NLU JODHPUR is making a call for papers for its CALJ(2022)VOLUME 7 ISSUE I.


The Comparative Constitutional Law and Administrative Law Journal (ISSN: 2582-9807) [“CALJ“] is the flagship journal of the Centre for Constitutional Law and Administrative Law, published under the guidance of Prof. (Dr.) I.P Massey, Dean, Faculty of Law, National Law University Jodhpur.  It is an open-access online journal published bi-annually,  aiming to foster debate on contemporary issues in comparative constitutional law and administrative law, with a comparative perspective. The first issue of CALJ was published in 2013. The issues of CALJ are indexed on SCCOnline and Manupatra.

CALJ aims to promote scholarly excellence in the area of comparative constitutional and administrative law with a diligent editorial board, an eminent advisory board and an institution known for its academic excellence. Each issue contains articles, notes, case comments and book reviews based on contemporary issues of comparative constitutional and administrative law.




General Guidelines:

  • The Comparative Constitutional Law and Administrative Law Journal [“Journal”] attempts to initiate and foster academic dialogue concerning the subject of Administrative Law and Constitutional Law keeping in mind a global perspective. Please note that all submissions must be topical to the scope and theme of the Journal.
  • All submitted manuscripts shall be original. Any form of plagiarism would lead to immediate rejection of the submission.
  • Submission of solicited manuscripts, upon invitation from the Journal’s editors, guarantees publication of the same. However, if such solicited manuscript does not meet the Journal’s standards of quality scholarship, final discretion to publish the solicited manuscript vests with the Editorial Board [“Board”].
  • The author(s) must inform the Board if the manuscript has also been submitted to another journal, website, or forum. The Board must be notified immediately if an offer for publication from another journal, website, or forum is accepted by the author(s).
  • After the first publication of a manuscript with the Journal, permission for any subsequent publication in another forum must be obtained from the Board.
  • All correspondence must be via e-mail and should be addressed to the Editorial Board at editorcalq[at]gmail[dot]com.

Specific Guidelines:

  • Author(s)
  1. Each manuscript may have up to two authors, however, co-authorship is not permitted for Book Reviews and Case Comments
  2. In case of joint authorship, the author from whom a submission is received by the Board shall intimate the Board of the name, credentials, and contact details of the intended co-author.
  • Manuscripts

The Journal accepts submissions in the following categories:

  1. Articles: Articles must deal with issues of interest and relevance and must demonstrate a high level of analysis. Articles of a purely descriptive nature are not preferred.
  2. Notes: Notes should cover a recent development or should be issue-specific. A Note functions as a more condensed and succinct Article.
  3. Case Comments: Case comments entail a critical analysis of recent case laws and policy developments.
  4. Book Reviews: Book Reviews entail providing critical analysis and review of any book that deals with the subject matter of the Journal.
  5. All manuscripts must necessarily be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 350 words.
  • Word Count
  1. Articles- Not exceeding 10,000 (Ten Thousand) words.
  2. Notes- Not exceeding 4000 (Four Thousand) words.
  3. Case Comment- Not exceeding 3000 (Three Thousand) words.
  4. Book Reviews- Not Exceeding 2000 (Two Thousand) words.

Please note that the word limit would be considered excluding the footnotes, except when speaking footnotes are used. The journal may accept shorter or longer submissions depending on the quality of the submission.

  • Formatting Specifications
  1. The manuscript must be word-processed in Garamond.
  2. The main body text should be in font size 12 and footnotes in size 10.
  3. There should be a line spacing of 1.5 between paragraphs and headings in the main body and line space of 1.0 in footnotes.
  4. Verbatim quotes must be put in double quotes and italicized with a 0.5” indent.
  5. The entire document, including footnotes, must be justified.
  • Language

The Journal shall follow British English.

