Abstract – The article will make the readers conscious of the heinous act, i.e., the domestic violence in India. The article talks about the rising cases of domestic violence during the lockdown in West Bengal and the role of the West Bengal Women’s Commission in curbing such menace.


In India, domestic violence against women is dominantly prevalent, that is tried to conceal. We live in a patriarchal society where one in every three women is subject to domestic violence. According to a research, 45 percent of women in India are subjected to violence by their spouses. Domestic abuse is a largely unseen crime that occurs mostly behind closed doors.

During the lockdown, West Bengal saw an increase in domestic violence cases. Many women were subjected to domestic violence and physical abuse. Women had previously faced physical assaults, but the lockdown had exacerbated and worsened the situation.

Since the imposition of lockdown, more than seventy domestic violence cases have been reported to the commission. The number of complaints received during this period was higher than in the months preceding the lockdown.


According to the state women’s commission, domestic violence cases in West Bengal have increased during the lockdown. Since the lockdown was imposed, the commission has witnessed a surge in reports of domestic violence. The complaints came from all over the state, in both rural and urban areas, including Kolkata.

National and International laws

Protection of Women against Domestic Violence Act 2005

 This Act was promulgated to protect women against physical, sexual, and emotional abuses, all of which are widely specified under the Act. The Act not only talks about the protection of married women, but also women who are in live-in relationships with men. It is a must that woman should be free from all forms of violence. 

Section 498 of IPC

“Whoever takes or entices away from any woman who is and whom he knows or has reason to believe is the wife of another man, from that man, or any person caring for her on behalf of that man, with the intent that she may have illicit intercourse with any person, or conceals or detains any such woman with that intent, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a period which may extend to two years, or with fine, or with both.”

Dowry prohibition Act, 1961

 Anyone who provides, accepts or even asks dowry can be imprisoned for a half-year (i.e., six months) or fined up to Five Thousand Rupees under this rule.


CEDAW adopts a three-dimensional and practical approach based on the concept of substantive equality or gender equality. This goes beyond equal opportunity and legal language to consider the current state of women’s lives as the actual litmus test for whether or not equality has been attained.

The media still does not play an influential role in minimizing domestic violence against women. They fail to cover the incidents and spread those to the mass, taking place every day in the marginalized communities. Because the media serves as society’s eyes, ears, and limbs, it has the potential to significantly reduce violence against women.


The role of media should be to expose the shades of malice and spread awareness about the rights of the women. The media needs to be aware of the violence directed against women. Indeed, many women have said that the media’s coverage of an assault or other form of brutality resembled a second attack due to the insensitivity with which they used images, published names, and other invasions of privacy.

The media’s involvement in the issues of violence against women is essential both in terms of how it covers the matter and in terms of how it may be utilized to assist activists and governments in raising awareness and implementing necessary programme.

In general, the media lacks in instilling an extensive awareness of domestic violence in the public. As a result, many scholars believe that media portrayals of domestic violence are part of a hegemonic patriarchal worldview that obscures both the issue of domestic violence and the underlying social processes that generate it.

Case Laws

S.R Batra and Anr v. Smt. Taruna Batra

 Referring to Sec17(1), 4Sec2(S) Of Domestic Violence Act, the Supreme Court held that:

Only the wife has the right to live in a joint household.

A house owned by a husband, a house rented by a husband, or a house that belongs to a husband’s joint family is considered a shared home.

The judgement further noted that, under section 19(1)(f) of the act, the claim for alternative accommodation may only be raised against the spouse and not against his in-laws or other relatives.

As a result of the facts of the case, it was determined that the wife could not claim a right of residency in the property belonging to her mother-in-law.

Dr Velusamy v.  Patchaiammal

The court noted that the Act’s definition of “domestic relationship” in section 5 sec 2(f) includes not just marriage but also a relation “like marriage” in this case.

Because the term “relationship like marriage” isn’t defined in the Act, the court clarified its meaning. According to the court, not all living relationships qualify as “relationships like marriage,” which must meet the following criteria. In addition, the parties must have lived together in a “shared household.”

The couple must exhibit themselves as husband and wife to the rest of society. To marry, they must be of legal age. To engage in lawful marriage, they must meet all other requirements, including being unmarried.


The government must develop a comprehensive strategy and allocate sufficient funds to provide support services to survivors, ensure the application of domestic violence laws, and conduct public awareness campaigns emphasizing that domestic violence is a crime and that the state will take strict action against it. The judicial system must become more active and effective in bringing justice to victims and sufferers.

This blog is written by Shruti Bose, studying at Christ (Deemed to be University), Lavasa

Edited by Deeksha Arora.

For regular updates, join us:

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Indian National Bar Association (INBA) invites applications for participation in its 1st edition of Research Paper Writing Competition. 

CALL FOR PAPERS: In pursuance of this year’s Constitution Day, research papers are invited on the following themes: 

  • Whether it is necessary to have a new post of separate specialized investigator in Police; 
  • Perception of police in the mind of ordinary people, and whether reform in the force is essential along with Reformation in Police governing laws. 

The themes provided are directory in nature; therefore authors are free to select any related topic based on the above-mentioned themes.

Two Best Papers shall be selected, winners of which will be awarded on the evening of 9th Annual International Conference scheduled on Law Day, 2020.


Submissions to be sent on inba.paperconference@gmail.com 

The Last Date for the Submission of Research paper is 20th November, 2020.

For more details or any query:

1. Send an email on inba.paperconference@gmail.com or 

2. Visit the official website


3. Call/ WhatsApp 

Tanishka Grover +91-9999799463

Avni Agarwal +91-9910744488

For more such opportunities visit: www.lexpeeps.in

Blogs published by Lexpeeps: For understanding purpose:http://lexpeeps.in/category/our-blog/

About  H.Y.D.R.A.

Home of Youth for Development and Rendering Awareness (H.Y.D.R.A) is a trust created by young and energetic  Under Graduate students from different colleges, created to increase political and social awareness among youth by organizing various events like Mock Parliament, Debates, Exhibitions, Symposiums, etc. It is a non-profit , non-political and secular organization. Its aim to spread and promote public awareness and promote social service among youth. It works to develop the skills like public speaking , leadership quality and communication skills etc. 

About the Competition 

Throughout an attempt to enhance the production and distribution of scientific facts, H.Y.D.R.A. is hosting the 1st National Article Writing Competition to promote intellects’ perspectives on a range of daily issues. When achieving our priorities, we remain dedicated to working with members of the public to insure that they represent their best interests.


  • Gender Sensitive Indian Society is Prerequisite for Queer Empowerment.
  • How do you think will this year 2020 shape the year 2021?
  • Rise of Artificial Intelligence : The threat of jobless future OR Better job opportunities through re-skilling and up-skilling



01 August 2020  ———– Registration Begins

08 August 2020  ———–Registration Closed

15 August 2020 ———- Date of Submission of the Manuscript 

05 September2020   ————-Result Declaration*

Date is subject to change  


Any person from the legal fraternity, journalism, commerce, management, economics or any other social science knowledge seeker are also welcomed to submit their articles of original work for publication on the blog. 


A jury of respected professors / luminaries from diverse backgrounds will judge the entries

Submission Guidelines

  • The body of the article  shall be in Times New Roman, size 12, 1.5 line spacing 
  • Submission should be made only in .docx/.doc format.
  • Alignment of the article must be justified.
  • The article must be an original and unpublished work of the author.
  • The article must not exceed 1000 words, exclusive of footnotes. 
  • For Citation and Referencing BLUEBOOK, 20th Edition must be referred 
  •  Uniform method for citation may be followed; moreover an article with plagiarism more than 15% will lead to immediate disqualification.
  • The name of the file must be the exact title of the article. 
  • The author must submit the article on time otherwise late submission will not be entertained.
  • Co- Authorship is not allowed. 
  • Any submission made not in consonance with the guidelines will automatically leads to disqualification.

How to Submit?

  • After the registration all the participants will get a google form link on their Email id for the submission of the manuscript.  Participants need to fill the given detail on the google form and attach their document.
  • The details of the authors, including their names, contact details (email id and phone number), name of the institution or their designation (as the case may be), shall be provided in a separate MS Word file.


