Prelude to the Cartel System in Competition Law

Introduction “Competition is not only the basis of protection to the consumer but is the incentive to progress” By Herbert Hoover  Competition is a fundamental component in the lives of consumers. For the consumers, competition in the economy is a pivotal factor in deciding advantages, suitable costs, and the assortment of decisions to look over.Read More

Arbitration Agreement

Introduction An “arbitration agreement” is an agreement between the parties which can in the form of an arbitration clause in a contract or as a separate agreement for resolving a dispute (if any dispute comes up) without filing a lawsuit and going to court. The definition of arbitration agreement is given under section 7 ofRead More

Legality of Sting Operations

Introduction Sting operations are the activities performed by people by hiding their true identity to investigate a matter and bring out the illegal activities performed by any person. Prevalently such Sting operations are conducted by Journalists and Police to uncover corrupt Legislative and administrative leaders and officers respectively. It is also performed to catch aRead More

Cooperative Federalism

The name “federalism” comes from the Latin word Foedus, which means “accord” or “treaty.” As a result, a federation is a political structure created by a treaty or agreement between the various units. It is a political organization concept or ideology that combines the principles of centralization, non-centralization, and power-sharing. In a country like India,Read More

Does India need a special law for Covid-19?

Introduction The new coronavirus (COVID-19) prompted the Indian government to develop a public-health approach based on existing national laws and regulations. The government was forced to enact the Epidemic Diseases Act of 1897 due to the high incidence and prevalence of COVID-19. Quarantine enforcement under Sections 188, 269, 270, and 271 of the Indian PenalRead More

Case Analysis: Narandas Morardas Gajiwala v. Spam Papammal, AIR 1967 SC 333

Case Number  Appeal (Civil) 177 of 1964 Equivalent Citations  1967 AIR 333      1966 SCR 38 Bench  RAMASWAMI, V. SUBBARAO, K. Date of Judgment  25/03/1966 Relevant Act/ Section  Principal and Agent-Whether Agent can sue Principal for rendition of accounts. Indian Evidence Act, 1872, s. 92 , Proviso 3 Facts of the Case: Narandas MorardasRead More

Is Preamble a part of Constitution: An Analysis

Introduction In a document, a preamble is an opening statement that gives an idea about the aims and approach of the document and the objects it seeks to achieve. Therefore, the Preamble to the Constitution of India tells us about the values and aspirations for which the nation had struggled under British rule, the intentionRead More

PIL: Evolution and Development

Introduction PIL means litigation filed for the protection of “Public Interest”, like Pollution, Terrorism, Road safety, Constructional hazards, etc. Any matter where the interest of the public at large is affected is often redressed by filing a Public Interest Litigation. The expression ‘Public Interest Litigation’ has been borrowed from American jurisprudence, where it had beenRead More