Centre of Excellence for Environment and Forest Laws, ICFAI Law School, Hyderabad invites manuscripts for a book on Environment Law.


The Centre Of Excellence For Environment And Forest Laws, in furtherance of its goals towards undertaking research and contributing to the existing literature in the field of environmental law and allied subjects, has endeavored to come up with three edited books in three prominent subject areas.

The books will explore broad areas of environmental law and allied subjects. Contributions are welcome from academicians, legal professionals, and research scholars in the field.


The three edited books will be in the respective areas of:

  1. SDG’s E-waste Management: Challenges and Opportunities
  2. E-waste: Conventions and Practices
  3. E-waste: Impact on Public Health Challenges


This Call for Chapters invites original research articles from academicians, researchers, and students in the fields of environmental law and allied subjects, and also Professionals or NGO practitioners.


Submissions are to be made as follows:

  1. All submissions are to be made through email only.
  2. Submissions are to be emailed at centexcellenvlaw@ifheindia.org with the subject as “Submission for Edited Book titled “__________”. The receipt of submission shall be acknowledged within 24 hours. An acknowledgment does not signify acceptance.
  3. The title page containing the paper’s title and the author’s details including the author’s contact details should be the first page of the submission. In the case of co-authorship, details of both authors are to be given. The rest of the manuscript should not contain any author-identifying information.
  4. The word limit for full-length chapters is 4000-8000 words. These limits are inclusive of any references, tables, exhibits, and appendices.
  5. The manuscript shall be submitted in an MS Word document (.doc or .docx) format only.
  6. The body of the paper shall be in Times New Roman, size 12, 1.5 line spacing. Footnotes shall be in Times New Roman, size 10, single line spacing.
  7. The papers should be well-referenced in the APA style of referencing. Any plagiarism detected will render the submission subject to rejection.
  8. Co-authorship is permissible for up to two authors only.
  9. The submission should be the original and unpublished work of the author. Publication of the same elsewhere during the process of review is to be intimated to the review and editorial committee without delay.


10 August 2022



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NLIU Arbitration Law Review is making a call for papers.


The Indian Arbitration Law Review is a specialized periodical devoted exclusively to arbitration law, which offers legal professionals, academicians and students an up-to-date review of the field.

The Journal is published by EBC and indexed on SCC Online as well as HeinOnline. Published pieces include long articles, short articles, case comments, and book reviews on the law and practice relating to arbitration.


The Journal welcomes submissions on any of the following sub-themes:

  • Summary Determinations in International Commercial Arbitration.
  • Validity of Pre-arbitral Dispute Resolution Clauses.
  • The intersection of International Arbitration and Sustainable Development.
  • Analysis of the ICSID Arbitration Rules, 2022.
  • International Arbitration as an Instrument of Economic Development.


  1. Long Articles (4000-8000 words): The article must be a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of a contemporary issue in arbitration law and should include references to a range of sources and contributions in the form of alternatives and suggestions.
  2. Short Articles (2000-4000 words): The article must be an analysis of a contemporary issue in arbitration law and should include a reference to a range of sources and contributions in the form of alternatives and suggestions.
  3. Case Comments (1500-4000 words): The comment must be an analysis of a recent judgment, bringing out its relevance in light of the development of arbitration law, views expressed in the judgment and the opinion(s) of the author.
  4. Book Reviews (1000-3000 words): The review must be a crisp account of a recently published book on arbitration, including the issues explored and related arguments of the author.


  1. Submissions are accepted only in the English language.
  2. All articles must be accompanied by an abstract not exceeding 300 words. Case Comments and Book Reviews do not need abstracts.
  3. The abstract must expressly include the novelty and usefulness of the idea that the author wishes to put forth and must categorically mention the specific contribution of the article beyond the existing available literature.
  4. Co-authorship (with no cap on authors) is permitted for all articles.
  5. The manuscript should not contain any references to the identity of the authors. However, authors are allowed to cite their previous published work.
  6. The body of the manuscript should be in Times New Roman, with Font Size 12, and 1.5-line spacing.
  7. The footnotes should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 10, and single line spacing.
  8. The citations must conform to the style of OSCOLA (4th Edition).
  9. Manuscripts should only use footnotes as a means of citation. No other method shall be permitted.
  10. Substantive footnotes are permissible.


