1. Introduction
2.Judicial and Executive acts: A General Exception under IPC
3.Judicial acts as an exception
4.Executive acts as a general exception
5.Analysis regarding the judicial and executive acts
8.Importance and need in the present scenario


The Indian Penal Code (IPC)[1] contains several provisions that serve as general exceptions to criminal liability. These provisions exempt certain actions from being considered crimes under certain circumstances.

For example, Section 76[2] provides that acts done by a person who is bound by law to do them are not crimes, while Section 80 provides that an act done in good faith for the benefit of a person without their consent is not a crime if it would otherwise have been so. Section 81 provides that an act done by several persons to further a common intention is not a crime if done in good faith for the advancement of religion, science, literature, or fine arts. The general exceptions under IPC are meant to provide a reasonable balance between the protection of individual rights and the public interest.

Judicial and Executive acts: A General Exception under IPC

Section 197 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) provides a general exception for acts performed by a public servant in the discharge of his official duties, or by any person acting under the direction of a public servant if such act is done in good faith. This means that criminal proceedings cannot be initiated against such individuals unless prior sanction is obtained from the appropriate authority. This provision is intended to protect public servants from baseless lawsuits and ensure that they are able to perform their duties without fear of legal harassment.

Judicial acts as an exception

The judicial act exception under the Indian Penal Code (IPC) is a provision in Section 197 of the code that exempts public servants and persons acting under the direction of a public servant from criminal liability for acts performed in good faith in the discharge of their official duties. This provision applies to acts performed by judges, magistrates, and other public servants in the course of their official duties and provides immunity from criminal prosecution for actions taken in good faith in the performance of such duties. The purpose of this exception is to ensure that public servants are able to perform their duties without fear of being sued for criminal offences and to prevent frivolous or malicious lawsuits from being filed against them. However, prior sanction from the appropriate authority is required before criminal proceedings can be initiated against a public servant under this exception.

Case Laws that give us a vivid idea regarding the prevailing exceptions

There are several case laws that have interpreted and applied the judicial act exception under Section 197 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). Some of the notable cases include:

R. Rajagopal v. State of Tamil Nadu[3]: In this case, the Supreme Court of India held that the judicial act exception under Section 197 of the IPC applies only to acts performed in the exercise of judicial or quasi-judicial powers and does not extend to acts performed in an administrative capacity.

State of Maharashtra v. Narayan Dattatraya Apar[4]: In this case, the Supreme Court held that the judicial act exception under Section 197 of the IPC applies only to acts performed by public servants in good faith and within the scope of their official duties and not to acts of omission or commission that are mala fide or beyond the scope of their official duties.

K.R. Lakshmanan v. State of Tamil Nadu[5]: This case dealt with the issue of whether the prior sanction was required before a public servant could be prosecuted for an act performed in the discharge of his official duties. The Supreme Court held that prior sanction was required before the prosecution could be initiated against a public servant under the judicial act exception in Section 197 of the IPC.

These cases provide guidance on the scope and application of the judicial act exception under Section 197 of the IPC and have helped to clarify the rights and obligations of public servants in the performance of their official duties.

Executive acts as a general exception and what makes it different from judicial acts

The executive act exception under the Indian Penal Code (IPC) is a provision in Section 197 of the code that exempts public servants and persons acting under the direction of a public servant from criminal liability for acts performed in good faith in the discharge of their official duties. This provision applies to acts performed by executive officials, such as government employees and officers, in the course of their official duties and provides immunity from criminal prosecution for actions taken in good faith in the performance of such duties. The purpose of this exception is to ensure that public servants are able to perform their duties without fear of being sued for criminal offences and to prevent frivolous or malicious lawsuits from being filed against them. However, prior sanction from the appropriate authority is required before criminal proceedings can be initiated against a public servant under this exception.

Analysis regarding the judicial and executive acts

The judicial act exception under the Indian Penal Code (IPC) serves an important role in protecting public servants, including judges and magistrates, from frivolous or malicious lawsuits arising from actions taken in good faith in the discharge of their official duties. This exception helps to ensure that public servants can carry out their duties without fear of legal harassment, which is essential for the effective functioning of the justice system.

However, the scope and application of the judicial act exception under Section 197 of the IPC have been the subject of debate and legal interpretation in several cases. Some critics argue that this exception provides too much protection for public servants, allowing them to escape accountability for actions that may have been taken in bad faith or outside the scope of their official duties.


The scope and application of the judicial act exception under Section 197[6] of the IPC have been the subject of legal interpretation in several cases, with some critics arguing that this exception provides too much protection for public servants and allows them to escape accountability for actions taken in bad faith or outside the scope of their official duties.

For example, the Supreme Court of India has held that the judicial act exception under Section 197 of the IPC applies only to acts performed by a judge in the exercise of judicial or quasi-judicial functions, and does not cover acts performed in administrative or executive capacities. This interpretation helps to ensure that public servants are not immune from prosecution for acts taken in bad faith or outside the scope of their official duties.

Another issue with the judicial act exception under Section 197[7] of the IPC is that it requires prior sanction from the appropriate authority before criminal proceedings can be initiated against a public servant. In some cases, this requirement has been criticized for being too burdensome, as it can result in delays in prosecuting public servants for criminal offences.

Suggestions regarding the judicial and executive act exceptions of IPC

One suggestion to address these concerns could be to clarify the definition of “good faith” under Section 197 of the IPC so that it better captures the essence of what constitutes an act performed in good faith. This could help to ensure that public servants are not immune from prosecution for acts of bad faith or malicious intent.

Another suggestion could be to provide a mechanism for the review of decisions regarding prior sanction for prosecution under Section 197 of the IPC so that individuals who believe that they have been wrongly denied the right to prosecute a public servant can have their case heard and reviewed.

Overall, it is important to strike a balance between protecting public servants from baseless lawsuits and ensuring accountability for actions taken in bad faith or outside the scope of their official duties. A careful review and re-evaluation of the judicial act exception under Section 197 of the IPC, along with the suggestions outlined above, could help to achieve this balance.

Importance and need in the present scenario

The judicial and executive act exceptions under the Indian Penal Code (IPC) serve an important function in protecting public servants from baseless or malicious lawsuits arising from actions taken in good faith in the discharge of their official duties. These exceptions ensure that public servants can perform their duties without fear of legal harassment, which is essential for the effective functioning of the justice system and the administration of government.

However, the scope and application of these exceptions have been the subject of debate and legal interpretation in several cases, with some critics arguing that they provide too much protection for public servants and allow them to escape accountability for actions taken in bad faith or outside the scope of their official duties.

To address these concerns, suggestions have been made to clarify the definition of “good faith” under Section 197 of the IPC and to provide for a mechanism for review of decisions regarding prior sanction for prosecution. A careful review and re-evaluation of the judicial and executive act exceptions under Section 197 of the IPC could help to strike a balance between protecting public servants from baseless lawsuits and ensuring accountability for actions taken in bad faith or outside the scope of their official duties.


In summary, the judicial and executive act exceptions under the IPC play a crucial role in the functioning of the justice system and the administration of government, but it is essential to ensure that they are applied in a manner that balances the protection of public servants and the need for accountability. The judicial act exception under the Indian Penal Code (IPC) is an important provision that provides immunity from criminal prosecution for public servants, including judges and magistrates, for acts performed in good faith in the discharge of their official duties. This exception is intended to protect public servants from frivolous or malicious lawsuits, which could have a chilling effect on the administration of justice.

To address these concerns, some have suggested that the definition of “good faith” under Section 197 of the IPC be clarified so that it better captures the essence of what constitutes an act performed in good faith. Additionally, a mechanism for review of decisions regarding prior sanction for the prosecution could be established, to ensure that individuals who believe that they have been wrongly denied the right to prosecute a public servant have their case heard and reviewed.

In conclusion, while the judicial act exception under the IPC serves an important function in protecting public servants from baseless or malicious lawsuits, it is important to ensure that it is applied in a manner that balances the protection of public servants and the need for accountability. A careful review and re-evaluation of the judicial act exception under Section 197 of the IPC, along with appropriate reforms and clarifications, could help to achieve this balance.


  1. Indian Penal Code, 1860, Act no. 45 of 1860
  2. Indian Penal Code, 1860, Sec. 76, Act no. 45 of 1860
  3. R. Rajagopal v. State of Tamil Nadu, 1994 SCC (6) 632
  4. State of Maharashtra v. Narayan Dattatraya Apar, (1981) 83 BOMLR 553
  5. K.R. Lakshmanan v. State of Tamil Nadu, 1996 SCC (2) 226
  6. Indian Penal Code, 1860, Sec. 197, Act no. 45 of 1860
  7. Ibid

This article is written by Prashant Prasad, a second-year law student from University Law College.

Report by Sanstuti Mishra

The Supreme Court bench comprising Justices S Abdul Nazeer and V Rama Subramaniam observed that a minister or public servant could file a private complaint alleging defamation and need not follow the particular procedure prescribed by Section 199(2) & (4) CrPC on 17th October 2022 in the case of MANOJ KUMAR TIWARI vs MANISH SISODIA & ORS.


Manish Sisodia herein filed a   complaint under   Section   200 of the Code of   Criminal   Procedure, 1973 against six individuals, on the file of the Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate, Rouse Avenue Courts, New Delhi, alleging commission of the offences under Sections 499 and 500 read with Sections 34 and 35 of the Indian Penal Code.

The petitioner held that Manoj Tiwari, apprehended a Press Conference making false and defamatory statements as though he was involved in corruption to the tune of Rs. 2000 crores, in the matter of award of contracts for building classrooms in Delhi Government Schools. Shri Vijender Gupta also tweeted defamatory content against   Sisodia, and the person named Respondent No.6 in the complaint also made defamatory statements in his tweets. 

Petitioner’s contention 

Sisodia had accused three BJP leaders of defaming him through “insulting publications” it said were based on “fabricated” allegations. The deputy Chief minister necessitated an apology.

In November 2019, a trial court ordered the summons of BJP leaders and others accused of defamation in a criminal case filed by the Deputy CM of Delhi. BJP leaders sought relief from the Supreme Court, which denied it.

Respondent’s contention 

Shri R. Venkataramani and Ms Pinky Anand, learned senior counsel appearing for Manoj Tiwari and others argued that respondent   No.1   should have followed the special procedure prescribed in Section 199(4) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, as he happens to be a Minister of a Union Territory; they also put forward that the transcript of the tweets attributed to him was not accompanied by a valid certificate in terms of Section 65B of the Indian Evidence Act. They argued that the tweets made by him per se do not make out a case of defamation in terms of   Section   499   IPC, punishable under Section 500 IPC. The counsel referred to past judgements in P.C Joshi and Another vs. State of   Uttar Pradesh; Subramanian Swamy vs. Union of India; and K.K. Mishra vs. State of Madhya Pradesh and Another


The bench concluded that on grounds that the history of the law commission report was not properly traced, the appeal by Vijender Gupta was allowed and on the other hand the appeal by Manoj Tiwari was dismissed. 

“The special procedure is in addition to and not in derogation of the right that a public servant always has as an individual. He never lost his right merely because he became a public servant and merely because the allegations related to the official discharge of his duties”, the bench of Justices S. Abdul Nazeer and V. Ramasubramanian said.

The court ruled that Shri Vijender Gupta’s appeal was successful only because the statements contained in his tweets were not considered defamatory within the meaning of Section 499 of the IPC.

The court explained that defamatory statements should be specific as an essential ingredient and not too vague or general. Hence statement made by Sri Vijender Gupta “your answer will disclose your scam” cannot be one, It cannot be intended to damage the reputation of Defendant Manish Sisodia.