About the Clergy & Wisemen

De Jure is Dynamic and so is our Law Practice.

Clergy &Wisemen is a full-service law firm deeply focused on assisting early & growth stage businesses with its precise expertise for advancement in today’s competitive market. C&W provides end-to-end legal solutions for business growth and its stabilization. They are a Full-Service Startup Law Firm having its offices in New Delhi and Gurugram.

About the Internship

C&W is looking for Legal Interns to work with our Startup corporate division and Litigation Division. As a Legal intern, you’ll be working at either of their offices in different roles including but not limited to Corporate Research, Contracts Drafting, and Management, Legal Management, Litigation, etc.

  • Tenure: 3-6 months (joining is immediate)
  • Year of College: Preferably Final or Second Last year of Law School.
  • No. Of Openings: 3 ( one for Contracts Drafting and Management, one for Corporate Research, and one for Litigation and Management.
  • Mode: Offline/Physical
  • Location:  A11, LGF (Backside), Chittaranjan Park, New Delhi, Delhi

Skills and Responsibilities

Since you’ll be closely working with various teams at Law Firms and will also be Interacting with clients, they require candidates who have:

  • Good Communication
  • Research
  • Drafting
  • Management skills
  • During the course of this Internship, you’ll be assigned roles where you’ll be directly assisting the Law Firm not only with Legal cases but you’ll be contributing toward sustainable growth.


  • Ideas and Coffee are free-flowing.
  • Looking Forward to working with like-minded people.

How to Apply?


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About CLPR

The Centre for Law and Policy Research, Bangalore (CLPR) is a not-for-profit organisation, dedicated to making the Constitution work for everyone through law and policy research, social and governance interventions and strategic litigation.

About the Role

Position: Litigation Associate

Duration: Full time

Location: Bangalore


  • As a Litigator at CLPR, you will be required to work on constitutional law cases relating to their focus areas of gender and caste-based discrimination, disability law and transgender rights.
  • Draft writ petitions, appeals, applications and other pleadings.
  • Brief and assist senior advocates at CLPR.
  • Appear in the High Courts and Supreme Court.
  • Carry out research for the cases.


  • Undergraduate degree in law and enrolled with the Bar Council.
  • Master’s degree in law (preferred).
  • Exceptional research, drafting and writing skills.
  • 2-3 years of experience in litigation in the High Courts or Supreme Court.

How to Apply?

Interested candidates may send two writing samples, a statement of purpose along with their updated CV to jayna.kothari@clpr.org.in.

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is accurate to our knowledge. However, it is advised that you verify and confirm things on your end.

For regular updates, we can catchup at-

WhatsApp Group:






Pro bono is a condensing for the Latin expression free public or, which deciphers as “for a long term benefit.” The expression regularly alludes to proficient administrations that are accommodated free or at a diminished expense. Experts from various disciplines offer free types of assistance to not-for-profit associations. Medical clinics, colleges, public causes, holy places, and establishments are among these associations. It is additionally conceivable to accomplish free work for people who can’t pay. The expression free is fundamentally utilized in the legitimate calling. Free attorneys serve the public interest by offering free legitimate administrations to individuals out of luck. Rather than working for benefit, the professional is accepted to work to assist the bigger great.

Like M.K Gandhi said “there is sufficient asset for everybody’s necessities except not voracity” conversely, these days equity is available to the people who can bear the cost of it not to the people who are out of luck. So fundamentally, Pro bono is the way through which legal counselors, NGOs, and other legitimate foundations like these days’ law schools through their regulation understudies attempt to give a legitimate guide to the oppressed ones at zero-cost so equity ought to arrive at all classes.


The option to free lawful guidance is revered in Article 39A of the Indian Constitution. Part IV (Directive Principles of State Policy), added by the Constitution (42nd Amendment) Act 1976, states that the State is committed to ensuring that the general set of laws gives equivalent equity to every one of its residents. The state should offer free lawful help to people who can’t get equity because of monetary imperatives.

However, it is unavoidably given under Article 39E for the state to ensure equivalent equity to all still India has been far away from the free exercises taken by many nations like the USA, UK, South Korea, and so on. Aside from the established rules, the government has likewise framed another demonstration that is Legal Service Authority Act 1987. This Act permits the middle and state legislatures to set up free lawful guide authority at the middle, state, and region levels. On account of Hussainara Khatoon v. Home Secretary, State of Bihar the Supreme Court held that the right to an expedient preliminary is a right ensured under Article 21 of the Constitution. Moreover, as per Article 22(1) of the Constitution, the denounced for a situation has the privilege to be addressed by any legitimate professional of his decision.

While pro bono work is energized under the Indian regulation, it is laden with challenges. In any case, India’s developing requirement for business lawyers smothers free area improvement. Besides, India’s colossal variety, its liberal regulations, and law concerning legitimate administrations for the oppressed, its enormous populace living in destitution, its set of experiences and current status as a common, vote based, republic and its new monetary development, as well as the assumptions that development has raised, all consolidate to establish a special and testing climate where the free legitimate administration area is creating. There are a few public grievances about the formal overall set of laws, including debasement, legal productivity, and absence of public confidence in the legal executive, all of which prompt casual clash settlement.


Free Legal Service program which is ‘Nyaya Bandu’ was sent off by Mr. Ravi Shankar Prasad in April 2017. It expects to arrive at each minimized or penniless one through the method for an application and to bring every one of the individuals from the free support of one spot. To additional improve the assistance of free Department of Justice arrived at 25 HCs mentioning them to set up an incorporated board of free legal counselors. By 31st 2020, 502 promoters have been enlisted as naysay band under 14 HCs.

In the wake of making a few strides, the number of members was not pleasant because of an absence of time with the supporters. So to adapt to this Department of Justice chose to permit regulation understudies to help free promoters. Then in June 2020, a module of Pro Bono Club was planned. The graduate school needs to pass 3 rules to get into it. After which DOJ has rebuilt the PB Club report for the FY 2021-21 after noticing the Coronavirus circumstance to more extensive the idea of PB Club in Pan India plan to admittance to equity named ” Designing Innovative Solutions And Holistic Access to Justice (DISHA).”

Regardless of this, the lawful guide framework in India has shown to be ineffectual. The significant obstruction is the serious deficiency of achieved attorneys who will work under the aegis of the Legal Services Authorities. Now and again, attributable to low compensation, attorneys are uninterested in giving skilled lawful help. In particular, attributable to clients being alluded to the attorneys through the Legal Services Authorities, a trust situated and proficient legal counselor-client relationship rarely fructifies. The legal counselors remain incredibly careful as the clients are seen to be pushed onto them and clients will generally have ridiculous assumptions. The way that the legal advisor is being paid for his administration by the Legal Services Authorities causes a client to feel that the promoter owes more noteworthy openness and higher help quality. The legal counselor doesn’t see the expense to be equivalent to the work done and endeavors made.

Free administrations are liberated from such biases. The legal advisors take up free tasks with the readiness and respectable aim to serve. There is a chance for both the legal advisor and the client to survey their similarity. The client is likewise mindful that the legal counselor is working for nothing and with the well-being of the client as a top priority. This prompts the development of common regard, trust, and a strong working relationship. One more significant element that works to the advantage of the free framework is that both the client and the legal counselor have an option to stop the commitment without any inquiries being posed. In the legitimate guide framework, these issues will generally cause a commotion.

Throughout recent many years, authoritative, institutional, and jurisprudential changes in India have given the preparation to the oppressed to get free lawful administrations. Practically speaking, notwithstanding, a couple of associations productively offer these types of assistance, depending on India’s special PIL process for legitimate help.

Additionally, it is to be noted here that, as of now, unfamiliar qualified lawyers are disallowed from addressing free clients under homegrown Indian regulation. Unfamiliar qualified lawyers can, nonetheless, effectively add to free legitimate administrations by contributing exploration and composing abilities in individual cases, as well as by implication, by joining forces with Indian associations to construct limits. The interest for free legitimate administrations in India extraordinarily dwarfs the stockpile, and in, not set in stone, coordinated endeavors by the lawful experts would go quite far towards guaranteeing a lawful guide to the destitute and admittance to equity to all as specified by the Constitution.


  1. Restricted Participation of Law school: As of now, DOJ’s attention is just on the NLUs and Central Universities and dismisses other Law schools. As practically all NLUs climate is corporate for that reason their understudies get away from themselves to enjoy prosecution exercises.
  2. The low soul is shown by promoters in these cases: Numerous free promoters show low interest or say put fewer endeavors into these cases because of the absence of acknowledgment.
  3. Free plan neglected to arrive at mass: Indeed, even in the wake of going to lengths still, more individuals have no lawful help.

To advance free legitimate administrations, the Department of Justice has done whatever it takes to make a data set of legal advisors who give and will offer free types of assistance with the goal that such legal counselors can be considered for the arrangement to suitable positions. After the judgment of the Supreme Court in Indira Jaisingh v. Supreme Court of India, free work has become one of the passing boundaries for assignment as a Senior Advocate. Rather than giving an obligatory free administration structure that will in general have its entanglements, there is a rising need to facilitate boost free lawful administrations. This will go far in coordinating the way of life of free work in the lawful local area. A sound mix of lawful guides and free administrations will go far in empowering our country to accomplish the much-blessed objective of admittance to equity.


In the wake of assessing the free plan and its need, we finish up by saying that DOJs ought to move their concentration from just NLUs and Central Universities to State Universities where numerous understudies themselves come from such foundations that experienced due to non-accessibility of free administrations. Furthermore, DOJs should perceive crafted by the PB advocates by giving them grants, monetary rewards, and so on and last new advances should be taken to arrive at the grass-root level of the issue of free reach.


  1. 1979 AIR 1369, 1979 SCR (3) 532.
  2. (2017) 9 SCC 766.
  3. Pro Bono work: A case for its integration into legal services in India, https://www.scconline.com/blog/post/2018/08/04/pro-bono-work-a-case-for-its-integration-into-legal-services-in-india/ ( Last accessed on 12 July, 2022).

This article is written by Arpita Kaushal, a student of UILS, PUSSGRC, HOSHIARPUR.


‘Femina’, a Latin word for a woman, is the root of the English word “feminist.” But what exactly does feminism suggest? Due to individual people’s views, there are various responses to this question. The fundamental definition of feminism is a compilation of movements to determine, create, and protect equal rights for women in the fields of economy, education, politics, and other fields, as well as social rights for women with equal possibilities. An advocate of feminism may be a male, woman, or transgender person because it is a gender equality ideology. What is feminism jurisprudence, though, is a completely different subject that needs to be addressed.

Feminist jurisprudence, commonly referred to as feminist legal theory, is founded on the idea that the legal system has played a significant role in the historical subordination of women. Feminist legal theory has two objectives. First, feminist jurisprudence tries to explain how the law contributed to women’s past inferior status. Second, feminist legal theory is dedicated to enhancing the situation of women through a revision of the law and its treatment of gender.


Feminism promotes equal rights for both men and women. Feminist legal systems differ from one another. There are three major schools of feminist jurisprudence –

  1. Traditional or Liberal Feminism

It says that women are just as reasonable as men. Hence, they should also be given equal opportunities to make choices.

2. Cultural Feminist

In this type of school of feminism, the main focus is on the variances between the two genders. The thinkers appreciate those variances and propound that Women place more value on interpersonal connections, whilst males place more value on legal and logical abstractions. Giving women’s moral voices of compassion and communal ideals equal recognition is the aim of this school.

3. Radical or Dominant Feminism

The main focus of this school is on inequality. They propounded that the men dominated the women’s class and this results in the situation of gender inequality. Radical feminists see gender as a matter of power. Radical feminists admonish us to reject conventional methods that use maleness as their point of reference. They contend that women’s differences from men must be taken into consideration while constructing sexual equality.


  1. The Liberal Equality Theory

Liberal feminism is a particular philosophy that deals with achieving equality between men and women and primarily emphasizes the ability of an individual to end discrimination against women. Liberal feminists want to empower people to follow their intuition and use their skills to make men and women equal in the eyes of the law and society. Their views on freedom are the main distinction between modern liberals and bygone liberal feminism.  To attain equality in democratic liberal countries, a contemporary liberal feminist maintains that women’s freedom and political autonomy must be promoted. A former liberal feminist, on the other hand, asserts that feminism’s political duty is limited to opposing laws that treat men and women differently, and that they have already succeeded in this objective. Despite this catfight, their ultimate goal is to unite women together so they may speak up and create enormous amounts of awareness.

The Sexual Difference Theory

Arguments for gender feminism are included in the theory of sexual difference. It makes the case that the causes of women’s mistreatment are intertwined with nature, psychology, and culture. It claims that there are many ways in which the cultural traits associated with femininity are superior and more potent than those associated with masculinity and that men and women should thus weave their reasoned webs.

2. The Dominance Theory

Dominance feminism is a philosophy held by feminists that reject the perspectives of difference feminism and equality feminism. The feminists who scream for equality want women to be given systematic equal access to all social, cultural, and legal male privileges. Feminists, on the other hand, promote gender diversity and call for women to get distinct legal and social protection in order to make up for historical injustices. The dominance theory, which contends that male social power is the outcome of well-documented disparity between men and women, in some respects supports feminists who fight for gender discrimination. Dominance feminism condemns men’s concerted efforts for women’s subordinate status in society. It asserts that men physically, sexually, and socially dominated women. They subjugated women socially by objectifying them, enforcing patriarchal rules on them, and denying them any legal rights. In terms of sexual harassment, they threatened to force them into sex, used catcalls, took advantage of them at work, and shaped them into simple sex objects. According to a Hindu shloka, “naari taran ki Adhikari”—which means that males should physically abuse women more—a woman is deserving of being beaten. The term “dominance feminism” is sometimes used to refer to Catharine A. MacKinnon.

3. The Anti-Essential Theory

 A cluster of fundamental qualities that are both sufficient and necessary for objects to be identical might be referred to as essentialism. To further comprehend essentialism, it includes two steps: the first is summarizing the things inside a single concept in order to distinguish between objects by taking into account their distinctive parts, and the second is classifying them as belonging to that concept. A loose definition of feminist essentialism is the belief that all women share certain psychological and biological characteristics, such as attractiveness, sympathy, fostering, and supportiveness, which are the origins of the idea that all women are fundamentally the same. According to essentialism, every woman has the same innate qualities. Simple opposition to this presumption is anti-essentialism. Anti-essentialists reject the idea that the definition of women should be based on fixed characteristics like genetics and psychology since doing so prevents women from changing and makes it harder for society to recognize them as individuals.

4. The Post-Modern Theory

Other feminist views are unique from postmodern feminism. It starts with the assumption that contemporary feminists have overlooked acknowledging differences within each gender because they are too preoccupied with the distinctions between men and women. Furthermore, it contends that gender was created through talks based on perception, which we eventually absorbed as time went on. In addition to this, postmodern feminists assert that the main reason why there are different forms of patriarchy is because of the social traits of women. The intersectionality hypothesis, which aims to look at how social, biological, and cultural classes simultaneously interact with one another, was used to frame these opinions.


When it comes to equality, our constitution has given us certain rights and clauses that preserve the environment of positivist equality. When read in conjunction with Article 12, Articles 14 and 151 represent the ideas of our constitution’s authors and further protect women against gender discrimination. According to the reading of Article 14 given the gender equality perspective, all people, including women, have an equal right to protection under the law throughout the Indian subcontinent. Men and women should be treated equally under the law and by the country under similar situations.

However, Article 152 shields women from all forms of prejudice. Clause 3 of Article 15 grants the State the authority to create any additional provisions for women and children in order to maintain the idea of equal protection of the law in situations where the same treatment would have been accorded but was not. This clause is recognized in light of the historical social and economic disadvantages faced by Indian women, which resulted in their reduced participation in the nation’s socio-economic activities on an equal basis. The main motivation for the provision is to give women a voice, end their socioeconomic disadvantage, and unquestionably empower them.

In the decision-making process, democracy unquestionably gives everyone an equal chance. Since they make up over half of the population and are free citizens, women are theoretically capable of resolving their disputes through democratic channels. However, they are ineffective participants in the democratic game because of socioeconomic factors and cultural norms. A pro-woman and anti-subordination interpretation of the Constitution and legislation must be adopted, and this provision was further developed in light of positive discrimination, given the drawbacks of the democratic process and the dangers of parliamentary majoritarianism.

The court discussed the need for regulations to stop the dominance analysis techniques that are present in our patriarchal society in the case of Bodhisattwa Gautama v. Subhra Chakraborty.3 A woman, in our country, unfortunately, belongs to a class or group that is in a disadvantageous position due to several social barriers and impediments and has, as a result, been the target of tyranny at the hands of men. The court held that certain laws help to ameliorate the position of women in society and that they are also very constitutionally valid as they come under the legitimate heading of positive discrimination, which is fundamental to our country’s founding principles.


Gender equality is likewise included in Articles 39(a)4 and 39(d)5 of the Directive principle of state policy. While the second article advocates equal compensation for equal work for men and women, the first article discusses the equal right of men and women to an adequate means of subsistence. Maintaining a balance between individualism and socialism is the basic tenet of the Directive principle of state policy. To address the issue of women in the postmodernist era, the DPSP has taken all necessary steps.

Due to their long-sightedness, the framers were able to consider the challenges that women would have faced as society’s patterns changed. To further bolster this claim, Article 51(a)6 discusses a clause that forbids actions that are disrespectful to women’s dignity. The idea that the constitution has disregarded the position of women is unavoidable when looking at the statutes collectively. Our constitution’s drafters undoubtedly made an effort to include as many clauses as possible that, if absent, would have led to discrimination.


Men and women have always been seen as separate from one another as well as having different social statuses and levels of authority. Through some clever contrasts, such as behavioral traits, women have been purposefully portrayed as the antithesis of men. For example, men are assumed to be competitive, rational, aggressive, intelligent, political, and dominant leaders, while women are assumed to be fragile, emotional, domestic, caretaker, and underlings. Every political and economic organization, from educational to religious institutions, to beauty standards and relationships, has consistently followed some variation of these presumptions. Sadly, the law is not an exception. As a result, cultures recognized the need for feminist jurisprudence, and in order to reach this goal, feminists stepped up, questioned male-insight laws or practices, provided examples of illegitimate patriarchy, and provided guidance on how to build “equality” for women globally.


1 The Constitution of India 1950, Art 12.

2 The Constitution of India, Art 15.

3 (1996) 1 SCC 490.

4 The Constitution of India 1950, Art 39(a).

5 The Constitution of India, Art 39(d).

6 The Constitution of India, Art. 51(a).

This article is written by Prerna Pahwa, a student at Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies, New Delhi.

About the Firm

MAK LAW is a full-service law firm specialising in Intellectual Property Laws, Entertainment Laws and Family Laws. The firm strongly believes in maintaining strong relationships with its clients wherein it fosters the ideology of ‘Legal insight. Business instinct’.

About the Internship:

MAK Law Firm is looking for long-term full-time interns for 1 assessment internship. Applications from law students in their final year of college and freshers in the field of law who are inclined towards legal research, content creation, and drafting are invited.

  • Stipend: Rupees 5000/- per month
  • Mode: Offline/Physical
  • Location: 229/41B, Lane no. 10, Vanasthali, Ballupur, Dehradun, Uttarakhand 
  • Duration: 6 months (Subject to Performance)

An ideal candidate should satisfy the following criteria for a chance to be hired:

  1. Completion of the law course
  2. Performance as an intern
  3. Holds keen interest in corporate, IPR, and Family law
  4. Oral and written English skills
  5. Ability to work in a team and adjust to a corporate structure

Key Responsibilities:

  • Legal research includes a summarization of the latest legal developments, case laws, legal provisions, and precedents.
  • Assisting the team on cases
  • Content creation for articles, write-ups, and blog posts

How to Apply?

Interested candidates may send their cover letter and resume to careers@maklaw.in.

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is accurate to our knowledge. However, it is advised that you verify and confirm things on your end.

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About AAA Legal

AAA Legal is a law firm with an illustrative legacy of 14 years of practice and advisory. Areas of Practice: Arbitration, Banking laws, Competition laws, Data protection, Employment and labour, Intellectual property including Innovation & Technology, Real estate, Customs laws and investigations, White Collar Crime & Criminal laws Sectors: Automotive Data Privacy advisory, E-commerce, Renewable Energy, Entertainment and Media, Infrastructure & Construction, Real Estate, Telecom & Technology.

About the Position

  • Designation: Legal Associate
  • Real estate | Employment and labour laws
  • Location: A 24, East of Kailash, New Delhi


  • Bachelors of Law Degree (LL.B)

How to Apply?

Interested candidates can send their updated CV to litigation@aaalegal.pro.

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is accurate to our knowledge. However, it is advised that you verify and confirm things on your end.

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Behind today’s Democratic Secular Republic Socialist Sovereign India lies a ton of tumultuous happenings which includes the unification of around 565 princely states and the war between two neighboring countries. The credit for the present date India goes to the nation’s freedom fighters like Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Jawaharlal Nehru, and Mahatma Gandhi among many others. A committee headed by B.R Ambedkar drafted the constitution and adopted the same on 26th November 1949 establishing democracy in India. Indian democracy is a government that is elected by the public of the country to regulate law and order in society and the government is answerable to the general public regarding its action. The Indian government is based on a parliamentary system i.e., the House of Representatives (Rajya Sabha) and House of People (Lok Sabha).

The democracy of India rests on four pillars— Legislature; Executive; Judiciary; and Media. In a democracy, citizens enjoy certain freedoms like professing any religion, practicing any profession, residing throughout any territory of India, forming associations, speech and expression, to assemble in any part of India subject to reasonable restriction. Similarly, internet freedom comes into play to protect one’s digital rights, right to access to information, and freedom from censorship on the internet. Indian government must uphold the rights and freedoms provided to citizens with changing times to ensure democracy in Indian society. Nowadays, Internet Democracy or Digital Democracy (E-Democracy) is used for governance which assures effective participation, equality of decision, clarity of issue, and cyber security issues. As youth believes, the internet is a primary source for any event and its easy accessibility and authenticity make it gain influence over the traditional resources. The minimal issues can be reduced by collective decision and problem-solving, resultantly helping the democracy to work efficiently and smoothly.


United Nations of Human Rights Council declared Freedom of the Internet as a human right in the year 2012. Especially an addition was made by the UN in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 19 that everyone has a right to express his/her views on any issue going around via any social media platform disregarding any borderline among nations. Section 32 states the protection and promotion of human rights on the internet. The freedom that one enjoys offline must also be able to enjoy the same freedom online.

In the case of Faheema Shirin v. the State of Kerala,1 high court concluded that the right to the internet is a part of a fundamental right. It is covered under Article 19 as well as 21 as it constitutes an essential part of one’s life with changing times. It was argued that if one was given the fundamental right to enjoy something, one must also have enough means to fulfill its purpose too. Bansashree Gogoi v. Union of India2 reveals how an infinite number of petitions were filed in Guwahati High Court against the internet shutdown in Assam. The court opined the order to be lifted due to inconveniences faced by people in their day-to-day life.

The most recent incident of internet shutdown and mobile connectivity in Jammu and Kashmir in order to ensure security in the state also attracted a dispute. The action of the Home Department of Jammu and Kashmir was challenged by Anuradha Bhasin3 on grounds that no reasons were given while passing orders as required. Further, the order passed was based on agitation that the law and order situation would be damaged. The court believed that the state government has no right to pass any order based on its agitation regarding the maintenance of law and order. The government has pledged to be transparent and answerable to the public, therefore, making it an individual’s right to know. While concluding the case Hon’ble Supreme Court quoted that “Prohibition to the internet is a fundamental right but subjected to certain restrictions.”

The government had shut down internet services in the union territory and when resumed, only 2G services were supplied that led to a lot of hassle as most of the work was being done online due to COVID-19. The court took notice of it and asked the government to form a committee to cater to the situation that would also make regulations keeping in mind the needs of petitioners4.

Freedom House was established in the year 1941 and stationed in New York. It’s a governmental organization that aims the promotion of democracy throughout countries of the world. It issues an index showing the freedom of the internet among countries of the world. Iceland (96) topped the list whereas China (10) was at last. Speaking of India, it got a score of 49 out of 100 keeping in mind three indicators i.e., obstacles to accessing the internet, limits provided for content, and violations of user’s rights. India’s rank has been falling for the last two years and yet it has shown no improvement at all.


Social Media is a platform used by people to share their ideas, opinions, suggestions, and information about anything ensuring active participation in decision-making and other issues revolving around the interest of the general public. Social Media was formed to connect people from one person to another in two different corners of the world but with the advancement of technology, the business industry started using it as a medium to reach out to their customers.

In the present-day context, there are over 5.8 billion people around the world using internet facilities. With the existence of COVID-19, the number of users is only going to increase due to the maximum work being done online. Social media gives easy access to information, holding the reasons and answerability of leaders in check regarding issues arising in society. However, everything has its drawbacks; non-regulation of the system leads to the spread of bogus news, targeting minor castes or religions, and resultantly dampens democratic principles.  

Traditional Media and Social Media are two different sources that provide us with information about events that took place around the world. Traditional Media is about the news read in a newspaper or shown on T.V or listened to on the radio with the approval of an editor. On Social Media, the content is shared by any user of apps like YouTube, Twitter, or Facebook which he/she deems fit. Traditional Media offers one-way communication and no interaction among its users whereas new media is a two-way communication that allows the interaction between publisher and user. The internet and social media provide people with social networking and a range of opportunities that help in developing the social skills of youngsters.


With access to usage of the internet and platform to share ideas, opinions, and suggestions one can use his/her fundamental rights effectively and efficiently. Indian Constitution giving citizens the Right to the Internet under two different fundamental rights itself says a lot about the importance of the internet in the modern world. Article 19 provides Freedom of Speech and Expression to ensure there’s no hindrance to this right, therefore, the government must ensure the means to express the views, suggestions, and ideas must be given by the presence of social media and access to the internet as social media is an internet-based platform. Article 21 provides for the Right to Life and Personal Liberty ensuring the usage of the internet is important for one’s day-to-day life, the internet services, and their speed must meet the level so that no issues arise.

The presence of social media and the internet has two aspects related to the democracy of India— It provides assurance to the general public that their voice is being heard and government can also provide clarity of policy and reasons behind their actions. Discussion among people can easily help with problem-solving, the flow of information about elections, and assets and liabilities of candidates. It allows people to share their opinions but conflicting opinions can lead to hate comments or massive trolling. During elections, candidates may give speeches related to ethnic origin or caste, or religion for vote bank from that particular minority. To limit the spread of bogus information, social media platforms must be held liable for the contents posted on their sites and the government should also form new laws keeping in mind the problems that arise with the usage of the internet and social media.


Social media and usage of the internet are important to one’s life but excess of anything is harmful. Therefore, the freedom given must be with reasonable restrictions. Censorship is one of the main solutions to the problem of the spread of bogus news, anything that violates principles mentioned in the preamble, and many other issues. Yet, people are still divided on the issue of censorship. Some people support censorship as it restricts unlawful behavior, censoring influential content can help in the prevention of publicizing content that may be offensive. Whereas censoring content may also violate privacy, it may restrict the content that other people may not deem offensive or the uncensored content may be inappropriate. It may lead to a loss of originality in one’s content.


1 WP (C) No. 19716 of 2019 (L).

2  2019 SCC OnLine Gau 5584.

3 Anuradha Bhasin v Union of India, AIR 2020 SC 1308.

4 Foundation for Media Professionals v. Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir (2020) SCC online SC 453.

This article is written by Simran Gulia, a BA.LLB student from Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management Studies.

About Kanooni Salah

Kanooni Salah is a Delhi-based fully independent litigation law firm dedicated to legal services. Their law firm has a versatile and efficient team of advocates/lawyers who are specially trained and have distinguished experience in their own specific area of law. Their team of advocates is divided into four tiers viz. trial court team, high court team, supreme court team, and back-office team. The back office team provides pleading and drafting services at every level to our clients. Their team believes that in the context of the present world economic order, the legal profession plays a more valuable and constructive role than ever before.

The changes in the economic climate in the world especially in India have brought about a change in the traditional role of the lawyer.

About the Internship

The selected intern’s day-to-day responsibilities include:

  • Work on law research & drafting
  • Assist with court work
  • No. of Position(s): 3

They are looking for a person who wants to learn some serious litigation skills.


  • Mode: offline/in-office
  • can start the internship immediately
  • duration: 2 months
  • have relevant skills and interests

How to Apply?


Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is accurate to our knowledge. However, it is advised that you verify and confirm things on your end.

For regular updates, we can catchup at-

WhatsApp Group:






About the Firm

Pratap & Co. is a full-service law firm based in New Delhi. We provide quality legal service across a range of practice areas. We represent clients at Supreme Court, High Court, NCLT, NCLAT, NCDRC, NGT, APTEL, and CAT.

Office in New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Lucknow, Jaipur and Chandigarh

About the Role

  • Designation: Associate and Senior Associate
  • Salary: As per industry standards.
  • Office: South Ex.II, New Delhi.
  • Time: 10 am to 6 pm

Skills and Experience

  • PQE – Up to 2 years for Associate and 5 years for Senior Associates
  • Experience in drafting, legal research and experience working and appearing in High Court and Lower Courts.

How to Apply?

Interested candidates can kindly apply with their resume and sample of drafting and order sheets where they have appeared to pallavi.pratap@pratapandcompany.com. Incomplete emails will not be entertained.

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is accurate to our knowledge. However, it is advised that you verify and confirm things on your end.

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About the Firm

Singhania & Partners LLP (Ed. 1999) is one of the prominent full-service law firms in India with offices in New Delhi, Bengaluru, and Hyderabad. It is recommended by Legal500, RSG Consulting, India Business Law Journal, Chambers & Partners, and Asialaw Profiles across practice areas. The firm has a well-respected Corporate-M&A, Intellectual Property, and Employment practice. With a growing start-up ecosystem in India, the firm is advising more than 50 start-ups and renowned incubation centres.

Over the years, it has established itself as “Experts in Construction Disputes Advisory”. It has a successful track record of representing construction companies, consultants, and contractors to regulators in domestic and international arbitration and tribunals. We have expertise in energy transactions and project finance. In the past year, we have acted as Lenders’​ Legal Counsel on energy projects worth more than US$6153.84 million.

The firm’s clients include large and medium Indian and foreign businesses, multinational corporations, and Fortune 500 companies. The firm advises ministries, government authorities, and public sector undertakings. Some of the companies we represent are reputed names in Infrastructure Development, Defence, Aviation, Publishing, Solar Energy, Banking & Financial Services, Food Processing and Packaging, Education, Healthcare, Real Estate, Hospitality, Fintech, E-commerce, and Information Technology.

About the Role

  • Practice Area: Dispute Resolution
  • Position: Senior Associate – Litigation
  • Job Location: New Delhi
  • PQE: 4-7 years


  • Ability to lead a team of Associates.


  • A Bachelors of Law Degree (LL.B)

Skills and Experience

  • Candidates should possess good drafting, research skills and the ability to independently draft Statement of Claims, Applications, Petitions, Statement of Defence, Rejoinders affidavits of evidence.
  • Appearance before city Civil Courts, District Court, High Court, Tribunals, Special Land Acquisition Officer, and District Commissioner.
  • The candidate should also have in-depth knowledge and experience in handling Court related matters pertaining to Arbitration including issues related to Sections 9, 11, 14, 15, 27, 34, 36 and 37 etc. 
  • Good knowledge of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996; Civil Procedure Code; Indian Evidence Act 1872; Indian Contract Act 1872, Consumer civil laws and other commercial laws. 
  • Experience in handling matters related to International Arbitration, SIAC and ICC Arbitration.
  • Experience in handling infrastructure-related matters, having industry knowledge.

How to Apply?


Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is accurate to our knowledge. However, it is advised that you verify and confirm things on your end.

For regular updates, we can catchup at-

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