About NLUJodhpur

National Law University, Jodhpur is an institution of national prominence established under the National Law University, Jodhpur Act, 1999 by Rajasthan State Legislation. The University is established for the advancement of learning, teaching, research and diffusion of knowledge in the field of law.

About the Journal

The Centre for Corporate Governance is a research hub under the rubrics of National Law University, Jodhpur, dedicated to research and development of governance standards for the corporate world. To promote holistic research on areas covered within the broad ambit of corporate law, the Centre came out with a bi-annual publication in 2008, known as Journal on Governance (also known as ‘Journal on Corporate Law and Governance’).

The Journal on Corporate Law & Governance [“JCLG”] is evidence of invincible research, thought-provoking ideas and significant academic and intellectual standards. It offers a forum for critical research on the interplay of contemporary corporate law issues, both from an academic and industry perspective. The Journal is peer-reviewed with ISSN serial publication No. 0976-0369 and indexed on prestigious legal databases SCC Online and Manupatra.


The Journal invites academicians, practitioners, students of law pursuing their LL.B. (Hons.)/LL.B./LL.M. from any recognised university to submit their entries.


The broad theme of the Journal for Volume V Issue 1 is “Addressing Emerging Trends: Navigating the Murky Waters of Corporate Law and Governance.”

Submission Guidelines

Please note that the submissions must conform to the following requirements:

  • The author(s) may contribute to the Journal in the form of Articles, Notes, Comments and Case Analysis.
  • The acceptable length of Articles is >4500 words, and of Notes, Comments & Case Analysis is between 3000-4500 words, including footnotes.
  • All submissions must include an abstract of not more than 300 words, explaining the main idea, objective of the article and the conclusions drawn from it.
  • Each submission may have maximum of two authors.
  • The manuscript should be on A4 sized paper, in Garamond, font size 12, 1.15 line Spacing, justified and 1-inch margins on each side. Footnotes should be in Garamond, font size 10 and with single line spacing.
  • The Authors must conform to the Bluebook (20 th edition) Uniform System of Citation. Please refer to our guide to Bluebook (20th edition) here.
  • The Manuscript should not contain any identification of the author/s, which shall be a ground for rejection of the submission. Authors should provide their contact details, designation, institutional affiliation and address in the covering letter for the submission.
  • The submission must be the original work of the authors. Any form of plagiarism will lead to direct rejection.
  • The relevant sources should be duly acknowledged as footnotes. The decision of the Editorial Board in this regard shall be final.

Submission Procedure

  • Authors are requested to send an electronic version of their manuscripts .doc or .docx format to journal.governance@gmail.com with the subject as “Submission- [Name of Author] –Volume V Issue 1.”
  • The document name must be in the following format “[Name of Authors(s)] – [Title of submission].”
  • The e-mail must contain a covering letter providing the contact details, designation, institutional affiliation and address of the authors.

Submission Deadline

The deadline for receipt of submissions is 31st January 2022.

Contact Details


WhatsApp Group:






About the university

CUSB was established under the Central Universities Act, 2009, with the motto, “Collective Reasoning”. The University has been conducting its academic and other activities in its campus which extends over 300 acres at Panchanpur (near Gaya town, Bihar – 824236).

About the school of law and governance

The School of Law and Governance is a pioneer in grooming modern day legal professionals with a multidisciplinary edge by providing specialization in Corporate Law, Criminal Law, Labour Law, Constitutional Law, Taxation Law, International Trade & Investment, Banking, Finance & Insurance, IPR, Environment Law and Medical & Forensic Law. The department purports to provide quality legal education to the law students taking into consideration the changing needs of the society and in the changing era of globalization. At the same time, this department purports to provide traditional views of legal education and research as well because they have become relics of the past. The mission of this school is to equip the students with critical, analytical and applied skills and also to make both transactional and litigating lawyers.

