About the NCW

The National Commission for Women, a Statutory Body set up in January 1992 under the National Commission for Women Act, 1990 has the mandate to safeguard the constitutional and statutory rights of women. The Commission initiates a program that aids empowerment and holistic development of women so that they are capable to gain access to opportunities and making their own decisions.

International Day for the EVAW

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (EVAW) was launched in 2000 by the UN General Assembly. It is observed annually on November 25th. International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women seeks to raise awareness about violence against women. This day aims to eliminate violence by removing stigma and encouraging women to speak out against abusers. This day defines violence against women as any act of gender-based violence that results in or is likely to result in, physical, sexual, or psychological harm to women.

The goal of this day is to achieve equality, development, and peace. It aims toward the fulfilment of women’s and girls’ human rights.

Invitation for Suggestions and Inputs

In pursuance of its mandate and in order to achieve the goal of ‘Elimination of Violence against Women’, the Commission invites inputs, suggestions, and feedback from all stakeholders through MyGov Portal, with a focus on Breaking the Silence against Gender Violence.

The aim of the programme is to promote equality, development, and peace among the masses.

Submission Deadline

The last date to receive suggestions/input is December 24, 2021.

For more details


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About the Journal

The Foundation for the Student Rights has been founded in 2019 thanks to the special consent of the family court due to the underage of Mikołaj Wolanin (founder and president of the organisation). The Foundation gives lectures for students, organise the Student Rights Olympiad, and participate in the academic field of student rights (e.g., Wolanin M., Prawa Ucznia, Oficyna Wydawnicza “Impuls”, Kraków 2020), which are strongly connected to the child and human rights.

Some weeks ago the Foundation decided to establish a new, published quarterly, international, scientific (double-blind, peer-reviewed) journal, Student Rights and Legal Education Journal, which is going to be fully open access and free of charge for both the authors and the readers.

Call for Papers

The Journal invites submissions from a wide range of disciplines including law, education, philosophy, and psychology. The aim and scope of the Journal are to promote the idea of student rights and create a place where everyone can analyse from the different ways of view (legal, pedagogical, philosophical, and psychological) the school’s legal acts and the legal education subject in general. The Journal was registered by the District Court in Poznań on July 28th 2021. ISSN number will be issued after the first issue of the Journal is published.

Journal Details

  • Frequency: Quarterly
  • Editorial process: Double-blind peer review made by the two reviewers
  • Author charges: The Journal does not charge any fee
  • Open access policy: All the articles will be fully open accessible
  • Initial version: Online
  • DOI: Every article will be assigned with the unique DOI number

How to Submit?

All the submissions should be sent by e-mail to journal@prawaucznia.pl

Submission Guidelines

  • The Journal accepts: original papers (articles), review papers, case reports, reports, glosses, and any other forms fitting in the Journal’s aims and scope.
  • The articles should be at least 20,000 characters long, including spaces.
  • For other forms published in the Journal, the minimum is equal to 10,000 characters, including spaces.
  • There is no upper limit to the length of the paper, although the Editorial Team recommends that it should not exceed 60,000 characters, including spaces.

Submission Deadline

The process of submission does not have any specific deadline, however, the deadline for articles to be published in the first issue is January 31, 2022.

Contact Details

Email at:  journal@prawaucznia.pl

WhatsApp Group:






About DreamLegal

DreamLegal is a workspace where every law student/professional or enthusiast can dive in to find anything and everything they want! They aim to cater as a platform where legal enthusiasts can read as well as express their ideas. They look forward to hosting quality content from the legal fraternity.

Dream Legal has a page solely dedicated to guiding budding lawyers. The law aspirants could directly interact with the law students from the topmost law colleges of the country. The aim is to clear clouds about law as a career and various opportunities ahead.


While there are no rigid thematic constraints, the articles/research papers/legislative analysis/case summary should be related to trending legal issues – national or international. The expectation is that the submitted article will provide informed perspective, critical thinking and new insight to the readers.

They encourage submissions on a wide variety of topics, analyzing policy decisions, proposing legislative reforms and promoting discussions in a diverse range of contemporary issues.

