Equivalent Citation

Writ Petition (Civil) No. 494 of 2012, (2017) 10 SCC 1


Sanjay Kishan Kaul, Dhananjaya Y. Chandrachud, R. K. Agrawal, J. S. Khehar, S. A. Bobde, S. A. Nazeer, R. K. Agrawal, J. Chelameswar, A.M. Sapre JJ

Decided on

24th  August 2017

Relevant Act/ Section

Article 19,19(1)(a), 21 and 25

Brief Facts and Procedural History

The Government of India has launched a scheme called “Unique Identification for BPL Families.” For the initiative, a committee was also formed. The Committee suggested that a ‘Unique Identification Database’ be created for the project. The project will be divided into three phases, according to the decision. The Planning Commission of India then issued a notification on UIDAI in January 2009. (Unique Identification Authority of India). In the year 2010, the Planning Commission also approved the National Identification Authority of India Bill. The current case was filed by retired High Court Judge K.S. Puttaswamy, who is 91 years old, is against the Union of India, or the Government of India. The case was heard by a nine-judge Supreme Court bench that had been created specifically for the Constitution Bench. Following conflicting judgments from other Supreme Court benches, the special bench was constituted to assess whether the “right to privacy” was guaranteed as an independent basic right.

The case emphasized various concerns about the government’s Aadhaar program (a form of uniform biometrics-based identity card). In the near future, the government suggested that the above-mentioned plan become required for access to government services and benefits. Initially, the challenge was brought before a three-judge bench of the Supreme Court, claiming that the scheme invaded the “right to privacy” provided to Indian people by the Constitution. On account of the Union of India, the Attorney General disputed that the Indian Constitution does not give particular protections for the right to privacy. He based this on observations made at various times in the cases of M.P. Sharma vs. Satish Chandra (an eight-judge bench) and Kharak Singh vs. Uttar Pradesh (an eight-judge bench) (a five-judge bench). Following that, an eleven-judge panel determined that basic rights should not be regarded as separate, unrelated rights, upholding the dissenting opinion in the Kharak Singh case. This also acted as a precedent of following rulings by smaller benches of the Supreme Court which expressly recognized the right to privacy. Moreover, it was in this circumstance that a Constitution Bench was established, which found that a nine-judge bench should be established to assess whether the Constitution contained a fundamental right to privacy or not.

Finally, on August 24, 2017, the Supreme Court issued a landmark decision, declaring the right to privacy a Fundamental Right under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution.

Issues before the Court

  • Whether the ‘right to privacy’ is a basic part of the right to life and personal liberty provided under Article 21 and also a part of the freedoms provided by Part III of the Constitution,
  • And whether the judgment was taken in M P Sharma v Satish Chandra, District Magistrate, Delhi was right in the face of law?
  • And was the decision taken in Kharak Singh v State of Uttar Pradesh correct in a legal sense?

The decision of the Court

On August 24, 2017, a nine-judge panel of the Supreme Court of India issued a major decision upholding the basic right to privacy guaranteed by Article 21 of India’s constitution. The Supreme Court’s historic nine-judge bench unanimously agreed that Article 21 of the Constitution secured the right to privacy as an essential aspect of the right to life and personal liberty. Privacy is a distinct and independent basic right granted by Article 21 of the Indian Constitution, according to the Supreme Court, which relied on six separate judgments. The decision’s most crucial element conveyed a broad interpretation of the right to privacy. It was clarified that the right to privacy is a broad right that covers the body and mind, including judgments, choices, information, and freedom, rather than narrow protection against physical derivation or an invasion right under Article 21. Privacy was found to be a predominant, enforceable, and multifaceted right under Part III of the Constitution. Overall, the Court overturned the judgments in M.P. Sharma and Kharak Singh because the latter found that the right to privacy was not a fundamental right guaranteed by the Constitution, and the Court found that the judgment in M.P. Sharma was legitimate because the Indian Constitution did not contain any limitations to the laws on search and seizure comparable to the Fourth Amendment in the United States Constitution. Nevertheless, the Court held that the Fourth Amendment was not a comprehensive concept of security and that the absence of a comparable assurance in the Constitution didn’t imply that India lacked a distinctive right to protection by any stretch of the imagination– and thus, the decision in M.P. Sharma was overturned. Kharak Singh’s biased perspective on close-to-home freedom was also invalidated by the Supreme Court. This viewpoint was referred to as the “storehouse” approach obtained from A.K. Gopalan by Justice D.Y. Chandrachud. The Court stated that after Maneka Gandhi, this method of seeing fundamental rights in watertight containers was abandoned.

The Court stated that after Maneka Gandhi, this method of seeing fundamental rights in watertight containers was abandoned. The Court also pointed out that the majority conclusion in Kharak Singh was internally inconsistent, as there was no legal basis for striking down domiciliary visits and police monitoring on any grounds other than privacy – a right they referred to in theory yet ruled to be unconstitutional. The Court further stated that subsequent cases maintaining the right to privacy after Kharak Singh should be viewed in light of the principles set forth in the opinion. The court also considered whether the right to life, the right to personal liberty, and the right to liberty established in Part III of the Constitution protects the right to privacy in affirmative instances. The court decided that privacy “is not an exclusive concept.” It dismissed the Attorney General’s position that the right to privacy should be ceded in exchange for the state’s welfare rights. Overall, while ruling that the right to privacy is not self-contained, the decision also outlined a legal survey standard that should be applied when the state intrudes on a person’s privacy.

It was decided that the right to privacy could be limited where an intrusion met the three-fold requirement of legality, which assumes the existence of law; need, which is defined in terms of a reliable state point; and proportionality, which ensures a reasonable relationship between the objects and the methods used to achieve them. The fourth point of this criteria was added by Justice S.K Kaul, who demanded “procedural assurances against maltreatment of such obstacles. Chelameswar, on the other hand, feels that the “overriding national interest” threshold should be applied only to privacy claims that demand “close inspection.”

The court found that the fair, just, and reasonable criteria of Article 21 should be applied to additional privacy issues and that whether or not to apply the “national priority” standard depends on the facts. The court also stressed the importance of sexual orientation in terms of privacy. It also examined the negative and positive aspects of the right to privacy, namely, that the state is not only prohibited from interfering with this right but is also required to take reasonable steps to protect personal privacy. Information privacy is part of the right to privacy, according to the ruling. Despite the fact that the court recognized the need for a data protection law, it left the burden of enacting legislation to Parliament.


Justice K.S.Puttaswamy (Retired). vs Union of India and Ors., 2017. | LawFoyer

Written by Vidushi Joshi student at UPES, Dehradun.

About AAA Legal

AAA Legal is a law firm with an illustrative legacy of 14 years of practice and advisory.

Name of the FirmAAA Legal
Area of PractiseArbitration, Banking and Finance, Competition/Anti-trust, Corporate advisory, compliance & private equity, Data privacy & cybersecurity, Employment and labor, Intellectual property including TMT, Real estate, Taxation & Customs, White Collar Crime & Criminal laws
LocationNew Delhi

About the Internship

AAA Legal is looking for a law student or content writer for a content writing project to be completed in 3 weeks in February 2022.

Procedure to Apply

Interested candidates can Apply at litigation@aaalegal.pro.

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About IN10 Media Network

IN10 Media Network is a network with a plethora of offerings across the Media & Entertainment sector.

With deeply entrenched roots in the creative community and a long-standing association with premium content, the verticals in its fold include Linear Broadcast: EPIC TV, ISHARA, ShowBox, Filamchi; Digital: EPIC On, DocuBay, Latestly; Production: Juggernaut Productions, the brands cover every aspect of the content life-cycle across platforms.

Led by Aditya Pittie, IN10 Media has its efforts focused on building world-class brands that are the epitome of quality content.

About Internship at IN10 Media Network

They at IN10 Media Network are looking for long term, full time interns.


Currently in their penultimate or final year of LLB/LLM


Dedicate 3-6 months to the company’s legal practice.

Application Procedure

Candidates who fit the abovementioned criteria may write to me with their SOPs and resumes at nitika.nagar@in10media.com and keep hr@in10media.com in cc.

Selection Process

They will reach out to those who are selected for further discussion by email or call.

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About Institute of Law & Research

Quantum School of Law, is another wing of Quantum University, Roorkee offering integrated BBA-LL.B. (H) and BA-LL.B. (H) programmes with various specializations. Based on their interest, students can independently choose their specializations in diverse fields like Civil Law, Corporate Law, Taxation Law, Labor Law, etc.

