About Lexpeeps Pvt. Ltd.

Lexpeeps Pvt. ltd. is an organization that works to assist and help law schools in organizing and managing their events. We’re seeking to provide young and dynamic law students with a platform to experience the legal world in their academic capacities. We organize different events where budding lawyers can experience the legal world. With a self-directed educational strategy and the guidance of industry experts, Lexpeeps also provide you with the recent happening in the legal world in the form of news, opportunities where you can find what suits you the best, articles to explore your interests, and many more.

Lexpeeps Placement Cell established in 2021 operates with a vision to ensure maximum placement of students studying in different law schools across the country. The sole purpose of Lexpeeps Pvt. Ltd. is to provide law students and law schools quality and to create value for the legal fraternity.

Lexpeeps Xcell is an Initiative of Lexpeeps Pvt Ltd to bring the practical aspects of law subjects to the desk of law students via personalized and curated courses.

Lexpeeps provides you with internships, where legal experts and budding lawyers come in touch with each other and grow by associating with the company. Lexpeeps Pvt. Ltd. has taken an oath to ensure the right of the student and to help them in every possible way so that they reach immense heights of success.

“Lexpeeps Pvt. Ltd. thrives on commitment and creativity”.

About the Opportunity

Lexpeeps Pvt Ltd. is looking for editors for the Blogs and Opportunities section along with lots of new things to learn and flexible working. One will be provided with more than just-

  • Certificate
  • Letter of Recommendation
  • Recognition
  • Earning Opportunity

Number of openings




How to Apply

Interested candidates may mail their resume along with a Statement of Purpose to editorlexpeeps@gmail.com and CC to querieslexpeeps@gmail.com with the subject- Application for Editor.

About Commercial and Financial Law Reporter

The Commercial and Financial Law Reporter (CFLR) is a student-run and professional-backed website that aims to dive into academic research in order to legally contribute to commercial law practise and jurisprudence. Every month, a number of blogs, articles, and case comments on commercial and financial laws are studied and compiled into research papers on our website (http://cflrinsights.in/). Our long-term goal is to establish ourselves as a commercial and financial law and public policy research lab. We anticipate a link between intellectual discourse and social implementation in general.


In an attempt to encourage insightful discourse in the legal landscape around commercial and financial laws, the editorial board of the CFLR invites blog submissions from academicians, practitioners, lawyers, legal experts and students on a rolling basis. Submission can be in the form of articles, opinion, case comments on the aforementioned topic.

Submission Guidelines


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About the NLIU

National Law Institute University is a law school and a Centre for research located in Bhopal, India. Established in 1997 by the State of Madhya Pradesh, it is one of the first three law schools to have been established under the National Law School system.


The Cell for Studies in Intellectual Property Rights (CSIPR) is a cell constituted in the National Law Institute University, Bhopal (NLIU) that aims at the promotion and development of knowledge in Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). 

It introduces students to myriad aspects of Intellectual Property laws by organising academic endeavours which include conferences, workshops and also through print publications such as their flagship journal, NLIU Journal of IP Law.

About the Blog

By requesting submissions from interested individuals and publishing them, the CSIPR students hope to foster research in the field of intellectual property and promote an environment of debate and discussion on topics relating to technology law (subject to review).

The Blog will serve as a useful one-stop shop for advances and legal insights in the sectors of intellectual property and technology law, ensuring that new jurisprudence is added to the current body of knowledge.

The blog will accept submissions on a rolling basis and will be open to students, academics, and professionals.


It is essential that a post be contemporary to the current debates in IP or technology law and/or have an angle which deals with such debates.

Submission Guidelines 

  • A post shall be accepted for publication if it falls within the scope of the blog, i.e. intellectual property law and/or technology law.
  • Authors are encouraged to contribute to pre-existing literature by providing novel perspectives/ ideas/ opinions through their posts. The author/s may write to csipr@nliu.ac.in in case of any concerns over the selection of a topic to write on.
  • A submission shall have at least 800 words and shall not exceed 1500 words.
  • CSIPR reserves the right to amend this range on a case-to-case basis if it feels the need to do so. It is recommended that the body of the post includes sub-headings to make it easy to follow.
  • Considering the semi-formal nature of the blog, it shall be appreciated that referencing be done only through hyperlinks, wherever necessary.
  • Authors are particularly encouraged to reference recent amendments and obscure laws. The authors may, however, choose to cite authorities (if and when it is absolutely necessary) using endnotes. In doing so, authors must follow the guidelines given in the Oxford Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities.
  • Each post shall undergo a two-stage internal review process. Our editors reserve the absolute discretion to approve or reject a post for publication. For a post to be successfully published on the blog, the author/s may be required to alter the language/grammar, justify her/his structure/position on the law and reply to the comments of the reviewers.
  • Co-authorship of up to two authors is permitted.
  • Submissions must be made in MS Word format only. There must be no hint, whatsoever, of the authors’ identity in the word document submitted.
  • It is recommended that the title for each post must not exceed 20 words. Moreover, authors are requested to provide 5 keywords encapsulating the essence of the post.
  • Authors are required to make their submissions only using our submission form. All required fields must be filled out correctly and to the best of the authors’ knowledge.
  • Each post shall undergo a two-stage internal review process. Our editors reserve the absolute discretion to approve or reject a post for publication. For a post to be successfully published on the blog, the author/s may be required to alter the language/grammar, justify her/his structure/position on the law and reply to the comments of the reviewers.
  • Co-authorship of up to two authors is permitted.
  • Submissions must be made in MS Word format only. There must be no hint, whatsoever, of the authors’ identity in the word document submitted.
  • It is recommended that the title for each post must not exceed 20 words. Moreover, authors are requested to provide 5 keywords encapsulating the essence of the post.
  • Authors are required to make their submissions only using our submission form. All required fields must be filled out correctly and to the best of the authors’ knowledge.
  • By way of their submission, the authors confirm that the submission represents their original work and that it has not been copied or plagiarised in whole or in part from other works. Moreover, such submission shall also mean that the authors confirm that the work is not under consideration or review for publication by any other blog/journal/website or a similar entity. CSIPR reserves the right to take action against authors who are found to not abide by this.
  • Submissions to the Blog shall be accepted on a rolling basis and shall be open to students, academicians, and professionals.
  • Posts that first appear on the Blog may be republished and/or cross-posted without prior permission. However, this is subject to the subsequent publications mentioning “this post was first published on the Blog for IP and
  • Technology Law (www.csipr.nliu.ac.in)” and informing us of such subsequent publication via email (csipr@nliu.ac.in). Further, posts that first appear on the Blog may also be cited and/or referenced in other works only if due credit is given to the author and to the Blog.

In case of any further queries regarding the submissions guidelines, write at csipr@nliu.ac.in. We shall be glad to help you out.

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Child sexual abuse is a dark reality that is increasing in India and with numerous harmful impacts. It is a universal and human rights issue. It was not conceded as a serious crime before the “Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012”. Child sexual abuse includes the provision concerning child rape, harassment and pornography. This article highlights the types of child sexual abuse and legal provisions related to child sexual abuse.


Child sexual abuse means the physically or mentally ill-treatment with a minor or a child with sexual intention. Children are abused by an outsider (unknown to the child) or an insider (family member and relatives). In India, many cases of child sexual abuse are not recorded because many parents prefer to stay quiet. 

It happens when a person uses a child for his/her sexual indulgence. Child sexual abuse is in the form of physical contact and non-physical contact. The child does not have the authority to give consent. Consent or dissent both are covered under child sexual abuse.

Various kinds of child sexual abuse:

  • An adult revealing their private parts and forcing the child to do the same. 
  • An adult touching child’s sexual organs and compelling them to do the same. 
  • An adult initiating sexual intercourse with a child with or without consent.
  • An adult showing or encouraging a child to hear and watch pornographic material.
  • Obscene phone calls and indecent messages.
  • Sharing and preserving indecent images of children. 
  • Making child to listen sexual content that harms their mental and physical health.
  • Adult married to minor and minor to minor is considered a forced relationship.

Laws relating to child sexual abuse

Before 2012, In India, there was no particular law for child sexual abuse. It was governed by the various provisions of the IPC. Section 377[i] deals with the sexual intercourse against the nature, Section 354 states the assault or criminal force on women with intention to indignant her modesty[ii]. Sec.509 deals with insulting women through word, or gesture or showing object which is inappropriate with the intention[iii]. Section 374 defines rape[iv]. The Protection of Children against Sexual Offences Act, 2012 was enacted by Parliament to save children or minors from sexual abuse and it is gender neutral.

Provision contained in POSCO Act

  • Section 19 of the POSCO Act, states that the reporting of the cases child sexual abuse is obligatory.
  • Section 30(iii) of the Juvenile Justice Act, 2015 states that when a child has been abused sexually, then Child Welfare Committee (CWC) should take actions for child’s rehabilitation. Such a case must be reported to SJPU or local police under POSCO Act, 2012.
  • Section 19(6) of the POSCO Act, deals with sexual offence against a child and mandates that a report of the case should be presented in front of CWC within 24 hours after the filing of the case[v].
  • Rule 4 (7) of POSCO Act, obliges the CWC to assist child and the family during investigation.
  • The Special court should determine the age of child define under Sec. 34(2) of POSCO Act[vi].
  • Section 40, POSCO Act 2012 deals with the victim child’s right to receive free legal counsel during the trial[vii].


  • Minor has the liberty to state his statement only where he is comfortable.
  • To provide a speedy trial and video recording to ensure confidentiality.
  • The child should be medically examined by a female doctor, in the presence of a person whom the child trusted, with his/her guardian consent.
  • Contact between the victim and the accused should be avoided during video recording.
  • The accused defender can ask questions but those questions would be asked through a judge to a juvenile.

Punishment under POSCO

  • Section 4 of the POSCO Act deals with the punishment for penetrative sexual assault, the accused shall be punished not less than 7 years or which may be extended to life imprisonment[viii].
  • If a trusted authority or a person or police officer is committed an aggravated sexual assault with child, he will be punished under Sec.6 of the POSCO Act[ix].
  •  If a person has committed non-penetrative assault, then he will be punished under Sec.10 of the POSCO Act[x].
  • Section 12 of the POSCO Act prescribed punishment for three years with a fine[xi].

Further, The Act prescribes punishment in accordance with the gravity of the offence. Storing pornographic material related to the child is an offence, punishment for which imprisonment is in description form, which may be extended to three years or fine or with both.

Landmark Judgements

Ghanshyam Misra v. The state[xii]

In this case, Ghanshyam Misra was the school teacher of a 10-year-old and raped her at the school premises. The schoolteacher is the trusted authority of the child. The court sentenced the accused for seven-year imprisonment with a fine and ordered compensation to the father of the girl.

State v. Pankaj Chaudhary[xiii]

In this case, the court held the accused liable only for ‘outraging the modesty of a woman’. The case revolves around the digital penetration of anus and vagina of a girl child. Before 2012 digital penetration was not recognized as an offence under IPC. 

Misuse of POSCO Act

Many cases were reported based on false allegations. The Kerala High Court has held that the petitioner misused the provisions of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO Act) so she will be liable. The petition was filed by the victim’s mother. The allegation was that her 16-year-old daughter was alone at home the accused came to her house and hold her. In the investigation, the police officers found that the accused was far away from her house on the incident day. The court held that the allegation on the accused was fictitious. According to Section 22 of the POSCO Act, police can take action against the petitioner. The court dismissed the petition[xiv].


Sexual abuse of a child is a serious crime. POSCO Act has changed the scenario of child sexual abuse in India as prior to it there wasn’t any specific law dealing with said issue. Yet, the need to improve the trial and make it child-friendly is often felt.

[i] Pen. Cod.§ 377.

[ii] Pen. Cod. § 354.

[iii] Pen. Code.§. 509.

[iv] Pen. Code. § 374.

[v] POSCO Act, 2012, Bill No. 32 of 2012, §19(6).

[vi] POSCO Act, 2012, Bill No. 32 of 2012, §34(2).

[vii] POSCO Act, 2012, Bill No. 32 of 2012, § 40.

[viii] POSCO Act, 2012, Bill No. 32 of 2012,§ 4.

[ix] POSCO Act, 2012, Bill No. 32 of 2012,§ 6.

[x] POSCO Act, 2012, Bill No. 32 of 2012, §10.

[xi] POSCO Act, 2012, Bill No. 32 of 2012, § 12.

[xii] AIR 1957 Ori 78.

[xiii] Delhi High Court criminal appeal 813/2011.

[xiv] 27th July 2018, Kerala High court comes out against misuse of provisions of POSCO Act, The Indian Express, https://www.newindian express.com.

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This article is written by Prachi Yadav, 2nd Year student from Mody University of Science and Technology, Laxmangarh, Rajasthan