DreamLegal operates without any theme; anything related to law is acceptable.


Academicians, Practitioners, researchers, students and others interested in the field can submit their original literary works.

Registration Details

The submission of the content requires no pre-registration. The submissions can be made directly by the form as directed in the guidelines below.

Submission Guidelines

  • Submissions can be made via Submit button (or Click here) on DreamLegal. (DO NOT MAIL YOUR SUBMISSIONS).
  • The submission of the content does not ensure its publication on the website. It is subject to scrutiny.
  • Following form of contents are published here: Articles, Research paper, Case Summary, Case commentary, Legislative Analysis, Videos on any socio-legal topic, Presentations.
  • Plagiarism acceptance is up to 18%.
  • Co-Authorship of up to two authors is permitted.
  • There is no fees payable to submit or publish in the website.
  • The submission should be the original work of the writer. It should not be published before on any platform, or under consideration for publication or should not be published further.
  • General points on formatting:
  • The submission should be in the form of Word document.
  • Font Specifics: Title: 14 Bold, Headings: 12 Bold and Underlined, Main Text: 12, Font Style: Times New Roman, Line Spacing: 1.5, text should be justified.
  • Keywords should be mentioned along with the submission.
  • The content should be divided into appropriate sub-headings mandatorily.
  • Use of relevant images is suggested.
  • Kindly use hyperlinks to mention the referred sources.

Prescribed Word Limit Guidelines (Subject to Relaxation)

  • Articles: 500-2000 words
  • Research paper: 2000-8000 words {This format & sequence should be strictly adhered to – Abstract, Introduction, Review of literature, Objectives, Research methodology, Findings & Discussions, Conclusion,
  • Recommendations, Limitations & Future scope, References. Kindly mention the references with proper citation. Authors are required to follow the bluebook citation method (20th edition)}.
  • Case Summary: 700-2500 words
  • Legislative Analysis: 700-2500 words

List of Important Dates and Deadlines

There is no deadline for submission. The process of verification takes around 7-10 days for completion after which the content is published after a confirmation mail. If in case the content does not compile to the format or some inadequacy is there, you will be mailed with the appropriate feedback for the same.


Upon the due selection and publication of submitted manuscripts, the Author(s) shall be entitled to receive only a digital copy of the certificate of appreciation. Non-adherence to any of the prescribed formats will result in strict rejection

Submission link

Contact Details


WhatsApp Group:






About the Book

This Call for Book Chapters will cover the most recent developments and current events in and around India in regard to insolvency and bankruptcy. We gladly seek papers from the legal fraternity across India in support of this goal.

Submission guidelines

  • Under no circumstances will co-authorship be permitted.
  • The deadlines must be adhered to to the letter.
  • Any entry received after the deadline will be rejected.
  • A declaration form indicating that the Chapter is the author’s original work and free of plagiarism or copyright infringement must be included with the submission.
  • Plagiarism of more than 15% will result in disqualification.


  • Word limit: 2000 to 3000 words including Footnotes.
  • Font size:
    • For Title: 14 (Bold).
    • For Headings and Subheadings: 12 (Bold).
    • For Footnotes: 10 (Italics)
    • For other content: 12
  • Font Style (including Footnotes): Times New Roman.
  • Line Spacing: 1.5
  • Footnoting Style: Harvard Bluebook 20th Edition


  1. Analysis of Legal and Regulatory Framework of IBC, 2016.
  2. Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 and its Amendments.
  3. Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 – A boon for entrepreneurship.
  4. Cross border insolvency.
  5. Voluntary and compulsory liquidation of corporate entities.
  6. Potential of strategic default in IBC, 2016.
  7. Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP) role and efficacy
  8. Insolvency resolution and Bankruptcy of Individuals
  9. A critique of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016.


