India is a democratic country; therefore, the people of the country are its superheroes. The government, constitution, laws, and others, as such, all exist for the people and by the people. So, laws are meant for the citizens of the country, and they can be shaped by the people. In India, the law-making process is carried on by the central or union government for the whole country and by each state government for each state, as well as the local municipal councils and districts for their respective districts. The Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha are India’s two legislative houses, and for a law to be passed in India, it must pass through the two legislative houses of the parliament of India. A bill is used to present legislative proposals to either house of the Indian Parliament.

 A bill is a draught legislative proposal that, after being approved by both chambers of parliament and the president, becomes law. A law is not passed or enforced as such. It is first crafted as a bill by the legislative houses, and before it is enforced or passed, the bill must be passed or approved by both houses. A bill is a drafted legislative proposal that, after being approved by both chambers of parliament and the president, becomes law. After the bill has been drafted, it must be publicized in the newspapers and the people must be given a democratic opportunity to comment. The legislature must adopt a bill before it becomes a law, and in most situations, the administration must also approve it. A bill is referred to as an act of the legislature or a statute once it has been made into law. The President can assent, withhold assent, and send the measure back for consideration, and he can also sit on it if both houses of Congress concur. The bill then passes both houses if they agree. The president will then sign this agreed-upon bill into law, making it applicable throughout the country. 


As a democratic country, there must be public participation in the law-making process. As a democratic country, there must not only be the right to franchise and elect their representative but the people must also participate in the law-making process. In the democratization of law-making, the central government must publish the details of the legislation. The drafted bill must contain the provisions, its impact on the environment and the lives of the affected people. The public must be given 30 days to comment. Comments are submitted to the parliamentary standing committee to amend the necessary provisions in the bill to make the bill people-friendly.


The Pre-Legislative Consultation Policy was developed by the Central Government in 2014. This policy gives individuals like you and me the opportunity to participate in the drafting of laws before it is to made or enforced as law in our country. According to this policy, the government must give a chance to all the people of the country to participate in the process of law-making so that the law made by the government is for all. Since the law made by the government will be for the good of the public and since the people themselves are involved in the law-making process, the law made will not be violated on a large scale and will be followed by the majority of the population. This ideology of law-making is successfully achieved by the government publishing the proposals made by the legislative assembly to the general public to receive their feedback on any draught or proposed legislation for at least 30 days. Public consultation is the procedure where you inform the government of your opinions on how a policy might affect you.

These requests for comment must include the proposed legislation or at the very least information about it, such as its financial ramifications and effects on the environment, citizens’ lives and livelihoods, and their fundamental rights. The main objective of the Pre-Legislative Consultation Policy is to assist citizens in legitimate and expanding demands for more transparency from the government. This policy is considered to be the most effective tool for citizens to participate in the process of law-making in our country in a democratic manner.

It is important that laws be drafted in a democratic form. In the first place, we, the people, elect our representatives and they make the laws for us in parliament, and we the people play a crucial role in shaping those laws made by them. They also ensure that the final policy or law drafted is relevant and serves the people for whom it was drafted.

It is essential that we have policy tools like PLP in a nation like ours with such a wide range of interests so that all groups feel as though their opinions are given the proper respect and recognition. To make sure that the government receives useful suggestions from those whose lives will be impacted by its laws, consultation with the pertinent stakeholders is essential.

The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill of 2017, which forbids the practice of triple talaq, is a clear illustration of this. The appropriate organizations weren’t appropriately contacted before the measure was enacted. One of the many errors in the bill is that triple talaq was stated as a cognizable offence. Another alarming development is that the police were given the right to hold Muslim men without any judicial review or inquiry into whether the subject actually warranted detention. In essence, this meant that the rules were still in effect even though neither spouse had filed a formal complaint. Additionally, the government did not draught the measure after engaging with concerned representatives of civil society, such as advocates for women’s rights, defence attorneys, or even Muslims. In this case, the bill or the law passed by the legislative assembly would have been drafted more effectively if a pre-legislative consultative procedure had been used

The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Bill, 2016, which drastically curtailed the rights of transgender people as recognized in the seminal case of NALSA v. Union of India1, serves as another illustration of how the government neglected to engage with concerned community members. The transgender community essentially rejected the Bill outright because they felt it was not in their best interests because it was not adequately discussed and consulted with during the bill’s development. In short, the Bill incorrectly lumps intersex people and transgender people together, seeing them as interchangeable, and it neglected to adequately address significant issues at the time, like the repeal of Section 377 of the IPC. It also did not respond to the Trans community’s widespread call for inclusive marital and inheritance rules. Another grievous omission was the failure to gender-neutralize offences in order to properly exclude members of the transgender community. In this instance, much more effective legislation could have been drafted if a pre-legislative consultative procedure had been used, in which the Trans community had been properly informed and consulted before the Bill was drafted.

Kerala has set an example for Pre Legislative Consultation Policy. In Kerala, the state ensures public participation to draft its police law. The draft bill was placed on the Kerala police website inviting feedback from the public at large. When the draft bill was introduced in the house at that time there was a district-level town hall meeting. A select Committee was set up and amendments were made which included people-friendly provisions. And Kerala Police Act was passed.


There will be effective law-making only when the public also participates in the law-making process. The Second Administrative Reforms Commission has emphasized that public participation in law-making is vital for the functioning of the law-making process. The policy-making and law-making process should be available in regional language also so that the people would understand the law and suggest some changes in the law.  Public comment is essential and necessary changes should also be made by the legislature. Our country should develop a social audit legislation wherein there must be a legal obligation on policymakers to consult the public.  


1. SC Writ Petition (Civil) No. 400 of 2012

This article is written by Sree Lekshmi B J; third year law student from Sastra University, Thanjavur.

The Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution, RGNUL (CADR) is collaborating with Surana & Surana International Attorneys, headquartered in Chennai, India to organize the 3rd edition of the International Arbitral Award Writing Competition 2022.


The Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution (CADR) at the Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab, has been established to promote students’ and researchers’ interest in Alternative Dispute Resolution constituting dispute resolution methods like Arbitration, Negotiation, Mediation and Conciliation. CADR endeavours to promote and develop ADR as a vehicle of socio-economic and political justice.


The competition shall be open to the students who are pursuing their B.A.LL.B./LLM/PhD/MPhil or any other Undergraduate or Masters courses (other than Law) in any university across the world.

If any student of Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law (RGNUL) is positioned amongst the top three, he/she will not be eligible for the top three prizes but will be felicitated with a special prize by the Surana & Surana International Attorneys, Chennai.


  • Release of the competition problem: September 10, 2022
  • The last date to seek clarifications: October 10, 2022
  • Release of clarifications: October 20, 2022
  • Last date for submission of the final draft: November 20, 2022
  • Declaration of results: January 2023


  • First prize: INR 25,000/-
  • Second prize: INR 15,000/-
  • Third prize: INR 10,000/-
  • Consolation prize (next 5 best entries): INR 1,000/- (each)







+91 7009722968

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VITSOL is organizing a national workshop on emerging issues of Reservation Policies in India on September 24, 2022.


The Reservation policy was brought forth by the first Justice Party Government during the last decades of the nineteenth century. The main aim behind the policy was to empower the downtrodden people in order to bring in a sense of belongingness.

The resource of nature are common to everyone, but, when the economy, power, and influence takes the upper hand, people tend to be subjected and it causes a major fallback in society. The main objective of the reservation policy is to involve everyone in the functioning of the state without discrimination.


  • Affirmative Action
  • Reservation Policy and Marginalized Sections
  • Social and Financial Exclusion
  • Positive Discrimination
  • Constitutional Provisions of Reservation
  • Reservation Policy in India
  • Reservation in Education and Employment
  • Reservation in Political Domain
  • Reservation for the Disabled Women and Minorities
  • Role of Indian Judiciary regarding reservation
  • Creamy Layer
  • Vertical and Horizontal Reservation
  • Internal Reservation


The workshop is open to Academicians/NGOs/Advocates/Research Scholars/UG/PG Students


Offline mode at VIT School of Law, VIT Chennai campus, Kelambakkam – Vandalur Road, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600127.


  • Registration Closes on: September 23, 2022
  • Workshop Date: September 24, 2022


  • For Academicians/NGOs/Advocates: Rs. 300
  • For Research Scholars: Rs. 250
  • For UG/PG Students: Rs. 200
  • Spot Registration: Rs. 350


+91 63795 51228

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Punjab State Information Commission is organising One-Day National Conference on Right to Information: Law, Policy & Governance in collaboration with RGNUL, Punjab on November 19, 2022.


The Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law (RGNUL), Punjab, was established by the State Legislature of Punjab by passing the Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab Act 2006.


The ‘Right to Know is the Right to Live’. Transparency and access to information are pivotal to the functioning of a democracy. An informed citizen is an empowered one. For this one should have free, unfettered access to information.

The jurisprudence of Democracy revolves around the pure concept of ‘accountability’ which can only be achieved if people in authority and power are subject to public gaze and speculations.

India is considered one of the largest democracies in the world. Every democracy is characterized by the virtues of transparency, accountability, and openness to reform. Vast powers vested with the public authorities have led to maladministration, misuse of power, and corruption, which necessitated the introduction of the Right to Information Act, 2005.

The Act further aims at establishing a healthy democracy and bringing about a responsive, accountable, and corruption-free government. However, RTI is much more than a tool to fight corruption. It is in fact a fundamental and transformative right against the arbitrary use of power.

This Conference seeks to provide comprehensive learning on the Right to Information, dealing with its multiple facets from a constitutional perspective to be a statutory right, and thereby its evolution as an executory right through the administrative and judicial processes.


  • RTI: A Tool of Good Governance
  • Role of Information Technology in RTI
  • Pro-Active Disclosure in the field of RTI
  • Record Management and RTI
  • Success Stories in the field of RTI
  • Best Practices in the Implementation of RTI
  • Regulatory Mechanism and RTI
  • Political Promises and Accountability

Please note: The themes are merely illustrative and not exhaustive. Any paper written within the broader purview of the theme will be considered.


  • Last date for Submission of the registration form and abstract: September 25, 2022
  • Intimation of abstract selection and opening of Payment link: September 30, 2022
  • Last date of payment and registration: October 8, 2022
  • Full paper submission (Soft copy): November 5, 2022
  • Participants are requested to adhere to the above-mentioned dates.


  • All the abstracts and full-length papers shall be sent to email: with the subject ‘RTI Conference’.
  • Registration Fees for the seminar:
    • Single author: 500 INR
    • Co-authors: 800 INR (A maximum of two co-authors are permitted per paper)
  • Payment Link can be accessed here.


  • Research papers should pertain to the conference theme.
  • Participants shall be required to submit an abstract of around 350 words on or before September 25, 2022.
  • The abstract shall also contain, the name of the author/authors, email Id of the author/s, contact number, and designation.
  • The full paper should not exceed 6000 words. It shall be typed in Times New Roman, Font Size 12 on A4 size paper with 1” margin on all sides with 1.5 line spacing using MS Word.
  • Abstract and Research Papers should be emailed to
  • Citations shall be strictly in accordance with the Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities, 4th Edition.
  • Participants requiring accommodation are requested to mail the same at the email ID with the subject title ‘Accommodation’ on or before October 10, 2022. Accommodation will be provided as per availability on a payment basis.
  • University may publish accepted papers. Publication of papers shall be the exclusive discretion of the University.
  • The seminar will take place in physical mode but will have a parallel web conference session available to selected presenters on the prior payment of the Registration Fee. The interested participants can avail this by intimating the organizers by sending a mail to


+91 77060 36179

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The Centre is proudly hosting this course from September to December scheduled to commence on the 25th of September 2022.


The course is structured in order to engage in a dialogue and create awareness about the scope and challenges in the field of Corporate law. This includes topics such as Corporate Governance, Financial Market Regulations, Mergers & Acquisitions, IBC, Banking Law, International Trade Law, and Indirect Taxation undertaken by renowned practitioners and stalwarts from top Law Firms.


Every student of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th year of B.A. L.L.B and L.L.M who wish to attend the hybrid course have to register at the given.


This is the preliminary registration, the form for the final registration shall be floated subsequently. The last day to register for the course is 20th of September 2022, 11:59 pm. No registrations beyond the following deadline will be entertained.

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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About the Organization

The Samna Centre, India’s top equality, diversity, and inclusion consultancy, is hiring. We provide multi-thematic advisory services in the areas of impact investing, diversity and inclusion in the workplace, workplace safety (anti-harassment frameworks), and related policy advice.

About the Responsibilities  

The Samana Center is seeking applicants with law degrees and at least 1-2 years of professional experience.


  • good research, analysis, and lateral thinking skills;
  • A thorough awareness of social and institutional obstacles to inclusion in diverse populations;
  • capacity to independently think up ideas and produce material;
  • excellent verbal and written communication abilities;
  • A familiarity with Indian labour laws and a preference for broad business legal practise;

How to Apply?

Interested candidates may apply from here: – CV and a writing sample at

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About the Organization

Experienced dispute resolution attorneys founded the boutique law practise CLARITAS LEGAL in India with the goal of providing clients with clear and unmistakable guidance. The Firm focuses on commercial litigation and arbitration in the fintech and technology field and has experience in a variety of practise areas.

A client-focused and strategy-driven firm, we take pleasure in our ability to give customers logical counsel that helps them navigate challenging situations. We adhere to the principle of being constantly accessible to our clients’ needs and believe in offering services that are sincere, open, and well balanced between experience and knowledge. The Firm represents its clients before all courts and judicial bodies, including but not limited to the Supreme Court of India, high courts from various states, the National Company Law Tribunal and National Company Law Appellate Tribunal, arbitration institutions, consumer forums, and various other statutory/quasi-legal bodies, among others. In order to achieve a desired result, Claritas Legal works to offer customers advice that is not only necessary but also advantageous to their businesses. The Firm employs pre-litigation advising and support as part of a practical strategy to cut down on procedural delays.

About the Responsibilities  

For its Noida office, Claritas Legal is seeking to hire litigation attorneys with a minimum of one year of experience.

How to Apply?

Interested candidates may apply from here: –

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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About the Organization

An IP boutique company called Sujata Chaudhri IP Attorneys is situated in India’s National Capital Region (NCR). In all areas of intellectual property law, the firm offers consultation, litigation and enforcement, and prosecution services. Sujata Chaudhri founded it in 2014. Despite its youth, the firm is quickly building a solid reputation for expertise and as a haven for legal professionals. The fact that the firm’s legal experts are taught to consistently provide value to the businesses of the firm’s clients rather than being generic lawyers is one of the things that sets the firm apart from the competitors.

The company makes an effort to offer its clients—which range from huge Fortune 500 firms with global operations to small start-ups with tight budgets—cogent and practical tailored advise with a quick turnaround in order to advance their business objectives. The fundamental driving force behind our everyday work is client interest, and our professionals are strong team players. The attorneys and employees at our company are devoted to working closely with our clients to provide innovative legal solutions for their companies while forging a unique brand that emphasises quality over quantity.

About the Responsibilities  

For its litigation, prosecution, and enforcement activities, Sujata Chaudhri IP Attorneys is hiring for various associate and senior associate roles. The firm is looking for lawyers with strong levels of motivation who can work quickly under pressure and are organised, passionate about intellectual property.




The company provides fair pay, benefits, and a pleasant working environment with a young, energetic staff.


  • Enforcement & Opposition: Associate: 1 to 3 years of reputable expertise with trademarks, preferably in a legal firm. A mix of trademark prosecution, oppositions/cancellations, pre-litigation consulting work, cease and desist letters, settlements, etc. should have been handled by the ideal applicant.
  • Litigation: Associate: 1–2 years of experience in the field of intellectual property litigation. The ideal applicant should be knowledgeable with court developments, possess strong drafting abilities, and have familiarity with the litigation process.
  • Associate: 1-2 years of experience in trademark prosecution and a solid grasp of trademark principles. An understanding of the many stages of a trademark application lifecycle, such as clearance checks, chain of title issues, opposition and cancellation tracking, renewals, etc., is required of the ideal applicant.
  • Senior Associate: Three to five years of substantial trademark experience in a law firm, including supervisory experience. It is essential to have experience with prosecution, oppositions, cancellations, online takedowns, domain name disputes, settlement talks and agreements, strategy and advice on appropriate enforcement actions, etc. Additionally, the candidate should be capable of managing and coaching subordinates as well as possess strong analytical and drafting abilities. The candidate must be able to manage several tasks at once.

How to Apply?

Interested candidates may apply from here: –

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Provana is a destination for credit And collection solutions. Built for growth when you have a partner focused on performance, you can dedicate your energy to growth. They provide knowledge, guidance, and direction to help you achieve sustainable profitability. Identifying ways to optimize your business, they provide affordable access to an ideal workforce and intelligent platforms that streamline processes and maximize productivity.


  • Designation: Legal Associate
  • Job Location: Noida
  • Experience: Fresh law graduates can apply


  • The candidate should be a graduate in Law.
  • Freshers can apply.
  • Should possess good communication skills and computer skills.
  • Familiarity with preparing summary notes on legal proceedings and hearings.
  • Candidates should be comfortable with the Night shift
  • We are providing one side free cab and free meals.



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Advocate Saai Sudharsan Sathiyamoorthy is looking for Interns/Research Assistants to assist with the research and legal drafting of the 3rd Edition of Wadhwa Law Chambers Guide to the Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code and the 2nd Edition of WLC Guide to Proceeds of Crime & PMLA.


  • Students/Researchers who have completed their 3rd year of law and above would be preferred.
  • A basic understanding of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, PMLA and Intellectual Property Laws.
    Roles and responsibilities
  • Work will primarily involve research in IBC, Companies Act, PMLA, Copyright Act, Designs Act, and other related laws.
  • Interns/Research Assistants will be required to physically come into the Chambers at Chennai for the duration of the internship.
  • A fixed stipend will be paid


Interested candidates can share their CV and covering letter to

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