About the Competition

Five Days National Research Paper Writing Competition (Edition 1st) on February 22-26, 2022 (Tuesday to Saturday). 

The faculty and Research Scholars of any University/Institutions/affiliated Colleges across India are invited to send their contribution of Research Papers to the given mail id on the below guidelines:

  1. The Research Manuscript should be strictly on APA Format.
  2. The Research Manuscript should ideally not go beyond 10-12 pages.
  3. The Manuscript should be written in British English with Font size 12, Times New Roman.
  4. The first page of the Manuscript should list the Author(s) Name, Designation and affiliation with email ID, and contact number.
  5. Very Important: The manuscript should only be sent along with Plagiarism check report showing less than 20 % of plagiarism to mail Ids vinay.qsb@quantumeducation.indirector.qsb@quantumeducation.in by February 15, 2022.
  6. The five days Workshop is on Feb 22-26, 2022 where on the last day the result of the competition will be declared. 


Research Papers are invited from any field and domain area having Conceptual or Empirical or Social Research or any Case study


Various Faculty and Research Scholars across Indian Universities and Institutes

How to Participate?

Sending research papers to director.qsb@quantumeducation.in 

Registration Fee (If Any)



  • The Best Paper award: Rs. 1500/- + e-certificate of Merit (Publication Opportunity with UGC- Care listed Journal) 
  • The I runner up award: Rs. 1100/- + e-certificate of Merit (Publication Opportunity with UGC- Care listed Journal) 
  • The II Runner up award: Rs. 1000/- + e-certificate of Merit (Publication Opportunity with UGC- Care listed Journal) 
  • E-Certificate will be given to all the participants.

Important Dates

Contact details

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Writ Petition (civil) 202 of 1995


December 12, 1996


T.N. Godavarman Thirumulpad


Union of India & Ors


Y.K. Sabharwal, Arijit Pasayat & S.H. Kapadia


Article 48A, Article 51A of The Constitution of India, Section 2 of forest conservation act.


A writ request in the Supreme Court was recorded by T.N. Godavarman Thirumulpad in 1995, to shield the Nilgiris woods land from deforestation by unlawful lumber activity. The incredible meaning of point associated with these issues, relating to insurance and preservation of woodland in the entire region. The court framed the assessment that this issue of backwoods security required a profundity hearing to see every one of the perspectives connected with public timberland strategy. Notwithstanding, it thought that couple of vital headings were needed regarding certain parts of the woods law the country over. The court gave specific itemized bearings for feasible utilization of timberland and directed the observing and execution framework through the country at various state-level networks controlling the utilization, recording, and development of wood the nation over in a perspective on assurance of public woodlands. The court even goes through every one of the parts of National Forest strategy the woods preservation act exhaustively to secure the backwoods.

T.N. Godavarman has expected a fundamental part concerning the protection and protection of the environment. He has different public interest cases to his advantage which oversee protection contemplations and concurring with nature. Normal law is a space of public significance that has been seen with the help of various NGOs and private affiliations. The zenith court has expected the piece of a driving force in safeguarding the natural concerns by articulating different achievement choices. This has prompted the development of an unheard-of level of the rule that began with absolute liability. As of now, it consolidates thoughts, for example, polluter pays rule, conservative development, and judicious rules.


At the point of convergence of the contention is an extremely huge task of the Uttar Pradesh government at Noida. According to the candidates, the endeavor is a “gigantic unapproved development”. The applicants express that innumerable trees were hacked down to clear the ground for the assignment. These trees outlined a “woodland” as the term was deciphered by this Court in its solicitation dated December 12, 1996, in T.N. Godavarman Thirumulkpad v. Association of India and Ors., (1997) 2 SCC 267 (1) and the action of the Uttar Pradesh Government in cleaving down a genuine woodland without the prior authorization of the Central Government and this Court, was in net encroachment of segment 2(ii) of the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980. The Central Empowered Committee CEC on a thought about the overall large number of materials made available to it, including the report of the FSI, held that the endeavor site was not a forest area or a considered forest or woodlands like the district similar to the solicitation for SC, fundamentally, because the trees in the endeavor locale that were cleaved down for representing the improvements were established trees and not ordinarily evolved trees, and because the area was neither exhorted as “forest area” nor recorded as “forest area” in the Government record. The Court held that the endeavor site isn’t woodlands land and the improvement of the assignment without the previous assent from the Central Government doesn’t in any way go against segment 2 of the FC Act.


By T.N. Godavarman Thirumulpad v. Association of India, the Supreme Court left behind the common occupation of an interpreter of the law. This milestone case is generally called ‘the Forest Case in India’ This is because there was a legal violation of the established command when the Supreme Court accepted command over the inquiries of this case. It was concerning the control and oversight of the woods of India. T.N. Godavarman halted a writ claim in the year 1995 in the summit court of India. The central target of the writ demand was to safeguard and secure the woodland place where there is the Nilgiris as it was mishandled through deforestation by unlawful lumber works out. The key component of this case was that it was to save the backwoods. It was trailed by a gathering at full length concerning the National Forest Policy.

This was seen as break orientation that was required in the material issue. This was to look at the necessity and execution of woodland laws and rules inside the subcontinent of India. The Supreme Court provided requests to use the timberland land and its resources financially. Moreover, told that it’s everything except a self-checking part at the same time. The court communicated that an execution system should be molded at the regional and state level. This
was to control the transportation of wood.

Godavarman Thirumulpad had numerous pundits. It deals with the regular honors of all and the intercession of the court. Just intercession or the encroachments of the court can be rehearsed exactly when they are required. Legitimate interventions happen when the state misses the mark in its commitment to work. The most prominent interventions made by the court recollect the blacklist for the tree felling, direct wood adventures, the forbiddance of mining in Kudremukh, and with Aravallis, the rule of sawmills. Most of the striking judgment on woods organization is the burden of obligation known as Present Value for the utilization of backwoods land for non-officer administration purposes, the underpinning of the Compensatory Afforestation Fund, or CAMPA, and henceforth the course of action of searching for previous support from the Supreme Court for any business activity. Subsequently, exclusive’s work to stop timberland annihilation in Gudalur incited a watershed legal intervention, which has fundamentally added to the assurance of forests. Godavarman Thirumulpad will remain inside legitimate history.


  • Whether the new translation for Section 2 of the Forest Conservation Act and forest land is violative and regardless of whether the utilization of timber for business purposes is justified?
  • The issue is regarding the determination of the environment and majorly damage to the forest which were wealthy in the natural resources begin with the expanding the needs of individual emerging because of a move to industrialization, migration to an urban area, need more land for cultivation housing and other purposes.


It is a fundamental circumstance of the environment especially of the climate. T.N. Godavaraman, understanding the circumstance of the backwoods and being a careful inhabitant of India, couldn’t as yet keep away from relying upon defying such illegal practices. He went to the Indian lawful leader searching for some help from the Supreme Court.

On 12 December 1996, a seat drove by Chief Justice J.S. Verma passed an interval request organizing that tree-felling and non-ranger service administration development in forestland the country over be ended. The way-breaking request redescribed the meaning of forestland and loosened up protection to all spaces with regular woods no matter what their proprietorship. It set out that ‘timberlands’ will be seen by its promise reference meaning and the arrangement of the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980, will apply to all thickly lush areas. States were composed to frame ace chambers to recognize backwoods as characterized and record reports. Senior Counsel Harish Salve was assigned Amicus Curie to help the Supreme Court. What followed was amazing. A couple of northeastern States, where backwoods were being assaulted by groups and unregulated sawmills worked straightforwardly, were shaken. A limitation on the advancement of illicit lumber was constrained. 94 rail route trucks of wrongfully sent wood were seized. At that stage, even the Supreme Court no doubt didn’t anticipate that the matter would be saved open for close to 20 years. However, luckily, it is alluded to in the set-up rule as the Writ of continuing with mandamus. More than 1,000 Interlocutory Applications have since been recorded, covering a scope of issues concerning boondocks protection, such as mining, tree-felling, the leaders of Protected Areas, and forest encroachment.

