About The Forage

The Forage, formerly known as Inside Sherpa, is an open-access platform designed to unlock exciting careers for students, by connecting them to company-endorsed Virtual Intern programs. Not only are they free, open access, and completely online – but also CV certified and endorsed by host companies.

About the Virtual Programme

This programme will give you an insight into the type of work done by Ashurst’s Intellectual Property and Competition Law teams. In this programme you will be introduced to the concepts of patents and copyright in the context of a commercial joint venture, before focusing on a specific issue that arises regularly in the real world: when partners work together to produce new technology, who owns the resulting intellectual property?

You will also be introduced to the Competition Law practice and the concept of an unannounced dawn raid by the UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA). In particular, it focuses on search warrants, shadowing CMA investigators during a raid and privilege claims available to the client in relation to the documents which are the subject of the CMA investigation.

This internship is:

  • Free
  • Entirely online
  • Accessible to everyone
  • Self-paced
  • Only takes approximately 5-6 hours to complete


  • Open to all
  • This Virtual Experience Programme is free for all students

Focus of the Internship

  • Intellectual Property
  • Competition Law

Learning Areas

  • Research Planning & Preparation: Prepare a research strategy on a discreet legal issue regarding a joint venture
  • Communicating research findings to the client: Identify the core commercial considerations for the client in a challenging joint venture.
  • Urgent Search Warrant Review: Your client is facing a surprise inspection by the CMA (a dawn raid), urgently review the relevant search warrant.
  • Shadow a CMA Investigation: Prepare a strategy to quickly respond in a situation where the CMA may potentially be copying privileged information.
  • Substantiate Privilege: Prepare a summary of the possible privilege claims that may be available to the client.
  • Elevator pitch (Bonus Task): Create a good first impression by confidently engaging with your supervising Partner after your last day of the vacation scheme at Ashurst.
  • Business Skills: In-Tray exercise: Managing Trainee style tasks including drafting and amending documents

Benefits of this Programme

  • Earn a Certificate
    • When you complete the Intellectual Property and Competition Law Virtual Experience Programme, you’ll earn a personalised completion certificate to share with prospective employers and your professional network.
  • Set yourself up for success
    • No more applying for jobs without knowing what the role involves. Build the confidence and practical skills that employers are looking for.
  • Learn direct from Ashurst
    • This Intellectual Property and Competition Law Virtual Experience Programme has been created by leaders at Ashurst. You’ll receive instructions from the Ashurst team and compare your work with real model solutions from Ashurst.
  • Gain real work experience
    • Throughout the Intellectual Property and Competition Law Virtual Experience Programme, you’ll develop deep insights into what it is actually like to work at Ashurst.
  • Do it in your own time
    • Fit the Intellectual Property and Competition Law Virtual Experience Programme in with your busy schedule. Learn at your own pace and reach your personal goals.
  • Make your CV and LinkedIn stand out
    • You’ll be able to include this experience on your CV and Linkedin profile. Demonstrate that you’re ambitious, hardworking and have developed valuable practical skills.

Practical Skills to be Gained

  • Conducting Research
  • Commercial Awareness
  • Client Communication
  • Time Management
  • Critical Thinking
  • Adaptability
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Research Skills
  • Substantiating Advice
  • Networking
  • Elevator Pitch

For more details, visit-


Procedure to Apply

  • Click on the link given at the end of this post.
  • Sign up with the required information.
  • Get started with the internship!

Link to apply-


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About Legal Aid Society

The Legal Aid Society, National Law University Odisha, is a student-run committee of the University, constituted in 2012. The Society carries out its functions with the sole aim of providing access to justice to the disadvantaged and marginalized sections of the population, primarily by spreading legal awareness and legal education in educational institutions and underprivileged communities. 

About the Blog

The Society believes that individuals equipped with pristine knowledge of the law are not to remain in ivory towers but to cater to social realities and needs. To promote this ideology, the Blog aims at allowing the authors to explore the legal realm and mould discussions about legal aid not limiting oneself to social gremlins but also widening their array to nascent laws prevailing in India as well as in foreign nations through a meticulous selection process.

The Blog endeavours to become the beacon of legal education by encouraging the synthesis of knowledge and best practices cutting across the academia and research fraternity.

Call for Blogs

On November 26, 1949, the Constituent Assembly adopted the Constitution of India, and it came into effect on January 26, 1950. While January 26 is celebrated as Republic Day, since 2015, November 26 has been observed as the Constitution Day of India or Samvidhan Divas.


The Legal Aid Society on the occasion of Constitution Day of India invites submissions on the topics which may revolve around the following themes.

  • Article 39A of the Constitution: Free Legal Aid
  • The Right to Information
  • The Public Interest Litigation

The sub-themes may include but are not limited to the Scope of Amendments in law, Judicial trends, Challenges to the law, Comparative analysis, Suggestions and recommendations. The sub-themes are directory in nature and the authors are advised not to keep a confined view.

Submission Guidelines

  1. The Blog accepts submissions on a rolling basis. The submissions have to be unpublished and should be the original work of the author(s). Co-authorship of up to two authors is permitted.
  2. Please mail all your submissions to nluolas@gmail.com with the subject Blog Submission: “Title”, only in a Microsoft Office Word-compatible format (.doc or .docx), PDFs will not be accepted. There must be no hint, whatsoever, of the authors’ identity in the word document submitted.
  3. The submission must be between 1000-1500 words. Longer posts may be accepted and published in parts subject to the discretion of the editors. The word limit is exclusive of the endnotes (if any). The citation format used for the endnotes must be uniform, preferably the latest edition of the Bluebook.
  4. The References must be in the form of hyperlinks, linked to keywords and phrases in the body of the submission. For Indian case law, the authors may provide links to the case, if available, at https://indiankanoon.org/, or the website of the relevant court. Factual assertions must be supported with appropriate links to sources. The authors may mention particular sections of the statute using https://www.indiacode.nic.in/.
  5. The submission must be in document formatted using Times New Roman font, size 12, line spacing 1.5, and Justified. For the endnotes the font size changes to 10 with a line spacing of 1, while the font remaining constant.
  6. Analytical posts are preferred over descriptive ones. Posts will be considered for publication based on various factors, including but not limited to relevance, quality, structure, logic, writing-style and originality.
  7. The body of the email must contain a short bio of the author(s) and the name of the institution that they are affiliated to. Submissions are welcomed from students, academicians and practitioners alike. The email must include a paragraph or two succinctly summarising the manuscript submitted.
  8. Once posted on the Legal Aid Corner NLUO, a submission may be cross-posted on other platforms. The cross-post must carry the words ‘First posted on the Legal Aid Corner NLUO’, with a link to the post.

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About the NCW

The National Commission for Women, a Statutory Body set up in January 1992 under the National Commission for Women Act, 1990 has the mandate to safeguard the constitutional and statutory rights of women. The Commission initiates a program that aids empowerment and holistic development of women so that they are capable to gain access to opportunities and making their own decisions.

International Day for the EVAW

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (EVAW) was launched in 2000 by the UN General Assembly. It is observed annually on November 25th. International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women seeks to raise awareness about violence against women. This day aims to eliminate violence by removing stigma and encouraging women to speak out against abusers. This day defines violence against women as any act of gender-based violence that results in or is likely to result in, physical, sexual, or psychological harm to women.

The goal of this day is to achieve equality, development, and peace. It aims toward the fulfilment of women’s and girls’ human rights.

Invitation for Suggestions and Inputs

In pursuance of its mandate and in order to achieve the goal of ‘Elimination of Violence against Women’, the Commission invites inputs, suggestions, and feedback from all stakeholders through MyGov Portal, with a focus on Breaking the Silence against Gender Violence.

The aim of the programme is to promote equality, development, and peace among the masses.

Submission Deadline

The last date to receive suggestions/input is December 24, 2021.

For more details


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About the Journal

The Foundation for the Student Rights has been founded in 2019 thanks to the special consent of the family court due to the underage of Mikołaj Wolanin (founder and president of the organisation). The Foundation gives lectures for students, organise the Student Rights Olympiad, and participate in the academic field of student rights (e.g., Wolanin M., Prawa Ucznia, Oficyna Wydawnicza “Impuls”, Kraków 2020), which are strongly connected to the child and human rights.

Some weeks ago the Foundation decided to establish a new, published quarterly, international, scientific (double-blind, peer-reviewed) journal, Student Rights and Legal Education Journal, which is going to be fully open access and free of charge for both the authors and the readers.

Call for Papers

The Journal invites submissions from a wide range of disciplines including law, education, philosophy, and psychology. The aim and scope of the Journal are to promote the idea of student rights and create a place where everyone can analyse from the different ways of view (legal, pedagogical, philosophical, and psychological) the school’s legal acts and the legal education subject in general. The Journal was registered by the District Court in Poznań on July 28th 2021. ISSN number will be issued after the first issue of the Journal is published.

Journal Details

  • Frequency: Quarterly
  • Editorial process: Double-blind peer review made by the two reviewers
  • Author charges: The Journal does not charge any fee
  • Open access policy: All the articles will be fully open accessible
  • Initial version: Online
  • DOI: Every article will be assigned with the unique DOI number

How to Submit?

All the submissions should be sent by e-mail to journal@prawaucznia.pl

Submission Guidelines

  • The Journal accepts: original papers (articles), review papers, case reports, reports, glosses, and any other forms fitting in the Journal’s aims and scope.
  • The articles should be at least 20,000 characters long, including spaces.
  • For other forms published in the Journal, the minimum is equal to 10,000 characters, including spaces.
  • There is no upper limit to the length of the paper, although the Editorial Team recommends that it should not exceed 60,000 characters, including spaces.

Submission Deadline

The process of submission does not have any specific deadline, however, the deadline for articles to be published in the first issue is January 31, 2022.

Contact Details

Email at:  journal@prawaucznia.pl

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About The Constitution Law Studies Committee

The Constitution Law Studies Committee was established under the aegis of Student Bar Association, CHRIST University, in the year 2019, with the vision to contribute to the learning, research and understanding of constitutional law. The objective of the committee is to promote and encourage the legal literacy, rights, and values that are enshrined in the Constitution among the law students by organizing lectures, seminars, workshops and conferences.

About the Competition

the committee is organising a National Essay Writing Competition on the eve of “72nd Constitutional Day” to be celebrated on 26 November 2021. The competition provides a platform for the young achievers in the legal field to showcase and improve their legal research and writing on the Supreme Law of the Land.


The competition is open for undergraduate and postgraduate LAW students, studying in any of the recognized Schools/Colleges/Departments of the Universities. 

Individual students as authors or a team of not more than 2 students as co-authors, can also register.

Topics for Essay

  • State Emergency provisions in the Constitution, strike at the heart of Co-operative Federalism?
  • Constitutional Morality- An important concept or just a new buzzword?
  • Article 20(3)- right against self-incrimination: A dead fundamental right?

Submission Guidelines

  • All submissions must be made on or before 11:59 PM, 30th November 2021.
  • Participants are allowed to submit one essay only; multiple or incomplete submissions will lead to disqualification.
  • Co-authorship is permitted, up to two. Submission shall be in the English language only.
  • Word limit of the submission is 1,500 – 2,000 words, excluding footnotes.
  • The manuscript(s) must be in Microsoft Word (MS-Word) format, with the font size 12 in Times New Roman with 1.5 line spacing for the main text and size 10 in Times New Roman with single line spacing for footnotes, and authors must adhere to the BLUEBOOK citation format for footnotes.
  • Any submission that is found to be plagiarized shall be disqualified from the Competition. To protect the creative interest plagiarism shall be permitted only up to 20%.
  • The essay should be the original work of the authors and should not have been published in any form or manner before. The University will not be responsible for any claims made by any parties regarding copyright infringements in the works submitted by authors.
  • Participant shall not include his/her name in the submission’s text in any form.
  • Copyright of the submission shall remain with the University.
  • In case of any conflicts, the jury shall be the final authority on the guidelines.

Important Dates

Submission deadline: 30 November, 2021, 11:59 PM

Submission Link


Participation Fee

The participation fee (non-refundable) of Rs. 100/- is to be paid for registration, using the payment details given below. The payment link is here:



E-Certificates will be provided to all the participants.