About the legal aid clinic

The Legal Aid Clinic of any law school is one of the most important student bodies with an attitude to provide the students through practical experience that goes hand in hand with the academics. The Legal Aid Clinic, SLG, CUSB is in its 9th year of continuous functioning since its inception. The Legal Aid Clinic has organized prison visits and conducted various social awareness programs in schools and villages. National Conferences & Quiz competitions have also been organized to raise awareness about the importance of legal services among the budding lawyers.

About the event

The Article Writing Competition is being organized to provide young minds a platform to share their views on various socio-legal and contemporary issues related to Alternative Dispute Resolution. Judiciary plays a significant role in safeguarding the constitution. The judiciary is already overburdened by cases and due to the outbreak of COVID19 pandemic, there has been an exponential increase in the number of unsettled cases. This has attracted the attention of Parliament to draft the Mediation Bill, 2021. In the era of COVID19, Online Dispute Resolution as a means to resolve disputes has been very significant. It cannot be denied that the Alternative Dispute Resolution is supplanting Indian Judiciary and is the need of the hour. The idea of this Article writing competition is to bring different viewpoints and new insights on various issues of national and international importance of ADR-ODR. The competition also aims to create awareness among the student community over the importance of Legal Services Authority Act and Legal Aid Clinic in educational institutions. The objective is to sensitize the
students with the philosophy behind and need of remedy to socio-legal challenges.

Theme of the competition

Relevance of Alternative Dispute Resolution in contemporary times.

  1. Importance of Alternative Dispute Resolution
  2. Online Dispute Resolution in COVID19
  3. Legal Services Authority: A bridge between society and law
  4. Lok Adalats – Anti thesis to an overburdened judiciary
  5. Legal Aid Services and Human Rights
    Note: Abovementioned sub-themes are merely suggestive in nature. Any other topics related to Legal Aid, Alternative Dispute Resolution and Lok Adalat are welcomed.

Formatting details

  1. The word limit for the article is 1200– 2000 words.
  2. The font should be Times New Roman, Font size – 12 & line spacing – 1.5
  3. The footnote should be Times New Roman, Font size – 10 & line spacing – 1.0.
    Footnote style to be followed is Bluebook 20th edition.
  4. The body of the article should in no manner disclose the name & institution of the
  5. After the registration process completes, all the participants will be provided with a
    unique id which shall be mentioned at the end of the article.


Students of all UG/PG courses of all recognized universities are eligible to participate in the competition.

Awards and accolades

Winner – Cash Prize + E-Certificate + Publication opportunity on Legal Aid’s Blog + other exciting awards
Runner up – Cash Prize + E-Certificate + Publication opportunity on Legal Aid’s Blog + other exciting awards
3 Consolation Prizes – E-Certificate + Publication opportunity on Legal Aid’s Blog + other exciting awards
E-certificate to all the participants.

Registration details

Single Author – Rs. 40/-
In case of co-authorship, the registration fee is Rs. 60/-
(Cross institutional teams are also allowed.)

Payment details

Account Name: Department of Law And Governance- CUSB
Account no: 39141156006
Bank: State Bank of India
IFSC: SBIN0061174

Registration link


Important dates

Last Date for Registration – 27th November 2021

Last Date for submission – 29th November 2021 (11:59 P.M.)

Result Declaration – 2nd December 2021 

All submissions should be mailed to legalaidclinic@cusb.ac.in with the subject “Article Submission 2021 – Constitution Day – Unique id”. The article should be attached in docx. format. Plagiarism to the extent of 10% can be considered.

Contact Details


WhatsApp Group:






About the Editors

This book is edited by Dr. Vanita Khanna and Dr. Komal Krishan Mehta, Assistant Professor’s, Department of Laws, Guru Nanak Dev University, Regional Campus, Jalandhar-144007 (Punjab).

