2.What is an E-Contract?
3.Legal Validity of E-Contracts
5.Validity of E-Contracts under the Indian Evidence Act
6.Roles of Parties in an E-Contract
7.Kinds of E-Contracts
8.Challenges Associated with E-Contracts
9.Present Dilemmas


As we enter the era of digitization, technology has become the backbone of almost everything, from our means of communication to attendance tracking in offices is now seamlessly integrated with technology. It’s no secret that in this day and age, technology is the driving force behind the advancements we see around us. As more companies continue to expand and agreements become increasingly complex, it’s only natural that the contracts themselves should become digitized as well.

Here in India, the rise of online transactions has led to a surge in the use of electronic contracts. These cutting-edge agreements are created and executed through electronic communication and digital signatures, bypassing the need for physical documents or signatures. With this new level of convenience and efficiency, we can now close deals with ease, without having to deal with tedious paperwork or signatures.

What is an E-Contract?

The Indian Contract Act, of 1872[1], defines a contract as an agreement that is enforceable under the law. Section 2(h) of the Act states that for an agreement to be considered a contract, it must meet certain legal requirements. Interestingly, electronic contracts, also known as E-Contracts, adhere to the essence of Section 2(h) while changing the mode of contract formation. In simple terms, E-Contracts are digital agreements that are created, negotiated, and executed without the need for physical paperwork. The parties involved communicate through electronic means, such as the internet or telephonic media, allowing for a meeting of the minds to take place.

E-Contracts save time and are a step ahead of traditional pen-and-paper contracts as they are entirely paperless and created through digital mediums. Through the use of electronic means, such as the internet or telephonic media, the parties involved in E-Contracts are able to communicate effectively, leading to a meeting of the minds. This not only streamlines the negotiation process but also reduces the need for physical meetings, saving time and resources. Unlike traditional pen-and-paper contracts, E-Contracts are created through digital mediums and are completely paperless, making them environmentally friendly and cost-effective. They are a step forward from traditional contracts, as they are efficient, secure, and authentic.

Legal Validity of E-Contracts

Section 10A of the Information Technology (IT) Act, 2008[2] is a significant provision in the Indian legal framework that acknowledges the legitimacy and enforceability of electronic contracts. The IT Act was amended to include this section as a response to the increasing use of digital contracts in commercial dealings.

The introduction of Section 10A of the IT Act clarifies that electronic contracts cannot be considered invalid merely because they exist in electronic format. These contracts hold the same legal value and enforceability as traditional paper contracts. This means that parties entering into an electronic contract have the same legal rights and duties as those in a contract executed on paper. The Act not only recognizes the legality of electronic contracts but also sets out certain conditions for their validity. These conditions include making the contract accessible for future reference and using a reliable and secure electronic signature or authentication method. Additionally, it clarifies that any law which requires a contract to be in a particular form or written shall be deemed satisfied if the contract is in electronic form and meets the requirements specified under Section 10A.


  1. There must be a proposal – one party must offer to enter into a contract.
  2. There must be acceptance – the other party must agree to the proposal.
  3. Legal consideration must be there – there must be something of value exchanged between the parties.
  4. Parties must be able to contract – they must have the legal capacity to enter into a contract.
  5. Free consent by the parties – the parties must enter into the contract freely and voluntarily without any coercion or undue influence.
  6. Lawful objective – the purpose of the contract must not be illegal or against public policy.

It is essential for an e-contract to fulfil these criteria in order to be valid and enforceable under the law. Therefore, if all the necessary elements of a contract are present in an electronic agreement, it cannot be invalidated solely on the basis of its digital form, making E-Contracts legally binding and valid. It is crucial to establish the legal validity of an E-Contract to ensure that legal action can be taken in case of any violation of the agreement.

Validity of E-Contracts under the Indian Evidence Act

According to Section 65B[3], any information contained in an electronic record that is either printed on paper, stored, recorded, or copied in an optical or magnetic media produced by a computer, can be deemed to be a document. However, this is subject to certain conditions, including that the electronic record is produced in court in compliance with the provisions of the Indian Evidence Act, and that it is accompanied by a certificate identifying the electronic record containing the statement of the person who had control over the creation of the record.

In essence, Section 65B ensures that electronic records are given the same evidentiary value as physical documents. This provision is particularly significant in the context of electronic contracts, as it reinforces their legal validity and provides parties with a means of proving the existence and terms of an electronic contract in court.

