About SGLC

The College is the second oldest institute of higher learning in the state functioning under the auspices of the Sikkim Government and is registered with and recognized by the Bar Council of India, New Delhi. The College is also acknowledged by the University Grants Commission (UGC) and fulfills the requirements of the provisions Sections 2 (f) and 12 B, UGC Act, 1956.

About the Seminar

Sikkim Government Law College (SGLC) is organizing a National Seminar on the topic, ‘Ancient Indian Jurisprudence and its relevance in the contemporary society, on April 29th and 30th, 2022.


Academicians, Research Scholars, Legal Professionals

Submission Guidelines

  • Word limit for Abstract Submission – 200-250
  • Word limit for Full Paper – 3000-3500
  • Font: Times New Roman, Size 12, Center-Aligned


  • Dynamics and Relevance of Ancient Indian law in the contemporary era.
  • Changing position of women and society from Ancient to Contemporary era.
  • Evolution of trade and commerce from the ancient to the contemporary era.
  • Uniform Civil Code

Important Dates

  • Submission of Abstract: April 7th, 2022
  • Communication of acceptance of abstract from Organizer’s Side: April 11th, 2022
  • Submission of Full Paper: April 20th, 2022
  • Seminar: April 29th and 30th, 2022

Registration Fee

Registration fee is payable by each of the authors of the papers individually and separately in cash on arrival at the place of the seminar before the inauguration

  • Outstation participants and University faculties): Rs 1500/-
  • Local participants: Rs 1000/-
  • Research Scholar (with proper identity) Rs 500/-

The joint paper presenter will be charged separately.

Paper presenters are requested to bring one passport size photograph at the time of registration.

How to Submit?

Mail at: sglcseminar2022@gmail.com

Contact details

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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About the Law Journal

The Vishwakarma University Law Journal is a faculty-run, annual, blind peer-reviewed journal of the Vishwakarma University Department of Law. The objective of this Journal is to contribute original, outstanding and socially relevant research to the Field of Law.

It provides a platform for academicians, practitioners, researchers, scholars, and students to share their views and effectively contribute to legal academia.

Call for Papers

In pursuance of this vision, the Department of Law, Vishwakarma University, is calling for full paper submissions from academicians, practitioners, industry experts, and research scholars for Vol. 2, Issue 1 of the law journal.


Submissions of full papers for the law journal are invited from academicians, practitioners, industry experts, and research scholars.


The law journal does not restrict its scope to a particular theme. However, the authors must
ensure that the research paper addresses a contemporary legal or socio-legal issue.

The topic must be of relevance in the present time, and the authors must show originality in their approach in dealing with the issue at hand.

Submission Guidelines

  1. The full paper submissions must be in English
  2. Word Limit: Submissions should be in the following word limits (inclusive of footnotes)
    • Research papers (4,000- 6,000 words)
    • Case Comment (2000-3000 words)
    • Book reviews (1000-2000 words)
  3. Full paper submission must be accompanied by an Abstract of not more than 300 words.
  4. Co-authorship is allowed with a maximum of two authors
  5. Submissions should be in Times New Roman font, size 12, 1.5 line spacing, justified text, and 1-inch margins on all sides.
  6. Footnotes should be in Times New Roman font of size 10 with 1.0 line spacing. Endnotes are not allowed.
  7. The citations shall conform with the ILI Rules of footnoting available here.
  8. The author’s name (s) should not appear on the manuscript to facilitate blind review.
  9. All Submissions are to be made in MS Word format and sent to journal.law@vupune.ac.in
  10. The name, affiliation and designation, mailing address, mobile number, and e-mail address of the author (or corresponding author, if more than one author) must be mentioned in a separate MS-Word document, in the same mail.
  11. All submissions shall go through a plagiarism check. The similarity percentage should be within UGC-approved guidelines.


Submit the full paper for the law journal by May 15, 2022.

Contact details

Mail at: journal.law@vupune.ac.in

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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About the University

Amity University Haryana was established in 2010, vide Haryana (Private Universities) Act, 2006, as amended vide Act of 2010. Amity Law School, one of its Faculties, commenced functioning in 2011.


ICSSR is an autonomous organization established by the Government of India in 1969 to promote, review, encourage, assist, and coordinate social science research. As a part of its Programme, six Regional Centres were set up across the country to act as a representative of the ICSSR to provide information and implement the programs and activities of the Council in the Region.

The North Western Regional Centre of the ICSSR was set up on the campus of the Panjab University, in 1977, on the initiative of Professor J.P. Naik, Member Secretary, ICSSR New Delhi, and Professor R.C. Paul, Vice-Chancellor, Panjab University. It acts as a representative of the ICSSR New Delhi for the promotion of social sciences and as an information Centre for disseminating and implementing the programs and the activities of the Council.

The jurisdiction of the North-Western Regional Centre of ICSSR extends to the states of Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, and the Union Territory of Chandigarh.

About the Seminar

After successfully conducting numerous events, ALS is proud to conduct a National Seminar in collaboration with the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) on Revisiting Women-Centric Laws from the Eyes of the Judiciary North-West Region on 29 April 2022.

Women have been at the receiving end of discriminatory practices for generations, and measures
to protect and promote their rights are usually lagging and lacking in providing the desired result,
i.e. Equality or equal treatment.

The role of women for centuries was defined and confined to either domestic work or areas that were designated as a woman’s job, like nursing, secretarial work, etc. It is majorly during the last century that this sphere, within which women were confined, saw broadening with women working in areas that were traditionally considered a man’s job.

Even though access to education and a wider range of employment opportunities can be seen today, women continue to face discrimination at work and at home.

Since independence, various legislations and measures have been enacted and implemented by the
Indian Government for ensuring gender equality and equity. However, the prevailing cultural traditions and social norms which are encased as Personal Laws continue to discriminate against women.

Women-related issues have been dealt with by the Indian Judiciary with the utmost care, and it has played an important role in upholding the rights and dignity of women through several landmark judgments. These judgments, delivered by various Courts of the country since independence, have influenced the enactment or amendment of many laws dealing with women’s rights.

Seminar Objectives

The following objectives are specifically aimed at addressing the issues prevalent and faced by
women in the North-West Region of India:

  • To educate the participants about the role that Judiciary plays in empowering women.
  • To enhance the participants’ knowledge regarding the challenges and hurdles faced by
  • To sensitize the participants vis-à-vis Reproductive Rights of Women.
  • To deliberate, discuss and elucidate upon the existing Legislations, Policies and Laws to
    achieve Women Empowerment.


  1. Role of Judiciary in Empowering Women
    Judiciary has always played an important role in empowering women, by not only implementing the laws but also promulgating them. Judgements involving different aspects of issues faced by women, have shaped the movement towards providing de-facto equality to them in India and upheld the Constitutional mandate. These have shown that the judicial approach towards upholding and or promoting women’s rights has been proactively setting precedents for future reference, besides providing the stimulus for stringent laws to protect women’s rights. Overall the role played by the Indian Judiciary has considerably changed the attitude of society towards how women are viewed and their issues are addressed. However, there is a need of further sensitization of the Judiciary.
  2. Challenges and Hurdles in Women’s Empowerment
    India is predominantly a patrilineal, patrilocal and patriarchal society wherein the descent is traced
    through the male line and women move to the household of the husband after marriage. This
    social structure defines the role of women as secondary and limited to domestic or household
    Women in India are subjected to various discriminatory practices, rooted in the norms and
    customs prevalent in the society. Besides the cultural hurdles, sometimes the laws and policies are
    also discriminatory, either directly or indirectly. For example, many Personal Laws have unequal
    distribution of rights amongst women and men with regards to inheritance, marriage, owning
    property etc.
    Issues like female foeticide, dowry, child marriage, girl child education, sexual and non-sexual
    violence etc. are still rampant in India, despite specific legislations, and are a constant attack on
    the Fundamental Right of Women to Personal Life and Liberty guaranteed under Article 21 of the
    Indian Constitution.
  3. Reproductive Technologies and Rights of Women
    Motherhood in Indian society is an identity given to women, which many times defines
    them. From ancient times, the problem of “INFERTILITY” was linked to women only. This has resulted in the ill-treatment of infertile women by their in laws and society as a whole treats them as a bad omen. Such treatment towards women is also the cause of increased mental health issues.
    Over the last decade, Indian Courts have issued several notable decisions recognizing women’s reproductive rights as part of the “inalienable survival rights”, implicitly protected under the Fundamental Right to Life. Certain ground-breaking judgments have laid the foundation for Indian Courts to play a strong role in preventing and addressing ongoing violations of women’s reproductive rights.
  4. Legislation, Policies, and Law to Achieve Women’s Empowerment
    The Constitutional mandate of ensuring gender equality and equity is being maintained by the
    State through various enactments and legislative measures that ensure the protection to women’s
    rights and dignity. These include provisions in Penal Laws and many Special Laws that have been
    enacted for addressing specific crimes against women. For instance, the Indian Penal Code,1860,
    the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 (Amended in 1995), Dowry Prohibition Act, (Amended in 2005),
    The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976, The Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006, Indecent
    Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, 1986, The Protection of Women from Domestic
    Violence Act, 2005 and The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition
    and Redressal) Act, 2013.

Submission Guidelines

  • Articles and Research Papers on the theme are invited from Academicians, Researchers, Advocates, and Students.
  • Co-authorship is permissible (subject to an upper limit of 2 Authors per submission).
  • The main Author and/or presenting Author shall register separately.

Abstract Submission

  • Word Limit of the Abstract: 300–350 words with keywords.
  • The abstract shall be accompanied by a brief profile of the author indicating their name, University/ Organization/ Institution, Email ID, contact number, and official address.
  • The Author(s) shall specify the Title of the Paper, and the Name(s) of the author(s).
  • All Abstracts to be uploaded in the Google Form.

Final Paper Submission

  • Word Limit of the Final Paper: 2500-3000 words.
  • Final paper should have a cover page containing the following:
    • Full name(s) of the Author(s)
    • Institution/Organization/University
    • Professional/Educational Details
    • Email address(es)
    • Contact number(s)
  • It must be typed in Times New Roman Font Size 12 on A4 size paper with 1” margin on
    all sides with 1.5 line spacing using MS Word.
  • The Paper is to be submitted through e-mail only with the subject as “Final Paper Submission for National Seminar” on alsicssrnationalseminar2022@gmail.com
  • The Blue Book: A Uniform System of Citation (Latest ed.) must be strictly adhered to while submitting the Abstracts and full Paper.
  • The Certificate of Presentation and Participation will be distributed to participants.

Important Dates

  • Last Date for submission of Abstract: April 10, 2022
  • Intimation of acceptance of Abstract: April 13, 2022
  • Full Paper Submission for presentation (Soft Copy) and Registration Form: April 24, 2022
  • Seminar: April 29, 2022
  • Final Paper Submission for publication (Soft Copy): May 15, 2022

How to Register?

Contact details

In case of any queries, participants may contact the undersigned.

  1. Ms. Asha Meena, Assistant Professor
    +918860176995, ameena@ggn.amity.edu
  2. Dr. Vijay Pal Singh, Assistant Professor
    +919466097940, vpsingh@ggn.amity.edu
  3. Ms. Monica Yadav, Associate Professor
    +919810706394, myadav@ggn.amity.edu

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

WhatsApp Group:






About Jus Corpus

Jus Corpus is a body of legal professionals who have come together to incorporate an interdisciplinary journal. It is a platform that is open to students, academicians, scholars, and professionals in the law profession and allied fields to publish and read the content, which is published in the form of articles, blogs, case comments, research articles, etc.

About the Conference

In collaboration with Symbiosis Law School Nagpur & Maharashtra National Law University, Aurangabad, Jus Corpus is conducting the Virtual International Conference on ‘Women Rights in developing countries: Issues & Challenges’ on May 15, 2022.


Research papers are invited from the academic practitioners, research scholars and the students.

The papers should be author’s original work and should not be the repetition of any published work.

Research Papers shall be subject to the approval of the EditorialBoard and dependingon the quality of papers, selected papers will be published in the form of a Book with ISBN.

Co-authorship is permitted for the event (maximum 2 co-authors).

Sub-themes of the Conference

  • Women and Indian Constitution
  • Women and Criminal Justice System 
  • Women and Personal Laws
  • Women and Cyberspace
  • Women and Media
  • Women and Workplace
  • Women and Politics
  • Women and Changing Dimensions of Law

Any other topic aligned with the theme of the conference.

Submission Guidelines

I. Abstract

  • Word Limit: 300-500 (inclusive of keyword, minimum 3)
  • Entire body must be in italics
  • Font: Times New Roman, Size 12, Colour: Automatic, Alignment: Justified
  • Portrait mode
  • Line spacing: 1.5
  • The Cover page shall consist of the following details: Title of the Paper, Name of the author(s), Official designation/institutional details, Address, E-mail Id and Contact details of the Author(s).
  • The subject of the E-mail for submission of the Abstract must be “National Seminar: Submission of Abstract & Cover Page.
  • There must be a single file containing the cover page and abstract.
  • Submission id: juscorpusconference@gmail.com

Note – Abstract and the paper must be aligned to the seminar’s theme. The submission must be an original product and will be subjected to a plagiarism check.


  • Word Limit: 3000-6000 words (exclusive of footnotes)
  • Font: Times New Roman
  • Font size: 12 on an A4 size paper
  • Line Spacing: 1.5
  • Text alignment must be justified.
  • Footnotes should follow uniform style of citation: Blue Book 20th Edition.
  • Font size 10 is to be maintained for Footnotes.
  • The Cover page shall consist of the following details: Title of the Paper, Name of the author(s), Official designation/institutional details, Address, E-mail Id and Contact details of the Author(s).
  • The subject of E-mail for submission of Full Paper must be “National Seminar: Submission of Full Paper”.
  • The paper must be submitted to juscorpusconference@gmail.com

Registration and Payment

Once the Abstract is selected, participants will be sent a registration link via e-mail.

The registration amount for the conference is:

  • Students: Rs. 1000/- (per participant)
  • Professionals: Rs. 1500/- (per participant)

The mode of payment will be duly intimated in the mail sent for the selection of the abstract.

Important Dates

  • Abstract Submission: April 15, 2022
  • Intimation of Selected Abstract: April 22, 2022
  • Last date for Registration and payment: April 30, 2022
  • Last date for submission of paper: May 05, 2022
  • Date of Conference: May 15, 2022


Contact details

Mail at: juscorpusconference@gmail.com

Ayush Pandey (In-charge): +91 8299527179

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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About International Journal on Consumer Law and Practice (IJCLP)

The National Law School of India University (NLSIU) is an institution of legal education focusing on undergraduate and graduate legal and policy education in India.

The University’s Chancellor is the Chief Justice of India, and the Chairman of the Bar Council of India is the Chairman of the General Council. NLSIU, since 2018 has consistently maintained the top rank in the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) ranks higher educational institutions across India.

In Indian history first time the Consumer Law and Practice Chair (CLAP Chair) has been established in August 2008, at the National Law School of India University, Bangalore (NLSIU) by the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution Department of Consumer Affairs, Government of India, New Delhi, to promote research, teaching and training in Consumer Law and Practice. From the date of establishment of this CLP chair, Prof.(Dr.) Ashok Patil is heading and administering this Chair and is the Chief Editor of this Journal.

The International Journal on Consumer Law and Practice (IJCLP) (ISSN 2347-2731) is an Open-Access, Blind-Peer-reviewed, Law journal published annually by NLSIU under the aegis of the Chair on Consumer Law and Practice, NLSIU (CLAP) since 2013. Recently Journal indexed on SCOPUS, HeinOnline, SCC OnLine, & UGC CARE List.

Previous issues have featured contributions by Hon. Justice AK Sikri (Judge, Supreme Court of India), HC Mult Norbert Reich (Emeritus Professor, Bremen University, Germany), Cristina Poncibò (Assoc. Prof., Comparative Private Law, University of Turin, Italy), Laura Zoboli (Asst. Prof., European Economic Law, University of Warsaw, Poland), James P Nehf (Prof. and Cleon H Foust Fellow, Robert H McKinney School of Law Indiana University), Gail Pearson (Prof., University of Sydney, Australia), etc.

IJCLP seeks to provide a forum for engaging in discussion on various National and International best practices of Consumer Protection Laws.

Following the Ninth successful volume of the Journal and in continuance of the endeavour to encourage academic discourse and legal scholarship, the Board of Editors invites submission for the Tenth Volume. The Journal welcomes contributions from academicians, practitioners, students of law and allied fields.

Submission Guidelines

The journal welcomes contributions from academicians, practitioners, students of law and allied fields.

Theme: Consumer Protection with special reference of E-Commerce and Product Liability

Sub Themes:

  • International Consumer Protection Framework & Policy specifically on E-Commerce and Product Liability
  • Role of Regulatory Authorities in Consumer Protection specifically on E-Commerce and Product Liability
  • Comparative study of Product Liability in India with developed Countries
  • Technological Advancements in Protection and Enforcement of Consumer Rights
  • Cross jurisdictional analysis of consumer laws on e-commerce
  • Intermediary liability in e-commerce
  • Product Liability Insurance

The sub-themes listed above are merely indicative and not exhaustive.  The Journal highly appreciates the Comparative Study of global best practice on E-commerce and Product Liability with India.

Word Limit

  • Articles and Research Papers with abstract (6,000-8,000 words inclusive of footnotes).
  • Essay (3,000-4,000 words inclusive of footnotes).
  • Case Comment, Legislative Briefs (2,500-3,000 words inclusive of footnotes).
  • Book Review (2,000 words inclusive of footnotes).

Format of Submission

  • The submission shall not contain the name of the author or institutional affiliation or any other identification mark. Submission shall be sent in .doc or .docx format only.
  • A separate cover letter in (.doc) or (.docx) format containing particulars of the author(s) and the submission is to be sent along with the submission. A cover letter should include –
    • Title of Submission,
    • Sub-theme Chosen (if any)
    • Abstract (not exceeding 300 words)
    • Name of the Author & Co-Author (Only one Co-author is permitted)
    • Designation
    • Institutional Affiliation
    • Contact Information and Address for Correspondence.
  • The body of the submission should be in Times New Roman, with Font Size 12 and Line Spacing of 1.5. The footnotes should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 10 with Single Line Spacing.
  • All citations should be placed in footnotes (and not endnotes) and shall conform to the Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (4th edn, 2012).
  • The submission should contain a disclaimer to the effect that the piece is original and has not been published or is under consideration, for publication, elsewhere.
  • All submissions are subject to a Plagiarism check.
  • All submissions go through an initial round of review by the editorial board and the selected pieces are subsequently sent for peer review, before finalization for publication.

How to Submit?

Only electronic submissions are accepted. Kindly submit your submission on this Google form along with the cover letter, and resume on or before April 30, 2022 for it to be considered for volume X.

Submission Deadline

April 30, 2022

Contact details

Mail at: ijclp@nls.ac.in

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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About Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad

The idea of ‘Symbiosis’ is nurtured by Dr. S. B. Mujumdar on the principles of Vedic thought ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ which means ‘World as One Family. Symbiosis Law School (SLS) Hyderabad is established in 2014 inheriting splendid novelty, dynamism, and excellence in the education of Symbiosis International University, Pune. The Legacy of Symbiosis Law Schools in excellence and quality began with Symbiosis Law School Pune, which is consistently ranked among the top 10 law schools in India in the last 13 years. As a policy, the Symbiosis Law School, Pune will mentor the Symbiosis Law School Hyderabad campus. Symbiosis Law School Hyderabad is founded on pillars of expertise, justice, and Service and is committed to imparting quality legal education confirming to acclaimed International standards.

About the Conference and Call for Papers

The disciplines of Law, Language, and Literature have had a symbiotic relationship since time immemorial. Law’s existence is dependent on language and the latter personalizes and expresses the legal norms that a society or community requires. Language also helps solve legal disputes and provides a link of communication between the citizens of a country. Literature plays a catalyst role in the manifestation of the legal framework, and legal practice remains a thrilling theme of literature. The combination of these three disciplines provides a new thought-provoking field of study about their relationship and their effect on our society. Their relationship has led to the creation of art that has influenced and shaped the way so many people think and created a number of socio-cultural norms.

The conference and call for papers intend to explore and study this relationship by creating a space for students, researchers, and academicians to pen down their thoughts and have a meaningful dialogue. Doing this would provide them with an insight and an analysis of the aforementioned relationship.

We will be honored to have you as participants in the National Conference. Looking forward to your gracious presence at our event.

Please find enclosed the brochure for the National Virtual Conference and Call for Papers for your reference.


Contact Details

Dr. Srinivas Bandameedi, 9701454504, Convenor, National Virtual Conference on Law, Language and Literature.

Palomita Sharma, 7680040944, Organising Committee.

Abhikhya Naragani, 9010958888, Organising Committee.

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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About the Organiser

School of Law established in the year 2017, is a part of B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology a renowned quality leadership institution located at the greenest spot of Chennai,India. The institution is accredited by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), UGC, and currently has an A + grade as accredited in 2021 for quality education.

About the Conference

Scientific temperament refers to an individual’s attitude of logical and rational thinking. An individual is considered to have a scientific temper if s/he employs a scientific method of decision-making in everyday life. The term stresses to be a viable method of acquiring knowledge through the application of the method of science. 

Historically Joan of Arc is shown as a victim of Witchcraft.  In recent times also certain shocking news reports have shed light upon incidents that led to human fatalities like Witchcraft and superstitious beliefs worldwide. There is a fine line between superstition and religion and treading that fine line is a challenging task. There rests upon the Law of the land, a responsibility installing such crimes by bringing in stringent regulations.

The present conference is intended to provide a platform to discuss and deliberate the theme in detail during the technical sessions followed by the Panel Discussions being chaired by subject-matter experts.


Research papers from Academicians, Research Scholars, Students, Professionals, Lawyers, NGOs, and Human Rights Activists are invited on the conference theme or any other sub-theme on the Major Thrust Areas.


  • Scientific Temper and Superstition
  • Superstition and Psychology
  • Drugs, Magical Remedies and Superstition
  • Witch-doctors and Killings of Witches and Criminal Law
  • State-Sponsored Superstition, Pseudoscience and Human Rights
  • Witch-hunting legislations in the Modern SocietyInternational superstitious Practices and the UN as a player
  • Witch Hunts – Victimization of Women
  • Superstitious beliefs and its economic impact
  • Culture and Superstition
  • Eradication of Human Sacrifice and other Inhuman, Evil Practices
  • Any other topic relating to the theme of the conference. 

Objectives of the Conference

Facilitating scholars from various fields with a platform for a detailed discussion on various themes surrounding the topics:  

  • To resurrect a discussion on superstitious beliefs and their impact on human lives in relation to
    the jurisprudence evolved over the years.
  • To analyse new as well as old trends in criminology in the light of superstitious practices,
    witchcraft, objectification of women, and other pressing issues.
  • To contribute to the debate for a better and safer environment for people.
  • To present/offer further key recommendations, suggestions in policymaking, and the framework of law, with its effective implementation.
  • To resurrect a discussion on superstitious beliefs and their impact on human lives in relation to
    the jurisprudence evolved over the years.
  • To analyse new as well as old trends in criminology in the light of superstitious practices,
    witchcraft, objectification of women, and other pressing issues.
  • To contribute to the debate for a better and safer environment for people.
  • To present/offer further key recommendations, suggestions in policymaking, and the framework of law, with its effective implementation.

Submission Guidelines

  • The abstracts should reach on or before March 31, 2022.
  • After the acceptance of the abstract, the full research paper should reach on or before April 9, 2022 on mail Id: csl.researchcommittee@gmail.com along with the soft copy of the registration fees paid and screenshot/soft copy of the fee paid.
  • The paper must include a clear mention of the research methodology adopted, major findings, results, implications and key references.
  • Authors should adhere to the following particulars:
    • Maximum 5000 words, five key words
    • Font Times New Roman,12 point
    • Spacing 1.5
    • Abstract with 150-250 words
    • Title Page Title Author(s), Affiliation and other details.
    • Format: APA format of citation.

Registration Procedure

Registration Form: To register for the conference, fill out the form- https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdPWjp1duOpHQB5-O3byIW_-AHQNWJZ6T5quiS4j4z5ekTOmg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0

Fee Details

Registration Fees For Conference

  • Students and Research Scholars: INR 1000
  • Academicians and Professionals: INR 1500
  • International Participants: USD 50

Payment Details

  • Account Holder: Registrar, B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology
  • Account Number: 165702000000440
  • IFSC: IOBA0001657
  • Branch: VANDALUR

Important Dates

  • Last Date for Abstract Submission: March 31, 2022
  • Notification on Acceptance of Abstract: April 4, 2022
  • Last Day of Registration: April 7, 2022
  • Last Date for Full Paper: April 9, 2022
  • Date of Conference: April 12-13, 2022

Please Note

  • No research paper will be accepted without registration.
  • The Editorial Committee will have sole authority to accept or reject the papers.
  • Organizers will not be liable for plagiarism.
  • Authors should ensure that their articles contain no grammatical mistakes.
  • No TA/DA will be paid to the Participants and Paper Presenters.
  • Delegates can register only for one research paper.
  • Separate registration for each author in case of joint authorship.


Contact details

Convener: Dr. Nazneen.M.Y

Contact Number: (+91) 9182343172

Faculty Coordinators:

  • Ms. Manasa Krishnakumar
    • Contact Number: (+91) 6282297749
  • Dr. Hassan Shareef .K
    • Contact Number: (+91) 9486223036
  • Mr.N. Sudalai Muthu
    • Contact Number: (+91) 9442473646
  • Ms. Sameera Fathima K
    • Contact Number: (+91) 9940323160
  • Ms. TamilSelvi Jagadeesan
    • Contact Number: (+91) 9043720900

Student Co-ordinators:

  • Sabrina. M: (+91) 9500045289
  • Nashita Nazneen: (+91) 9789801811
  • Nilofer: (+91) 6380876453
  • Vijayenthira Poopathy: (+91) 9489093333
  • Shalini S: (+91) 9121529549

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

WhatsApp Group:






About the University and VIT School of Law

Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) is a private deemed university located in Vellore, Chennai India and was founded in 1984. VIT School of Law (VITSOL), the progeny of VIT, entered the legal education arena in 2014.

About the e-Conference

The scope of International law has developed over the last few decades and has grown exponentially since the dawn of globalized era. From the regulation of space expeditions to
the question of the division of the ocean floor, and from the protection of human rights to the management of the international financial system, its involvement has spread out from the primary concern with the preservation of peace, to embrace all interests of contemporary international life. International law has developed both horizontally and vertically.

In the dynamic stream of laws, we constantly witness that International law has crossed path with national laws and have thus created a symbiotic relationship to survive in this globalized epoch. Globalization has become synonymous to the spreading of capitalistic regimes all over the world.

While the focus of International Law is primarily on regulating the sovereign states and generally delegates the regulation of MNCs to individual states, the Corporates like Google, Facebook have supplanted sovereign states and they have attained a powerful status in the regime of sovereignty.

The Globalization-corporate nexus has major implications on not just trade and intellectual property rights but on diverse legal regimes like human rights, labour rights, environment and
air and space laws. For the facilitation of trade, commerce, International law has been incorporated into the municipal laws.

Thereby it raises the questions like whether the sovereign states can effectively control corporates through national legislations or whether the International law need to further
develop to empower/guide the states to come up with uniform and harmonized national laws to effectively regulate the activities of MNCs.

The international e-conference offers a platform to analyse the extent of convergence of International law and National legislations in regulating the activities of Multi-National Corporates which might have trans-national impact and repercussions on the subjects of International Law.


  • Internationalisation v. localisation of Human Rights
  • Globalization and Labour rights
  • Environment protection and international law
  • International trade and sustainable development
  • E-commerce regulations under International and national laws
  • Regionalism v. Multilateralism in International trade regime
  • Globalization and investment law
  • International law and Competition law
  • International trade and Maritime law
  • International Group of P&I Clubs and Global maritime regulation
  • Data protection, cyber security and privacy
  • International law and sui generis legislations on Intellectual property law
  • International law and Public health
  • Intellectual Property law and contemporary issues
  • Sub orbital flights and delimitation of airspace and outer space issue
  • Space tourism and Registration and Liability Issues
  • Issues in Aviation law, including passenger liability, product liability, airworthiness etc.
  • Space debris and environmental protection


The conference is open to undergraduate/postgraduate students, Ph.D. Scholars and Academicians/Professionals. Interested persons can also attend the Conference, without a paper presentation.

Mode of the Conference

Virtual/ Online through Zoom Cloud Meet

Publication Opportunity

Original unpublished Research Papers/Articles and Case studies will be selected after at plagiarism check permissible upto 10% of a Turnitin report.

The abstract and full paper will undergo double-blind peer review process by the expert review committee before selection.

Out of the presented papers, a list of selected papers on a competitive basis will be published (publication charges apply) in a book with an ISBN numbers.

Submission Guidelines

  • Paper Title
  • Author particulars- Name, designation, institution of Affiliation, address of correspondence with email and phone number in a separate document.
  • Abstract should not exceed 200 words and should be in italics.
  • It should mention around 3 to 6 keywords.
  • Full paper should not exceed 5000 words.
  • References should be in 20th edition Harvard Blue book
  • Book submission should be made in MS Office Word format.
  • Font-“Times New Roman”, Font size –“12pt”, Line space-“1.5”
  • Abstract shall be submitted here.

Registration Details

  • Registration Fee for Paper Presentation
    • For Academicians/professionals: Rs. 1000
    • For Research scholars: Rs.750
    • For UG and PG Students: Rs. 500
  • In case of co-authorship, both the participants have to pay and register separately .
  • Registration fee for participants
    • For Academicians/NGO/other professionals: Rs. 500
    • For Research scholars: Rs. 300
    • For UG and PG Students: Rs. 200
  • Zoom link for the conference will be provided after the payment of the registration fees.
  • Register on link – https://vitchennaievents.com/conf1/

Important Dates

  • Last date for submission of Abstract: April 6, 2022
  • Confirmation of Abstract: April 8, 2022
  • Last date for registration: April 20, 2022
  • Submission of Full Paper: April 20, 2022
  • Conference Date: April 22 and 23, 2022


Contact details

  • For queries, write at vitsol.intconf22@vit.ac.in
  • Enquiries about Registration and Participation, contact:
    • Prof. Aswathy Sukumaran – 9497277729
    • Ms. Aparajitha Ramesh – 9551286673
  • Enquiries about Abstract Submission, contact:
    • Prof. Ankit Kumar Padhy – 9407910104
    • Mr. Ragul O.V.- 8610303302

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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About the Conference

NLISU Bangalore, Mar GregorioInternational Conference and workshops College of Law (MGCL), and Clean Kerala Company Ltd (CKCL) are jointly organizing an International Conference and Workshop on the topic, ‘Legal and ethical challenges for effective waste management and recycling in the post-pandemic world’ on April 23, 2022.

The conference will be held in connection with World Earth Day (April 24, 2022) on April 23. As the theme for this year states, Invest in Our Planet the conference aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Waste Management and recycling.

It also provides a premier platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Waste Management.

Call for Papers

The conference also provides a premier platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Waste Management.

Themes for Paper Presentation

Following are the thematic areas spread in various sessions, the themes are purely indicative in nature

  • Solid waste management
  • Industrial waste management
  • Plastic waste management
  • E waste management
  • Hazardous waste management
  • Recycling and upcycling
  • Sludge management
  • Waste avoidance and minimization
  • Waste governance, regulations and policies
  • Socio- environmental impact of waste management
  • Bio energy and bio fuels
  • Waste water management

Who shall Attend?

Academicians, legal practitioners, research scholars, law students, Environmentalists, Activists and others may participate in the Seminar.

Submission Guidelines

  • Format: All submissions must be in the Microsoft word Format with a one-inch margin on all sides.
  • Font: The text must be in Times New Roman with font size 12 and line spacing of 1.5.
  • Footnotes: Footnotes must be in Times New Roman, font size 10 with single line spacing
  • Citation Style: Bluebook 20th Edition style of citation should be followed throughout.
  • Word Limit: 4000-6000 words (excluding footnotes).
  • Font for Title of the Paper: Times New Roman Font, Size 14
  • Submissions: The author’s name should be mentioned in Times New Roman Font, size 12, along with designation and name of the institution and contact details.
  • Language: Research Papers should be written in the English Language.
  • Publication of paper: Selected papers will be published.

Participation Fees

  • Registration with paper presentation: ₹500, Co-authors should register separately
  • Registration without a paper presentation: ₹350

How to Register?

 Participants can register after payment of the registration fee. Only registered participants will receive a certificate.

Click on the link given to register- https://forms.gle/ZAjVeyGt6qsns2HL8

Click here to make the payment of participation fees. 

How to Submit?

Sent your submissions to icwm@mgcl.ac.in

Important Dates

  • Last date to register: April 20, 2022
  • Last date for abstract submission: April 15, 2022
  • Date of Conference & Paper Presentation: April 23, 2022
  • Final submission: Will be informed after the conference

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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About the Organiser

The ICFAI Law School is a segment of the ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education, Hyderabad and recognized by the Bar Council of India.

About the Conference/Seminar

Two Day Virtual/Blended Conference on “Blustery Cyber Space: An Era of Dataveillance” is a proposition initiated under the auspices of Centre for Excellence in Cyber Law and Data Protection Law, ICFAI Law School, IFHE, Hyderabad for the organization of a two-day International Conference in this broad field which has international ramifications.

Data Privacy and Data Security in India are the most challenging problems in the contemporary period of Information Technology. It has paved the way for many unexplored and untapped issues on the horizon of Data Privacy and Data Protection resulting in cybercrimes and dominance of virtual reality that has not been envisaged or fathomed out by our conventional legal norms.

These issues have drawn attention to National and International portals with an upsurge of modern technology.

The present conference aims to create awareness about the Cyber Laws, Data Privacy, and Data Security issues and challenges of cyber-crimes and cyber security among individuals, society, banking and financial organizations, and the students.


This Conference is intended to provide a platform for academicians, lawyers, corporate personalities, and scholars across the country and abroad to share their research work.

Mode of Conference


Themes and Sub-themes

  • Digital Evolutions and Innovations
    1. Expansion of Cyberspace
    2. Artificial Intelligence: the Virtual Assistant
    3. Cloud Migration: Boon or Bane
    4. Online Education and its Challenges
    5. Digital Innovations and Society
  • Digital Innovations and Society
    1. Anatomy of IT Rules, 2021
    2. Social Media and Infringement of Privacy
    3. Crimes and Cyberspace
    4. Right to Erasure and Right to be Forgotten
    5. Role of AI in Social Media
  • Digital Metamorphosis: Big Data and Privacy
    1. Role of Big Data in Digital Development
    2. Big Data and Issues in Cyber Space
    3. Big Data and Data Security Governance
    4. Data Mining and Right to Privacy
    5. Dataveillance and Right to Privacy
  • E-Commerce, Cross-Border data and Security
    1. Cross-Border Data and Digital Economy
    2. Privacy of Online Consumers in Cyberspace
    3. Threat and Vulnerabilities impacting Digital Economy
    4. Consumer Protection Policies in Digital Age
    5. Cross-Border Data Security: Standard Contractual Clauses and Binding Corporate Rules
  • Expostulation of Digital Security
    1. Role of UN in maintaining Peace and Security in Cyberspace
    2. Anatomy of GDPR, CCPA, and Indian Data Protection Laws
    3. Role of Indian Laws to provide Data Protection
    4. Digital Awareness in India
    5. Jurisdictional Issues for Borderless Crimes

Formatting Guidelines

  1. The submission must be word-processed and in Times New Roman. The main text should be in font size 12 and footnotes in font size 10, line spacing 1.5 and the text should be justified.
  2. A one-line gap must be maintained between all paragraphs and headings. Heading levels should be clearly indicated.
  3. All hyperlinks must be in black colour and must not be underlined.
  4. Figures and images if included should be submitted in a separate file along with the manuscript in word format (.doc). Images and figures taken from external sources should be adequately captioned; sources acknowledged and should be of high resolution.

Submission Guidelines

  • Abstract Submission:
    1. Authors may initially submit an abstract of not less than 300 words. Maximum five key words are to be provided along with the abstract. Abstracts may be submitted through the mail to centexcellcyberlaw@ifheindia.org by April 15, 2022.
    2. Acceptance of abstracts shall be communicated through e-mail by April 25, 2022.
  • Full Paper Submission:
    • For the accepted entries, the authors shall submit complete paper as per the following guidelines by May 20, 2022.
  • All communication through the mail be addressed to centexcellcyberlaw@ifheindia.org.

Registration Details

  • Registration Fee
    • Academicians/Professionals: 1000 INR
    • Students and Research Scholars: 750 INR
  • Registration Process
    • Make the payment through NEFT/RTGS/IMPS
    • Save the receipt of payment in PDF or image format
    • Fill the registration form through the link provided and upload the receipt of payment in the form itself.

Important Dates

  1. Last Date for Abstract Submission: April 15, 2022
  2. Intimation of Acceptance: April 25, 2022
  3. Last Date for Registration and Payment: April 25, 2022
  4. Last Date for Full Paper Submission: May 20, 2022
  5. Paper presentation: June 10 & 11, 2022

Contact details

  1. Coordinator: Dr. Mohammed Akbar Khan
  2. Co-coordinator: Rakesh Suryadevara, rakeshsuryadevara@ifheindia.org, 7702263666.
  3. Co-coordinator: Dr. Ritu Chhabra, rituchhabra@ifheindia.org, 9315604772.

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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