Title of the Book: Review of Intellectual Property Rights Regime in India: Issues and Challenges

Call for Papers

  • The original and unpublished papers are invited for an Edited Book having ISBN to be published by reputed publisher. Research papers are invited from Academicians, Professionals, Advocates, Practitioners, Research Scholars and Students etc.
  • Participants will be invited to contribute research papers on sub-themes and selected papers will be published in the form of an Edited Book having ISBN.  The Editorial Board reserves the right to disqualify the research paper in case of plagiarism.
  • The submissions of the research paper should not infringe the copyright of the third party. The Editorial Board reserves the right to make suitable amendments in the final draft of the research papers at the author’s end.
  • Co-Authorship: Co-Authorship is allowed. However, there can be maximum two authors in one research paper.
  • Fee Details: There will be no fee charged at any stage of publication.


  • Intellectual Property Rights
    • National and International IPR Policies
    • Commercialization of Intellectual Property Rights
  • Patent
    • Patent and Its Issue
    • Pharmaceutical Patents and Public Health
  • Copyright
    • Copy Right Law in India
    • Performers and Broadcaster Rights: A need to include OTT in Section 31-D Copyright Act
  • Trade Mark: Counterfeiting and Infringement of Trademarks
  • Industrial Design
    • Law Related to Industrial Design and Issues
    • Design and Copyright
  • Geographical Indications: Geographical Indication and Issue of Duplicity, Infringement and unfair competition
  • Biodiversity
  • Protection of Traditional Knowledge
  • Plant Variety Protection: Breeders’ Rights and PVPFR

This list is just illustrative and not exhaustive. Researchers are welcomed for papers on any topic which is related to the core theme.

Submission Guidelines

  • The language of the paper should be English only.
  • The Abstract must contain the highlights of the full paper and should not exceed 250 words.
  • Five Keywords are required to be mentioned.
    Author(s) Name(s), University/Organization, Paper Title, Email Address and Mobile Number to be stated clearly in the cover page of the Paper.
  • Paper should not have been published earlier nor should it be under consideration for publication. Any form of plagiarism will result in immediate disqualification.
  • Author(s) will be required to fill the Registration Form and Declaration after the selection of their abstract.
  • All research paper will be Peer Reviewed by the Editorial Board and subjected to Anti-Plagiarism Software. Authors will be given one-week time to edit their papers as per the Anti-Plagiarism Software Report.
  • Decisions made by the Editorial Board will be final in all existence and no doubts shall be taken in this regard.
  •  Maximum Plagiarism of 15% is allowed.
  • The papers should be sent by e-mail to iprvk.2021@gmail.com latest by 1st December, 2021.

Word Limit

The word limit for research paper (inclusive of abstract) is between 3000 words (minimum) to 6000 words (maximum). This word limit is inclusive of footnotes. The word limit must be strictly adhered to by the participants.

Important Disclaimer

The views expressed by the author’s in research papers of this book are not the official view of the Editorial Board. They are the independent views of the author’s. So the author’s are only responsible for their articles.

The Editorial Board shall not be responsible for the views expressed by the author’s. All rights are reserved with Editors/Publisher. No part of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or any means, without prior permission of the Editors/Publisher.

Contact Information

  • Dr. Vanita Khanna: 9877928976, 9855553882
  • Dr. Komal Krishan Mehta: 8968355228, 7986897718

WhatsApp Group:






About DreamLegal

DreamLegal is a workspace where every law student/professional or enthusiast can dive in to find anything and everything they want! They aim to cater as a platform where legal enthusiasts can read as well as express their ideas. They look forward to hosting quality content from the legal fraternity.

Dream Legal has a page solely dedicated to guiding budding lawyers. The law aspirants could directly interact with the law students from the topmost law colleges of the country. The aim is to clear clouds about law as a career and various opportunities ahead.


While there are no rigid thematic constraints, the articles/research papers/legislative analysis/case summary should be related to trending legal issues – national or international. The expectation is that the submitted article will provide informed perspective, critical thinking and new insight to the readers.

They encourage submissions on a wide variety of topics, analyzing policy decisions, proposing legislative reforms and promoting discussions in a diverse range of contemporary issues.

DreamLegal operates without any theme; anything related to law is acceptable.


Academicians, Practitioners, researchers, students and others interested in the field can submit their original literary works.

