About the Organiser

The SVKM’s Pravin Gandhi College of Law (PGCL) was established in 2004 and is affiliated with the University of Mumbai. At this institution, we aim at giving students exposure to experiential learning in the varied fields of law and in this regard, we have conducted and hosted various workshops, seminars and competitions.

About the Competition

SVKM’s Pravin Gandhi College of Law is hosting its 11th Conficiendis Legislativa National Legislative Drafting Competition, 2022.

The Legislative Drafting Competition (“LDC”) is a platform where students pan India get an opportunity to draft a bill and experience the nuances borne by the legislature. Drafting being one of the most crucial aspects holds the cardinal and essence in a lawyer’s journey. Thus the LDC promotes and encourages students to enhance their drafting skills.

Students have to draft a legislative bill on the topic – “Regulation on the Usage of Artificial Intelligence”.

Eligibility and Team Composition

  • Participation is restricted to students currently pursuing their law degree.
  • The team may comprise a maximum number of 2 members.
  • A maximum of 3 entries are permitted from each institution.

Registration and Payment

All interested teams who wish to register shall send the duly completed Registration Form (see Annexure A in the brochure) to mcs.svkm@gmail.com along with the Transaction details (screenshot of the online payment) of Rs. 2000 as the registration fee.

 The Account Details are as follows –

  • Name of Account: SVKM’S Pravin Gandhi College of Law
  • Name of the Bank: HDFC Bank (JVPD SCHEME, M-56)
  • A/C Number: 03210330000171 
  • Type of Account: Current Account 
  • IFSC Code: HDFC0000321

The email should include:

  • Name of the institute,
  • Name of the participants, and
  • Contact details of the participants

The last date for sending the soft copy of the registration form and proof of payment of the registration fee is December 20, 2021, before 23:59 hrs.

Important Dates

  • Last Date to Provisionally Register: December 10, 2021
  • Last Date to Register: December 20, 2021 by 23:59 hrs
  • Last Date to Submit the Legislative Bill: March 1, 2022 by 23:59 hrs
  • Declaration of Results: March 15, 2022


  • The Best Team: Cash Prize of Rs. 10,000/- and Certificates
  • The Runner Up Team: Cash Prize of Rs. 7,000 and Certificates
  • The Second Runner Up Team: Cash Prize of Rs. 5,000 and Certificates

For more details


Contact Details

Dr Geeta Kubsad: +91 98202 54446

WhatsApp Group:







“The term guardianship used here is when legal custody of a minor child under the age of 18  years whose necessities like health, food, safety, education.” The residence is taken care of by the person who has legal custody of the child. The person makes all the prudent decisions on behalf of the minor. Usually, the father is the natural guardian, and in some cases, even the mother might be the natural guardian. The various Guardianship laws owed their existence to the British Era when the significant laws relating to inheritance and Guardianship were formulated keeping in mind the religious customs and perspectives.


“The Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act,1956 defines a minor person in Section 4(a) of the Act, and Section 4(b) establishes a guardian.”

The Five Types of Guardianship is-

  1. Natural Guardianship
  2. Testamentary Guardianship
  3. Guardianship appointed by Court
  4. De-facto Guardianship
  5. Guardianship by affinity[1]
  • Natural Guardianship

They are also called “the Guardianship of the person’s property. According to Section 6 of Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act 1956”, natural guardians are mother, father and husband.

Some points of “Section of Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act ,1956” are-

  • Section 19- that only when the person is deemed unfit for being a guardian can he can be denied natural Guardianship of minor child or wife for that matter.
  • Section 13- “that the welfare and upkeep of the minor is the most essential thing according to the court, so if the court finds them not concerned enough of the welfare, they can be removed.”
  • Section 7-“the natural Guardianship of the minor child is passed to the adoptive father after the death of the original father ad then to the adoptive mother after death. If the adoptive father is incapable the only, the adoptive mother can take Guardianship of the illegitimate child.”
  • Section 6(b)-“ that the mother is the only natural guardian of the illegitimate child even though the father is alive.”
  • Section 6(a)- “that the custody of child below or of the 5 years of the age will be given to mother, only in cases otherwise where she is not find fit it shall be given to the father.”

