INTRODUCTION Every man has the right to uphold his reputation inviolately. The right to reputation is recognized as an intrinsic personal right of any citizen as part of the right to personal security. The term defamation means an intended false communication, written or spoken, denting the reputation of an individual by diminishing the respect, esteemRead More


The rule of a Strict liability provides that if there is any commercial activity which can prove to be harmful; the same should not be carried on. The liability arises even when all necessary and essential precautions are being taken in order to prevent the damage.

Constituents of Law of Tort

This article is written by Anurag Maharaj, student of law at Lloyd Law School, Greater Noida. I have tried to define the word ”Tort” and its ingredients in this article.  INTRODUCTION Tort is derived from Tortum which is a Latin word that means twisted act. Tort is a civil wrong. It is not a crimeRead More

Negligence in Tort Law | An Analysis

This Article is written by Yash Dodani, NALSAR University Hyderabad. He has provided a detailed analysis of the topic.  Introduction The basic notion of the tort law in India is based on the tort presidents developed in the English Common Law. The laws in English Courts are based on the notions of justice, equity andRead More