Registration Details

The submission of the content requires no pre-registration. The submissions can be made directly by the form as directed in the guidelines below.

Submission Guidelines

  • Submissions can be made via Submit button (or Click here) on DreamLegal. (DO NOT MAIL YOUR SUBMISSIONS).
  • The submission of the content does not ensure its publication on the website. It is subject to scrutiny.
  • Following form of contents are published here: Articles, Research paper, Case Summary, Case commentary, Legislative Analysis, Videos on any socio-legal topic, Presentations.
  • Plagiarism acceptance is up to 18%.
  • Co-Authorship of up to two authors is permitted.
  • There is no fees payable to submit or publish in the website.
  • The submission should be the original work of the writer. It should not be published before on any platform, or under consideration for publication or should not be published further.
  • General points on formatting:
  • The submission should be in the form of Word document.
  • Font Specifics: Title: 14 Bold, Headings: 12 Bold and Underlined, Main Text: 12, Font Style: Times New Roman, Line Spacing: 1.5, text should be justified.
  • Keywords should be mentioned along with the submission.
  • The content should be divided into appropriate sub-headings mandatorily.
  • Use of relevant images is suggested.
  • Kindly use hyperlinks to mention the referred sources.

Prescribed Word Limit Guidelines (Subject to Relaxation)

  • Articles: 500-2000 words
  • Research paper: 2000-8000 words {This format & sequence should be strictly adhered to – Abstract, Introduction, Review of literature, Objectives, Research methodology, Findings & Discussions, Conclusion,
  • Recommendations, Limitations & Future scope, References. Kindly mention the references with proper citation. Authors are required to follow the bluebook citation method (20th edition)}.
  • Case Summary: 700-2500 words
  • Legislative Analysis: 700-2500 words

List of Important Dates and Deadlines

There is no deadline for submission. The process of verification takes around 7-10 days for completion after which the content is published after a confirmation mail. If in case the content does not compile to the format or some inadequacy is there, you will be mailed with the appropriate feedback for the same.


Upon the due selection and publication of submitted manuscripts, the Author(s) shall be entitled to receive only a digital copy of the certificate of appreciation. Non-adherence to any of the prescribed formats will result in strict rejection

Submission link

Contact Details


WhatsApp Group:






About the CLS-TNNLU Blog

The CLS Blog of TNNLU is a forum created by the Constitutional Law Society, TNNLU with the objective of enriching the dialogue surrounding contemporary issues of Constitutional Law. Their aim is to provide a platform for members of academia to contribute to this growing discourse, while also ensuring that these subjects are understandable and available to everyone.

Primarily, submissions pertaining to Constitutional Law are accepted, but interdisciplinary topics are welcome and actively encouraged. This is in keeping with their goal to spread awareness of all aspects of Constitutional Law, and its intersection with other fields of study.

Call for Blogs

The CLS TNNLU Blog is now calling for submissions containing a connection with contemporary issues on constitutional law, including legislative analysis, analysis of recent judgements, case studies, intersectional analysis and comparative studies with other legal jurisdictions and constitutional frameworks.


Formal and Informal Legal Institutions and Access to Justice

Sub-themes for engagement:

  • Role of informal legal institutions in the delivery of justice
  • Direct and hidden costs of legal aid
  • Access to fair trial and enforcement of judgments
  • Should we rethink judicial organisation in India?
  • Issues with the formal appellate system
  • Justice seeking behaviour and bureaucratization of the Judiciary

Your insight on the above themes is welcome in the form of articles, opinion pieces, case comments, legislative comments or as book reviews.

The deadline for the thematic submission is December 20, 2021.

General Submission Guidelines

  • All submissions must be in English.
  • Submissions should be the original work of the contributor(s). Any form of plagiarism will result in an automatic rejection.
  • An article can be co-authored by a maximum of 2 people.
  • Authors must hyperlink wherever possible and must footnote the source only where strictly necessary. The citation must be done in ILI style of citation. ILI Style of referencing can be found here.
  • Formatting Criteria: Font – Times New Roman; Font Size –12; Line Spacing: 1.5 and Alignment – Justified.
  • Manuscripts must be submitted along with an abstract of 80-100 words in .doc/.docx form.
  • Submissions should not contain content that could be considered offensive, abusive, derogatory or potentially defamatory.
  • The editors of the CLS-Blog have absolute discretion in determining whether to accept a submission for publication on the Blog.

For detailed submission guidelines, click here.

Important Note

  • Apart from thematic submissions, we also accept submissions on a rolling basis.
  • Pieces that address contemporary issues and nuances in Constitutional Law, both in India and internationally are welcome.
  • Posts that merely summarise cases or discuss basic aspects of Constitutional Law are discouraged.
  • The submissions must critically analyse or explore particular themes of relevance and pertinence.
  • The Blog is keen on creating a dialogue between posts so feel free to cross-refer to and comment on other posts from the Blog.
  • There is no charge for registration, processing, publication or certification. Nevertheless, all submissions will be subject to an extensive blinded peer review mechanism by their editorial team.

Submission link


Contact Details


WhatsApp Group:






About School of Law, Christ(deemed to be University), Bangalore

School of Law, is a part of CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore. The parent University, a premier educational institution, is an academic fraternity dedicated to the motto of ‘Excellence and Service’ and has an already proven history of success in the field of education. CHRIST, formerly Christ College has the rare distinction of being the first institution in Karnataka to be accredited by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), UGC, and currently has an A grade as accredited in 2016 for quality education.

About the National Conference Committee

The National Conference Committee is a faculty-guided, student-run committee that is entering its 12th glorious year and has been the host for 11 successful national conferences. The committee organizes various workshops and seminars every year.

For this academic year, the committee shall work with various sub-teams (i.e., research team, tech team, creative crew, public relations) the members of which shall be specialised in the same. The National Conference Committee strives to publish an e-book after the event. The research articles submitted and presented of good equality will be chosen in E-book after thorough scrutiny for publication. The virtual platform has provided an opportunity to the committee to broaden its reach and deliver an experience that has never been witnessed before.

Theme and Sub-themes

Theme: Emerging trends in Rule of Law, Democratic Norms, and Constitutional Values

Sub-theme 1: Rule of Law

  • Tribunal Reforms and Judicial Independence
  • Access to Justice and its Transformation in India
  • Expediting the Trial Process in India
  • State Surveillance and Right to Privacy

Sub-theme 2: Democratic Norms

  • Regulation of OTT Platform: Censoring Issues and limitations
  • Anti-Conversion Laws: Is It a Threat to Secularism and Fundamental Rights?
  • Trends in Reservation Policy in India: An Evaluation
  • Population Control Bills and its Constitutional Ramifications

Sub-theme 3: Trends in Judicial Process in India

  • The Digitisation of Indian Judicial process: Challenges and the Way Forward
  • Implementation of AI and Digitisation of Judicial system
  • National Litigation Policy and Its implementation

Sub-theme 4: Miscellaneous

  • Fugitive Justice and Reciprocity Between States
  • The Legality of Withdrawal of Prosecution
  • Cyber Pornography: Regulatory Challenges


The National Conference by School of Law, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) cordially invites research papers from law students, legal academicians, and legal practitioners.

Submission Guidelines

The abstract should not exceed 300 words and must be accompanied with a cover page stating:

  • Sub-theme
  • Title of the Paper
  • Name of the Author(s)
  • Name of the Institution
  • E-mail Address
  • Postal Address
  • Contact number

The abstract file shall be named as: <Theme number>_<full name of the author(s)>.

For eg: i) Single Authorship: Theme1_RajeevShankar

ii) Co-Authorship: Theme1_RajeevShankar&RahulMohan

All submissions of the abstracts for the E-Conference must be electronically submitted.

Formatiing Guidelines

  • The main text of the full paper and the abstract should be in Times New
  • Roman with font size 12 and line spacing of 1.5.
  • The footnotes should be in Times New Roman, font size 10 with spacing of
  • 1.0 (Endnotes are not permitted)
  • One inch margins should be maintained on all four sides of the pages.
  • Citation Style: Bluebook, 20th edition.
  • The abstract and full paper have to mandatorily be submitted in .pdf format only.


