India’s New Labour Codes – Changing Landscape of Employment Litigation

Background For an empowered, affluent, and Aatmanirbhar India, workers must have more influence. Even after 73 years of independence, 90% of employees are still employed in the unorganized sector, where they are not eligible for all social security benefits. Over 50 crores of people are employed in both the formal and unorganized sectors combined. ForRead More

Education’s role in preventing child labour in India

Introduction Children are viewed as the personification of innocence in a human form. Children are the most pristine manifestations of humanity because they are unaffected by materialistic concerns. It is true that a nation’s fate can be effectively predicted by the state of its women and children. However, when kids are compelled to work andRead More

Worker Strikes

INTRODUCTION The world is undergoing significant changes and developments right now, particularly in the commercial sector, which has seen the establishment of numerous industries, companies, and organizations. In order to raise their concerns or demand any kind of adjustment in their respective company or industry, employers must have some kind of process or activity availableRead More

Social Security for Workmen

Introduction Social Security is defined as the protection or security that is provided by a community to its members, ensuring that they have proper access to healthcare and a surety of a steady and regular income, especially during unemployment or post-retirement phases. It is classified as a basic human right by the United Nations. ItRead More

Trade Union and its Significance in Indian Scenario

The present article has been written by Sanjana Suman, a student of Amity Law School, Ranchi. Introduction The labour movement was the driving force behind the transformation of despair and misery into hope and progress. The economic and social transformation gave rise to unemployment insurance, old-age pensions, government assistance for the poor, and, most importantly,Read More

Trade Unionism in India

This article is written by Kalyani Gupta, a Master’s in Law student from Amity University, Noida. This article discusses the evolution of trade unionism in India and the challenges faced by these unions. INTRODUCTION The labour movement was the primary power that converted misery and hopelessness into hope and development. Out of its courageous battles,Read More

The Overtime Work under Labor Laws

This article is written by Kalyani Gupta, a Master’s in Law student from Amity University, Noida. This article discusses the overtime work policies and laws in accordance with the Labour Law. INTRODUCTION Overtime implies as the time spent working more than the normal or regular working hours which, in India, is supposed to be 8Read More