Child Sexual Abuse
ABSTRACT Child sexual abuse is a dark reality that is increasing in India and with numerous harmful impacts. It is a universal and human rights issue. It was not conceded...
Should Capital Punishment Be Abolished In India
Introduction The prime rationale behind providing punishments is to make the wrongdoer pay the penalty for the wrong he did and to provide a message to society and deter them...
Death Penalty
Legislative Acts of death penalty The death penalty is a process that provides punishment to an individual if she or he commits an act that is forbidden by law. It...
The Never-Ending Controversy Around Section 124A IPC- Sedition
Introduction Sedition laws were enacted in 17th Century England when legislators accepted that only positive opinions about the government ought to be expressed, as negative and coercive opinions were inconvenient...
Rising cases of Domestic Violence during the lockdown in West Bengal
Abstract – The article will make the readers conscious of the heinous act, i.e., the domestic violence in India. The article talks about the rising cases of domestic violence during...
The Concept Of Plea Bargaining
Introduction Plea bargaining refers to negotiating an agreement between the prosecution and the accused, according to which the accused would plead guilty for a lesser punishment, or dismissal of other...
Dowry- A “Prohibited” Act
Marriage- an age-old institution that is considered as a sacramental union is infested with a tradition that took the color of greed over the years and has agonized many- Dowry. ...
Rise of White Collar Crime in India: Warning?
Introduction When we talk about crimes in society people in layman language think that crimes mean a violent act that causes any injury or hurt in a physical manner to...