Case Law

P.S. Ramachandra Iyer, Son of P.S. Vs S.V. Annapurni Ammal wife of P.N.,15th January. 1963

The petition is about a seven-year-old girl minor child whose custody was given to the mother against the will of the girl’s father.  The mother left the minor’s father and took the child to Madras; the mother filed a complaint under “Section 25 of the Guardian and Wards Act 1890.”[2]

  • Testamentary Guardian

    Natural guardians appoint them through a will.

  • Section 9(1)-“ says that the father has testamentary power means appointing a guardian to be there to take care of even after their death.It can be brought to exercise after the passing of the mother of the child.”
  • Section 9(2)- “says that before death of mother if she appoints someone as the testamentary guardian of the child, then father’s appointment shall become ineffective.”

Case Law

Krishnaswami Gourden Vs Palani Ammal 27 March 1936 MLJ 417

In this case, the mother requested the court to place the testamentary guardian if the father was also the executor of the minor child. This petition was made under the Guardian and Wards act. Hence, the lower court made an order wherein it imposed certain conditions on the appellant to discharge his duties as a guardian and directed him to give security for a specified amount.[3]

  • Guardians appointed by the Court

Under “the Guardians ad Ward Act 1890” they are also called “certified guardians”.The court can appoint guardians for a minor child when parents are deceased or incapacitated or their parental rights have been terminated due to some reason. Another reason can be the voluntary surrender of them for adoption.

  • Guardianship by Affinity

Affinity means Guardianship by the closeness of the relation. “The guardian by affinity is the guardian of the minor widow. The husband’s association, if exists within the degree of sapid are the guardians of a minor widow in preference to her father and his relations.”

Case Law

Paras Ram Vs State

In this case, it was raised that where the Guardianship of a widow is taken away by the father-in-law who forcibly marries her away for money to an unsuitable person against her wishes.[4]

  • De-Facto Guardianship

A de-facto guardian who’s substantially concerned with the interest of the minor for his operation and keep off his property without any authority of the law. In Hindu justice, there has to be a nonstop interest process and conduct.


“The source of the law of Guardianship is taken up from the Quran. All the ahadis and the Quran exhaustively talk of Guardianship of property of the minor and the related care and Guardianship of the child.”

The law of Guardianship has three types-

  1. Natural Guardianship
  2. Testamentary Guardianship
  3. Guardianship appointed by the court
  • Natural Guardianship

“The Muslim laws mainly recognize the Father  ‘only’ as the sole and main guardian of the minor child and even in the case of father’s death the guardianship shifts to the grandfather or the appointed executor in some cases and not the mother or any female member of the minor child. The father entire control over the education, religion and upbringing shall be administered by the father itself despite the presence of the mother of the minor child.

In the case of an illegitimate child the Guardianship and custody do not go to the father but in the case of an illegitimate child of the mother the custody shall go to the mother.

In the case of Sunni Muslims, the father is the only natural guardian of the minor child and after the death of the father, the Guardianship and responsibility does to the appointed executor of the minor child and not to the mother even if she is alive.

In the case of Shia Muslims, after the death of the father the Guardianship goes to the grandfather even if there is an executor appointed by the father, still, the Guardianship shall go to the grandfather. And in the absence of the grandfather, it goes to the executor of the grandfather.”

 Case Law

 Imambandi v. Mutsaddi (1918) 45 Cal 887, it was rightly held that until the father is alive, he shall be the natural Guardianship of the minor child.[6]

  • Testamentary Guardianship

Mainly in both Shia and Sunni Muslims, the father has the power to determine who shall be the testamentary guardian, the same power is possessed by the grandfather of the minor child as well but not the mother. In the case of Shias, if grandfather is alive, there is no need to appoint a testamentary guardian since he shall already be there to take care of the minor child. In both Shias and Sunnis the mother doesn’t have the power to appoint the testamentary guardian. Only in two circumstances can she appoint the testamentary guardian when she is the executrix of the child or when she has to appoint the executor for her own property.

  • Guardian appointed by the court

According to “the Guardians and Wards Act 1890” upon the failure of the testamentary and natural guardians the court shall appoint a guardian for the “welfare and upkeep of the child.”Though the High Court has this power it is exercised seldom.