  • 1st Prize: Certificate of Appreciation + Cash Prize of Rs. 1,000/-
  • 2nd Prize: Certificate of Appreciation + Cash Prize of Rs. 750/-
  • 3rd Prize: Certificate of Appreciation + Cash Prize of Rs. 500/-

Contact Details

Mail at: law.lavasa@christuniversity.in

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About National Law Institute University, Bhopal

The National Law Institute University, Bhopal (NLIU), was the third NLU and was established in 1997, by the Madhya Pradesh State Legislature. NLIU is recognized by the University Grants Commission and the Bar Council of India and continues to be a leader in the field of legal education and research.

About Cell for Law and Technology (CLT)

The Cell for Law and Technology was formed on 4th October 2019. The cell’s main idea was to spread awareness and beat the curve when it comes to a niche area like technology law. Through this blog, they aim to facilitate dialogue on recent national and international developments in laws regarding technology. With the recent boom of the internet in the last decade, technology has touched if not all then most aspects of our lives such as business, innovation, sports, fashion, media and entertainment, to name a few.

Submission Guidelines

  1. All submissions must be in Times New Roman, font size 12, spacing 1.5., Margins: Left 1 Inch, Right 1 Inch, Top 1 Inch, and Bottom 1 Inch.
  2. The Word limit for each post is 900-1200 words.
  3. The relevant sources should be hyperlinked within the article itself. Sources of which no link could be provided must be mentioned as endnote.
  4. The manuscript should be accompanied by a cover letter specifying the author’s name, designation, institute, contact number, and email for future reference. [Authors are requested to not put their name anywhere in the main manuscript].
  5. All entries should be submitted in .doc or .docx format.
  6. The manuscripts must only be submitted using this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdYbQ5ET6yVpZT5GNo23oO-HpDvrWTqHtx5Mdx5YraAqGY2EQ/viewform?pli=1
  7. Co-authorship of a maximum of 2 persons is permitted.
  8. The author(s) bear sole responsibility for the accuracy of facts, opinions or views stated in the submitted Manuscript.
  9. The language has to be politically neutral and not conflicting with the general guidelines.
  10. Language use shouldn’t be abusive or result in disrepute of any third person.
  11. They don’t accept plagiarised content and in case of gross plagiarism found in the contents of the submitted manuscript, the manuscript shall be subject to rejection.
  12. Copyright of all blog posts shall remain with the Blog for Law and Technology.
  13. All moral rights shall vest with the author(s).
  14. The manuscripts not abiding to the above guidelines are liable to be rejected.
  15. Final discretion of acceptance of the manuscript lies with the Editorial Board after undergoing the procedure of blind peer-review.

Contact Details

Mail to: clt@nliu.ac.in  or call Ms. Rashi Sharma +91 9131938549 (WhatsApp Only)/ Mr. Syed Saqib Ali +91 8889320206 (WhatsApp Only)

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About the Legal Adobe

“The object of education is to prepare the young ones to educate themselves throughout their lives”. Robert M Hutchins The legal profession is often discerned as the one that emphasizes more on the ends whatever be the means. Legal Adobe in a bid to change this perception has decided to stand for what best describes the job of a person truly associated with the dispensation of justice and with the service of humanity. Perceiving its obligation towards a society, where financial handicap is conspicuous and legal awareness is scarce, LegalAdobe has undertaken to facilitate legal aid to all. Legal Adobe, keeping with the idea behind the quote, treats everyone willing to learn as a student. Offering everything from the academic material to internship opportunities to customised resolutions to providing free of cost solutions to legal problems.

About the opportunity

Legal Adobe presents Internship Opportunity Under Advocate Rohit Pandey (Former Acting Hon’y Secretary Supreme Court Bar Association)

Work area

1) Legal drafting
2) Case briefing
3) Various Webinar Sessions
4) Research and writing on Legal Topics, Procedures and Current Legal issues

Work load

1) 1-2 assignments per week related to litigation
2) 10 assignments based on Research and writing


1) Certificate of internship
2) Opportunity to work closely with a highly encouraging Supreme Court lawyer
3) Flexible working hours
4) Skill enhancement

Link to apply-


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About the Cashfree Payments

Cashfree Payments is a payments and banking technology company that enables businesses in India to collect payments online and make payouts. Cashfree Payments enables more than 1,00,000 businesses with payment collections, vendor payouts, wage payouts, instant loan disbursements, e-commerce refunds, insurance claims processing, expense reimbursements, loyalty, and rewards payments. Cashfree customers include leading internet companies such as Cred, BigBasket, Zomato, HDFC Ergo, Ixigo, Acko, Zoomcar, and Delhivery among others.

About the opportunity

Looking for 1-2 interns from December-March, inviting applications from law students with a keen interest in fintech/tech/policy issues, 3rd year and above.


Internship will be remote.


  • Rs 10,000 (full time)
  • Rs 5,000 (part-time).


Min. internship period is 2 months.

Procedure to apply

Please send an application at asheeta@cashfree.com with your resume, cover letter and a 2 page write-up on any issue relating to these fields.

Note: Short-listed students will be contacted for an interview.

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About the UPJRC

Uttar Pradesh Judicial Reforms Council is a part of Women’s Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (WICCI), which is a premier National Business Chamber for Women envisioning Global Impact for Women Entrepreneurs, Businesswomen and Professionals from all walks of life.

Supported by the massive global and influential women’s networks viz. G100, ALL Ladies League (ALL), Women Economic Forum (WEF) and SHEconomy, with 250,000 members and industry leaders worldwide, WICCI drives fundamental changes in governmental policies, laws, incentives and entrepreneurial ecosystems, with a view to robustly encourage and empower women in business, industry and commerce across all sectors and fields. Representing a wide variety of sectors of industry, economy and society, WICCI actively engages the voice of thousands of women entrepreneurs and professionals.

WICCI council aims to – 

  • Monitor the implementation of laws affecting women on the ground.
  • Spread legal awareness informing people, especially women, about their rights, and remedies
  • Form peer to peer platforms to help women entrepreneurs realize the potential they harbour within themselves.
  • Advocate for economic equality so as to remove the pay disparity between men and women for the same work.
  • Promote the contributions of women in the corporate field in order to encourage more women to participate and raise their voices to follow their dreams.
  • To help women re-enter the workforce.
  • To ensure women entrepreneurs and businesswomen, in general, develop a complaints redressal mechanism at their workplace.

About the Internship

Uttar Pradesh Judicial Reform Council invites online applications for the Winter Internship Programme 2021-22 for women law students of Law Universities/Colleges of India.

Number of Seats

80 (Seats shall be filled on a first come first serve basis)


Law students from a university/college recognised by the Bar Council of India.

Mode of Internship



The internship will be for one month.

Application procedure

Interested candidates may apply online before 1st December 2021.

Link to apply- https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe-I9L4TNDwVgQheXGm-5bI16AF4rqomd1Dri6qK-EGRFvO-g/viewform?usp=sf_link


In case of any query, reach out to us via mail at Jrc.wbhrc@gmail.com or Prerana Chaturvedi-+91 9027224194.

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The National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission is an Appellate Authority established
under the Consumer Protection Act, 2019 to hear various appeals under the Consumer
Protection Act. It’s headquarter is situated at New Delhi.

Number of Vacancies

Applications are being invited for the following existing 3 vacancies:

  • Member 17.06.2018
  • Member 27.11.2020
  • Member 10.05.2021

Other Details

The qualifications, eligibility, salary and other terms and conditions of the appointment of a candidate will be governed by the provisions of the Tribunal Reforms Act and the Tribunal (Conditions of Service) Rules, 2021.

The Search-Cum-Selection Committee constituted under the Tribunal Reforms Act 2021 for recommending names for appointment to the said post shall scrutinise the applications with respect to suitability of application for the posts by giving due weightage to qualification and experience of candidates and shortlist candidates for conducting personal interaction. The final selection will be done on the basis of overall evaluation of candidates done by the Committee based on the qualification, experience and personal interaction.

Prescribed application form, the Tribunals Reforms Act, 2021 and the Tribunals (Conditions of Service) Rules, 2021 are also placed in the Department’s website “www.consumeraffairs.nic.in” for easy reference.

Link to Apply

Applications of eligible and willing individuals are requested through online mode only on
URL: jagograhakjago.gov.in/ncdrc by 30th November 2021.

For more details, visit-


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