  • Citations and References​
  1. All relevant sources shall be duly acknowledged as footnotes.
  2. Speaking footnotes are allowed.
  3. The text and citation styles shall conform to the rules prescribed in The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (20th edition).
  • Submission Procedure
  1. The Author/s are required to email the manuscript to editorcalq[at]gmail[dot]com.
  2. The manuscript may be mailed in Microsoft Word (‘.doc’ or ‘.docx’) format.
  3. The manuscript shall not contain any details of the author, and anonymity must be maintained.
  4. The subject of the mail must clearly mention, ‘Submission for CALJ_Volume 7.1 [Article/Note/Case Comment/Book Review]’.
  5. The mail must be addressed to the Managing Editor, providing the name of the author/s with the name of the institution affiliated to and the contact details in the body of the mail.
  6. A mail confirming the receipt of the manuscript and subsequently its acceptance for publication would be duly conveyed to the author/s through the email id used by the author/s for correspondence.
  7. The last date for submission is 11:59 p.m. (IST) on July 31, 2022.
  • Copyright Notice

Authors, upon submission, communicate their acceptance of the following conditions:

  1. The work, upon publication, becomes the property of the Journal.
  2. Permissions for subsequent publication/reprint and/or derivative works must be obtained from the Editors of the Journal.



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Alliance Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution invites articles for its newsletter bearing volume 1 issue 3.


The ACADR seeks to contribute to the vision of the Alliance School of Law, Alliance University of developing human beings who are technically sound, socially relevant, and emotionally strong thereby imbibing in themselves the requisite skills of alternative dispute resolution methods like active listening, understanding other’s point of view, discussions, empathy, rational thinking, solution-oriented approach, analytical understanding, and community interest.


“Judicial approaches towards recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards”


  • Landmark judgments and development of ADR in India.
  • Notable decisions by foreign courts on Commercial Arbitration.
  • Best international practices pertaining to the enforcement of arbitral awards against the State (Govt).

The above-mentioned sub-themes are not exhaustive in nature. The authors are free to write on any topic directly connected to the central theme of the Newsletter.

Submission Guidelines

  • Authors to submit final versions of their blog/article in MS Word format.
  • Word Limit: Minimum 700 & maximum 800 words including References.
  • Do not include a table of contents.
  • Font style: Times New Roman.
  • Title font size: 14.
  • Body font size: 12.
  • Line spacing: 1.5.
  • References/citations to be made using Bluebook 20th edition.
  • Usage of end notes, not foot notes.
  • End notes to be in Times New Roman, font size 10, and justified alignment.
  • Total no. of co-authors permitted: 2.
  • Plagiarism must be less than 10%.
  • By submitting material for publication, you guarantee that you are the original copyright holder of the work in question, and you own the legal rights to use the information. In case of any breach of copyright, the author shall bear the liability.
  • Alliance School of Law would not be charging any publication fee.
  • Authors will be informed about acceptance of their articles within 12 to 15 days from the submission date.



June 15, 2022


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Department of laws, Guwahati University is organizing a 2 day national seminar on UNDERSTANDING THE DYNAMICS AND INTERFACE OF FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND EXPRESSION under the constitution of India on September 9 and 10, 2022.


All research scholars are invited to contribute to the research papers.


  1. Contempt of court
  2. Misuse of article 19
  3. Limits of freedom of speech and expressions
  4. Parliamentary privileges and defamations
  5. Freedom of press in the digital eras
  6. Freedom of speech and national security
  7. Sedition and freedom of speech and expressions
  8. Censored democracy


  1. Title
  2. Author particulars
  3. Abstract
  4. Should not exceed 5000 words
  5. ILI Format
  6. Times new roman, 12, 1.5 line spacing


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  1. Conference date: September 9 and 10, 2022
  2. Last date of submission of abstract: July 5, 2022
  3. Confirmation of abstract: July 15, 2022
  4. Full papers submissions: August 15, 2022



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Desh Bhagat University is publishing an edited book under the title A STRATEGIC PLANNING ON RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION ETHICS and is making a call for papers.


Research scholars from various disciplines can contribute.


  1. Philosophy and ethics
  2. research ethics
  3. Publication ethics
  4. Codes and policies
  5. Conducting and publishing research ethically
  6. Open access publishing
  7. Publication misconduct
  8. Conduct


  1. MANUSCRIPTS: Should have a cover page with
  • Title
  • name
  • address
  • phone no.
  • email
  • subject
  • keywords

2. ABSTRACT: Should include

  • title
  • summary
  • 200 words
  • 4 keywords


JULY 15, 2022


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NLU Delhi in association with the Indian Association of law and economics is organizing the 8th International Conference on Law and Economics from November 12 to 13, 2022 and is making a call for papers.