Since there is an excess of the heterogeneous family in the western culture it is extremely difficult to make sure of the custody and guardianship of the child. But, according to common practices in the West, the mother has the natural Guardianship and custody of the minor child. She is the primary caretaker of the child. She also has the power to file a petition against the father to prove his paternity and that he is the lawful biological father of the minor child.

“Section 17 of the Guardians and Wards Act 1890” [5] is secular and keeps the welfare of the child above the boundaries of religion. The minor can also state his or her preference when they are old enough to decide for themselves.


There is no separate law to deal with Parsi children, the Guardian and Wards Act 1890 is the determinant in their case as well. Keeping aside religion the secular law talks of the welfare of the child. Once the child becomes an adult he or she can determine the custody for themselves.


The various personal laws have been dealt with in the draft above. Hindu laws, Muslim laws, Christian laws and Parsi laws have been talked about in detail and depth substantiating them with case laws as well. : The Guardians and Wards Act, 1890” is the prime document to govern the matters of minor custody and Guardianship. The child is the future of the nation and be it any religion the welfare and upkeep of the minor are prioritized. Whoever be the guardian the main aim is the upbringing of the child and that the necessities like shelter, education and health should be taken care of.


  1. The Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act,1956
  2. P.S. Ramachandra Iyer, Son of P.S. Vs S.V. Annapurni Ammal
  3. Krishnaswami Gourden Vs Palani Ammal 27 March 1936 MLJ 417
  4. Paras Ram Vs State
  5. Guardians and Wards Act 1890
  6.  Imambandi v. Mutsaddi (1918) 45 Cal 887
  7. https://www.indianalegalservices.org/node/51/general-information-about-guardianship-child
  8. http://www.legalserviceindia.com/article/l35-Guardianship.html
  9. http://legislative.gov.in/sites/default/files/A1956-32_0.pdf
  10. https://blog.ipleaders.in/guardianship-child-different-personal-laws/

This article is written by Astha Deep student at CNLU, Patna

About International Journal of Advanced Legal Research

International Journal of Advanced Legal Research (IJALR) is an international, quarterly, peer-reviewed, online journal that provides an interactive platform for the publication of short articles, long articles, book reviews, case comments, research papers, and essays in the field of Law.

The primary objective of IJALR is to promote legal research among students across India through publishing their materials in the issues released quarterly as well as to enhance the skills of law students across India.

About the Opportunity

The IJALR invites original, unpublished content from all academicians, authors, legal professionals and students across the globe, on any topic related to law.


Law students pursuing the five-year LL.B course as well as the three years course, Academicians, Students pursuing LL.M. or Ph.D., and Educators.
Word Limit (Including Footnotes).

  • Short Articles: 1500-2500 words
  • Long Articles: 2500-4000 words
  • Research Papers: 2500-8000 words
  • Book Reviews: 1500-3500 words
  • Case Comments: 1200-3000 words

Note: Abstract should be up to 300 words only.

How to Submit

All submissions must be mailed to ijalr.editorial@gmail.com.

The subject of the mail should be ‘Paper Submission’ along with a declaration to the effect that the Paper is an original work of an author and previously and unpublished work of the author.

Last Date to Submit

December 31, 2021

For more details


Contact Details

Mail to:  ijalr.editorial@gmail.com

WhatsApp Group:






About the Blog

The Indian Commercial Law Review and Practice Blog (ICLRAP) is a student-run legal blog founded by the students of the Symbiosis Law School, Pune with an aim to increase awareness of business and commercial laws amongst the students, faculty members, legal practitioners and academicians in the field of law.

About the Blog

Established in 2020, the Indian Commercial Law Review and Practice Blog present itself as a platform for generating awareness in the field of business and commercial laws with the objective of enabling effective discourse and facilitating further research.