Registration link: https://forms.gle/TwvSjixuGXwbxjAm6 


  • On or before Midnight on the last day of submission, send a soft copy of the submission to cclrt@sushantuniversity.edu.in with the title “Submission for Book Chapters of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016” in the subject line.
  • The body of the email must contain the following: –
    • Name of the Author
    • Brief Introduction of the Author
    • Affiliated Institution
    • Title of the Chapter

Important Dates:

  • Registration starts from: 30-10-2021
  • Last date for Registration: 15-11-2021
  • Last date for Submission of Chapter: 25-11-2021

Contact details


WhatsApp Group:






About Trade, Law and Development

The mission of Trade, Law, and Development, which was founded in 2009, has been to promote and sustain a healthy and democratic discourse on emerging challenges in international economic law, as well as to serve as a forum for the exchange of ideas.

Members’ faith in the multilateral trade system is at an all-time low, with the “crown jewel” of the WTO in crisis and gridlock between developing and rich countries in numerous WTO debates. The growing number of free trade agreements (FTAs) around the world, as well as States’ preference for regionalism over the multilateral framework, demonstrate this.

As a result, the WTO’s ability to provide a platform for discussions to liberalise trade and establish new rules, as well as to oversee and administer multilateral trade laws and adjudicate trade disputes among members, has been severely harmed. Furthermore, the stress has been increased by the disruption created by the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, WTO members are taking a more protectionist stance.

While the WTO’s role in assisting economies recover from declining trade volumes has grown significantly, it is unclear how the organisation will address each of these issues separately. Because the goal of TL&D is to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and constructive debate on legal and policy matters, the above-mentioned aspects are arguably some of the most important topics in international trade discourse this year.

The Journal hopes to promote discussion on how to maintain the multilateral rules-based trade system and, as a result, prevent the transition to a pre-WTO power-based trading system through this theme.


While the theme is broad enough to encompass a wide range of issues, the following is a selection of possible subtopics:

  • Appellate Body Crisis and the Multi Party Interim Appeal Arrangement (MPIA)
  • Transparency and Notification/ Transparency and Consensus-Building within the WTO
  • Status of Developing Countries at the WTO

China and the WTO

  • Agriculture and Development vis-à-vis the WTO Agreement on Agriculture
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Linking Trade and Non-Trade Issues
  • COVID-19 and Reorganization of Global Supply Chains
  • Increasing Reliance on the National Security Exception by WTO Members
  • Increase in Barriers to Cross-Border Investments/ Protectionism
  • USA and the WTO
  • Stagnancy in Multilateral Trade Liberalisation
  • Mega-Regional Trade Agreements as an Alternative to the WTO

These sub-themes are not exhaustive, and the Journal welcomes papers on any aspect of the international trade regime’s concerns and their influence on the global trading system.

For more info –


Where to Submit

Manuscripts referring to any sub-theme within the purview of issues faced by international commerce will be examined for inclusion in the Summer ’22 issue if received by March 15th, 2022. E-mail is an option for submitting manuscripts.

Contact details


WhatsApp Group:






About Sunder Deep College of Law

Sunder Deep College of Law is a top educational school that has been providing legal education in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, since 2004. It is affiliated with CCS University (a state university founded in 1965) and is accredited by the Bar Council of India (Statutory body for professional legal education in India). We are dedicated to developing and maintaining the conditions that allow all SDCL students to embark on an intellectually, socially, and personally transformative educational journey.

About Competition

Sunder Deep College of Law is organising a Paper Presentation Competition on 26th November, 2021.


Any Law Student/Academicians/Researchers/Professionals

Broad Theme: Contemporary issues of Socio-legal Relevance

Sub-themes: (these are only suggestive)

  •  Right to education
  • Custodial Violence
  • Prisoner’s Rights
  • Gender Equality
  • Sexual Offences
  • Work Place discrimination
  • LGBTQ+ Rights
  • Sustainable development
  • Constitutional Governance
  • Social Inclusion
  • Reproductive Rights
  • Maternity Benefits
  • Privacy
  • Media Trial


  • Last Date of Submission: 20th November, 2021
  • Last date of Acceptance intimation: 23rd November 2021
  • Date of competition: 26th November 2021

Communication of Acceptance: Within 72 Hours of the last date of Submission.

Co-Authorship is allowed. However more than 2 Co-Authors are not allowed.

Submission link


For more details

mail id: genesis.sdcl@gmail.com  Phno. 8285920954 or 6396817157.

