About Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun 

Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun is a multi-domain university offering various professional programs to over 10000 on-campus students from all states of India and various countries of the world.

About School of Law 

School of Law (SOL), Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun is running two integrated five year programmes, B.A. LL.B. (H) and B.B.A. LL.B. (H) approved by Bar Council of India along with LL.M. (2 years) in Criminal Law, Corporate Law and Constitutional Law and Ph.D. in law.

Call for Papers

After the successful release of GEHU LAW REVIEW (GLR), Volume 2, Issue I (Jan. 2022), the GLR is accepting submissions for its Vol. 2, Issue II to be published in July 2022.

The scholarly submissions which are original and unpublished written works such as articles, research papers, case studies, book reviews on contemporary legal issues and challenges, from academicians, legal professionals, research scholars and students are invited.  

Broad Theme

The journal invites submission on any broad area which could be related to contemporary legal issues and advancements. 

Submission Guidelines

  • Main Text: Times New Roman, font size 12, 1.5 line spacing in MS Word. 
  • Word Limit
    1. Research papers (3,000- 5,000 words),  
    2. Book reviews (1500-2000 words), and  
    3. Case studies/commentaries (2000-3000 words).  
  • Footnotes: Times New Roman, size 10, single line spacing.
  • Authorship: Maximum two authors per entry will be accepted. 
  • Abstract: All the entries should be accompanied with an abstract which should be of 250 words maximum. 
  • The manuscript shall be original and unpublished. 
  • The author(s) must follow the uniform method of citation of Bluebook (20th edition).
  • Review: The editorial board will follow the anonymous peer review policy for accepting the submissions. 
  • Plagiarism: Less than 15% as per Turnitin. 

Submissions should be mailed at glr@gehu.ac.in.

Important Dates

  • Call for papers: 3rd March, 2022 
  • Submission of full paper: 10th May, 2022 
  • Intimation of Review reports to authors: 15th June, 2022 
  • Re-submission of Edited Papers: 30th June, 2022
  • Publication of Journal: 29th July, 2022

Contact details

Mail at: glr@gehu.ac.in

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

WhatsApp Group:






About Faculty of Law, Mangalayatan University, Jabalpur (M.P.)

Mangalayatan University Jabalpur is established by the Gazette notification of the Madhya Pradesh Government and approved by the UGC under 2(f) of the UGC Act. Being the first private university of Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh. The University has established itself as a pioneer institute of higher education within the Mahakaushal region. Apart from educational activities, the University is also associated with various social welfare and extension activities.

The Faculty of law at Mangalayatan University has been established with the objective of teaching and training industry-ready Law graduates. The courses under the Faculty of Law are approved by the Bar Council of India and the University Grant Commission. The Faculty of Law has commenced its first academic session in the year 2021 and in a short span of time, it has established itself as a pioneer institute of legal education in the Mahakaushal region. The University offers graduate, post-graduate, and doctoral study in Law. 

About the Conference 

Insurgency within the country has been a content of discord for many States for ages. India is facing armed conflicts within its boundaries for decades and history narrates that it has only grown to the extent of horrendous contours. Insurgency is a global phenomenon in modern-day politics around the world. Politics has a greater role in pacifying the damage done to these people but it has failed in mitigating the damage and restitution of the loss.

In developing nations of the world especially South Asian and African countries, armed conflict or armed rebellion can be identified as the biggest roadblock in implementing welfare and developmental policies. Insurgency not only creates a problem for the innocent citizenry but also creates a void of opportunities for militant groups as well. Armed rebellions are often categorized as demonic and anti-social groups engaged in violence to assert their human rights, but the past has shown that it has been no good to the already deprived and marginalised group of individuals. 

Currently, India is facing an insurgency in Northern, North-eastern, Central, and Southern States where the militant groups are in direct conflict with the government. There are varied reasons throughout India for the growth of militancy but deprivation and marginalization have played a major role in the evolution of insurgency. These groups have made it difficult for the State to execute and implement welfare activities in the militant affected areas.

The phenomenon of insurgency is leading to major global issues such as hunger, loss of habitat, malnutrition, non-education, and deprivation of their human rights. The state being the parens patrie carries an obligation to protect the rights of its citizen and at the same time, it has to safeguard and find ways to deal with these groups with iron hands.

India has strict legislations such as AFSPA, UAPA & NSA etc., to deal with any kind of anti-national activity under the pretext of insurgency. These legislations are often labelled as draconian and violators of fundamentals rights of the citizens as they provide special powers to the state authorities in dealing with armed rebellions. 

The theme of the conference revolves around the cross-cutting global issues of human rights with reference to the phenomenon of militancy around the world. The theme of the conference primarily focuses on the issues of human rights violation of the militant groups viz a viz the powers of the Armed forces but it is not only limited to the issues of human rights of these groups.

The conference endeavors to initiate a discussion on various issues revolving around human rights across the globe. The theme is further divided into sub-themes covering major human rights issues and attempt to arrive at a holistic understanding through academic discourse.

Objectives of the Conference 

The conference is organized to collaborate with various stakeholders associated with the protection of human rights and combatting the insurgency within the country with a view to providing a brainstorming platform to academicians, research scholars, students and policymakers on the issue of militancy and fundamental rights.

The conference also aims to compile the best scholarly data available on the subject and to disseminate the knowledge acquired from the panel discussions and papers presented among the beneficiaries to enrich them with the nuances of the phenomenon. The conference aims to compile the papers presented at the conference in the form of an edited volume book to be published by “Thomson Reuters.”

Overview of the Conference 

The conference extends over a period of two days with enriching and zealous activities. The first day of the conference is dedicated to plenary sessions/panel discussions. On day first, there will be two plenary sessions of two hours each.

Each session will be chaired by a keynote speaker of international repute along with other speakers of national and international repute. The session will be moderated by an academician having expertise in the issues of human rights. The theme of the session will coincide with the theme of the conference.

On day two there shall be paper presentations before a panel of experts. After the presentations experts will declare the best research paper to be awarded at the valedictory. The outcome of the conference will be published in the form of an edited volume by “Thomson Reuters.”



Call for Papers 

The conference invites papers from academicians, research scholars, students and other stakeholders from the fraternity to submit their research papers in the prescribed format on the below-mentioned sub-themes within the stipulated time. 


Militancy and Human Rights: Issues and Challenges. 


  • Impact of Armed Forces Special Power Act (AFSPA) on Human Rights 
  • Social media and the rise of new forms of militancy 
  • Impact of Anti-Terrorism Law on Human Rights  
  • Human Rights crisis related to children in armed conflict
  • Freedom of Speech and Expression in Militant affected Areas  
  • Human Rights of Women, Children, Migrant Workers, Aged and Disabled 
  • Challenges to Human Rights during Covid-19 

Rules for Submission 

  • An abstract of maximum 500 words indicating the theme of the conference with five keywords shall be submitted beforehand within the stipulated time. 
  • The paper shall consist of 3500 words to 5000 words excluding footnotes and references. (Descriptive footnotes is permitted) 
  • The citation style for the paper is the BLUE BOOK 21st Edition. 
  • Abstract and full paper shall be submitted in soft copy in MS Word. (Font type – Times New Roman, Font Size – Body 12, Heading 14 and footnotes 10 with 1.5 spacing for body and 1 spacing for a footnote) 
  • A separate word file shall be submitted containing the Title, Name of the Author (Co-Author if any), Designation, Email and Contact details. 
  • The author/s shall also submit a declaration stating that the work is original and bonafide. 
  • Only one Co-author is permitted. 
  • The research paper shall be sent to conference.muj@gmail.com
  • Plagiarism: All the submissions shall be processed through plagiarism detection software “Authenticate” as per the international norms. 

Important Dates 

  • Last Date for Registration: March 25, 2022 
  • Last Date for Submission of Abstract: March 27, 2022 
  • Last date for Submission of Full paper: April 2, 2022 
  • Date of the Conference: April 4-5, 2022  

Prizes and Benefits

  • Publication Opportunity: An edited volume of the selected papers presented in the Conference shall be published with an ISBN no. in Thomson Reuters.
  • Prizes up to Rs. 5,000/- shall be given for the best papers in the Conference. 

How to Register?

Click on the link given- https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdFNcmC80z5MDsRzUX9GZ7WfG0LQeJzypYHvIEP1e3GVXIFMA/viewform

Registration Fees 

  • Students: Rs. 300/- 
  • Academicians/Research Scholars/Professionals:  Rs.500/- (Single Author) Rs. 750/- (Dual Authors) 
  • International Participants: 10 U.S. Dollars (USD) 

Scan the below-mentioned QR code or use NEFT/RTGS for payment of Registration Fees 

BranchCivil Lines, Jabalpur
Account Number50100376542188
A/c HolderMangalayatan University
IFSC CodeHDFC0002745


Contact details

Mr. Aishwarya Sharma: 7987665953

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

WhatsApp Group:






About the Organiser

Faculty of Law, Vivekananda Global University, Jaipur (VGU), started in the year 2017 has grown in leaps and bounds and has strength of 500+ students at present.

The Vivekananda Global University, Jaipur forayed into the field of legal education by introducing integrated BA-LL.B., BBA-LL.B., Bachelor of Law (LL.B.),Master of Law (LL.M.), and Ph.D programs in the study.

About the Conference

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the tension between different marginalized sectors the recent time reflects that different approach adapted by different sectors are inconsiderate of the rights secured with respect to women and policies so framed are also not mentioning those.

However, the difficulty posed by conflicting concerns and negligence at both the levels i.e., international and domestic is by no means novel, nor limited to Women health concerns only.

The major issues of global import can be summed up as

1. Impact of Recent Pandemic on Women Globally

Sub Themes:
i. COVID-19 Risk Factors for Women

As Frontline workers, 70% women are involved in health care they are also on frontline at home concernces related with their security and protection from the virus were more important but neglected.

ii. Sexual and Reproductive Rights and Health

Governments excluded crucial services such as abortion, contraception for adolescents, and outreach programs to meet the needs of marginalised groups from national policies and plans.

iii. Women as Domestic Violence Victims

Women Stayed home and there were increased cases of domestic violence.

2. Economic Inequality and Policy Responses

Sub Themes:
i. Economic crises hit Women harder

Because Women tend to earn less, women have fewer savings, Women are Disproportionately more in the informal economy, Women have less access to Social protection, Women are more likely to be burdened with unpaid care and domestic work, and therefore have to drop out of the labour force, Women make up the majority of Single-parent household.

ii. Policies managing response and recovery effort:

Social and economic policies and programmes to confront the fallout of this crises must be inclusive and transformative, addressing women’s leadership and labour, both outside and within the home. placing women and girls at the centre of preparedness, response and recovery could finally bring te genuine change that women’s right groups have long advocated for.

Sexual and reproductive health services must get priority. Governments need to gather more and better data.

Targeted efforts are needed to protect women workers.

Ensure women’s Equal Women’s Equal Representation in all Covd-19 Response planning and Decision-Making.

3. Patenting Challenges and Licensing of Drugs

Sub Themes:
i. Life to become normal again vaccines or medicines is the only permanent solutions.
ii. Negligence of International Women Rights & IHL through negligance in adherence of international IP laws.


  • Student
  • Academicians
  • Research Scholars
  • Lawyers
  • Professionals

Registration / Submission Procedure

Register for the conference through this link.

Registration Details


  • Paper Presentation – 1500 INR ($20.8)
  • participating/Attending – 750 INR ($10.4)

Research Scholars:

  • Paper Presentation – 2000 INR ($26.79)
  • participating/Attending – 1000 INR ($13.39)


  • Paper Presentation – 2000 INR ($26.79)
  • participating/Attending – 1500 INR ($20.08)

Absentia Presentation:

  • Students – 500 INR ($6.69)
  • Research Scholars – 750 INR ($10.04)
  • Professionals/Academicians – 1000 INR ($13.39)


Prizes Up to 21,000/- INR will be distributed among Top-3 Papers

Important Dates

  • Abstract Submission – March 25, 2022
  • Acceptance Notification – March 25, 2022
  • Full paper Submission – April 20, 2022
  • Last Date – Early Bird Registration (10% Discount) – March 30, 2022


Contact details

Mail at: info.law@vgu.ac.in

Call Us: +91 9602758799

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

WhatsApp Group:






About SLLA

Noida International University is a private university located in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India. With over 11 academic schools, the university offers milestone specializations at graduate, post-graduate, and doctoral levels.

The School of Law and Legal Affairs, Noida International University Noida, provides unmatched opportunities to study law in an innovative, rigorous, and collaborative environment.

About the Competition

After successful completion of the 2nd National Moot Court Competition, the School of Law and Legal Affairs is all set to organize its 3rd National Moot Court Competition from 25th July 2022 to 27th July 2022. However, kindly note that the competition may be held in Offline Mode.

Eligibility and Team Composition

The competition is open for students pursuing 3 years or 5-year LL.B from any University approved by the Bar Council of India. All team members must be vaccinated with both doses of the Covid-19 vaccine. The vaccine certificates of all team members will be verified on arrival.

Each team must comprise three (3) members. Two (2) speakers and One (1) Researcher. This number cannot be modified under any circumstances.

How to Register?

All interested teams must register themselves by filling out the Google Form link- https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScKxpuKc2lUXUy6g3SQjfD2Ra_wT7cACXxVN2Q5weE1HEtpSw/viewform


  • Teams must not forget to attach the proof of fee payment in the form.
  • At the time of registration, teams must attach an Authority Letter/ NOC from the University head/Dean/Director. The same must be attached with the form.
  • The last date for registration shall be April 15, 2022.
  • The registration fee for the competition shall be Rs 3,000 per team.
  • Teams must note that this amount will not be refunded under any circumstances. The payment must be made via Online Bank Transfer/NEFT/RTGS to the following account:
    • Beneficiary Name: Noida International University
    • Account No.: 025305007799
    • IFSC Code: ICIC0000253
    • Bank Name: ICICI Bank, Sector-61, Noida


  • Best Team/Winner: Rs 21,000 Cash Prize + Certificate of Merit + Trophy
  • First Runner Up: Rs 11,000 Cash Prize + Certificate of Merit + Trophy
  • Best Mooter: Rs 8,000 Cash Prize + Certificate of Merit + Trophy
  • Best Researcher: Rs 5,000 Cash Prize + Certificate of Merit + Trophy
  • All Participants shall be given Certificate of Participation

Important Dates

  • Release of Moot Problem, Brochure and Commencement of Registrations: 17th February 2022
  • Last Date of Registration: April 15, 2022
  • Last Date for Seeking Clarifications: April 08, 2022
  • Release of Clarifications: April 12, 2022
  • Submission of Memorial and Compendium (if any) in soft copy: April 29, 2022
  • Inauguration Ceremony, Draw of Lots and Exchange of Memorials: July 25, 2022


Contact details

Mail at: mootsociety@niu.edu.in

  • Mr. Rupam Banerjee Student Moot Court Convener: +91 7364006404
  • Ms. Shivani Raj Singh Student Co-convener: +91 70846 10975

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

WhatsApp Group:






About the Organiser

Faculty of Law, Vivekananda Global University, Jaipur (VGU), started in the year 2017 has grown in leaps and bounds and has strength of 500+ students at present.

The Vivekananda Global University, Jaipur forayed into the field of legal education by introducing integrated BA-LL.B., BBA-LL.B., Bachelor of Law (LL.B.),Master of Law (LL.M.), and Ph.D programs in the study.

About the Conference

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the tension between different marginalized sectors the recent time reflects that different approach adapted by different sectors are inconsiderate of the rights secured with respect to women and policies so framed are also not mentioning those.

However, the difficulty posed by conflicting concerns and negligence at both the levels i.e., international and domestic is by no means novel, nor limited to Women health concerns only.

The major issues of global import can be summed up as

1. Impact of Recent Pandemic on Women Globally

Sub Themes:
i. COVID-19 Risk Factors for Women

As Frontline workers, 70% women are involved in health care they are also on frontline at home concernces related with their security and protection from the virus were more important but neglected.

ii. Sexual and Reproductive Rights and Health

Governments excluded crucial services such as abortion, contraception for adolescents, and outreach programs to meet the needs of marginalised groups from national policies and plans.

iii. Women as Domestic Violence Victims

Women Stayed home and there were increased cases of domestic violence.

2. Economic Inequality and Policy Responses

Sub Themes:
i. Economic crises hit Women harder

Because Women tend to earn less, women have fewer savings, Women are Disproportionately more in the informal economy, Women have less access to Social protection, Women are more likely to be burdened with unpaid care and domestic work, and therefore have to drop out of the labour force, Women make up the majority of Single-parent household.

ii. Policies managing response and recovery effort:

Social and economic policies and programmes to confront the fallout of this crises must be inclusive and transformative, addressing women’s leadership and labour, both outside and within the home. placing women and girls at the centre of preparedness, response and recovery could finally bring te genuine change that women’s right groups have long advocated for.

Sexual and reproductive health services must get priority. Governments need to gather more and better data.

Targeted efforts are needed to protect women workers.

Ensure women’s Equal Women’s Equal Representation in all Covd-19 Response planning and Decision-Making.

3. Patenting Challenges and Licensing of Drugs

Sub Themes:
i. Life to become normal again vaccines or medicines is the only permanent solutions.
ii. Negligence of International Women Rights & IHL through negligance in adherence of international IP laws.


  • Student
  • Academicians
  • Research Scholars
  • Lawyers
  • Professionals

Registration / Submission Procedure

Register for the conference through this link.

Registration Details


  • Paper Presentation – 1500 INR ($20.8)
  • participating/Attending – 750 INR ($10.4)

Research Scholars:

  • Paper Presentation – 2000 INR ($26.79)
  • participating/Attending – 1000 INR ($13.39)


  • Paper Presentation – 2000 INR ($26.79)
  • participating/Attending – 1500 INR ($20.08)

Absentia Presentation:

  • Students – 500 INR ($6.69)
  • Research Scholars – 750 INR ($10.04)
  • Professionals/Academicians – 1000 INR ($13.39)


Prizes Up to 21,000/- INR will be distributed among Top-3 Papers

Important Dates

  • Abstract Submission – March 25, 2022
  • Acceptance Notification – March 25, 2022
  • Full paper Submission – April 20, 2022
  • Last Date – Early Bird Registration (10% Discount) – March 30, 2022


Contact details

Mail at: info.law@vgu.ac.in or call at Mr. Nitin, Call Us: +91 9602758799

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

WhatsApp Group:






About the Organiser

Faculty of Law, University of Delhi is the time tested legal institution of par excellence. The department has been a leader producing many legal luminaries, Supreme Court and High Court judges, leading advocates, political leaders, policy makers and trendsetters in all walks of life.


The Delhi School of Public Policy and Governance (DSPPG) at the University of Delhi has been established under the Institution of Eminence (IOE) of the University. This has been declared as an Institution of Eminence by the Ministry of Education, Government of India.

About Mediation and Conciliation Project Committe(MCPC) Supreme Court of India

Keeping in view the legislative mandate and the spirit of Section 89 of Code of Civil Procedure, the MCPC was constituted by Supreme Court of India to oversee the effective implementation of Mediation and Conciliation in the country.

About the Conference

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is a tool to achieve goal of speedy, equitable and adequate justice. This becomes pertinent because traditional approach has failed to solve the chronic problem of delayed justice.

In addition to above, a welfare state like India, where justice occupies uncompromising stature, it calls for greater and focused attention. In this regard, ADR is one such creative approach which will help in achieving justice through securing faster and adequate justice for the masses so that the true meaning of justice is realized.

A variety of disputes are amenable to mediation including commercial, contractual, business, corporate, employment, intellectual property, matrimonial disputes etc. Mediation as a mode of Alternative Dispute Resolution is playing a pivotal role in providing justice to common people. It is empowering common people in the society and imparting justice in a cost effective and expeditious manner.

The thought that has necessitated for organizing such a conference is that the awareness of people regarding their rights has increased in recent times. Such increase has boosted the confidence of common man and enhanced his willingness to undertake litigation.

Unfortunately, the infrastructure with the state has not increased commensurately resulting in backlog of cases. The increment and presence of backlogs have been causing an excruciating delay in the administration of justice.

It was reported that millions of cases are pending in various courts across the country and India is facing unprecedented “litigation explosion”. As per the last census by Ministery of Law and justice the ratio of judges million 17.48%. However, a novel course of action is required as a remedy to this malaise which serves as a compliment to the traditional judicial system, there by helping to reduce the heavy burden of litigation and at the same time not compromising with the standards of equity, justice and good conscience.

Mediation as an ADR mechanism is a process of resolving disputes with the help of a third neutral person who assists the parties at dispute to reach a negotiated resolution. It is voluntary, party centered and structured negotiation process in which a third neutral person assists the parties in amicably resolving their disputes.

In a country like India, where the course of development is skewed and affecting each and every citizen, the demand for justice is increasing at greater pace given the fact that major chunk of our population still remains marginalized, deprived and destitute. However, the cost of litigation has risen exponentially, threatening these sections of society to claim what is their legitimate right.

The concept of ADR is not new to India and has existed since ancient times. The tribes and villages in India are still pursuing such traditional methods of dispute resolution. Thus, mediation as a process of dispute resolution is not new to our nation, what is required in the changed social scenario is an effective adaptation of the traditional methodology to the new conditions. This calls for untiring efforts and devotion to be dutifully put into this process, right from its inception to its culmination into an effective practice.

The conference also becomes pertinent in the light of new Draft Bill on Mediation introduced in 2021. The Draft Bill aims to facilitate and promote mediation in India, particularly institutional mediation for the resolution of disputes, encourage community mediation, and make online mediation an acceptable and cost effective process and therefore this conference is a small step to achieve a greater good for the society.

Call for Papers

Theme: Mediation


  • Differences in the conceptual framework of mediation and litigation.
  • Importance of mediation from the perspective of ease of doing business.
  • Transformative role of mediation in community conflicts.
  • Mediation in family disputes – dialogue versus debate.
  • Developing India as a hub for international mediations.
  • Prescribing standards for and accreditation of mediators, mediation training institutions and mediation service providers.
  • The Draft Mediation Law and it’s potential role in mainstreaming mediation.
  • Singapore Convention and what it means for cross border mediations.
  • Mediation in Civil Disputes
  • Role of Mediation in Oil Sector: An International Perspective
  • Enforcement Agencies involved in Mediation: Challenges and Remedies
  • Role of Mediation in IPR (Copyright, Patent,Trademark,Geographical Indication,Traditional Knowledge and Industrial Designs )
  • Mediation in Industrial Dispute and Labour Law
  • Mediation in Environmental Laws: National and International perspective
  • Indigenous form of Dispute Settlement: Relevance in the present perspective
  • Mediation in Multinational Dispute cases: National and International perspective
  • Online mediation in India: Future Prospects Pre-Institution mediation in India: Future prospects
  • Mediation in consumer disputes cases
  • Mediation in the Tribal justice system
  • Mediation and Conciliation in Real Estate Dispute in India
  • Negotiation and Mediation in Banking Sector
  • Effectiveness of Mediation in Present Justice Delivery System
  • Role of Lok Adalats: Achievements, Failure and improvement
  • Commercial Mediation and impact of Companies Amendment Act 2019

Submission Guidelines

  • Original, unpublished papers (4000 – 6000 words) must be submitted; that may be empirical, doctrinal, theoretical, or a case study basis. Every entry must be accompanied by a 300-word abstract and a separate cover page with the following requirements:
    • Title of the paper
    • Name of the author/ co-author(s)
    • Designation
    • Name and Address of the Institution
    • Contact Number and email ID

Publication Rules

  • Submissions should be in Times New Roman, the font size 12 with 1.5 line spacing, justified text and 1-inch margins on all sides of the A4 sheet. (page number)
  • Footnotes should be in Times New Roman, the font size 10 with 1.0 line spacing. End notes are not allowed.
  • All headings must have uniform formatting.
  • The first page of the manuscript should only contain the name of the paper followed by an abstract.
  • The main body of the manuscript must begin from the second page. Submissions must be emailed at icm3mediation@gmail.com (in docx format) along with a covering letter. The covering letter should include the author’s contact information and a short abstract that outlines the main questions or themes addressed in the paper.
  • Co-authorship of up to two co-authors is allowed.
  • Any form of plagiarism will lead to disqualification for publication in the Review. Similarity should not be more than 10%, excluding footnotes.
  • All footnotes/references in the submission must conform to the bluebook (20th Edition).
  • All submissions must be made in docx format. No pdf format shall be entertained.
  • Copyright over the published material shall vest with the Faculty of Laws ONLY. Further, an edited book (2nd Volume) shall be published in furtherance of the 3rd International Conference. These papers shall be published in a peer reviewed book bearing ISBN.


The organizers invite Judges, Faculty members, Advocates, Research scholars, Entrepreneurs, Students, Faculty members, and other professionals to submit papers.


Virtual Mode

Registration Procedure

  • STEP 1: Make the payment to this account the details of which are given below: Account Details
    • Account No: 022701004262
    • IFSC: ICIC0000227
    • Bank Name: ICICI BANK
    • Branch Name: Delhi University, Delhi
      • Above charges will be credited to University of Delhi account as an operational charges on no profit-no loss basis and MCPC, Supreme Court of India is associated as a knowledge partner.
  • STEP 2: After making the payment UPLOAD the RECEIPT and fill in the details in the registration form through the link given at the end of this post.

Fee details (if any)

• Registration for students and research scholars Rs. 500
• Registration for academicians Rs. 1000
• Registration for advocates, law firms and other professionals Rs. 1500
• Registration for Foreign Scholar and Foreign Academicians: $50
• Kindly make the payment to this account the details of which are given below:
• Email: icm3mediation@gmail.com

Important Dates

  • Last Date of Registration for Conference: 7th April, 2022
  • Last Date for Submission of Abstract: 28th March, 2022
  • Intimation of Confirmed Abstracts: 7th April, 2022
  • Last Date for submission of paper: 30th April, 2022
  • Confirmation of Selected Papers: 10th May, 2022
  • Date of conference: 9th-10th April, 2022


Contact details

For any queries contact:

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

WhatsApp Group:






About the Organizer

Presidency University-Bangalore was established in the year 2013 and has now successfully blossomed into one of the premier universities in South India and also awarded as the Best Emerging University in South India by ASSOCHAM.

About the Conference

Presidency University, Karnataka is organizing an International Conference on Emerging Trends in IPR (Intellectual Property Rights), on April 22-23, 2022.

The objective of this international conference is to provide a platform for academicians, professionals, researchers and students to discuss and provide a solution to various key issues and operational challenges raised by changing dimensions of Intellectual Property regime.

Furthermore, the conference will provide valuable insight into the various challenges faced by authors, innovators, and proprietors of Intellectual Property assets during different stages of the lifecycle of an IP asset including development, protection, management, enforcement and to accelerate collaboration of all Stakeholders under the Intellectual Property

Call for Papers

The conference aims to bring together leading academicians, researchers and students to exchange their experiences and research results on all the aspects of Intellectual Property Rights and its interface with new developments and technologies

Keeping in mind all these deliberations and growing concerns about intellectual property issues, this Two-day Conference shall provide a platform for the participants to put forth their opinions and suggestions on the theme ‘Emerging Trends in the Intellectual Property Rights. The conference shall also aid in reflecting on how these deliberations and discussions can be used for the development of the field of Intellectual Property.


Prospective authors are kindly encouraged to contribute to and help the conference through submissions of research papers on emerging issues related to any of the fields of Intellectual Property, either related to technological developments or its interface with other disciplines.


  • Research papers are invited from academicians, legal practitioners, research scholars and students. The papers should be the author’s original work and should not be the repetition of any published work.
  • Selected research papers shall be published in a book with an ISBN number.
  • The publication shall commence only after the conference and the same shall be communicated to author(s) accordingly.

Submission Guidelines

  • Submission must include
  • Cover page
  • Abstract (Word Limit: 300-500 words)
  • Full Paper (Word Limit: 3000-6000 words)
  • The Abstract and the Full paper must be submitted in:
    • Font: Times New Roman (including footnotes)
    • Font size: 12′ on an A4 size paper
    • Line Spacing: 1.5;
    • Text alignment must be justified
  • Footnote should follow uniform style of citation “Bluebook 20th Edition”. *Font size ’10’ is to be maintained for Footnotes.
  • The Cover page shall consist of the following details: Title of the Paper. Name of the author(s), Official designation/institutional details, Address, E-mail Id and Contact details of the Author(s). 3. The subject of E-mail for submission of Abstract must be ‘International Conference – Submission of Abstract & Cover Page’ and of Full Paper must be “International Conference: Submission of Full Paper’
  • The paper must be emailed to: iprcell.sol@gmail.com
  • All the participants have to present their research paper before the esteemed panel
  • Author(s) A maximum of two authors are permitted per paper.

Guidelines for Paper Submission

  • The sessions will be grouped categorically according to the theme of the paper. Each presenter will be given 10 minutes for the presentation of the paper.
  • An open discussion shall be conducted after presentation of each paper.
  • The paper presenters can make use of any suitable mode of presentation. It shall be upon the discretion of the author(s) to make use of presentation tools shall as PowerPoint Prezi etc. Note-The abstract and the paper must align with the theme of the conference.
  • The submission must be an original and will be subjected to plagiarism check.

Important Dates

  • Last date for abstract Submission: March 10
  • Intimation of abstract selection: March 15
  • Last date for registration: March 18
  • Last date for final paper submission: April 15
  • Date of Conference: April 22 & 23

A registration link will be sent along with the acceptance mail.

How to Register?

Once the Abstract is selected, participants will be sent a registration link via e-mail. The registration amount for the conference is:

  • Students: Rs 500
  • Others: Rs 750

The amount is inclusive of GST.

Contact details

  • Convenor: Mr. Hamza Khan (Faculty In-Charge IPR Cell, Assistant Professor)
  • Co-Convenor: Ms. Apama Shukla (Faculty In-Charge IPR Cell. Assistant Professor);
  • Student Coordinators:
    • Ms. Anna Philip, Contact: +91-7559018133
    • Ms. Aastha Vyas, Contact: +91-7977032365.
  • Note: Shall you have any queries, contact us at: iprcell.sol@gmail.com

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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About the Organiser

Centre for International Trade Law (CITL) is a research centre of National Law University Odisha (NLUO), set up in 2015 with the vision of encouraging research in the domain of international trade law through a wide variety of activities including webinars, conferences, publications etc.

The Centre has published a book on ‘Trade Facilitation and the WTO’ in collaboration with the Cambridge Scholars Press.

About the Webinar

The WTO is a trade organization but its scope is expanding to the control and regulation of production as well. The fisheries agreement currently being negotiated is the latest example. The increasing concern about the consequences of growth in trade and consumerism for the ecology of the planet has intensified the trade and environment debate.

But tussle continues as to which side the concept of sustainable development should tilt, on the side of the environment or development. The lack of consensus on the draft Fisheries Agreement under the WTO is a reflection of this tussle.

The idea of sustainable fishing is based on the US policy of Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) adopted in 1948. Although claimed to be based on science it was guided more by international politics and economics.

Writers have since long criticized MSY and attributed the depletion of fish stocks to US policy and industrial fishing. Scientists argue that the ocean is different and techniques and policies employed for agriculture management cannot be transposed to manage the ocean environment.

Instead of concentrating on particular fish species, the focus should be on the assemblage of fish species. The draft Agreement appears to be based on the MSY policy.

Moreover, the draft lacks the support of many developing countries. This is because the provisions relating to subsidies allegedly do not take into account the concerns of coastal less developed countries and their farmers for whom subsidy is a question of livelihood.

Submission Guidelines

  • Original papers within 5000 words are invited from teachers, researchers, students and others for presentation in the webinar.
  • The paper is to be written in Times New Roman, Font Size: Heading-14, Text-12 in A4 format, Line Spacing-1.5, Alignment-Justified.
  • Authors are requested to adhere to the Bluebook (21st ed.) citation format for footnoting in Times New Roman Font 10 size with Line Spacing-1.
  • There can be a maximum of one Co-Author on a paper.
  • All submissions (Abstract and full-length paper) must be made in .doc or .docx format only.
  • The Abstract and full-length paper should be in English language. The working language of webinar and presentations shall be English.
  • Only one paper per participant will be permitted. Multiple submissions will lead to disqualification.
    Papers may relate to but are not limited to the topics mentioned below:
    • Challenges for the preservation of fish stocks
    • International initiatives for the preservation of fisheries
    • Impact of international trade on fisheries
    • Contribution of subsidies to the depletion of fish stocks
    • Livelihood of small fishermen in developing countries
    • Prospective participants may contribute to any other issue related to the webinar topic.



Registration / Submission Procedure

  • Abstracts and papers to be submitted at citl@nluo.ac.in. Only the abstract and first page of the paper should contain the name and affiliation of the author(s). Co-authorship of a maximum of two persons are allowed.
  • The registration link is here.

Fee details

Students/Research Scholars

  • Single Author-Rs.1000
  • Co-authorship-Rs. 1500


  • Single author-Rs. 1500
  • Co-authorship-Rs. 2000

International Presenters

  • Single author-$50
  • Co-authorship-$70

Important Dates

  • Date of Webinar: 30 July 2022
  • Last date of submission of abstract: 31 March 2022
  • Intimation of acceptance of abstracts: 15 April 2022
  • Last date of registration: 14 May 2022
  • Last date for submission of full papers: 30 June 2022


Contact details

Mail at: citl@nluo.ac.in

Phone: Rishi Saraf (91+9300083055)

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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About the University

The National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam (NLUJAA) was established by the Government of Assam by way of enactment of the National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam Act, 2009 (Assam Act No. XXV of 2009).

About the DPIIT-IPR Chair

The Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India, has endowed the National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam with an Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Chair, under the Scheme for Pedagogy & Research in IPRs for Holistic Education & Academia (SPRIHA), to benefit the people of the North-East Region of India in protecting their IPRs.

The Chair since its inception in 2018 has concertedly focused its efforts towards preservation and promulgation of IP resources of the North-East Region and has been fervently engaged in building capacity of the creators/producers/owners towards the protection of their IP rights at the grass-root, in order to strengthen the overall IP eco-system of the nation.

About the Journal

The NLUA Journal of Intellectual Property Rights is a peer reviewed bi-annual online journal of the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade – Intellectual Property Rights Chair (DPIIT-IPR) of National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam.

The Journal seeks to serve the purpose of promoting research in legal, economic, socio-legal, social, technological and entrepreneurial aspects of new and emerging areas of IPR at all levels – regional, national and international, in view of the National IPR Policy and the Scheme for Pedagogy and Research in IPRs for Holistic Education and Academia (SPRIHA).

The Journal aims to publish scholarly articles, research papers, book reviews, case studies on various aspects of IPRs from students, scholars, academicians, legal practitioners, and activists having interest and zeal in reinforcing and uplifting the prospects of IPR research and development.

Categories for Submission

  • Research Papers and Articles: Research papers and articles based on doctrinal as well as empirical research on the concerned theme are to be submitted. The word limit may be between 5000 to 8000 words. Authors are expected to undertake proper analysis of the available literature and present a comprehensive understanding of the thematic topic. 
  • Case Studies/Comments: Case studies/comments must be based on analysis of recent judicial pronouncements of both national and international judiciary concerning the theme. The word limit for the same may be between 3000 to 4000 words.
  • Book Reviews: Review of book must be relevant to the theme of the journal. The word limit for book reviews may be around 2000 words. The review should consist of analysis of the opinions put forth by the author of the book and present it in own understanding.

Guidelines for Submission

1. Submissions in any of the categories stated above must be the original work of the author and must not have been submitted elsewhere or pending review.
2. All submissions must be in MS-Word format (.doc) or (.docx).
3. An abstract of not more 250 words should invariably be provided alongwith the manuscript.
4. Co-authorship is permitted for all the categories of submission.
5. The body of the manuscript should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 12, line spacing 1.5 and 1-inch margin on all sides of an A4 size paper.
6. The format for footnotes should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 10 and single line spacing.
7. The citations must strictly conform to the ILI style of Footnoting.
8. The paper must have been checked for plagiarism.
9. Headings should adhere to the following standard:
     a. TITLE OF THE SUBMISSION: Uppercase Bold, Font size 14.
     b. HEADINGDS: All capitals and bold, Font size 12.
     c. SUB-HEADINGS: Title case, bold, Font size 12.
10. Submissions should be made in the electronic form to the Editorial Board at the email address iprchair@nluassam.ac.in (Tel: +91-361-2738891 Ext: 562)
11. Submissions should include a cover letter along with the profile of the author(s) consisting of the author’s name, designation, institution, contact details.

Mode of Publication

Being an e-Journal, all submissions, subject to selection, shall be published online.

Submission Deadline

May 31, 2022


Contact details

1. Ms. Sharmistha Baruah
Research Assistant, DPIIT-IPR CHAIR
National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam
Mobile: 9864809852

2. Ms. Dolly Kumar
Research Assistant, DPIIT-IPR CHAIR
National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam
Email: iprchair@nluassam.ac.in
Mobile: 7662957308

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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About the Organiser

University Institute of Legal Studies (UILS) was established as a constituent department of Panjab University, in the academic session 2004-05.

During a short span of time, it has emerged as one of the premier legal Institutes with a unique blend of
tradition and modernity. The Moot Court Competitions, Client Counselling Sessions, Quiz Contests, Seminars, Group Discussions and Extension Lectures etc. are a regular feature of the academic calendar of the Institute.

About the Seminar

Elections provide a way to the people to assert their voice, opinion and choose the person whose priorities and ideas matches with them most. Elections ensure that the will of the people is reflected in the elected candidates.

Elections in India are also a platform for the public to voice their resentment against a ruling party. Elections, being a regular exercise, occurring every five years in India, the ruling parties are kept in check and made to consider the demands of the public.

Participation in election process is one of the most important symbol and foundational concept of democracy. If people are allowed to participate in the political process, only then a political system can be described as a Democratic one and for participation voting right is the most effective way to participate in the governance of the nation.

When citizens collectively elect its representatives, it affirms the notion that they govern themselves by free choice. Therefore, it can be opined that the ‘Participation’ is a foundational virtue of democracy.

For years, India has witnessed the conduct of successful elections, peaceful changes of government at the Centre and in the States, people exercising freedom of expression, movement and religion along with the complaints about the motivated agendas for elections, immoral practices during the election campaigns, inequality in representation of certain communities/groups, injustice or non-fulfilment of expectations of various sections of society.

Recently, COVID-Pandemic has given an opportunity for exploring the technological innovations for the conduct of elections and it is yet to be speculated through the eyes of a law student. Social media also poses new challenges to voting patterns in India.

Sub Themes

  • Election Commission; Accountability and challenges
  • Evolution of Suffrage in India: History and Origin
  • Constitutional status of ‘Right to Vote’ in India
  • Shrinking the Public Morality in casting the vote
  • Democracy on ‘Sale’: Exploitation of voting rights
  • Right to negative voting
  • Caste and religion in Democracy
  • Challenges to Indian Democracy
  • Democratization and Inequality
  • Role of Judiciary and Election Commission in protecting the Democracy
  • Online Voting: Exploring the Possibilities through the Blockchain technology
  • Impact of Non-exercise of ‘right to vote’ on Indian Democracy
  • Voting Behaviour in India and Its Determinants
  • Factors influencing the voting preferences of citizens
  • Voting rights of LGBTQ, Prisoners

Any other theme surrounding the main theme of the seminar


Faculty Members/ Academicians/ProfessionalS/ Research Scholars/Students

Registration / Submission Procedure

  • Contributions are invited from the Academicians, researchers, advocates, research scholars and the students from law and social sciences background on the above mentioned theme.
  • Authors of selected abstracts shall be given an opportunity to present their paper during the conference. Registration form and Abstract is to be submitted through Google Form.
  • Full research papers are to be submitted via mail on – righttovote2022seminar@gmail.com.

Guidelines for Full Length Paper Submission:

  • Paper should be original, clear & relevant.

Format and Specifications Required:

  • Font: Times New Roman, 12pt, 1.5 spacing
  • Footnote: Times New Roman, 10pt, 1.0 spacing
  • Alignment: Justified; Sheet: A4 Size with 1″ Margin on all sides
  • Citation style ILI/MLA pattern of footnoting
  • Length Max: 3500-4000 words (Exclusive of footnotes)

Fee details

  • Registration fees for the Faculty Members/ Academicians/Professionals- Rs 500/-
  • Registration fees for Co-Author/ Research Scholars/Students- Rs 250/-
  • No TA/DA shall be provided to paper presenters.
  • Delegates have to arrange their own accommodation.
  • No paper shall be deemed to be read.

Important Dates

  • Last Date for Abstract and Registration form submission: – March 15, 2022
  • Acknowledgement of Selection of Abstracts- March 18, 2022
  • Last Date for Full Length Research Paper submission: – March 26, 2022
  • Date of the seminar- March 29, 2022


Contact details

Student Secretaries:

  • Jaideep Singh Lalli: +919915919977
  • Abhishek Bindal: +918360239715
  • Nirupam Kaur: +918146099333

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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