissions can be in the form of research articles, essays, opinions and case commentaries. 
  • Word limit for
    • Research Paper: 4000-5000 words
    • Research Articles: 3000 words
    • Case/Legislative/Policies/Book commentaries: 1000-1500 words
    • Essay/Opinions: 1500-2500 words
  • Please note: The word limit is illustrative in nature. However, adherence to the word limit shall be highly appreciated.
  • There should be an abstract for the submission of the Research Papers only. The same should not be more than 100 words (inclusive of the word limit).
  • References should be hyperlinked wherever necessary. In case the cited material does not have an online source or online copy, the citations must adhere to ILI guidelines. There will be strict adherence to the references and the footnoting style herein mentioned.  
  • All submissions must be in Times New Roman, font size 12, Spacing 1.5; justified.  
  • Footnotes cited in the manuscript should be typed in font Times New Roman with font size 10, line spacing 1′; justified.
  • Co-authorship is allowed.
  • All entries should be submitted in .docx format ONLY.
  • The selected entries will be published in the MR Law Review.
  • The entries must be original, unpublished and an outcome of the author’s own efforts. Manav Rachna Students’ Law Review (MRSLR) wishes to provide a platform for the original ideas and content of the authors. Thus, any plagiarized content shall be straight away rejected.
  • The authors by submitting their entries would be deemed to have divested the copyright to “MRS’ Law Review.” However, all moral rights shall remain with the author(s). 

How to Submit?

  • All the manuscripts must be submitted through the google form. Link for the form. Please keep in mind: 
  • The Author(s) must fill in their details very carefully. These details shall be used to prepare the certificates.
  • The Author(s) must attach their manuscripts in .docx format. PDF format shall not be considered.
  • Any queries can be addressed to the editorial board: mrlawreview@gmail.com

Publication Fee

There is no publication fee at any stage of submission.

Further Communication

  • After we receive your manuscript, an auto-generated acknowledgement shall be sent to your mail in 3-4 working days.
  • While the focus is on the quality of writing, we usually take 1-1.5 months in communicating the acceptance or rejection of your submission. The time may vary with respect to the submissions received.
  • You shall be free to submit your writing elsewhere after that.
  • Copy of publication shall be shared with the author(s) within one week of publication along with the Certificate in digital format

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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