The Impact of Cybercrime on the Indian Economy and Society Contents 1. Introduction 2. Types of Cybercrime 3. Financial Losses & Economic Impact 4. Threat Towards ‘Digital India’ 5. Business Disruption 6. Data Privacy is a Myth 7. Effects of Cybercrime on Society 8. How Laws Evolved around Cybercrimes in India 9. Conclusion Introduction India has seen a substantial increase in cybercrime recently, posingRead More

Laws Ensuring Cybersecurity in India

Computers seem to have made our life easier they could be used for several purposes like online education, online payment of various bills, source of entertainment, and having knowledge of the global world among many others. But we often ignore the threat that it causes to all of us it results in the advanced form of crime terms called ‘Cyber Crime’. Cybercrime is all about the use of a computer either in terms that a computer has been used to commit a crime or a crime committed by targeting a computer. To prevent computer crime, we need a computer-based law called ‘Cyber Law’.

Protection of “Non- Personal Data” in India: Need of the Hour

INTRODUCTION We can see the continuous usage of the term “non-personal data” (aka NPD) in the article. Hence, the definition of the term should be known. According to a report submitted by PRS Legislative Research, “non-personal” data can be referred to as “any data which is not personal data (data pertaining to characteristics, traits or attributesRead More

IT Rules and Liability of Intermediaries

The present article is written by Sanjana Suman, a student of Amity Law School, Amity University Jharkhand Ranchi. Introduction The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology recently released a draft of the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines) Rules 2018 and solicited feedback. A review of the proposed rules reveals the same issues that have plagued theRead More

Cyber Crimes: Are Indian Laws Outdated for Such Laws

This article is written by Arshdeep Bedi ( Student of the final year -Punjabi University, Patiala)                           INTRODUCTION The internet, computers, mobiles, and other forms of technology have revolutionized every aspect of human life from decades including how we communicate, shop, obtain news, entertain our self etc. This technological advancement has also created innumerable opportunities forRead More

Defamation in the Digital World

This Article is Written by Manav Sony from Amity University, Kolkata. The article throws light on defamation and electronic defamation which is taking place these days in various social media sites. INTRODUCTION A man’s Reputation is considered as the most valuable thing and everyone has the right to protect his/her reputation. Reputation is the onlyRead More

The Concept of Obscenity: A Comparative Study (US/India)

This article is written by PRANIT BHAGAT pursuing B.A LLB from ILS Law College, Pune. In this article, he has discussed combating cyber obscenity in India and did a comparative analysis with that of the United States of America.   INTRODUCTION WITH THE ADVENT of the technological revolution, the concept of cyberspace also became popular withRead More