A petition was filed for quashing an FIR, which was registered at the Jaitpur, Delhi police station. The FIR was registered under sections 323(punishment for voluntarily causing hurt), 341(Punishment for wrongful restraint), 506 (Punishment for criminal intimidation), 509 (Word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman), 354 (Assault or criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty), 34 (Acts done by several persons in furtherance of common intention) of the IPC.

The children of the complainant and the petitioners had a fight and later the parents got involved which led to a heated argument. The nature of injuries has been reported to be “simple” by the MLC. The parties have now arrived at a settlement with their own consent and therefore they had filed the petition to quash the FIR.

The High Court allowed the quashing of the FIR on the condition that all the parties involved have to work with the Delhi Jal Board team and clean the Yamuna river. A certificate will be issued after 45 days which has to be submitted within one week of receipt. They have to report within ten days from the issuance of the order. It was observed:

“FIR…… and proceedings pursuant thereto, if any, are hereby quashed subject to the petitioners and respondents working with Delhi Jal Board Team under the supervision of Member,………. All the petitioners and respondents will report and do the work assigned for cleaning river Yamuna for a period of 45 days. At the end of satisfactory service, the petitioners and respondents will be given a certificate by Delhi Jal Board for Yamuna Cleaning and this certificate by each of the petitioners and respondents must be placed on record within one week of their receipt. It is expected that the petitioners and respondents will help in cleaning Yamuna river with all their sincere efforts and energies.”

It is indeed a unique punishment that will be beneficial for the environment. The case has been listed for compliance on 16th August 2022.

CASE: Mamta Devi and Ors. vs. The State of NCT OF Delhi and Ors.


BMS College of law is organizing the 7th edition of BM Sreenivasaiah Memorial National Moot Court 2022, to be held virtually from July 20-23, 2022


Law students from the BCI recognized universities




INR 3000

The entries are restricted to 32 teams on a first come basis. Teams are required to complete their provisional registration on or before June 15, 2022.

  1. NAME OF THE BANK: Indian Bank
  2. ACCOUNT NO.: 20022950403
  3. IFSC: IDIB000B605
  4. BRANCH: Basavanagudi, Bangalore


Register on or before June 20, 2022. The registration link and QR code is in the brochure.


  1. WINNING TEAM: INR 35000
  2. RUNNERS UP: INR 30000


  1. Last date for receipt of registration: June 15, 2022
  2. Final registration and payment: June 20, 2022
  3. Last date for queries regarding the problem: June 30, 2022
  4. Last date for submission of memorial: July 5, 2022
  5. Inaugural programme: July 20, 2022
  6. Researcher’s test: July 20, 2022
  7. Draw of lots for prelims rounds: July 20, 2022
  8. Prelims: July 21, 2022
  9. Quarter-finals and semi-finals: July 22, 2022
  10. Finals and valedictory ceremony: July 23, 2022


EMAIL: nmcc7@bmscl.ac.in Krishna Kashyap: +918904856916



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Student Youth Council in association with Lords Universal College of Law, Mumbai is presenting an informative Webinar focusing on Civil Procedures in India.


Civil Justice: A lecture on Civil Procedure in India

About Webinar

The Civil Procedure Code regulates every action in civil courts and the parties before it till the execution of the degree and order and ensures fair justice by enforcing the rights and liabilities. This enriching experience will be provided by Civil Judge Vishal Vyas to culminate how the procedure works and thereby give an insightful experience on the functioning of Civil Procedures in India.

Event Details

Date: 18th June 2022
Time: 6:00 pm
Platform: Zoom


A participation certificate would be issued to all the registered participants


M: +91-9819683965



Kindly register for the webinar on the below link.


Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

WhatsApp Group:






MAIMS is organizing its first national mock trial competition which will be held from September 1 to September 17, 2022


MAIMS aims to provide a platform for students across India to showcase and nurture their research skills by competing in a professional and challenging environment


  1. The preliminary rounds and quarter-final rounds will be conducted online
  2. The researcher’s test shall also be conducted online
  3. The last two rounds. i.e. the semi-finals and finals will be conducted offline
  4. The teams for the semi-finals shall be given a specific time period of two weeks


September 1 to September 17, 2022


  1. The competition is open to all students who are pursuing LLB or LLM with affiliated institutions
  2. Only one team per institution
  3. A team should contain at least two or three maximum members
  4. Each team would be provided with three witnesses, 45 minutes prior to the rounds


  1. Each team shall be allotted a unique team code
  2. The identity of the team shall not be disclosed at any stage
  3. Any change in the team composition must be intimated to the organizers at mocktrial@maims.ac.in
  4. The participating teams are required to pay INR 4500 and the last date is June 3, 2022


  1. BEST TEAM: INR 40000, a free course from Lawctopus law school, a certificate of merit
  2. RUNNER UP: INR 25000, 50% fee waiver in a course from Lawctopus law school, a certificate of merit
  3. BEST SPEAKER: INR 5000, a certificate of merit
  4. BEST RESEARCHER: INR 5000, a certificate of merit
  5. BEST MEMORIAL: INR 5000, a certificate of merit
  6. BEST WITNESS: INR 5000, a certificate of merit


  1. Last date for early bird discount: June 10, 2022
  2. registration closed: June 30, 2022
  3. Last date of payment of registration fee: June 30, 2022
  4. Team code allotment: July 3, 2022
  5. Last date for seeking clarification: July 7, 2022
  6. Last date for memorial submission: July 22, 2022
  7. Inaugural ceremony, the draw of lots, and exchange of memorial: September 1, 2022
  8. researcher’s test: September 2, 2022
  9. Prelims 1 and 2: September 2, 2022, and Quarterfinals: September 3, 2022






EMAIL: mocktrial@maims.ac.in or call at +918860869625


Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

WhatsApp Group:






This case was for the custody of a 5-year-old boy who had lost both his parents in the COVID-19 pandemic. His grandparents had approached the High Court by filing a writ of Habeas Corpus. However, the High Court had granted the custody to the boy’s maternal aunt, who would not let the grandparents to come to the house or even meet their grandson.

Aggrieved by the decision, the grandparents had approached the Supreme Court. The Hon’ble Apex Court heard both sides and granted the custody to his grandparents.

The High Court has granted the custody to the maternal aunt on the basis that she is 46 years of age and has a stable government job. Further, she is unmarried and lives in a joint family. On the other hand, the grandfather of the child is 71 years old and a retired government employee. After comparing the situation, the High Court considered that it would be beneficial for the upbringing of the child if he lived with the maternal aunt.

However, the Supreme Court observed the above grounds are relevant but not germane. One cannot presume that the maternal aunt being young and financially stable, would take better care of the child than the grandparents. It was observed:

“One should not doubt the capacity and/or ability of the paternal grandparents to take care of their grandson. It is said that the grandparents love the interest rather than the principle. Emotionally also the grandparents will always take care better care of their grandson. Grand Parents are more attached emotionally with grandchildren………………… Being a retired person, the paternal grandparents would devote more time and take care of minor better than the maternal aunt who is serving in the government department. Income and/or the age and/or the bigger family cannot be the sole criteria to tilt the balance and not to give the custody of the grandson to the paternal grandparents.”

The Supreme Court held that if a balance is formed between the aunt and grandparents, it would certainly tilt in the favor of the grandparents. Even the minor has expressed his interest in living with his grandparents. However, while granting the custody, the Supreme Court observed that this decision does not question the ability of the maternal aunt to take proper care of the child. The decision will be subject to the final order of the proceedings under section 7 of the Guardians and wards act which is currently pending. The Hon’ble court requested the families to forget the past, act cordially and move forward for the sake of the child.

case: Swaminathan Kunchu Acharya vs State of Gujarat & Ors.


RGNUL Law Review is inviting submissions by way of a call for papers for its 2022 issue, volumes 1 and 2, to be submitted by July 15, 2022


The RGNUL has come out with 16 issues since 2011


  1. Scheme and style of publication and guidelines for contributors can be accessed here
  2. Academicians and research scholars shall submit an undertaking that the submission is original
  3. The contributors can submit the papers by July 15, 2022
  4. submissions have to be mailed to rlr@rgnul.ac.in


JULY 15, 2022


Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

WhatsApp Group:






The NATIONAL CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL COMMISSION (NCDRC) observed that the parents most stressful event in their life and cause for a major emotional crisis was that they lost their 28-year-old married daughter due to medical negligence and their son-in-law in a road accident.

Sajeena and her husband, A.K.Nazeer were undergoing fertility treatment at Samad Hospital, Thiruvananthpuram. Her reports revealed that she had to go through a surgery. After the surgery was performed, one of the doctors at the hospital asked for blood transfusion. After the blood transfusion was started, she immediately started having reactions.

It has been alleged that the said reactions took place due to the use of B+ positive blood instead of O+ blood. A consumer complaint was thus filed before the state commission. A few witnessess were presented, which included the doctors who performed the surgery. According to their statements, there was no need for blood transfusion and it was given without any consultation with them. One of the witnesses who appeared stated that there are some standard procedures which have to be followed in an event of wrong transfusion of blood such as stopping it immediately, sending the blood samples and the urine for further investigation, and to preserve the balance of blood in the blood bag. It was observed that nothing of that sort had been done, hence the state commission partly allowed the complaint and granted compensation of about 9 lakhs.

The NCDRC formed two issues:

(i) whether wrong blood was transfused, if yes- then whether hospital or the blood bank is
(ii) whether it was a transfusion reaction or DIC ?

The following issued were addressed on the basis of Dr. Valentina’s notes which were admitted as an exhibit. It was clear from her notes that wrong blood was transfused to the patient and the hospital staff is liable for the negligence. Further, it was a case of transfusion reaction due to mismatch blood.

It was observed as follows:

Thus, in our view, the afore entry itself is sufficient to prove that mismatched blood was transfused to the patient. It was due to the blood bag which was kept in hospital refrigerator and transfused on the fateful day. Moreover, it was the duty of hospital to prove the wrong blood was issued from the Blood Bank , but the Apellant failed to prove it. Proper medical record has more importance. The finding of State Commission show the glaring lapses of the Opposite Parties Nos. 1 and 2, who have not kept the transfusion register showing the number of bags, its date of receipt or use or disposal. Thus, possibility of error in identification of the blood bags or identifying the patients was more……… We, further, note that the blood bag was kept in storage of the Hospital premise. It should be borne in mind that the cross-matched blood received from the blood bank shall be transfused within reasonable time preferably within 24 hours. However, in the instant case, there is no record that when the blood was brought from the blood bank. Therefore, we conclude for Q. (i) that wrong blood was transfused to the patient and the hospital staff is liable for the negligence.”

NCDRC further relied on the Supreme Court judgment in the case of Postgraduate Institute of Medial Education
and Research Chandigarh vs. Jaspal Singh & Others
wherein it has been held that mismatch in transfusion of blood resulting in death of patient is a case of medical negligence and in the instant case Sanjeeda has died due to the negligence of the hospital staff. NCDRC advised hospitals to investigate transfusion reactions:

“14.In most of the cases the hospital staff failing to respond to the signs and symptoms of a blood transfusion error. Thus the cause can be as simple as a breakdown in safety protocols or poor training. Though most hospitals and surgical centres have strict procedures on blood storage, but sometimes improper or poorly stored blood got issued. Reporting all transfusion-related adverse reactions to the Blood Bank promptly is more vital. Haemovigilance is the ‘systematic surveillance of adverse reactions and adverse events related to transfusion’ with the aim of improving transfusion safety. Transfusion reactions and adverse events should be investigated by the clinical team and hospital transfusion team and reviewed by the hospital transfusion committee.”

In light of the above, compensation of 20 lakh was awarded to the parents of the deceased.



About the Company

From Adv Anand Bajpai, LLM, M/s Anand Raj Associates (Gold Medalist). PhD is accepting applications for corporate and commercial law internships at their office.


New Delhi  

How to Apply?

Interested candidates may apply from here:-


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For regular updates, we can catchup at-

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About the Company

Chadha & Co. specialises in helping foreign corporations on legal and regulatory issues in India.

They represent customers from more than 38 countries and provide legal advice in a variety of businesses and areas of law. Many of the world’s most prestigious firms do business in India are among their clientele. They service clients across the country from their New Delhi locations.

The firm offers a fun and collaborative work atmosphere. In the workplace, they promote and encourage diversity, equity, and inclusion. Staff members work in a multi-cultural environment. Several international employees work for the company.

The firm has a reputable and competent conflict resolution practise, among other areas of business.

About the Responsibilities

For their Dispute Resolution practise, they are currently expanding their team and are searching for experienced and high-quality Senior Associates with a solid track record.


New Delhi  


  • A minimum of 5 to 10 years of experience in a reputable corporate/litigation legal practise, in the offices of a prominent arguing counsel/ Senior Attorney, or as an individual practitioner of civil and commercial litigation, arbitration, or white collar criminal issues;
  • LLB/LLM from a reputable university is required;
  • Strong drafting capabilities, great research skills, and the capacity to work long hours and meet deadlines;
  • Basic grasp of Hindi and regional languages is essential, as is excellent written and spoken English.
  • Interpersonal skills are strong, and you have a low tolerance for office politics.

How to Apply?

Interested candidates may apply from here:- https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3105945651

Note:- Don’t apply if you are in any of the category

  • Lawyers with 0 to 4 years of experience
  • and non-lawyers

Disclaimer: All information posted by us on Lexpeeps is true to our knowledge. But still, it is suggested that you check and confirm things on your level.

For regular updates, we can catchup at-

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About the Company

At American Express, they believe that with appropriate support, individuals and businesses can achieve extraordinary things. Their staff are actively trying to fulfil their great supporting commitment to their customers and with each other, be it backing their customers’ financial strength to move forward, driving trade to unimaginable heights, or encouraging people to experience the world.

The American Express workers’ determination and persistence have been the cornerstone to their success for years. As a worldwide unified transactions firm, they now collaborate to offer users access to products, information, and world-class experiences that improve lives and help businesses succeed. 

About the Responsibilities

As a Legal Operations Specialist you are required to :-

  • Register legal cases in the case management system and send them to the appropriate workstream.
  • Evaluate the legal request’s legality using Amex methods.
  • Generate correspondence to a legal request’s issuer.
  • Review legal demands, do account research, and locate records that are responsive to legal requests.
  • In compliance with applicable laws and Amex procedures, get papers and prepare fulfilment packages.
  • Comply with all applicable US and foreign laws, as well as Amex processes.
  • As needed, do other job-related tasks.


Gurgaon, Haryana


  • With 0-1 year of experience, a bachelor’s or master’s degree in law (LLB, LLM) is required.
  • Verbal and written English that is clear and proficient.
  • A sense of urgency, the ability to distinguish significant issues, and the ability to work under pressure.
  • Strong computer abilities, including MS Office Suite competency (Power Point, Word, Advanced Excel skills a plus)
  • Ability to operate individually and as part of a team.
  • Communication abilities, both written and spoken, are excellent.
  • Exceptional attention to detail, as well as the ability to evaluate and solve problems.
  • Quickly learn how to use, navigate, and retrieve data from a variety of databases and information systems.
  • Capable of working efficiently in a fast-paced atmosphere with changing priorities.
  • Excellent time management and organisation skills.
  • Ability to keep critical information confidential.

How to Apply?

Interested candidates may apply from here:- https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3105999950

Note:- An contract of employment with American Express is contingent on passing a background check, which is subject to applicable laws and regulations.

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For regular updates, we can catchup at-

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