Co-authorship is permitted to a maximum of two authors and at least one author must attend the E Conference to present the paper. No Proxy presentations are allowed. The School of Law, CHRIST in keeping with its mandate of publishing original works only, adopts a stringent anti-plagiarism policy.

Any paper containing any unattributed work is thus liable to be rejected.

Important Dates

  • Abstract Submission: December 15, 2021
  • Communication of Acceptance of Abstract: December 20, 2021
  • Last date for Registration and Payment: January 10, 2022
  • Submission of Full Papers: January 15, 2022


CISCO WebEx shall be used for paper presentation and conduct of National. Online Conference. Further, details on the usage and registration of the platform will be shared with the participants at a later stage.

Registration Fee

  1. For Students: Rs.800/- for single authorship and Rs.1200/- for co-authorship
  2. For Research Scholars, Academicians and Professionals:
    1. Rs.1000/- for Single authorship
    2. Rs.1400/- for co-authorship


1. E-Certificate to every participant who duly submits and presents the paper.

2. Publication of the best articles under each sub-theme in the proposed E-book carrying ISBN number.

Contact Details

Email ID: slcuconference@law.christuniversity.in

WhatsApp Group:






About the Competition

Vasundhara – The Green Society, Law College Dehradun Faculty of Uttaranchal University, presents ‘Amendment writing Competition’. You are given a veto power of making anyone Amendment in Environmental Protection Act, 1986.

Theme: Provisions of EPA 1986 and prosecution against environmental crimes


After the successful submission of the Document, all the participants would be awarded a Certificate of Participation.

The winner would be awarded a Cash Price of Rs. 1,000 and a Certificate of Merit.


The prospective participants would have to register themselves by using the link provided: https://forms.gle/CNLFFwAsobzjQtB36

This link will directly guide them towards the ‘Google Form’, asking for their personal details and a screenshot of the registration fees.

Registration Fees:

  • One Author: Rs. 100/-
  • Two Authors: Rs. 150/-

Payment Details:

  • Google Pay: 7302240252
  • UPI: bitukumar016@oksbi

Note: After making a successful payment, screenshot of the payment made has to be uploaded in the registration form.

Submission Guidelines

Following rules are to be followed during the competition, if not done so, the consequence would involve disqualification from the competition:

  • The word limit shall be 500 – 800 words.
  • Language should be in English only.
  • Plagiarism level SHOULD NOT EXCEED 15%.
  • Co-authorship is allowed up to 2 people.

The body of the email during submission should contain the following:

  • Salutation
  • Topic of the amendment
  • Name of the author
  • Qualification of author along with details
  • Contact number and Email ID of author.
  • Declaration has to be signed and attached along with article.
  • No participants can make more than one submission. The submission should be made only in“Docor. docx”.

Important Dates

  • Registration Starts: 14th November 2021
  • Registration Ends: 22nd November, 2021
  • Deadline for Submission: 30th November 2021
  • Results Declaration: 17th December 2021

Contact Details

  • Sagar Tiwari: (+91 63943 90711)
  • Harsh Tyagi: (+91 89543 40483)

WhatsApp Group:






About the Event

Society for Constitutional Law & Human Rights (SCLHR), established under the aegis of UPES School of Law, Dehradun is celebrating 72 years of the Constitution. The Society has planned a week-long celebration to mark this auspicious occasion.

In this furtherance, we are pleased to announce the Second edition of Human Rights Extempore Competition 2.0! in light to celebrate Human Rights Day.

The main theme of the competition is Extempore related to Human Rights: Special Emphasis on India.


It is an open mic competition. Everyone is welcome to share their point of view and speak at length about the topics given on the spot.

The speech is intended to reveal the participant’s ability to develop a point of view on a general topic and to deliver an impromptu speech within a limited preparation time.

Note: Check Guidelines for more details [given at the end of the post].

Important Dates

  • Last date for Registration: 24th November 2021
  • Oral Rounds and Result Declaration: 27th November 2021


  • 1st Prize: Rs. 7,000/- + E-certificate of merit
  • 2nd Prize: Rs. 5,000/- + E-certificate of merit
  • 3rd Prize: Rs. 3,000/- + E-certificate of merit

Link for registration


For more details


Contact Details

  • Reet Kaur: 7905031958 (Student Convenor)
  • Krishna Singh: 9771882431 (Student Co-Convenor)

WhatsApp Group:






About UPES

The University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (UPES) is the first Indian Energy University which aims at providing domain-specific professionals at the graduate, postgraduate and doctoral levels from the management, engineering and legal sector, respectively.

About Competition

Cyber-Crimes, financial frauds through digital payments and Data Breaches have become a significant problem in the nation due to the exponential increase in Internet Penetration and the highly affordable Smartphone Market.

These victims of cybercrimes, who have also significantly increased over the years, are often uncertain of what they need to do and how can they approach the situations and are often blamed for the incidents by society or the authorities. Therefore, it becomes necessary for young Law Students to understand how to approach these victims and help them navigate through their issues.

Technololawgy Society, UPES in association with Client Counselling Association and Moot COurt Association, UPES plan to organise the first National Cyber Law Client Counselling Competition, where the clients will be the victims of real cyber-crimes.

Mode: Online

Team Composition: 2 Participants

Registration fees: Rs. 500 for each team

Dates of the Competition

  • Registrations Open November 1, 2021
  • Last Date of Registration November 20, 2021
  • Date of Competition November 26, 2021
  • Declaration of Result November 27, 2021

Link for registration


Contact Details

Hrishikesh Bedi: 8394008154, bedihrishikesh@gmail.com

Sidhanta Sarkar: 9720281573, 500062456@stu.upes.ac.in

Lovepreet Singh: 7011497090, Lovepreet1998@gmail.com

WhatsApp Group:






About the College

Sree Narayana Law College, Poothotta is one among the most eminent institutions imparting legal education in Kerala. SNLC was established in the year 2012 in the name of Swami Sree Narayana Guru, a social reformer who fought against untouchability and caste discrimination. The college has been in the forefront of imparting legal education since its inception. Its core strength lies in the dynamic and stern leadership of teaching staff and vibrant student community. The college is owned and managed by SNDP yogam, Poothotta, and recognised by the Bar Council of India, New Delhi.

Team Composition and Eligibility

  • Each team shall comprise of two speakers and one researcher.
  • Students from all law colleges/institutions/universities across the country recognised by the Bar Council of India are eligible to take part in the Competition.
  • All participants must be currently pursuing their bachelor’s degree in Law, i.e., either 3 year or 5-year courses.
  • Only one team per college shall be allowed to participate.
  • The official language of the competition shall be English.

Registration Procedure

  • Registration shall be based on first come first serve basis and shall be restricted to a maximum number of 20 teams.
  • Each team shall register by filling the Google Form 1 before 25/11/2021, 11:59 pm.
  • Registration after the given deadline shall not be accepted, under any circumstances.
  • The participants shall be intimated regarding completed registrations by the organizers via E-mail.
  • Teams successfully registered shall be allotted unique team codes which shall be used to identify the teams during the course of competition.
  • The registration fee shall be Rs. 2,000/- per team.
  • Mode of payment: Google Pay/Demand Draft/NEFT
    • Google Pay: Rejeesh CR, +919995771337
    • Demand Draft: Name – Sree Narayana Law College, Poothotta Payable at Ernakulam
    • Account Number: 00000032715193367
    • Branch: Kanjiramattom
    • IFSCode: SBIN0011918


  • Winners Rs. 20,000/-
  • Runners-Up Rs. 15,000/-
  • Best Advocate Rs. 5000/-
  • Best Memorial Rs. 5000/-

E- Certificates will be awarded to all the Participants.

Contact Details


WhatsApp Group:




