-Report by Anurag Sinha

To review the environmental clearance given by the Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change (MoEF &CC) for the project by the Andaman and Nicobar Islands Integrated Development Corporation (the project) in Great Nicobar Islands, the Eastern Zone bench of the National Green Tribunal (NGT) has established a High-Powered Committee.


At the southernmost point of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, a massive project will be carried out. An international airport, a terminal for trans shipping containers internationally, a township development, and a 450 MVA gas and solar-powered power plant are all included in the project, which spans an area of 16,610 hectares on the island. The NGT was hearing the appeal filed by the Conservation Action Trust and others against the Environment and Forest Clearances granted by the MoEF&CC for the project, including the clearance for the diversion of 130.75 sq. km of forest land under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980, on Great Nicobar Island.


The main contentions on behalf of the appellants are that the project will have an adverse impact on the rich biodiversity of the area and damage the habitats of the endangered species. The appellants emphasized that due to the existence of numerous coral colonies, the location of the port, which is a component of the project, is specifically forbidden in the CRZ-IA region. Additionally, the coast will erode as a result. While a thorough impact evaluation necessitates data collection for three seasons, this assessment only uses data from one season.

Additionally, the appellants argued that the Shompen tribes and Nicobari groups must be kept apart due to government policy, which has not been taken into account in this case. This element disregards the Andaman and Nicobar Islands (Protection of Aboriginal Tribes) Regulation of 1956 and the Forest Rights Act of 2006, respectively. Additionally, a recognized firm has not carried out the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). There are two national parks – Campbell Bay National Park (in the North) and Galathea National Park (in the South) which also will be adversely impacted, added the appellants.


The project is important for Great Nicobar Island’s overall development as well as for defense, national security, and strategic reasons, according to responders MoEF&CC and the Project Proponent. With the completion of the project, India will have a stronger presence in Southeast Asia and the Andaman Sea. Additionally, a significant cargo transhipment terminal will be built, and a popular tourist destination will be established. The respondents claimed that the development of an international transhipment terminal offers significant prospects to further boost India’s commercial standing in the international arena.


After hearing arguments from both sides, the Tribunal determined there was no reason to interfere with the forest clearance, noting the necessity for both national security and economic development, neither of which could be proved to be unimportant. Regarding environmental clearance, the Tribunal asserted that the prescribed procedure had been followed, which included holding open forums, creating an environmental impact assessment (EIA), conducting an EAC assessment, preserving wildlife habitats, taking tribal welfare into account, and organizing necessary conservation measures. According to the MoEF&CC and the PP, all required steps will be implemented, eco-sensitive regions will not be covered, corals will be safeguarded, and the area proposed to be a part of the Port that is prohibited according to the CRZ notification will not be included. The Tribunal has directed that further work in pursuance of the impugned EC should not proceed, except for the work that may not be of an irreversible nature.

READ FULL JUDGEMENT: https://bit.ly/3ZPG3hr

-Report by Shweta Sabuji

In the recent case of K.T.V. OIL MILLS PRIVATE LIMITED VERSUS THE SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT, UNION OF INDIA & ORS., an appeal filed in opposition to the judgment and decree rendered on the file of the Commercial Division of this Honourable High Court on July 3, 2018, by the learned Single Judge in A.No.1253 of 2018 in C.S.No.706 of 2017.


The appellant was established in 2008 as a company under the Companies Act of 1956. The purpose of forming this Company was to take over K.T.V. Oil Mills’ operations. The late Shri. K. T. Varadaraj Chetty launched an oil trading company in Kotwal Market in 1971. Under the name and style “K.T.V Oil Mills,” the company operated from 1999 to 2008 as a partnership firm. The partnership firm was then changed into a private limited company in 2008 under the name “K.T.V. Health Food Private Limited,” and they applied to the Trademark Registry for the registration of the trademark “ROOBINI,” claiming usage as of June 1, 1995.

