Equivalent citations

1965 AIR 491, 1964 SCR (4) 576


The University of Mysore and Anr


C. D. Govinda Rao and Anr

Date of Judgement



Gajendragadkar, P.B., Subbarao, K., Wanchoo, K.N., Ayyangar, N. Rajagopala, Mudholkar, J.R.


The appeal was recorded by C. D. Govinda Rao, in the Mysore High Court under Art. 226 of the Constitution. C.D. Govinda Rao needed by that appeal, that a writ of quo warranto ought to be given, to call upon Anniah Gowda to show the authority under which he had the position of a Research Reader in English in the Central College, Bangalore. It was additionally implored that a writ of mandamus is allowed calling upon the University of Mysore to choose him as the Research Reader.

There were sure capabilities to be selected as the exploration peruser. The capabilities are:

  1. A First or High Second Class Master’s Degree of an Indian University of an identical the capability of a Foreign University in the subject concerned;
  2. A Research Degree of a Doctorate Standard or distributed work of an elevated requirement;
  3. Ordinarily, a decade (at the very least five years regardless) experience of showing post-graduate classes and directing exploration on account of Professors and no less than five years’ insight of showing degree classes and free examination on account of Readers;
  4. The information on the local language Kannada is considered as an alluring qualification. Inclination will be given to up-and-comers who have had insight in educating and association of examination and have additionally accomplished progressed research work (1). According to him, the arrangement of Anniah Gowda to the post of Research Reader was unlawful notwithstanding the endorsed capabilities and that he was able to be named to that post.

Hence, he needed that the arrangement of Anniah Gowda ought to be subdued. He in this way requested a writ to guide the University to designate him in that post.


Whether writs of mandamus and quo warranto can be given by the court?


Mr. S. K. Venkataranga Iyengar, for the respondent, battled that the arrangement of Anniah Gowda was made in repudiation of the legal principles and statutes outlined by the college. He endeavored to contend that he had alluded to the legal principles and mandates in the High Court, in any case, sadly, the equivalent had not been referenced or examined in the judgment.

The court had painstakingly viewed as the oaths documented by both the gatherings in the current procedures and it had no delay in holding that at no stage did it seem to have been encouraged by the respondent under the watchful eye of the High Court that the sickness in the arrangement of Anniah Gowda continued from the way that the legal standards and laws made by the university had been contradicted.

The testimony documented by the respondent on the side of his request just portrayed the arrangement of Anniah Gowda as being illicit, and altogether added that the said arrangement and the disappointment the University to designate the respondent, were unlawful even with the endorsed capabilities, and these capabilities in the setting without a doubt alluded to the capabilities distributed in the warning by which the significant post had been promoted.

The court reviewed the four capabilities endorsed by the warning. The last one which connected with the information on the Kannada language was discovered not to be in question and was avoided concerning thought. The primary capability was that the candidate should have a First or a high Second-Class Master’s Degree of an Indian University or a comparable capability of an unfamiliar University in the subject concerned. Anniah Gowda got 50.2 percent marks in his Master’s Degree assessment.

It was encouraged by the respondent under the steady gaze of the High Court that when 50% is the base needed for getting a second class, it would be inactive to propose that an applicant, who acquires 50.2 percent, has gotten a high Second-Class Master’s Degree, thus the respondent argued that the main condition had not been fulfilled by the Anniah Gowda. The High Court has maintained this request. As to the subsequent capability, apparently, Anniah Gowda has gotten a degree of Master of Arts of the University of Durham. The High Court has held that as to this capability, assuming the Board took the view that the Gowda fulfilled that capability, it would not be only for the Court to vary from the assessment. At the end of the day, the High Court didn’t make a finding for the respondent concerning capability No. 2.

As to the third capability, the matter seems to have been bantered finally under the steady gaze of the High Court. The proof was driven by both the gatherings and the respondent genuinely questioning the case made by both the appellants that Gowda fulfilled the trial of five years’ insight of showing Degree classes. The High Court inspected this proof and eventually arrived at the resolution that however the material cited by the appellants on this point was inadmissible, it couldn’t make a finding for the respondent. In this association, the High Court has seriously condemned the direction of Anniah Gowda to which we will allude later.

Consequently, significantly the High Court chose to subdue the arrangement of Gowda on the ground that it was plain that he didn’t fulfill the main capability. In this association, the High Court has additionally condemned the report made by the Board and has seen that the Members of the Board didn’t seem to have applied their brains to the inquiry which they were called upon to consider.

