Orphans or vagrants are the people who are deserted kids and have hardly any familiarity with their parents or their parents left their youngsters unattended. They might have been abandoned deliberately too. The Orphan Child (Provision Of Social Security) Bill, 2016 characterizes a “vagrant youngster” as a kid who has been deserted or has lost either guardians or whose guardians’ personality isn’t known and incorporates a kid who isn’t ‘considered’ important as a part of a family. These adolescents deal with multiple social issues as they are constantly denied affection and care.

As per United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), India has 29.6 million stranded and abandoned kids.

“…. We are guilty of many errors and many faults, but our worst crime is abandoning the children, neglecting the fountain of life. Many of the things we need can wait. The child cannot. Right now, is the time his bones are being formed, his blood is being made, and his senses are being developed. To him we cannot answer ‘Tomorrow,’ his name is today.”

– Gabriela Mistral


Different lawmaking bodies characterize the term ‘kid’ in India, regulations connected with work and business like The Child Labor (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986, and The Plantation Labor Act 1951 among others guarantee a youngster to be under 14 years old, while as of late, corrected Juvenile Justice Act expresses that youngsters in age 16-18 can be treated as grown-ups in the event of terrible wrongdoings. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) in 1992, characterizes a youngster as an individual under 18 years old. Subsequently, there is by all accounts an overall uncertainty on one acknowledged meaning of ‘kid.’ The uncertainty isn’t due to the meaning of youngsters, the term vagrant also doesn’t find a right clarification in Indian lawmaking bodies, a lacuna that has gone about as a block previously.

Even though UNICEF characterizes a vagrant as a “person under 18 years old, who has lost one or the two guardians”, the by and large existing idea inside the nation confines a vagrant both, to a lost youngster or one who has been deserted and taken over to a CCI. India, being the second-most crowded country on the planet, is home to an enormous number of stranded youngsters. As India battles with neediness, yearning, and debasement, numerous kids either lose their folks or are deserted by their families. As per UNICEF, there were around 25 million stranded youngsters in India in 2007. With the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, the quantity of vagrants in India has quickly expanded. Thus, it is vital to investigate the current lawful structure in India that tries to safeguard vagrants.

As indicated by Article 39(f) of the Indian Constitution, the state can make arrangements to guarantee that youngsters are furnished with satisfactory open doors and assets, which are crucial for their development and to shield them from double-dealing and relinquishment. Much of the time, just a halfway house can furnish stranded kids with fundamental necessities like food, sanctuary, dress, and instruction till the age of 14. In this manner, the state is enabled to make regulations to guarantee that halfway houses in the nation are all around kept up with and get satisfactory financing to safeguard the privileges of stranded youngsters.


There is no different regulation overseeing the privileges of vagrants in India in essence, subsequently, the freedoms revered upon kids by the constitution alongside different regulations safeguarding the privileges of youngsters in India and the UNCRC are likewise moved by a vagrant. Article 14 and 15 of the Constitution gives the right of uniformity to every one of the residents and the right to be not segregated separately, including vagrant youngsters as well, Article 15(3) additionally gives the express power to make extraordinary honors to enable ladies and kids. Article 21 of the Indian Constitution additionally concedes the right of life and freedom to all people, and in Mohini Jain v. Province of Karnataka, the apex court held that the Article additionally incorporates different privileges significant for character and not referenced in that frame of mind of the constitution, like the right to schooling. Further, Article 21A, as embedded after the 86th amendment additionally gives the right to all youngsters matured 6 to 14 years, and Articles 23 and 24 likewise disallow work for kids under 14 years old individually. Article 47 additionally guides the state to increase living expectations by expanding the sustenance of all (consequently including vagrants).

Act and Bill related to vagrant:

Halfway Houses and other Altruistic Homes (Management and Control) Act 1960

An Act to deliver management and control of halfway houses, homes for dismissed ladies and young people, and other like organizations and for issues associated with such matters.

Bills related to Orphan:

The Orphan Youngster (Arrangement of Federal Retirement Aide) Bill 2016

To accommodate Social Security and government assistance measures to vagrant youngsters and for issues associated therewithin.

Adolescent Equity (Care and Protection of Children) Bill, 2015

The bill presents a charge in India. Families will sign up for tutelage and deserted, stranded kids, or those struggling with regulation are shipped off. Such families will be observed and will get help from the state.


Adolescent equity (care and security of youngsters) Act, 2015 states that vagrant kids in the nation are youngsters needing care and insurance, and the principal obligation or we will say essential obligation of the execution of the demonstration lies with the association domain/states. For supporting the children in various conditions, the service of women and youngster improvement is executing halfway supported kid security plans and prime liabilities lie with the system/UT organization.

Monetary help is given to them by the focal government for undertaking a situational examination of young people in troublesome conditions. Under the plan youngsters struggling with regulation and children needing care and assurance are given in kid care foundations. This plan likewise applies for non-institutional consideration and here help is reached out for guardianship, sponsorship, and reception.


Right to life – Article 21 of the Indian constitution ensures the assurance of the life and freedom of every individual. This would safeguard vagrants as they are very helpless. Article 21 maintains their entitlement to live and practice freedom very much like every other person.

Right to wellbeing- The understanding of Article 21 is comprehensive of the right to well-being. Each vagrant kid has the option of great physical and emotional well-being.

Right to citizenship- Part II of the Indian Constitution explains the right to citizenship. Each vagrant has the option to have a name that is lawfully recorded and citizenship to any country. This guarantees that any state would safeguard its government assistance.

Assurance from double-dealing- Articles 23 and 24 of the Indian Constitution safeguards the vagrants from dealing, constrained work and, work in perilous spots if they are beneath the age of fourteen.

Right to instruction- Article 21-A commits all kids between the age of six and to fourteen that they will get free instruction. This puts the obligation on the state to guarantee that vagrants get essential instruction very much like different youngsters.

Adoption is a huge piece of an orphan’s life. Notwithstanding, adoption falls in the topic of Personal Laws. Since there is no uniform common code in India for Personal Laws, there is a noticeable absence of consistency in applying such regulations. More often than not, religion represents a boundary for the guardians to take on a youngster. Regardless of whether reception happens, the guardians are not lawfully permitted to call themselves the embraced kid’s folks. Over and over, the Hon’ble Supreme Court has shown full help for presenting a Uniform Civil Code in the current Personal Laws. In Mohammad Ahmed Khan v. Shah Bano Begum, Justice Y.V. Chandrachud said “A uniform common code will help with public unification by diminishing unique lawful loyalties in view of restricting philosophies”. In this manner, presenting a Uniform Civil Code will prompt the use of similar regulations for every one of the residents in India, which will additionally guarantee that there is no single childless parent in the country.


Stranded youngsters are perhaps the weakest gathering in India. Like each and every other youngster, they also have privileges and interests which need assurance. As they are bound to be taken advantage of and mishandled, they require additional consideration and care. Giving them just food, sanctuary, attire and education isn’t sufficient. They are likewise expected to be cherished and focused on as they are resources of our country. It is fundamental to furnish them with a sound climate so they can develop and foster like different youngsters.

However, vagrants in India can be safeguarded by their far-off family members or child care, institutional consideration given by halfway houses is the most favored mode as India is a creating and low-pay country. Clearly, in spite of having administrative bodies and rules for guidelines, these foundations are not consistently reviewed. The physical and emotional well-being of stranded kids frequently continues without some kind of restraint. Numerous establishments experience the ill effects of a lack of talented and prepared staff. The unfortunate foundation at shelters makes it much more significant for us to advance child care and work with a simpler reception process.


  1. Legal Rights of Orphan Children in India, CRCC-NLU, https://www.crccnlu.org/post/legal-rights-of-orphan-children-in-india-ranjul-malik ( Last accessed on 15 July,2022).
  2. COVID-19 devastated many lives heart-wrenching to see the survival of children at stake: SC, https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/india/covid-19-devastated-many-lives-heart-wrenching-to-see-survival-of-children-at-stake-supreme-court/articleshow/85759859.cms?from=mdr ( Last accessed on 15 July,2022).
  3. Constitution of India.
  4. Mohini Jain v. Province of Karnataka, 1992 AIR 1858, 1992 SCR (3) 658.
  5. Orphanages and Other Charitable Homes (Supervision and Control ) Act 1960.
  6. Mohammad Ahmed Khan v. Shah Bano Begum, 1985 AIR 945, 1985 SCR (3) 844.

This article is written by Arpita Kaushal, a student of UILS, PUSSGRC , HOSHIARPUR.