On December 30, 2007, K.T.V. Oil Mills and the appellant engaged in an assignment deed, and as a result, the trademark “ROOBINI” was transferred. The K.T.V. Oil Mills partners all acquired shares in the appellant-Company. The assignment deed was completed in favor of the appellant by the partners of K.T.V. Oil Mills because they chose to operate the company under the appellant’s Company name. As a result, the appellant learned that the respondent was using the contested trademark “ROOBEN” in 2017, which is a slavish replica of the appellant’s trademark “ROOBINI” regarding a similar product.


The plaintiff responded to the request for the plaint to be rejected by filing a counter, claiming that the plaintiff’s predecessor, K.T.V. Oil Mills, conducted business from 1995 to 2007 under the name and style of “ROOBINI,” and that all necessary applications for the trademark’s registration were also made. Ultimately, the trademark “ROOBINI” was registered on 22.01.1999 under registration number 837894, claiming use from 01.06.1995. Totake its business to the next level, K.T.V. Oil Mills, a partnership firm, became a private limited company. As a result, the Partners of K.T.V. Oil Mills assigned their ownership of the entire business as well as the trademark “ROOBINI” to the appellant-Company, which then became known as “K.T.V. Health Food Private Limited.”

On December 30, 2007, an assignment deed was made. After that, the appellant filed the proper paperwork to transfer the trademark “ROOBINI” that the Partnership Firm had previously assigned to the appellant in favor of the plaintiff. As a result, the Trademark Registry registered the same on January 25, 2018. Due to the assignment deed executed on December 30, 2007, only theappellant/plaintiff is currently the owner of the trademark “ROOBINI” at the time the lawsuit was filed.

Additionally, the appellant submitted the required paperwork in 2015 to modify the registration in the appellant Company’s name. As a result, the plaintiff is the “ROOBINI” trademark’s owner. Since the plaintiff has been conducting business through its branch office on Chennai’s Thambu Chetty Street, which is squarely within this Court’s jurisdiction, the matter was brought before this Hon’ble Court.


Following a hearing with both parties, the learned Single Judge granted the request to dismiss the complaint, concluding that the telephone bills by themselves were insufficient to establish that the appellant was operating at the branch office, which is located at Thambu Chetty Street in Chennai. Furthermore, the appellant/plaintiff was not the owner of the trademark “Roobini” when it was registered. Even if it is assumed without admission that the assignment deed was executed in the plaintiff’s favor and that the trademark “Roobini” was registered in the plaintiff’s name as a result of the said assignment deed, the plaintiff is not entitled to any rights in the trademark “ROOBINI” based on the assignment deed.

The plaintiff is also not permitted to file the current lawsuit in this court without having their principal place of business within its jurisdiction, even though they maintain a branch office at Thambu Chetty Street in Chennai, which they claim is within that court’s jurisdiction because those provisions, as well as Sections 134(2) of the Trademarks Act and Section 62(2) of the Copy Act, define “carrying on business” respectively.

The plaint is therefore susceptible to being dismissed as long as neither the defendant nor the plaintiff’s primary place of business is engaged in business within the jurisdiction of this Court. As a result, the plaint was dismissed by the contested order. The appellant has chosen the current Original Side Appeal because he is unhappy with the aforementioned order.

READ FULL JUDGEMENT: https://bit.ly/3I1cbcl

The environment assumes a vital part in human existence as well as in the advancement of society. With developing mechanical progression and industrialization, the immaculateness of the climate has been threatened to a horrifying degree. The need to secure and further develop the climate is so convincing for the endurance of humankind and other life structures on planet Earth that the right to climate has arisen as basic liberty. Climate alludes to the regular environmental factors and conditions where we reside. Tragically, the environment has gone under genuine danger. This danger is for the most part because of human practices. These human exercises have absolutely made genuine harm to the environment. Most significant, this harm takes a chance with the endurance of living things on Earth. Subsequently, there is a pressing need to save the Environment.

For this, environment security is improving, guarding, and keeping up with the nature of the climate. The fundamental strategies for natural assurance are reusing, reusing, and lessening; be that as it may, a few different techniques like Green Energy creation, green transportation improvement, and eco-accommodating industrialization likewise exist. Inhabitants, as well as organizations and ventures, should assume their essential parts to work on the climate.


Mankind has forever been worried about the climate. The antiquated Greeks were quick to foster a natural way of thinking, and they were trailed by other significant human advancements like India and China. In later times, the worry for the climate has expanded due to developing consciousness of the biological emergency. The Club of Rome, a research organization, was quick to caution the world with regards to the risks of overpopulation and contamination in its report “The Limits to Growth” (1972).

The advanced ecological development started during the 1960s when worries about the adverse consequence of people on the climate started to increment. Because of these worries, legislatures all over the world started to pass regulations to safeguard the climate. In the United States, for instance, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was laid out in 1970.

The start of ‘present day’ global ecological regulation is dated 5 June 1972 which denotes the start of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm. This period incorporates numerous advancements that occurred up until the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development.


It was in 1972 when interestingly nations across the world met up to distinguish and resolve natural issues at the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm. This occasion has had an enduring impact on the improvement of global ecological regulation. This gathering depended on the focal issue of contention between the financial turn of events and ecological insurance and it was this meeting where the idea of Sustainable Development was molded. The gathering was gone before by the Founex Meet in Switzerland where it was perceived that natural insurance and monetary improvement should go connected at the hip accordingly establishing a framework for the idea of feasible turn of events, which legislatures affirmed later at the Rio Conference on Environment and Development. At the Stockholm Conference, the Stockholm Declaration on the Human Environment was taken on which prompted further improvement of worldwide natural regulation. Because of the Stockholm Conference, nations laid out the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) in Nairobi, Kenya which was not laid out as a United Nations specific organization.

A few significant multilateral arrangements related to the Stockholm Conference, are the Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matters and the Convention for the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage, in 1972, and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) in 1973. These arrangements were the early support points of global ecological regulation and along with the UN Conference, set up for the improvements in worldwide natural regulation.

In the following twenty years, global natural arrangements multiplied and in excess of 1100 worldwide legitimate instruments that were in without a doubt committed to the climate. In this period, nations became skillful at haggling new arrangements in brief periods which didn’t surpass 2 months.

The global natural arrangements went into during this period began as a means of observing and revealing explicit ecological dangers and had its own, discrete office to help nations in executing the concurrence with independent conventions for the exchange of peaceful accords, including trans-limit air contamination ozone environment, and so on the time frame between 1972-1992 saw changes in the subjects and the focal point of global ecological arrangements. The extent of arrangements additionally extended from controlling trans-limit contamination to worldwide contamination issues, for example, the consumption of the ozone layer, monitoring environments, and so on.


In the course of the most recent twenty years, the Indian judiciary has cultivated a broad and inventive way to deal with environmental rights in the country. Complex matters of ecological administration have been settled and therefore a progression of inventive procedural solutions have advanced to go with this new meaningful right. The new environmental right is subsequently advocated as a legitimate pathway to expedient and modest lawful solutions.

The notional development of the right to life was perceived even without any particular reference to the infringement of this major right. However, the basic liberty culture has permeated down to the Indian human rights system within a short time frame. An interdisciplinary way to deal with environmental protection might be one more justification for the activity of the right to a healthy and clean climate. This has been attempted through global ecological agreements and shows, public administrative measures, and judicial reactions.

It has been studied in the case of environmental laws and policies, the Indian scenario is actually filled with attempts and examples in trying to preserve the environment from further degradation. Let’s look into how that protection came into being by going back to the historical background. Ancient India had always been keen and concerned in maintaining protecting the environment. But let’s look into how the British’s then passed legal regulations and actions carried out as it is what has had a huge impact on how India has turned out to be in the present age.

During the British Period, they looted India off of their natural resources, combined with a total indifference with regards to environmental protection. An overall overview of early natural resource regulation uncovers that separated from the wood’s regulations, nineteenth-century regulation likewise somewhat directed two different parts of Indian climate- water contamination and wildlife. These regulations, in any case, had a restricted reason and restricted spread in other regions. Obviously authoritative measures were taken by the British Government for fighting against contamination and for the preservation of natural resources. In spite of the fact that pundits call attention to that the British authorized these regulations, not with the object of safeguarding the climate but rather fully intending on procuring income for themselves, it ought to be viewed as the initial move towards the preservation of natural resources. Regardless of the way that these actions were made with ulterior intentions, British-sanctioned regulations have contributed essentially to the development of environmental jurisprudence in India.

Some of the laws passed during the British rule are,

  • Merchant Shipping Act of 1858 dealt with the prevention of sea pollution by oil.
  • Shore Nuisance (Bombay and Kolaba) Act, 1853 imposed restrictions on the fouling of seawater.
  • The Fisheries Act, 1897
  • Wild Birds and Animals Protection Act, 1912
  • The Bengal Smoke Nuisance Act of 1905
  • Bombay Smoke Nuisance Act of 1912

And after Independence,

  • The Indian Constitution embraced in 1950 didn’t manage the subject of climate or counteraction and control of contamination all things considered.
  • It was the Stockholm Declaration of 1972 that turned the consideration of the Indian Government to consider environmental protection.
  • Exhaustive (exceptional) ecological regulations were established by the Central Government in India.
  • Public Council for Environmental Policy and Planning was set up in 1972 which was subsequently developed into the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) in 1985.
  • The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, focused on the objective and present-day wildlife management, and many more.


Prominently, the public authority has passed different regulations to check the harm caused to the climate, for example, the Environmental Protection Act, 1986, Forest Conservation Act, 1980, Water Prevention and Control of Pollution Act, of 1974, Public Liability Insurance Act of 1889, Biological Diversity Act of 2002, and National Green Tribunal Act of 2010.

As indicated by Article 48 (A) of the Indian Constitution, the state will attempt to safeguard and work on the climate. It ought to likewise attempt to defend woodlands and the natural life of the country. As per Article 51(A) (g) of the Indian Constitution, each resident of India has a basic obligation to safeguard and further develop the indigenous habitat including backwoods, lakes, waterways, and untamed life and ought to have empathy for living animals. These are some of the rights among others like sections 253, 246, etc.

Now let’s get into how these regulations tend to have a fallback or poor implementation. One of the primary explanations behind this is that there is no autonomous administrative body for ecological administration. It is taken care of by the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change (MoEF). Because of inordinate obstruction by the government on the administration of the Ministry, there is unfortunate execution of natural regulation. The politicians also lack the willingness to further push the need for effective implementation, adding on with the lack of awareness of the people.

Businesses are committed to taking authorization from the State Pollution Control Board to release effluents and cause outflows yet there is laxity in consistence because of the absence of solid punishment measures. The Comptroller and Auditor General in India in its 2011-12 report on Performance Audit of Water Pollution in India say that the punishments for the contradiction of WPCA 1974 are excessively frail. There is also a lack of funds for the Pollution Control Boards and they don’t even have proper infrastructure or laboratories. These are just some of the problems amongst many in India. And to correct these few, the following solutions are recommended. A free administrative body should be laid out. The MoEF in 2009 had proposed for a “Public Environmental Protection Authority” in its discussion paper which would go probably as a body for ‘noticing, rule, and execution’ of natural administration. Like on account of Vellore Citizen Forum versus Association of India the guideline of polluter pay rule was applied. For this situation, a Public Interest Litigation was recorded by the candidates in light of the fact that the tanneries and different enterprises were releasing untreated effluents into the River Palar in Tamil Nadu. 35,000 hectares of the farming area has become either absolutely or somewhat ill-suited for development as per Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Research Center, it was held that the enterprises need to pay the townspeople for the harm brought about by them and furthermore make up for the rebuilding of the environment.

Public awareness and an increase in the political will to help is an absolute necessity. NGOs can assume a vital part in this. Prizes should be given to businesses, associations, and so on to recognize infringement and make a move to resolve the issue. Financial endowments, cost-sharing ought to likewise be advanced. And many other steps should be taken like giving more funds to SPCP.

Actions to protect the environment are also taken by the people themselves. Many climate/environment-oriented actions have been initiated which is indeed commendable. Some of the notable movements have taken the forms of advertisements, protests, like the recent protest which was staged by the All Assam Students’ Union (AASU) and All Assam Matak Youth Students’ Union against the decision made by the National Board of Wildlife (NBWL) to allow North-Eastern Coal Fields (NEC) to do opencast mining in 98.59 hectares of Dehing-Patkai Wildlife Sanctuary in 2020, to protect the wildlife sanctuary and the vast fauna. Or the SAVE AARAY movement in 2019, mobilized by the people to go against the Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation Limited’s (MMRLC) metro 3 car-shed plan that would lead to the felling of the Aarey Colony, and the only national park that was situated outskirts the metropolis, rich in flora and fauna. This was also done to protest against the fact that many tribal communities had also been displaced by big project plans.


So, therefore, the Stockholm Conference definitely assumed a critical part in illuminating ecological corruption that has been caused around the world. Thus, the worldwide level of natural and biological issues has been improved to a particular level which the nations of the world had never envisioned ever.

The Courts in India have played a distinctive job in step by step broadening the extent of a good standard of living by applying different issues of ecological protection. Therefore, practices representing a significant danger to the climate were diminished to safeguard the person’s human right to a healthy climate. Article 21 has been dependent in plenty of cases, albeit certain cases have consolidated a more extensive point of view of the Constitution.

With contamination expanding every year and causing the crumbling of the natural habitat, it has become important to find ways to safeguard the common habitat. As we realize that the justification for this multitude of issues is people, state-run administrations should decide to limit their exercises that are actually hurting the climate. And if they are not halted direly, then, at that point, the world could see some devastating collapse and degradation before it’s too long. For instance, environmental change has been a huge issue, and this is one of the reasons for continued contamination. A good future relies upon the climate in general.

Written by Tingjin Marak, a student at Ajeenkya DY Patil University, Pune.


Sustainable Development is defined as “to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of Future Generation to meet their own needs”. The concept came into the picture after the International Conference in Stockholm in 1972. It contains three aspects- 1.environment which includes biodiversity, air, land, plants, animals, etc.,2. Economy i.e. income and money employment trade, business, etc., 3.Society, includes education, health, security, peace, and equal opportunities.  To meet this concept this compelled the legislature to make rules, guidelines, and legal provisions on the same. Further, these provisions brought the judiciary to set precedents against such degradation of the environment. The Supreme Court in various landmark cases highlighted the importance of controlling public actions to protect the environment through legal processes, statutes, and punishments. This article explores the legal regime of environment protection through Indian Jurisprudence.

Environment Preservation vis-a-vis  Development

For a Developing country like India, Economic development clashes several times with environmental preservation. Moreover to achieve sustainable development courts follow only the principle to clean the existing pollution and not focus on precautionary principle to preserve the environment by further laying down rules and regulations which may prevent pollution, which can be construed by courts various decisions which focus on the polluter pays principle rather than precautionary principle. 

To support the above contention the landmark case of Narmada Bachao Andolan is apt. In this case, the height of Sardar Sarovar Dam was to be increased which would have affected the local people, their livelihood would have been lost, and a further lot of species of plants and animals would have been submerged. The Supreme Court held that local people should be given a better place of livelihood but construction would take place as it was important for the development of that place. This judgment portrays that Environment Development is important keeping Environment concerns in view.

Sustainable Development Precedents  

In India, the Sustainable development concept came into light with the case of the Vellore Citizens Welfare Forum. In this case, the tanneries in Tamil Nadu were releasing harmful untreated effluents into water bodies, agricultural fields, and roads as well. The river named Palar there was highly polluted due to these effluents making a scarcity of potable water, and not only this it also polluted over thirty thousand hectares of land engaged in agricultural activities. The Supreme Court held Tanneries owners liable and stated that the principle of polluter pay is an integral part of the Constitution.

Supreme Court of India

Taj Trapezium case, in this case, refineries of Mathura’s use of coal and also because of vehicles emissions which lead to the release of SO2 mixing with water in rainy seasons making it an Acid rain resulting in corrosion of Taj, turning white marble yellowish, was banned. A Bhuleral Committee was also set up which recommended the use of CNG. Oleum Gas Leak Case in which Absolute and Public Liability evolved.  Another case was filed by M.C. Mehta in which several polluting tanneries were ordered to be closed to save water of river Ganga. Court-ordered tanneries to come up with a proper set treatment plant.

Through the case of Murli Deora Smoking was banned in public places.

Other Courts

Landmark cases laying precedent on environment protection and maintaining sustainable development. Rural Litigation & Entitlement Kendra cases– also known as Dehradun Mussoorie Hills quarrying Case. The court observed that quarrying of limestone results in excessive soil erosion and therefore, there is a need to maintain a balance between Environmental & Ecological Integrity.  AP pollution control board caseIn this case, the precautionary principle was established. Church of God in India case. In this case, noise Pollution was also given recognition.

Provisions on Environment Protection

Constitution of India

Constitutional guidelines on right to wholesome Environment- Evolution of Application, Relevant provisions are given under Articles 14, 19(1)(g), 21, 48 (A), 51(A)(g) of the Indian Constitution.

42nd Amendment – Article 48(A)- states about Protection & improvement of Environment & safeguarding forests and wildlife.

Article 51(A)(g)- Fundamental duty to protect & improve the natural environment…living creatures.

List III- Concurrent List– provides Indian parliament power to legislate on subjects on man-made an increase of pollution and environment degradation.

Other Legislations

Under Article 253 of the Indian constitution- legislation for giving effect to International Law. Through which certain legislations inspired by an International Conference in Stockholm 1972 were implemented, such as Water Act 1974, Air Act 1981, Environment Protection Act, 1986, Forest Act1927, Wild Life Protection Act, 1972, etc.

Provisions under  Code of Civil proceduresection 91- Reservoir for class action suits against environmental Law. J. C. Galstaun case – one of the earliest cases on environmental pollution in India.  The Case is important because it shows how the common law regulatory system can check polluters in a pre-industrialized society.

Indian Penal Code– There are various sections of the Code related to environment nuisance and its punishments, some of them are-

Section 277– fouling Water of public Spring or Reservoir

Section 278– Making atmosphere noxious to health.

Section 284–  Negligent conduct concerning poisonous substances.

And many more.

Provision under Code of Criminal Proceduresection 133– Conditional order for removal of the nuisance.

National Green Tribunal

It is a body specially designed to deal with the cases of Environment protection. India is the 3rd country in the world to make such a body for robust and effective disposal of cases related to the environment. Landmark cases held by NGT are- recently in 2017 in Delhi NGT imposed a ban on plastic bags containing less than fifty microns. In the 2012 Almirtra H. Patel case, NGT prohibited the open burning of wastes on the land surfaces.

However, NGT faces various challenges like the supremacy of the High Court, criticisms on various judgments of NGT which caused repercussions on the environment, the pendency of cases due to lack of judges and financial assistance, which fails the purpose of establishing such a Tribunal.

International Law

Sustainable Development targets cannot be the same for every country as every country is on a different stage of acquiring it. Some have to achieve more whereas some have to achieve less, according to the altogether vision in view to preserve resources of the world at large. Therefore, to meet such vision internationally major summits held are stated below-

  1. Stockholm conference -focused on biodiversity and environment to secure a healthy environment for humans present as well as the future.
  2. United Nations Commission on Environment and development- plays an important role to protect Environment, in its Brundtland Report defined sustainable development to acquire environmental protection, Economic Growth and social equity.
  3. Rio Declaration- introduced principles on biodiversity, climate change and forest management.
  4. United Nations conference on Sustainable Development 2012- adopted eight Sustainable Development goals to be achieved by 2030.

Article 253 of the Indian Constitution states Legislation for giving effect to International Agreements.


Many times, Economic development wins over Environment Degradation. India is a developing country which makes it concerned to become one of the developed countries concerning the economy, technology, Industry, etc., basically, every such thing which degrades the environment resources. Therefore, in various cases, Economic development supersedes Environment preservation. Independence and accountability are also important aspects to acquire Sustainable Development by Judiciary. Implementing legislation, regulatory authority by a specialized body that is NGT may make the dream of Sustainable Development possible which enhances the environmental law regime in the country. 

The article has been written by Aakrati Thakur, pursuing BBA Ll. B 3rd Year in Delhi Metropolitan Education, Noida, GGSIPU.

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The present article has been written by Aanya Gupta pursuing BBA LLB from Vivekananda Institute Of
Professional Studies, GGSIPU, New Delhi.


“Environment” is a very comprehensive term. It includes several phenomena in its scope. This is a dynamic term that can be used to describe a limited area on one side and the entire planet on the other. The term environment can have different meanings. Different countries and international legal instruments have multiple definitions of this term. Broadly speaking, the environment includes the external conditions, resources, and stimuli with which organisms interact. The preamble of the “United Nations Declaration on the Human Environment” adopted in Stockholm in June 1972 stated:

 “Man is both the creator and shaper of the environment. The environment gives him material substance and gives him intellectual, moral, social and spiritual growth. “.  

 The environment is threatened by various sources of damage, mainly man-made damage. To solve this problem, we must develop strategies to change human behavior and turn it into environmentally friendly practices, away from practices that damage the environment. Broadly speaking, technologies that change human behavior can be divided into two categories: incentives and inhibitions. The law is important because it creates a framework in which incentives and restrictions can play a role. The law is everywhere. Other methods of influencing human behavior are voluntary or optional to some extent. Education, morality, peer and family pressure – all apply to varying degrees. On the other hand, the law cannot be easily circumvented. The law in society applies equally to everyone at all times. This is the axiom of the “rule of law.”

What Is Environmental Law?

Humanity knows a much longer environment than the law to protect the environment. The Environmental Law, or known as methods of environmental and natural resources, explains the regulatory laws, laws and regulations, regional and international laws, protect the environment from harming and explain the legal impact of such damage to the government, is a term Used to explain the treaty.  As described in the next section, it covers many areas. However, the term “environmental law” is not only covering government law. In addition, by creating a regulation of business licenses and industry standards, companies and other organizations, and their regulators can also work to improve ethical principles.  These are not the “law” but the regulatory framework. It also applies land management methods for a type of understanding of responsibility and ethical action. 

Similarly, the impact assessment is not necessarily required, but it can be rejected if development, construction, modification, engineer, or engineer is not carried out. These are not laws made for the environment and the local population, but any regulation. For various reasons, the environmental law was always the nostalgic point of controversy. The heart of the discussion, the need for such regulations, the attractive friction of government regulations and encouraging the carrier of the market, and making things appropriate for all, and the attractive friction of all. For example, continuous discussions on the effects of specific pesticides in agriculture, greenhouse gas emissions are avoiding recoil legislation in the battle between science and full clay-mud government. The opposite of the discussion means that the regulation and the current law of the industry are insufficient. Both sides have a meeting to discuss the aspects of environmental law, and they have how they should change how they have changed their favorably. 

In the way we are looking at it, environmental law affects the importance of saving individual health, commercial activities, geographical sustainability, geographical sustainability, and future generations and economies.   

When Environmental Laws Were Made?

Some environmental protection laws existed even before the independence of India. However, the real push to implement a robust framework only emerged after the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (Stockholm, 1972). After the Stockholm Conference, the National Committee for Environmental Policy and Planning was established in the Ministry of Science and Technology in 1972 to establish a regulatory body to deal with environmental issues. Subsequently, the committee evolved into a mature Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF). 

MoEF was established in 1985 and is now the highest administrative body in the country to oversee and ensure environmental protection and formulate a legal and regulatory framework for it. Since the 1970s, various environmental laws have been promulgated. MoEF and the Pollution Control Committee (“CPCB”, meaning the Central Pollution Control Committee and “SPCBs”, meaning the National Pollution Control Committee) together constitute the core regulatory and administrative department.

Some of the important legislations for environmental protection are as follows:

1)The National Green Tribunal Act, 2010

2)The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981

3)The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974

4)The Environment Protection Act, 1986

5)The Hazardous Waste Management Regulations, etc.


1) For Health of Current Generations

Medical care is an expensive business, regardless of where it is around the world. During the oldest environmental protection in the world, it is designed to take into account human health. Even today, people who live in the largest area tend to suffer more health problems.  It is important to clean environmental air, water, and other aspects to improve your health.

2)For Health of Future Generations

We do not have the good health system of the current generation that we should worry about. Our children and their children, etc., sometimes have an increase in the costs of health, and which leads to a larger case of some situations. Even in countries with social health care, health problems and the cost of carrying out a health system continue to increase. In addition, maintaining an additional generation of expenses is the mission of certain environmental health laws to cause more papers and healthier relaxation problems to guarantee the environment.  We are also analyzing new adventive diseases in areas where there have never been cases of existing but controlled, but controlled cases of existing but controlled diseases. It is believed that some of the reasons are an ecological and natural environment that promotes the replication of viruses or the seeds responsible for the duplication of viruses and mosquitoes.

3)Maintaining Resources and Lifestyle

Many methods to maintain resources and lifestyle, environmental laws are a form of future insurance contracts, such as food safety and water, the protection of resources, energy, and ecological equilibrium. Fossil fuel is an exhausted resource, and many metals are finite but may have a potential century.  The rights of fishing are one of these problems. In many areas of the world, not only can they harm our supply of food and industry, but can also be confused with the ecological balance of the sea. That is why many countries agreed to fish quotas.

4)For Ecology

Food chains, water cycles, the security of our resources depends on what environment is protected by any environment. Exhaustion and elimination of resources, such as the introduction of invasive species, maintaining damage emissions, etc., and environments can cause long-term problems. We have already raised the depletion of the ice cover and the maritime levels. The dilution of our sea salt can affect the ecological balance of the sea. It also knows that jet streams and vibrations can change with carbon in the atmosphere, resulting in changes in the long-term unstable climate that can cause imbalances elsewhere. Global ecology is a network that exceeds national benefits and borders.    

What Is Sustainable Development?

The principle of sustainable development is developed based on the basic assumption of the coexistence of two opposed concepts (ie development and environment). But from a practical point of view, the ecological, economic, and social aspects of sustainability are inseparable. As William Rees pointed out, the maintenance of ecological integrity must take precedence over the realization of human social and economic needs. Therefore, there must be an intersection between ecological and economic factors in the development process. The principle of sustainable development emphasizes two basic needs: one is the need for social and economic development and the other is the need to limit the capacity of the environment to respond to current and future needs.

Sustainable Development Goals

The objectives of Sustainable Development suppress poverty and pollution in 2015, thus protecting the planet, protecting the planet, providing peace and prosperity for the emergence. It is established in a plan to become a blue photo towards a better sustainable future. The three main objectives of sustainable development objectives are

 1) economic growth.

 2) Protection of the environment. 

3) Social inclusion.   

 Sustainable development objectives have been successful in the content and thousands of applicable development objectives. The previous objective was criticized that it was too narrow in a surface implementation if it is too narrow in implementation. A thousand-year development objective focused on the development of each country and supporting the development of other countries. A recently increasing sustainable development objective was much more in context, providing more complete perspectives and frameworks for development according to the country’s relationship. They are applied more worldwide, resulting in the largest UN program, which provided the company’s foundation.   


Undeniably, adhering to sustainable development goals is the need of the hour. It is time that each one of us adopts an ‘energy-efficient and green’ mindset and uses the natural resources available equitably, judiciously, and save them for our future generations, as the best way to predict the future is to create it.

Hence, India needs to hustle towards the attainment of its sustainable development goals through proper planning, coordination, and implementation of practices and policies which aid in the formation and maintenance of a self-sustainable and developed country.

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