In managing the case introduced before it by the respondent, the High Court had condemned the report made by the Board and had seen that the conditions unveiled by the report made it hard for the High Court to treat the suggestions made by the specialists with the regard that they by and large merit. Sheets of Appointments are assigned by the Universities and when suggestions made by them and the arrangements following on them, are tested under the steady gaze of courts, typically the court should do whatever it takes not to obstruct the feelings communicated by the specialists. There is no charge about mala fide against the specialists who established the current Board.

The analysis made by the High Court against the report made by the Board implied that the High Court believed that the Board was in the place of a chief power, giving a leader fiat, or was behaving like a semi-legal counsel, concluding questions alluded to it for its choices. In managing objections made by residents concerning arrangements made by scholastic bodies, similar to the Universities, such a methodology would not be sensible or suitable.

Indeed, in giving the writ, the High Court has mentioned a specific observable fact that shows that the High Court applied tests that could authentically be applied on account of the writ of certiorari. In the judgment, it has been seen that the blunder for this situation is without a doubt a manifest mistake. That is a thought which is more pertinent and applicable in a system for a writ of certiorari.

The High Court ought to have considered the issue of whether the arrangement made by the Chancellor was against any legal or restricting guideline or mandate. In doing as such, the High Court ought to have displayed due respect to the assessment communicated by the Board and its proposals which the Chancellor has acted. In this association, the High Court had neglected to see one extremely critical truth that when the Board considered the cases of the individual candidates, it inspected them cautiously and arrived at the resolution that not a single one of them should have been delegated as a Professor in the University.

These proposals made by the Board show that they considered the applicable factors cautiously and eventually reached the resolution that Anniah Gowda ought to be suggested for the post of Reader. Hence, the court fulfilled that the analysis made by the High Court against the Board and its considerations isn’t legitimized.


The requests were permitted and the request passed by the High Court was saved. The writ request recorded by the respondent was excused with costs all through. It was held that there will be one bunch of hearing charges in both the requests documented by the two appellants.


The writ of quo warranto continuing assistance in managing the cost of a legal cure by which any individual, who holds a free considerable public office or establishment or freedom, is called upon to show by what right he holds the said office, establishment or freedom, so his title to it could still up in the air, and if the finding is that the holder of the workplace has no title, he would be removed from that office by legal request.

This truly intends that at the end of the day, by the technique of quo warranto, the legal executive is provided with the ability to control the leader from arranging public office against the endorsed law. It likewise assists with shielding a resident from being denied of public office to which he has a right. These procedures likewise will quite often shield people in general from usurpers of public office, who may be permitted to proceed either with the intrigue of the
Executive or because of its indifference.

It will, accordingly, be seen that an individual needs to fulfill the court, that the work being referred to is a public office and is held by a usurper without legitimate authority before the person can adequately guarantee a writ of quo warranto. He additionally needs to demonstrate that it would unavoidably prompt the inquiry regarding whether the arrangement of the supposed usurper has been made as per law or not.

Written by Sara Agrawal student at Sinhgad Law College, Pune.


Whatever is given under power is a writ. Orders, warrants, headings, and so forth given under power are instances of writs. Any individual whose central freedoms are disregarded can move the High Court (under article 226 of the Indian constitution) or the Supreme Court (under article 32) and the court can give bearing or orders or writs. Accordingly, the ability to give writs is principally an arrangement made to make accessible the Right to Constitutional Remedies to each resident. Notwithstanding the abovementioned, the Constitution likewise accommodates the Parliament to give on the Supreme Court ability to give writs, for purposes other than those referenced previously. Additionally, High Courts in India are likewise engaged to give writs for the requirement of any of the freedoms presented by Part III and for some other reason.
In India, both the Supreme Court and the High Court have been engaged with Writ Jurisdiction. Further, Parliament by law can stretch out the ability to give writs to some other courts (counting neighborhood courts) for nearby constraints of the locale of such courts.


The word Quo-Warranto in a real sense signifies “by what warrants?” or “what is your power”.The Writ of Quo-warranto in the writ is given guiding subordinate specialists to show under the thing authority they are holding the workplace. If an individual has usurped a public office, the Court might guide him not to do any exercises in the workplace or may report the workplace to be empty. Consequently, High Court might give a writ of quo-warranto assuming an individual holds an office past his retirement age.
The Writ of Quo-Warranto can’t be given to an individual working in a private field. This writ is given to an individual in an office, the lawfulness of which is being addressed.


  1. The workplace should be public and it should be made by a sculpture or by the actual constitution.
  2. The workplace should be a considerable one and not only the capacity or work of a worker at the will and during the joy of another.
  3. There more likely than not be a negation of the constitution or a rule or legal instrument, in naming such individual to that office.


In the University of Mysore v. Govinda Rao, A.I.R. 1965 S.C. 491(1) case, the Court believed that the writ of quo warranto calls upon the holder of a public office to show to the court under the thing authority he is holding the workplace being referred to. On the off chance that he isn’t qualified for the workplace, the court might limit him from acting in the workplace and may likewise announce the workplace to be empty.

In Amarendra v. Nartendra, A.I.R. 1953 Cal.114. (2) case, the Court held that the writ lies in regard of a public office of a meaningful person and not a private office, for example, participation of a school overseeing panel.

In Mohambaram v. Jayavelu, A.I.R. 1970 Mad.63 (3); Durga Chand v. Organization, A.I.R 1971 Del.73. cases, the Court thought that an arrangement to the workplace of a public examiner can be subdued through quo warranto if in repudiation of significant legal guidelines as it is a considerable public office including obligations of public nature of essential interest to the public.

In K. Bheema Raju v. Govt, of A.P., A.I.R. 1981 (4) A.P. case, the Andhra Pradesh High Court suppressed the arrangement of an administration pleader as the technique endorsed in the significant standards, for this reason, had not been kept.


Every one of the laws which relate to how what and why of how organizations are legitimately permitted to and expected to work are included by what is business law. Business law significance incorporates contract laws, assembling and deals laws, and recruiting practices and morals. In straightforward words, it alludes to and relates to the legitimate laws of business and trade in people in general just as the private area. It is otherwise called business law and corporate law, because of its tendency of directing these universes of business.


Business law is a significant part of law overall because, without the equivalent, the corporate area, producing area, and the retail area would be in oppression. The point of assembling business and law is to keep up with protected and utilitarian working spaces for all people associated with the business, regardless of whether they’re running it or working for individuals running it.


There are a few kinds of business laws that are perceived and pursued by nations all over the planet. A portion of these are:

  • Contract Law – An agreement is any record that makes a kind of legitimate commitment between the gatherings that sign it. Contracts allude to those worker contracts, the offer of products contracts, rental contracts, and so on
  • Employment Law – Employment law is the place where business and law should meet. These laws uphold the standards and guidelines that oversee representative boss connections. These cover when, how and for how much, and how long representatives should function.
  • Labour Law – Labour law likewise shows the suitable connection between worker and manager, and pay grades and such. Notwithstanding, an extra component to work laws is the relationship of the association with the business and representative.
  • Intellectual property Law – Intellectual property alludes to the immaterial results of the working of the human brain or mind, which are under the sole responsibility for a single substance, as an individual or organization. The approval of this possession is given by intellectual property law, which consolidates brand names, licenses, proprietary advantages, and copyrights.
  • Securities Law – Securities allude to resources like offers in the financial exchange and different wellsprings of capital development and gathering. Securities law precludes businesspersons from leading false exercises occurring in the protections market. This is the business law segment that punishes protections extortion, for example, insider exchanging. It is, accordingly, additionally called Capital Markets Law.
  • Tax Law – As far as business law, tax assessment alludes to charges charged upon organizations in the business area. It is the commitment of all organizations (aside from a couple of expense excluded humble organizations) to pay their duties on schedule, inability to finish which will be an infringement of corporate duty laws.


In the Indian setting, there are a few business law areas vital to the country’s business area. A portion of these are:

Indian Contract Act of 1872 –
The Indian Contract Act administers the working of agreement laws in our country. A portion of its necessities for contract laws are:

  • Complete acceptance of the contract by both parties.
  • Lawful consideration from both parties.
  • Competent to contract:
  • Neither party should be a minor.
  • No party should be of unwell mind.
  • Free consent: neither party should have been pressurized into signing.
  • Agency: when one party engrosses another party to perform in place of it.
  • Final enforcement of contracts

Sales of Goods Act 1930 –
The exchange of responsibility for substantial, enduring ware between a purchaser and a dealer for a concluded measure of cash warrants an offer of products contract, whose particulars are described by the Sale of Goods Act 1930.

Indian Partnership Act 1932 –
An association in business alludes to when at least two business elements meet up to make another endeavor together. The speculation and benefits are parted equally between the elaborate gatherings. The Indian Partnership Act gives the laws under which associations in India can work.

Limited Liability Partnership Act 2008 –
This Act is separated from the IAP of 1932. A Limited Liability Partnership is a different legitimate element, which proceeds with its business with no guarantees, regardless of whether an organization breaks down, just experiencing the responsibility as referenced in the agreement.

Companies Act 2013 –
This is a definitive business law, which administers and gives the principles relating to every part of creation just as the disintegration of organizations set up in India.

This article is written by Sara Agrawal student at Sinhgad Law College, Pune.

The present article has been written by Aanya Gupta, pursuing BBA LLB from Vivekananda Institute of professional studies, GGSIPU , New Delhi


The Indian Constitution deals with justice, freedom, equality, integrity, and dignity. The concept of justice depends on the interpretation of the constitution. The Constitution stipulates justice, namely social justice, economic justice, and legal justice, which are an integral part of the theory of distributive justice. The phenomenon of “distributive justice” is based on two important points: first, fair distribution is not only about resources and materials, but also rights, obligations, and responsibilities; secondly, justice is a phenomenon, not only for the people, who govern but also for those who govern. People who govern themselves. Article 14 and Article 21 of the Indian Constitution respectively mention “all people are equal before the law” and “the right to live with dignity”. This is the soul of constitutional governance; the constitution has the upper hand because it gives the people identity. Identity in society is everything to justice; we demand our identity, not just for justice. Many philosophers offer different concepts of justice. It cannot be said that the Constitution of India is based on one theory, but is the result of all jurisprudential theories. It requires real efforts for society, the individual, the law, the economy, and general development.

Justice is simple, but the world is complicated, so the application of justice in the world contains some complicated things. 2 When we consider questions of economic and social policy, justice will guide citizens to reflect. According to Amartya Sen in his book “The Concept of Justice”, the doctrine of political economy must include an explanation of the public interest based on the concept of justice. The theory of justice that can be used as a basis for practical reasoning must include methods for judging how to reduce injustice and promote justice, rather than merely aiming to describe a completely just society and practice as many of its main characteristics. theory. Justice in contemporary political philosophy. Justice is not a matter of reasoning at all; it is about being appropriately sensitive and having a proper sense of smell for injustice. The requirements of the theory of justice include playing a rational role in the diagnosis of justice and injustice. Faced with different theories of justice, the eternal dilemma is to find a tangled balance measure suitable for the ever-changing human affairs. The problem lies in the relationship between “justice” and “injustice”; what if the second is only the absence of the first?

Principle Of Natural Justice

The principles of natural justice are considered basic human rights because they try to provide justice to the parties in a natural way. Natural justice is another name for common sense justice. It is procedural, and it also aims to ensure judicial justice to the parties. The Supreme Court judge once said that the goal of natural justice is to ensure justice, or (negatively speaking) prevent judicial errors. It only operates in areas not covered by the law. It replaces the law and supplements it. 

 The principles of natural justice are:

1) Nemo Debet Esse Judex In Propria Causa, which means that no one can serve as a judge in his case. 

The first minimum requirement of natural justice is that the authority that decides the decision must act impartially and fairly. The judge must be fair. There can be many types of bias, such as monetary bias, personal bias, and official bias. The purpose of this rule is to ensure that the public has confidence in the fairness of the rewarding process.

 2) Audi Alteram Partem, which means to listen to each other. 

This principle means that the person must have a fair opportunity to defend himself. This means that no one will be convicted without being heard. In addition, it is very necessary not to try anyone without a fair hearing. Therefore, they will have the opportunity to respond to the evidence against them by providing all the facts and evidence that the court knows in their favor.

Constitutional Imperatives

This article guarantees – equality before the law and equal protection of law within the territory of India. It binds the State to ensure that there is no discrimination being practiced in the nation. It includes the principle of the Rule of Law.

ARTICLE  15(1)
It prohibits discrimination on the grounds of religion, race, caste, gender, or place of birth. It is the duty of the state to make special provisions for women and children, and the advancement of any social and educationally backward classes of citizens, and Schedule Caste & Scheduled Tribe peoples.

No person shall be deprived of his right to life and personal liberty except according to the procedure established by law.

It gives special rights to arrested persons in certain cases which within its ambit contain very valuable elements of Natural Justice.

ARTICLE – 32 and 226

It collectively provides for Constitutional Remedies for violation of Fundamental Rights and Legal Rights. They can be exercised by issuing appropriate Writ, Direction, and Orders.


There is no value in linking the Constitution of India to a theory of justice because it is a combination of all methods of judicial jurisprudence. The constitution is an ideal and requires practical efforts for society, the individual, the law, the economy, and integral development. When we speak of the Constitution, we often speak of justice; because it is not only related to the development of people, but also the peace, security, and dignity of people; justice is important because it gives identity to people; an LGBT Issues Open space leads to a certain degree of legitimacy and requires more active rights, such as anti-discrimination measures and socio-economic benefits. Since Ward’s theory is consistent with article 15 and the article of the Constitution, we should apply an effective educational plan for balanced intelligence among people of different classes in society. Justice is fundamentally a matter of treating people equally and then trying to show that we must apply different standards of distribution in different situations. It includes a series of rights, such as freedom of expression and the right to vote that define citizenship, and the right to material resources that allow people to operate effectively as citizens in a political sense. Justice is not a fact, but an attitude to the facts that must be implemented to maintain the legitimacy of the constitution.

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