Victimology is the study of the investigation of the exploitation and connection of casualty and wrongdoer and the cooperation among the casualty and the law enforcement framework. Wrongdoing is a result of society and social circumstances. Nobody is conceived as a criminal. “Each holy person has a past and each delinquent has a future,” goes a famous saying. Hindu Jurisprudence thinks about compensation and contemplation for criminals to have both ‘prayaschita’ and transformation.1 Each individual including criminals has a divine flash and what is expected on our part is to ignite and revive it to empower the general public to recover and, recover him and to re-establish and restore him in the public eye as a helpful, also useful individual. The motivation behind discipline in criminal cases is both reformatory and reformative. The reason is that the individual seen as at fault for committing an offense is made to understand his shortcoming and is stopped from rehashing such acts in the future. The reformative angle is intended to empower the individual worried to yield and atone for his activity and make himself OK to the general public as a valuable social being. From a restricted perspective, victimology is an observational, genuine investigation of survivors of wrongdoing and as such is firmly connected with criminal science and hence perhaps viewed as a piece of the overall issue of crime. In a more extensive sense, victimology is the whole assortment of information with regard to casualties, exploitation, and the endeavors of society to unreasonable the privileges of the person in question. Consequently, it is formed of information drawn from such fields as criminal science, regulation, medication, brain research, social work, legislative issues, training, and policy management.2


In Rattan Singh v. Province of Punjab3, Krishna Iyer, J. held that ―it is a shortcoming of our statute that the survivors of the wrongdoing don’t draw in the consideration of regulation. Without a doubt, casualty restitution is as yet the evaporating point of our criminal regulation. This is a lack in the framework which should be rectified by the council. More consideration ought to be attracted to this matter.

In Maru Ram v. Association of India4, Krishna Iyer, J. held that while the social obligation of the criminal to re-establish the misfortune or mend the injury is a piece of the correctional activity, the length of the jail term is no restitution to the injured or dispossessed yet is vanity compounder with savagery. Victimology should track down satisfaction not through barbarity but rather by mandatory recoupment by the miscreant of the harm incurred not by giving more agony to the wrongdoer but rather by reducing the loss of the pitiful.

In Dayal Singh v State of Uttaranchal5, the Supreme Court held that the criminal preliminary is implied for doing equity to all-the charged, the general public, and the person in question. The courts not only realize the capability to guarantee that no blameless man is rebuffed, yet additionally that the liable man doesn’t get away.


India records 19% of the world’s youngsters and 1/3rd of the country’s populace, for example, 440 million youngsters are under 18 years and almost 40% of the kids are needing care furthermore, security. On the off chance that the youngsters are not as expected prepped by shielding them from any sort of misuse, attack, and so on the destiny of our future society will be a question mark. Kids’ government assistance and security are fundamental for the brilliant eventual fate of India. Child misuse is a complicated issue and an extraordinary danger that involves serious concern. In the greater part of youngster misuse cases, ―the abuser is either connected with, a known individual or more unusual etc. It is extremely challenging to distinguish whether offender is an abuser because of reasons most popular either to the casualty youngster or to their folks.

A genuinely mishandled child implies a kid under 18 years old, whose guardians or others are concerned, causes upon the youngster an actual injury or real mischief, which incorporates beating, hitting, kicking, consuming, or in any case hurting a kid truly. The UNICEF, Save the kids, and Legislature of India together directed an overview in 2007 and viewed that as 65% of younger students in India are exposed to beating basically the school’s educators actually proceed to follow the well-known adage, spare the bar and ruin the child which was a conventional shrewdness.


It is basically an embarrassment for youngsters. It is otherwise called obnoxious attack, mental maltreatment, and mental abuse. It incorporates acts or inability to act by guardians, overseers, peers, companions, family members, and others that have caused or could cause serious conduct, mental, close to home, or mental trouble/injury. Psychological mistreatment can have all the more dependable negative mental impacts than some other types of misuse.6

In Smriti Madan Kansagra v. Perry Kansagra7, it was held that guiltless youngsters are utilized as the apparatuses of retaliation by malicious prosecutors who cause extreme mental maltreatment for the kid, in this way truly influencing the kid in his/her later piece of life.

