Legal Status of Women and Children of Live In Relationship

INTRODUCTION In this everchanging world, all the technological advancements are happening at a very fast pace, that has revolutionized certain aspects of our lives. During the last few decades, globalization has affected certain aspects of our social lives too, like relationships, marriage, family structure, etc. Marriage is the socially and legally accepted form of relationshipRead More

Critical Analysis of Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016

Introduction The Constitution of India secures to citizens including disabled, right of justice, freedom of speech & expression, worship, equal status & opportunity. Article 15(1) & 15(2) of the Constitution states that the state & government cannot discriminate against any citizen of India including disabled people on the basis of caste, race, religion or onRead More

UN Guidelines on Consumer Protection and its Implications

UN guidelines on consumer protection are a set of guidelines which lays down the basis on which consumer protection legislation, enforcement institutions and redress system should be established. These authorities so formed should make and enforce laws, rules, and regulations suitable according to their social, economic, and environmental circumstances present in the member state.  TheseRead More

Privileges Of Parliament

Introduction The concept of parliamentary privileges was taken from the British Constitution. Article 105 and 194 talk about privileges or advantages to the Member of The Parliament. Such provisions are crucial for the democratic functioning of the country. The main motive of these provisions in the constitution is to uphold the supremacy of The Parliament’sRead More

Sustainable Development: The Indian Judiciary

Introduction Sustainable Development is defined as “to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of Future Generation to meet their own needs”. The concept came into the picture after the International Conference in Stockholm in 1972. It contains three aspects- 1.environment which includes biodiversity, air, land, plants, animals, etc.,2. Economy i.e. incomeRead More

Novus Actus Interveniens

Introduction Novus actus interveniens is a Latin phrase that, when translated, amounts to ‘new intervening act.’ It is a principle of Tort law.  Novus actus interveniens, in relation to a tortious action for negligence, can be defined as any intervening act that can separate or break off the legal connection between a defendant’s conduct andRead More