Call for papers: National Seminar by Shankarrao Chavan Law College, Pune
The Center for Public Health Laws, Shankarrao Chavan Law College, Pune is organizing a One-Day National Seminar on Public Health Care System in India: Issues and Challenges on September 17....
FREE Online Course on Sociology of Gender by RGNUL, Punjab: Access NOW!
RGNUL, Punjab is providing a free access online course on the sociology of gender. ABOUT The MHRD has launched the project ‘Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds...
Training Session on “Arbitration Agreements” by ArbDossier and WBNUJS
ArbDossier in conjunction with WBNUJS Kolkata ADR Society is conducting a two-day online training session on “Arbitration Agreements” on July 16 and 17, 2022. ABOUT ArbDossier in conjunction with the...
One-Week International Faculty Development Program by Starex University
School of Law, Starex University is organizing an International Faculty Development Program (IFDP) on “Advanced Research Methodology in New Emerging Trends & Technology: A Socio-Legal Approach” from July 18 to...
FREE Online Course by University of Michigan
Enrolments are open for the FREE Online Course on Making Successful Decisions through the Strategy, Law & Ethics Model by University of the University of Michigan. ABOUT This course opens...
Online Capacity Building Programme on Forensic Justice by NFSU, Gandhinagar
NFSU, Gandhinagar is making a call for applications for Online Capacity Building Programme on Forensic Justice. ABOUT The National Forensic Sciences University is organizing a Capacity Building Programme on Forensic...
National Law University Delhi: Certificate Course on Insolvency and Bankruptcy
National Law University Delhi is making a call for applications for a Certificate course on insolvency and bankruptcy. ABOUT The primary objective of the University is to evolve and impart...
NALSAR, HYDERABAD is making a call for applications for 22 online courses. ABOUT NALSAR University of Law was established by Act No. 34 of 1998 to provide comprehensive legal education...
One Week Multi-Disciplinary Faculty Development Program (FDP)
IILM Law School Gurugram is proud to announce that it is organizing One Week Multi-Disciplinary Faculty Development Program (FDP) on The Multi-Dimensions of Justice: Law & Beyond from 18th July...
2- Days Workshop on “Research Paper Writing and Publication” by GMU
GMU (IQAC) is organizing a 2- Days Workshop on “Research Paper Writing and Publication” from June 25 to 26, 2022. About Gujarat Maritime University Gujarat Maritime University (GMU) is an...