Kindly send your manuscript in MS Word (.docx) format to ialr@nliu.ac.in. The subject of the email should be “Submission for Volume 5 – ”. The submissions must be sent by 11:59 pm, 31st August 2022.

The submission should be accompanied by a Covering Letter, which must include the following details:

  1. Name of Author(s)
  2. Contact Details– Address and Mobile No.
  3. Institutional Affiliations (if any)
  4. Academic Qualifications


August 31, 2022



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Hidayatullah National Law University (HNLU) is organizing the National Conference on Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Biodiversity.


In the central part of India, the State of Chhattisgarh is richly blessed with forest and mines in around 135 sq. km of land. It has the 3rd largest forest area in India. Chhattisgarh is covered by deciduous and dry deciduous vegetation.
Deciduous forests cover roughly 44% of the State. The forests and woodlands are home to many animals and species of birds like Gaur, Sambar, Blackbucks, Pahari Myna, etc. Teak, Sal, Salai, tendu, and Bamboo trees are mainly found in
the State.


The Conference will be organized in the following three parts:
Part A: Panel Discussions
Part B: Paper Presentations
Part C: Field Visit (Tentative)


The conference aims to bring civil society, government agencies, academia, research scholars, and students to elaborate on the obstacles faced in preserving traditional knowledge. It will also include discussions on the
the potential of the Biodiversity Act to promote traditional knowledge and the prospect of the Act to economically empower the community.


Articles / Research papers are invited on any of the following sub-themes:

  • Legal protections for traditional knowledge and biodiversity
  • Role of Institutions/Civil Society in the protection of Traditional
  • Knowledge and Biodiversity
  • Intellectual Property and Traditional Knowledge
  • Traditional Knowledge and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity Business and Biodiversity
  • Corporate responsibility and Biodiversity Conservation
  • Biodiversity and Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Community Rights and International Framework
  • Indigenous Knowledge and Environment Protection
  • Traditional Knowledge and World Trade


  1. Deadline for the Submission of Full Paper along with Abstract: July 22, 2022
  2. Intimation of Acceptance for Paper Presentation: July 23, 2022
  3. Deadline for Registration & Fee Payment (only if the paper is accepted): July 24, 2022
  4. Date of Conference: July 27-28, 2022


  • For Academicians/Professionals and Research Scholars: INR 1000
  • For Students: INR 700


  • The abstract of 200 – 250 words accompanied by a brief profile of the author/s indicating his/her email ID, contact number, designation, and official address.
  • The word limit for a full paper along with an abstract is 2500 – 3000 words (excluding footnotes) submitted in MS Word Format.
  • It must be typed in Times New Roman Font Size 12 on A4 size paper with1” margin on all sides with 1.5 line spacing.
  • Plagiarized papers shall be summarily rejected.
  • For references and bibliography, the author(s) are required to follow the Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation.
  • Papers will be scrutinized by the organizers, and up to 25 papers may be accepted for presentation at the conference.

The full paper along with the abstract must reach the conference secretariat on or before July 22, 2022, through the following link/QR code:

Link / QR for the submission of full paper along with abstract –




7355235075 / 9919521188

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National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam is a National Law University located in Guwahati, Assam, India. It was established in 2009 through an Act passed by the State Legislature of Assam as a public university dedicated to the field of legal education.

Concept Note

Traditional Knowledge (TK) is defined by WIPO as knowledge, know-how, skills and practises which are developed, sustained and then passed on from one generation to the other. It includes tradition-based literary, artistic or scientific works; performances; designs; marks, names and symbols; undisclosed information; and other kinds of tradition-based innovations and creations which results from the intellectual activity in the industrial, scientific, literary or artistic fields.

Around the world, communities have developed a wide variety of TK. TK plays an important role in the sustainable use of local resources and biodiversity conservation. However, there are many threats to TK today, one of the biggest being bio-piracy. There are deliberations on the intellectual property rights (IPR) regime offering aids in the protection of TK. Though some claim that the IPR system does not provide solutions to the major challenges that are faced by the communities who are repositories of TK, there are still many who believe that the IPR regime can offer certain tools which can be used somehow to protect, promote or prevent the misappropriation of such traditional forms of innovation and creativity.

Geographical indications (GI) on the other hand is a very unique IPR. Unlike most IPRs, GI is community-owned. GI can be defined as an indication, sign, name which is used on products to indicate that it originates from a particular location or territory. GI signifies that the product possesses certain characteristics, quality or reputation due to its geographical origin. If properly marketed, GI products can fetch premium prices, thereby, improving the socio-economic condition of the producers of such products.

Interestingly, many of the agricultural, foodstuff, handicraft items etc. that come within TK have the potential to be GI. GI cannot provide a defensive mechanism to protect these TK but can help the communities to improve the economic condition of the people by fetching premium prices.

The aim of the book is to highlight various unique TK/TCEs and GIs of communities in India and particularly in the North-eastern region of India. The book also intends to highlight the unethical exploitation of such TK/TCEs and GIs. The book also seeks to explore the possibility of providing recognition and protection of TK/TCEs and GIs under the IPR Regime.

Broad Themes of the Book

1. Need for protection of traditional knowledge: National and International Perspectives
2. Bio-piracy and Bioprospecting/ Access and Benefit Sharing
3. Traditional Knowledge and Designs
4. Traditional Knowledge and Copyright (Folklore, Folk literature, Folk Music, Dance, Art forms etc.)
5. Traditional Knowledge and Patent
6. Traditional Knowledge and Geographical Indications
7. Traditional Knowledge and Plant Varieties
8. International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and TK
9. Patent and defensive protection of TK
10. Traditional Knowledge, Biodiversity and Genetic Resources in Developing Countries: Issues of Piracy & Protection
11. The Role of IP in Promoting and Commercializing Products based on TK/TCEs and GIs
12. Gaps within the IP system that might need to be filled in to ensure the effective protection of TK and TCEs
13. Intellectual property and the documentation of TK and TCEs
14. Role of TKDL in protection of TK
15. Participation by indigenous and local community in protecting TK/TCEs and GIs
16. Scope of TK as GI
17. Challenges of TK based products in GI registration
18. Commercialization Strategies for GIs
19. GIs and Trade
20. GIs and Sustainability
21. Challenges in GI Registration
22. Case Study on GIs: India and Abroad
23. Governance of GIs: the role of public authorities
24. Governance of GIs: role of collective organizations
25. Control and certification mechanisms for GIs
26. Enforcement of GIs
27. Marketing challenges of GIs 
28. Evaluation of impacts of GIs: Social; Economic; Environmental; Cultural   

Submission Guidelines

  • The sub-themes are broadly suggestive. The author may write on any topic relevant to the theme of the book. The overlapping topics of TK and GI can also be taken up. 
  • All the contributions should be the original work of the contributors. All submissions will undergo the plagiarism test. 
  • The chapters should be ideally above 3000 words.
  • All articles, notes and comments should provide a brief abstract of 250-300 words. 
  • The text shall be in font style Times New Roman, font size 12, spacing 1.5. 
  • The footnotes shall be in font style Times New Roman, font size 10, spacing 1. 
  • Kindly use footnotes instead of endnotes. Footnotes should conform to the ILI Style of Footnoting. 
  • All submissions are to be made through the following email address: booktkandgi@gmail.com 

Submission Deadline

April 30, 2022

The book will be published by an international or national publisher of repute with ISBN. 

For more details


For further query

For any other information please get in touch with: 

  • Prof. (Dr.) V.K. Ahuja Vice-Chancellor National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam 
  • Dr. Jupi Gogoi Associate Professor National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam  

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Sub Themes

  • The legality of live-in relationships in India
  • Live-in relationships under Indian Law
  • The legal status of live-in relationships in India
  • Rights of females in live-in relationships
  • Emerging concepts of live-in relationships
  • Problems relating to live-in relationships
  • Is a live-in relationship illegal in India?


  • Co-Authorship shall not be allowed under any circumstances.
  • Strict adherence to the deadlines shall be followed.
  • Any submission after the deadline shall not be accepted.
  • The submission must be accompanied by a declaration form
  • stating that the Chapter is the original work of the author and
  • free from any plagiarism or copyright infringement.
  • Plagiarism above 15% will lead to disqualification.

Registration Process and Fees

There will be no registration fees.

Registration shall be done through this link

Important Dates

  • Registration begins: 15th December 2021
  • Last date for Registration: 22nd December 2021
  • Last date for Submission of Article: 5th January 2022

Formatting Details

  • Word limit: 2000 to 3000 words including Footnotes.
  • Font size:
    • For Title: 14 (Bold).
    • For Headings and Subheadings: 12 (Bold).
    • For Footnotes: 10 (Italics)
    • For other content: 12
  • Font Style (including Footnotes): Times New Roman.
  • Line Spacing: 1.5
  • Footnoting Style: Harvard Bluebook 20th Edition


The submission shall be made in soft copy in PDF and .doc/.docx format at cclrt@sushantuniversity.edu.in wherein the subject of the mail must be “Submission for Call for Papers on Live-in Relationships” on or before midnight of the last day of submission.

The body of the email must contain the following:

  • Name of the Author
  • Brief Introduction of the Author
  • Affiliated Institution
  • Title of the Chapter

Selected research papers will be published in the book bearing ISBN NO. Publication Certificate will be provided to those whose papers are selected for publications.

Contact Details

Mail to: cclrt@sushantuniversity.edu.in or liveinrelationship12@gmail.com

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About the Book

The biodiversity-rich North-East has always been on an enigmatic absence in the history of India. These socio-economic, cultural, and traditional subtleties of this region that are considered to be marginal, have mostly not engrossed the kind of attention that they should have. However, time is changing and its status as terra incognita is also changing. Several pieces of literature from diverse disciplines have started highlighting its environmental significance and associated diverse challenges.

This unexplored melting pot of biological and natural resources-rich region has now drawn significant attention in legal literature as well but the dearth still remains.

Call for Book Chapters

To fill this gap, the torch-bearing- first National Law University of North-East India is now aiming to publish a scholastic book, highlighting some of the existing and emerging challenges pertaining to the enviro-legal aspects of the management and sustainable utilization of its natural and biological resources. The proposed book will be published by a renowned international or national publisher with ISBN in the year 2022.


Jurists, academicians, law practitioners, research scholars and students could contribute chapters for this initiative

Themes of the Proposed Book

  • Oil, Natural Gas and Disaster Management with Special Emphasis on North-East India
  • Power Projects, EIA & The Socio-Legal Challenges
  • Wetlands Conservation and Ecosystem Services with respect to North-East India
  • Business Investments and Natural Resources of North-East India- The Legal Dimension
  • Bioprospecting of Indigenous Biological Resources of North-East India
  • Vulnerability of Forest and Wildlife Resources of North-East India-Laws, Policies and Practices
  • Customary Norms and Standards on Environmental Management
  • Tribal Rights and Forest Conservation in North-East India Traditional Knowledge, Benefit Sharing and Biodiversity Conservation of North-East India
  • Enviro-Legal Facets of Adaptive Strategies Measures to Combat Climate Change and Mitigation
  • Land Use, Land Use Change and Climate Change in the context of North-East
  • Gender Inclusiveness in North-east India with Respect to Environmental Management Mines and Minerals Regulation and Development in The Context of North-East
  • Any other theme related to the book.

Submission Guidelines

  • The manuscripts should be the original work of the author and they should not be published elsewhere.
  • The submissions for the chapters should comprise of a brief abstract (max 300 words along with keywords)
  • Each submission will undergo screening of reviewers and final acceptance of the submissions is subject to the decision of Editors on the basis of the recommendations of the reviewers.
  • The abstract and full chapter should reach on or before January 31st, 2022 Selected papers will be published in the form of an edited book. Contributors are required to conform to the Uniform Citation Style of Indian Law Institute.
  • All submissions and queries should be sent to celar@nluassam.ac.in with the subject titled “NRM BOOK CHAPTER 2022”
  • The Book will be published by a renowned International/National Publisher with ISBN in the year 2022.

Submission Deadline

January 31st, 2022

For more details


Contact Details


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About the Organisation

The Centre for Health Law and Policy is an interdisciplinary Centre established on 8th Aug 2014 at the National University of Advanced Legal Studies. The Centre was inaugurated by the Hon’ble Minister for Education of Kerala Mr. Abdu Rabb. The Centre aims to encourage, promote and support innovative and important scholarship including teaching, research, consultancy and advocacy in areas of health care law.

Submission Guidelines

  • Categories
    • Articles of length: 3000-5000 words (exclusive of footnotes; however, speaking footnotes must be limited to 50 words); articles exceeding the word limit may be considered on merit.
    • Short Notes (between 1500 and 5000 words)
    • Book Reviews/Case Comments (minimum of 1500 words)
    • Longer submissions may be considered based on merit.
  • Submissions are to be made only in electronic form and must be sent only through this Google Form Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe75WROAKS0v_WLn6i6bgNklpTl3quFao0ZT1FDaQnjdX6Kuw/viewform
  • Please note that any submissions made through mail will not be considered.
  • The last date for submissions is January 5, 2022.
  • By submitting an article, the author undertakes that the article is an original work and has not been submitted, accepted, or published elsewhere.
  • Plagiarism will result in summary rejection of the submission. Plagiarism limit- 15%.
  • Co-authorship is allowed for a maximum of two authors.
  • Formatting Guidelines
    • All submissions must follow the Bluebook (20th Edition) style of citation; non-conformity will be a ground for rejection.
    • Submissions must be in Times New Roman font, with size 12 and line spacing 1.5.
    • All footnotes must be in Times New Roman font, with size 10 and line spacing 1.
  • Submissions must be made in .doc/.docx formats only.
  • The documents must not contain any identification markers. Eg: Name of the author after the title, Author as recognized by Word, or any other metadata.
  • Receipt of submission will be intimated to the authors within two weeks of submission.

Contact Details

chlp@nuals.ac.in or Naveen Kumar 9742576738.

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About the Editors

This book is edited by Dr. Vanita Khanna and Dr. Komal Krishan Mehta, Assistant Professor’s, Department of Laws, Guru Nanak Dev University, Regional Campus, Jalandhar-144007 (Punjab).

Title of the Book: Review of Intellectual Property Rights Regime in India: Issues and Challenges

Call for Papers

  • The original and unpublished papers are invited for an Edited Book having ISBN to be published by reputed publisher. Research papers are invited from Academicians, Professionals, Advocates, Practitioners, Research Scholars and Students etc.
  • Participants will be invited to contribute research papers on sub-themes and selected papers will be published in the form of an Edited Book having ISBN.  The Editorial Board reserves the right to disqualify the research paper in case of plagiarism.
  • The submissions of the research paper should not infringe the copyright of the third party. The Editorial Board reserves the right to make suitable amendments in the final draft of the research papers at the author’s end.
  • Co-Authorship: Co-Authorship is allowed. However, there can be maximum two authors in one research paper.
  • Fee Details: There will be no fee charged at any stage of publication.


  • Intellectual Property Rights
    • National and International IPR Policies
    • Commercialization of Intellectual Property Rights
  • Patent
    • Patent and Its Issue
    • Pharmaceutical Patents and Public Health
  • Copyright
    • Copy Right Law in India
    • Performers and Broadcaster Rights: A need to include OTT in Section 31-D Copyright Act
  • Trade Mark: Counterfeiting and Infringement of Trademarks
  • Industrial Design
    • Law Related to Industrial Design and Issues
    • Design and Copyright
  • Geographical Indications: Geographical Indication and Issue of Duplicity, Infringement and unfair competition
  • Biodiversity
  • Protection of Traditional Knowledge
  • Plant Variety Protection: Breeders’ Rights and PVPFR

This list is just illustrative and not exhaustive. Researchers are welcomed for papers on any topic which is related to the core theme.

Submission Guidelines

  • The language of the paper should be English only.
  • The Abstract must contain the highlights of the full paper and should not exceed 250 words.
  • Five Keywords are required to be mentioned.
    Author(s) Name(s), University/Organization, Paper Title, Email Address and Mobile Number to be stated clearly in the cover page of the Paper.
  • Paper should not have been published earlier nor should it be under consideration for publication. Any form of plagiarism will result in immediate disqualification.
  • Author(s) will be required to fill the Registration Form and Declaration after the selection of their abstract.
  • All research paper will be Peer Reviewed by the Editorial Board and subjected to Anti-Plagiarism Software. Authors will be given one-week time to edit their papers as per the Anti-Plagiarism Software Report.
  • Decisions made by the Editorial Board will be final in all existence and no doubts shall be taken in this regard.
  •  Maximum Plagiarism of 15% is allowed.
  • The papers should be sent by e-mail to iprvk.2021@gmail.com latest by 1st December, 2021.