  • Top 5 articles will be published on H.Y.D.R.A. website and other social platforms.
  • Winner will get merit certificate
  • All the participants will get the certificate. (only who will submit manuscripts)

Registration link


Contact Information

Email ID: hydraclub2019@gmail.com 

Mobile Number: – 9205510739  ,  9650171443    

About the Organization 

Jus Commune is an online forum that promotes and seeks to maintain various legal competitions. The contests’ platter shall consist of quizzes, article writing, judgment writing, online debates etc. We strive to stimulate your abilities and encourage you to sharpen your skills. We would showcase the best compositions with pride on Jus Commune. We believe that it’s a competition which ensures the survival of the fittest.

About the Competition:

As the masses are turning towards Law as a choice for professional courses owing to the attractive opportunities available in the Corporate and Human Rights sectors, the established and renowned firms are facing difficulties in short-listing the best students to intern and later, be a part of their revered family. And as every student tries to beautify his or her C.V. by mentioning their accomplishments, it is the Statement of Purpose, i.e., the document which explains why he or she wants to work with a particular organization in the first place makes the difference.

Interestingly, people take this for granted and as a result, often lose out on the best internships, despite having the capacity and the capability. Here, Jus Commune provides you with a chance to not just take time out to devise the best possible Statement of Purpose for yourself, but also ensure that it is rewarded duly; if not, your sincere efforts shall produce this useful document capable of landing you the desired Internship or other opportunities.  


Open to everyone not restricted to Law Students


The top 10 scorers will bag an internship with the revered S&M Consultants as well as with Adv. Shipra Tanna in alternate months. This will help put your brilliant SOPs in action and you’ll be rewarded with an internship period in return.

   1.     Top 2 contestants:- A Free Publication of their research papers in the acclaimed Journal for Students and Legal Researchers (JSLR) + 10% off in a Certified Course of Katog + Certificate of Excellence+ Free publication on Indian Law Watch + Free publication on Legal Views+ 5% off on the Courses offered by Legal Views + Online Internship opportunity at CLAW LEGAL.

2.      Next 3 contestants:- Free Publication of their research paper on Jus Commune under an esteemed category of highly recognized ones with their photographs and names + 40% off in a Publication in JLSR + 10% off in a Certified Course of Katog + Certificate of Excellence + Free publication on Indian Law Watch + Free publication on Legal Views+ 5% off on the Courses offered by Legal Views.

3.      Top 10 Participants (Excluding the Top 5):- 40% off in a Publication in JLSR + 10% off in a Certified Course of Katog+ Certificates of Merit + Publication of their Statement of Purpose shall be in a separate column in the honorable Jus Commune with their names+  5% off on the Courses offered by Legal Views.

4.      Next 20 Participants:- 40% off in a Publication in JLSR + 10% off in a Certified Course of Katog+ Certificates of Appreciation.

5.      Certificate of Participation and 30% off in a Publication in JLSR shall be assured for participants who register successfully and submit the S.O.P. within the deadline.

Guidelines for Contribution: 

  1. All S.O.P.s ( Statement of Purpose) must be submitted in English Language only.
  2. Length of the article must not exceed 500 words.
  3. Articles which are plagiarized beyond 10% shall be disqualified. 
  4. Font: Times New Roman, Font Size: 12; Spacing: 1.5; Alignment: Justified. 
  5. All submissions shall be made to editor.juscommune@gmail.com
  6. No Co-Authorship allowed.
  7. Details of the author shall be provided in the body of the email while making the submission of the Article for the Competition. 


Registration: 31st August 2020

Submissions: 5th September 2020 

Registration Fees: 

Payment for Author: Rs.70/-

Payment shall be made to Aditi Mishra via Paytm/Google pay: 9861723001

Mode of Registration: 

Participants are required to fill in the Google Form Link for Registering:


The Screenshot of the Payment of the Registration Fee shall be attached with the Form for successful registration for the Competition. Thereafter, the Participants shall receive a mail from Our Team within 48 hours confirming the same. 

Contact Us:

Email ID: communejus@gmail.com

Lavanya Rai: 6307317158

Aditi Mishra: 9861723001

Do Visit:

Website Link: http://thejuscommune.wordpress.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/commune.jus.3

Instagram: https://instagram.com/juscommune?igshid=czx6s63wdo7z

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/commune-jus-b7a6021a6

About the Organization 

Lawgical Forum, a platform for voicing the collective conscience of the law students, practitioners, academicians in the form of opinions, blogs, articles, case analysis, etc. aspires to ingeminate the significance and multi-disciplinary approach of law and the legal world. We intend to engender discourse on contemporary burgeoning socio-legal issues and provide an assessment of the same. It envisions to nurture the underlying interface of legal intricacies with society. The initiative aims to provide comprehensive research pertaining to the trans-disciplinary approach towards law and society. The portal, in its process of proliferating legal awareness amongst masses, looks forward to providing quality socio-legal content. It fosters to propagate the voice of the vulnerable section of the society and impart justice at every level through eclectic writing. We strive to provide a platform and encourage everyone to contribute original, unpublished, and unplagiarized work. Hence, our objective is to materialize the social and legal conviction of public-spirited individuals. 

About the Competition 

Lawgical Forum aims to eradicate the legal illiteracy in India and assure that its citizens exercise their fundamental right to freedom of speech and expression with the help of legal writing. The blog writing competition will give a chance to ponder over, widen horizons, and pen down their views, thoughts, opinions, etc. on contemporary social and legal issues existing in the society. This is vital to bring various aspects of the consciousness of people that require unfettered attention. This aims to bring a change within oneself through the voice of youth. 

Who can participate? 

• Academicians, Researchers, and Ph.D./Doctoral Scholars from the field law. 

• Law students pursuing bachelors or masters in law (UG and PG) 

• Advocates, NGOs, and Think Tank. 

• Government officers and employees of Government undertaking 

• Representatives of Regulatory Bodies. 


Any contemporary issue relating to law or society. 

Guidelines for Submission: 

All the blogs should strictly adhere to the guidelines. Any submission found not following the 

same shall be outrightly rejected. The guidelines are as follows: 

• The title of the blog should be appropriate. 

• The blog must be within 1500 words. 

• Writing should be the original work of the participants. Only 15% of plagiarism would be allowed. Any submission having more than 15% plagiarism shall be disqualified. 

• The Uniform method of citation must be followed. 

• The body of the paper shall be in Times New Roman, font size 12, 1.5-line spacing. 

Footnotes should be in Times New Roman, size 10 single line spacing. 

• A margin of 1 inch shall be left on all sides of the paper. 

• The paper shall be in MS Word Format. 

• Co-authorship is allowed for not more than 2 people. 

• No participant can make more than one submission. 

• The copyright of the blog shall lie with the organization. 

• All the entries shall be sent to submissionlawgicalforum@gmail.com with a subject titled- “Submission for Blog Writing Competition”. Full names of both author and co-author along with designation, institution, and contact number(s) must be mentioned in the body of the mail. 

• Judgment shall be based on points given on the criteria of content, language & uniqueness. The decision of the editor shall be final. 

Awards and Perks: 

Winner: INR 500 + Post of Student Editor + Blog Publication + Internship Opportunity + 10% off in Katog courses 

First Runners up: Post of Student Editor + Blog Publication + Internship Opportunity + 10% off in Katog courses 

Second Runners up: Blog Publication + Internship Opportunity + 10% off in Katog courses 

Top 3 participants shall also be given an Internship Opportunity at C.L.A.W Legal. 

• Top 10 shall be given a certificate of merit along with Blog Publication. 

• 30% off in publication fee shall be given to all the participants who successfully submit their blogs, provided the paper is selected for publication. 

• 10% off in Katog courses shall be given to all the participants. 

• E-certificate shall be given to all the participants who submit their blog successfully. 

Mode of Registration: 

• There shall be a nominal fee of Rs. 150 and Rs. 200 in case of co-authorship. 

• The payment can be done through Google Pay/BHIM/PhonePe on 9828733985 (Archie Anant). For any other mode, drop us a mail on submissionlawgicalforum@gmail.com. 

• After the payment, fill the given form below and attach the screenshot of payment. 

A confirmation mail shall be sent to the participant within 48 hours. 

Registration Link:


Important Dates: 

Last date for registration (by filling the form): 12th August 2020 

Last date of submission (Any blog received after the deadline shall not be given any consideration): 15th August 2020 

Declaration of the result: 5th September 2020 

Contact us: 

You may feel free to contact the following in case of any query: 

Email: submissionlawgicalforum@gmail.com 

Contact Number: 9828733985, 7062347885. 

Website link



The Law Club and The School of Law & Governance, Vishwakarma University, Pune are jointly organising the ‘National Online Elocution & Article Writing Competition’ on ‘Emerging Legal Issues in AI-driven Bharat’. We are inviting the multi-skilled and adept scholars of the various venerated institution to participate in this event.


This event aims to bring out the oratory and analytical abilities of our participants and give them a platform to display their inherent talent


a) Legendary Luminaries as Judges for Competitions
b) Online Internship Opportunity and Free Certificate Course for the winners
c) Free Publication of articles on the official website of The Law Club.
d) Other Exciting prizes


Emerging Legal Issues in AI-Driven Bharat


  • Artificial Intelligence & its Criminal Accountability
  • Legal Personality of Artificial Intelligence
  • Artificial Intelligence & Legal Framework in Bharat
  • Artificial Intelligence & National Security Challenges
  • Artificial Intelligence & Digital literacy
  • Artificial Intelligence & Data Privacy
  • Artificial Intelligence & Contractual protections
  • Changing definition of ‘Consent’ in AI-driven Bharat
  • Need for expansion of Patent Laws for Prototypes and Algorithms
  • Exploring ethical and policy implications of Artificial Intelligence


All undergraduate students of LL.B 3 years and 5 years course

Registration Procedure:

For registration, pay the registration fees according to the below mentioned
▪ Take the screenshot of the successful payment receipt.
▪ Fill in the registration form with your details and upload the payment receipt in the form and submit.
▪ Click on the link to register: https://forms.gle/tTZSvAMaG5Lnx1hK7

Fee Details:

▪ Rs. 200/- for Elocution and
▪ Rs. 150/- for Article Writing Competition.

The participants can pay the registration fees via Paytm or Google Pay
Paytm: 8275160241@paytm Google Pay: supriyapathak.1104@oksbi

Important Dates:

▪ Last date of registration for both the competitions: – 17th July 2020
▪ Online Elocution Competition:- 18th and 19th July 2020
▪ Last date of submission of Article:- 25th July 2020

Contact Info:

For any further queries please contact:
▪ Adv. Rucha Dhakras (Coordinator- The Law Club)
Contact no.: 07507060004
▪ Deepshikha Sharma (Professor- Vishwakarma University, Pune)
Contact no.: 08806378695
▪ Email ID: thelawclubgroup@gmail.com


Legal Inside is organising its 2nd Online Memorial Writing Competition.


The Legal Insider is a rapidly growing community of niche academicians, thinkers, activists, lawyers, professors, legal volunteers, paralegals and legal entrepreneurs who stand apart from the rest of the community with their zeal for deep thinking, leadership skills, and dedication for bringing innovation to the legal field.


It shall be an online event.

At present students/participants must be pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Law, i.e., 3-year LL.B. Course or 5-year LL.B from any recognized college or university or pursuing LL.M from any recognized University. 

In one team, not more than 3 participants are allowed. But, however, participants may seek Individual or Single participation. In one team, participants from different universities or schools or colleges are allowed.


Last Date of Registration24/07/2020
Last Date for seeking Clarifications27/07/2020
Last Date of Submission of Memorials (Softcopy)15/08/2020
Declaration of Result of the Memorial Round         30/08/2020


Individual Participation: Rs 350/- 
For a team comprising of 2 members: Rs 600/- 
For a team comprising of 3 members: Rs 750/-


Paytm/Google-Pay: 8169516577

Deadline for registration: 19th July 2020

Note: Team Participation is allowed up to 3 members but not more than that.

Note: If you don’t know how to write a memorial or you are doing it the first time, contact them we will provide you with samples and guidelines for writing memorial.


Each registered team shall submit a soft copy, both in Microsoft Word format and PDF format (.docx and .pdf) of the memorials from both sides, via email to the insiderthelegal@gmail.com on or before 11:59 PM on August 15th.

The subject of the email should be the following “Memorial Submission”.


Each registered team shall submit a soft copy in Microsoft Word format of the memorials from both sides on or before 11:59 PM on August 15th.

The subject of the email should be the following “Memorial Submission ”. 

Moot propositionhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/17tfKB02–hS1JmAK9Irq541ROhVnJM1U/view?usp=sharing


Connect with us at  insiderthelegal@gmail.com.

WhatsApp: 8169516577