About the Editors
This book is edited by Dr. Vanita Khanna and Dr. Komal Krishan Mehta, Assistant Professor’s, Department of Laws, Guru Nanak Dev University, Regional Campus, Jalandhar-144007 (Punjab).
Title of the Book: Review of Intellectual Property Rights Regime in India: Issues and Challenges
Call for Papers
- The original and unpublished papers are invited for an Edited Book having ISBN to be published by reputed publisher. Research papers are invited from Academicians, Professionals, Advocates, Practitioners, Research Scholars and Students etc.
- Participants will be invited to contribute research papers on sub-themes and selected papers will be published in the form of an Edited Book having ISBN. The Editorial Board reserves the right to disqualify the research paper in case of plagiarism.
- The submissions of the research paper should not infringe the copyright of the third party. The Editorial Board reserves the right to make suitable amendments in the final draft of the research papers at the author’s end.
- Co-Authorship: Co-Authorship is allowed. However, there can be maximum two authors in one research paper.
- Fee Details: There will be no fee charged at any stage of publication.
- Intellectual Property Rights
- National and International IPR Policies
- Commercialization of Intellectual Property Rights
- Patent
- Patent and Its Issue
- Pharmaceutical Patents and Public Health
- Copyright
- Copy Right Law in India
- Performers and Broadcaster Rights: A need to include OTT in Section 31-D Copyright Act
- Trade Mark: Counterfeiting and Infringement of Trademarks
- Industrial Design
- Law Related to Industrial Design and Issues
- Design and Copyright
- Geographical Indications: Geographical Indication and Issue of Duplicity, Infringement and unfair competition
- Biodiversity
- Protection of Traditional Knowledge
- Plant Variety Protection: Breeders’ Rights and PVPFR
This list is just illustrative and not exhaustive. Researchers are welcomed for papers on any topic which is related to the core theme.
Submission Guidelines
- The language of the paper should be English only.
- The Abstract must contain the highlights of the full paper and should not exceed 250 words.
- Five Keywords are required to be mentioned.
Author(s) Name(s), University/Organization, Paper Title, Email Address and Mobile Number to be stated clearly in the cover page of the Paper. - Paper should not have been published earlier nor should it be under consideration for publication. Any form of plagiarism will result in immediate disqualification.
- Author(s) will be required to fill the Registration Form and Declaration after the selection of their abstract.
- All research paper will be Peer Reviewed by the Editorial Board and subjected to Anti-Plagiarism Software. Authors will be given one-week time to edit their papers as per the Anti-Plagiarism Software Report.
- Decisions made by the Editorial Board will be final in all existence and no doubts shall be taken in this regard.
- Maximum Plagiarism of 15% is allowed.
- The papers should be sent by e-mail to iprvk.2021@gmail.com latest by 1st December, 2021.
Word Limit
The word limit for research paper (inclusive of abstract) is between 3000 words (minimum) to 6000 words (maximum). This word limit is inclusive of footnotes. The word limit must be strictly adhered to by the participants.
Important Disclaimer
The views expressed by the author’s in research papers of this book are not the official view of the Editorial Board. They are the independent views of the author’s. So the author’s are only responsible for their articles.
The Editorial Board shall not be responsible for the views expressed by the author’s. All rights are reserved with Editors/Publisher. No part of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or any means, without prior permission of the Editors/Publisher.
Contact Information
- Dr. Vanita Khanna: 9877928976, 9855553882
- Dr. Komal Krishan Mehta: 8968355228, 7986897718

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