About the Organization

The legal profession is frequently seen as the one that places a greater emphasis on the goals, no matter the means. In an effort to alter this view, Legal Adobe has chosen to advocate for what most accurately characterises the position of someone who is sincerely involved in the administration of justice and the service of humanity.

As part of its commitment to a society where financial disadvantage is evident and legal literacy is low, LegalAdobe has taken the initiative to make legal aid accessible to all. Legal Adobe treats everyone who is willing to learn as a student in accordance with the sentiment expressed in the phrase. providing anything from academic resources to internship opportunities to custom solutions to free legal problem-solving services. Legal Adobe has undoubtedly become the one-stop shop for making your life as a learner hassle-free.

About the Responsibilities  

Vacancy for a Junior at the office of Advocate Sanjay K. Sharma

As an associate you are required to: –

  • The junior would be expected to conduct research, draught various petitions, counteraffidavits, lawsuits, legal notifications, and other papers as needed. Additionally, the person would show up and offer assistance in other cases before Delhi courts.


New Delhi


As per industry standards.


  • freshers may apply

How to Apply?

Interested candidates may apply from here: – advocatemanishchoudhary2020@gmail.com

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About the Organization

A company called Arcum Global specialises in setting up international businesses and preparing residency. Because it focuses especially on the variables influencing global mobilisation and does not restrict itself to services related to residency acquisition, the company is exceptional in its field. It offers pre- and post-mobilization services to deliver an end-to-end solution. These services include business formation, tax structuring, estate preparation, and acquiring citizenship and residence through investments.

The firm is well-positioned to assist families and businesses in managing their entire investment with the required returns thanks to its knowledge of legislation and multijurisdictional skills.

About the Responsibilities  

Call for Assessment Interns

As an intern you are required to: –

  • preparing opinions and conducting research in the area of international law
  • Conducting market research for company establishments in the US, Canada, and Europe
  • assisting in the preparation of business plans
  • Managing clients and developing relationships


New Delhi


  • Law students in their last year and recent graduates with six months to a year of experience

How to Apply?

Interested candidates may apply from here: – inquiries@arcumglobal.com

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About the Organization

A law practise that represents entrepreneurs, new businesses, burgeoning enterprises, incubators, accelerators, angel investors, family offices, and venture capital and private equity funds.

About the Responsibility

One paid intern is needed by Verum Legal to conduct research, create content, and write articles on topics relevant to technology laws (including Fintech), data privacy, cryptocurrency, and other related laws. 




  • You are at minimum in your third year of law school;
  • You are interested in the aforementioned laws and keep up with the most recent developments in the related fields;
  • You have strong writing abilities; and
  • You have the drive to complete your assignment by the deadline.


  • A certificate would be provided on the successful completion of the internship.

How to Apply?

Interested candidates may apply from here: – hello@verumlegal.com can send their resumes along with writing samples

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

For regular updates, we can catchup at-

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About the Organization

A group of young activists known as AK & Partners came together because they think that transaction advice and dispute resolution go beyond just applying a jurisdiction’s rules to real-world circumstances. The company holds the opinion that modern business requires technologically advanced, internationally best-practices aligned legal advice. In addition to being legally sound, legal advice should also be financially and commercially viable with a focus on risk management.

Excellent laws are the foundation of good law, thus public policy and advocacy are two of our specialties. When customers come here with conflict issues, they feel it is their responsibility to advise them not only on the strength of their legal position but also on commercially viable business options and solutions through guidance on the appropriate legal procedures to use in that particular situation.

About the Responsibilities  

In general corporate, banking & finance, and fintech, AK & Partners is seeking for Associate (0-2 years PQE) and Senior Associate (3-5 years PQE).

Deadline for Applying

July 25, 2022

How to Apply?

Interested candidates may apply from here: – recruitment@akandpartners.in and mention post (Associate/Senior Associate) in the subject line.

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For regular updates, we can catchup at-

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About the Organization

As it works with the utmost thoroughness, precision, and dedication for its clients, AAA Legal is one name for all of your legal difficulties. It is renowned for having successfully defended clients in difficult and challenging issues all around the nation.

