A 3 judge bench of the Supreme Court has held that the expression “existence of arbitration agreement” which is included in Section 11 of the Arbitration Act shall also include the aspect of validity of arbitration agreement.

The Supreme Court also explained that at the stages that are included in Section 8 and 11 of the Arbitration Act the courts should undertake a prima facie examination to determine the validity of the arbitration agreement.


Section 8 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act actually obligates any judicial authority to refer the dispute to arbitration where there was a valid arbitration agreement. A clear reading of Section 8 of the Act would give you an idea about what it says. It clears the fact that when it is compared to the UNCITRAL Model Law it differs from the Article 8 of the model law The Article 8 actually enables a court to decline to refer parties to arbitration in case the arbitration agreement is found to be void or null or in capable of being performed. In this aspect Section 8 has made a departure which indicates that it has a wider ambit and reach. Section 8 uses the expansive expression judicial authority instead of the term court.

Section 11 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act deals with the appointment of arbitrators.

While answering a reference made to it by a division bench on the issue of whether landlord tenant disputes under the transfer of property act are arbitrable  the Apex court held that such disputes could become the subject matter of the arbitration if they are not covered by rent control laws.

The court also went on to discuss the issues relating to the stages when the question of arbitrability can be decided and the scope of examination under section 11 and section 8 of the act.


The judgement also observed that during the reference stage the courts do not perform ministerial functions and they exercise and perform judicial functions whenever they take decisions on objections in terms of Section 8 and 11 of the Arbitration Act.

While discussing prima facie examination under Section 8 the Court was of the opinion that Section 8(1) after the 2016 amendment has enjoined the court to undertake prima facie examination when it comes to the validity of an agreement.

The Judgement went on to clarify that prima facie case in the context of Section 8 of the Arbitration Act should not be confused for the merits of the case that have been put up by the parties which has to be established before the arbitral tribunal. Its restriction lies in the subject matter of the being prima facie arbitrable when it falls under a valid arbitration agreement. Here prima facie case would mean that the  assertions on these aspects are bonafide.

The code explained how prima facie examination is not full review but is actually a primary first review in order to manifestly weed out invalid arbitration agreement sand non arbitrable disputes. The review at the reference stage in terms of prima facie is done in order to cut the dead wood  and trim the branches in terms of straight forward cases where the dismissal is quite evident and where the law and facts dealing with the litigation must stop at the first stage.

Everything depends upon the certainty of the court that there is no valid arbitration agreement that exists or the subject matter of the disputes are not arbitrable and only then an application under Section 8 could be rejected.

The judgement also had in opinion about Section 11 subsection 6A that had been inserted with the coming in off the 2016 amendment and prescribe that the court at the stage of appointing an arbitrator should confine itself to examine whether there was the existence of an arbitration agreement. However this subsection was later removed in the 2019 amendment. The court however made it noted that the existence of an arbitration agreement would mean an arbitration agreement that is able to satisfy the statutory requirements of the Arbitration Act as well as the contract act and also to meet ends and be enforceable in law.

The apex court thus made it clear that section 8 and 11 are indeed complementary provisions and the court also made it clear that it can read the mandate of a valid arbitration agreement in Section 8 into the mandate of section 11 which would include the existence of an arbitration agreement.

This article is written by T.PREETHI, a student from government law college, Tirunelveli. In this article the student had discussed about climate change, global warming, initiatives by the nations around the world, Kyoto protocol, Doha agreement, and Paris climate agreement and at last, and the present day scenario.


The variation in temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind, precipitation, atmospheric particle count and other meteorological variables in a particular region over a period of time is known as climate. The climate of a region is generated by the climate system. A locations climate is affected by its latitude, terrain, altitude, nearby water bodies and the currents.

Climate Change

The variation in the climate in a region over a period is known as climate change. These changes reflect the atmosphere over time scales. They are the results of the natural processes like continental rift, volcanoes, ocean currents, the earth’s tilt, comets, meteorites and also with the contribution of human activities.

Global Warming

It is primarily the problem of excessive amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The major reason for this condition is burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas for energy. Not only this, certain waste management and agricultural practices have also aggravated the problem by emitting other gases such as methane and nitrous oxide which are the results of dumping waste, coal mining, using fertilizers etc.

The consequences of global warming are more evident on earth’s physical, chemical and biological processes now days. As a result of climate change we experience the increase in illness, death from heat waves, wild fires, storms, floods etc. at the same time, we also experience shift in season cycle, extreme weather,  melting of ice, increase in sea level, loss in natural habitat, extinction of species etc.

Legal Efforts

In the year 1992, the changes caused by emission of greenhouse gas, was addressed in the United Nations framework convention on climate change. The intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC) drew attention in the international forum on climate change with its 1990 assessment report. The report stated that, the increase in greenhouse gas emission has caused considerable warming on earth’s surface beyond its usual level.

In the fourth report on climate change, released in 2007, it was mentioned that, the human activities increased the concentration of GHG.


In the year 1992 an initiative to control GHG emission was introduced in the United Nations framework convention on climate change (UNFCCC). Several principals were established on how the international forum would address the climate change. The parties of the UNFCCC agreed upon developing a national greenhouse gas emission inventories, share scientific research and technology and help in creating measures for climate change adaption. However, none of these agreements were legally binding

In the year 1997, the Kyoto protocol came up.

The Kyoto Protocol

It is an international agreement that aimed at reducing the CO2 emission and the presence of GHG in the atmosphere. The primary ideology of this is to reduce the CO2 emission in industrialized nations. This protocol was adopted in Kyoto, Japan in the year 1997 on December 11 and became a international law on February 16, 2005.

Those countries that ratified the Kyoto protocol were assigned maximum carbon emission and participated in the carbon credit trading. If any ratified country entitled more than the assigned limit, it would be penalized for failing to keep up the emission level below the limit.

Primary Objective

  Under the Kyoto protocol, the developed industrialized countries agreed upon reducing the hydro carbon emission by 5.2% by the year 2012. This would represent around 29% of the world’s total GHG emission. The targeted level for each country varies from one another. The European Union gagged that; they would cut emission by 8% while the United States and Canada said that they would reduce by 7% and 6% respectively by 2012.

The Kyoto protocol placed heavy burden on the developed nations and mandated the 37 industrialized nations to cut their GHG emission. This protocol separated the countries into two groups, annex-1 and non-annex-1. The ones that were listed under annex-1 had limitations on the emission level; while the ones listed under non annex-1 participated by investing in projects, which were designed to reduce emission in their countries. For this initiative, the developing countries earned credits known as “carbon credits” which they use for trading or selling to developed nations allowing a higher level of maximum carbon emission for that period.

In the year when Kyoto protocol became a international law there was still rise in the global emissions. In fact, between 1990 and 2009 there was a increase of about 40% in emission globally.

Doha Agreement

In the year 2012, December the first commitment period ended and the parties of the Kyoto protocol met in Doha, Qatar for the amendment of the original Kyoto agreement. In this Doha amendment new emission reduction targets were added. Second commitment period, it ended up with a short life span when the Paris climate agreement was signed.

The Paris Climate Agreement

In the year 2015, the participants of UNFCCC signed a pact at the sustainable development submit held in Paris. Almost every nation adopted this in order to address climate change and its negative effects. All the major GHG emitting countries agreed upon cutting down their climate-altering pollution and strengthen the commitments over time. This agreement provided a way for the developed nations to assist the developing nations in their efforts to adapt climate control. This created the framework for monitoring and reporting climate goals transparently. 

Climate Change Laws in India

India being an emerging large economy faces challenges relating to energy and climate changes. On one hand people suffer without proper access to electricity and demanding more energy. This will substantially result in high energy usage and emission in the future. With that being said, India is vulnerable to the impact of climatic changes and in particular water stress, agri and susceptibility to weather-related disasters.

Despite being a non-annex 1 country under the Kyoto protocol, it is an active participant in the clean development mechanism (CDM) established by the protocol. It has made some major climate laws like 

  • National action plan on climate change, 2008
  • National electricity paln, 2012
  • Post- Copenhagen domestic actions, 2010
  • Tariff policy, 2006

Kyoto Protocol in Present Day

In the current scenario, it is still alive with tangled complexities of political involvement, money, lack of leadership, consensus and bureaucracy. Almost all that global warming is the result of human actions. An action by them needs a remedy by them only; this remedy should be in the form of behavioral changes.


  • CLIMATE CHANGE available @eli.org
  • THE KYOTO PROTOCOL available @ investopedia.com

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This article is written by Akhilandeswari Bonam, a student of Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam, Tirupati.


Environment means the natural world and the combination of living and non-living organisms. A human being has a very close relationship with the environment. The quality of the environment is reducing due to the changes in the world. There were many conferences, conventions and protocols that had been organized for the protection of the environment. Many countries have incorporated specific provisions relating to environment protection in their own domestic laws. India also enacted such legislations in relation to the environment protection and also made amendments to the existing laws.

National Perspective

The role of the Constitution of India and the Supreme Court is crucial regarding the execution of environmental laws in India. Article 21 of the Indian Constitution defines that “No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law.” Meanwhile, the scope of Article 21 got widened by the active role of the judiciary. Article 21 includes not only the right to life, but also the right of a pollution free environment etc. Pollution of environment, ecological, air, water etc, must be considered as violation of Article 21.
    Article 14 guarantees right to equality, it plays a vital role in the protection of the environment because it inquires into the arbitrariness of the discretionary actions done by the State authorities. Article 19 provides the right to freedom but such freedom should not be a cause for the environmental pollution. Article 47 imposes responsibility on states to prohibit intoxicating drugs and drinks which are injurious to health.
      With the result of the Stockholm Declaration,1972, several amendments were made to the Indian Constitution. The principles of the Stockholm Declaration were incorporated in the Constitution through the 42nd amendment. Article 48-A and 51-A(g) were the resultant of the 42nd amendment.
      Article 48-A was included under the Directive Principles of State Policy. It imposes an obligation on the State to protect and improve the environment and safeguard the forests and wildlife. Article 51-A, a fundamental duty imposes responsibility on every citizen to protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wildlife and to have compassion for living creatures. The Indian Constitution imposes responsibility on both the Government and the citizens to promote and protect the environment. Under the 42nd amendment, the protection of forest and wildlife were included into the Concurrent List as entries of 17A and 17B. The Supreme Court and the High Court have given new interpretations to the constitutional provisions relating to the environmental pollution.
      There are many Conventions that have taken place for the improvement and protection of the environment. Recently, amendments were also made to some conventions and protocols. The nations which have signed and ratified any protocol or convention must be bound to the rules and regulations.

Development of International Environmental Law

The field of International Environmental Law focuses on the relationship and agreements among the nations. Stockholm is regarded as a watershed in the field of environment as it takes the issue of environment with respect to national and international level of policy and law.
     Noordwijk Declaration of Atmospheric Pollution and Climatic Change on November, 7,1989. This declaration made it clear that climate change is a common concern of mankind. It also accepted the “world legal order” is essential to deal with the problems of the environment.
There are some benefits associated with climate change and immense problems, challenges and damages.
*Benefits and damages to agriculture and forestry.
*Changes in the optimal climate for various crops,     * Drought in some regions,
*Water supply changes,
*Increased rainfall and its effect on pollution runoff and flood control,
* Coastal damage,     * Health effects,
*Biodiversity impacts, *Regional effects,
*Shrinking of glaciers.

The IEL respond through the World Climate Conferences in 1979 and 1990, as such:
i. Climate change is not the problem of one nation, it is “common concern of humankind.”
ii. Common but differentiated responsibilities: This responsibility was taken by the individual countries to put restrictions over increasing or reducing the rate of greenhouse gases.
iii. Precautionary Principle: This principle says that in the areas of scientific uncertainty where there is a risk to the environmental resources, the nation or the world should take precautions even if the specific outcomes are not scientific.

Basel Convention on trans-boundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes, 1989

  • The convention came into force in 1992.
  • The objectives of the convention are to reduce trans-boundary movements of hazardous wastes, to minimize the creation of such wastes and to prohibit their shipment from developed countries to the LDCs.*India ratified the convention and enacted Hazardous Wastes Management Rules Act,1989.

Paris Agreement, 2016

  • It is an agreement within the UNFCCC dealing with greenhouse gases emissions mitigation, adaptation and finance starting in the year 2020.
  • Unlike the Kyoto protocol, which sets commitment targets that have legal force, the Paris Agreement, with its emphasis on consensus-building, allows for voluntary and nationally determined targets.

International Perspective on Occupational disease prevention

Occupational Health (OH) is protected in the workplace (local) but guided by policies and regulations (provincial) and motivated by expectations, perceptions and goals (national). Global health is more comprehensive than the relationship between developed and developing countries.
The reason that we protect health at work is, for people having better lives which is the whole reason we produce goods and services to share around the world.

  • Healthy people live better lives when they are working at safe and secured work.
  • Workers are the most economically productive segment of society.
  • Healthy people live and work better.

International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources

It is to influence, encourage and assist societies all over the world for conserving the integrity and diversity of nature and to ensure that any use of natural resources is equitable and ecologically sustainable. The objective is to find pragmatic solutions to our most pressing environmental and developmental challenges. It advises all the major conventions viz, CITES, CBD, UNFCCC, RAMSAR, UNEP etc.

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About the Organiser

School of legal studies and governance Department of laws Career point university Hamirpur Himachal Pradesh in collaboration with National Commission for Women, New Delhi is organising National Webinar on “Cyber-crime against Women: Precautions and Strategies

Date and Time

24th December  2020 (10 Am– 04:00 PM)

Registration link- 


WhatsApp group link- https://chat.whatsapp.com/CcHECoTxoq6Idd0XIm1J0b


The Apex Court recently issued notice in reference to a plea made by Twitter India who was seeking the quashing of numerous FIRs registered against it for the promoting of a tweet by one Gurpatwant Singh Pannum on “Khalistan“, allegedly.

Twitter claimed that multiple FIRs have been registered against the corporation after Gurpatwant Singh Pannum had tweeted a poll on Twitter on “whether India should recognize Khalistan’2020.”

The plea put forward by Twitter stated that Vinit Goenka, National Co-Convener of the BJP IT cell and several other complainants claimed that Twitter had taken monetary consideration to promote the “Khalistan” tweet, whereas in reality, Twitter had blocked the questionable tweet and furthermore, suspended his account.

Twitter India submitted that in the past several months, Vinit Goenka and his supporters have conducted webinars demanding for Twitter to be announced as a terrorist organisation, for Twitter’s officers to be charged with sedition and moreover, to instigate mass filing of cases against Twitter and its employees.

The claims alleged by Vinit Goenka and his supporters are frivolous, unfounded and actuated by malice, Twitter added, arguing that it had no role in deciding Twitter’s Ad policy and that Twitter does not obtain revenue for the content that is promoted on their platform.

Twitter Communications stated that it has no control whatsoever over the content shared on the website and that the content is monitored by Twitter Inc, which is based in the United States. Twitter also stated that their role is limited to promoting brands, research, development, marketing and soliciting.

Twitter has therefore pleaded for the consolidation of themultiple FIRs filed against them in one place, pointing out the example of Arnab Goswami, in whose case the Supreme Court, under Article 32 of the Constitution had directed the consolidation of such FIRs when there were multiple in number.

Twitter Communications had also claimed that Vinit Goenka had called upon users to file multiple cases against the Twitter with the sole intention of harassing, threatening and intimidating the entity.

Restating that multitude of cases cannot be filed for the same act, the Indian entity stated that all the complaints, filed across eight States in India, are identical in nature and allegations.

Twitter’s plea added that the doctrine of vicarious liability can be implored only in certain exceptional cases.

Twitter Communications had also moved the Gauhati High Court to quash the lead FIR registered in Tinsukia, Assam. Thus, Twitter’s plea stated that they do not pray for quashing of the Assam FIR due to its already being pending before the Gauhati High Court, but seeks quashing of the rest of the identical FIRs.

Twitter has urged the court to combine all the FIRs into one at Tinsukia, in the alternative.

Advocate Sajjan Poovayya appeared as the legal counsel for Twitter assisted by Avocates Manu Kulkarni, Parul Shukla and Saransh Jain. The notice in this matter was issued by a Bench which was headed by the Hon’ble Chief Justice of India, SA Bobde.

In the proceedings which were conducted via video-conferencing, the bench, also comprising Justices A S Bopanna and V Ramasubramanian, issued notices on the plea to the Union Ministry of Home Affairs and Karnataka, Assam, Haryana, Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Maharashtra , Odisha and the Police Commissioner of Delhi.

The bench has also requested responses from the numerous complainants who have filed the complaints against Twitter, a social media giant.

The bench has also issued the notice to Vinit Goenka, a BJP functionary who claimed that the firm had allegedly taken monetary consideration to promote the questionable tweet.  

Twitter had argued that they have no control whatsoever over the shared content on Twitter’s website and that the content is monitored by the Twitter Inc based in USA.


The Jurat is an Online Quarterly based International Law Journal which aims to encourage legal minds from various specialties of law under the oversight; and assist the young lawyers, academia, domain experts, and research scholars. It is a platform for young lawyers to ignite their enthusiasm and inventiveness to the realm of law.

It is a free, peer-reviewed, open-access journal that contributes insight into various and dynamic legal concerns. We aspire to provide a platform, where young and enthusiastic writers can assert their beliefs into writings. We are resolute to deliver authentic, creative, individual conceptions and socially-related predicaments into operation.


Participation from UG & PG students studying in any discipline at any Colleges/any Departments of the Universities.


The entire test would be timed(30 min). The test shall be comprising of 50 Questions (1 Mark each) and would be of multiple-choice accessible via online mode only.


  1. In case of tie in marks , person who submitted quiz first will be decided as winner if he/she falls in top 3.
  2. If in case same marks are scored by 3 participants who score same highest marks then those 3 will be declared as Top 3.
  3. Quiz cannot be reconducted if someone is unable to submit in time.
  4. Fee shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
  5. The decision of The Jurat shall be final and binding in all matters.


  • Constitutional Law


Registration Form :



  • 1st Prize : 1200/- rupees, 2nd Prize : 800/- rupees,  3rd Prize : 600/- rupees.
  • E-Certificate to all the participants.
  • E certificate of merit for winners (Top 3).
  • Free online course to Top 3 offered by BLJ.
  • Free publication opportunity to Top 3 at The Jurat International Law Journal.
  • 40 percent off in online courses by Burnished Law Journal to all the participants.
  • 10 percent off in courses offered by KATOG for all the participants.
  • Discounted publication opportunities in JLSR & BLJ.
  • Online Internship Opportunity to Top 10 with BLJ.
  • Online Internship Opportunity with JLSR Journal for Top 3.


Date Of The Test : 23rd January, 2021 (4 :00 PM)

Date of announcement of results : On January 25th, 2021




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About E-Justice India:

E-Justice India is India’s Leading Online legal Portal dedicated to Law students, Lawyers & Attorneys. Its aim is to provide free Education in Indian Legal Sector. Through this Portal, we set-up towards Right to Education. Our Portal provides Legal News, Law Articles, Leading Case Summary, Law Notes, Certificate Courses, Free Legal Advice, Success Stories of Advocates, Interview of Advocates & Judges and Information about Upcoming Law Events. We also promote other Events through Media Partnership. We have Approx. 100 Campus Ambassadors in many Law Schools across India.

About the Speaker:

Dr. Navtika Singh Nautiyal presently working as an Assistant Professor (Senior Scale) in Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun. She has completed her PhD in Intercountry adoption laws from Uttranchal University, Dehradun and LLM from Indian Law Institute, New Delhi. She has more than 25 Articles and Research paper publication in her credit along with 60 research papers in both national and international events. She has delivered many key note addresses on contemporary issues of law. In this tough time of pandemic, she has founded a virtual school on Personality Development and Professional skills for gromming the future professionals. she has also presented her paper in 10th worlwide conference of GAJE at Indonesia. She is currently serving herself as the member of 13 prestigious editorial board Members and reviewers in different National and International Journals. She is a friend, mentor, teacher and trainer for young budding professionals.

Webinar Details:

Time – 11:00 A.M
Date – 26 December, 2020.
Platform – Youtube Live
After registering, Candidates will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
E-Justice India is organizing this Webinar for free of cost, towards its Social Responsibility.

Registration Link : https://forms.gle/A4Gvwqw5P2HG3cun6

For any Queries, mail us at contact: ejusticeindia@gmail.com
Website: www.ejusticeindia.com

Visit us for more such opportunities: http://lexpeeps.in/


All India Legal Forum is a dream online platform which aims at proliferating legal knowledge and providing an ingenious understanding and cognizance of various fields of law, simultaneously aiming to generate diverse social, political, legal and constitutional discourse on law-related topics, making sure that legal knowledge penetrates to every nook and corner of the ever-growing legal fraternity. It also provides a valuable contemporary assessment of issues and developments in the legal field, putting forward quality legal content for the masses.


All India Legal Forum is a team of more than 800 law students across the country to tackle basic problems which a legal researcher faces in day to day life. We are pleased to have the support of a diverse group of eminent personalities, comprising:

Justice Arjan Kumar Sikri, Justice Mukundakam Sharma, Justice Bellur Srikrishna, Justice S.L. Bhayana, Justice Amarnath Jindal, Dr. Vinod Surana, CEO and Partner, Surana and Surana International Attorneys, Mr. Ajit Prakash Shah, Former Chairman, 20 th Law Commission of India, Mr. Rishabh Gupta, Partner, Shardul Amarchand and Mangal Das, Mr. M S Bharath, Senior Partner, Anand and Anand Associates, Mr. Safir Anand, Senior Partner, Anand and Anand Associates, Mr. JLN Murthy and many more as our honorary board members.


Editor- Corporate Law Board of All India Legal Forum.


You will be working under the Graphic Board of All India Legal Forum in the social media team for the duration of your internship. The role primarily entails:

  • Copy editing, content editing, and proofreading for our publications. 
  • Ensuring that written documents comply with our standards and thereby edit content for relevance and accuracy.
  • Fact-check all dates and statistics to ensure their accuracy and flag inaccuracies before publishing any document.
  • Taking decisions about the overall themes, creative directions, and formatting styles that work best for the publications.


Students who are currently enrolled in the 3-year and 5-year UG Law course and willing to work for three months.


Four (4)


Three months.


  • A Certificate of appreciation will be given every month based on performance to the selected top performers.
  • A Good Exposure for those who wish to further enhance their editing and drafting skills.
  • Certificate of completion will be given upon successful completion of the tenure of two months.
  • Special perks will be given (if possible).


There is no stipend involved.


Applications must include the following:

Cover Letter, briefly indicating past editorial and writing experience.
Curriculum Vitae in pdf format and shall not exceed 2 pages.
Writing Sample (1500-2000 Words).
Interested candidates are required to mail at ailf12345corporate@gmail.com [cc to: akaraayush@gmail.com] latest by December 25, 2020, 11:59 pm. The subject of the e-mail should be “Application for Position of Editor”. Selected students will be called for an interview. Applicants having experience in Corporate Law will be preferred.

Visit us for more such opportunities: http://lexpeeps.in/

About Law Informants:

Law Informants is an online platform for Law Students, Researchers, Scholars, and Enthusiasts seeking to bring together the Legal Fraternity. We aim to act as a bridge by connecting our viewers to the opportunities present all around. We present everything there is about Law and more.

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We have started our own Blog so as to invite and publish quality content by authors from all walks of life! We hereby open vacancies for editors to join our esteemed editorial board to realize the common goal! Be a part of the fastest growing platform.

Editors are expected to review the submissions received by the Board and can also write for the Blog. Detailed explanation of work shall be communicated after receival of application.

Advisory Board:

We have the following esteemed dignitaries as advisors to our blog:

Mr. Jayant Bhatt (Practising Lawyer)

MrHrideja Shah (Foreign Attorney & Legal Consultant, Dual Qualified Lawyer India & California (Admission pending), Founder of Legal Sollers)

Mr. Pallab Das (Assistant Professor of Law at Bennett University)

Mr. Afroz Alam (Professor and HOD of Political Science at Maulana Azad National Urdu University)

Mr. Ashit Kumar Srivastava (Assistant Professor, Dharmashastra National Law University)

Mr. Akshay Pathak (Senior Associate at Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas)

Ms. Sanya Darakhshan Kishwar (Pursuing LL.M. in International Human Rights, University of Leeds)

Ms. Arunima Shastri (Assistant Professor of Law, Kalinga University)

Ms. Niharika Salar (Assistant Professor of Law, NALSAR Hyderabad)

Ms. Arpita Bector (Practising Lawyer)

Mr. Mr. Avinash Singh (Assistant Professor, Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad)

Editorial Team:

  1. Pareekshit Bishnoi:
    (Advocate, Delhi High Court)
    An alumnus of National Law University, he’s deeply motivated to change the world through his writing skill which have gained appreciation in various National and International Journals
  2. Aditi Shrivastava:
    (Senior Editor)
    (Fourth Year Student, Tamil Nadu National Law University)
  3. Pooja Bhardwaj:
    (Senior Editor)
    (Final year law student, University of petroleum and energy studies)
  4. Riddhi Khandelwal:
    (Associate Editor)
    (Third Year Student, National Law University, Odisha)
  5. Kalyani Rathi:
    (Associate Editor)
    (Third-year student, National Law University Odisha)
  6. Soumya Gupta:
    (Associate Editor)
    (Third-year student, The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata)
  7. Aastha Sharma:
    (Junior Editor)
    (Second year student, National Law University Odisha)
  8. Anirudh Tyagi:
    (Junior Editor)
    (Second Year, Dr. RML National Law University, Lucknow).
  9. Shreyaa Mohanty:
    ( Junior Editor)
    ( Second Year, National Law University Odisha)

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