Roles of Parties in an E-Contract

An e-contract usually involves two parties: the originator and the addressee. The originator is responsible for initiating, sending, or creating the electronic message, while the addressee is the intended recipient of the message. The originator could be an individual, a business, or any other organization that initiates electronic communication. They can send an e-contract proposal to the addressee through various electronic channels such as email, messaging platforms, or an online contract management system.

The addressee, on the other hand, may also be an individual, a business, or any other entity that receives the proposal from the originator. Once the addressee receives the proposal, they may choose to accept, reject, or make a counterproposal based on the terms and conditions of the e-contract and the negotiation process between the parties.

Kinds of E-Contracts

The main types of contracts are:

  • Shrink Wrap contracts – Contracts that are agreed upon by the end user by opening the product packaging.
  • Click Wrap contracts – Agreements that are agreed upon by the end user by clicking on an “I agree” or similar button on a website or software.
  • Browser Wrap contracts – Contracts that are agreed upon by the end user by using a particular website or software.

In addition to these, there are also other types of contracts, such as:

  • Electronic Data Interchange – It is the type of e-contract that is used in the business-to-business (B2B) context for the automated exchange of business documents.
  • E-Mail contracts – Agreements that are formed through the exchange of e-mails between the parties.

Comparing Traditional and E-Contracts

Within the legal domain, it is imperative to recognize the fundamental disparity between conventional contracts and electronic contracts. The former entails a tangible signature and is produced on paper, whereas the latter involves the utilization of digital signatures and is created digitally. In addition, the formation of conventional contracts demands the presence of the involved parties in a physical setting, culminating in elevated transaction costs and protracted processes. Conversely, electronic contracts obviate the need for physical presence, resulting in diminished transaction costs and enhanced expediency.

Challenges Associated with E-Contracts


E-contracts pose various challenges in their formation and enforcement, including concerns about the authenticity and security of electronic documents. Although the use of electronic signatures and digital certificates can ensure authenticity and security, there is always a risk of fraud, hacking, and unauthorized access to electronic documents. As technology advances and individuals become more knowledgeable about it, there is a risk of malicious use that can compromise the privacy of the public. Parties to e-contracts must take adequate measures to protect their electronic documents from such risks, including but not limited to using secure communication channels, employing encryption techniques, and regularly updating their security protocols.


The enforceability of electronic contracts in India hinges on their adherence to the requirements set forth in the Contract Act. Under the Contract Act, parties to a contract must possess the contractual capacity and the agreement must not violate any laws or public policies. Moreover, the contract terms must be lucid and explicit, and the contract must have consideration.

In India, there have been several instances where the enforceability of e-contracts has been challenged in courts of law. One such example is the Trimex International FZE Limited v. Vedanta Aluminum Limited (2010)[4] case, in which the court upheld the enforceability of an electronic contract, despite the absence of a physical signature. The court declared that the usage of digital signatures and the presence of a valid offer and acceptance satisfied the prerequisites laid out in the Contract Act.


One of the most significant challenges in the realm of electronic contracts pertains to jurisdiction and choice of law. Electronic contracts are frequently established across different jurisdictions, with the involved parties potentially operating under distinct legal systems. Therefore, the clauses regarding jurisdiction and choice of law must be meticulously crafted to ensure that the parties agree on the applicable law and forum for dispute resolution. Failure to properly address these clauses could result in one party being subjected to laws with which they are unfamiliar, potentially leading to non-compliance and undesirable legal ramifications. As such, it is imperative for parties involved in electronic contracts to engage in thoughtful deliberation regarding jurisdiction and choice of law clauses to minimize potential conflicts and disputes.

Present Dilemmas


The proliferation of artificial intelligence and machine learning in e-commerce has led to the formation of contracts through automated systems, raising pertinent legal questions regarding their enforceability. The primary concern revolves around whether contracts formed without any human intervention are legally binding and enforceable. With the increasing use of automated systems, it is essential to evaluate the validity of these types of contracts and determine if they adhere to the requirements set forth by contract law. The development of these automated systems has also prompted the need for a clear legal framework to ensure that parties involved in such contracts are adequately protected. Thus, there is a pressing need for legal guidelines and regulations to facilitate the formation, validity, and enforcement of contracts through automated systems.


One of the challenges in the enforcement of e-contracts is the possibility of disputes arising between the parties involved. In order to address this issue, there is a need for a mechanism for online dispute resolution, similar to the physical systems that exist for resolving disputes. With the increasing use of technology in e-commerce, the use of online dispute resolution can provide a cost-effective and timely solution to resolve disputes in the same medium in which the contract was formed. This would not only save time and money for the parties involved but also promote trust and confidence in the use of e-contracts.


E-contracts often entail the collection and processing of personal data, which can potentially be accessed by individuals with sufficient technological expertise. It is essential that the use of such data complies with applicable data protection laws, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)[5] in the European Union and the Personal Data Protection Bill in India, to safeguard the privacy and security of individuals. Adherence to such laws can help ensure that personal data is processed lawfully and transparently, and that appropriate measures are taken to protect against unauthorized access, theft, or misuse of personal data.


It is imperative to update the force majeure clause in e-contracts to account for unforeseeable events that could impede contract performance. Traditionally, force majeure provisions applied to uncontrollable events, such as natural disasters, wars, or labour strikes that were unforeseeable at the time of contract formation. However, given the increasing reliance on technology in conducting business, it is vital to include potential disruptions caused by cyber-attacks, technology failures, or similar events. Thus, it is necessary to include provisions in the force majeure clause that explicitly describe the effect of such events on contract performance, to ensure that e-contracts remain valid and enforceable in these scenarios.


In the contemporary era, the prevalence of e-contracts has become ubiquitous, making it arduous to avoid or anticipate their eventual dominance over traditional contracts. The digital age has witnessed the widespread adoption of e-contracts as a customary mode of contracting. The legal framework governing the formation and enforcement of e-contracts is underpinned by legal principles and statutory provisions. Provided that they satisfy legal requisites, e-contracts are enforceable to the same degree as paper-based contracts. However, the realm of e-contracts poses distinctive challenges, including concerns related to the legitimacy and security of electronic documents, as well as issues related to jurisdiction and choice of law. To ensure the enforceability and validity of e-contracts, parties must implement appropriate measures to mitigate these challenges. Although e-contracts offer notable advantages in terms of expediency and efficiency, parties must remain vigilant to address unconventional challenges. Given that technological progress is inevitable, it is vital for parties to e-contract to be cognizant of these challenges and take appropriate steps to address them.


  1. The Indian Contract Act, 1872, Act No. 9 of 1875
  2. The Information Technology (Amendment) Act, 2008, Act No. 10, Acts of Parliament, 2009 (India).
  3. The Indian Evidence Act, 1872, Act No. of 1872
  4. Trimex International Fze Limited v. Vedanta Aluminium Limited, 2010 (1) S.C.C. 574 (India)
  5. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32016R0679

This article is authored by Sohini Chakraborty, a first-year law student at RGNUL Patiala.

Read more about E-Contracts:

Contracts have become an inextricable aspect of our daily lives. We are regulated by contracts in our everyday lives, some of which we are aware of and some of which we are unaware of, whether we are purchasing a commodity from the market or renting a cab. In today’s world, an e-contract can be anything from purchasing a product online to signing an international treaty via the internet. In an e-contract, the offer, invitation to offer, counteroffer, acceptance, and other communications are all done electronically, and the result is an agreement. We all know what contracts are but what exactly is an e-contract.

When parties enter into contracts with each other and engage face to face, it is significantly easier to avoid mistakes than when they are separated and contract with each other using the internet as a medium. Electronic contracts are those that are made through e-commerce and do not need the parties to meet in person. These contracts are essentially the same as paper-based commercial contracts, with the exception that the business transactions are undertaken and closed electronically. The growth of e-commerce enterprises throughout the world has been propelled by technological advancements and globalization.1

Kinds of E-Contracts

  1. Browse Wrap Agreement
    This agreement is referred to as a browsewrap agreement, and it is intended to bind the contractual party via the use of the website. These include the consumer policies and terms of service of websites such as Flipkart or E-bay and are presented in the form of “terms of use,” “person settlement,” or “terms of service,” which may be accessed by hyperlinks in the website’s corner or rear.
  2. Shrink Wrap Contracts
    These contracts are the licencing agreements, which impose the agreement’s terms and conditions on the contractual parties and are usually seen on the packaging or in the manuals that come with the software products that consumers purchase.
  3. Click Wrap Agreements
    Those agreements require the person to click “ok” or “I agree” to agree to the terms and conditions, which are known as end-person settlements and regulate the licenced use of the software application. There are certain types of examination that ensure that the terms of the agreement are binding on the contractual parties.

Execution of E-Contracts

Various legislation, including the Indian Technology Act of 2000 and the Indian Evidence Act of 1872, have contributed to the popularity and legality of E-Contracts. The I.T. Act specifies the attribution, acknowledgment, and transmission of digital statistics, as well as safe electronic procedures. The IT Act acknowledges the agreement’s core capabilities, which include proposal communication, proposal attractiveness, proposal revocation, and acceptance, as the case may be, which will be conveyed either in digital form or by means of a digital record. Furthermore, under the Indian Evidence Act, a settlement’s popularity is determined by the time period “record,” which includes any records included in a digital record that is delineated on paper. Furthermore, the Indian Evidence Act recognizes the popularity of a settlement by defining “record” as any records contained in a digital record that is sketched on paper, stored, recorded, or replicated on optical or magnetic media created by a computer. Such facts will be acceptable in any procedures, with no similarly proof or production of the authentic document before the concerned authorities, and shall be appeared as proof of any content of the authentic or any reality described therein of which direct evidence would be admissible. 2

In India, the validity of e-contracts is debatable

The Indian Contract Act of 1872 acknowledged customary agreements, which are created by the voluntary assent of contracting parties who are able to contract for a lawful consideration with a legitimate intent and are not specifically ruled void. As a result, there may be no provision in this Act prohibiting the enforceability of electronic agreements as long as they contain the essential elements of a legitimate settlement. The ability to freely agree is one of the most important aspects of a legal contract. On E-contracts, there is frequently no room for discussion.3

Issues and Challenges of an e-contract

  • Capacity to Contract
    It’s important to make sure that the people who are signing the electronic “contract” have the legal authority and capacity to do so. Often, a contract is entered into by an anonymous individual. The service provider has no way of knowing if the person who clicked the “I Agree” text or symbol is legally capable of entering into a contract. According to the Indian Contract Act, 1872, one of the essential requirements of a legal contract is the capacity of the parties. Parties’ competence is addressed under sections 10, 11, and 12 of the Act. Contracts put upon by those who are unable to contract are null and void. There may be a circumstance where infants who are not old enough to engage in a contract are involved. Infants who are not old enough to enter into a contract with the service provider may enter into an online contract with the service provider by clicking on the “I Agree” text or symbol.
  • Free Consent
    Free consent is a legal need for every contract to be legitimate. There is no room for bargaining with online contracts. For the user, this is a significant drawback. However, the user always has the choice to “take it or leave it” in a transaction. The Supreme Court stated in the case of LIC of India vs Consumer Education and Research Centre that “there would be no reason for a weaker party to bargain as to presume equal negotiating strength under dotted line contracts.” In terms of the dotted line contract, he must either accept or reject the service or goods. Either he accepts the unreasonable or unjust conditions or he refuses to use the service in the future.” As a result, it may be stated that the user should exercise caution while granting his agreement in order to avoid problems.

Decision on the Applicable Law

The law of the forum, or the law of the transaction, or the occurrence that gave rise to the litigation in the first place, are the two options under Indian law for applying personal jurisdiction, i.e., the law of the forum, or the law of the transaction, or the occurrence that gave rise to the litigation in the first place. The courts do have the authority to select the applicable law by finding the system of law with which the transaction has the strongest and most direct link. There is no rule against the application of foreign law or the subjecting of an Indian party to a foreign jurisdiction. The emphasis is on choosing the right law. 4

Decision on the Court Jurisdiction

E-contracts provide for a wide range of causes of action to arise in a variety of geographical places. This might result in cases being filed in many locations. Defending litigation in several places might be both costly and time-consuming. As a result, all online contracts should include a forum selection provision. Limiting the vulnerability of online service providers to a single jurisdiction makes strong legal sense. As a result, the online service provider has no alternative but to submit to a single set of rules and related laws. The user has no alternative but to accept the service provider’s Standard Terms and Conditions by clicking the “I Agree”, “I Accept” or “Yes” text or button onscreen.

The mode of an e-contract is the result of a revolutionary shift in changing global technical know-how, but it has also been discovered that the laws governing such e-contracts are ambiguous in nature and must be dynamic in order to accommodate the current changing scenarios of e-commerce, including an e-contract. In India, the law covers all aspects of e contracting. However, technological advancements will provide new obstacles for legislators and government agencies. To stay up with changing technology, laws must be updated and improved on a regular basis.


  1. Sethuram Sundaram, E-contracts in India: The legal framework, issues, and challenges, Researchgate, 2018.
  2. Nikhil Nair, E-contracts, Indian National Baar Association.
  3. S.R. Subaashini and Shaji.M, Legal issues arising in E-contracts in India: An analysis, International journal of pure and applied mathematics, 2017.
  4. K. Prethev and Aswathy Rajan, A critical analysis of E-contracts in India and Enforceability with respect to Sec-65 of India Evidence Act, International journal of pure and applied mathematics, 2018.

Written by Muskan Patidar student at Kirit P. Mehta School of law (NMIMS), Mumbai.