Transgender Marriage

INTRODUCTION Gender is a word that cuts society, polity, and culture all over the world. Some languages do not have the word gender instead the word sex is used. Different terms are used regularly in theories of sexuality. Sex and gender may look identical but they are completely different terms. Sex generally means the biologicalRead More

Nikah under Muslim Law

This article is written by Indra Priyadarshini, a law student from Alliance University, Bangalore. This article discusses about concept of marriage and its classification under the Muslim law. INTRODUCTION A Muslim marriage is also called as a ‘Nikah’. According to the Hedaya, Nikah refers to a contract which has been entered into for the soleRead More

Conditions & Effect of Adoption

This article is authored by Sujata Porwal, third year BA LLB (Hons.) student at Symbiosis Law School, Pune. The article presents detailed analysis of conditions and effect of Adoption under Hindu Law.  What is Adoption? Adoption is the process of legally transferring the parental rights affiliated with a child to a person/couple. The rights ofRead More

Repercussions of Living Together on Legal Union

This article is written by Madhur Samriti Sharma, a student of ICFAI Law School, Hyderabad INTRODUCTION We are living in the 21st century where there is the growth of youth, talents, technology, science, education, society, mind-set and various other zones where a human being actively participate, either on his own choice or moral pressure. ButRead More

Sunni Law of Inheritance

This article is written by Gaurav Purohit of Amity University Rajasthan Currently Pursuing BBA LLB. INTRODUCTION The Muslim Law of Inheritance was understood on the Foundations of Pre Islamic Customary Law of Succession. There is no understanding of Joint Family Property in Muslim Law. The teachings of Mitakshara School of Hindu Son’s Birthright and survivorship wasRead More

Classical Schools of Jurisprudence: Hindu and Islamic

This article is written by Joyita Mukhopadhyay, a student of Amity university Kolkata. INTRODUCTION Strict starting points and conventions in law have been subjects of examination in numerous nations among scholars, law specialists, and students of history. This has prompted a rich assortment of near lawful writing, enlightening juristic ideas and giving some huge experiencesRead More

General Rules of Succession of a Hindu Female

This article has been written by Tanya Gupta, a student pursuing BA LLB from Ideal Institute of Management and Technology and School of Law, affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi.  This article focuses on the general rules of succession of a Hindu Female. INTRODUCTION There are mainly two schools of Hindu Law: MitaksharaRead More

A Brief Study of Wakf under Muslim Law

This article is written by Pooja Lakshmi, studying BBA LLB at Bennett University, Greater Noida. ABSTRACT The institution of Wakf is a unique characteristic of the socio-economic foundation of Mohammedan law. Wakf means to dedicate or devote a movable or immovable property in Allah’s name for religious, pious, and charitable purposes. The present study isRead More