“Disregard” has not to be understood from a restricted perspective of refusal to give food and dress, yet from a more extensive perspective in the setting of the current day social yearnings and necessities of kids which incorporate, love, due care and concern, training and so on. At the point when a youngster endures disregard in the setting of this large number of fundamental necessities, he makes certain to be genuinely hit, reflecting unfavorably upon her intellectual capacity and that is mental injury.8

Child sexual maltreatment, as per P.D. Mathew, incorporates utilizing, utilizing, actuating, or forcing, any kid to take part in illegal and reach, it additionally incorporates the utilization of youngsters helping other people to take part in express sex.

The term ‘missing youngsters’ incorporates runaway children, kids who are kidnapped, and those who get lost or isolated from their families. Be that as it may, the single biggest part adding to these enormous numbers is runaway kids between the ages gathering of 10 and 18. While some leave home for paltry reasons like not having any desire to study, others are compelled to escape from what they say is a hopeless existence. Many pass on their homes to get by or to get away from misuse, while a huge number succumb to trafficking.9


Orientation-based savagery targets influence ladies and young ladies lopsidedly. Around 1 of every 3 ladies overall have encountered sexual and different types of savagery. Ladies are likewise considerably more reasonable than men to be killed by their close accomplices or relatives. Violations including brutality against ladies are among the most under-announced and to the least extent liable to end in conviction. Survivors frequently face critical hindrances because of holes in criminal regulation and system, orientation generalizations, casualty accusing, and deficient actions of law enforcement establishments and experts, prompting optional exploitation.

Viciousness against ladies and young ladies is one of the world’s most pervasive common freedoms infringement, occurring consistently, many times over, across the globe. It has serious short-and long haul physical, monetary, and mental results on ladies especially young, forestalling their full and equivalent support in the public arena. The greatness of its effect, both in the existence of people, families, and society, all in all, is unfathomable.10 Conditions made by the pandemic – including lockdowns, diminished versatility, elevated confinement, stress and monetary vulnerability – have prompted a disturbing spike in aggressive behavior at home and have additionally uncovered ladies and young ladies to different types of viciousness, from kid union with lewd behavior on the web.


The effect of wrongdoing on the people in question and the families can range from serious physical and mental wounds to gentle disturbances. A survey11 of the lawful structure according to freedoms of survivors of wrongdoing uncovers that aside from giving pay, very little has been done either legally or through plans to address the whole scope of issues looked at by casualties of wrongdoing. Because of the shortfall of any regulation on this angle the victim of wrongdoing for example the casualty is appeared to be overlooked. Notwithstanding, it is expressed that in India the casualties don’t have legitimate freedoms and security, they have the right to assume their part in criminal procedures which will quite often bring about disinterestedness in the procedures and subsequent twists in law enforcement organizations. Numerous casualties don’t go to the police out of dread of unfriendly exposure and pointless provocation. Be that as it may, in the event of youngsters, he is obscure to the equity arrangement of the country which results in the expansion in the unregistered cases which prompts the disappointment of rebuilding of the youngster into the general public. Aside from the deferral or even shortfall of equity, the casualties face comparable rates sometimes and they track down a protected spot in the public eye and see no future possibilities for carrying on with their existence with poise. In respect of this, the courts need to show the incredible feeling of obligation and to be more delicate while managing issues where a youngster is a person in question.


1 Karamjit Singh v. State AIR 2000 SC 3457.

2 Randhawa, Gurpreet Singh, Victimology and Compensatory Jurisprudence, 1st Ed., Central Law Publications,

Allahabad, 2011, p. 42.

3 Rattan Singh v. Province of Punjab, 1979 (4) SCC 719.

4 Maru Ram v. Association of India, Krishna Iyer, 1981 (1) SCC 107.

5 Dayal Singh v State of Uttaranchal, 2012 (8) SCC 263.

6 Deccan Herald dt. 14th August 2009.

7 Smriti Madan Kansagra v. Perry Kansagra, MANU/DE/0386/2017.

8 Lubna Mehraj and Ors. v. Mehraj-ud-Din Kanth, MANU/JK/0252/2003.

9 Humaira Ansari &Surekha S. “Missing‖ DNA, Mumbai, 19 July 2008.

10 Ending violence against women, ( available at 2 July,2022).

11 Kumaravelu Chockalingam, ― Measures for Crime Victims in the Indian Criminal Justice System.

This article is written by Arpita Kaushal, a student of UILS, PUSSGRC, HOSHIARPUR.

About the Firm

With a legacy of humanity, kindness, brotherhood and revolution left behind for them, their law firm aims to perpetuate the spirit of social revolution by fighting for the rights of as many individuals as possible. They strive to move forward with the idea of constitutional morality being the essence of the nation, which has been taught to them by their beloved lady love and senior colleague Advocate Lily Thomas.

About the Internship

Eligibility: Law students in the final year of their course will be preferred for the position.

Joining: Immediate
Duration: 3 months

How to Apply?

Interested candidates can email their CV and a cover letter to

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About the Firm

Step Next Legal’s advocates & legal consultants provide services to large organizations, companies, SMEs, NGOs, government organizations, and individuals. They observe the highest standards of professional ethics and responsibilities in all areas. They have been consulted by many clients with their footprints in India and overseas. Through hard work and determination, they consistently achieve extraordinary results for their clients. 

About the Internship

Mode of Internship: Offline/Physical
Duration: Immediate joining, two months (July and August)
Area of Interest: Civil, Criminal, IPR, Arbitration
Eligibility: Only 4th and 5th-year students.
No. of Position(s): 2

How to Apply?

Interested candidates can send their updated CV to

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is accurate to our knowledge. However, it is advised that you verify and confirm things on your end.

For regular updates, we can catchup at-

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About the Organization

One of India’s burgeoning legal companies, Khanna and Khanna is located in Delhi-110049. We offer services including legal counsel, legal document drafting, Indian legal counsel, real estate legal counsel, and wrongful death legal counsel, among others.

About the Responsibilities  

As an intern you are required to:-

  • carrying out legal studies
  •  Locating references
  •  creating case logs
  •  Daily case procedures are recorded.
  •  Writing a report on legal study
  •  Writing an academic article
  • The creation of case notes




  • can begin the internship between June 22, 22, and July 27, 22.
  • are open to full-time (office) internships
  • are open for a period of two months.
  • possess essential abilities and interests


  • Certificate
  • Informal dress code
  • Free snacks & beverages

How to Apply?

Interested candidates may apply from here: –

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

For regular updates, we can catchup at-

WhatsApp Group:



About the Organization

In order to strengthen the person, we serve society. The Art of Living, a nonprofit educational and humanitarian organisation active in 156 nations, was established in 1981 by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, a revered spiritual leader and humanitarian. Gurudev’s concept serves as the foundation for all of our initiatives: without a society free of violence and a mentality free of stress, we cannot bring about world peace.The Art of Living community is multicultural and draws visitors from all backgrounds. Excellence is an attitude. It is a way of life and a practise that can be developed. One needs energy, skill, and willpower to maintain excellence. You are guided to feel and express excellence from the inside out by the Art of Living corporate programmes for excellence at work.

About the Responsibilities  

As an intern you are required to:-

  • On a daily basis, visit the courts.
  • Manage any further litigation, drafting, filing, and court document retrieval tasks.
  • Work on drafting and communication with the counsel.




  • Are ready for a full-time, in-office internship that can begin between June 21st and July 26, 2022;
  • They can stay on for a total of 6 months;
  • They have appropriate experience and interests
  • Women who want to start or restart their careers are welcome to apply.


  • Certificate

How to Apply?

Interested candidates may apply from here: –

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

For regular updates, we can catchup at-

WhatsApp Group:



About the Organization

Ras Media and Entertainment Private Limited is the organisation that created NavBharat Today. With the help of its digital platform, NavBharat Today, aspiring news readers may follow current events in a way that is both simple to understand and entertaining. Our primary goal is to cover the news, examine it from all angles, and offer it to you in depth and with the proper perspective.

About the Responsibilities  

As an intern you are required to:-

  • carrying out legal studies
  • Writing Legal
  • Developing case studies
  • Online client interactions




  • Are ready for a full-time, in-office internship that can begin between June 26 and July 31, 22;
  • They can stay on for a total of 4 months;
  • They have appropriate experience and interests
  • Women who want to start or restart their careers are welcome to apply.


  • Certificate
  • LOR
  • Job offer

How to Apply?

Interested candidates may apply from here: –

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

For regular updates, we can catchup at-

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SAMBHAAVNAA INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC POLICY AND POLITIC is organizing a Workshop on jokering justice: introduction to theatre of the oppressed.


Is culture just art and architecture or is there more to it? How does it affect our lives? Does it only exist in the past, to be observed from a distance? The irony is embedded in everything around us, as indigenous and folk forms of expression, like Warli Art, are being capitalised upon to be put on objects, like laptop covers and backpacks. Does this constitute cultural work? Or is this the new normal for ‘culture’? What does culture mean for us? How can we problematize ‘culture’? How is culture performatively made? How does culture lend itself to multiple interpretations?

These are the kinds of questions we’d like to engage with … through theatre. Theatre has always been synonymous with culture – not just a form through performance, but something posing with its dual nature as both the mirror and the window. Just like any other journey, culture moves and grows without structural frameworks. It is non-linear and chaotic in its extension. It is through this non-linearity and chaos that we will try to evoke different conversations and stimulate our imaginations.


The resource persons (Jaya Iyer and Zubair Idrisi), along with Sambhaavnaa Institute, want to create a space and community for individuals planning to engage in TOTO methods and practices in their respective fields. This could be any arena of social development and education among other spaces. The idea is to create agents of change who would become TOTO practitioners in the future for issues related to justice, equality and transformation. This workshop, which is the second and intermediate level, is a 6-day workshop. It will focus on participatory processes which offers people/groups the possibility of articulating sociopolitical and cultural issues in form of short plays and creating a structure in which an active dialogue between the actors and the spectators is instigated in order to try and change the story. The work that we will do during these 6 days will be experiential, with a summary and debrief of the techniques involved:

  • Space to connect within – reviewing and unpacking our personal contexts through the prisms of our own daily lives, work, community, etc.
  • Diving deeper into different activities, related to our bodies, finding different modes of self-expression through a focus on our authentic voice
  • Script forum and facilitation – principles of jokering and utilising these in different fields (e.g. facilitating large heterogeneous groups)
  • Practicing invisible theatre to understand dialogue as an end in itself
  • Understanding the politics of space and representation through an engagement with the modalities of symbols and spectacles
  • Build an effective culture of dialogue for sustainable change


This workshop is for change-makers, social work practitioners, activists, people associated with people’s movements, theatre artists who work on aspects of social change and young artists exploring techniques for social change. The participants would be expected to be working with or be associated with TOTO in some way or demonstrate commitment for the same. It is also expected the participants would be able to joker (design, facilitate dialogic processes) workshops involving community members to create forum performances and initiate a cultural shift.

Dates and Venue

31st August to 5th September, 2022, Sambhaavnaa Institute, VPO – Kandbari, Tehsil – Palampur, District – Kangra, PIN 176061, Himachal Pradesh

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

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GNLU Centre for Disability Studies is organizing a webinar on DRAFT NATIONAL POLICY FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITY.


GNLU, a premier national law university of India, with its motivated staff and committed students aims to provide best public and private legal service. GNLU contextualizes the latest policy and practical developments in arts, commerce, business administration, social work, science and technology.

About Centre for Centre for Disability Studies (GCDS)

The GNLU Centre for Disability Studies was established on 02nd October 2019 with an aim to work for disability rights and social justice through promotion of teaching and research in the interdisciplinary areas of sociology, social work, law and policy.


  1. Prof. (Dr.) S. Shanthakumar Shampa Sengupta
  2. Gujarat National Law University Sruti Disability Rights Centre
  3. Mr. Muralidharan Padmini Chennapragada,
    Secretary, National Platform for Ph.D
    the Rights of the Disabled, Delhi Disability Sport Researcher
  4. Mr. Rahul Bajaj, Dr. A. Marisport
    Senior Fellow, Head, GCDS
    Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy Gujarat National Law University

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

WhatsApp Group:





Increasing Diversity By Increasing Access to Legal Education (IDIA) is a nationwide movement to empower underprivileged and marginalized communities by creating top-quality lawyers from within. Founded by legal academician, late Prof. (Dr.)Shamnad Basheer, it runs on the backbone of more than 600 passionate student volunteers spread across India. IDIA is premised on the notion that access to premier legal education empowers marginalized communities by creating exceptional lawyers and community leaders from within. Underprivileged and marginalized students in India lack equitable access to quality legal education. This can be traced to a lack of awareness about law as a career that can improve their lives; Extremely high fees and expenditure for the 5-year law degree and Lack of financial aid to students from low-income backgrounds. IDIA identifies underprivileged students with an aptitude for law and trains them for law entrance exams over a 1-2 year period. IDIA not only enables access to legal education it also fosters diversity at the leading law schools and enriches the very process of legal education.


  1. Each Participating Team must submit ONE PIL draft.
  2. If a participant/team wishes to submit any annexure to support his/her arguments contained in the PIL (for instance Reports, Commentaries, News Clippings, Pictures, etc.) a compendium of all the relevant annexures must be prepared and should be sent along with the memorial.
  3. All PIL drafts must be sent to the email address: by 10 July 2022 midnight with the Subject of the email as “PIL Draft, Team Code _”
  4. Any submission made after the deadline will not be considered for evaluation and will result in the cancellation of candidature as well as forfeiture of the contribution made.
  5. Any submission with any name reference to the participant will be disqualified.
  6. Substantial Plagiarism shall amount to disqualification, therefore, the Participants must not submit plagiarized content.
  7. In case the draft of two or more participants/teams is found “substantially similar” to each other, both the participants/ teams shall be disqualified.
  8. It should be noted that at any point in time and in case of any conflict the decision of the committee shall be final & binding.


  1. Last Date for Registration – 5th July 2022
  2. Last Date of Submission- 10th July 2022
  3. Oral Rounds – 20th July 2022


(These themes are only suggestive – the participants may select any topic that is related to the themes given below)

  1. Environment and Wildlife Protection;
  2. Accessible Education for Persons with Disabilities;
  3. Gender Justice: Contemporary Issues.

The participants are allowed to select a topic other than the abovementioned suggestive themes. In that case, the topic must relate to a contemporary issue.


The competition shall be open for the students currently pursuing their Bachelor’s Degree in law i.e. 3- a year LL.B. course or a 5-year LL.B. course from any recognized university/college in India. There is no restriction on the number of entries from any college or university. Cross teams would be allowed to participate.


  1. “Individual Participation” as well as “Participation in a team of two” is allowed.
  2. Participants from two different universities may also form a team.
  3. The substitution of any Team Member is not allowed after the registration deadline except in extenuating circumstances and only with permission of the Organizer.

Contact Details

Event Convenor – Mukesh Kumar (8083004848)
Event Co-Convenor – Shubh Gautam (8507130175)

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

WhatsApp Group:



GUJARAT NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY is organizing the 4th V.S. Mani Memorial National Essay Competition.


The V.S. Mani Centre for Air and Space Law (VSMCASL), Gujarat National Law University along with the support of the generous grant from Prof. Stephan Hobe, Institute of Air Law, Space Law and Cyber Law, University of Cologne, Germany launches the 4th Prof. V.S. Mani Memorial National Essay Competition 2022. The Essay Competition is an endeavor to commemorate the inspiring contribution of Prof. (Dr.) V.S. Mani in the field of international law, particularly air and space law.


The essay should focus on any contemporary issue of ‘Air and Space Law’.


To encourage and provide an opportunity for research to the students having a passion for Air and Space Law.


The competition is open to students pursuing UG/PG (Law) in India. The students shall register by filling the online form.


  1. Submission shall be made in the online mode only.
  2. Submission shall be in English.
  3. Submission needs to be original. Plagiarism shall result in disqualification.
  4. Submission shall not be under consideration for any publication.
  5. Topic once registered shall not be changed. Co-authorship is permitted up to a maximum of two authors.
  6. A cover page with title of the Essay, name and affiliation of author/co-authors shall be attached.
  7. Any identification mark (in any form) in the essay shall lead to disqualification.
  8. Multiple or incomplete submissions shall not be considered.
  9. Word limit: 4000 – 6000 words (excluding references).
  10. Submission below or above the word limit shall not be considered.
  11. Citation style: OSCOLA (4 th Edition).
  12. Font: Times New Roman; Font size-12; Spacing- 1.5.
  13. Any contribution received after the last date shall not be considered.
  14. Submit text as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx).
  15. Selection will be done through two-tier blind review.
  16. The decision of the Selection Committee shall be final.
  17. Essays will be evaluated on the following criteria: depth of analysis, cogency of arguments, structure, feasibility of suggestions, language and references in support.
  18. By way of submission, authors of the essays which are awarded prize money and certificates of merit, agree that Copyright therein shall vest in VSMCASL.


  1. 1st Prize: ₹11,000/-
  2. 2nd Prize: ₹10,000/-
  3. 3rd Prize: ₹9,000/-
  4. 1st Consolation Prize: ₹3,000/-
  5. 2nd Consolation Prize: ₹2,000/-


Electronically mailed only to-


31st July 2022

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