Call for Papers: Indian Journal of Law, Polity and Administration [IJLPA]

About Indian Journal of Law, Polity and Administration Indian Journal of Law, Polity and Administration (IJLPA) is open access & double-blind, peer-reviewed, refereed quarterly published research journal dedicated to express views on topical current issues, thereby generating a cross current of ideas on emerging matters. CALL FOR PAPERS IJLPA invites research Articles, Book Reviews, andRead More

SASFL: Short Essay Writing Competition

Write What’s In Your Mind! South Asia Students For Liberty invites students between the age-group 14-18 to participate in a Short Essay Writing Competition on the topic “What Does Liberty Mean To You In The Times Of The Pandemic?” Has Quarantining Inspired You? Or Has It Disappointed You? Either way, SASFL provides you the spaceRead More

Webinar on “Effect of Pandemic on Execution of International Administrative Contracts” organized by Lexstructor; Register by September 12

About the Organization Lexstructor is an online, open access legal news, journals publication and education imparting platform, which is dedicated to express views on varied legal issues, thereby generating diversified research emerging areas in law. This platform shall also encourage the intent of young law students, professionals and members of academia to contribute to theRead More

SASFL’s Speaker Session on ‘Reopening of India’s Educational Institutions [September 14th]: Register by 13th September]

About the Organisers Students for Liberty (SFL) is an International libertarian non-profit organisation whose mission is to “educate, develop, and empower the next generation leaders of liberty.” Formed in 2008, SFL has since grown into a full organisation with various programs and a network of affiliated student groups in North America, Europe, Latin America, Africa,Read More

Call for Papers: NLIU’s Journal for Labour and Employment Law

About JLEL The NLIU-Journal for Labour and Employment Law [JLEL] is a peer-reviewed annual labour and employment law journal which aims to create meaningful debate and discourse to build a fair and equitable regime of workspace laws and to study the dynamic confluence of the academic and the human resource represented by such laws. ThemeRead More

Online Internship Opportunity at Competition Commission of India

About the Organisation Competition Commission of India (CCI) is a statutory body of the Government of India responsible for enforcing The Competition Act, 2002 throughout India and to prevent activities that have an appreciable adverse effect on competition in India. It was established on 14 October 2003. About the Internship In view of COVID-19 pandemic,Read More