About the ResponsibilityĀ 

Opening for Litigation & legal advisory


South Delhi


  • Only 0 – 3 years of experience holders

How to Apply?

Interested candidates may apply from here: – Litigation@aaalegal.pro

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For regular updates, we can catchup at-

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1950 AIR 124, 1950 SCR 594.


  • Justice Fazal Ali, Saiyid
  • (CJ) Kania, Harilal
  • Sastri, M. Patanjali
  • Mahajan, Mehr Chand
  • Das, Sudhi Ranjan
  • Mukherjea, B.K.


26 May 1950


Romesh Thappar was a publisher of a weekly magazine called Crossroads; certain articles were published in his magazine regarding the doubtful nature of public policies especially foreign policy. These articles created suspicion among the public about governmental policies leading to a communist movement rising in some regions of Madras forcing the state government to impose a ban on circulation of the magazine in areas where the communist movement was going on with enthusiasm.


  1. Madras Maintenance of Public Order Act, 1949 Section 9 (1-A): It allows the government to stop the circulation, selling, and distribution of any journal in any part of Madras to ensure ā€˜Public Safetyā€™ or preserving ā€˜Public Orderā€™.
  2. Constitution of India Article 19 (1) (a): Provides freedom of speech and expression to citizens of India. Freedom of speech and expression gives one a right to speak and express their opinions and ideas about something through traditional media or social media.
  3. Constitution of India Article 19 (2): Provides for the reasonable restrictions to freedom of speech and expression granted under Article 19 (1) (a). These restrictions include the sovereignty and integrity and security of the state and friendly relations with foreign states.
  4. Constitution of India Article 13: Provides for the laws that may or may not be passed before the commencement of the Constitution of India if violates fundamental rights mentioned in Part 3 of the Indian Constitution must be declared null and void.
  5. Constitution of India Article 32: Provides an Indian citizen right to approach Supreme Court if their fundamental right has been violated by any government authority. The article goes as ā€˜Heart & Soul of Indian Constitutionā€™ due to its protective nature towards other fundamental rights specified in Part 3.  
  6. Constitution of India Article 226: Provides High Courts the power to issue writs for enforcement of fundamental rights.


  1. Whether the violation of the fundamental right can be dealt with by Supreme Court before State High Court?
  2. Whether the order passed by the government under Madras Maintenance of Public Order Act, 1949 Section 9 (1-A) violate the freedom of Speech and Expression?
  3. Whether the existence of Madras Maintenance of Public Order Act, 1949 Section 9 (1-A) was itself unconstitutional for it violates fundamental rights mentioned in Part 3 of the Indian Constitution?  


On the issue of whether the Supreme Court can be approached before the State High Court, the court believed that Article 32 gives power to Supreme Court to issue writs if any government authority violates fundamental rights provided in part 3 of the Indian Constitution, which in itself as a fundamental right that cannot be denied. Hence, the Supreme Court as the guardian of fundamental rights cannot refuse to entertain any petition for seeking against infringements of fundamental rights.

The order passed by the Madras government was declared unconstitutional as it violates the Freedom of Speech and Expression mentioned under Article 19 (1) (a) of the Indian Constitution. The ban imposed by the state government on the circulation of magazines prevents the freedom to propagate ideas, opinions, and viewpoints regarding any issue that concerns the general public.

The Madras Maintenance of Public Order Act, 1949 Section 9 (1-A) was made with the interest of issues like ā€˜Public Safetyā€™ and ā€˜Public Orderā€™. Here, ā€˜Public Safetyā€™ means the security of health of the general public from dangers that vary according to the situation. ā€˜Public Orderā€™ means to deal with events that may lead to disruption of peace and tranquility of the province. Regarding the question of the unconstitutionality of the law, the Supreme Court invokes the ā€˜Doctrine of Severabilityā€™ to ensure if severing any law defeats the entire purpose of legislation or not. Thereby, declared that the said order contradicts the fundamental right given under Article 19 (1) (a) hence ultra vires. However, Court is of the view that entire legislation cannot be considered void as Article 13 of the Indian Constitution states that the law can be declared null and void only to the extent of its inconsistency with fundamental rights.

This article is written by Simran Gulia, pursuing BA LLB from Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management Studies.

GNLU Centre for Women and Child Rights is making a call for papers for its RTE Conclave.


With over a decade since the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (RTE Act) was enacted in India, new issues have emerged in its interface with society and its evolution in the current context. The RTE Conclave is a first-of-a-kind conference that seeks to bring academicians, students, practitioners, activists, and policymakers together to work towards the effective implementation of the RTE Act, both in essence and spirit. The Conference aims to set a reference point for future discourse on the RTE Act by identifying and addressing some of the contemporary issues and challenges.


  • Submissions are invited from academicians, activists, practitioners, research scholars, and undergraduate and postgraduate students.
  • Co-authorship is allowed to a maximum of 2 authors including the main author.
  • The manuscript must not contain the name of the author(s) or his/her institutional affiliation or any other information.
  • Link For Abstract Submission:Ā  https://forms.gle/XdpydUea1LhFRWJm7
  • The participants are requested to submit an abstract of a maximum 300 words in Microsoft Word document, Font style ā€“ Times New Roman, Font Size ā€“ 12, line spacing ā€“ Single. The abstract may include keywords (maximum: four).
  • The abstract must include a clear indication of the objectives, methodology, major results, implications, and key references.
  • The research must be novel, original and add to the existing literature on the subject.
  • All abstracts will be subject to a blind review and only those abstracts approved by the reviewers will be selected to submit their complete paper for the final presentation.
  • Word limit ā€“ 5000 to 8000. (Including footnotes)
  • Submissions must be made in Microsoft Office (doc./docx.) formats only.
  • The paper should be free from all grammatical and spelling errors. The body of the manuscript must be in the font ā€˜Times New Roman’, font size 12, line spacing 1.5 and the text should be justified.
  • All footnotes must be in font ā€˜Times New Romanā€™, font size 10, line spacing 1, and justified.
  • All submissions must follow the ā€˜OSCOLA: Oxford University Standard for the Citation of Legal Authoritiesā€™ citation guide.


  1. Role of Legal Professionals and students of law in improving access to education in India.
  2. NEP 2020 and RTE Act 2009: Issues, challenges, and way forward.
  3. Implementation of Section 12(1)c of the RTE Act, 2009 in India.
  4. Understanding RTE in light of specially-abled children.
  5. Reforms in the school examination system.
  6. Education as a subject under the concurrent list: Emerging issues between Centre and States.
  7. Economic Analysis of RTE Act, 2009.
  8. Regulation of Private Unaided Schools in India.
  9. Role of RTE in addressing challenges for doubly oppressed and marginalized sections.
  10. Education and Gender. Re-imagining Indian Education Laws in light of global standards.
  11. Impact of Social Media on the Right to education.
  12. The future of Ed-tech in the development of the Education sector in India.

Please note that the list of sub-themes is merely suggestive and non-exhaustive in nature. The authors can choose to submit manuscripts on other relevant and contemporary topics under the broad theme.


  • Abstract Submission: 31st July 2022
  • Communication of Acceptance of Abstract: 8th August 2022
  • Full Paper Submission: 8th September 2022
  • Communication of Acceptance of Full Paper: 15th September 2022
  • Payment of Conference Fee: 17th September 2022


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The overall objective of the conference is to provide a platform and stimulate discussion on issues and themes surrounding Indian Legal history. National Law Institute University, Bhopal is delighted to propose hosting 3rd All
India Legal History Congress to enable discussion over key issues and new developments in the field of Legal History pre-independence and postindependence era.


Step 1: Abstract Submission

The acceptance of the paper will be based on abstracts. All submitted abstracts will undergo a blind review. An abstract/proposal between 300 to 500 words, clearly summarizing the arguments, should be submitted before the deadline. All abstracts must be submitted in English, through an email to ailhc@nliu.ac.in.

Step 2: Notification of Acceptance

The Organisers will reach their decision within two weeks after abstract submission and notify the authors via email.

Step 3: Final Paper Submission

The academic papers for which abstracts have been accepted and registered for the Conference will be considered for final paper presentation, following a peer review process. The full paper must be submitted before the deadline, in compliance with the paper submission guidelines.

Step 4: Results

The decision regarding the final selection for the paper presentation will be communicated within two weeks after the deadline for submission.

Step 5: Registration

After the final selection of the paper, the authors/ co-authors will be required to fulfill the registration process by filling out the registration form and paying the registration fees. The registration fee includes the expenses for participation in the conference, publication of the contribution, conference attendance e-certificate, lunch during the conference, badge, conference bag and/or Conference accessories, and refreshment breaks. Co-Author(s) Registration: If the co-author(s) is also presenting/attending the Conference, each coauthor has to register individually for the conference by completing the registration form.

Step 6: Payment

Upon submission of the registration form, the participants can pay their registration fee by PayPal, Google Pay, or Debit/Credit Card. The amount of fee to be paid by each author (Indian) will be INR 1500/-. The link shall be shared via email.

Step 7: Conference

Participants will be notified of the exact venue of the Conference at least 15 days in advance of the Conference. At the conference, all abstracts/papers will be presented in English.

Step 8: Publication

The best papers will be given an opportunity to be published in the form of an edited book on the said theme with an ISBN number. The papers must qualify the double-blind peer review standards of the editorial board to be published.


  1. Subalterns and their Contribution to the
  2. Legal Reforms (Political, Social, Cultural and
  3. Religious Movements
  4. Lesser-known lawyers of the Freedom
  5. Struggle and their contributions
  6. Role of Women in Law Making
  7. Impact of Judicial Decisions and Legislationson Women (Pre & Post Independence)
  8. Contribution of media in law-making and legal awareness
  9. Financial law and legal change
  10. Role of law in the Development of Education
  11. Judicial pronouncement and social change
  12. The idea of Justice since Independence
  13. Indianization of judicial administration
  14. History of ADR in India
  15. Criminal and Civil Administration
  16. Community and emergence of new legal tradition in 75 years
  17. A paradigm shift in customary law
  18. Divergence and convergence in Indian law
  19. Legal transplantation from India
  20. Legal Transplantation in India
  21. Indian law and global synthesis
  22. Development of History of Maritime Law
  23. History of the Indian Ocean
  24. Legal Perspectives for conservation of
  25. History & Heritage: Art, Culture, Museums, Buildings, etc.
  26. Resource conservation, Environment, and Urban planning


  • An abstract/proposal between 300 to 500 words, clearly summarizing the arguments, should be submitted through the online Abstract Submission Form. The file should be titled: ā€œAbstract (Name of the Article)ā€
  • The preferred length of the full paper (excluding footnotes) is 5,000-6,000 words (maximum limit). Authors must confine the paper between 12-15 pages, inclusive of everything. It must also include an Abstract (not more than 500 words) and 3-5 keywords.
  • Authorsā€™ autobiographical details should be sent along with the contribution in a separate word document titled ā€œCover Letterā€, and shall include the name, academic & professional qualifications, institutional affiliation, current title, the position of each author, and an address for correspondence. Co-authorship up to two authors is allowed.
  • The paper must be written in British English, typed using Times New Roman (Normal style, Font size 12), and in MS Word. Page size should be A4, single column with a 2.5 cm (1 inch) margin on all sides with single line spacing. All pages of the manuscript (including Tables and Figures) must be numbered.
  • Submissions only in the .docx or .doc format will be accepted.
  • Authors are expected to adhere strictly to the deadlines, and no extension will be granted, by the organizers, to any participant on any grounds whatsoever.
  • Acceptance of Abstracts does not guarantee a publication in the Edited Book. After the submission, if the piece is considered suitable for publication, it will be subjected to a double-blind peer review process. The decision regarding the same will be informed to the Author(s) within due course of time.
  • The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit, change, shorten and add to your article for the original edition and for any subsequent revision along with the right to republish the article as part of an anthology in later years: provided that the meaning of the text is not materially altered.
  • It is the responsibility of the author(s) to ensure that all references and citations are correct and that the contribution does not contain any material that infringes copyright, or is defamatory, obscene, or otherwise unlawful or litigious.
  • The citations must conform to OSCOLA (Oxford Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities) Citing and Referencing Style. Citation of sources should appear in both, the body of the text (an in-text citation) and at the end of the work (a reference list).
  • Copyright in the article shall be vested jointly with the author(s) of the submission and the Publisher. By submitting an article for the Conference, the author(s) of the submission grants the publisher a license to publish the article and warrants that s/he is the owner of all the copyrights of the article. When the author subsequently wishes to publish the article, the author is requested to obtain prior permission from the Editorial Board of the Conference and acknowledge that the article first appeared in the Conference proceedings.
  • The Author(s) will indemnify and defend the Publisher against any claim, demand, or recovery against the Publisher by reason of any violation of any proprietary right or copyright, or because of any libelous or scandalous matter contained in the Manuscript. The Author(s) shall submit an undertaking to the same effect.


  • CONFERENCE ā€“ 02-04 SEPTEMBER 2022



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About the Organization

Abhinav Mishra and Nivedita Chauhan established the Chambers in 2018, and as a result of their wide practise areas and ability to handle cases across India, they have become one of the preeminent legal service providers. The Chambers provides corporate advisory as well as legal consultation services on issues pertaining to IBC, M&A, Competition Laws, Debt Restructuring, White Collar Crimes, Real Estate Laws, IPR, and Arbitration proceedings, in addition to representing clients in litigation before courts and tribunals. Additionally, the Chambers helps new businesses in a variety of industries by offering legal consulting and advising services to ensure compliance with the law. The Chambers has successfully handled numerous complicated cases and provided legal opinions on regulations unique to different businesses.

In a short period of time, the Chamber has obtained some reportable judgments from the Honourable Supreme Court of India and the Honourable High Courts of various jurisdictions.

About the Responsibility

Call for interns at chambers of Abhinav Mishra

Time Period

August To December, 2022, 4 weeks (subject to further extension based upon the performance of the candidate)


INR 3,500/- extendable up to INR 15,000/- per month subject to the performance of the candidate.


  • Only students enrolled in the fourth and fifth years of a five-year integrated law programme, the third year of a three-year law programme, or those pursuing an LLM are eligible to apply. They also encourage final-year students to participate in a 3-month internship programme that will serve as an evaluation period for their potential future employment as an associate with them.
  • Fast learner, devoted, goal-oriented, self-driven, critical thinker, and punctual ability to cope with and succeed in a fast-paced setting, having effective communication and writing abilities

How to Apply?

Interested candidates may apply from here: – careers@chambersofabhinavmishra.in with subject line (“Application for Internship-“Month of Internship”) or directly apply from their website (https://lnkd.in/dBrrbKf ).

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About the Organization

Students from IISc, IIM B, and other prestigious universities in Bengaluru, India, launched “Think India” in 2006. The goal of the project is to unite the nation’s top intellectual talent and human resources and instil in them a “Nation First” mentality. Researchers, professionals, and students participate actively in this forum where they discuss matters of national importance, voice their concerns, and propose creative and workable solutions to problems.

About the Responsibility

The chosen applicants will offer a full year of support in the form of knowledgeable legal and technical comments based on a careful examination of the foundational ideas of international law.

Time Period

1 year


  • The candidate must be a law student enrolled in a three-year programme in their third or higher-level FYIC or final year.
  • The candidate must have taken courses in public international law.

Deadline for Applying

July 20, 2022

How to Apply?

Interested candidates may apply from here: – office.vidhiilc@gmail.com along with updated Resume of not more than 2 pages titled as Name_CV and a statement of purpose of not more than 500 words titled as Name_SOP.

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