Established in 2008, the National Law University Delhi is a premier law university in India that aims to evolve and impart comprehensive and interdisciplinary legal education. The university aims to shape its students as instruments of change who will be equipped to address the imperatives of the new millennium while upholding constitutional values. It takes pride in its effective and impact-driven research and scholarship that has brought both national and international recognition to its name.


The Indian Association of Law and Economics Association (IALE) was formed at the International Conference on Law and Economics, on 3-4 September 2016 at IIT Kanpur. At the said conference, IALE was conceptualized by the Consortium of Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar and the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmadabad. The Association works on socio-economic-legal and technological challenges relevant at the National and International levels through research initiatives and policy research through conferences, seminars and workshops.


The field of economic analysis of law or the microeconomic analysis of efficiency in particular has arguably emerged as one of the influential theories of jurisprudence since the 1960s. The discipline has been steadily making inroads into India as scholars and policy-makers note how comparative law lends itself to the comparative economic analysis of law. Law and Economics have come to be more closely related in the globalized world. While the language and reasoning of economic analysis started appearing in the Indian courts only recently, the discipline can provide relevant and deeper insights to a number of contemporary Indian legal issues. Economics renders a practical way of assessing the effectiveness of laws and policy which further assists the state in achieving the objective of economic development and overall growth. Hence, it is essential to acknowledge the related law and economics shared in the new world order.


The two-day Eighth International Conference on Law and Economics is being jointly organized by the National Law University, Delhi (NLUD) & Indian Association of Law and Economics (IALE) and will be held on November 12th – 13th, 2022. The ICLE, 2022 is inviting scholars from across disciplines to contribute to various themes in the
field of Law and Economics.

The contributions can be in the form of:
(a) Original and unpublished Research Paper; or
(b) An Essay.


The theme of the conference is centred around understanding the interface between law and economics while exploring the role of economic analysis in varied fields like Consumer Law, Intellectual Property, Corporate Law, Competition law, Property law, Contract, etc. among others. This conference would be the 8th in the series of International Conferences on Law and Economics.

  1. Law and Economics:
    (i) Public Policy
    (ii) Behavioural Law and Economics
    (iii) Welfare Economics
    (iv) Economic analysis of Law
    (v) Decision Making in reference to Risk and Insurance under ‘Uncertainty’.
  2. Consumer Law and Economics:
    (i) Data Protection and Consumer Law.
    (ii) Mandatory Disclosure and Consumer Law.
    (iii) Transparency and Consumer Law related to Mortgage loans.
  3. Intellectual Property Law and Economics:
    (i) The philosophical foundations of Intellectual Property Laws and paradigm of law and
    (ii) The proprietary model of Intellectual Property and Economics.
  4. Corporate Law and Economics:
    (i) Implications of economic changes on issues of capital such as IPOs and FPOs.
    (ii)Economic analysis vis a vis enactment of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code.
    (iii) Analysis of the impact of corporate governance reforms on economic growth.
    (iv) Financial market regulation and economics.
  5. Competition Law and Economics:
    (i) Influence of Law and Economics on Regulations and Antitrust Law
    (ii) Application of Economic tools to competition law analysis
    (ii) Horizontal/Vertical Agreements and Economic Analysis
    (iii) Abuse of Dominance and its Economic Analysis
    (iv) Mergers and Acquisitions and Applicability of Economics
  6. Property Law and Economics:
    (i) An Economic theory of Property.
    (ii) Transaction Costs and Property: An Economic Survey.
    (iii) Protecting property rights, claiming damages and injunctions.
    (iv) What can we own privately? The interface of Property Law and Economics.
  7. Tort Law and Economics:
    (i) Approaching Contributory and Comparative Negligence in Law and Economics.
    (ii) Economics of Joint and Several liabilities.
    (iii) Tort Damages, Punitive Damages and non-pecuniary losses.
    (iv) Tort Law and Liability Insurance.
  8. Criminal Law and Economics:
    (i) Economics and increase in crime rate.
    (ii) Economics and Adjudication under Criminal Law.
    (iii) An economic theory of Crime and Punishment.
    (iv) Applying Rational Crime Model to Public Policy.
  9. Contract Law and Economics:
    (i) Bargain Theory and Contracts.
    (ii) Contractual Mistake, Misrepresentation and Economics.
    (iii) Gratuitous promises.
    (iv) Foreseeability of Damages.
  10. Economics and Regulations:
    (i) Economic Analysis: Effectiveness of Regulations
    ii) Role of Regulators
    iii) Regulatory Compliance and Cost Benefit Analysis
    iv) Regulatory Governance and its tools
  11. Poverty and Economics:
    (i) Information Economics and Private Ownership.
    (ii) Patents and Poverty: The role of economics
    (iii) Migrants, Property and Poverty.
  12. Labour Law and Economics:
    (i) Labour’s labour and Employers’ choice to employ and economic principles.
    (ii) Economic implications of Labour related Laws on Business.
    (iii) Labour, Employment and Law at workplace.
  13. Gender and Economics:
    i) Gender Inequalities and related economic implications
    ii) Gender Equality and Economic Growth
    iii) Impediments and Challenges in current times
  14. Technology, Data, Artificial Intelligence and Economics:
    i) Big Data and Economic Policy
    ii) Artificial Intelligence and Economic Growth – Benefits and challenges
    iii) AI’s Impact on market participants and ancillary issues


  1. Last date of submission of Abstract: July 5, 2022
  2. Date of communication of Acceptance of the Abstract: July 15, 2022
  3. Date of Submission of Final Research Paper: September 5, 2022
  4. Notification of Final Acceptance: September 15, 2022
  5. Last date of registration for the Conference: September 30, 2022


We will review the papers as per the following guidelines:

  1. Papers will be reviewed independently by at least two scholars through a double-blind peer-review process, allotted on a random basis;
  2. The review will be based on the scientific rigour of the paper, the originality of the research, and its relevance to the conference themes; Notifications of acceptance will be sent out by 15th September 2022 on the basis of the review. The university may publish selected papers of high quality appropriately.


(a) Abstracts should not exceed 350 words. (word format)
(b) Font and Font Size: Times New Roman, 12, Line spacing 1.5 and Alignment ‘justify’.
(c) Abstract should mention the following specific details on the front page:
● Name of the Author
● Affiliation
● Designation
● Contact Number
● Email Id
● Title of the Submission


  1. Length of full paper: Not more than 3,500 words (excluding footnotes and title)
  2. Font and Font Size: Times New Roman, 12, Line spacing 1.5 and Alignment, ‘justify’
  3. Footnotes: Font ‘Times New Roman, Font Size 10, line spacing 1.5
  4. Follow the Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (20th Edition) for footnoting.
  5. Policy papers will be eligible only if they cover important and contemporary issues.
  6. Submissions must be original and not yet published.
  7. Co-authorship is allowed up to 2 authors excluding the main author.
  8. In case there are multiple authors for the selected manuscripts, only one author would be allowed to present at the conference.
  9. Payment of Registration fees is mandatory for both presenters and the attendees.


  1. For Presenters:

(a) For Indian Students/Research scholars: 1500 INR
(b) For Teachers: 3500 INR
(c) For Indian Industry Professionals: 5000 INR
(d) For Students (Foreign Nationals): 55 USD
(e) For Teachers & Professionals (Foreign Nationals): 100 USD

2. For Attendees

For Indian participants: 1000 INR
For Foreign participants: 100 USD

Please Note:
● Registration fee includes meals and refreshments.
● Registration fee does not include accommodation, travel (international/national and local transportation. Details regarding logistics/possible accommodation nearby would be provided in the webpage of the Conference –


Link for Abstract Submission
For Payment of Registration fee as Presenter or Attendee


(a) Best Paper: 10,000 INR
(b) 2nd Best Paper: 5,000 INR
(c) 3rd Best Paper: 2,500 INR



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DUBLIN LAW AND POLITICS REVIEW is inviting submissions on a general theme of legal or political issues.


The Dublin Law and Politics Review was founded in 2019 and has since grown into an international organization. We promote interdisciplinary thinking in law and politics and facilitate learning. Furthermore, we publish the Dublin Law and Politics Review a peer-reviewed academic magazine. If you become a member you get free workshops and a free premium account at our website, granting you privileged access to seminars, the journal, and various study materials.

We also publish podcasts, organize debates, interesting seminars, and networking workshops and drinks. In the short time span that we are around, we have hosted two large-scale debates the Dublin Election Debate and the European Parliament Election Debate. Guests include high-level diplomats, members of government, and various others. 




  1. Blogs
  2. Case notes
  3. Book reviews
  4. Articles


  1. Articles carry a length of 5000-7500 words including footnotes.
  2. Case notes should not be more than 4000 words.
  4. British English is to be used.


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MAY 6, 2022

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NEW LAW COLLEGE, BHARTIYA VIDYAPEETH is organizing a national seminar to commemorate Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav on India @ 75: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE and is making a call for papers.


All students pursuing LLB or LLM degree from a recognized institution are eligible.


  1. Freedom struggle and fighters
  2. Making of the Indian constitution
  3. Social, economic, and political justice
  4. Justice, equality, liberty
  5. Foreign politics
  6. Education
  7. Cultures in India
  8. Agriculture


  1. Already published papers are acceptable.
  2. MS WORD, margin:1 with alignment and 1.5 line spacing.
  3. Times new roman, text: 12, bold for titles and sub-titles.


INR 250


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  1. SESSION 1: 10 AM-10:45 AM
  2. SESSION 2: 11:30 AM-1:15 PM
  3. BREAK: 1:15 PM-2:00 PM
  4. SESSION 3: 2:00 PM-3:00 PM
  5. SESSION 4: 3:00 PM-4:00 PM



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NLU Jodhpur is making a call for papers for its JOURNAL ON CORPORATE LAW AND GOVERNANCE FOR VOLUME 5 ISSUE 2.


Centre for Corporate Governance is a research hub under the rubrics of National Law University, Jodhpur, dedicated to research and development of governance standards for the corporate world. In order to promote holistic research on areas covered within the wide ambit of corporate law, the Centre came out with an annual publication in 2008, presently known as Journal on Corporate Law and Governance (formerly known as ‘Journal on Governance’). The Journal is peer-reviewed with ISSN serial publication No. 0976-0369 and indexed on prestigious legal databases, SCC Online and Manupatra. The journal also publishes the winning essay of the prestigious Pranita Mehta Memorial Essay Writing Competition conducted by the Corporate Law Society, NLUJ. The competition aims to create profound discussions and discourse around contemporary issues within the corporate law realm.


Changing dynamics of Corporate Law & Governance: Steering towards Transparency & Accountability in the Indian scenario


  • Addressing the corporate governance concerns in the Indian Start-up Culture: A look back on Zilingo & Bharat Pe cases.
  • Reimagining the contours of corporate governance through RPT Regime in light of the recent amendment to the SEBI Listing Regulation.
  •  Role of IFSC in the Indian SPAC Dream: Dealing with corporate governance challenges in the Indian context.
  •  Lock-in period of Anchor Investors and its effect on Retail Individual Investors (RII) amid the great Indian IPO rush.
  •  Devas Antrix Case and ‘fraud’ as a ground for winding up the corporation: Did the Supreme Court open a pandora’s box?
  •  The aftermath of the NSE co-location scam: A wake-up call for corporate governance.
  •  Analyzing the problem of poor corporate governance in Public Sector  Undertaking/Banks.
  • Analysis of the recent Corporate Greenhouse Gas Disclosure Norms: Lessons for the Indian corporate governance regime.
  •  Corporate governance in modern times: Can utilization of technology help achieve stronger corporate governance in corporations?


The Journal invites academicians, practitioners, and students of law pursuing their LL.B. (Hons.)/LL.B./LL.M from any recognized university to submit their entries.


31st July 2022


  1. The author(s) may contribute to the Journal in the form of Articles, Notes, Comments, and Case Analysis.
  2. The acceptable length of Articles is >4500 words, and of Notes, Comments & Case Analysis is between 3000-4500 words, including footnotes.
  3. All submissions must include an abstract of not more than 300 words, explaining the main idea, the objective of the article, and the conclusions drawn from it.
  4. Each submission may have a maximum of two authors.
  5. The manuscript should be on A4-sized paper, in Garamond, font size 12, 1.15 line Spacing, justified and 1-inch margins on each side. Footnotes should be in Garamond, font size 10, and with single line spacing.
  6. The Authors must conform to the Bluebook (20th edition) Uniform System of Citation. Please refer to our guide to Bluebook (20th edition). 
  7. The Manuscript should not contain any identification of the author/s, which shall be a ground for rejection of the submission. Authors should provide their contact details, designation, institutional affiliation, and address in the covering letter for the submission.
  8. The submission must be the original work of the authors. Any form of plagiarism will lead to direct rejection.
  9. The relevant sources should be duly acknowledged as footnotes. The decision of the Editorial Board in this regard shall be final.


  1. Authors are requested to send an electronic version of their manuscripts .doc or .docx format to with the subject as “Submission- [Name of Author] – Volume V Issue 1.”
  2. The document name must be in the following format “[Name of Authors(s)] – [Title of submission].” The e-mail must contain a covering letter providing the contact details, designation, institutional affiliation, and address of the authors.



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NLIU Bhopal is making a call for papers for its law review for volume 12 issue 1.


The NLIU Law Review is the flagship journal of the National Law Institute University, Bhopal, published bi-annually by the students of the University. It is a peer-reviewed academic law journal that aims to inculcate a culture of academic research and writing among students, and serve as an important forum for discourse on contemporary and pressing legal issues. The Law Review does not restrict itself to any particular area of law and welcomes contributions from all fields of law. As of the year 2022, the Law Review has completed twelve successful years, with seventeen editions in publication.




  • Submissions must be made only through the electronic form available on our website. Submissions made through any other medium, including by way of emails, shall not be considered for review by the Editorial Board.
  • All the submissions must be in (.docx) format. They must be word-processed and compatible with Microsoft Word 2007 or above.
  • The manuscript should not contain any information that can be used to identify the author. All the relevant details must be mentioned only within the form attached.
  • Submissions must be made on or before 23:59 hours on July 15, 2022.
  • Authors shall receive an email acknowledging the receipt of their manuscript within ten days of receiving the entry. If the same is not received, the authors can write to us at


Manuscripts on any topic of contemporary legal relevance meeting the below-mentioned criteria:

  • Articles: 5,000-10,000 words
  • Case Notes: 2,000-5,000 words
  • Legislative Comments: 1,000-3,000 words
  • Book Reviews: 1,000-3,000 words

The word limit is exclusive of the abstract and the footnotes.


  • Manuscripts submitted to the Journal must not be co-authored by more than two persons. Authors are permitted to send only one submission per author or a team of co-authors.
  • Manuscripts must include an abstract of 250-300 words. The abstract must highlight the structure and the essence of the manuscript.
  • Authors are requested to strictly adhere to our Submission Guidelines
  • All the submissions must comply with our Copyright and Open Access Policy.
  • Manuscripts not in conformity with the Submission Guidelines may be rejected at the sole discretion of the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board reserves the right to send the manuscripts back to the authors for any modification(s) at any stage, in the event of non-conformity with any of the submission guidelines.
  • The Editorial Board may, in its absolute discretion, waive any of the above rules or amend the process. In case of any dispute or ambiguity, the decision of the Editorial Board shall be final and binding.


+91 94066 62650

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The department of law, Bankura University in association with Aequitas Victoria Research Centre as part of the celebration of International Day of Justice, July 23 and 24 is organizing an International conference on Dimensions of access to justice in the contemporary world.


As said by Martin Luthar King Jr. that “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”, and justice is necessary for the survival of human civilization. Intending to secure justice, human civilization devised several incentives through the development of jurisprudence. Such incentives were incorporated through legislation at all levels including International, Regional, and Domestic paradigms. However, with the advent of human civilizations, the meaning and concept of justice started expanding through the alteration of power across different sections of human fraternity and such expansion led to several social, and political, economic, cultural, and environmental implications. Further, the concept of human rights has also expanded to a significant extent wherein contemporary times, instances of human rights violations are increasing in number as per legal connotations are concerned. Several global developments like cross-border terrorism, cyberattack, and Refugee Crisis, Environmental Degradation, etc. has not only influenced the international legal developments securing justice but also the regional and domestic justice delivery systems. At the same time, several identity-related matters, new methods for committing offenses with technological advancements, crises amongst indigenous peoples, etc. are influencing the domestic systems of justice delivery in the civilized nations. Therefore, there arises a need to have a deliberate discussion on the aspects of access to justice considering the contemporary needs of human civilization. The Conference shall attempt to provide a platform for such a scholarly
discussion on the very day of International Day of Justice.


The Conference aims at achieving the following objectives:

  1. The conference is intended to offer an opportunity to share insight with experts and participants from various sectors covering aspects related to Access to Justice.
  2. To enhance new ideas that could help presenters advance their research and forge new professional relationships.