WhatsApp Group:






Vantage: Guidelines

With the vision of creating an open access centre for the research and study of literature, public policy issues and legislative changes in law and technology in India and around the world, Vantage (in collaboration with IRO) is open to submissions for a wide array of genres, including but not limited to articles (academic, nonfiction, and fiction), case commentaries, book/film reviews, interviews case studies, essays (including opinions, translations, and photo essays). 

They are looking for contributions that address the critical intersection of law, technology, and lived realities — particularly focused upon perspectives and narratives from marginalized contexts and the Global South. How has privacy changed within emerging legal paradigms of surveillance and data accumulation? How have social media and technology contributed to modern reimaginations and theatres of law? From activism to legal education, to business and human rights discourses, how has technology enabled (or disabled) the law, in the 21st century?

Themes/ Topics

By exploring these questions, we hope to not only track developments in topics of dispute resolution, disruptive technologies, legislative reforms, legal education, and legal thinking, but to also archive the experiences of law — as thought, as text, as practice.

Please refer to the following themes, while deciding to collaborate with us:

  1. Developments in the ODR space
  2. Emerging technologies & dispute resolution
  3. Impact of disruptive technology on legal processes
  4. Effect of technology & modernity on legal thinking
  5. Current & future legislative reforms 
  6. Public interest disputes & mediation

You can also refer to this list for deciding a potential topic.

Note: We particularly welcome editorial commentary and candid views. We discourage posts that merely summarise developments or discuss basic aspects of this emergent field; we prefer that these articles include critical analysis or explore particular themes of wider resonance. Pieces don’t have to be restricted to legal reasoning and we are happy to accept well-researched articles from other fields as well. We also highly encourage interdisciplinary research.


In submitting proposals, please take note of the following guidelines:

  1. Please include a short title. A title which asks a question can generate more interest.
  2. Articles must be between 1,000 to 2,000 words.
  3. Case commentaries, legislative analysis and book reviews must be between 1,000 to 1,500 words.
  4. Please insert spaces between paragraphs.
  5. Citations must be hyperlinked within the document and the portion being referenced. However, if it is absolutely necessary, other citations must be inserted as endnotes and conform to OSCOLA (Oxford University Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities) (4th) style of citation. Speaking/ substantive endnotes are highly discouraged. Vantage reserves the right to add (additional) links to sources relevant to the matters referred to in a post, should these not already be implemented. 
  6. Avoid using ALL CAPS in the title or in the text.
  7. Co-authoring of articles is permissible, for a maximum of two authors.
  8. Your content must be original. If, in your post, you refer to the work of another author, you must acknowledge that author as the source of such work. Vantage values originality of pieces above anything, in the event that any content is found to be plagiarised, Vantage reserves the right to not publish it. 
  9. Contributors must make known to Vantage any submissions of the draft post with other publishers, at any time during the review process. Vantage reserves the right to cease collaboration with respective contributors, if they fail to do so.
  10. Vantage reserves the right to reshare pieces that are published on the platform, and authors may re-publish articles as long as the link to the original publication on Vantage’s platform is referenced at the beginning.
  11. If any internal authorisations are required from the employer, for example, to publish the post, the authors must confirm that they have obtained any and all such authorisations. This guideline is not to be construed as contrary to any other guideline or policy of the platform, including the platform’s requirement of originality and its general policy of publishing only previously unpublished content.
  12. We welcome non-mainstream modes of articulation, particularly from women, Dalit-Bahujan-Adivasi communities, persons with disabilities, trans persons and members of the LGBTQIA+ communities.
  13. Vantage does not tolerate any kind of discrimination based on age, religion, ethnicity, nationality, disability, gender identity or sexual orientation, and we do not carry any submissions that project the same. 
  14. Receipt of submission will be intimated to the authors within two weeks of submission. Authors will be periodically updated on the status of review of their piece.

Contact details

If you have a substantive question, or would like to submit a proposal for an article, write to us at vantage@iro.legal.

WhatsApp Group:






About the organiser

The Centre For Environmental Law, Research and Action (CELRA), Niti Manthan is committed to ensuring that everyone is equipped to understand the nuances of Environmental law. CELRA examines environmental law and its jurisprudence in India and its scope in the international community and streamlines the process to work towards climate change and sustainability through law and effective policy. We are dedicated to expanding the scope of inclusivity of environmental policy and try ensuring that all stakeholder’s opinions are regarded in its policymaking.

By fostering actionable change and implementation at the grassroots levels, CELRA aims at bridging the gap between academia and actual policy implementation, by creating opportunities for visible change outside the realm of legal research. The time is now for concentrated and individual efforts towards working for global warming, climate policy, energy laws, climate finance, decarbonisation and sustainable development, because “the Earth is what we all have in common.”

For Additional Information: https://www.linkedin.com/company/nm-celra/?originalSubdomain=in

About call for submissions

CELRA is inviting student contributions (750-1000 words) for their upcoming November newsletter titled ‘The Interactions of Agriculture and Climate Change’ on the following themes:

1. Emerging Technologies in Climate Change Mitigation and/or Adaptation and the Impact on Agriculture
2. The Adjacency in Climate Change Policy and Agricultural Policy
3. The Juxtaposition of Agriculture in Developing Countries and Climate Change Mitigation and/or Adaptation

The aforementioned themes are indicative, and students may send in contributions on other topics under the overarching theme as well. In this regard, students are requested to address a specific sub-topic within the theme, and present a well-researched and nuanced contributions.

Uploading guidelines

All contributions must be uploaded through this form. The formatting guidelines are as follows:

1. Font: Times New Roman, Size 12, Black.
2. Structure: Text should be indented and justified.
3. References: All sources should be hyperlinked to the relevant phrases.
4. Headers: The main heading should be underlined, in bold and Font Size 14. All sub-headings should be in bold and Font Size 12.
4. Word Count: 750-1000 words.


All students currently pursuing any degree at any recognised university may send in a contribution. The authors of selected contributions shall be contacted within 10 days of the final deadline. Due to the volume of applications, we shall not be able to contact all those who had provided their contributions. If you are not contacted after two weeks from the final deadline, please consider your contribution as rejected.

Deadline: November 7, 2021 at 11:55pm.

For any queries/concerns, kindly contact nitimanthan.celra@gmail.com.

WhatsApp Group:






About Alliance University

Alliance University is a private University established in Karnataka State by Act No.34 of year 2010 and is recognised by the University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi. Alliance University is a renowned university of higher learning located on an extensive state-of-the-art campus in Bengaluru offering a variety of degree courses. The University has baccalaureate concentrations, postgraduate offerings, doctoral degree programs and several professional certificate programs.

Read more at: https://www.allschoolscolleges.com/college/alliance-university

About GAIR

The Alliance School of Law in Bangalore is seeking submissions for the GAIR Newsletter’s first online edition (Vol. 1 Issue 1). It is a quarterly E-newsletter that is open access, peer-reviewed, and refereed. The goal of the GAIR E-Newsletter is to provide an academic forum for students, practitioners, journalists, and academicians to express, debate, and discuss current themes in International Relations and Global Affairs.

The newsletter is looking for works that are dynamic and interdisciplinary in nature, and that demonstrate a thorough understanding of the subject topic.


The central theme for the inaugural issue is Afghanistan Political Crisis and Rise of Taliban.  

The world is watching the situation unfold in Afghanistan following the Taliban’s political takeover. The resulting shift in international relations, as well as the UN’s response, are both major sources of concern for world leaders. Such a power transfer raises not only political, but also economic, security, and human rights concerns.

Sub themes:

  • Role of Security Council in Afghanistan Crisis 
  • Position of India with respect to Diplomatic ties in Afghanistan 
  • Impact of International ties after takeover of Taliban 
  • Human Rights and Taliban 
  • Defacto and Dejure Recognition of Taliban 
  • Impact of Withdrawal of USA Army in Afghanistan 
  • Constitutional Crisis and Political Instability in Afghanistan 
  • Religious Extremism and Impact of Sharia Law on Women 
  • Economic relations after takeover of Taliban 
  • Diplomatic ties of Pakistan and China with Taliban  
  • Education, Social restrictions and justice in Taliban 
  • Humanitarian Crisis following Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan 

The above sub-themes are only illustrative and the participants are free to write on any topic directly connected to the central theme of the Newsletter. 


Practitioners, professors, journalists, students of all disciplines, and anybody who likes to express an opinion are encouraged to contribute their writings.

Submission Guidelines

  • Submissions shall be typewritten in MS Word, Times New Roman font size 12 with line spacing 1.5 and justified alignment. 
  • Co-authorship up to two authors is allowed. 
  • Submissions shall not be less than 700 words and shall not exceed 1000 (exclusive of endnotes).  
  • Submissions shall contain hyperlinks in the body of the manuscript itself, instead of footnotes and endnotes. Endnotes may be used for references where hyperlinks are not possible, or the source is under a paywall or offline – such as books, articles, etc. 
  • The authors should conform to the Bluebook (20th edition) Uniform System of Citation. Endnotes shall be typewritten in, Times New Roman, font size 10, single-line spacing, and justified alignment. 
  • The manuscript should not contain any identification of the author/s, which shall be a ground for rejection of the submission. 
  • The submission must be the original work of the authors. Plagiarism beyond 10% shall not be accepted. 
  • Manuscripts shall be assessed by subjection to Blind Review Procedure. 
  • Submissions shall be lucid, contemporarily relevant, and well-researched. They shall contain a novel analysis of the issue by the author(s).  
  • Authors will be informed regarding acceptance or rejection of their manuscripts within 10 to 15 days and an acknowledgement receipt will be sent within 48 hours of submission of the manuscript. 
  • The authors are required to fill the registration form and upload the article in the below-mentioned link. 
  • Alliance School of Law shall not charge any publication fee. 
  • The contributions towards the Alliance School of Law, GAIR E-Newsletter shall be published on the university’s official website. 

Submission Deadline – 11:59 PM, November 10, 2021. 

Contact details

Mail at: gair@alliance.edu.in 

Link for submission


WhatsApp Group:






About the The Magazine Committee of Department of Law

The University of Calcutta’s Department of Law, which was founded in 1909, is one of the oldest legal institutions in South East Asia. The Department’s century-long history offers an enviable roster of renowned figures, including jurists, legal luminaries, Presidents, and politicians, many of whom have played pivotal roles in determining the country’s course.

The MAGAZINE is published by the Department’s Magazine Committee, which is made up of students from the University of Calcutta’s Department of Law. The committee takes pride in allowing law students to completely express their ideas, thoughts, and artwork without being constrained by the requirement that they be technically legal in character.

About the Magazine: The Muses

“The Muses” is the official online bi-annual publication of the Department of Law, University of Calcutta, produced and edited by students, which chronicles all activities under the umbrella of the school and presents a picture of the institute’s and students’ yearly endeavours. This journal gives students a chance to show off their artistic, scientific, literary, and academic abilities.


The Muses is accepting submissions from everybody. The Magazine is accepting submissions from all. Including individuals not enrolled as students of Department of Law, University of Calcutta.

Submission Guidelines:

All submissions should be made to dolcu.themuses@gmail.com

1. The magazine will accept opinion pieces, prose, poems, travelogues, essays, book and film reviews, and articles.

2. Please mention your name, semester, and institutional affiliation in the submission mail.

Last Date: 31st December, 2021. 

Written submissions:

  1. Should be submitted in a pdf and an editable word format.
  2. Word limit: 5000 words.
  3. The magazine allows up to three co-authors. 
  4. The magazine will only accept submissions in English.
  5. Citations should be referenced in a bibliography format. 

Types of submissions: 

Fiction: Stories, Poems 

Non-fiction: Articles, Essays, Opinion Pieces, Travelogues, Book and Film Reviews. 

Photographs, paintings/digital art:

Should be submitted in a jpeg format, in the highest resolution possible. 


  • All those contributors whose pieces will be published in the magazine will get an e-Certificate of Publication.
  • Sexually explicit, overtly political, and plagiarised  submissions will be rejected. 

Contact Information

Any and all queries should be addressed to: dolcu.themuses@gmail.com 

OR Ahana Bag, Joint Secretary – (8240157690)

WhatsApp Group:




