Divorce, further referred to here as dissolution of marriage is the process of ending a marriage. The reasons for divorce can vary from irreconcilable differences to infidelity, and the process typically involves legal proceedings to divide assets and determine custody arrangements for any children involved. It pertains to the revocation or restructuring of the constitutionally protected duties and responsibilities of marriage, thereby dissolving this same relationship of matrimony between a married couple under the laws of the specific country or state. Gender justice refers to eliminating the disparities between men and women that are reproduced and produced in the family, market, community, and state.

To address the injustice and discrimination against women and the poor, we must address all of these issues. Gender justice plays a crucial role in divorce proceedings to ensure that both parties are treated fairly and equitably, especially in cases where women and children are often at a disadvantage. It is important to recognise the intersectionality of gender, class, and race in divorce cases to promote a more just and inclusive legal system. Therefore, it is important to consider gender justice when dealing with divorce cases, as women and children are often disproportionately affected by the legal and financial consequences of divorce. Efforts to promote gender equality and address systemic inequalities can help mitigate these negative impacts.

Gender justice is a global movement to achieve equal rights, freedom, and justice, but women still face discrimination, violence, poverty, and limited access to education and healthcare. It is important to continue the fight for gender justice and promote women’s rights worldwide. Achieving gender justice requires a comprehensive approach that involves changing social norms, policies, and institutions to ensure that women and men have equal opportunities and resources. This can be achieved through initiatives such as education and awareness campaigns, legal reforms, and the empowerment of women in leadership positions. By working towards gender justice, we can create a more equitable and just society for all. This requires the active participation of individuals, communities, governments, and international organisations.

Divorce under Muslim law 

Well before the Solubilization of the Muslim Marriage Act of 1939, Muslim women had almost no legitimate right to ask their spouses for separation. This highlights the need for continued efforts towards gender justice, particularly in the context of religious and cultural practices that may perpetuate inequality. Such efforts must be inclusive and involve a range of stakeholders to ensure lasting change. This highlights the need for reform in traditional religious laws and practices that discriminate against women and perpetuate gender inequality. It is crucial to promote legal and social frameworks that protect women’s rights and empower them to make independent decisions about their lives. The Solubilization of the Muslim Marriage Act of 1939 was a significant step towards granting Muslim women the right to seek divorce. However, there is still a long way to go in terms of ensuring gender equality and justice within the Muslim community. Efforts must be made to challenge patriarchal norms and promote education and awareness among both men and women. This will help to create a more inclusive and equitable society where women can fully participate and thrive. In addition, there is a need to address the issue of triple talaq, which allows Muslim men to divorce their wives by simply saying “talaq” three times. Triple talaq is a discriminatory practise that violates women’s rights and leaves them vulnerable to abandonment and destitution. It is crucial for Muslim leaders and policymakers to work towards abolishing this practise and implementing laws that protect women’s rights in marriage and divorce. This practise is not only discriminatory but also violates the fundamental rights of women. Reforms must be made to ensure that Muslim women have equal rights and protection under the law.

The Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act of 1939 developed nine grounds on which a Muslim woman could seek redress in court, namely:

  1. that the husband’s whereabouts were uncertain for a duration of four years;
  2. that the husband neglected or did not provide her monitoring for a duration of two years;
  3. that the husband must have been incarcerated for a period of seven years or more; but rather
  4. that the husband failed to act, without justifiable suspicion.
  5. the husband has been mentally ill for two years, or
  6. that she, having been given in marriage by her father or other guardians before the age of fifteen, repudiated the marriage before the age of eighteen.

The Act also gave Muslim women the right to divorce their husbands on certain grounds, such as cruelty, impotence, and adultery. However, the Act has been criticised for not going far enough to protect Muslim women’s rights in divorce cases.

 Gender injustice against women

Muslim personal law is seen as having even more gender inequality. As a result, Muslims deserve extraordinary justice. They are not left in charge of deciding how “justice,” “fairness,” and “equity” are attained. In a number of situations, God decrees what is “just” for human society, and humans are compelled to follow these decrees or stipulations from the divine.

This tactic is based on the idea that divine law is superior to laws made by humans and that upholding it will result in a society that is fair and just. This strategic approach, albeit having its detractors, every so often results in the oppression of minority populations within Muslim communities. God commanded humans to uphold justice and fairness on earth and made it a virtue that would ensure their happiness and peace in both this life and the next.

The path of injustice leads to the promised damnation. Justice is required in all aspects of life, including business transactions, politics, domestic relationships, legal administration, and intellectual and educational pursuits. It argues that it is evident that Islam places a high value on justice in all aspects of life. With the promise of reward for those who do and punishment for those who do not, Muslims are encouraged to strive for justice and fairness in their interpersonal and societal interactions.

This emphasis on justice stems from the conviction that all individuals have equal worth in God’s eyes, and it is each person’s duty to uphold this equality. Striving for justice is thus not only a moral obligation but also a means of achieving spiritual fulfilment and closeness to God.

The tense relations between Hindus and Muslims today have their roots in the Shah Bano episode. The Supreme Court’s decision awarding Shah Bano pitiful monthly alimony was overturned by the Rajiv Gandhi administration through an ordinance. 

Intentionally, this was done to protect Muslims’ ability to practise their religion freely. In reality, it amounted to violating the rights of women, who make up half of the Muslim population. It was obvious that the move was made to placate the vocal groups and clerics. This gave the BJP’s accusation of Muslim appeasement momentum and gave the long-dormant Hindutva movement new life. Many Native Americans started to believe the accusation of appeasement. It helped the BJP go from having two MPs in Parliament to having an absolute majority in 2014. The BJP’s strategy of portraying themselves as the protectors of Hindu interests and accusing their opponents of Muslim appeasement proved to be a successful political tactic, as it resonated with a significant portion of the Indian electorate. This allowed them to consolidate their power and implement their agenda, including controversial policies such as the Citizenship Amendment Act. The Citizenship Amendment Act has been criticised for being discriminatory against Muslims and has sparked protests across the country. However, the BJP remains popular among many Hindu nationalists, who see the party as a defender of their interests and values.

Only speaking out when they believed there was a “danger to Islam,” the Muslim leadership has historically been exclusively male and overtly religious. Islam khatre mein is a well-known rant from my generation. In their eyes, women who educate themselves, secure employment, and demand equal treatment pose a clear threat to their authority and status. For them, the equality of women leads to Islam, khatre mein he. They keep saying that Islam granted women’s rights 1400 years ago, but they never give the idea of making those rights a reality. They could not be credited with respect for people of other faiths or tolerance for Muslims who hold dissimilar beliefs. This mindset is not only harmful to women but also to the progress of society as a whole. It is important to challenge these beliefs and promote gender equality for a better future.

In India, a number of laws have been passed with the goal of reducing the gender pay gap and promoting women’s empowerment. Various rights for women in this regard are guaranteed by the Indian constitution. Part III of the Constitution, which deals with fundamental rights, and Part IV, which deals with directives and guiding principles of state policy, provide evidence of this. According to Article 14, everyone shall enjoy equal protection under the law and be treated equally in court. This means that no distinction between men and women should be made by courts or law enforcement organizations. The foundation upon which other laws are created and may be put into effect is the right to equality.

The goal of gender justice cannot be accomplished without the right to equality. The prohibition against discrimination is guaranteed by Article 15. The right to equality and, by extension, the right against discrimination are meant to address the widespread prejudice and bias against women. The special protection for women is discussed in Article 15(3). No matter a person’s sex, they have the right to equal opportunity in terms of public employment under Article 16.

This clause makes it easier for women to start taking part in elections and decision-making. The 74th Amendment, which established a reservation for women in panchayats, is significant to note in this context.

Article 19 guarantees freedom of speech and expression, the right to peacefully assemble without weapons, the right to form associations and unions, the right to move freely throughout the Indian subcontinent, the right to live and settle anywhere on the subcontinent, and the right to engage in any occupation or business. By granting the freedoms required to function in society, promotes the right to equality. Article 19 guarantees freedom of speech and expression, the right to peacefully assemble without weapons, the right to form associations and unions, the right to move freely throughout the Indian subcontinent, the right to live and establish oneself in any location, and the right to engage in any occupation or business. By granting the essential liberties required to participate in society, promotes the right to equality.

The right to life is guaranteed by Article 21, and this interpretation has been expanded to include the right to live with dignity. The right against exploitation is protected by Article 23. It forbids the trafficking of people. Part IV of the Constitution is made up of the State Policy Directive Principles.

