Victims of Crime- Restoration and Legal Care under Indian Criminal Jurisprudence

This article has been written by Nashrah Fatma, a third-year law student at the Faculty of Law, Jamia Millia Islamia. This article aims to discuss the various aspects of victim restoration under Indian law. 1. INTRODUCTION 2. ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT OF VICTIMOLOGY IN INDIA 3. WHO IS A VICTIM? 4. COMPENSATION TO VICTIMS 5. VICTIMRead More

Conceptualization of Feminism & Relevancy with Law

INTRODUCTION The explicitness of doctrinal assumptions about differences at the turn of the century fairly clearly defined the early feminist project in law. Women were regarded as being appropriately excluded from the practice of law and other positions of public power due to their perceived biological or “natural” characteristics. They were confined to “private” orRead More

Feminist Philosophy of Law

INTRODUCTION ‘Femina’, a Latin word for a woman, is the root of the English word “feminist.” But what exactly does feminism suggest? Due to individual people’s views, there are various responses to this question. The fundamental definition of feminism is a compilation of movements to determine, create, and protect equal rights for women in theRead More

Kelsen’s Pure Theory of Law

INTRODUCTION Kelsen belonged to the Analytical school of thought and was one of the jurists responsible for reviving the original analytical thought in the 20th century. Kelsen through his Pure Theory of Law aimed to present Law in its purest form, free from all the ideologies. His theory addressed the shortcomings of the theories propoundedRead More

Analytical Positivism

INTRODUCTION Jurisprudence is defined as the science or philosophy of law. The origin of this term can be traced back to a Latin term, ‘Jurisprudential,’ translated to the ‘study, knowledge or science of law.’ There are five primary schools of thought in jurisprudence. They are: Philosophical School. Historical School. Realist School. Sociological School. Analytical School. This article attempts to explainRead More

Hart on Jurisprudence

The present article is written by Vanshika Samir. Jurisprudence is the name given to a specific form of legal study, one that is abstract, general, and theoretical in nature and aims to reveal the fundamental principles of law and legal systems. The word jurisprudence comes from the Latin word jurisprudentia, which meaning “legal understanding.” JurisRead More

Historical School of Jurisprudence

This article is written by Saba Banu, a 3rd year law student, from Pendekanti Law College, Hyderabad. INTRODUCTION The study of jurisprudence, as other branches of law, was started among Romans first. The word ‘jurisprudence’ springs from the Latin word ‘jurisprudentia’ which suggests the knowledge of law. Jurisprudence is that the theory and therefore theRead More

Rights and Duties- Jurisprudence

This article is written by K.Lasya Charitha pursuing BA LLB in Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University, Visakhapatnam. In this article, the researcher discusses theories and the  classification of rights and duties in Jurisprudence.  INTRODUCTION Rights and Duties are interrelated, because where there are rights, there are duties, and people are given rights to protect themRead More

Meaning, Nature and Concept of Jurisprudence

Vanshika Arora, is a first-year B.A. LL.B student at Army Institute of Law, Mohali. This article is an introductory guide to jurisprudence.  INTRODUCTION Jurisprudence has been defined and studied by various thinkers and jurists over a long period of time. Hence, it is not possible to single out a common, widely accepted definition of jurisprudence.Read More