  1. Origin and Development of the Concepts related to Justice;
  2. Theoretical understanding of the meaning of Access to Justice;
  3. Jurisprudential concepts related to rights, duties, liabilities, responsibilities, etc.;
  4. Access to Justice with a global perspective;
  5. Access to Justice at national levels;
  6. Comparative Study on Access to Justice;
  7. Role of Civil Society, Non-Governmental Agencies, Intergovernmental agencies, and other institutions in promoting access to justice;
  8. Role of technology in enhancing access to justice;
  9. Need of Education to secure justice for all;
  10. Promotion of Justice for the marginalized sections of the society including sex workers, bonded laborers, Differently-abled Persons, etc;
  11. International organizations and their role in addressing injustice in domestic affairs;
  12. Justice during the war, humanitarian law, and human rights law;
  13. Social, Political, Economic, Cultural, and Environmental Implications of Justice;
  14. Judicial Process; Judicial Activism; Judicial Over-reach; Contempt of Court, etc.;
  15. Constitutional Law and Access to Justice;
  16. Free Legal Aid and Legal Service Authorities;
  17. Environmental Justice and Justice for Refugees;
  18. Justice in Prison Administration;
  19. Gender Sensitization in Justice Delivery System;
  20. Access to Justice for sustainable development;

Any other topic that is relevant to Access to Justice or deals with promotion of Justice. All the above themes are not exhaustive. The scholars are free to choose any other topic that falls within the domain of the main theme.


The research papers shall adhere to the following formatting guidelines:
• The length of the paper shall not be less than 3,000 words and more than 5,000 words;
• The paper shall have an abstract of a maximum of 250 words with four to six keywords;
• The Heading of the paper shall be typed in Capital, Bold, Font Size 16, Times New Roman, Central Aligned;
• The main body shall be in Times New Roman, Font Size 12, Line Spacing 1.5, Justified Aligned;
• Sub-headings shall be in Bold but shall not be in the capital with Font Size 12, Line Spacing 1.5, Justified Aligned;
• Sub-Sub Headings shall be in italics with Font Size 12, Line Spacing 1.5, Justified Aligned,
• Sub-sub-sub-Headings shall be numbered with roman numerical;
• Images shall be Central Aligned and with clarity and authorities shall be duly cited wherein case if images are self-created then such shall be mentioned in the Footnote Section;
• All charts and tables shall be center-aligned and the authorities shall be duly cited;
• OSCOLA 4th Edition shall be used for citation and footnotes shall be in Times New Roman, Font Size 10, Justified aligned, and Single Line Spacing.


The participants shall strictly adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Co-authorship for each paper is allowed for up to two authors;
  2. No single author can submit more than one paper;
  3. The Abstract and keywords shall be separately typed in, or pasted in the Google Form for paper submission, if not done accordingly then submissions shall be summarily rejected. Abstract and keywords shall be typed or pasted in the Google form compulsorily:
  4. In the case of two authors for the same paper, only one author shall fill up the submission form;
  5. No name or any other personal details shall be mentioned within the manuscript;
  6. All submissions shall be made through Google Form;
  7. Only word files are accepted, pdf files shall be summarily rejected;
  8. The name of the document shall be saved by the title of the paper;
  9. All submissions shall be made within the due date of submission.


  1. Date of Release of the Call for Papers: June 10, 2022
  2. Last Date for Registration: June 22, 2022
  3. Last Date for Paper Submission: July 18, 2022
  4. Date for Confirmation of Selected Papers: July 20, 2022
  5. Date of Conference: July, 23 & 24, 2022


There is no Registration Fee for this Conference. All participants including Paper Presenters are required to register and Paper Presenters shall separately submit their papers through the submit LINK. The Registration shall be through Google Form. The Venue of the Conference will be an Online Platform.


Suggestions and inputs from Experienced and Learned Panelists;
• All the Paper Presenters shall be provided with an e-Certificate of Presentation.
• Selected papers shall be published in an ISBN Book with no Article Processing Charges and a Soft Copy of the Book shall be made available for free;
• All participants will be provided with a participation certificate;
• All submitted Abstracts shall be published in an online Book of Abstracts.


+91 9830273396 (Dr. Sangeeta Chatterjee)

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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