Lacking a comprehensive democratic vision that would enable Muslims to meaningfully participate in our secular multifaith polity, the All-India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) and the Babri Masjid Action Committee failed to achieve their goals. Both bodies kept their discussions to questions of identity. The majority of these organisations’ leaders pretended to be “Muslim leaders,” speaking for the religion’s 12 crore or more adherents. The majority of them developed close ties with various political parties and benefited from their patronage. These connections were never more than personal, and worse, they never resulted in any collective benefits like promoting education or preventing riots for the whole community. Muslims’ poor economic and educational status serves as evidence of this.

The last 15 years have seen a historic shift in the way that women have publicly spoken out against patriarchal practices like instant triple talaq, polygamy, and halala. When everyday women joined the democratic fight against instant triple talaq and for justice within marriage and the family, it would hardly be an exaggeration to say that the religious male leadership was rendered irrelevant. Additionally, women spearheaded the fight for social justice, communal harmony, and the repeal of unjust laws like the CAA-NRC. This shows that despite their disadvantaged economic and educational status, Muslim women have been able to mobilise and lead important social and political movements in their communities. Their activism challenges stereotypes about Muslim women and highlights the potential for empowerment even in the face of systemic oppression. 


Divorce is the process of ending a marriage. It involves legal proceedings to divide assets and determine custody arrangements for any children involved. Gender justice plays a crucial role in divorce proceedings to ensure that both parties are treated fairly and equitably, especially in cases where women and children are often at a disadvantage. It is important to recognise the intersectionality of gender, class, and race in divorce cases to promote a more just and inclusive legal system. Gender justice is a global movement to achieve equal rights, freedom, and justice, but women still face discrimination, violence, poverty, and limited access to education and healthcare. To address the injustice and discrimination against women and the poor, we must address all of these issues. Divorce under Muslim law highlights the need for reform in traditional religious laws and practices that discriminate against women and perpetuate gender inequality. The Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act of 1939 gave Muslim women the right to divorce their husbands on certain grounds, such as cruelty, impotence, and adultery. However, the Act has been criticised for not going far enough to protect Muslim women’s rights in divorce cases. Muslim personal law is seen as having even more gender inequality, and Muslims deserve extraordinary justice. Islam places a high value on justice in all aspects of life and encourages Muslims to strive for justice and fairness in their interpersonal and societal interactions. God commanded humans to uphold justice and fairness on earth and made it a virtue that would ensure their happiness and peace in both this life and the next.

The path of injustice leads to the promised damnation. The emphasis on justice stems from the conviction that all individuals have equal worth in God’s eyes, and it is each person’s duty to uphold this equality. The tense relations between Hindus and Muslims today have their roots in the Shah Bano episode, where the Supreme Court’s decision awarding Shah Bano pitiful monthly alimony was overturned by the Rajiv Gandhi administration. This gave the BJP’s accusation of Muslim appeasement momentum and gave the long-dormant Hindutva movement new life. It helped the BJP go from having two MPs in Parliament to having an absolute majority in 2014, as it resonated with a significant portion of the Indian electorate. The Muslim leadership has historically been exclusively male and overtly religious, leading to the view that women who educate themselves, secure employment, and demand equal treatment pose a threat to their authority and status. This mindset is harmful to women and society as a whole, and it is important to challenge these beliefs and promote equality. Muslim personal law is based on the idea that divine law is superior to laws made by humans and that upholding it will result in a fair and just society. The BJP’s strategy of portraying themselves as the protectors of Hindu interests and accusing their opponents of Muslim appeasement was a successful political tactic, allowing them to consolidate their power and implement controversial policies such as the Citizenship Amendment Act.

The Solubilization of the Muslim Marriage Act of 1939 was a significant step towards granting Muslim women the right to seek a divorce, but there is still a long way to go in ensuring gender equality and justice. Reform in traditional religious laws and practises are needed to protect women’s rights and empower them to make independent decisions. Additionally, there is a need to address the issue of triple talaq, which allows Muslim men to divorce their wives by saying “talaq” three times. Triple talaq is a discriminatory practise that violates women’s rights and leaves them vulnerable to abandonment and destitution. Reforms must be made to ensure Muslim women have equal rights and protection under the law, such as the Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act of 1939. However, the Act has been criticised for not going far enough to protect Muslim women’s rights in divorce cases.

This article is written by Aehra Tayyaba Hussain, a student in her1st year at Symbiosis Law School Hyderabad, pursuing a B.A. LLB.