Word Limit

The word limit for research paper (inclusive of abstract) is between 3000 words (minimum) to 6000 words (maximum). This word limit is inclusive of footnotes. The word limit must be strictly adhered to by the participants.

Important Disclaimer

The views expressed by the author’s in research papers of this book are not the official view of the Editorial Board. They are the independent views of the author’s. So the author’s are only responsible for their articles.

The Editorial Board shall not be responsible for the views expressed by the author’s. All rights are reserved with Editors/Publisher. No part of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or any means, without prior permission of the Editors/Publisher.

Contact Information

  • Dr. Vanita Khanna: 9877928976, 9855553882
  • Dr. Komal Krishan Mehta: 8968355228, 7986897718

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About the Book

This Call for Book Chapters will cover the most recent developments and current events in and around India in regard to insolvency and bankruptcy. We gladly seek papers from the legal fraternity across India in support of this goal.

Submission guidelines

  • Under no circumstances will co-authorship be permitted.
  • The deadlines must be adhered to to the letter.
  • Any entry received after the deadline will be rejected.
  • A declaration form indicating that the Chapter is the author’s original work and free of plagiarism or copyright infringement must be included with the submission.
  • Plagiarism of more than 15% will result in disqualification.


  • Word limit: 2000 to 3000 words including Footnotes.
  • Font size:
    • For Title: 14 (Bold).
    • For Headings and Subheadings: 12 (Bold).
    • For Footnotes: 10 (Italics)
    • For other content: 12
  • Font Style (including Footnotes): Times New Roman.
  • Line Spacing: 1.5
  • Footnoting Style: Harvard Bluebook 20th Edition


  1. Analysis of Legal and Regulatory Framework of IBC, 2016.
  2. Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 and its Amendments.
  3. Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 – A boon for entrepreneurship.
  4. Cross border insolvency.
  5. Voluntary and compulsory liquidation of corporate entities.
  6. Potential of strategic default in IBC, 2016.
  7. Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP) role and efficacy
  8. Insolvency resolution and Bankruptcy of Individuals
  9. A critique of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016.


Registration link: https://forms.gle/TwvSjixuGXwbxjAm6 


  • On or before Midnight on the last day of submission, send a soft copy of the submission to cclrt@sushantuniversity.edu.in with the title “Submission for Book Chapters of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016” in the subject line.
  • The body of the email must contain the following: –
    • Name of the Author
    • Brief Introduction of the Author
    • Affiliated Institution
    • Title of the Chapter

Important Dates:

  • Registration starts from: 30-10-2021
  • Last date for Registration: 15-11-2021
  • Last date for Submission of Chapter: 25-11-2021

Contact details


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About Journal

The International Journal for Legal Research and Analysis (IJLRA, ISBN Book: 978-81-948082-7-5) is an open-access, peer-reviewed, and refereed publication dedicated to expressing opinions on current legal topics and generating a cross-current of ideas on new issues.


Any theme related to socio-legal aspect is acceptable. Inter-disciplinary approach and comparative research shall be encouraged.


The Journal invites submissions from students, academicians, lawyers, judges and other esteemed members of the legal fraternity.

Submission Guidelines

The authors are requested to adhere to the following format:

  • The article must be sent on an A4-sized piece of paper.
  • The authors’ names and titles should be listed at the top right corner of page one, just below the paper’s title. The article’s word count should be between 3000 and 4000 words.
  • The submission must be in MS Word format and must not be sent in any other format.
  • The typeface should be Times New Roman, font size 12, and 1.5 spacing. The footnotes should be typed in Times New Roman, size 10 font.
  • Endnotes should not be utilised.
  • Mode of Citation: It is agreed upon that citations should be made in a consistent manner.
  • Plagiarism will be checked on all articles submitted. The authors are required to give full credit to the sources they used.
  • A maximum of two authors will be allowed to collaborate.

Submission fee

  • Single Author: Rs. 500/-
  • Co-Author: Rs. 700/-

Submission link


Submission deadline

November 15th, 2021.

Contact details

E-mail ID: editor@ijlra.com

Phone Number: 7042148991

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