While there are no rigid thematic constraints, the article should be related to trending legal issues – national or international. The expectation is that the submitted article will provide an informed perspective, critical thinking, and new insight to the readers. We encourage submissions on a wide variety of topics, analyzing policy decisions, proposing legislative reforms, and promoting discussions in a diverse range of contemporary issues relevant to, but not limited to, the areas of:

  • Corporate Law
  • Competition Law
  • Taxation Law
  • Securities Law
  • Banking Law
  • Insolvency Law
  • Capital Markets
  • Arbitration Law

Submission Guidelines

The submissions must be sent to submissions.iclrap@gmail.com in an MS word document. The word limit for the manuscripts is between 1000-1500 words. Kindly note that the word limit is exclusive of footnotes. Strict adherence to the word limit is highly advised. No submissions will be accepted if sent to any other email address. The maximum number of co-authors permitted is two.


The manuscript submitted by the author(s) must adhere to the following font styles:

  • The manuscript submitted must be typed in Times New Roman.
  • The line spacing must be 1.5.
  • The font size of the title: 14, *Headings – Size12 – Bold and underlined – Justified
  • Body text: Size 12
  • The text should be justified.

Citation Style

The author(s) are requested to provide the link of the sources which have been cited by them in the main body and are required to follow the OSCOLA citation method (4th edition). The citations should be in Numeric Form, Font Times New Roman, Size 10, and in single line spacing. Endnotes are not to be used.

Other Instructions

  • Authors are requested to give an undertaking that the manuscripts submitted are original pieces of work and has not been plagiarized nor has been published or is in consideration for publishing in any other places.
  • All submissions must be accompanied by a Covering Letter mentioning the submission category, the title of the manuscript, institutional affiliation, and contact details of the author(s) (Name, year of the study, name of institution, etc.).
  • The body of the manuscript should not contain any personal details of the author(s), so as to enable anonymous screening and peer-review.
  • The subject of the email should be in the following format: “ICLRAP Blog Submission – Article Name”.

Kindly adhere to the aforementioned guidelines. Any alternate form of formatting is not necessary. Failure to follow the above-mentioned points may result in disqualification.

Contact Details

Mail to: iclrap101@gmail.com

WhatsApp Group:






About the institution 

Lloyd Law College is a premier law college situated in Delhi-NCR that has been imparting high quality and practical legal education since 2003. The College has been awarded the ‘SILF-MILAT Institutional Excellence Award – 2018’ by His Excellency, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu, Vice President of India. Apart from the regular academic activities, to contribute to research in the field of law, Lloyd Law College has two international journals –Lexigentia– Law Journal of Lloyd Law College and Lloydians– the Student Law Review. 

About the journal 

Lloydians (International Student Review Journal of Lloyd Law College) is a biannual, ISSN, peer-reviewed journal published by Thomson Reuters (ISSN: 2394- 899X).  We invite Articles from the students of law for publication of upcoming edition on following theme.  

Theme: “Covid Pandemic and Legal Education & Profession”. 


  1. Issues & challenges in dispensation of legal education 
    • Issues & challenges that students have to face, and their response 
    • Issues & challenges that administration have to face, and their response 
    • Issues & challenges that teachers have to face, and their response 
    • Clinical legal education in the times of COVID pandemic 
  1. Issues and challenges in justice delivery mechanism 
    • Issues & challenges that advocates have to face, and their response 
    • Issues & challenges that party to the case have to face, and their response 
    • Issues & challenges that judicial officers have to face, and their response 
    • Issues & challenges that court-room administration have to face, and their response 
  1. Response of the Bar to the challenge of the COVID pandemic 
  2. Right to speedy trial in light of the given theme 

Kindly note, sub-themes are mere suggestive; you may submit your Article on any other theme provided it falls within scope of theme of this call for paper. 

How to submit / submission guidelines 

  1. Word Limit: 
    • Article: 4000 – 6000 words (including abstract, references, table/chart used in the Article) 
    • Short Article: 3,000– 4,000 words (including abstract, references, table/chart used in the Short Article) 
    • Abstract: 200-300 words  
  2. Author’s Declaration of Originality: All entries must have author’s declaration of ‘original authorship’ in the prescribed format.  
  3. Authorship: 
    • Students pursuing 3-year LL.B course and 5-year B.A. LL.B course from recognized Universities are eligible to send in entries. LL.M students can also submit their entries. 
    • Entries can be co-authored. However, a maximum of two authors per Article is allowed. 
  4. Citation Style: Uniform Style of Citation should be adhered to. The mode of citation to be followed is available at http://www.ili.ac.in/footnoting.pdf 
  5. Format of Main Text & Footnotes: Times New Roman font, in font size 12 is prescribed for all entries. Further, footnotes shall be in font size 10 and in Times New Roman font. A line spacing of 1.5 for the main text and 1.0 for footnotes should be followed. All submissions should be in doc or docx format; submissions in pdf shall not be accepted. 
  6. All entries (abstract + article) are to be submitted via email to lloydians@lloydlawcollege.edu.in latest by 15 December, 2021 (11.59 IST).  


Last date for submission of articles 15 December, 2021  
Review of the Article by the Review Committee 15 – 29 December, 2021 
Information to the authors on selection of the Article for publication (If required, authors may be suggested to make changes in their Article; they would be required to re-submit their Article within a week time) 5th January, 2022  
Resubmission (if required) of paper by the author 7 January, 2021  

Contact details 

For any details or queries, a mail can be sent to lloydians@lloydlawcollege.edu.in. 

NOTE: Lloyd Law College shall retain all copyright arising out of any publications. Only the moral rights shall vest with the author. 

WhatsApp Group:






About Christ University

School of Law, is a part of CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore. The parent University, a premier educational institution, is an academic fraternity dedicated to the motto of ‘Excellence and Service’ and has an already proven history of success in the field of education. CHRIST, formerly Christ College has the rare distinction of being the first institution in Karnataka to be accredited by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), UGC, and currently has an A grade as accredited in 2016 for quality education.

About the National Conference Committee

The National Conference Committee is a faculty-guided, student-run committee that is entering its 12th glorious year and has been the host for 11 successful national conferences. The committee organizes various workshops and seminars every year.

For this academic year, the committee shall work with various sub-teams (i.e., research team, tech team, creative crew, public relations) the members of which shall be specialized in the same. The National Conference Committee strives to publish an e-book after the event. The research articles submitted and presented of good equality will be chosen in E-book after thorough scrutiny for publication. The virtual platform has provided an opportunity for the committee to broaden its reach and deliver an experience that has never been witnessed before.


The National Conference by School of Law, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) cordially invites research papers from law students, legal academicians, and legal practitioners.

Theme and Sub-themes

Theme: Emerging trends in Rule of Law, Democratic Norms, and Constitutional Values

Sub-theme 1: Rule of Law

  • Tribunal Reforms and Judicial Independence
  • Access to Justice and its Transformation in India
  • Expediting the Trial Process in India
  • State Surveillance and Right to Privacy

Sub-theme 2: Democratic Norms

  • Regulation of OTT Platform: Censoring Issues and limitations
  • Anti-Conversion Laws: Is It a Threat to Secularism and Fundamental Rights?
  • Trends in Reservation Policy in India: An Evaluation
  • Population Control Bills and its Constitutional Ramifications

Sub-theme 3: Trends in Judicial Process in India

  • The Digitisation of Indian Judicial process: Challenges and the Way Forward
  • Implementation of AI and Digitisation of Judicial system
  • National Litigation Policy and Its implementation

Sub-theme 4: Miscellaneous

  • Fugitive Justice and the Reciprocity Between States
  • The Legality of Withdrawal of Prosecution
  • Cyber Pornography: Regulatory Challenges

Submission Guidelines

The abstract should not exceed 300 words and must be accompanied by a cover page stating:

  • Sub-theme
  • Title of the Paper
  • Name of the Author(s)
  • Name of the Institution
  • E-mail Address
  • Postal Address
  • Contact number

The abstract file shall be named as: <Theme number>_<full name of the author(s)>.

For eg:

  • Single Authorship: Theme1_RajeevShankar
  • Co-Authorship: Theme1_RajeevShankar&RahulMohan

All submissions of the abstracts for the E-Conference must be electronically submitted.

Formatting Guidelines

  • The main text of the full paper and the abstract should be in Times New
  • Roman with font size 12 and line spacing of 1.5.
  • The footnotes should be in Times New Roman, font size 10 with a spacing of 1.0 (Endnotes are not permitted)
  • One inch margins should be maintained on all four sides of the pages.
  • Citation Style: Bluebook, 20th edition.
  • The abstract and full paper has to mandatorily be submitted in .pdf format only.


Co-authorship is permitted to a maximum of two authors and at least one author must attend the E Conference to present the paper. No Proxy presentations are allowed. The School of Law, CHRIST in keeping with its mandate of publishing original works only, adopts a stringent anti-plagiarism policy. Any paper containing any unattributed work is thus liable to be rejected.

Important Dates

  • Abstract Submission: December 15, 2021
  • Communication of Acceptance of Abstract: December 20, 2021
  • Last date for Registration and Payment: January 10, 2022
  • Submission of Full Papers: January 15, 2022


CISCO WebEx shall be used for paper presentation and conduct of National

Online Conference. Further, details on the usage and registration of the platform will be shared with the participants at a later stage.

Registration Fee

  • For Students: Rs.800/- for single authorship and Rs.1200/- for co-authorship
  • For Research Scholars, Academicians and Professionals:
    1. Rs.1000/- for Single authorship
    2. Rs.1400/- for co-authorship


  • E-Certificate to every participant who duly submits and presents the paper.
  • Publication of the best articles under each sub-theme in the proposed E-book carrying ISBN number.

Contact Details

Email ID: slcuconference@law.christuniversity.in

WhatsApp Group:






About the Organiser

Dharmashastra National Law University, Jabalpur is an NLU located at Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India. It was established by the Madhya Pradesh Dharmashastra National Law University Ordinance in 2018.

About the Event

On the auspicious day of Human Rights Day, i.e., 10th December 2021 Centre for Research and Studies in Human Rights, DNLU is organizing National Quiz Competition on Human Rights in association with Jigyasa – The Quiz Club of DNLU.

  • The Competition will be a two-day event, i.e., 9th December 2021 and 10th December 2021
  • The Competition will consist of three rounds.
    • The First round will be held through Google Form
    • The Second and the Third Rounds on Google Meet.

Schedules and other details are to be disclosed soon after registration.

Registration Link



First Position: Book amounting to Rs 1500
Second Position: Book amounting to Rs 1000
Third Position: Book amounting to Rs 500

Contact Details

Email – crash@mpdnlu.ac.in

Ishita Sharma – 8770089097
Ashutosh Chopra – 7985069858

WhatsApp Group:






About the Mind legal

Mind Legal, a full-service law firm is a perfect amalgamation of years of practical experience and deep rooted theoretical and conceptual understanding. Based out of Delhi, the Firm has been founded by a group of highly trained, disciplined and enthusiastic young visionaries who combine their immense enthusiasm and global exposure to deliver expedient solutions to every single client.

About the opportunity

Trainee Intern required 1st December 2021 onwards for a Delhi based law firm with primarily general corporate law work and miscellaneous civil and criminal disputes work.


· Pursuing LLB.
· Command over English and Hindi languages.
· Full time role.
· Conveyance and other expenses, if any, will be paid.

Procedure to Apply

If the Trainee Intern is a right fit then at time of completion of LLB the position of Legal Associate will be offered.
Interested interns may apply at info@mindlegal.in.

WhatsApp Group:






About the DSLSA

DSLSA or the Delhi State Legal Services Authority provide free and competent legal aid and services by advising on legal aspects and assigning lawyers to certain categories. It also runs helpline services to give quick and easy access to legal advice and services.

The DSLSA is also engaged in conducting Legal Service Clinics, Lok Adalats, Special Lok Adalats and Permanent Lok Adalats, Legal awareness Programmes for general masses, Pre-Institution Mediation in Commercial Matters, as well as Granting compensation to the victims under the Delhi Victims Compensation Scheme 2018.

About the opportunity

Delhi State Legal Services Authority invites online applications for the Winter Internship Programme 2021-22 for law students of Law Universities/Colleges of India.

Number of Openings



3rd and 4th Year Law students (in case of 5-year LLB) and 1st and 2nd-year law students (in case of 3-year LLB)

Internship Duration

The internship period will be of 21 days.

Skills Required

  • Efficiency in written communication
  • Legal writing skills
  • Basic legal knowledge

Areas of Internship

  • Delhi High Court
  • Department of Family Welfare, GNCTD of Delhi
  • Motor Accident Claim Tribunal
  • Special Courts exercising jurisdiction over cases of Section 138 N.L Act
  • Observation Homes for juveniles.
  • Mental Health Institutions (IHBAS).
  • Delhi Commission for Women
  • Legal Services Clinics.
  • Meditation Centres
  • Family courts
  • Labour Courts & Tribunals
  • Juvenile Justice Boards
  • Children Homes & Child Welfare Committees
  • Civil & Criminal District Courts
  • Lok Adalats
  • Jails
  • Special Juvenile Police Unit, Delhi Police
  • Police Stations/ Forensic Science Laboratory
  • National Commission for Protection of Child Rights/ Delhi Commission for Protection of Child Rights
  • National Commission for Women/ Delhi Commission for women
  • National Human Rights Commission
  • National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission/ State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission
  • Old Age Homes
  • Society for Promotion of Youth & Masses (SPYM)
  • Door to Door Campaign

Primary Responsibilities

  • To prepare publicity material on Legal Services and legal rights under various social welfare legislation for mass awareness.
  • To generate legal literacy & legal awareness among the marginalized sections of society.
  • To create an enabling environment where the poor, weaker, and vulnerable people can come forward for justice and equality.
  • To develop a linkage between the people belonging to the peripheral section & legal aid.
  • To understand the problems and challenges faced by certain sections because of social & economic barriers.
  • To assist the needy in preparation of the application to access Legal Services.
  • To promote Alternate Dispute Redressal Mechanism viz. Pre-Litigation Conciliation & Counseling, Lok Adalats, Mediation etc. with special emphasis on family & matrimonial matters.

Procedure to Apply

Students can apply onlinefrom December 1 to December 15, 2021, through the online application link. Furnishing of recommendation letter on the proforma prescribed by DSLSA duly signed by Dean/Principal/Faculty is mandatory.

Link to Apply https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSes5kEjxknnN6wU0NQ02euNPD6_8Z1okTts5f4l2djTnPyIw/viewform

Last Date to Apply

December 15, 2021

WhatsApp Group:






About Indore institute of law

Indore Institute of Law established in the year 2003 is a college that’s more like a community of like-minded people coming together to share in depth knowledge of the law. Since our inception, we have a long record of academic excellence and have always offered an innovative learning approach to our students where they have constantly grown towards their success. We work on the principle to offer an imparting education system and endeavor this by offering a high standard of education and excellence

About the Law Fest

Indore Institute of Law with full pride and head held high, organized India’s 1st National Law Fest Lex Bonanza back in the year 2012 and earned great laurels among the academicians, students, and philanthropists. It provided a platform for students to showcase their legal skills and to develop their personalities. This Law Fest helped the Indore Institute of Law to occupy the position of prominence in the globalized world.

This Law Fest has now become a legacy since the year 2012. The VI edition of Law fest in 2017 added another feather to the cap as it went International. Teams from Nottingham, U.K., and Eastern University, Dhaka, Bangladesh participated in this edition. Furthermore, the VII Chapter of Lex Bonanza was witnessed in the year 2018 with the huge participation of 28 teams inclusive of international teams from the University of Nigeria and Eastern University, Bangladesh.

Moot Court Competition

Indore institute of law is organising moot court as part of its Virtual law fest! And invites all the Undergraduate students pursuing three or five-year courses of LL.B. degree /LLM degree from any Law School/College/University recognized by the Bar Council of India to take part in it.

Registration link


Important Dates

  • Last day to register online 8th December 2021
  • Last day to submit memorial 11 th December 2021
  • Last date to submit a memorial (with the penalty of 2 marks per day) 13th December 2021
  • Online quarterfinal round 18th December 2021
  • Online semi-final round 18th December 2021
  • Online final round 19th December 2021

In case of queries Regarding Moot Court Competition

Mail to: mootcourtsociety@iconeducation.co.in

Client Counselling Competition

Indore Institute of Law is conducting a Virtual International Client Counselling Competition from 17th DEC 2021 TO 19th DEC 2021. The Client Counselling Competition promotes greater knowledge and interest among law students in practical laws and counselling functions of law practice. It also encourages participants to develop interviewing, planning, and analytical skills in the lawyer-client relationship. The competition is open for only Law Students.

Registration details

Last Day for registration- 10th December, 2021

Link- https://forms.gle/MjFcbfWQvGbR4CXe7

In case of queries regarding Client Counselling Competition

Mail to: placementsociety@iconeducation.co.in

International Parliamentary Debate Competition

Indore Institute of Law here introduces you to the 3-on-3 Asian Parliamentary Debating rules in the Parliamentary Debate Competition. Every round will consist of two teams; one team to advance in motion and one to oppose it. The team advancing the motion is known as “The Proposition‟, “The Affirmative” or “The Government”. The opposing team is known as “The Opposition‟ or “The Negative”. Teams will be assigned as the Proposition or the Opposition for each round of the competition. The panel shall judge the debate which consists of the odd numbers of the adjudicators who will also be the participants.

Registration Details

Last date for registration- 8th December, 2021

In case of queries regarding Parliamentary debate competition

Mail to: electioncommission@iconeducation.co.in

International Debate Competition

Indore institute of law is organising International Debate Competition as part of its Virtual law fest! And invites all the Undergraduate students pursuing three or five-year courses of LL.B. degree /LLM degree from any Law School/College/University recognized by the Bar Council of India to take part in it.

Registration Details

link- https://forms.gle/J72geqr9STSrxkPu6

last date- 10th December, 2021

In case of queries regarding International Debate Competition

Mail to: disciplinarysociety@iconeducation.co.in

Extempore Competition

Indore institute of law is organising Extempore Competition as part of its Virtual law fest! And invites all the Undergraduate students pursuing three or five-year courses of LL.B. degree /LLM degree from any Law School/College/University recognized by the Bar Council of India to take part in it.

Registration Details

link- https://forms.gle/7o9cx1etpxH2SnBH7

Last Date- 10th December, 2021

In case of queries regarding Extempore Competition

Mail to: disciplinarysociety@iconeducation.co.in

Street Play Competition

Indore institute of law is organising Street Play Competition as part of its Virtual law fest! And invites all the Undergraduate students pursuing three or five-year courses of LL.B. degree /LLM degree from any Law School/College/University recognized by the Bar Council of India to take part in it.

Registration Details

link- https://forms.gle/uCssBZewxMhcG54f7

Last Date- 14th December, 2021

In case of queries regarding Street Play Competition

Mail to: sportssociety@iconeducation.co.in

Judgement Writing Competition

Indore institute of law is organising Judgement Writing Competition as part of its Virtual law fest! And invites all the Undergraduate students pursuing three or five-year courses of LL.B. degree /LLM degree from any Law School/College/University recognized by the Bar Council of India to take part in it.

Registration Details

Link- https://forms.gle/QTdX1vaUA7XfNBn1A

Last Date- 12th December, 2021

In case of queries regarding Judgement Writing Competition

Mail at: alumnisociety@iconeducation.co.in

Law Quiz Competition

Indore institute of law is organising Law Quiz Competition as part of its Virtual law fest! And invites all the Undergraduate students pursuing three or five-year courses of LL.B. degree /LLM degree from any Law School/College/University recognized by the Bar Council of India to take part in it.

Registration Details

Link- https://forms.gle/4Mx5DCtBLZKU4Kr3A

Last Date- 10th December, 2021.

In case of queries regarding Law Quiz Competition

Mail at: legalaidsociety@iconeducation.co.in

Paper Presentation Competition

Indore institute of law is organising Paper Presentation Competition as part of its Virtual law fest! And invites all the Undergraduate students pursuing three or five-year courses of LL.B. degree /LLM degree from any Law School/College/University recognized by the Bar Council of India to take part in it.

Registration Details

Link- https://forms.gle/DrgDdjssdA2kokSo8

In case of queries regarding Paper Presentation Competition

  • Meet Priya Khalsa: 7666342090
  • Jahanvi Jain: 8269956291

WhatsApp Group:




