School of legal studies, CENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF PUNJAB is making a call for chapters of a book chapter on Legal Dimensions of Waste Management for Sustainable Development.


The proposed book will focus on chapters on all legal dimensions of waste management for sustainable development. The new book will explore the cutting edge art of sustainability on the latest green methods for waste management, current judicial approaches, and current research problems with solid waste management systems.


Researchers and academicians are invited to contribute innovative ideas and laws for waste management related to domestic and international waste in chapters.


  1. Legal dimensions of waste management
  2. Municipal solid waste management system
  3. Organic solid waste management system
  4. Household solid waste management system
  5. Construction and demolition waste management
  6. Industrial solid waste management
  7. Agricultural solid waste management
  8. Hazardous chemicals and laws


  1. All manuscripts must be in times new roman (12) in 1.5 spacing with at least 1-inch margins on each side
  2. COVER PAGE: Title of the paper, name, address, email
  3. Abstract not exceeding 200 words
  4. The references and citations must conform to the ILI rules of footnoting available
  5. The total length of the chapter should be 4000 words
  6. Mention the corresponding author’s email
  7. Chapters should contain research with adequate references
  8. Must be original and unpublished work


Contributors may submit the chapters to the editors DR. RAJ KUMAR YADAV, Assistant professor,


There will be no publication charge for the contribution of the book chapter, and the book will be released in OCTOBER 2022.


  1. Submission deadline: July 31, 2022
  2. Proposal acceptance notification: August 12, 2022
  3. Revised submission deadline: August 31, 2022


In case of any queries, write at or +919466602200.

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GNLU CENTRE FOR LAW AND SOCIETY is organising International Conference on Building Social Entrepreneurial Ecosystem for a MORE SUSTAINABLE AND RESILIENT SOCIETY at GNLU CAMPUS from July 29 -30, 2022


The second international conference on Building Social Entrepreneurial Ecosystem for a MORE SUSTAINABLE AND RESILIENT SOCIETY is jointly organised by GNLU Centre for law and society and GUJCOST – GNLU Centre for excellence in intellectual property rights. The council is sponsored by the ICSSR and the GNLU Incubation Council. knowledge partners including TISS, EDIT, and Baroda University. Madras School of Social Work.


Building Social Entrepreneurial Ecosystem for a MORE SUSTAINABLE AND RESILIENT SOCIETY


  1. Social Entrepreneurship: Theory and practice
  2. Social Entrepreneurship Intentions and perspectives
  3. Mapping Social Entrepreneurship Ecosystem and business models
  4. Social Entrepreneurship Education and capacity building
  5. The role of universities and incubators
  6. Striking balance between social value creation and resiliency
  7. Innovations and intellectual property right
  8. This paradigm shift in curriculum design



  1. Not exceeding the word limit of 300 words
  2. Must be in word document\
  3. Font size: 12, Times new roman single line spacing and four keywords
  4. Must include methodology, keywords results, originality


  1. Submit original papers only
  2. Use times new roman for the entire manuscript
  3. Word limit: 5000 words
  4. Title of paper with 14 and centre text with bold
  5. Abstracts 12 in italics in 200 words
  6. Keywords: 4 to 6
  7. All headings with font size 13 in bold
  8. All sub-headings with font size 12 in bold
  9. Body text or running text in 12 unbold
  10. Conclusion or summary in 12 un bold within 200 words
  11. References: APA FORMAT
  12. Graphs figures properly cited in the text
  13. Tables are properly placed and cited in the text
  14. Copyright issues must be taken care of


  1. For students: INR 500
  2. For research scholars: INR 500
  3. For academicians or practitioners: INR 800




The best paper award will be awarded for each track


Opportunities to get published in the book with ISBN no is available


  1. Last dates of submission of abstracts: June 15, 2022
  2. Notification of acceptance or rejection of abstract: June 20, 2022
  3. Last date for submission of the full paper with registration fee: July 10, 2022


In case of any queries you may mail on or contact Dr. Ambati Nageswara Rao on +919898332217

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About the Journal

The Sharda Law Review is a Bi-Annual Double peer-reviewed Law journal published by the School of Law – Sharda University, Greater Noida.

The Inaugural Edition of the Journal consists of Editors of the highest repute and shall be launched by legal luminaries and dignitaries. It will be published within 30 days.

Call for Papers

The Sharda Law Review is now inviting submissions for its Journal’s Volume-2, Issue-I [ISSN: 2582-2476]


Any appropriate theme related to the socio-legal aspect is acceptable.


Submissions can be made under the following categories:

  • Long Articles (4000-8000 words*): The article must be a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of a contemporary issue in arbitration law and should include references to a range of sources and contributions in the form of alternatives and suggestions.
  • Short Articles (2000-4000 words*): The article must be an analysis of a contemporary issue in arbitration law and should include a reference to a range of sources and contributions in the form of alternatives and suggestions.
  • Case Comments (1500-4000 words*): The comment must be an analysis of a recent judgment, bringing out its relevance in light of the development of arbitration law, views expressed in the judgment, and the opinion(s) of the author.
  • Book Reviews (1000-3000 words*): The review must be a crisp account of a recently published book on arbitration, including the issues explored and related arguments of the author.
  • The word limit is exclusive of footnotes and abstract. The prescribed word limit may be relaxed up to 10%, at the discretion of the Editorial Board.

Submission Guidelines

  • Submissions are accepted only in the English language.
  • All articles must be accompanied by an abstract not exceeding 300 words. Case Comments and Book Reviews do not need to be accompanied by abstracts.
  • The abstract must expressly include the novelty and usefulness of the idea that the author wishes to put forth and must categorically mention the specific contribution of the article beyond the existing available literature.
  • Co-authorship (with no cap on authors) is permitted for all articles.
  • The manuscript should not contain any references to the identity of the authors. However, authors are allowed to cite their previous published work.
  • The body of the manuscript should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 12, and 1.5-line spacing.
  • The footnotes should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 10, and single line spacing.
  • The citations must conform to the style of ILI Citation rules (
  • Manuscripts should only use footnotes as a means of citation. No other method of citation is permitted.
  • Substantive footnotes are permissible.

How to Submit?

  • Manuscript must be sent in MS Word (.docx) format to the email[a]
  • The subject of the email should be “Submission for SLR Volume-2, Issue-I <Title of the manuscript> <Name of the author>”.
  • The submissions must be sent latest by May 31, 2022 for Vol. 2 Issue 1.
  • The submission should be accompanied by a Covering Letter, which must include the following details:
    • Name of Author(s)
    • Contact Details (Address and Mobile No.)
    • Institutional Affiliations (if any)
    • Academic Qualifications
  • Registration Fee: No registration, submission or publication charges.

Submission Deadline

May 31, 2022 for Volume 2 Issue 1

Contact details

Mail at:

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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About the Institution

Stanford University, officially Leland Stanford Junior University, is a private research university located in the census-designated place of Stanford, California, near the city of Palo Alto.

About JBLP

The Stanford Journal of Blockchain Law & Policy is the first law journal to publish in the greater blockchain technology space. It features Articles (peer-reviewed), Essays, and Comments. 

Edited by Stanford University-affiliated academics and practitioners based out of the Stanford CodeX Blockchain Group and part of the Stanford Center for Blockchain Research, JBLP fills a critical need in the field for a neutral, disinterested, and reputable platform to publish high-quality content and to advance the discourse.


Their scope spans (but is not limited to) the legal aspects of blockchains and cryptocurrencies, regulatory and policy ramifications, governance, and the future of decentralization.

Submission Guidelines

  • They accept Articles (10,000+ words), Essays (up to 10,000 words), and Comments (under 3,000 words). 
  • Only Articles undergo peer review. 
  • The Journal’s print version is published twice a year in the spring and fall and is preceded by the online publication of the same content in the winter and summer.
  • Submissions are accepted year-round. 
  • They need not focus exclusively on blockchain law & policy but at a minimum must include significant coverage.
  • Citations must conform to the most recent edition of The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation.

How to Submit?

Submit your manuscript in Microsoft Word format via either (1) Scholastica, or (2) email to Please include a CV/resume.

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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About JFSL

The Jindal Forum for Space Law envisages fostering an interest in space law, along with alumni, faculty, and professionals in space law and related fields.

The Forum’s aim is to create a space for students to create and publish content in the field of space law. As an initiative in an esteemed Indian University, JFSL wishes to contribute to the academic discourse on Indian Space law, considering the competitive environment for all space-faring nations. Additionally, the team aims to contribute to creating a national space policy and increase discussions around private investment and participation in space exploration.

Themes for Blogs

JFSL invites submissions on any subject matter related to and limited to Outer Space Law. The following is an indicative list of permitted areas of submission:

  •  National and International Space Policies.
  • International Law of Outer Space including, Treaties, Bilateral Agreements etc.
  •  Municipal Laws related to Outer Space
  • Outer Space Agencies and Bodies – International and Regional

Guideline for Submissions

  • Co-authorship: Co-authorship of up to 2 authors is permitted.
  • The articles submitted must adhere to a word limit between 800-1500 words and should be analytical in nature. JFSL is flexible on the word count depending on the quality of the submission.
  •  References must be hyperlinked within the text of the article with credible online sources. Endnotes/Bibliography (OSCOLA or Bluebook) to be used in case of unavailability of online sources.
  •  Posts will be considered for publication based on various factors including relevance, quality, structure, logic and writing style.
  • Each submission must include 3-5 relevant keywords.

Formatting Guidelines

The article shall be in:

  • Font: Times New Roman
  •  Font Size: 12
  •  Line Spacing: 1.5
  •  Style: Normal
  • Alignment: Justified
  • File Name: Topic_Author Name.docx
  •  The title of the Article should be equal to or less than 100 characters
  • Abbreviations of any defined terms used shall be placed inside (parenthesis) at the first occurrence in the manner specified. For Example, Outer Space Treaty (“OST”)
  • Direct quotations from any judgment or order should be italicized and placed inside “double quotes”.

How to Submit?

  • The article should be submitted in both Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx) and PDF format to ‘
  • The manuscript should not contain the name of the author or their institutional affiliation or any other identification mark
  • The following details of the author(s) must be mentioned in the body of the email

i. Full Name

ii. Year of Study (if applicable)

iii. Institution/Organisation of Affiliation (if applicable)

iv. Email ID

v. Mobile Number

Submission guidelines

Contact Information


Whatsapp: +91 991062944.

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About MNLU Nagpur

Maharashtra National Law University (MNLU), Nagpur was established by the Government of Maharashtra in 2014. It is a residential University engaged in promoting quality legal education and conducting research on thriving issues of law, social science, and humanities.

The university is presently offering B.A.LL.B.(Hons.) Five-Year Integrated Degree Course, B.A.LL.B. (Hons. in Adjudication and Justicing) Five-Year Integrated Degree Course, LL.M. One-Year Postgraduate Degree Course, Ph.D. in interface with the law and legal issues, besides Diploma and Certificate Courses.

While it has strong student-centric goals, it also focuses extensively on the all-round development of its bright and diligent faculty members, motivating them to attain new heights.

In order to realize this holistic vision and keep in view the spirit of the Constitution, the University strives for excellence, through its centres established for advanced legal studies, research, and advocacy to address socio-legal issues and challenges.

About Centre for Energy and Telecommunication

The Centre for Energy and Telecommunication Laws (CETL) was established as one of the Centres of Excellence by Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur in the year 2018. Since its inception, the Centre has been engaged in intensive and extensive research on important contemporary issues in the field of Energy and Telecommunication Laws.

The Centre has submitted suggestions for the proposed Amendment to Electricity Act, 2003, and has also proposed some additional changes in the form of a separate Draft Bill to the Ministry of Power, Government of India. 

It endeavours to offer academic contributions to energy and telecommunication policy-making by publishing reports, journals, books, and newsletters.

About the Seminar

Energy is the modern-day fuel of every nation. Energy Sector contributes significantly to the growth of every country. With the advent of environmental challenges, the need for a strong energy policy and strategic framework is a matter of urgency. The challenges encountered by the sector are pervasive and affect everyone.

Apart from meeting energy demands, energy policy serves varied purposes. These include not jeopardizing a nation’s or community’s ability to act freely in international affairs; reducing vulnerability to dependence and potentially devastating embargoes; maximizing the use of national and regional resources; avoiding intolerable import spending; and ensuring essential economic, monetary, and social equilibrium and ensuring access to energy at a micro-level.

Through the platform of this colloquium, we strive to enable a discourse that invites perspectives from multitudes so that a comprehensive way forward can prevail. 

The Centre for Energy and Telecommunication Laws of Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur is intending to provide a platform for the intellectual discourse by organizing the International Energy Law Colloquium – 2022.

This colloquium poses to visit upcoming challenges in the area of Energy Laws furthermore, to discover and explore suggestions to overcome these problems. 

With this objective in mind, the colloquium will be divided into the following themes:

  • Electricity Sector
  • Oil and Gas Sector
  • Nuclear and Atomic Energy
  • Renewable and Clean Energy

Themes & Sub-themes of the Colloquium

Papers are invited on any of the following sub-themes:

  • Electricity Sector
    • Electricity Amendment Bill (2021): A call for reform?
    • Lacunae in the Regulatory Framework of Energy Laws
    • Settlement of Disputes in the Electricity Sector
    • Power Theft in India
    • Consumer Protection in the Electricity sector
    • Captive Power Plant 
    • Open Access
    • Standard of Performance
    • Revamped Distribution Schemes
  • Oil and Gas Sector
    • Licensing Policy in India 
    • The way from NELP to HELP
    • Issues and Challenges in the Oil and Gas Sector
    • Dispute Resolution in the Oil and Gas Sector
    • Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board and its functions
  • Nuclear and Atomic Energy 
    • Quandary of Nuclear Energy Legislation in a war-prone world
    • Cross-Border Energy Agreements: The Way Forward
    • The Future of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle
    • Role of WTO in securing Energy Security
    • The Future of Nuclear Energy in a Carbon-Constrained World 
  • Renewable and Clean Energy
    • Role of Law in Sustainable Energy Goals
    • Draft Renewable Energy Act, 2015
    • Commitments and Policy Directives of Renewable Energy in India
    • Renewable energy development strategy
    • Biofuels and Renewable Energy
    • Renewable Energy v. Fossil Fuel Energy

These sub-themes are only suggestive areas and are not exhaustive. Papers that are not covered under the above-mentioned sub-themes but have relevance in the thrust area of the colloquium may also be submitted.


The Centre for Energy and Telecommunication Laws, MNLU is making a call for papers from Academicians, Professionals, Advocates/Practitioners, Research Scholars, and Students, to be presented at the International Energy Law Colloquium, 2022. 

Guidelines for Abstract Submissions

  • An abstract of about 300 words should be sent as an attachment in a word file. Abstracts will be peer-reviewed before acceptance. 
  • The following information, in the given format, should be sent along with the Abstract:
    • Name of the Participant
    • Official Designation/Institutional Affiliation
    • Address and Email ID
    • Title of Abstract
    • Mobile No.

The abstract must be submitted to the following link given latest by May 16, 2022

Guidelines for Paper Submission

  • The title of the paper should be followed by the Name, Designation, Name of the Organization/University/Institution, and Email address of the author(s). It is mandatory to mention Email addresses, as all future correspondence will be done through it.
  • Co-authorship is allowed subject to a maximum of two authors. However, only one author will be allowed to present the paper at the Colloquium. Paper Presentation Certificates will be issued to both authors.
  • All the contributions should be the original work of the contributors and should not have been submitted for consideration in any other Publication. Any plagiarized work will be out-rightly rejected. 
  • Registration is mandatory for confirmation of participation. 
  • Only registered participants will be allowed to take part in the Colloquium. 
  • Submission of research paper amounts to consent to such publication and transfer of copyright to Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur, and thereby, consent to edit the paper as may be required. The author(s) shall cooperate with the editor, in respect of such editing.
  • The paper must be submitted latest by June 25, 2022.

Publication Opportunity

All the final submissions shall be subjected to blind peer review and plagiarism check, subsequent to which the selected papers will be considered for publication in a special issue of Contemporary Law Review (CLR), a UGC-CARE listed journal.

CLR provides a platform for cutting-edge research into socio-legal issues, healthy dialogue, and exchange of ideas, identification of issues and challenges, and formulation of creative and pragmatic solutions.

Editorial Guidelines for Paper Submission

  • The abstracts will be peer-reviewed by the organizing committee and only shortlisted abstracts will be invited to submit final papers. The final paper must be submitted after the intimation of acceptance of the abstract. The final submission shall be concluded within the prescribed deadline. 
  • No abstract or full paper shall be accepted after the last dates of submission, respectively. 
  • Participants/Paper Presenters have to register after the acceptance of the abstract with payment of required fees. The proof of payment shall be asked for while paper submission. 
  • The full paper should be prepared in:
    • The MS Word format; 
    • Font: Times New Roman, 
    • Title of the paper: Font 14, Subtitles: Font 13, Body text: Font 12; 
    • Spacing: 1.5 lines; and 
    • not exceeding 6000 words (excluding footnotes). Exceeding the word limit may lead to the rejection of papers.
  • The citation should strictly conform to the rules in The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (20th Edition).
  • All the registered participants will be provided with participation certificates but, the organizer reserves the right to choose the quality papers for presentation.

Rules for Paper Presentation

  • No abstract or full paper shall be accepted after the last date of submission respectively; 
  • Participants/Paper Presenters have to register after the acceptance of the abstract with payment of required fees; 
  • For participation, registration is mandatory for confirmation of participation. Only registered participants will be allowed to take part in Conference; 
  • All the registered participants will be provided with a participation certificate; 
  • The event will be hosted through Cisco-Webex; 
  • Technical Session will be organized through CiscoWebex; and
  • However, if the author(s) are not present during their paper presentation, they will not be awarded any certificate. 

Registration Procedure

All the participants shall register themselves at the link latest by July 07, 2022

Registration Fees:

  • Students and Research Scholar: INR 500                     
  • Faculty/Professional/Other: INR 750
  • For co-authorship, each author must pay:
    • INR 300 (Students and Research Scholar)
    • INR 400 (Faculty/Professional/Others)

Note: This fee is only applicable to participants whose papers are selected and who will be presenting their papers. For those who only wish to participate without publication or presentation, the registration is free. However, they must necessarily register themselves in order to receive the certificate. 


Two Best Paper Awards will be presented to the author(s) (one in each session) whose work represents ground-breaking research in their respective areas. The decision criterion will consider both the research paper’s quality and its presentation. 

Winner: INR 5,000 (each)

Important Dates

  • Submission of Abstract: May 16, 2022
  • Confirmation of Abstract: May 25, 2022t
  • Submission of paper in proposed form: June 25, 2022
  • Last date of registration: July 07, 2022
  • Colloquium: July 16, 2022
  • Publication of Selected Paper: December, 2022 (tentatively)

Payment of Fees


Contact details

  • Mr. Omkar Upadhyay (+91-8602680821)
  • Mr. Saharshrarchi Uma Pandey (+91-9575191035)
  • Mr. Rishabh Shukla (+91-7355081872)

For any queries, write at

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About the Organizers

The Asian Criminological Society (ACS) was established in 2009 in Macau with the following objectives:

  • to promote the study of criminology and criminal justice across Asia;
  • to enhance co-operation in the fields of criminology and criminal justice by scholars and practitioners;
  • to encourage communication between criminologists and criminal justice practitioners in Asia and the world through publications and conferences; and finally,
  • to foster training and research in criminology and criminal justice in institutions of learning, and in criminal justice agencies.

Gujarat National Law University (GNLU) is a statutory University established by the Government of Gujarat under the Gujarat National Law University Act, 2003. The University is recognized by the Bar Council of India and the UGC.

About the Conference

The epoch-making changes in various technologies, particularly information and communication technologies (ICT) have left its indelible mark on almost all facets of society and criminal justice systems are no exception. The emerging discourse on the interface of cutting-edge ICT and the existing criminal justice systems range from essentialism to situations where technology adds substantial value to the criminal justice processes – from supporting to replacing human discretion in the justice dispensation chain. 

We no longer refer to technology per se; instead, we have come to recognize a combination of disruptive technologies. The first is Artificial Intelligence (AI) which encompasses machine learning and intelligent cybernetics.

Second is the Internet of Things (IoT) that has enabled establishing the digital identity of not just all living beings on the planet apart from various inanimate participants in digital processes.

The third is blockchain technology which has a rich collection of applications that are already disrupting evidence systems, particularly in accounting and logistics by introducing new concepts of authenticity, using crypto primitives.  

Alongside disruptive technologies, researchers are now looking at two waves of disruption to legal systems that are triggered by the need to relate the existing criminal justice systems to the compelling changes ushered in by disruptive technologies. Brownsword’s seminal work on this subject clearly indicates the power of these two disruptive waves hitting the coast of the existing legal system.

The first wave drives us to examine if the existing laws have lost their fitness-for-purpose in the context of the inroads made by technologies in general; not just ICT. The second wave is more about the ways in which technologies can be harnessed by the criminal justice dispensation system to add value, resulting in a better dispensation of justice.  

This conference will address two key questions emanating from the interface of laws and technology, in the context of harnessing technology to improve the criminal justice process. First will be areas where the existing laws are seen as being out-of-sync with contemporary technologies. Second, technology can be used to play a significant role in the criminal justice process; particularly in policing.


The conference will be conducted from July 20th 2022 to July 23rd, 2022 at Gujarat International Finance tec-City (GIFT City), Gandhinagar, Gujarat. The conference will be held in offline mode for all Indian delegates (above the age of 30), Indian students/full-time research scholars (under the age of 30 years), Indian students/full-time research scholars (under the age of 30 years) and Foreign students/full-time research scholars (under the age of 30 years).

However, considering the presence of the pandemic and international travel restrictions, the conference shall be in Hybrid mode for foreign delegates (above the age of 30). Any changes in the mode of the conference will be intimated in due course of time.

The deadline for abstract submission has been extended further to May 10, 2022 and the submission of the final paper can be done on or before May 31, 2022. The deadline for payment of registration fees and registration for the conference has been extended to May 20, 2022.

Who can Attend?

This conference is aimed at educators, researchers, academicians and practitioners in the area of Criminology, Victimology, Law, Sociology, Information Technology,  and allied sciences, from Criminal Justice Professionals, NGO practitioners, and from experts in the fields of cyber-crimes, information security and digital forensics.

The conference will have a balance of lectures and presentations from the academic as well as the practitioners’ perspective and will have renowned speakers.

It is aimed at creating a platform for a healthy exchange, debate and development of ideas and emerging issues in the area of Law and Technology, Criminal Justice and Public Policy.

Call for Submissions

Research Papers on the above theme and sub-themes are invited from faculties, researchers and students in the fields of Criminology, Victimology, Law, Sociology, Information Technology,  and allied sciences, from Criminal Justice Professionals, NGO practitioners, and from experts in the fields of cyber-crimes, information security and digital forensics.

An abstract of the papers to be presented with not more than 300 words should be submitted on or before March 31, 2022. After the acceptance of the abstract, the full paper should be submitted on or before April 30, 2022. The abstract and the full papers should be sent to

ACS Student Best Paper Award

  • ACS Student Best Paper Awards will be given for the 2 best research papers submitted by the students and the research scholars of Criminology, Law and related subjects.
  • The age limit for submission under this category is below 30 years on or before April 30, 2022.
  • The papers should be an outcome of an empirical research study conducted relating to the theme and sub-themes of the conferences in the last five years.
  • The papers under this category should be sent to

Publication and Certificate

  • Selected peer-reviewed papers will be published in a book with ISBN, subject to the review committee’s approval set up by the Organising Committee. The organising committee’s decision will be final in case of any dispute/discrepancy.
  • The Certificate of Presentation will be issued to the author(s) who will remain present on all the conference days.
  • For the Certificate of Presentation, the author(s) must present their Research Paper before the technical session chair(s). Certificate of Participation will also be issued to all the participants. Certificates will be distributed after the valedictory session.

Paper Submission Guidelines


  • The participants are requested to submit an abstract of a maximum 300 words in Microsoft Word document, Font style – (Italic- sized) Times New Roman, Font Size – 12, line spacing – Single.
  • The abstract may include a maximum of 4 keywords.
  • The abstract must include a clear indication of the objectives, methodology, major results, implications, and key references.
  • All abstracts will be subject to blind review and only those abstracts approved by the reviewers will be selected to submit their complete paper for the final presentation. The criteria for evaluation by the reviewers are based on Relevance, Methodology and Originality.

Submission Guidelines

The authors whose abstracts are selected have to pay the registration fees by May 20, 2022 (for details about registration and fees refer to “REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT DETAILS”. The soft copy of the final research paper must be submitted in .doc/.docx and .pdf format to by 11:59 PM, May 31, 2022, with the subject “Research Paper Submission”.

The body of email should contain the following details:

  • Title of paper and the relevant sub-theme
  • Name of the author(s)
  • Author affiliation
  • Brief bio-data of the author(s)

Authors must adhere to the formatting guidelines mentioned in the Brochure. 


  • There is no restriction on the number of co-authors. All such authors and co-author(s) will have to mandatorily and separately register themselves by paying the requisite registration fees.
  • At least one person amongst the author or co-authors has to be present for presenting the paper. Only those who are submitting the full paper can attend the conference and present their paper.

Important Dates

  • Submission of Abstract: May 10, 2022
  • Payment of Registration Fee and Registration: May 20, 2022
  • Submission of Final Paper: May 31, 2022
  • Dates of Conference and Paper Presentation: July 20-23, 2022

How to Register?

All the delegates should register for the conference online or offline in the proposed format provided by filling the Google Form through the link-

Note: Registration is mandatory before submission of the Final Research Paper. Further, no registration is required for submitting abstracts.

Registration Fee

(To be paid not later than May 20, 2022)

Foreign Participants

  • Foreign Delegates (above the age of 30): 200 USD (with accommodation for 4 nights).
  • Foreign Delegates (above the age of 30): 100 USD (without Accommodation or online participation).
  • Foreign student/full-time research scholar (under the age of 30 years): 150 USD (with accommodation for 4 nights).
  • Foreign student/full-time research scholar (under the age of 30 years): 50 USD (without Accommodation).

Indian Participants

  • Indian Delegates (above the age of 30): 6000 INR (with accommodation for 4 nights).
  • Indian Delegates (above the age of 30): 4500 INR (without accommodation).
  • Indian student/full-time research scholars (under the age of 30 years): 4000 INR (with Accommodation for 4 nights).
  • 4. Indian student/full-time research scholars (under the age of 30 years): 2500 INR (without accommodation).


Contact details

In case of any queries, write to or contact:

Ms. Ashika Jain, Student Co-Convenor, Contact Number: +91-9637412755.

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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About the Kerala Law Academy Law College   

The Kerala Law Academy Law College (KLA), established in 1966 is a Centre for legal studies, legal research and law reforms. Its acclaimed peer-reviewed Research Journal is published continuously since 1977.

The College, affiliated to the University of Kerala, offers Undergraduate programs in BA LL.B. and B. Com LL.B. five-year integrated courses, LLB Unitary three-year course and Post-Graduate courses of LL.M (Administrative Law), LL.M (International Law) and MBL (Master of Business Law).  

About the Seminar  

Kerala Law Academy Law College in association with Centre for Advanced Legal Studies and  Research (CALSAR) is organizing a One Day International Seminar on Family Laws, Changing Perspectives Contemporary Challenges And Solutions, via virtual mode on  May 28, 2022 from the Kerala Law Academy Campus, Peroorkada, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.

‘Nigussie Afesha’, Associate Professor, Hawassa University, School of law Hawassa, Ethiopia is our Chief Guest of this International Seminar.

Call for Papers  

The Organizing Committee is calling for Research Articles from Law Students, Academicians, Lawyers, Social Workers, Policy Makers, and Officials from various Departments- Representatives from Institutions and Professionals; NGO, Social Activists, Social Science Researchers and Faculty and Research Scholars. 

This Seminar will attempt to explore the different aspects of Family Law as it plays a crucial role in our society.

The purpose of the Seminar is to discuss changing perspectives regarding Family Laws. The Seminar will also discuss certain challenges faced by different Family Laws, and what are the solutions to overcome those challenges.

The Seminar will try to address on how family law can be reimagined to not merely accommodate diversity but fulfill the needs and secure the rights of the individuals and communities it is applicable to.


The Seminar is conducted through the online platform ZOOM. All the participants should have good access to the internet and be able to access the above said online platform.


  1. Changing perspectives on personal laws.
  2. Reforms in Muslim laws.
  3. Special Marriage Act and Its Impact on Family Issues.
  4. Family Relation in human rights perspective National & International.
  5. S. 89 of CPC and its implications.
  6. Resolution of family dispute by ADR system.
  7. Prevalence of Technology in ADR
  8. Future Scope of technology in ADR.
  9. ADR and Artificial Intelligence
  10. Role of technology in ADR Post Covid-19 ERA
  11. Role of Technology in International Dispute Resolution
  12. Effects of Social Media in Dispute Resolution
  13. Challenges in Resolving pending cases in family courts.
  14. Recent trend in settlement of dispute in family cases.
  15. Loopholes in personal laws.
  16. Legitimacy of Children
  17. Property Rights- (i) Inheritance and Succession, (ii) Matrimonial
  18. Maintenance of Children, Parents & Wife
  19. Guardianship:  Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Jew, Parsi, etc.
  20. Divorce Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Jew, Parsi, etc.
  21. Marriages: Lesbian, Gay & Live-in Relationship, etc.
  22. Artificial Reproduction Techniques- Surrogacy, Artificial Insemination, In-Vitro Fertilization, Test Tube
  23. International conventions related to private international law.
  24. Correlation between Family Law and Criminal Laws.
  25. Family and Corporate Social Responsibility.
  26. International conventions related to Private International Laws.
  27. Efficacy of Family Court.
  28. Family courts Act and its functions.
  29. Uniform Civil Code
  30. Adoption of Family-HRM Policies.
  31. Family Structure On Organizational Commitment National/International.
  32. Maintenance under Cr. P.C
  33. Impact of COVID-19 on family relations
  34. Domestic Violence & its Impact on Children and Family
  35. Family Issues and Media

Note: These Themes are not exhaustive; Authors are open to work on any topic related to above mentioned theme. 

Publication Opportunity

The Research Articles received would be published in Proceedings with ISBN.

Guidelines for Paper Submission  

  • Kindly confine yourself to the areas identifiable with the title of seminar.
  • The papers must be in Times New Roman, Font Size: Heading-14, Text-12 in A4 format, single line spacing, in justify not exceeding 2500 words including Title, details of the Author/s and Footnotes.
  • Authors are encouraged to use The Bluebook (20th ed.) citation format for footnoting and it should be in Times New Roman Font 10 size. Further, speaking footnotes are discouraged. 
  • An Abstract not exceeding 250 words shall be submitted for consideration.
  • The Abstract shall contain the Synopsis of the Paper, Subtitles, Reference materials and conclusion indicating author’s perspective.
  • The abstract must be mailed to on or before May 5, 2022. It must be accompanied by a cover page, stating the following: Title of the paper; Sub-Theme; Name of Author(s); Name of Institute/Organization; Official Designation; E-mail Address; Postal Address, Contact Number.
  • The Submission should be in word format.  
  • All foot notes must adhere to 20th edition of Bluebook standards and must be styled using the foot note option in word. Borders, underlines or other design objects must not be included in the paper.
  • References need not be mentioned at the end of a paper and must be included within footnotes.
  • Precedents may be in Italics but not bold.
  • All sub headings must be left aligned, in bold.
  • The Papers shall be screened by a Committee. The Full Papers (2500 words) approved by the Committee shall be accepted for presentation in the Seminar. The intimation of selection will be made through E-mail.  
  • The final paper should contain a cover page which includes Name, Designation, Relevant Discipline and Year of Study, Address, E-mail id and Contact number. Authors are to give details in the Full Paper.
  • Abstracts and papers should be written in English, and the working language of the Seminar will be English, and presentations shall be done in English.  
  • Submissions should be made by the author who will attend the Seminar. 
  • Co-Authorship is allowed but limited to one Co-Author only.  
  • Only one paper per participant will be permitted. Multiple submissions will lead to disqualification. 
  • No part of the paper should have been published earlier nor should it be under consideration for publication. Any form of Plagiarism will result in immediate disqualification.  
  • The Organizers will take earnest effort to publish the best articles selected from among those received, subject to their acceptance by reputed journals as per their criteria. 
  • Publishing Charges if any demanded for the journal is to be paid by the author.   

Submission Procedure

Kindly send the abstract on or before May 05, 2022 by e-mail to klainternationalseminar11[a]

 Important Dates

  • Submission of Abstracts:  May 5, 2022
  • Communication of Abstract Acceptance: May 7, 2022
  • Submission of Full paper: May 21, 2022
  • Intimation of Full paper Acceptance:  May 24, 2022
  • Date of payment of Registration fee: May 26, 2022
  • International Seminar: May 28, 2022

Registration Fees 

There is a registration fee of INR 750 per participant (Additional fee of INR 250 should be paid in the case of maximum one Co-Author).  

Payment Details

Interested participants must pay INR 750 (In the case of co-author INR 1000) as the registration fee, through the online link provided in the Kerala Law Academy website. 


All the Participants will be awarded with an E-certificate of presentation. 

Contact details

  • Faculty ConvenorAdv. Arya Sunil Paul +91 94951 78906
  • Faculty Co-Convenors: Dr. Dakshina Saraswathy +91 97441 69215
  • Student Convenor: Gautham Viswam +91 88910 01101

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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About the Organizer

Mody University of Science and Technology, formerly Mody University, is a private women’s university located in Lakshmangarh in Rajasthan, India. It was established in 1998 by Mr. R.P. Mody, an industrialist and philanthropist.

Many students seem interested in courses related to law. For the females, Mody University has a separate faculty for law, which gives them a proper understanding of everything from a legal point of view.

About the Seminar

Despite several movements around elevating the status of women in society, several legal provisions and amendments were made and struck down for the same, these provisions did not bring the desired changes in the Status of women. The Constitutional armoury and myriad Act passed by the Indian Parliament could not cut much ice and could not elevate the social and economic status of Indian women.

This seminar is being organized to hold a threadbare discussion about the status of women in India in the light of national and international laws. This platform would also examine the inequality prevailing in the society despite the plethora of laws.

Call for Papers

Papers are invited from interested participants through a call for papers on the theme and sub-themes listed below.

Theme and Sub-themes

Theme: ‘All women rights are Human Rights- Myth or Reality’


  • Women and equality of Status
  • Judiciary and women Justice
  • Women and the Criminal Law system in India
  • Status of Women under International Law
  • Fundamental Duties and Status of Women
  • Right to protect modesty and privacy
  • Right to inheritance, succession, and maintenance of women in India
  • Right to choice-with reference to the M.T.P. Act, 1971, PNDT Act, 1994, and live-in relationship

Above identified sub-themes are only illustrative. Participants may select relative topics of their choice covered under the main theme.

Important Dates

  • Abstract submission: April 22, 2022 (not more than 250 words)
  • Full Paper/Last date of Registration: April 27, 2022

Participation Details

Registration Fee: Rs. 200, including Lunch and participation certificate

Rs. 150/- will be required to attend the Seminar, and a participation certificate will be given.

Accommodation: Provided on request and is payable (Before April 27, 2022)

Payment details:

  • Bank Name: Punjab National Bank
  • Branch: Lakshmangarh – 332311, Distt.-Sikar (Raj.)
  • A/c Holder Name: MUST – School of Legal Studies
  • A/c Number: 11932091000057 (SB A/C)
  • IFSC Code: PUNB0119310

The Abstract, Full paper and payment receipt shall be sent to; for confirmation.

Note: A book on the Status of women is intended to be published. Selected articles will be included in that book which will be peer-reviewed books.

Selection/Rejection of paper will be duly intimated to participants.

Registration for Seminar


Contact details

Contact Numbers:

  • +91 94140-47320
  • +91 97849-72573
  • +91 93588-42201

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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About SLS Nagpur

Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Pune is a premier educational university with academic institutions spread over campuses. Symbiosis Law School, Nagpur is the fourth Law School under the aegis of Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Pune, established in 2019.

About the Journal

The SLS-Nagpur Multidisciplinary Law Review is a flagship biannual journal of legal scholarship. This review comes out twice in an academic calendar. The aspirational objectives of this review is manifold.

On the face of it, this review shall typically serve as an academic forum that law students/teaching and legal fraternity can take recourse of but in delving deeper, this law review aspires to be a forum that houses an objective analytical survey and scrutiny of the various contemporary legal and political issues that is so central to the becoming of law aspirants.

Suggested Theme

The journal is a multi-disciplinary law journal which is not confined to a specific discipline of law; rather it intends to touch upon all contemporary areas of legal discourse, and other allied issues.


Manuscripts’ research area may be from the sub-areas including, but not limited to:

  • Law and Management
  • Law and Philosophy
  • Law and Sports
  • Law and Psychology
  • Law and Technology
  • Law and Economics
  • Law and Sociology
  • Law and Theology
  • Law and Political Science
  • Law and History

The authors are requested to connect their article/paper with law. The articles to be submitted are not limited to the above-mentioned themes.

Types of Submissions

The SLS-Nagpur Multidisciplinary Law Review invites original, unpublished manuscripts from students, academicians, judges, and legal professionals or any other interested researchers and writers from India and abroad, in the form of:

  • Articles,
  • Research papers

Guidelines for Submissions

  • All submissions must be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 300 words and a minimum of 5 keywords.
  • Submissions will be accepted on any contemporary legal, social, political, economic, cultural, management, psychological issues, etc.
  • The contributions submitted for publication in the journal must neither have been previously published nor currently be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • Co-authorship is allowed for up to a maximum of 2 authors.
  • Affiliation or any other information, professional information, contact details, and any other relevant information.
  • All submissions must be sent as a Microsoft Word document. 
  • It is advised to use Times New Roman, font size 12 with 1.5 line spacing for the main body of your piece (except the title). Footnotes must use Times New Roman, font size 10; alignment justified for the entire piece.
  • Citations must strictly conform to the standards laid down in The Bluebook 20th Edition.
  • Submissions must use only footnotes as a form of citation. Speaking or substantive footnotes are highly discouraged.
  • The manuscript’s first page must contain only the name of the author(s) or his/her institutional affiliation or any other information, professional information, contact details, and any other relevant information.
  • Submissions must only be in electronic form in the .docx format. The body of the email containing the submission must specify the type of manuscript.
  • Plagiarized work will be outrightly rejected. Similarity only up to 10% will be accepted.

Submission Procedure

  • There is no registration, submission or publication fee.
  • All submissions are required to be addressed to the Editor and shall only be made to


The authors whose papers gets selected for publication will be provided with the certificate of publication.

Important Dates

  • Last date for submission of paper: May 15, 2022
  • Intimation of acceptance of paper: June 10, 2022

 Contact details

For any queries, write to or contact,
Phone Number: 0712-6192206/24/14
Address: Symbiosis Law School, Nagpur
Mouza- Wathoda
Nagpur – 440008

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on LexPeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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