Considering the rising number of IAs and u thought of the issues being referred to, the court requested the constitution of a specialist body, the Central Empowered Committee (CEC), in May 2002. In September 2002 it was educated as a lawful leading body of legal administrators with wide-going powers to oversee impending IAs, hear new applications, and pass orders in consonance with those of the Supreme Court. Another perspective in the association of forests had been made. The omnibus backwoods case is at this point open yet under unique hearing any longer into its 20th year. The CEC continues, yet not as a legitimate warning gathering.


This case included the necessity for staying aware of and anticipating timberland helpfulness. It works with the assurance of organic variety. Similarly, safeguarding and getting biological conditions were discussed for the present circumstance. The consequence of the T.N. Godavarman v. Association of India and Ors notices the diminishing and the finish of different wood ventures. It moreover settled natural mindfulness among the occupants of India. It refused deforestation stringently. This case has gone probably as an improvement in environmental safeguarding and insurance for an enormous scope. The essential responsibility of this case was the powerful and smooth movement of various laws in doing natural activities.


  1. T.N. Godavarman Thirumulpad vs Union Of India & Ors on 6 July, 2011. indiankanoon.org. [Online] https://indiankanoon.org/doc/1725193/.

Written by Sara Agrawal student at Sinhgad Law College, Pune.

About SLS Hyderabad

Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad which was established in the year 2014 is a constituent of Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Pune. The concept of ‘Symbiosis’ is the brainchild of Dr. S.B. Mujumdar [Chancellor Symbiosis International (Deemed University)] and is nurtured on the principles of the Vedic thought, “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” which means ‘The World is One Family’.

Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad was established inheriting splendid novelty, dynamism and excellence in the education of Symbiosis International University, Pune.

The Centre for Specialisation in Cyber Law Studies (CSCLS) is an in-house Centre established to research on different aspects of cyber law. The Centre intends to educate and spread awareness in Society by conducting various events and capsule courses.

The Objective of the Seminar

New risks and threats in cyberspace are real, making cyber security necessary. We, as individuals as well as societies, cannot go unprotected. Cyber security is not simply a clear-cut technical issue. It is a strategic, political, and social phenomenon with all the accompanying messy nuances. Therefore, cyber reality must be examined with scientific rigour by all disciplines, enabling an informed public debate.

It is both, morally essential and rationally effective for the responses to be formulated through a democratic process. The objective of the Seminar is to discuss and deliberate on this major issue and to understand aspects and dynamics of the same. A Book containing the selected Papers shall also be published.

The outcome of the Seminar would facilitate the organizers, participants and other stakeholders to make legislative and policy interventions to bring about positive social and legal transformation. This Seminar would also provide an excellent opportunity for the participants to put across their own views and exchange ideas in order to have a holistic understanding of the subject matter.

Call for Papers

Well-researched original Papers and case studies are invited from academics and scholars, researchers and students of multi-disciplinary.

Only one co-author is permitted. All papers shall be scrutinized through a blind review by the Editorial Board. All Papers shall be subjected to the anti-plagiarism software ‘TURNITIN’. Selected Papers will be published by the College.


The theme of the Seminar is: Cyber Security and Sovereignty


  • Study of Cyber Security Challenges & its Emerging Trends
  • Cyber Attacks – National and International – Case Studies
  • Outbreak of Project Pegasus – Case Study on Cyber Espionage
  • Cyber Sovereignty, Human Rights and the Spirit of Internet
  • Instruments of Accountability in Cyber Space
  • The Contradiction between Cyber Sovereignty and Involvement of Multiple Shareholders in Governance
  • Rethinking Sovereignty in the Context of Cyber Space
  • India’s Approach to Cyber Sovereignty
  • Cyber Governance – Digilocker: A Case Study

Papers can be submitted related to the main theme of the Seminar.

No certificate shall be issued in absentia and there shall be no refund of the registration fee at any stage.

Mode of Seminar

All the stages of the Seminar will be conducted in online mode.

How to Submit?

  • Well-researched papers are invited from all sections of the society for presentation at the Seminar.
  • Papers shall be accepted only after review.
  • The organizers reserve the right to accept or reject Papers based on suitability (thematic and otherwise) for the Seminar.
  • An abstract of a maximum of 500 words must be submitted within 11:59 PM on or before 15 February 2022 through the Google Form provided below.
  • The paper shall be 3000 to 4000 words long excluding footnotes and must be submitted on or before 25 March 2022.
  • The Papers may conform to Blue Book Citation Style (20 th Edition); Font: Times New Roman; Font Size: 16 for Main Heading, 14 for Sub-Headings, 12 for Body & 10 for Footnotes; Spacing: 1.5 for Body and 1 for Footnotes; Headings and Sub-Headings must be in bold.
  • The name of the author(s) may be indicated only on the first page of the manuscript.

The Paper should contain a declaration specifying that:

  • The research work has not been submitted elsewhere for award of any degree or for purpose of publication.
  • The material borrowed from other sources has been duly acknowledged.
  • The candidate would be held responsible for any plagiarism detected in the submission.
  • Signature of the candidate on this declaration is mandatory.

Fee Details

  • Once the Abstract is selected, participants will be sent a registration link via email.
  • Students or Scholars: ₹500 for the single author; ₹750 for co-author.
  • Professionals or Teachers: ₹500 for the single author; ₹750 for co-author.

Certificate for actual participation and presentation shall be issued after completion of the event and shall be mailed to the participants.

Important Dates

  • Abstract Submission: 15 February 2022
  • Notification of Approved Abstracts: 20 February 2022
  • Submission of Complete Papers: 25 March 2022
  • Date of National Seminar: 9 April 2022

Contact details

E-mail ID: cscls@slsh.edu.in

Convenor: Mr. Hifajatali Sayyed, Faculty-in-Charge, Centre for Specialisation in Cyber Law Studies

Student Convenor: Asma Maryam: +91 63096 57811

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About the Journal

The Journal is the flagship student-run journal of National Law University, Delhi. It is an annual peer-reviewed journal that seeks to provide a forum for students, academicians, and professionals to engage in discussions on varied issues of contemporary importance in domestic and international law and policy. 

Submission Categories

  • Articles (5000 to 10000 words, inclusive of footnotes): Papers that comprehensively analyse a theme and engage with all the existing literature on it.
  • Essays (3000 to 5000 words, inclusive of footnotes): Papers that concisely analyse specific contemporary issues.
  • Case notes and/or Legislative commentaries (2000 to 7000 words, inclusive of footnotes).
  • Book reviews: Between 2,000 to 3,000 words.

Submission Guidelines

  • The deadline for the submission of manuscripts is 11:59 PM (IST) on 21 March 2022. Manuscripts will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Manuscripts submitted after the deadline shall be reviewed for the next volume. Submissions are accepted only in electronic form.
  • The submission must be made in a Microsoft Word (.docx) format via e-mail to nludslj@nludelhi.ac.in with the email title as ‘Submission – JLS’.
  • Manuscripts are screened for plagiarism and, if found, manuscripts will be rejected at any stage of processing. In case an article is already published when plagiarism is detected, it will be retracted, and authors’ institutions may be notified.
  • By submitting contributions to NLUD JLS, the author(s) confirms that the manuscript is not being simultaneously considered for publication elsewhere (online or print).
  • Co-authorship is permitted up to a maximum of two authors. 
  • Upon submission, the manuscript shall be the property of National Law University, Delhi. All rights are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. On subsequent reproduction, the authors would be required to credit the original publication in the Journal of Legal Studies. The University reserves the right to reproduce, publish and distribute any paper submitted for publication in all media, including but not limited to electronic and print media.

Style Guide

  • Submissions must conform to the Oxford University Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA), 4th Edition.
  • After review, manuscripts may be returned to authors suggesting changes to content, style or structure. Acceptance of the piece for publication may be made contingent upon incorporating the suggestions.

Contact details

Mail to: nludslj@nludelhi.ac.in

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About Office of ADV. AJIT B. KALE

Adv Ajit B Kale is a practicing advocate at the High Court of Bombay. He has been president of the Advocate Association.

LocationAurangabad, Maharashtra, India


  • A law student (except students of 1st or 2nd-year BALLB) with or without prior years of the internship experience.
  • Impeccable passion and interest in the field of law.
  • Excellent legal research and legal writing skills.
  • Fluent writing and oral communication skills in English Hindi and Marathi.
  • A self­starter with leadership and initiative, with a capacity plan ahead, keep to timelines, and ensure outputs.


  • Preparing and reviewing cases ahead of a court hearing.
  • Developing litigation strategies.
  • Researching case­laws and other related material.
  • Drafting applications and making notes.
  • Attending court hearings every day.
  • Conducting work with integrity and responsibility.

Mode and Type

Full time ( Offline)

Procedure to Apply

Interested candidates can send their applications to ajeetkaleoffice@gmail.com

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About UltraTech Cement Ltd.

UltraTech Cement Ltd. is the largest manufacturer of grey cement, Ready Mix Concrete (RMC) and white cement in India. It is also one of the leading cement producers globally. UltraTech as a brand embodies ‘strength’, ‘reliability’ and ‘innovation’. Together, these attributes inspire engineers to stretch the limits of their imagination to create homes, buildings and structures that define the new India.



Number of Vacancies

One (1)

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Fulfilling the requirement of legal cases, legal issues, and legal notices and to monitor the legal cases pending across the various courts of law in any of the state within India and before the quasi-judicial authorities with an attempt to expeditious favourable disposal. The purpose is also to give legal opinion to the management as and when required on legal issues and to help or assist the advocates in cases filed against or by the company. The purpose is also to keep the update all the legal files with computerized data fulfilment into the legal software that is roznama and to take the dates of the various legal cases.
  • Hands on experience on Legal Issues, Legal cases, legal notices and monitoring the pending cases.
  • Experience in initiating/defending/managing litigation matters. Handling civil/criminal matters. Drafting and vetting of legal litigation related documents, agreements such as lease agreements, LOI, MOU, ROW, POA, commercial agreements. Briefing of outside legal counsel in various courts in respect to legal matters. Experience in different kind of suits such as recovery, declaration, possession, injunction and encroachments. Legal research and keep updated with recent precision.
  • Speedy Disposal, favourable Disposal, issue legal notice, draft and prepare the police complaints as and when required. Give legal opinion to the management, translation of the required documents in English language from the regional language and vice versa Liasoning with revenue authorities, advocates etc. drafting and vetting of commercial agreements.


  • Should have a LLB/LLM degree
  • 4-6 years of experience

Link to Apply


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About the organiser

Bennett University has been established by the ‘Times Group’, India’s largest media conglomerate, and offers unique inter-disciplinary and contemporary courses through its Schools of Law.

Established in 2017, the School of Law, Bennett University works with a vision to strive for excellence in teaching, research and advocacy towards justice for all by shaping thought leaders in public policy of National and International dimensions.

About the competition

The L&D Committee, School of Law, Bennett University, is proud to announce the upcoming Poster Presentation Competition, which will take place on World Holocaust Remembrance Day to spread awareness and sensitization regarding the issue at hand.

The event is a Poster Presentation Competition, which will take place on World Holocaust Remembrance Day to spread awareness and sensitization regarding the issue at hand.

The topic is “Spreading Awareness and Sensitization about HOLOCAUST DAY.”

The registration fee is Rs 200/- (2 dollars/ 2 euros)/individual.

Each participant should prepare a poster with text and visuals, they can be supported by picture related to spreading awareness about the topic.
The poster can be either handmade or digitally designed.


  • All the undergraduate and post-graduate students are eligible to participate.
  • Participants should register individually
  • First 50 registrations will be able to participate.



Registration Procedure

Click on the link – https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfs7xo_wmp9WeTmtnDRCgJ_994YRwinBSwwzZz5mWlGD1OyEQ/viewform

After registration,

  • Participants should email the submission on the following email ID: law.ld@bennett.edu.in
  • The name of the file should be participant’s full name and PP. For example, JohnCooper_PP.
  • The subject of the email should be “HRD Poster Submission”.

Fee details

The registration fee is Rs 200/- (2 dollars/2 euros)/individual.

Click here for the payment link.


  • Winner: Rs.2000/- + merit certificate.
  • First Runner up: Rs.1500/- + merit certificate.
  • Second Runner up: Rs. 1000/- + merit certificate.
  • All the participants will be given an e-certificate of participation.

Important dates

  • The deadline for registration: January 26, 2022, Wednesday (5 PM)
  • The last date of submission: January 26, 2022, Wednesday (11:55 PM)
  • The competition i.e., presentation will be held on January 27, 2022, Thursday (3:30 PM)
  • Valedictory ceremony will be held on January 27, 2022, Thursday (7 PM)

Contact details

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

WhatsApp Group:




